View Full Version : [PF] Oracle Build Advice

2012-05-30, 10:13 PM
Building a Battle Oracle and debating a few build choices. PF sources only - CRB, APG, UM and UC. Game will start at level 1 and progress from there, so I don't need to plan the full progression now, but want the first few levels mapped out.

Deity is Gorum, primary weapon is Greatsword.

Human, rolled stats: 17, 16, 16, 13, 10, 8 - Currently planning 17 Str, 16 Con/Cha, 13 Dex, 10 Int/Wis. I prefer not to play a character with sub-par mental skills. Could go with the 8 in Dex, since I am planning on him wearing heavy armor, but having some Dex bonus for reflex and AC, especially at lower levels, is good.

No traits at creation, but we can take additional traits feat if we want traits. Was thinking Toughness and Additional Traits as feats at Lvl 1, taking Auspicious Tattoo and Veteran of Battle. Power Attack and Extra Revelation at 3rd and 5th.

Planning on the Battle Mystery, and Skill at Arms to start. If I take Extra Revelation, I would take War Sight as the next and Weapon Mastery at 3rd, otherwise War Sight at 3rd, WM at 5th with the feat or 7th without.

Debating on Curses, torn between Deaf and Tongues. DM has agreed to let me spend a language learned in lip reading, applying to all known languages. This will still be very difficult to use in combat, so communication in combat will be very difficult for quite a long time with Deaf.

1st level spells at creation, Divine Favor and Shield of Faith.

Any thoughts or suggestions for improvement?

2012-05-30, 10:59 PM
Might also consider the Metal mystery. Can still get Skill at Arms, and has some other nice stuff, like the ability to summon a weapon for 1 min/oracle level 3+cha times per day.

2012-05-30, 11:02 PM
Planning on the Battle...
Please refer to related thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13273766&postcount=13).
Metal is roughly as good as Battle as far as "fighting" mysteries go (and also compatible with Gorum).

I am planning on him wearing heavy armor

Debating on Curses, torn between Deaf and Tongues....

Lame curse anyone? At level 10 your speed is never reduced in armor. Which means since you plan on wearing Heavy Armor anyway (and thus having your speed reduced) you (eventually) won't be losing anything by going Lame.
Just a thought.

2012-05-31, 08:30 AM
Please refer to related thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13273766&postcount=13).
Metal is roughly as good as Battle as far as "fighting" mysteries go (and also compatible with Gorum).
I was the OP in that thread, and the mystery breakdown you gave there as well as Sean FitzSimon's guide linked here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=233029) influenced my choice of Battle. Better spells and very good Revelations.

Lame curse anyone? At level 10 your speed is never reduced in armor. Which means since you plan on wearing Heavy Armor anyway (and thus having your speed reduced) you (eventually) won't be losing anything by going Lame.
Just a thought. I hear you. I think from an RP perspective, I would prefer to have Tongues or Deaf. Especially from an origin story perspective, getting into the midst of combat and relishing it, then suddenly channeling the essence of Gorum and either begin babbling or have everything go silent. Just kind of a cool concept.

2012-05-31, 11:22 AM
I was the OP in that thread, and the mystery breakdown you gave there as well as Sean FitzSimon's guide linked here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=233029) influenced my choice of Battle. Better spells and very good Revelations.

I hear you. I think from an RP perspective, I would prefer to have Tongues or Deaf. Especially from an origin story perspective, getting into the midst of combat and relishing it, then suddenly channeling the essence of Gorum and either begin babbling or have everything go silent. Just kind of a cool concept.

Oh, hey...OP...yeah...nice...
I just remember rants posts I make, and there are so many darned similar threads that pop up at the same time it's become habit to just linky...

As far as Curses go, the old Flavor vs. Crunch.
Tongues is great for Flavor, but offers VERY little in the way of actual bonuses.
Deaf has more benefits, but also a bigger downside.

2012-05-31, 02:07 PM
Are you making this character at 1st level and proceeding from there?
If that's the case, Lame would be annoying until you get to level 10. Wearing Medium or Heavy armor prior to that would make you pitifully slow.
Tongues is ok, but really give you very little. Maybe useful if you are going to be the party's face.
Deaf is good. I like the automatic silent spell being added. Communicating with the party would be silly though. If in addition to lip-reading, your DM allowed a sign language it would be doable.
Wasted is another one you should consider. Remember that Oracle's don't have good fortitude saves like Clerics. Getting a bonus to and later immunity to disease is nice, in addition to ignoring sickened and nausea. All in exchange for penalties to a few skill checks? Worth it.

2012-05-31, 02:15 PM
Character is being made at 1st level and proceeding from there. It will likely be at least a year IRL, possibly as much as 2 before he is level 10.

Aside from being granted Silent Spell for free, is there some indication that Deaf also prevents you from speaking? I think it's pretty clear that speech is not affected.


You cannot hear and suffer all of the usual penalties for being deafened. You cast all of your spells as if they were modified by the Silent Spell feat. This does not increase their level or casting time.

At 5th level, you receive a +3 competence bonus on Perception checks that do not rely upon hearing, and the initiative penalty for being deaf is reduced to –2.

At 10th level, you gain scent and you do not suffer any penalty on initiative checks due to being deaf.

At 15th level, you gain tremorsense out to a range of 30 feet.

2012-05-31, 02:22 PM
No, there aren't any set rules for speaking when you are deaf. The closest it comes to it is the 20% spell failure for spells with a verbal component. It also doesn't say when your character first gained their oracle curse. Depending on your backstory, your character may have been deaf his whole life, which would be something of an impediment to his speaking.

Mostly I just find the idea amusing that instead of talking at the table with the other players, you hold up a scrap of paper that says "Guys, it's getting late. We better set up camp, I'll take first watch."

2012-05-31, 02:53 PM
If you are deaf, are you immune to language dependant spells?

2012-05-31, 02:58 PM
If you are deaf, are you immune to language dependant spells?

I would think you would be immune to any language dependant spells or other abilities, including the Antagonize feat unless you are reading the lips of the person/creature using the ability. Pretty much impossible to communicate in combat other than telepathically.

Same thing would be true of Tongues, unless the person/creature speaks in your combat language at least at lower levels. Once you hit 10th, and can understand everything being spoken, that obviously goes away.

2012-05-31, 03:01 PM
Many spells and effects state that they are "language-dependent." A language-dependent spell or effect uses intelligible language as a medium for communication. If the target cannot understand or hear what the caster of a language-dependent spell says, the spell has no effect, even if the target fails its saving throw.
Yep, if you are deaf, than language-dependent stuff can't work on you.

2012-05-31, 03:27 PM
Dual-Cursed Oracle.

I like Haunted + Lame.

2012-05-31, 03:30 PM
Haunted is an interesting curse, but not one that I would suggest for a melee oracle. Getting disarmed could be really bad.

2012-05-31, 04:04 PM
Haunted is an interesting curse, but not one that I would suggest for a melee oracle. Getting disarmed could be really bad.With Telekinesis, you're never disarmed. :smallcool:

Yes you have a point, that is a valid concern.

2012-05-31, 04:16 PM
Dual-Cursed Oracle.

I like Haunted + Lame.

I can't see it being worth the second curse, the loss of the mystery class skills and, as good as the bonus spells are, 2/3 are already available normally to the Oracle. I also really don't like the meta-gameyness of the re-roll revelations.

With Telekinesis, you're never disarmed. :smallcool:

Yes you have a point, that is a valid concern.

You still have to take a standard to retrieve your weapon, albeit with the opportunity to make a concentration check to avoid the AoO. I'd probably do the same thing regardless, which is leave it down and draw another. You do have another weapon, right? I know I always do.

What would really suck with Haunted, is that I have a sneaking suspicion that my critical fumbles would all happen at the top of a cliff...

2012-05-31, 11:59 PM
In one of my campaigns a party member chose the haunted curse, and I can't tell you how many times we were fighting in elevators, or near cliffs, or towers, or something, and he couldn't drop his weapon to use his bow for fear of losing it forever. It has become kind of an ongoing joke.
If you are going dual cursed choose Wasting. It doesn't really do anything.

2012-06-01, 07:37 AM
In one of my campaigns a party member chose the haunted curse, and I can't tell you how many times we were fighting in elevators, or near cliffs, or towers, or something, and he couldn't drop his weapon to use his bow for fear of losing it forever. It has become kind of an ongoing joke.
If you are going dual cursed choose Wasting. It doesn't really do anything.

Sure it does, it makes me not pretty. And since he is a Charisma-based class, he needs to be pretty. I think Deaf will be good, then he can't hear the women nagging after he is done with them :smallwink:

2012-06-01, 07:45 AM
My haunted oracle always keeps his morningstar in hand anywhere near a fight. Still ought to invest in a weapon cord though. A few silver save the trouble, you are no longer retrieving it from your gear, so it should only be a swift action to get it back.

2012-06-01, 10:02 AM
You still have to take a standard to retrieve your weapon, albeit with the opportunity to make a concentration check to avoid the AoO. I'd probably do the same thing regardless, which is leave it down and draw another. You do have another weapon, right? I know I always do.

Or, I use a standard to Telekinetically grab a weapon and fling it at someone.
Or, I use a standard to Telekinetically fling a person as my weapon and fling it at someone.

Why they heck are spell casters switching weapons anyway? If the enemy is flying, most spells are going to outclass a bow pretty quickly.

Though Channel Smite + a Crossbow is pretty funny.

2012-06-02, 01:30 AM
I think using weapon cords makes Haunted a lot more palatable. (As for using ranged weapons...you're a spellcaster. Surely you have something to do from range. If not...hold your sword in one hand and draw a thrown weapon or loaded crossbow with the other?)

It's my personal favorite curse. Certainly not something I'd take for a multiclass character, the up front costs are too awful, it's only decent for an Oracle 1-20.

2012-06-02, 01:27 PM
He didn't choose his spells too well (95% buffs, 5% aggresive spells he hasn't cast ever) and he used sword and board. He didn't think of buyig a chord either. Any thing the guy tried to retrieve resulted in his magic weapon flying wildly and almost falling in the Chasm of Infinite Depth Forever.