View Full Version : Two Weapon Pounce Scout Spring Attack

2012-05-31, 05:26 AM
Title is what i'm going for. The idea being running in for pounce, scout bonuses, extra attacks from two weapons than running out in a single turn. Does this work? What do you need to do it? (getting pounce from lion barbarian)

2012-05-31, 05:45 AM
Spirit Lion Barbarian NOT Lion Barbarian BTW

You can do this with Swift Hunter using the 2nd level Ranger Spell Lion's Charge [SpC]. This should give you enough uses per day without dipping Barbarian. If you are in a hurry: use Mystic Ranger for more spells sooner.

2012-05-31, 06:03 AM
Spirit Lion Barbarian NOT Lion Barbarian BTW
If you want to get it right, it's actually the Lion Spiritual Totem Barbarian ACF.

Averis Vol
2012-05-31, 06:15 AM
what the correct name is aside...pick up travel devotion, it lets you move your speed once a round for free, so you could charge in, pounce like hell, then tumble half your speed out then rinse and repeat. only problem is, unless you dip cleric you can only do this once a day. also, if you don't mind being an orc you can get headlong rush (Races of Faerun) which doubles damage on a charge, but you take an AoO from anyone whose threatened square you enter (even your target). hope this helps.

EDIT: one thing, why do you need two weapon pounce if you already have pounce? it practically does the same thing already, you just get more at higher levels with the barb pounce.

2012-05-31, 07:20 AM
Title is what i'm going for. The idea being running in for pounce, scout bonuses, extra attacks from two weapons than running out in a single turn. Does this work? What do you need to do it? (getting pounce from lion barbarian)

It works just fine, so long as you don't take any of the Spring Attack-related feats. (Spring Attack locks you into one attack per round, and while there is a way to get two attacks out of it, it's immensely not worth it.)

It works even better with Travel Devotion (Complete Champion). Here's a TWF Swift Hunter build as an example:

Race: Human, Azurin, Strongheart Halfing, or Frostblood Orc/Half-Orc
1) Ranger 1. Feat: Travel Devotion, Bonus: Combat Reflexes, Bonus: Track
2) Ranger 2. Bonus: TWF
3) Spirit Lion Totem Barbarian 1. Feat: Travel Devotion (x2).
4) Scout 1. Skirmish 1d6.
5) Scout 2.
6) Scout 3. Feat: Swift Hunter. Skirmish 1d6 +1.
7) Scout 4. Bonus: Improved Skirmish. Skirmish 2d6 +1/4d6 +3.
8) Ranger 3. Bonus: Endurance. Skirmish 2d6 +2/4d6 +4.
9) Ranger 4. Feat: Leap Attack.
10) Ranger 5. Skirmish 3d6 +2/5d6 +4.
11) Ranger 6. Bonus: Imp. TWF
12) Highland Stalker 1. Feat: Double Hit (MiniHB).
13) Highland Stalker 2. Skirmish 4d6 +2/6d6 +4.
14) Ranger 7. Skirmish 4d6 +3/6d6 +5.
15) Ranger 8. Feat: Robilar's Gambit (PHBII).
16) Ranger 9. Skirmish 5d6 +3/7d6 +5.
17) Ranger 10.
18) Ranger 11. Feat: Travel Devotion (x3). Bonus: Gr. TWF. Skirmish 5d6 +4/7d6 +6.
19) Ranger 12.
20) Ranger 13. Camouflage. Skirmish 6d6 +4/8d6 +6.

(You can get up to 8d6/10d6 Skirmish damage if you replace Ranger 6-13 with Dragon Devotee 4/Unseen Seer 4).

Additional advice:

Take the Whirling Frenzy rage variant (Unearthed Arcana) for an additional attack.

Favored Enemies should be 1st: Undead, 2nd: Constructs, and 3rd: Elementals, based roughly on how often they are encountered. Swift Hunter allows you bypass their immunity to precision damage. Oozes, Plants, and Swarms (also immune to precision damage) don't tend to be as common and/or dangerous.

Take the Spiritual Connection ACF (Complete Champion) to swap Animal Empathy for speak with animals/plants 3/day. Take the Distracting Attack ACF (PHBII) to make the party rogue extremely happy (or supplement your damage with the hunter's eye spell). If you really need an animal companion, consider a Wild Cohort (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031118a) instead.

Both of your weapons should have wand chambers (100 GP, Dungeonscape). Put a wand of instant of power (750 GP, Forge of War) in one, and a wand of blades of fire (750 GP, Spell Compendium) in the other. Carry a wand of CLW for back-up healing, and some wands of entangle, spore field, blockade, and rhino's rush wouldn't be a bad idea, either.

If you go with Frostblood Orc/Half-Orc, swap your bonus Endurance feat for Combat Reflexes. Then go through the Ritual of Rebirth to become a Dragonborn of Bahumat (-2 Dex, +2 Con, plan your ability scores accordingly), picking up either a breath weapon or flight. You lose Endurance (meh) but keep Combat Reflexes.

Azurin (Magic of Incarnum) is also nice, you still get a bonus feat for being human(ish), and can pick up Indigo Strike for bonus skirmish damage.

2012-05-31, 08:41 PM
Thankyou very much

Darrin i'll probably use what you put up. Though i haven't looked over all of the feats, and the answer may lie in there, what does the / between skirmish damage mean?

Reason for two weapons with pounce, is because of Skirmish damage. Weapon damage is going to be low, but multiple hits with the added skirmish damage are meant to make up for it

And as far as the source of pounce, i wasn't worried about the exact title of the class at the time, wanted to just get it posted.

Thanks everyone for the help


2012-05-31, 09:32 PM
Darrin i'll probably use what you put up. Though i haven't looked over all of the feats, and the answer may lie in there, what does the / between skirmish damage mean?

Skirmish damage / Improved Skirmish damage.

With Improved Skirmish, you get +2d6 damage and +2 AC if you move 20' or more.

Travel Devotion allows you to move up to your speed as a swift action, so once you activate it, you have 10 straight rounds of move back 20', charge 20' + full attack + pounce. It only works 1/day for 1 minute, but you can take it multiple times for more uses/day. (Getting Turn Undead with a Cloistered Cleric dip would also give you some more Travel Devotion uses, depending on the number of TUs you have available).

Averis Vol
2012-05-31, 10:36 PM
I understood why you were TWF'ing, i merely was wondering if you were actually taking the feat, which is irrelevant if you have spirit lion totem pounce.

though reading this i suspect you weren't taking the feat, so my suspicion was null and void.

2012-06-01, 08:35 AM
If you want to get it right, it's actually the Lion Spiritual Totem Barbarian ACF.

My comment was not about the spelling but that there are two ACFs of a similiar name.

2012-06-01, 02:56 PM
Title is what i'm going for. The idea being running in for pounce, scout bonuses, extra attacks from two weapons than running out in a single turn. Does this work? What do you need to do it? (getting pounce from lion barbarian)

My favorite character of all time was a Kobold Scout, with no-multiclassing or PrC. I used him extensively, and the DM and story and group that I played with were amazing.

But I learned the hard way that Scout mechanics just plain suck.

Specifically, the bonus damage from playing a Scout is fairly minor, and all of your class abilities can be duplicated by low-mid level magic (or items, psionic, soulmelds, etc). You would be better off with many, many other different builds.

Having said that, Darrin's suggestion is probably the best one. Though I would say that instead of a dip into Barbarian, you can just take more Ranger or Scout and use a Wand of Lion's Charge (a ranger spell) and other affordable magic items that grant free movement or pounce. Check my signature for a list of ways.