View Full Version : Fighter Class Feature (need correct wording)

2012-05-31, 09:38 AM
I'm on my phone so I don't have the full editing abilities yet.

1st level: Any time the fighter fails a saving throw against that targeted his Will he may the next round make another saving throw. This saving throw is rolled as a fort save. A fighter can do this only if a ally/or himself is hurt before his next turn.

6th level: A fighter gains this ability when immobilized in some way (entangle, grasping hand, or paralysis etc...) the fighter may make a fort save to get out of the effect (free action). This can only be used if the fighter or an ally is hurt before his next turn.

10th level: The Fighter may take 10 on both abilities.

15th level: The fighter's drive to protect allies at all cost can overcome all but the most epic of magic. Anytime a spell with a duration is cast on the fighter it last for 1 round. The fighter can choose not to rid himself of the spell (buff or for dramatic reasons).

What I was looking for is an ability to replicate the age old tradition of the hero wanting to protect his allies and being able to even when under mental control or entangled somehow.

What would be a good way to word these in a 3.5? I'm a huge fan of ToB and believe the Warblade should have been called "Fighter" but I'm trying to stick with core (ish) style rules

2012-05-31, 10:55 AM
1st level: Any time the fighter fails a saving throw against that targeted his Will he may the next round make another saving throw. This saving throw is rolled as a fort save. A fighter can do this only if a ally/or himself is hurt before his next turn.

I'm trying to decipher this. Do you mean that whenever a fighter fails a saving throw that causes a continuing effect, he can make a fortitude save next turn (regardless of the previous save) to dispel the effect? Would this fortitude save be equal to the save he made before?

6th level: A fighter gains this ability when immobilized in some way (entangle, grasping hand, or paralysis etc...) the fighter may make a fort save to get out of the effect (free action). This can only be used if the fighter or an ally is hurt before his next turn.

"Whenever a fighter is immobilized, he can make a fortitude save to break the effect as a free action whenever his ally is hurt before his next turn."

10th level: The Fighter may take 10 on both abilities.

What abilities?

15th level: The fighter's drive to protect allies at all cost can overcome all but the most epic of magic. Anytime a spell with a duration is cast on the fighter it last for 1 round. The fighter can choose not to rid himself of the spell (buff or for dramatic reasons).

Probably should be adjusted to "anytime a non-epic spell with a duration..." but other than that that's fine.

2012-05-31, 11:16 AM
Is this homebrew? I think it is..because fighters never have any actual class features. In which case this should be moved.

In the meantime,

15th level: The fighter's drive to protect allies at all cost can overcome all but the most epic of magic. Anytime a spell with a duration is cast on the fighter it last for 1 round. The fighter can choose not to rid himself of the spell (buff or for dramatic reasons).

You might as well make him immune to magic, because this is too weak.

This could...maybe...be a capstone. But its too strong for 15th level.

What I was looking for is an ability to replicate the age old tradition of the hero wanting to protect his allies and being able to even when under mental control or entangled somehow.

Make it immunity to mind influencing affects, or give him two saves.

6th level: A fighter gains this ability when immobilized in some way (entangle, grasping hand, or paralysis etc...) the fighter may make a fort save to get out of the effect (free action). This can only be used if the fighter or an ally is hurt before his next turn.

Realistic, this should be a reflex save, and freedom of movement is not something you get at level 6. Change the second part to "The fighter can only use this ability when one of his allies takes damage during the round."

2012-06-02, 08:39 AM
I'm not looking for help with the abilities, I'm looking for help with the wording. I figured homebrew section was for creating the stuff (and I didn't really want to get a ton of responses telling me how to fix the abilities).

1st Level: Any time the fighter fails a Will saving throw with a duration greater than 1 round she may on each of her next turns attempt a Fortitude save at the same DC. This ability has no effect on spells that don't last more than one round.

6th level: Whenever a fighter is immobilized, he can make a fortitude save to break the effect as a Free action whenever his ally is attacked before his next turn. The DC for the Fortitude save is the same as the original save.

Note: Essentially anytime an ally is attacked he may make a save to get out. I don't think it is to strong since hey wizards get abrupt jaunt. Realistically the fighter has already made a reflex save and didn't make it so she is pushing through (strength check somewhat equals a fort save) to get out.

Level 10: A fighter may take 10 on both abilities she gains at level 1 and 6.

Level 12:Iron Body: A fighter always gain Max Hit Die/Level. In addition for the purpose of generating hit points, a fighter's con mod is treated as double, this part of Iron Body is retroactive.

Level 15th: The fighter's drive to protect allies at all cost can overcome all but the most epic of magic. Anytime a non-epic spell with a duration is cast on the fighter it last for 1 round. The fighter can choose not to rid himself of the spell (bluff or for dramatic reasons).

Note: Could you imagine the look on a caster's face when he casts "Imprisonment" on a mundane sword wielding human... Then that same mundane comes crawling out of the ground (the spell it self would have brought him back up to the surface) to try and kill him/her? Now that is some crazy hero stuff right there :p.

Level 20: True Hero (or Villain): The fighter automatically succeeds on any Fortitude Save or Will Save from any non-epic spell.

Level 20: I'm to old for this crap!: The fighter becomes lord of a domain and gains followers, land, and a castle. He is well respected by his people (NPCs) and feared by his enemies. He has all that he could ever need and very few go on to keep adventuring into epic levels.

Now the biggest problem I have is naming these abilities. Some of the better names for this is already in use (Grit for example).