View Full Version : Wave Defense Battle

2012-05-31, 02:43 PM
I've been thinking of having a wave defense session to start a campaign, kind of like the wave defense style of Nazi Zombies in Call of Duty or Horde Mode on Gears of War 3 with a break and points given at the end of each round for fortifications and upgrades. The problem is, I can't figure out how to do a pint or money system to make this work. I think this is would be a great way to introduce new players to the system and a good way to get them thinking of out-of-the-box solutions to the challenges I give them. Can anyone help me flush this out?

2012-05-31, 03:13 PM
You could do Minions, instead of money. Basically, you could get them Villagers to defend the Village, and they'd be minions they could direct, so they could have them reinforce entrances, fetch ammunition for their ranged weapons, block paths with rubble, etc.

The economy would be that, after each wave, they'd more than likely lose a few villagers, so if they were doing a good job, the rest would stick around (heck, maybe even the old, sick and too young would come out to help, seeing the struggle, meaning "bonus money" for them).

If they did badly, they'd try to flee or take refuge in the buildings.

I'd start here, probably leaving them on their own at first, an if they did not have the insight of calling for help at once ,maybe making a few braver ones joing them after the first wave regardless.

Also, they could actually interact with the economy, which might be nice to see their roleplaying aspects (for instance, if the villagers try to flee, do they kill one to make an example? do they care that the villagers on the west side are being slaughtered, or they were only important while they reinforced the west gate? etc...).

2012-05-31, 03:36 PM
I was thinking about having the setting be a multi-level house and then having them spread to the town in the next session. While I do like the idea of having people join them if they do well in a round, I would like to have a way of rewarding them with money to buy stuff like alchemy potions or something to give them a one-shot buff that they can choose. And i was planning on having minions with one or two boss waves sent in.

2012-06-01, 12:58 AM
Have them defending a wizard or cleric who's working on a ritual. Either he's working on the potions or buff-scrolls in the meantime, or their apprentices are.

Heck, you could even use real gold. Just price each buff carefully, and have the apprentices be uncaring jerkwads who can leave at any time but choose to stay around for a profit. Replace them with devils or really powerful, uncaring outsiders, maybe?

2012-06-01, 08:02 AM
Or, just level with them and tell them that you intend to give them money, but it's not realistic to have open stores in the middle of attack waves, so just "award" them "group money", and whatever they want to buy they actually get from the people that are helping them, or they can alvage from debris or evn take from their opponents. Basically, you have the same set-up, without gold coins actually changing hands in the middle of a battle.

2012-06-01, 08:20 AM
I vouch for sticking with wizards or enchanters who, say, have a pet rust monster. When your heroes defeat enemies the enchanters have the left over equipment is converted into residuum (which is gold value based) which your enchanters can use to create potions or cast rituals which perform the functions you're thinking of (or enchant weapons for villagers to get more troops?).

Rust monsters take a while to break down equipment and stuff takes time to make though so you're either going to need to make the time between waves fairly long or come up with some creative explanation.

2012-06-01, 01:44 PM
I like the idea of making the residum but how much do I give per monster/fight (I'd like to give a bit of a bonus for completing a wave)?

2012-06-01, 04:33 PM
I like the idea of making the residum but how much do I give per monster/fight (I'd like to give a bit of a bonus for completing a wave)?

Make this entire defense wave thing worth one level of XP. Then take a look at the treasure parcels. That should give you a general idea of what to give them.