View Full Version : Dowrenland - Emeralds & Roses

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2012-05-31, 07:19 PM

The rainy season had come, at last, to the city of Irrorab Wall. The town was so named because of the remains of a wall just outside of the city proper that was left from another time, when this land was ravaged by warring nations. It lay mostly in ruins now, and it was said that the stones of the wall fell from their settings almost as often as the rain from the sky. Over the course of today, however, the weather turned strange and terrible, forcing everyone indoors. The rains were especially heavy today, the winds were shifting their direction, and the sky had taken on a slightly yellow-green coloration. There has even been mention that Sasnak, the nearest town of notable size, was devastated by tornadoes the day before last.

All of you, by one road or another, have ended up at the Little Black Dog - a tavern and inn of modest comfort and affordability. It also seemed to be one of the more popular gathering places for the locals to come and drink away their dreary day. There was a very strange-looking creature, appearing more insect than man, performing on the stage for coin. If the notion struck you, you might even have a few drinks in your belly already.

The out-of-character thread can be found here! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=13320904#post13320904)

St. Justicar
2012-05-31, 07:32 PM
Nathaniel sits at a table, regarding his drink skeptically and with no small amount of trepidation. Sighing and putting it down, he looks up to watch the performance and see if there's anyone interesting sitting around the bar.

2012-05-31, 07:52 PM
Jessica sits at a table in a corner, looking around and wondering how she's going to find a group of travelers that need a healer. I wonder if I should just go around and ask people...

2012-05-31, 07:58 PM
Timble was digging into his order of well-charred boar ribs with a side of honeycakes, when the insect-man's performance drew his attention. He never seen anything like it back in Woodburrow. He opened his mouth in amazement, and forgot to close it for slightly longer than is appropriate. Well, I don't want to look too amazed, he thought, forcing himself to return to his food. Or else all those seasoned adventurers will think I'm a newbie.

He chewed some more, then surveyed the audience gathered around.

Baron Corm
2012-05-31, 10:42 PM
Blind-to-rivers stands against a wall, arms folded. Having no need for civilization to provide him food or shelter, he went about his business of carefully observing the people around him, attempting to pick up news of important happenings by listening to conversations. The strange creature on stage was one thing he pinned for further investigation.

Yuki Akuma
2012-06-01, 04:37 AM
Ah, the humble tavern. This was where adventures always started in books, after all - what better place to find companions?

Well, that, and Alessia was getting sick of trail rations. A nice bowl of stew steams in front of her as she gazes around...

2012-06-01, 09:45 AM
Most of the people were discussing the bizarre weather, and the travesty it had apparently caused in the neighboring town of Sasnak. People told of a brother's house that was picked up and dropped in a radish field or of a daughter's experience of hiding in a root cellar, only to emerge and find nothing but bare earth around her. Another tale about a tree that had stood for a hundred years... another about a horse that had broken it's leg and had to be put down. It seemed as though it was all that these people could talk about.

The night had waned a bit, and most of the folk had either gone home, adjourned to their rooms, or passed out here in the common room. There were only a handful left... and it seemed to be mostly outsiders that remained.

2012-06-01, 10:23 AM
Skrib had been playing for this crowd for some time, as was usual of a bard. His song had been a cheerful song, trying to alter the mood of the tavern. Talk about deaths and disasters, that was no fun.

When everyone began to leave or pass out, save for a handful, he kept on playing but was intending to finish soon and get some rest himself. Maybe even get paid by the barkeep. That way, I'll actually get a room. That thought brought a smile to his face.

Perform: [roll0] (Meh, a mundane performance, according to the PH.)
(I always do a perform roll whenever my bards play.)

2012-06-01, 10:43 AM
The barkeep had thrown one last log into the hearth and dropped a small purse at the feet of the small bard before he too wandered off to his bed. The strange creature had done a decent enough job of it... trying to rouse the spirits of the local population. But it appeared that they were having none of it, and least not tonight. About the time that you each were deciding to call it a night, something interesting happened indeed.

The bard suddenly stood up, went rigid and dropped his instrument. And then, in a voice that was most certainly not his own, he said:

"Amid the blackest day, you will see the whitest of men.
Let his path show you the way which you do not see.
The journey towards peace begins by looking into thyself."

With this, he slumps back down onto the section of up-turned log he had been seated on as a stool. His posture relaxes and he shakes his head a few times.

Yuki Akuma
2012-06-01, 11:01 AM
Alessia herself goes rigid at about the same time as the insectoid bard does - although she does it out of surprise more than anything else. Was that... normal for his kind? Random prophecy? She must admit to having heard very little about the insectoid races...

St. Justicar
2012-06-01, 11:06 AM
With his attention grabbed by the bards sudden collapse, Nathaniel rushes up to him and grabs him, saying "what in the hells just happened?"

2012-06-01, 11:07 AM
At the sound of the voice, Jessica quickly reaches in her pack and pulls out her pen and pile of blank paper. She writes down what the bard said, and stands up. Putting the pen and paper back and grabbing the symbol of Pelor around her neck, she walks over to the man and puts her free hand on his shoulder.

"Are you okay, friend?"

2012-06-01, 11:18 AM
Flying houses and ancient trees ... could be quite an adventure to fly, Timble reckons, sucking on a meaty rib. The performer's ominous prophecy and strange collapse pique his curiosity. He starts making his way toward the stage to get a better look, barely able to push his way amid the big folk. He still carries with him the rib in his right hand and a honeycake in his left, because no sense in letting good food waste.

Baron Corm
2012-06-01, 12:34 PM
Blind-to-rivers takes in the message thoughtfully as he walks toward the bard with the others to investigate. He then offers up his best interpretation. Though he hasn't yet explored much of the world, there were plenty of trickster fey in the forest he used to live in.

"He looked possessed by spirits. I'm no druid, but they sounded like they were warning us of some kind of danger, and of someone who would save us from it. Personally, I don't trust spirits."

Yuki Akuma
2012-06-01, 12:38 PM
"Could have been a demon," comes the voice of Alessia, from her table. She hasn't gotten up yet. "Or an angel. Or a god. Or something stranger. There's lots of things that can possess a person."

She knows this from experience. As she stands up, she winces a little bit, rubbing at an apparent sore spot on her left leg.

2012-06-01, 12:54 PM
Skrib looked around at all the attention he was getting, something he had gotten used to. He reached down and grabbed the purse of coins, which he latched onto his waist to act as a coin purse, but not before counting the coins out. When he was finished with that, he looked at the others. "No idea what happened, but yea, I'm fine." He picks his lyre back up and made sure that it wasn't damaged before cracking his back and looking at the people again. "Could also have been another person. Magic can do stuff like that. I'm just disappointed it stopped my playing, could'a been a much better sounding prophecy if it had music as well." He looks out of the room, though a window, to see how dark the day is, seeing that the prophecy had told of the 'blackest day', which this could very well be due to the storm. While doing so, he asks, "So, who are you all?"

2012-06-01, 01:10 PM
Jessica, glad the strange man is unharmed, releases her grasp on her holy symbol as well as the man's shoulder.

"I am Jessica, a cleric of Pelor. And who are you?"

St. Justicar
2012-06-01, 01:20 PM
somewhat surprised by the question, Nathaniel replies "I am Nathaniel, trueborn son of the well-respected Blackfyre faimily".

Yuki Akuma
2012-06-01, 01:34 PM
Alessia stiffens at the words 'Cleric of Pelor'. She wheels around towards Jessica, and strides over to her. "Did my parents send you?" She sounds... annoyed.

2012-06-01, 01:38 PM
"I am called Timble." The hobbit intruduces himself, then stretches out his hand in offering, "Honeycakes, anyone? They're quite good."

Baron Corm
2012-06-01, 01:47 PM
Ignoring the superfluous banter, letting the others sort that out for themselves, Blind-to-rivers speaks directly to the bard. "I'm Blind-to-rivers. And I don't know much about spirits, but whether it's pixies or demons, you should be kept under watch until someone figures out what's going on."

2012-06-01, 02:17 PM
Jessica turns towards the human who addressed her, and laughs lightly at the question.

"Fear not, no one has sent me to find you. I don't even know who you are."

She turns to the hobbit, "I would like one, please. They are one of my favorites."

And finally to Blind-to-rivers. "I do not think he needs to be kept under watch, but I do believe it would be wise to figure out what is wrong."

She turns to address the group, "I believe we were brought here together for a reason. Perhaps we are meant to find out what this means?"

Rolling Knowledge (noblity) and Lore on Nathaniel:
Knowledge: [roll0]
Lore: [roll1]

2012-06-01, 02:27 PM
There is a distant clap of rolling thunder somewhere off in the night and the rain begins to pour down once more. The hearthfire was nearly spent, leaving little more than the glowing orange coals that resembled a smith's forge. The last candle was almost a stub, not unlike a hobbit in its current state - short and squat-looking. The spirits were tucked tidily away in the ale cupboard for the night and any food that remained was beyond cold by now.

Several of you realize that the thought of sleep has crept up upon you, despite this most recent of happenings.

2012-06-01, 02:50 PM
Shrub takes one of the honeycakes gladly, taking any and all forms of free food gladly. He turns to Jessica, "Maybe, maybe not. Perhaps we are destined to fight a ferocious dragon, like the great heroes of old, or maybe to die in the hands of goblins, but nobody likes hearing that." With that, he yawns. Great. I get paid handsomely, but the innkeeper goes to sleep. Guess I'll pay in the morning.

Yuki Akuma
2012-06-01, 02:52 PM
"...My name is Alessia du Chumleigh," Alessia says, after a few moments. "I'm going to bed." And she does just that! Limping a little every now and then...

Jessica might recognise the name 'Chumleigh'. Maybe.

St. Justicar
2012-06-01, 03:03 PM
Nathaniel can't help yawning as he suddenly feels drowsy. Realizing he hadn't rented a room, he simply leans on the table and rests his head on his crossed arms. Unless there's something loud to wake him, he drifts off within moments.

2012-06-01, 04:06 PM
Timble take a last bite off the rib, and dusts off the crumbs from his traveling jacket. As a polite and well-educated hobbit, he takes care to shield his mouth with the back of his hand when the desire to yawn overtakes him.

"Well, there goes my first day in Irrorab Wall. We'll see what the second will bring. Innkeep, a humble room for the night, if you will?"

2012-06-01, 04:33 PM
"Timble, was it? He's already gone to sleep."

2012-06-01, 04:47 PM
"His loss. I'll just place myself here by the fire then."

Timble unpacks his burlap traveling bag and tosses a bedroll on the floor before the hearth.

2012-06-01, 05:07 PM
Skrib nodded and headed towards one of the rooms that were still empty. He intended to pay for the room the following morning. He went into the room and went to sleep.

If there are no open rooms, then Skrib looks at the hearth and goes over to it to sleep.

2012-06-01, 06:02 PM
I wonder if I should head back to the temple for the night. Jessica takes a quick glance out the window. No, it would probably be safer to stay, I don't want to get washed away.
"Unfortunately, I did not procure a room for te night either. I suppose here is as good a place as any."
She pulls out here bedroll and sets up next to the hearth as well.

2012-06-01, 06:29 PM
Though the innkeeper had already gone to bed, you all knew that there were plenty of rooms for rent still available. The recent weather had cut down on the amount of travelers to Irrorab Wall considerably, and most of the Little Black Dog's patrons were simply local townsfolk looking for a meal or a drink. Likewise, most people around these parts were pretty trustworthy, and the keep seemed to trust to the fact that he could collect on the morrow.

And as some of you get situated into an empty room or nestled down by the central hearth in the common room... you are left with the haunting echos of the mysterious words of the bard still hanging in your ears.


Dawn breaks the following morning, or so you guess. For what awakens you is not the crowing of a rooster, but rather an enormous boom of thunder, sounding as though it threatened to rend open the very sky. Perhaps it did... for when you looked out the nearest window, you could see that it was raining even harder than the night before. It appeared that the only good news of the morning was to come from the kitchen. The keep had made eggs, bacon, biscuits, and a hearty white gravy.

"Ta ward off da chills," he explained as he served it up at a silver per plate.

2012-06-01, 06:35 PM
After sleeping on the floor, Jessica greatly appreciates the warm food. She sits at a table by the stage, enjoying breakfast and waiting for the others to awake and eat.

While she waits, Jessica takes the piece of paper with the bard's words on it and reads it again, trying to remember if she's read anything like this before.

2012-06-01, 06:36 PM
Except the bard, who didn't have haunting echoes. Instead, his dreams were full of adventure while those words were sounding, because prophecies could bring amazing adventures. And being a bard, he knew plenty of them.

When he awoke, he went over to the innkeeper immediately. "A silver, huh? And what would the price of the stay be?" It sounded nice, the price, and the food smelled good.

2012-06-01, 06:59 PM
"Da rooms're usually 5 silver, but seein' as business looks ta be thin, and na' gettin' any fatter by tha looks of things, 'ow's 2 silver pieces please ya? And fer you lot, what which slept on da floor in 'ere... call it 5 copper."

St. Justicar
2012-06-01, 07:03 PM
Yawning as he pushed himself up from the table he was sleeping at, Nathaniel overhears the innkeeps prices and nods agreeably as he smells the food.

He says "That seems more then fair" while walking up to grab the food and handing the keep a silver and a half. While waiting for his food to be prepared his mumbles off his morning ritual, which involves a few moments of sibilant draconic chanting and hand gestures.

Casting Beguiling Influence

2012-06-01, 07:05 PM
"Five copper to sleep on the floor!? Definitely a bargain. You have a very good floor, inkeep, sturdy and level." Timble gladly paid for his stay and the breakfast. "Compwimens to the sheff", he added, shoveling the eggs and ham.

Having eaten some, he turned to the young woman who seemed to be trying to decipher the strange words from yesterday. "So, what do you make of it, ma'am?" he asked curiously.

2012-06-01, 07:20 PM
Skrib paid 3 silver pieces, for the room and the meal. "Would you mind making some for me?" He sat with the others that he had met the day before. "Mind if I sit with you guys?"

2012-06-01, 07:29 PM
Jessica, having already paid for food, pays the innkeeper an additional 5 copper.

She smiles at the bard, "Not at all my friend." She turns to Timble to answer his question. "Well, so far I haven't been able to come up with anything."

OCC: Has Jessica had a chance to prepare spells yet? Maybe right before she got food? I don't want to have to have her sit out from everything for an hour. . .

2012-06-01, 07:42 PM
The keep smiled broadly at the hobbit's compliment. It was a crooked grin, full of less-than-white teeth, but it was as friendly as his demeanor.

"Fank you, my lad! I'll take tha' as a fine fank you if ever I 'ad one. Especially seein as someone of yer stature must 'ave an appreciation for floors, seein' how's ye spend so much time near 'em, no offense meant."

When Skrib and Jessica order breakfast as well, replies in kind, "Be just a stiff jiff, it will. Me misses is cookin it up now."

Yes, you could've prepared your spells before you ate.

2012-06-01, 09:42 PM
Skrib looked at all of them. "Guessing none of you mind if I play a bit, while we wait." He pulled out his lyre while he looked outside, still seeing the rain and storm go about. "[Terran] Cursed storm. Will it never end?" He began to play at the table as he waited.

Perform: [roll0] (Great performance, very close to memorable.)

St. Justicar
2012-06-01, 10:04 PM
Looking to Jessica Nathaniel says "Well, is this sort of thing common? Are there any sorts of ghosts or spirits who live around here?"

Baron Corm
2012-06-01, 10:22 PM
Blind-to-rivers was reluctant to sleep indoors, but decided it was the best course of action, to keep an eye on Skrib. The menu for the following morning sounded too tempting to pass up, especially given how hard hunting would be in this weather.

"I'll take an order. Here's my coppers."

With that, he went to the window, gazing at the storm, and trying to piece together more of the "prophecy" in his head, as the rain and music blended together to form a beautiful backdrop for his thoughts.

2012-06-01, 10:39 PM
"I don't think it is common, and as far as I know, no spirits or ghosts live here. I really have no idea what it means."

Jessica sounds extremely frustrated and murmurs to herself, "Pelor, please give me direction."

Yuki Akuma
2012-06-02, 02:06 AM
Alessia wakes up. And falls out of bed at the crash of thunder.

Grumbling to herself, she makes her preparations for the day... which mostly seem to involve drawing on the floor in chalk. Huh.

She keeps the binding ritual as quiet as possible, then does her best to get rid of the chalk markings before heading downstairs. She's not limping, today!

2012-06-04, 02:31 AM
Timble looks at the note Jessica has been deciphering, then out the window.

"Amid the blackest day, you will see the whitest of men," he quotes. "Although, this day sure seems more gray then black to me."

For a few minutes, he alternates between looking intently through the window, seeking a white man, and looking into himself, as the third line commands. By the time everyone finish their breakfast, he seems to be getting the hang of this, and is now able to look at the window and into himself at the same time, although a white man is not found neither here nor there.

2012-06-04, 10:51 AM
You aren't sure whether it was the melancholy of the raging storm outside or something else, but the bard from last night seemed to be much improved this morning. He plays a touching, somber melody that strikes a chord with each of you as you listen to him play intermittently with the rain outside. Soon, the second batch of you that ordered breakfast have food before you with a wink and a nod of the keep.

Soon after you were all finished eating, wondering what the day might bring... if anything at all, idle conversation began. It was small talk, but you learned little things about one another, though there are those that spoke more than others. The weather turned worse throughout the early morning, with the sky darkening to resemble night by midday. Suddenly, Jessica felt a compulsion from within her... trying to burst forth like the dawn, rising from her gut to her lips. When you felt that you could contain it no longer, you found yourself standing and speaking.

Everyone else sees the cleric quickly jump to her feet and begin to softly radiate light, a golden glow emitting from every inch of exposed skin and her holy symbol. She speaks, in a voice other than her own and entirely different than the one you heard last night.

"He has come."

Those of you with a view outside see, at that very moment, a small figure rounds the corner of a building down the street. He appears to be halfling, and is cloaked and wearing clothing that is geared for weather much colder than it is currently. The hood of his cloak is up and shields his face, until a strong gust of wind blows it back - revealing his albino nature. Pale skin, bordering on colorless and barely yellow hair, that appears the same.


"Poor sod," came the barkeep's voice, "roads are all but rivers at tha moment. He'w be washed away, he will!"

The other strange thing about this individual, as if there wasn't enough already, is that he appeared to be in an incredible hurry... he was moving with unbelievable speed. So quick, in fact, that you wondered how his short legs were managing it. He soon passes by on the opposite side of the road and was now heading away from the Little Black Dog.

2012-06-04, 12:42 PM
Skrib rises out of his seat and stops playing. He moves to the window to allow him to see him for as long as he can. "That'd be the whitest of men, right? Means that guy will show us the way."

2012-06-04, 01:06 PM
"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's follow him then."
Timble opens the door and steps into the driving rain. If anyone of his new friends is reluctant to follow, he adds, "It's just water. It won't melt ya."

2012-06-04, 01:13 PM
Jessica sits back down. A sign from Pelor! She stands back up.

"There's someone out there? Yes, he must be this 'whitest of men.' Let's go!"

She follows Timble outside.

Yuki Akuma
2012-06-04, 01:27 PM
Alessia looks out at the albino halfling man for a while, frowning a bit. She then nods her head. "...Okay. Might as well." She stands, gathering up her back - and taking a morningstar from out of it, before hanging it from a loop on her belt.

Hey, better safe than sorry.

2012-06-04, 01:47 PM
Skrib watches them leave and begins to return his items to where they would be safe from the storm. Particularly, he puts his lyre in his backpack. He then leaves, following after them.

Baron Corm
2012-06-04, 03:14 PM
Instincts engaged, Blind-to-rivers swiftly heads out the door with the others, ready to follow tracks in case they lose sight of the halfling. He warns them as they run, "Don't all get your hopes up. It's not that black out, this might be a false lead. The second spirit's voice sounded different. Let's just all make sure to stick together and don't split up, because if this IS the right sign, he's probably leading us into a trap."

2012-06-04, 03:37 PM
You each head out into the storm, in pursuit of what may or may not be a clue into the strange happenings of late amongst the group that had gathered at the inn. The streets were all but mud, with a few stones and freshly-felled trees having been placed here and there to help with traversing the mess. But what really caught your attention as you left the relative safety of the Little Black Dog was the powerful winds. During certain gusts, some of you have trouble navigating your steps with the threat of being pushed over.

The prey you followed seemed to be putting distance between you, though he was having a difficult time as well. It appeared that he was heading out of town, to the north.

St. Justicar
2012-06-04, 04:26 PM
Not wanting to be left behind, Nathaniel rushes out the door, trying to keep up with the group and reach the White Man.

Yuki Akuma
2012-06-04, 04:28 PM
Alessia isn't particularly good at tracking, so she's rather relying on the others to keep sight of the albino halfling. She's unsure exactly why she's following along, but can't really help herself...

Baron Corm
2012-06-04, 11:27 PM
Blind-to-rivers continues following the man. Though it might be a trap, there's no sense in not following their only lead.

2012-06-05, 12:18 AM
Skrib continues to try to chase the man, but his shorter stature could only get him so far. He knew that at this rate, he was going to start falling behind.

2012-06-05, 10:00 AM
As you all continue to follow the halfling, he does indeed lead you directly out of town. He then hurriedly presses on towards the remains of the wall, disappearing through a sizable hole in it. Before long, you reach the hole in the wall as well. Looking through it, you can see a thin game trail, working its way through the forest on the other side.

The rain and wind continue to pelt you, causing your clothing to stick to your body. Just then, you hear a horrendous sound coming from the city behind you - a low, continuous, moaning wail. Looking back, you see a dark funnel cloud has formed on the south end and pieces of debris are swirling around it, high up into the air.

2012-06-05, 11:48 AM
Timble feels sorry for the poor townfolk having to bear the full wrath of the tornado. He wishes there was something he could do, but he knows that by returning there he won't help the people, but merely share their destiny.

He looks worriedly at the dark funnel, then the game trail. Lesser evil and all that.

2012-06-06, 10:52 AM
You each, in turn, duck through the hole in the wall and step out into the forest on the other side. The North Forest was largely untouched outside of the wall and it had been allowed to run its natural course. Being a fairly old wood, it did not take long for nature to reclaim the elements of man that did remain behind and the wall suffered, in no small part, because of this. Vines, tree roots, and small creatures had all done their part in trying to overtake it, but the city kept most of the grounds on their side of the wall kept up, allowing both frequent grazing and timber-cutting.

However, you were leaving all of that behind now, as you pushed deeper into the North Forest and further after your target... now merely a series of fleeting flashes here and there, ahead of your small band on the game trail. Pressing on, you soon lose sight of him all together, as the rain and the wind hammer down upon you. Somewhere off to your right, you hear a tremendous ruckus as several trees are felled. The wind at your backs seems to almost shove you onward.

Then, just as you had given in to the idea of this being a fruitless pursuit, you see a clearing up ahead, and something within it.


A dilapidated manor house, mostly taken back by nature already, stood sentry in the middle of this clearing... almost defying the very forest around it. The roof had almost completely collapsed or rotted away and this intense storm may very well finish the job. Suddenly, a wagon falls from the sky and crashes to the ground some twenty yards to the left of you. The wooden vessel smashes into a thousand pieces as if it had been a child's toy.

Yuki Akuma
2012-06-06, 11:45 AM
Alessia is rather starting to lose interest in the chase by this point. "We really should find shelter..." she says, to no one in particular, as the storm rages on. She's not particularly interested in forests, so she doesn't really take note of how it's taking back the city...

She then yelps and jumps to the side as the wagon crashes down, despite not being anywhere near it!

2012-06-06, 12:10 PM
Skrib cared about the forest and wall as individuals, but not united, so he didn't notice either. "Perhaps that's a good idea. The manor should..." He took a step back and looked at where the cart landed as it interrupted what he said. "[Terran] The sky's falling, oh great. Anyone have any complaints about heading into the manor?"

2012-06-06, 01:07 PM
"Eek! Ooooh..." After a brief moment of panic, Timble's curiosity gets over his fear, and he approaches the splinters of the wagon and rummages its crushed remains for anything interesting.

He keeps doing it until the others are leaving, whether it'd be into the manor or somewhere else, at which point fear will overcome curiosity again, and he'll squeal, "Hey, wait for me" and follow.

Taking 20 on Search for a grand total of .... 20!

2012-06-06, 02:40 PM
Wishing she had a cloak, Jessica trudges through the forest, following the party and the white man. I miss Pelor's light. Pelor, please protect my friends through this storm. And my family.

When the wagon drops, Jessica gasps and grabs her holy symbol.

"What on earth? Where did that come from? We need to seek shelter, that manor seems to be the best choice."

St. Justicar
2012-06-06, 02:43 PM
Nathaniel swears profusely in Draconic when the wagon lands, running up to get a better look at it and see if there's anything or anyone in it.


2012-06-07, 11:36 AM
As Timble and Nathaniel rummage through the debris of the wagon, they find little more than hay and an old pitchfork. There was certainly nothing of interest or value that came with this impromptu missile.

As you discussed the idea of shelter, you all soon found it hard to even hear one another... as the long wailing moan returned. It was closer this time, and you could make out the sound of more trees falling back the way you came. Moving forward, you found yourselves having to lean in the direction you were walking in order to stay afoot.

You press on, making it just inside the doorway to the manor house. It appears to have once been an elegant place, filled with high ceilings and wide hallways. You can even still see the odd piece of furniture here or there, covered in old dusty and moldy canvas. As you look around, something else catches your attention. There is a series of wet footprints upon the dusty stone floor, leading down the main foyer and into one of the back rooms.

2012-06-07, 11:46 AM
Skrib makes sure that his lyre is still working by touching a few notes before storing it away again and chasing the footprints.

Survival, Track: [roll0] (Doubt it's needed, but I want to see what I'd get.)

St. Justicar
2012-06-07, 02:21 PM
Running into the house to get away from the noise, Nathaniel just keeps up with the group following the foot-prints, muttering to himself "What in the hells is happening?"

Yuki Akuma
2012-06-07, 02:27 PM
As the impromptu party enters the house, Alessia detaches her morningstar from its loop, holding it firmly in one hand. Never hurts to be prepared, especially when entering into a dark house in the middle of the woods...

Then she sees the footprints. Well, that tears it.

"Savnok," she mutters to herself... and suddenly, with a metallic clattering sound, her body is swiftly concealed by a set of ornate, bright white plate armour! Even her face is invisible behind the visor of the helm.

Activating Call Armor. I now have full plate and DR 1/Piercing. Yay!

2012-06-07, 02:27 PM
"Oooh, useful". Timble grabs the pitchfork and follows the rest into broken-down manor. As they move deeper into the house, caution sets in, and he's keeping his eyes and ears peeled for any signs of danger. As he walks, his tiny body seems to blend into the shadows.

[roll0] Spot
[roll1] Listen

And initiating Child of Shadow stance to gain concealment whenever I move at least 10' in a round.

2012-06-07, 05:25 PM
"Protect us, Pelor." Jessica whispers as she walks into the manor. Seeing the tracks, she starts to follow them.

As Alessa summons the suit of armor, Jessica jumps back and gasps. "What the? What just happened? Where did that armor come from?"

Yuki Akuma
2012-06-07, 05:35 PM
Alessia turns her head towards the cleric, then lifts up the visor on her helm. "...Magic," she answers, simply, before dropping the visor again.

2012-06-07, 06:10 PM
Jessica eyes Alessa suspiously. "O...kay. Whatever."

Okay, it's magic. I can do magic too. Why is she so touchy about it

2012-06-08, 09:36 AM
The storm continues to rage on, with branches and gods know what else slamming into the stone walls. The wind howled even louder through the many open windows and doorways in the manor, causing an otherworldly sound to echo through its halls. Following the small footprints, you all soon come to a room that still has its door intact. As it is already open, you can see into the space beyond fairly well and see no sign of your quarry... aside from more footprints.

Following them into the room, you see that they lead to an old moldy canvas tarp, similar to those you saw in earlier rooms. However, this one was piled upon the floor. The only other thing that immediately caught your attention was that there was a rather large mirror here.

Alright. I need everyone to roll me both a Wisdom check and a Spot check, please!

Yuki Akuma
2012-06-08, 09:38 AM
Alessia isn't really very observant. She's mostly relying on others to notice danger!

Wisdom: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2012-06-08, 11:29 AM
Timble examines his shadowy reflection in the mirror, then gives the rest of the room a good look-over.

Wisdom [roll0]
Spot [roll1]

2012-06-08, 12:23 PM
Skrib looks around the room rolls a wisdom and spot check tries to spot anything out of the ordinary while his mind works.

Spot: [roll0]
Wisdom: [roll1]
And I'll throw in Listen for good measure.
Listen: [roll2]

2012-06-08, 12:48 PM
Jessica looks around at her surroundings. She grabs her holy symbol and whispers, "Pelor guide me."

Cast Guidance to add 1 the spot check

St. Justicar
2012-06-08, 03:30 PM
Nathaniel surveys the room as he enters, not being particularly attentive to the room he walks up the the mirror and sees if he can make out anything odd about it.

Spot [roll1]

2012-06-10, 10:26 AM
Timble, Skrib, and Jessica all notice that, unlike everything else you have seen here... that the mirror has no signs of age and disuse about it. The polish of the silver is untarnished, leaving no flaw in the reflections it gives off. Likewise, there is little to no dust upon the bronze frame of the sizable looking glass. Jessica would probably note, even if just to herself, that it would appear that the canvas was removed from this mirror... very recently.

In addition, Alessia, Timble, Skrib, Jessica, and Nathaniel all spy a strange passage written upon the wall opposite of the mirror. The writing, at waist level for most of you, seemed to have been scrawled upon the surface with a piece of coal that had been removed from the fireplace in this room. It said:

",llaw eht dnoyeb rirroM ,rorriM
,llac ot emoc ev'ohw su fo esohT
,wov ruoy nopu tcelfer ,uoy dniM'
.won dna neht ,srednalnerwoD oT"

More interestingly, perhaps... Timble also notice that outside the windows of the room reflected in the mirror, that the sky looks clear and sunny, with no storm in sight.

Yuki Akuma
2012-06-10, 11:23 AM
Alessia peers at the backwards writing for a few moments, before reaching into her pack and producing a piece of chalk. She carefully begins to transpose the writing so it's the right way around, on the wall, just next to the writing.

"...Dowrenlanders? Has anyone heard of a place called Dowrenland?"

2012-06-10, 11:35 AM
Jessica looks quizzically at the mirror, "Why is the mirror clean?

Seeing Alessia writing, she gets her paper and pen out, writing the message down, the right-way around. "Look, you can read it in the mirror. I don't think I've heard of Dowrenland..."

Lore check:
Knowledge history:
Knowledge geography:

Edit: wow, sometimes the dice seem to know when to roll low...

2012-06-10, 12:39 PM
"What a strange mirror." Timble looks at the strom outside, then back to the sunny skies reflected in the mirror. "I think I like that weather better." He touches the surface of the mirror with his hand.

2012-06-10, 01:52 PM
Skrib reads the words on the mirror, correcting them in his head, as everyone else apparently writes them down. He tries to remember anything he might have heard about Dowrenland.

{table]Bardic Knowledge:|[roll0]|Trained
Nobility & Royalty:|[roll5]|Untrained
The Planes:|[roll7]|Untrained[/table]

2012-06-11, 01:28 PM
No one seems to recall having ever heard of such a place as a 'Dowrenland'. Elsewhere within the manor house, you all hear the sound of a crash, as a portion of stone wall collapses in the still-raging storm outside.

You all notice that the words can be read fairly easily when viewed through the mirror's reflection. They seem to be directed at the mirror and mention things such as a vow and times involving the past and present. It is certainly a bizarre phrase, to say the least, and is even fashioned in the way of rhyming poetry.

When Timble places his hand upon the surface of the glass, he finds it hard, cold, and smooth as one would expect. However, when Alessia utters the word "Dowrenland", the mirror radiates warmth beneath the hobbit's palm... ever so briefly.

2012-06-11, 01:34 PM
"Eek!" Timble pulls his hand back. "It's hot! It became hot when you said that word."

Gathering courage, he tries the experiment again, this time pushing his hand into the mirror with slightly more force, while enunciating "Dowrenland" with different intonations.

2012-06-11, 03:13 PM
Skrib reaches down into his core while he pulls out his lyre. He begins to play a soft tune as his eyes adapt to search for something more. He sets his sights on the mirror.

Perform: [roll0]

Skrib is casting Detect Magic.

Yuki Akuma
2012-06-12, 05:24 AM
Alessia looks up from her chalk writing to watch Timble as he lets out that 'eek'. She peers at him from under her visor. "...What are you doing?"

2012-06-12, 05:34 AM

2012-06-12, 09:39 AM
Skrib sees that the mirror radiates a fairly strong arcane aura, and the writing left behind on the wall seems to take on an almost iridescent appearance under the effects of his spell... flashing with bits of arcane radiance when look at in the reflection only.

Timble notices, as he repeats the word, that almost every way he says "Dowrenland" produces the same effect as before. A small amount of warmth from the mirror, and then gone. However, he notices as well that when he views the words on the wall through the reflection as he reads the word "Dowrenland", that that word alone seems to almost... sparkle.

Yuki Akuma
2012-06-12, 09:41 AM
Alessia mmphs a little bit, then goes back to trying to work out the writing! "Just try not to make it explode or something," she says, in a somewhat-joking manner.

St. Justicar
2012-06-12, 05:17 PM
Looking at the sparkling on the wall,, Nathaniel calls "It seems to be doing something at least, maybe try saying it louder?"

2012-06-12, 05:21 PM
Skrib tries to figure out what type or spell is on the mirror.


2012-06-13, 01:09 AM
To Dowrenlanders? Vow? Hm, sparkling. Pelor, protect me. Jessica watches Skrib cast his spell and Timble touch the mirror. Interesting approach, outright touching it. Perhaps I should as well.... She reaches out and touches the mirror as well.

2012-06-13, 12:54 PM
Jessica notices the same reaction with the mirror as Timble has noted. However, nothing new has happened as of yet.

Blind-to-Rivers, who has been standing near the window this whole time, casually observes, "I just saw a tree fly past."

Skrib, through his concentration, discovers that the mirror holds traces of both the Conjuration and Enchantment schools. As to what spell exactly, he is most uncertain.

2012-06-13, 04:54 PM
Hmm, interesting. It looks like it has to be read in the mirror.

Jessica turns to Skrib, "Skrib, did you cast a spell? Did you figure anything out?"

2012-06-13, 05:00 PM
Skrib stops playing and shrugs. "Not sure. I know it's magical and that it has elements of conjuration and enchantment. For those that don't know, conjuration tends to teleport things elsewhere while enchantment imbues them with special properties. So maybe it's a portal, either from here to there or there to here, but where would the enchantment aspect of it kick in? Maybe there's another like this somewhere else in the world and they're linked, allowing the owner to easy travel between the two places. But... still... I'm not so sure what it does or anything like that."

2012-06-13, 05:51 PM
"Teleportation? Maybe this is the way to Dowrenland, where ever that is."
Jessica eyes the small footprints on the floor. "Maybe the white man used the mirror to get there. And since it seems like the word must be read through the mirror..."
She touches the mirror again and peers in at the words on the wall, saying in a clear voice, louder than before, "To Dowrenland!"

2012-06-14, 10:59 AM
Jessica feels the mirror's warmth flare up once more when she reads the words. And in the reflection, she sees another two words sparkle, as well as noticing that not all of the Dowrenlander word sparkles, but only the part she read:

"Mirror, Mirror beyond the wall,
Those of us who've come to call,
'Mind you, reflect upon your vow,
To Dowrenlanders, then and now."

2012-06-14, 11:48 AM
Jessica peers at the words that are sparkling. "Huh, 'to' lit up as well. Well, how about I say the whole thing:
'Mirror, Mirror, beyond the wall,
Those of us who've come to call,
'Mind you, reflect upon your vow,
To Dowrenlanders, then and now!'"

2012-06-14, 12:21 PM
As you all look on, Jessica, the young cleric of Pelor, sparkles with the same iridescent sheen that the letters have adopted when read. She then falls into the mirror and disappears from sight. When this happened, Timble felt the mirror grow warm, as before, but when Jessica passed through it... the surface also went soft, more akin to the surface of rising dough than glass.

2012-06-14, 12:24 PM
"Well, I guess there's the teleportation aspect of it. And the enchantment... probably to get anyone who reads it to pass through. Who's next?" Skrib was entertained. Going to a new place, a place that he had in fact never heard of before, was entertaining for him after his earlier life at the hive.

2012-06-14, 01:07 PM
Timble watches Jessica disappear through the mirror. "Wow, she's good at experimentating!"

He then also reads the poem, eager to find what waits on the other side of the soft glass.

Yuki Akuma
2012-06-14, 01:08 PM
Alessia grips her weapon as she sees Jessica vanish. "...Tch. Well, I guess that decides that..." she presses her hand against the mirror and recites the command poem as well...

2012-06-14, 01:41 PM
Soon, both Timble and Alessia follow suit, melting into the mirror as if it were an open doorway.

This left Skrib, Nathanial, and Blind-to-Rivers in the dilapidated manor house all to themselves. And with the storm continuing to wail and threaten in even closer on the place, they were beginning to wonder if it would stand at all when everything was said and done.

2012-06-14, 01:43 PM
Skrib walked forward, to the mirror, and put his hand on it, repeating the phrase that the three had before.

2012-06-14, 01:57 PM
Soon, you all have stepped through the mirror. Like falling face-first into a pool of warm water, your reflexes kick in and cause you to try and hold your breath. Just when you do so, however, you find yourselves lying prone upon a severely weathered floor made of stone tiles.

When you look around you, you find Jessica in the room, already on her feet. It appears that you are still inside the ruined manor house, or so you think at first. As you look around though, you can see that, although similar, this is definitely not the same building. Furthermore, when you look outside, you see no sign of any storm of any kind. Instead, you see a clear and sunny sky.

2012-06-14, 03:35 PM
Seeing the sun light through the window, Jessia runs to it, smiling as the light shone on her face. She'd missed the sunshine. When her companions arrive through the mirror, she eagerly says, "Let's go outside and enjoy the sunshine for a bit," having temporarily forgotten the white man.

Yuki Akuma
2012-06-14, 03:36 PM
Alessia looks around... and, deciding there's no danger currently, she dismisses her armour. It sort of peels itself off of her with a metallic clattering noise before simply dissolving into thin air...

2012-06-15, 12:35 AM
Timble stands up, brushes the dust off his jacket, and looks around. "That was one heck of an experiment. Looks the same, yet different." Before commiting to going outside again, he takes a careful look about the room, to see if there any differences between here and there. Beyond the obvious ones.

spot [roll0]

2012-06-15, 01:04 AM
Skrib heads outside and begins to play another tune on his lyre. "Well, this is something, isn't it? Anyone have any ideas where we might be?"

Perform: [roll0] (...)

After hearing how bad he was performing, Skrib quickly stopped. (Since he would not continue something like that.)

St. Justicar
2012-06-15, 01:18 AM
Seeing the others travel through the mirror, Nathaniel overcomes his initial trepidation and goes through as well. Looking around, he says "Now where are we?"

2012-06-15, 01:44 AM
"In Dowrenland, I would chance a guess." Timble says over his shoulder while still examining the room.

Yuki Akuma
2012-06-15, 09:55 AM
Alessia glares at Skrib for a moment. "...Will you give that a rest? What if there are enemies nearby, and they hear you?" Paranoid much?

"...We might want to check to see if we can get back before we start exploring."

2012-06-15, 10:27 AM
As Timble inspects the room, he sees that things here are in disrepair as well, but that this place isn't nearly as old as the one he just came from. In fact, there was no dust and misuse hanging about this place. This house had had parts of it simply knocked in by something. He even spotted a place of the stone floor in the corner that had been cracked and caved in by something roughly the size of his torso, and... what was this... droplets of dried blood?

As the remainder of you step outside, you find yourselves in a large grassy yard, of sorts, surrounded by thick, green, high hedges all around. You see what you think, at first, to be a patio complete with a long table. When you look closer, however, it appears that this area was once a part of the manor house... though the walls had been knocked down. The chimney from the hearth still stood off to one side, sitting strangely alone as if a scolded child put in the corner. The table, by stark contrast, was set for a celebration from the look of it, complete with tankards, plates, bowls, and eatery for at least a dozen people. However, you saw no guests. You do, however, see two individuals talking quietly off to one side. When Skrib begins strumming his lyre, he seems to stop after a few... distracted chords, which causes the two people to cease their conversation and look in the direction of your collective group.

Both of them look quite shocked to see you, as no doubt you are to see them. The taller of the two is a wide-eyed human, dressed in light armor and wearing a dinged-up helmet made of bronze.


The second is a small-sized... rabbit? Yes, yes indeed. He appears to be a white rabbit in clothing. The same clothing, in fact, that the albino halfling you had been following was wearing.


Both of them move their hands to their weapons.

2012-06-15, 10:55 AM
Skrib put his lyre away. "Too late for that." He begins to call out to them, "Hold on you two, we just arrived. Can you just get your hands away from your weapons so we can talk about this like normal people?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2012-06-15, 11:37 AM
A few moments after the rest, Timble runs out of the building, exasperated. "There's blood on the floor, and ..." He notices the two figures. "Oh oh."

Yuki Akuma
2012-06-15, 11:41 AM
Alessia glares at Skrib for a moment... before calling her armour back on, with a clattering of metal!

Welp, I didn't have that off for long!

2012-06-18, 09:42 AM
The two seem to relax somewhat, but the human remains silent and very on-edge. The rabbit, meantime, seems like he is quite rushed.

"Who sent you?", comes his response. "Are you agents of the Red Queen?"

2012-06-18, 10:58 AM
Skrib shook his head. "We don't even know who the Red Queen is. We're from [...]. Who is this Red Queen?"

(Put in the name of the normal world with the [...].)

2012-06-18, 12:03 PM
The human becomes worried even further at this information. He finally speaks, addressing his concern towards the rabbit.

"Enya, you brought outsiders... here?!"

The rabbit stammers, "No... I mean... yes... I mean... I suppose so. Although I don't understand how; the mirror was scheduled to be destroyed mere moments after I went through!"

"Do you have any idea what happened the last time that outsiders came into..."

The human stops, abruptly in mid-sentence, and his entire demeanor changes before your very eyes. His posture shifts and he no longer appears to be worried or concerned at all. He continues to speak, in quite a different tone.

"Ahh... more guests for the party, I see! How wonderful!"

He then heads over to the table and begins bustling about and adjusting all of the items found there. The rabbit, meanwhile, shakes his head solemnly at this. The human begins pulling chairs out before seating himself at the head of the table and clapping his hands merrily.

"Do sit, do sit. Oh, simply marvelous! I do so love a party."

He stops, again, with a shocked look upon his face.

"Oh dear, how rude of me! How could I possibly have forgotten?! Introductions! I am Hatta Haigha. And the one standing over there, all grim and pale, is my cousin, Enya Tapuk!"

He stands and bows deeply, removing his helmet as he does so... before replacing it. The white rabbit rolls his eyes and bows as well.

Yuki Akuma
2012-06-18, 12:05 PM
Alessia stands stock still, still garbed in her stunningly white armour. "...I don't like this," she mutters, after a moment. She doesn't make a move, though...

2012-06-18, 12:11 PM
"That makes two of us." Skrib returns the bow and introduces himself, "I am Skrib Adanech." While doing so, he tries to determine if something is wrong. "So what happened last time that outsiders came here?"

Sense Motive: [roll0] (DC 20 for a hunch.)
This use of the skill involves making a gut assessment of the social situation. You can get the feeling from another’s behavior that something is wrong, such as when you’re talking to an impostor. Alternatively, you can get the feeling that someone is trustworthy.

2012-06-18, 12:37 PM
"And three of us." Jessica whispers. Turning to the strange man, she introduces herself.

"I am Jessica, a cleric of Pelor. Where is this place? And who is this Red Queen?"

Lore about the Red Queen, just in case:

2012-06-18, 12:39 PM
"Well, my name is Timble, and I do love a party." The hobbit seats himself at the table without need for further coaxing. "Do you have honeycakes?"

2012-06-19, 11:05 AM
Skrib: You sense that the one called Enya is nervous and anxious, and that your question makes him even more so. The man called Hatta, however, does not seem to have any hidden agenda or stifled emotion; he seems to be genuinely pleased and very happy.

Jessica: You have never heard of such a person. You haven't the first idea of what he is talking about.

The white rabbit checks a small hourglass that hangs from his neck, and then looks off into the distance. When your eyes follow his, you see a large tower rising above the hedges, some ways off. Atop this large tower, you see another hourglass and are quite surprised that you have no trouble seeing that it has nearly finished its course. The rabbit sighs, despite this, and takes a seat at the long table, opposite Timble.

The human beams and replies to you each.

"How do you do?"

He then takes his seat once more and looks expectantly at those who have not sat yet before addressing the questions put to him. As he answers the questions, the white rabbit reaches across the table and opens the cover on a large, but flat dish near Timble. From beneath the lid comes a multi-layered cake, much taller than the cover should have contained; and with the sight of such a thing, the smell of warm honey wafts its way to the hobbit's nose.

"You mean to tell me that you have never heard of the Red Queen?! Most unusual... most unusual indeed! But on to finer points. This place, my dear Lady Jessica, is my home - Haigha House. Although, it does seem to be in some manner of disrepair. Hmm..."

He looks saddened, for just a moment. And then you see another shift in his posture... once again signaling a change in his demeanor and tone. When he looks up, he seems very frightened.

"Run! All of you. Run for you lives and don't look back!"

Now he looks up to the Clock Tower and lets out a pitiful whining moan. He then shoots his gaze in the direction of the white rabbit.

"He'll be here soon! Enya... you must take them from here. Lead them through the maze and away from here before it's too late!"

The rabbit, who has not changed his mood at all, takes a large drink from his tankard. Though still nervous, he doesn't seem worried by this sudden outburst.

"We will be leaving soon enough, Hatta. Believe you me, I do not plan on being here when he arrives."

Yuki Akuma
2012-06-19, 03:40 PM
Alessia frowns behind the visor of her gleaming white helm. She doesn't like this. Not one bit. There's a soft clattering sound as she turns her head to regard the tower and its hourglass...

She then looks towards the table, and walks on over to it, placing one foot on the table next to Timble.

She then slams her morningstar down on the table. "You are going to explain. Now."

Intimidate: [roll0]

2012-06-20, 11:02 AM
Both of them visibly jump as you do so, as well as a couple of your party members more than likely. The rabbit wrinkles his nose up in Alessia's direction before turning towards the rest of the group.

"What a rude person!"

Hatta grasps the edge of the table with both hands as the color rises in his face. You see the veins pop out on either side of his neck and his eyes bulge even further. He seems as though he might shift again, and Enya becomes very worried by this. The rabbit actually stands and makes his way towards the entrance to the hedge maze. Just before he enters, however, the human closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, replying:

"It's alright, Enya. He's still in check... for now."

The human glares in Alessia's direction. When he speaks, he does so through gritted teeth. Though he trembles from the sudden scare of the outburst, he speaks with conviction and purpose.

"If you would kindly remove your weapon from my table and sit down, madam. I am not sure how things are conducted wherever it is that you are from but in certain circles here in Dowrenland, such manners would result in a loss of your head."

After a moment, he regains more of his composure and continues.

"Now. If you would be so kind as to further explain yourself, seeing as it is you who is trespassing upon my home. Then I would gladly answer any questions you might have... when they are asked in a suitable tone."

You see his eyes drift off towards the Clock Tower once again, and then to Enya.

"In a timely manner, of course."

Yuki Akuma
2012-06-20, 11:12 AM
Alessia glowers from behind her visor for a while - good job her face is covered, really - before sitting down next to Timble. She picks up her morningstar, then sets it in her lap. And, once again, her armour seems to peel itself from her body and vanish into the aether.

"...My apologies. My emotions sometimes get the better of me," she says, calmly - any trace of anger seems to have vanished away just like her armour. "...Allow me to properly introduce myself. I am Alessia du Chumleigh, daughter of High Priest Alastor of the City of Chumleigh. My father serves Pelor, as out priestly friend here does."

Alessia pauses for a few moments before continuing. "We honestly have no idea why we came to this place. We would appreciate an explanation, although I fear my actions may have... soured things, somewhat. My apologies, again."

And now, Diplomacy! if one social skill doesn't work...

Just trying to smooth things over, really, rather than get information from them. [roll0]

2012-06-20, 11:37 AM
Wow, she changes moods quickly...although that armor thing is pretty neat, Jessica thinks to herself as she takes a seat opposite Alessia.

"Yes, some explanation would be appreciated" she says, grabbing a honeycake. "As Alessia said, we have no idea why we're here, we we're following a strange, pale, halfling. We don't even really know where we are."

Aiding Alessia with diplomacy:

edit: grr, at least Alessia rolled well..

And Gather Info:

2012-06-20, 01:34 PM
Hatta casts another look at the white rabbit when Jessica mentions the pale halfling. The rabbit starts to speak.

"Strange?! I don't see how..."

Cutting him off, Hatta addresses you.

"How do you do, Alessia du Chumleigh, daughter of High Priest Alastor of the City of Chumleigh?"

The human gives a curt nod before continuing.

"I do not know of this place, Chumleigh, where you are all from... but you are now in Dowrenland. I assume that you came by way of mirror. I am sure that there is much that you do not understand about this place, but explaining it all would take a lifetime... which we do not have... so I will be brief with current events, after which you may ask specific questions."

"Dowrenland is at war. The Red Queen in the East has allied herself with the Obsidian King in the West and his Witch Queen. In her paranoia, she has taken certain events as imaginary slights against her Kingdom of Hearts and has decided that those 'responsible' must pay, and dearly I'm afraid."

Hatta seems to hit upon a memory, and it upsets him visibly. He shifts once more and when he 'comes to', he begins excitedly helping himself to the honey cake and ale.

"Oh quite delicious, quite delicious! I do so hope that everyone is having a good time!"

The white rabbit sighs audibly and then speaks.

"Forgive my cousin. He was attacked by mind flayer some time ago and, though he survived, he hasn't been quite right ever since, I am afraid. To continue... Ozrok Bindor, the Emperor of the Emerald City, was assassinated several months ago by agents of the Obsidian Queen. I am a messenger to Her Majesty, Queen Mirana Callevasia, Ruler of the Ivory Port and the Kingdom of Clubs."

The human chimes in at this.

"Oh yes, quite lovely the White Queen is."

Enya continues, "Then, just last month Glinda, the Witch of the South who serves my Lady Callevasia, was murdered by the Obsidian Queen herself."

Hatta adds, "Indeed. And they were sisters, wouldn't you know. Quite wicked that one."

The rabbit presses forward, "And so now, my kingdom is allying itself to the Wizard of the North, who has taken over in his emperor's stead. And there will be war..."

2012-06-20, 01:44 PM
At the mention of war and the various alliances, Timble take a break from his culinary indulgements. "So, are you the good guys or the bad guys here?"

2012-06-20, 02:46 PM
Skrib rose an eyebrow and went to sit down next to Jessica. "That's a lot of cardinal directions and playing cards. So the west and east are together against the clubs and north? That's... pretty confusing, to say the least."

2012-06-20, 03:09 PM
Hatta addresses Timble's question.

"What an absurd thing to say!"

"What I think he means, Sir Timble, is that no one ever deems themselves the 'bad guy', as you put it. If you find yourself behind a cause that you think to be in the wrong... you certainly wouldn't go to war over it, would you?" The white rabbit interjects. The human then listens to Skrib's remarks and comments.

"Indeed. Politics." He rolls his eyes and clucks his tongue at the notion.

Enya tries to clarify, moving objects on the table to represent what he is talking about.

"Here. In the East, you have the Kingdom of Hearts... ruled by the Red Queen in her husband's place, as he fell into a 'mysterious sleep' many years ago. She lives in the Crimson Castle and her name is Irangwideth Didros, though she is referred to as “Queen Deth” by her subjects... behind her back, mind you."

"In the West, you have the Kingdom of Spades... ruled by the Obsidian King and Queen, who just so happens to dabble in the magics of undeath. They live in the Black Keep and are called Xunorel and Elphaba Pryt, respectively."

"Nasty and unnatural business in the Kingdom of Spades." adds Hatta solemnly. The white rabbit nods and then goes on.

"Now in the North, you have the Kingdom of Diamonds... once ruled by the Green Emperor, Ozrok Bindor, now dead. So his Wizard, Locast, has taken up the reins of power according to the laws of the Emerald City."

"And finally in the South, you have the Kingdom Clubs... ruled by the White Queen and King. They, as well as I, live in the Ivory Port. My Lady's name is Mirana Callevasia and my Lord is called Beotur Callevasia."

When he has finished, he looks at you all very matter-of-factually.

Yuki Akuma
2012-06-20, 03:13 PM
Alessia lets out a puff of breath. "...Very interesting. I don't suppose you could tell us how we might return home, then?"

2012-06-20, 03:20 PM
"Well, I don't want to go home." Timble interjects. "I just left home a week ago, to look for adventure. Wouldn't be much of an adventure if I just went back now, would it? Besides, the food is great. You should really try some, Alessia, and not worry so much."

He chews some, then adds thoughtfully, "Miranda and Beotur. Strong names. Sound like good guys. Definitely happy we're not in the Queen Deth domain. Also the Spades ... why are they called Spades, because they dig out all those corpses to make undead?"

2012-06-20, 07:20 PM
"Wow...oh, wait!" Jessica sits in silence, enjoying the honeycakes and absorbing the knowledge. Half-way through, she remembers her "notebook". She reaches in her bag and pulls out her pen and paper and begins writing as much as she can down.

"Hmm, interesting. Each kingdom has a corresponding color, direction, and...symbol? Very interesting indeed." she says to herself. Louder she continues with, "I agree with Timble, I don't want to go home yet. I would like to learn more about this world, and these kingdoms." She smiles at Timble, "Like why the western kingdom is called the Kingdom of Spades."

2012-06-21, 09:58 AM
Hatta listens to Timble. "Adventure, how exciting!"

"As for why the kingdoms have symbols and where they came from... I do not know. Though the bit you brought up about spades does make a good deal of sense," responded Enya.

The white rabbit looks at Alessia and blinks twice, before replying.

"Why, through a mirror, of course."

The human replies to this with, "However... knowing your way home is always a good idea. I once had two friends that left bread crumbs behind them to guide them back home when they were lost in the woods."

"Oh, how clever," came Enya's comment, "did it work?"

"No, now that you mention it... the kalidahs ate them."

"Breadcrumbs? How strange. I've never known a kalidah to eat bread."

"No... we found the breadcrumbs."


Yuki Akuma
2012-06-22, 10:14 AM
Alessia frowns a bit. "I merely want to know how we might return home, when we want to. Because we can't just stay here forever."

2012-06-23, 12:42 PM
"So the way home is through the mirror that we came from? There, simple." Jessica says to Alessia. She turns back to Hatta and the rabbit, "So who is this "he" that is coming that we should run away from? And should we be going?"

2012-06-25, 11:46 AM
The human laughs heartily, "Well... there are other ways to travel between the worlds, of course. But mirror is, by far and away, the most reliable."

Hatta stands suddenly and heads into the house as he calls back over his shoulder, "Oh dear, I almost forgot... presents!"

When he returns, he sets down a leather satchel in front of each of you, giggling merrily and skipping around the table in a sort of mad jig. The white rabbit chuckles a bit at this and he shakes his head in mild disbelief. However Enya turns paler, if that was possible to believe, when Jessica asks about who 'he' is. His eyes dart in Hatta's direction, who seems to have not heard the question.

"The Warlord of the March. He was once a well-respected leader amongst our people; having lead us to many victories during the last wars that came to Dowrenland. He was taken as a hostage and by the time he was rescued... he was forever changed. He was a danger to everyone around him, and so he was sent here, to Untea Island."

No sooner had the rabbit revealed this information than the Clock Tower let out a low chime that was quite audible. Looking up, you see the giant hourglass at its pinnacle begin to rotate. Enya grasps the hourglass around his neck and lifts it in front of his face. Wide-eyed and terrified, he simply says, "Oh dear."

Hatta stops mid-dance and collapses to the ground where he stood, screaming in agonizing pain. His arms wrap around his head and his entire body begins to tremble and shake. The human looks up into all of your faces, his eyes blood-shot and beads of sweat forming on his brow.

"Flee!", he pleads. "Run... now!"

Hatta doubles over on all fours and before your very eyes, he begins to... change once more. But this time was different than the shifts you have seen in his persona, for now he was going through a physical change. His clothing begins to tear as he starts to grow in size, and he removes his helmet, throwing it away from him absentmindedly.

The white rabbit quickly grabs his things and begins running in the direction of the hedge maze entrance. He calls out, "This way; all of you! Hurry!"

2012-06-25, 11:55 AM
Timble doesn't need a second invitation. Having seen Hatta take a change to the worst, he quickly grabs some food off the table, and follows the rabbit to the maze as fast as his short legs allow.

2012-06-25, 12:21 PM
Seeing the change in Hatta, Jessica quickly grabs the satchel put in front of her and runs after Timble and the rabbit.

2012-06-25, 12:36 PM
Skrib grabs the satchel in front of him and begins to run after the others. A bit farther away, he activates detect magic and looks back, to see if there's any magic on the human or otherwise. After getting his result, he continues to run.

Spellcraft: [roll0]

Yuki Akuma
2012-06-25, 02:03 PM
Alessia eyes Hatta as she snatches her own satchel. "...Werewolf...?" she muses mildly, before dashing off with the others.

2012-06-26, 11:34 AM
You all head into the maze, on the heels of Enya. As Skrib is leaving, his looks back at poor Hatta and with his arcanely-enhanced vision he sees magic forming around his whole body, particularly around both of his hands. It appears that the forces around his hands are forming into a spear and shield. More interestingly, however, the bard notices a strand of magic extending from Hatta now-changing head. The rope-like connection trails off into the distance... in the direction of the Clock Tower and appears to, in fact, be directly connected to the hour glass itself.

Skrib hears a crashing noise and looks up to see a large hulk of a creature turning over the table. Hatta is nowhere to be found and appears to have been replaced with the beast, who is now turning his nose in the direction of the vacating party.


The beast roars and turns.

Inside the maze, you find that the hedges contain a multitude of brambles and thorns. The plants are so dense that you are fairly certain that even a bird or squirrel would have difficulty passing through them. Enya is every bit as fast as the albino halfling was and there are several times when you nearly lose him. But just when you think you will be lost in this place, with whatever made that terrible roar, you find him waiting just up ahead at a crucial turn beckoning for you to hurry.

"This way, this way!"

2012-06-26, 11:37 AM
Skrib hurries, but mentions to the party, "He's a big rabbit now, but it has something specifically to do with the hourglass. There's a magic trail from there to him."

2012-06-27, 10:29 AM
The sounds of the beast behind you ring in your ears and you can feel the ground shake as it thrashes its way into the hedges. You head it howl in pain and soon, the sounds begin to fade with distance. The brambles must be keeping Hatta from pursuing your retreat.

Your group makes its way through many turns and passes. You cannot help but think how fortunate you are to have a guide that knows his way through this labyrinth with such haste. Before too long, you breach the maze and find yourselves on a small shoreline, looking out over a lake. There is a small dock, but you see no boat.

The white rabbit looks suddenly saddened. "Well... the Pool seems to be a little more full than I expected to find it at this point. It looks like we may have to swim."

Yuki Akuma
2012-06-27, 10:31 AM
Alessia stares at the rabbit incredulously. "Swim? Surely that thing can swim faster than we can."

2012-06-27, 11:34 AM
"Oh, Hatta? He won't be following us. That's what the hedge maze is for; when he's in that state he isn't clever enough to remember the way out, and the thorns prevent him from escaping by smashing his way through. Rather ingenious really."

2012-06-28, 10:42 AM
"Well... you are welcome to stay if you'd like. But I am on rather urgent business and am afraid that I am long overdue."

Without further ado, the white rabbit jumps into the water and begins swimming in a most-decided direction.

2012-06-28, 02:12 PM
Skrib shrugs and makes sure his things wouldn't be damaged by water before going in.

If anything of his would be damaged, he used mage hand to keep them above the water.

Yuki Akuma
2012-06-28, 02:14 PM
Alessia sighs... then waits to see if anyone else is going to brave swimming.

2012-06-28, 03:05 PM
Timble tests out the waters with his toe. "Brr, cold." Since the food he gathered will most certainly be lost or ruined in a swim, he eats as much as possible in a short time, and whatever he can't eat, sets aside for the others. He then begins to unbuckle and stow his armor in preparation for a swim.

2012-06-28, 05:21 PM
Jessica prepares herself for a swim as well. Making sure everything else is secure, she pulls out her notebook. She reads her words, quickly trying to remember as much as she can. She folds the paper with the ink side inwards, and stuffs them down the shirt of her armor, hoping the leather will help keep it mostly dry.

Seeing the mage hand, Jessica asks, "Would you mind carrying my notebook? I don't want to lose what I've written."

2012-06-28, 05:30 PM
Skrib, in the water and floating his lyre above him, turns and nods. "Sure, just put it on the lyre and I'll grab it." He moves the lyre close to her and waits for it before adding the notebook to what he's levitating. When that was done, the insectman continues swimming.

2012-06-28, 06:01 PM
Relieved, Jessica pulls the papers out of her shirt and carefully places on top of the floating lyre. "Thank you very much, Skrib!". She slips into the water.

Yuki Akuma
2012-07-01, 09:00 AM
Alessia digs around in her backpack for a moment... then puts her chalk into one of her oil jars. There. Now they won't dissolve.

She then slowly wades into the water. "Alright then..." she sighs. Who knew adventuring involved so much running around and getting wet?

2012-07-02, 09:24 AM
You each lower yourself into the water and begin swimming, after stowing away your various gear. Following in the direction that Enya has begun paddling in, you can see a forested shoreline some distance away. As you swim on... you find yourself beginning to feel very sad. You couldn't really explain why, but your thoughts turn to the depressing things that have happened in your life, and in your adventure, as of most recent. As you press on, you get the feeling of tears beginning to well up behind your eyes and are soon choking back the urge to cry.

And just about the time when you feel the weight of you current mood starting to make it difficult to continue on, you spot something some distance off... in the water.

2012-07-03, 10:30 AM
Alessia, Jessica, and Skrib all can see that the approaching object appears to be a boat of some kind! Yes... yes indeed. They see a mast sporting a sail full of wind!

As the vessel comes closer, you can see that the three individuals onboard are slightly altering their course to intercept you. One of them comes to the bow and calls out in a language that is strangely familiar to some of you.

[Elven]"Ho there! Whom do you serve?"

2012-07-03, 06:49 PM
Hearing the language of her mother does nothing to improve Jessica's mood, instead it recalls even more memories of her childhood. Wanting to get out of the water as soon as she can, Jessica responds to the man in elvish.

[Elven]"Lo! I am a cleric of Pelor, god of the sun. My friends and I are new to this land."

Yuki Akuma
2012-07-04, 05:35 AM
Alessia stops swimming once she spots the boat. She grumbles a little bit as the sailor calls to them in a language she doesn't speak. "..Okay, I caught 'Pelor' there..."

2012-07-04, 10:13 AM
Skrib stops swimming and keeps the bundle above him. "Jessica, you mind translating?"

2012-07-04, 03:56 PM
I'm going to assume you meant Jessica, not Teg. Because I'm not swimming in that lake, Jessica is :smalltongue:

Jessica responds to Skrib in Common. "It's Elven, he's asking us who we serve. I told him we are new here."

Switching back to Elven, she asks the man in the boat, "Do you speak Common?"

2012-07-05, 09:25 AM
As they sail closer, you see the one on the bow move to a second elf onboard. The two exchange dialogue for a moment, before the second moves to the front of the boat. He then calls out, in the common tongue.

"You are not kesir! What banner flag do you rally to?!"

Enya, who has also stopped making forward progress, paddles in place as he answers.

"I am Enya Tapuk, messenger to Her Majesty, Queen Mirana Callevasia, Ruler of the Ivory Port and the Kingdom of Clubs!"

The elf calls back over his shoulder, relaying the information to his companions, no doubt. He then goes back to the work he was doing onboard as the ship sails ever closer. As it does so, you notice a couple of strange details that distance had shrouded before. The boat appears to actually be the top side of a turtle shell, flipped over. It would have to be the largest turtle shell that you had ever seen, but... well, there it is. The other odd detail is that the elves on this ship were slightly blue in coloration and had webbed hands and fin-like ridges here and there.


When they get closer, the one that has been steering the boat tosses an anchor off the stern and the boat drags to a stop. The other two come over and begin extending their hands to help you each into the vessel. It is not a large boat, by any means, but you all are able to fit onboard with relative comfort, with space enough to walk around... should the mood strike you.

2012-07-05, 01:01 PM
Skrib lowered the items down to Jessica once they were on the boat, letting her get her papers back. He returned the lyre to himself, took it in both hands, and began to play a simple melody. "Thank you for helping us out. I am Skrib Adanech. What may we call you elves?"

Perform: [roll0]

Yuki Akuma
2012-07-05, 02:55 PM
Alessia clambers up onto the boat, and immediately tries to wring out her hair. "Okay. So where are we going now? It's just one thing after another with this place..."

She doesn't even seem particularly bothered by the turtle shell boat.

2012-07-06, 09:52 AM
[Elven]"Jerynn... the anchor."

The elf at the stern says calmly, after which the tallest of the three dives overboard. The remaining elf moves about with cat-like grace, tightening various ropes and such. After several seconds, the diver returns and places the anchor back into the boat before climbing back aboard. He immediately begins coiling the rope in a meticulous manner. The serious-looking elf that was steering mutters an incantation and exhales heavily at its end, causing the sail to fill with wind and the ship to list forward. As you begin cutting your way through the water once more you begin drying yourself the best that you can. You can see your course alter slightly, heading towards what looks like the mouth of a river. The one that did not dive down takes a crouching position near the bow and turns toward you. You see several old scars across his back and chest, and his left ear is missing its pointed tip. He looks you all over before speaking.

"I am called Aerrond. The highest one is called Jerynn. Our lead man, at the behind, is called Corrintha Lyrim. I believe your people speak the term 'Captain' on vessels of the sea? And to answer you, lady... we sail to Nevande; our home."

Yuki Akuma
2012-07-08, 07:34 AM
Alessia stands up, finally, and stretches. While she's not particularly tall, she does have a lean, wiry sort of build, making her seem to extend quite a bit further than she should when she stretches.

"...Alessia du Chumleigh. And I'm half expecting this boat to get attacked by some sort of lake monster. That usually happens in stories like these."

2012-07-08, 04:19 PM
Not an elf?

Getting on the boat and grabbing her booklet, Jessica corrects the strange elf (in common) "In our world, elves more closely resemble myself. I am half-elf."

After they mention where they are heading, Jessica pulls out her paper and pen and asks, "And what kingdom is that in?" writing down the place and the kingdom is in. "My name is Jessica, by the way. And it does no good to be so pessimistic, Alessia."

2012-07-10, 09:35 AM
"That is possible, but the Jabberwocky sleeps at this part of day."

Aerrond replies coolly. He then turns to Jessica and responds as well.

"I do not know this word 'elves' you speak. Why are you half this thing?"

He then turns and speaks to his comrades after the second portion of what Jessica had to say.

[Elven]"She asks what kingdom Nevande is in."

The one called Jerynn laughs heartily while the one called Lyrim says, flatly.

[Elven]"We serve under no flag; we are of Nature's Kingdom."

Aerrond, who has been chuckling as well, eventually states, "Nevande is close to kingdom of the White Queen, but not her land. She is a good ruler, but not ruler for us. We live on the Forest of Bajja, the home for our fey brothers and sisters. Bajja is king here; but he is now missing from us."

2012-07-11, 07:26 AM
As they sail closer, you see the one on the bow move to a second elf onboard. The two exchange dialogue for a moment, before the second moves to the front of the boat. He then calls out, in the common tongue.

"You are not elf! What banner flag do you rally to?!"

Aerrond replies coolly. He then turns to Jessica and responds as well.

"I do not know this word 'elves' you speak. Why are you half this thing?"

Umm, why does he not know a word he (or at least, one of his shipmates) just spoke? Just wondering...

Confused slightly, Jessica responds (in Common), "The name of the language you spoke to us is called Elven where we're from, those who speak it are called elves. My mother was one, my biological father a human. Thus, I am half-elf. But now is not the time to talk of these things. I am looking forward to setting foot upon land again."

While talking, she writes down the info about their kingdom.

2012-07-11, 07:43 AM
Skrib looked to the elf who spoke last. "What happened to Bajja that he's not there now?"

Yuki Akuma
2012-07-11, 08:05 AM
Alessia looks up at the sky, mumbling lightly to herself. "Is this the same plane, or... I wonder if time still flows the same way here..." She shakes her head a bit.

She's not paying much attention to the conversation, except to note that this 'Bajja' is apparently missing.

2012-07-11, 09:37 AM
Aerrond says, "Hmm... we are called kesir, half-elf."

He then replies the Skrib.

"No one know where Bajja is. After the War of Broken Peace, he could not be found. Many think he is dead, but not kesir. Forest still alive... Bajja must be also."

You sail on, eventually entering the mouth of a river and continuing downstream, under the canopy of a great woodland. The sounds of birds and creatures surround you as you pass through dappled patches of sunlight and shade. The kesir onboard your vessel had lowered the sail and taken to an oar on either side as their captain called out directions when the water got moving quickly enough. You spot a magnificent elk running alongside you through the trees... almost as if he were racing you. Butterflies and some kind of luminescent creatures flutter this way and that, lighting upon flowers of bright vivid colors. Soon, you notice other movement among the trees out of the corner of your eye. But each time you try to fix your gaze upon it, it seems to not be there at all.

You get the distinct feeling that you are not alone.

2012-07-11, 10:16 AM
Skrib looks around and keeps his ears open. "How do your people feel about non-kesir? And what about people like me? Will I have trouble or...?"

Can you check my modifiers? I'm unsure and on a phone.
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2012-07-11, 11:50 AM
"We kesir are cautious of those outside our forest, especially in these times, but we are not a hasty creatures. If peace is given, peace is granted."

Yuki Akuma
2012-07-11, 11:51 AM
Alessia sits down on the deck again... and decides to actually investigate the leather satchel she was given earlier. After all, she's got nothing better to do!

2012-07-11, 12:10 PM
Seeing her do that, Skrib copies her, checking his own satchel.

2012-07-11, 01:06 PM
After quickly titling her current page of notes "Kesir" Jessica also takes a look inside her satchel.

2012-07-11, 01:49 PM
Opening the small leather satchel, you are surprised to find it very dry inside. In fact, the only dampness seems to come from the outside of the dark brown leather itself. The contents within provide, however, provide just as much curiosity. Each of you finds four small glass vials that appear to contain a watery mauve-colored liquid that bubbles slightly when agitated. In addition, wrapped in a piece of fine light-blue linen, you find two slightly hardened biscuits containing bits of what looks like dried fruit mixed in with the dough. These yet still seem to hold some warmth, despite how long they must have been out of the oven that baked them.

Aerrond, who had been casually observing you all examining these contents, smiles widely and nods in approval.

"You have Essence of Glasston Berry and Issica Biscuits... this is good. These things will serve you well in whatever quest you seek beyond Nevande."

Yuki Akuma
2012-07-11, 02:30 PM
Alessia peers at her new things! She's half tempted to shake one of the vials, but decides that might be a bad idea. She looks up Aerrond with a quizzical expression. "What are these? Are they magical? Alchemical?"

2012-07-11, 04:20 PM
"Yes; they are magics. There is many magics in Dowrenland; you will learn this. I do not know this word 'alchemical'... what does this mean?"

2012-07-12, 12:14 PM
You soon come around a small bend in the river and the waters widen out quite a bit. The flow of the current slows and you can see an elegantly carved wooden dock of to your right. The sailors steer their way over to it and the one called Lyrim tosses a coil of rope up onto the decking of the pier. The other two kesir hop out of the turtle-shell boat and begin tying it off to the moorings, which were each wooden statues carved to look like leaping does. As you move to exit the boat, Lyrim seizes Jessica's shoulder.

[Elven]"Hold a moment. You all must remain here for the envoy."

Aerrond reiterates.

"It is best to wait. There are no less than six bows pointing at you now, no doubt."

Some of you notice that the kesir that you arrived with have begun to undergo some changes to their appearance. Their skin has faded into a ruddy brown color and the texture of their hair has changed into more like, well... hair. It's color has also shifted towards green and their fins and gills seem to be drying up and becoming less prominent. In addition to all of this, they seem to be sprouting small antler-like growths upon their temples. Furthermore, you swear that you just saw the joints in Jerynn's legs move in a most peculiar manner. And there! Aerrond's feet are shrinking and getting darker. After several moments, you begin hearing their footsteps CLOMPing upon the wooden planks. Yes... they've... they've become hooves!


Yuki Akuma
2012-07-12, 03:04 PM
"Alchemical is... like, chemicals, you know? Antidotes and alchemist's fire and stuff... And I did ask what these did..."

She grumps a bit as they're warned not to leave the boat. The mention of bows makes me freeze up a little...

2012-07-13, 11:04 AM
Aerrond looks down at Alessia and smiles.

"You eat to grow and you drink to be smaller."

Enya, who has been silent throughout the entire voyage, bows at the approach of a regal-looking kesir. The newly arrived person is wearing flowing green robes that have a decidedly ceremonial look about them. Flowers still blooming in full color seem to have had their stems woven into the fabric. She wears a wreath of elegant silver upon her head, with branches that appear to be sprouting real autumn-colored leaves!

The rabbit speaks, "I am Enya Tapuk, messenger to Her Majesty, Queen Mirana Callevasia, Ruler of the Ivory Port and the Kingdom of Clubs!"

The kesir, bows slightly in return, and replies.

"I am Envoy Arvara Arnidona. Who are these people you bring into our lands?"

"They are outsiders, from the other world."

The envoy thinks for a moment, before motioning to the group of you.

"Come with me."

Yuki Akuma
2012-07-13, 11:07 AM
"So they're... potions? I've heard stories about potions that can reduce or increase a person's size, so I suppose..." Alessia hmms, then tucks the Drink Me and Eat Me items back into the satchel, then stows the satchel in her pack.

She glances to her ad-hoc companions to see what they do!

2012-07-13, 12:58 PM
Curious about the Kesirs' change in appearence, Jessica makes a note of it in her journal, and decides to wait until later to ask about it.

She puts her journal in the stachel alongside the potions.

Jessica steps off the boat when asked by Arvana.

2012-07-13, 04:57 PM
Skrib returns the items to the pouch and puts them in his backpack before following the group.

2012-07-16, 09:45 AM
You follow Envoy Arvara Arnidona up the pier and onto a game trail. You... sense presence all around you, but see nothing aside from flitting birds or skittering squirrels. The female kesir walks boldly along with a great amount of dignity and grace. It felt almost as if, though all alone, you were all on parade.
The trees here are very tall, easily extending twice the height as any you had ever seen back home, with trunks as big around as the hovels of the poor. After nearly ten minutes of walking, you find yourself in a lovely clearing in this very old forest. Envoy Arnidona approaches one of the trees on the edge and places her hand upon a large knot and turns back towards you.

"Speak the words 'all is hidden before me' in our language, as I am about to, whilst you touch this knot. This is a sacred secret that we trust you will not reveal to those that would wish this land harm."

She then turns her gaze towards the middle of the clearing and utters the words, "Lirund'ull arvan kesha ma."

With this, her body slowly turns into what appears to be pollen and scatters drifting away with the wind.

2012-07-16, 09:57 AM
With barely a moment's hesitation, Skrib places his hand on the knob and speaks, "Lirund'ull arvan kesha ma."

2012-07-17, 12:21 PM
As Skrib and the others follow suit of the Envoy, one by one the same thing happens to them - they speak the words, turn to pollen, and blow away on the wind.

However, what you each see as you speak these words is not yourself turning to pollen. Instead, the clearing around you seems to suddenly bloom to life; filling with creatures who were not there a moment ago. And though the placement of the trees and rocks do not change, much else does. In the blink of an eye, you all find yourselves surrounded with many more of these kesir... going about various tasks, all of which are halted by your arrival. Now, it would appear, all eyes were on you.

Arvara continues on, moving back into the woods, where you can now see houses and other buildings nestled amongst the trees. You are lead to a fairly large structure that looks as though it was made entirely out of the interwoven branches of its supporting trees. A dome-shaped building with open sides, you see an ornate throne set upon a dais directly in the middle. Another important and regal-looking kesir sits in this kingly chair and watches intently as you enter. The Envoy bows deeply before swinging aside to gesture towards you with a sweep of her thin arm. The seated kesir speaks.

"The forest has told me your names and where you are from, outsiders. Enya, you always are welcome to travel through these lands. But the rest of you... I have no knowledge of your intent. Why do you come?"

2012-07-22, 07:47 AM
Seeing nobody speak up, Skrib gets up and speaks for the group, "We received a prophecy and followed a pale Halfling. Ends up he led us to a building and that building had a mirror on it. When we said what it says on the mirror, we appeared here. Then we ran from a werebunny. And then we were kindly lifted out of the water. And now we are here."

Yuki Akuma
2012-07-22, 07:54 AM
Alessia stretches her arms, then holds them behind her head in a relaxed pose. "I think we might technically qualify as 'adventurers' now. Not that we've really gone on any sort of quest yet."

She's grinning. She likes the idea of being an adventurer, apparently... despite how much she seems to protest against traditionally adventury courses of action.

2012-07-25, 12:57 AM
Jessica is in awe of her surroundings, and she is silent for a long while. The place vaguely reminds her of her childhood home and yet still feels very alien. Finally, after Alessia and Skrib speak up, she speaks up, "What Skrib here said is pretty much the whole story. We really have no idea why we are here."

2012-07-25, 10:11 AM
The kesir leader sits quietly as you each speak, contemplating what has been said. He then thinks for a moment, before replying.

"I hear no falsehood in your words, outsiders. You have the trust and the protection that my people can provide you. As far as the kesir are concerned, you may pass through these lands unharmed."

Another kesir approaches Jessica and presents her with a large, but rather simple-looking acorn. The kesir then bows and retreats to where he came. The seated one then resumes.

"This is a token of this vow. Place it against your throat."

When Jessica does so, vine-like tendrils wriggle out from the acorn and grow around the cleric's neck. They intertwine at the back, forming a kind of choker-style necklace, with the acorn displayed prominently at the front.

"Wear this and no kesir will attack you as long as you show them no aggression. Peace be given and peace be granted. You may stay here this night, if you wish it. And in the morning, you are free to go."

Yuki Akuma
2012-07-25, 10:19 AM
Alessia stretches a little bit. "Great..." she says - it's hard to work out if she's being genuine when she says that or not. "Well... looks like we're not going back home any time soon. I guess we'll just stalk the rabbit for a while or something."

2012-07-25, 02:11 PM
Skrib takes a look at the necklace acorn, having never seen anything like it, before turning to their leader and bowing. "Thank you, sir. Is there any way for us to repay your kindness?"

2012-07-25, 03:22 PM
"Treat the forest with kindness and with a light foot. This is all that I ask in return."

With this, you are dismissed from the domed and canopied space. Envoy Arvara leads you away, roughly back in the direction of the clearing. Before you got quite that far, however, she veers off to the left and moves to a large tree that had several windows and platforms on it. The female kesir walks around the trunk of the tree and you can see a door build directly into the bark. Ornately carved, you would think that something like this would have killed this tree, but apparently that was not the case. The ancient oak seemed, on the contrary, to be thriving and its outstretched branches were laden with rich green leaves and sizable acorns. Once inside the tree, you saw a small round room with a tightly-wound wooden spiral staircase off to one side and comfortable-looking wooden furniture adorning the remainder of the room. Another female kesir approached and bowed to the Envoy and then to all of you.

"Welcome to my home, other worlders."

2012-07-25, 11:37 PM
Jessica thanks the kesir upon receiving the necklace. She remains silent as they are lead through the area.

Jessica bows slightly in return to the female kesir's greeting. "Thank you for having us." she responds in elven.

Yuki Akuma
2012-07-26, 04:29 AM
Alessia is silent for a few moments as they enter the house inside a tree. "...Elves," she mutters, and once again it's somewhat hard to work out what she means by that.

"Oh, well. I guess we should get some sleep, or something. We're probably going to have to do something strenuous tomorrow."

2012-07-26, 12:33 PM
"It is my honor." comes the kesir's reply. Her and Envoy Arvara bow to one another and the Envoy bids you each farewell before departing. The other kesir leads you up the spiral staircase to reveal several more levels of living space, all of which seem to have been temporarily converted into rooms for sleeping. The males are given one floor, and the females another, allowing for privacy you are told. You are offered an evening meal that consists of balls of a hearty dough in a stew of honey, pine nuts, and reddish orange berries. Served along with it, if accepted, is a light sweet wine that also tastes of some summery fruit or another. Overall it is quite satisfying and delicious, especially for the supper having a noticeable absence of meat.

As you begin to bed down for the evening, the rays of dusk begin to creep in through the open windows of the home. And as the sky begins to turn a multitude of colors, you hear singing drifting about on the wind... almost a melodic whisper as a harmony of quiet voices echoed the words throughout the kesir settlement.

"Quora Nor mor ironoresh
Ent sehan eyl atha faleyl mor,
Nodel ent Stacii ellan lorwashia arquen,
Aul eyl neh'arra faleyl Enna fal Maskan.
Gayafila huo'sehan neh ellan rell'jaciah faer daquin,
Gayafila huo'nuhl lirundil karask fal navae.
Ellan ennarell nae quen artaeyl holm,
Leg'ennarell; ryum aul neheli tassa."

{Translation... for those that speak Elven.}
"When Sun dies each day
And walks the land of the dead,
Moon and Stars will watch over us,
In the absence of the One of Fire.
May his journey be not fraught with danger,
May he vanquish any creatures of darkness.
Return to us on the morrow,
Born again; victorious in your deeds."

2012-07-30, 12:46 AM
Jessica enjoys the meal and is glad for a warm bed after the day's excitement. Right before heading to bed, she takes out her "journal" and reviews her notes, thankful for the bard's Mage Hand, and adds a few more.

The song, although she has never heard it before, comforts her.

In the morning, she prays to Pelor for her spells soon after waking, then heads downstairs for breakfast.

2012-07-30, 12:52 AM
Skrib doesn't understand the song but does acknowledge its beauty to himself as he goes to sleep. In the morning, he takes fifteen minutes to get back his spells. After that, he goes down and gets breakfast. After he eats, he takes out his lyre and plays.

Perform: [roll0]
If he hears himself performing worse than usual, then he switches the song and instead takes 10. 18

Yuki Akuma
2012-07-30, 04:36 AM
Alessia collapses into bed almost immediately, and is soon snoring away... Seems she was tired. That might be why she was so grumpy!

... Or, more likely, she's just a grump.

In the morning... she tries to excuse herself and go off somewhere secluded for a bit. Then she takes out her chalk and three candles, and starts to draw... a circle.

2012-07-30, 11:31 AM
You each sleep quite well despite being so far from home, in every facet of the word. Going about your individual morning rituals and tasks, breakfast brings you all back together at your host's table. Another meal, consisting of no trace of meat, graces your plates as a serving of berries and fruits and you are given extremely fresh water that is surprisingly cool and crisp to the palette. When you are finished eating and gathering your gear, you set out once more.

The kesirs all watch, giving fare-wells and good-lucks as you pass. Enya, your white rabbit counterpart who has been rather quiet throughout this latest ordeal, leads you back to the tree knot that granted you access to this splendid settlement. He places his hand upon the knot and turns to you.

"Shall we?"

2012-07-30, 11:34 AM
Before they left, Skrib had walked around and looked for a store, to ask what currency they used in this world.

After that, he went back and all the rest of what Erasmas said. He nodded. "Not much else to do here anyway."

Yuki Akuma
2012-07-30, 11:46 AM
Alessia finishes the ritual, then attempts to get rid of any chalk marks left on the ground before heading back inside! She eats silently, then follows along after Enya. "Let's."

Oddly enough, her voice is noticeably deeper today...

2012-07-30, 12:17 PM
Jessica follows Enya to the tree knot, excited about the new day. "Yes, let's!"

2012-07-30, 12:43 PM
You each touch the knot and recite the incantation in the elvish words, "Lirund'ull arvan kesha ma". As every one of your party members transforms into pollen once more and drifts off upon the wind, you wonder where those winds might be blowing. The symbolic nature of this simple sight is not lost upon you, as you wonder where the winds of fate might be blowing you as you speak the words yourself.

As you do so, you watch the kesir and buildings around you deteriorate into the orange and yellow leaves of autumn, as they flutter to the ground and become nothing more than a part of the forest floor. Turning further south, the white rabbit makes his way onto another game trail that cuts its way through the forest. Soon, you find the trail you are on crosses an established roadway. Looking both directions, you can see that the well-maintained structure seems to lead quite some distance either way... it's bright yellows stones cobbled together to form a fairly even surface for travel.

2012-07-30, 01:27 PM
Skrib came out onto the road and looked to either side, trying to spot something in the distance to tell him of the different things in each way.

Spot: [roll0]

[Edit: He didn't see anything]

He turned back to the rabbit and asked, "So, which way?"

Yuki Akuma
2012-07-30, 02:09 PM
Alessia follows the yellow brick road! Well, she's really following Enya, but same outcome.

2012-07-30, 03:56 PM
Enya turns toward the bridge, heading in a southwestern direction.

"My kingdom is this way. There are many leagues yet to travel until I am home, and the journey may still yet be treacherous... especially while still here within the Forest of Bajja. Stay sharp, your wits could mean the difference between arriving at our destination or becoming a sketch upon a Missing Poster."

You are travel onward, following the white rabbit down this yellow cobbled road for the entire day with little real interruption. However, as the day wanes into twilight and the shadows grow long, you begin to see fleeting glimpses of those same shadows move. Soon after, a glowing blue light appears off to the right side of the road, bobbing and emitting a soft whispering noise, too quiet to make out. All told, the visage is really quite alluring.

"Damnable fey! Eyes ahead, my friends. Eyes ahead!"

Suddenly, from not that far up the road and what sounds like just out of visibility, you all hear a blood-curdling roar. The blue light that had appeared beside the road vanishes and you are all left with nothing more than the empty silence that follows. The hair on the backs of your necks stiffen and you all find that your feet have, at least temporarily, stopped their forward progression.

Yuki Akuma
2012-07-30, 04:07 PM
Alessia freezes in her tracks at the sound of the roar. She swiftly pulls her morningstar from its belt loop, and looks around suspiciously. "...What was that?"

2012-07-30, 04:38 PM
Skrib tries to tell the creature from the roar as he draws his crossbow.

Knowledge Arcana: [roll0]
Knowledge Nature: [roll1]
Maybe it's in myth books or something?

2012-07-30, 06:19 PM
Jessica, pulling out her mace, also tries to identify the source of the roar.

I've chosen my spells for today, they're on my character sheet.

Knowledge arcana: [roll0]
Knowledge nature: [roll1]

And just in case:
Knowledge religion: [roll2]
Knowledge the planes: [roll3]

2012-07-31, 09:30 AM
Neither Skrib nor Jessica are certain what kind of animal could have made such a tremendous noise, but it sounded bestial and quite large. After several seconds of his nose twitching and his ears being perfectly still, Enya picks up the pace as he continues down the road.

"Quickly. It's best that we not be caught..."

Coming around a bend in the road, the sight you see stops the white rabbit both in his tracks and his sentence. Ahead of you, in the middle of the yellow-bricked path, you see a creature that looks like a lion standing on its hind legs. The strange thing is that this lion is wearing clothing and armor and is swinging his arms around in powerful attacks. And what he is swinging at are tiny winged things that are zipping this way and that, which appear to be taunting the beast by dangling a sword just out of his reach that is much too large to be theirs.

The white rabbit replies, quite sarcastically, "Oh, wonderful... faeries."


Yuki Akuma
2012-07-31, 09:57 AM
Alessia pauses for a moment or two, then hangs her weapon by its loop again... and walks forward. "Hail! We appear to be lost. Would any of you be so kind as to tell us where we are?"

Bluff (to distract them): Taking 10, so 17. Yes, Naberius lets me take 10 on Bluff checks.

2012-07-31, 10:49 AM
The two faeries holding the beast's sword aloft seem to be successfully distracted by Alessia's call. The lion creature takes the opportunity and wrenches his sword free from their clutches. You hear a deep, throaty purr come from him as a smile plays across his fanged mouth. In a guttural voice with rolling 'r's he says:

"Now the tables have turrned, sprrites! If a fight is what you werre afterr, it is a fight that you shall have."

Yuki Akuma
2012-07-31, 10:52 AM
"Well, that worked!" Alessia makes 'dusting' motions with her hands, then pauses. "...I'm hoping that was the right thing to do."

2012-07-31, 12:36 PM
Skrib readied his lyre and went to stand near Alessia. "Maybe we can let them be? This doesn't look like a problem on our end, after all. Enya... which of the two creatures we're looking at is more likely to attack or bother us after their fight?"

2012-07-31, 12:54 PM
"Well, one of them is of the Kazzbah Pride Nation, and he seems a strong warrior from the looks of him. It really just depends on how angry he is when the faeries are all either dead or gone. The faeries, on the other hand... revel in bothering travelers."

2012-07-31, 06:35 PM
Jessica lowers her mace and wraps her free hand around the sun hanging from a chain around her neck. She stands next to her companions, watching the lion-man and the faeries.

Also, I love those faerie pictures. The first one in particular reminds me a lot of a character I'm currently playing. I've been having trouble imagining exactly what she looks like, and that's the closest I've seen :smallbiggrin:

2012-08-03, 10:12 AM
Faerie 4:
[roll0] (Attack, Bow)
[roll1] (Damage, if a hit)
[roll2] (Random Specialty Arrow effect, if hit)

Kazzbah{aka Lion-Man}:
[roll3] (Defense Roll)
[roll4] (Will save, if needed)
[roll5] (Fort save, if needed)

One of the feyfolk hovers for a moment, and looses a tiny arrow in the direction of the lion. The small projectile barely penetrates his armor, however, which seems to be a lightly-tanned hide of some strange origin. The lion man snarls, his upper lip curling up to reveal a bright white fang.

2012-08-03, 03:17 PM
Skrib proceeds to play on his lyre. "If we're going to fight, someone tell me and I'll start bolstering your will. If not, then tell me to. I can only use this type of magic once a day."

Perform: [roll0]
AC if anything attacks Skrib #1: [roll1]
AC if anything attacks Skrib #2: [roll2]
[Comment: Two natural 20s and a single 10? I'm fine with this. I wonder if the music could distract people in combat if it's good enough... probably not, *shrug*]

Readied action: Use Inspire Courage.
Condition: He's told that they're going to attack or he sees one of his allies going to attack.

If its activated, +1 to Saves vs Charm/Fear and +1 on attack and damage rolls.

2012-08-06, 09:24 AM
Faerie 3:
[roll0] (Attack, Bow)
[roll1] (Damage, if a hit)
[roll2] (Random Specialty Arrow effect, if hit)

Kazzbah{aka Lion-Man}:
[roll3] (Defense Roll)
[roll4] (Will save, if needed)
[roll5] (Fort save, if needed)

Another of the faeries trains its little bow upon the kazzbah and fires as well, but this shot breezes past the beast's mane, embedding itself into a nearby tree.

Yuki Akuma
2012-08-06, 01:56 PM
Alessia keeps her morningstar in hand as she moves towards the melee! She points at one of the fairies at random, glares, and states a snigle, magically-charged word. "Flee."

Defense roll #1! [roll0]
Defense roll #2! [roll1]

If only I'd bound Savnok...

Using Persausive Words on... Faerie number [roll2]. Will save DC 13 or be forced to flee from combat for one round, as per [url=http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/command.htm]

2012-08-06, 02:52 PM
Faerie 1:
(Attack, Bow)
[roll1] (Damage, if a hit)
[roll2] (Random Specialty Arrow effect, if hit)

Alessia's Defense Roll was a 7, so she was hit and takes 3 points of damage. Likewise, she needs a Reflex save (effect will last [roll]1d3 rounds)!

Faerie 2:
[roll3] (Attack, Bow)
[roll]1d3 (Damage, if a hit)
[roll]1d4 (Random Specialty Arrow effect, if hit)

Kazzbah{aka Lion-Man}:
[roll4] (Defense Roll)
[roll5] (Will save, if needed)
[roll6] (Fort save, if needed)
His turn! He is attacking Faerie 3.
[roll7] (Attack 1, Bastard Sword)
[roll8] (Attack 2, Bastard Sword)
[roll9] (Damage 1, if a hit)
[roll10] (Damage 2, if a hit)

Faerie 3:
[roll11] (Defense Roll 1)
[roll12] (Defense Roll 2)

One of the fey folk turns their attention on the approaching Binder, and fires an arrow at her, hitting her directly in the right bicep! Alessia feels a strange sensation coursing through her body, originating at the site of the wound. It feels almost like something was snaking its way up and down her arm beneath the skin. Suddenly, the branches of the nearby trees and the grass near the edges of the road and in between the bricks grow tremendously and begin grasping at Alessia's limbs!

The remaining faerie looses yet another tiny arrow in the direction of the lion, who swats the projectile away with a swing of his sword. He then follows up with two powerful swings of his large sword at the nearest faerie to him. The first of these connects and fells the winged creature, cutting her neatly in twain!

2012-08-07, 09:11 AM
sorry for the delay, I can't psot much at work, and I was busy all yesterday. I don't have access to mythweavers at the moment, so someone may have to check my numbers

Jessica steps up to the faerie that shot Alessia and swings her mace at it.

Damage: [roll1]

2012-08-07, 12:02 PM
Faerie 1:

Jessica attacks one of the fey folk, who emits a twittering laugh as she twirls upward and away from the cleric's weapon, causing her to miss.

Another of the three remaining faeries kisses the palm of her hand and blows it at the kazzbah. You watch as the trail of sparkling pinkish energy travels through the air and hits the lion directly on the nose. He wrinkles up his nose and snorts. Shaking his head, he then resumes his attack.

Yuki Akuma
2012-08-10, 09:17 AM
Alessia yelps as she feels the pinprick of the tiny arrow in her arm... then yelps again as she's suddenly tied up by plantlife! She struggles against the plants, glowering. "I really should have bound Savnok today...!"

Strength check! [roll0]

If I succeed I'll move half my speed towards the fairies. (Assuming this works like the Entangle spell, the DC should be 20.)

2012-08-10, 09:21 AM
Faerie 1:
[roll0] (Attack, Bow)
[roll1] (Damage, if a hit)
[roll2] (Random Specialty Arrow effect, if hit)

Jessica's Defense Roll was a 19, so she was missed!

Faerie 2:
[roll3] (Attack, Bow)
[roll4] (Damage, if a hit)
[roll5] (Random Specialty Arrow effect, if hit)

Kazzbah{aka Lion-Man}:
[roll6] (Defense Roll)
[roll7] (Will save, if needed)
[roll8] (Fort save, if needed)
His turn (as long as nothing prevents him from taking it)! He is attacking Faerie 2.
[roll9] (Attack 1, Bastard Sword)
[roll10] (Attack 2, Bastard Sword)
[roll11] (Damage 1, if a hit)
[roll12] (Damage 2, if a hit)

Faerie 2:
[roll13] (Defense Roll 1)
[roll14] (Defense Roll 2)

The faerie that Jessica attacked flies back a short distance and looses another arrow at her, missing by almost a foot and skittering off into the underbrush beside the yellow cobbled road.

Yet another missile flies at the lion man, this one catching a gap in his armor and pricking his skin, judging by the wincing reaction he gives. You see his expression change to one of confusion as whatever faerie magic courses from the wound to one of resolute anger when he pushes his body past the effects and resumes his attack.

He swings his bastard sword at the tiny creature, felling it from the air before plunging the tip of his weapon into his body once it hits the ground.

2012-08-10, 10:17 AM
Skrib keeps his performance going, inspiring his allies to greatness. While he did so, he spoke to the enemies, "Sir Lion, might I ask what has happened here to start the fight? I doubt the fairies would answer, so could you?" Previous Perform: [28]
Previous AC #1: [27]
Previous AC #2: [17]

Using: Inspire Courage.
Effect: +1 to Saves vs Charm/Fear and +1 on attack and damage rolls.

2012-08-11, 12:27 PM
"Yes, please explain!" Jessica says as she swats at the faerie who shoot at her.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Edit: both rolls are +1 with Skrib's bonus, so 3 and 3 :/

2012-08-13, 12:11 PM
Seeing two of their brethren killed so brutally, the remaining two faeries disappear right in front of your eyes... leaving nothing but the high-pitched sound of their sobbing, which likewise fades away. The lion man, breathing heavily, sheathes his sword and turns to speak to you.

"I... durring my trravels, I... grrew wearry. I sought to rrest beneath this trree, but forr a moment. When I awoke, these creaturres had taken my sworrd. They werre... taunting me when you came along."


You hear the sarcastic laughter of a female voice come from the forest off to your left. Turning your attention in that direction, you see an eerie visage... a white fanged smile and a set of bright green eyes looking down at you from a high branch. Despite being disembodied, the floating facial features speak!

"Poorr little kitten. The mean faerries werre picking on the poorr, defenseless trravellerr!"

The creature shifts and begins to, with exceptional grace, climb down out of the tree. As she does so, you watch with amazement as the rest of her materializes. You see another cat-like person, though this one is lithe and sleek. The feline woman glides herself in the direction of the lion man, who reaches for the hilt of his sword once more as he emits a low warning growl. She clicks her tongue audibly several times in rapid succession, the smiling never leaving her face.

"Now, now Olezen, Disbanded King... you arre in the land of my king now. Little buzzing flies are one thing, but it would be unwise of you to strrike at one of his..."

She places a single finger upon the back of his hand and traces it coyly up his bracer, up his arm, and onto his shoulder. She moves around behind him, pressing herself against his back and whispering dangerously close to his ear.

"... favorrite subjects. Besides, you and I both know that the sworrd does not belong to you any longerr."

You see anger and angst flash across the face of Olezen and the leather-wrapped sword hilt creaks under the pressure of his tightened grip. The female comes from behind him and turns her back full towards the lion. After a brief moment, he removes his hand from his side, his shoulders falling in defeat. She tilts her head back over her shoulder at him and you can all hear a satisfactory purr come from her as her tail begins to sway back and forth. She moves herself to a nearby stump and sits upon it, crossing her legs daintily. Olezen then speaks, but the fight is gone from his words.

"I know who you arre, Pindarra Tabberr. You arre no longerr a memberr of the Prride Nation, the same as me. Howeverr, you chose yourr exile."

"Trrue. But therre shouldn't be any rreason why we cannot all be frriends, no?"

Pindarra shoots a playful look in your direction.


2012-08-13, 12:40 PM
Skrib nods and keeps on playing. "Violence only breeds more violence." He looked over at the catgirl and asked, "Miss Tabber, was it? Do you mind if I ask why you taunt Sir Olezen?"

Yuki Akuma
2012-08-13, 01:04 PM
Alessia watches the faeries vanish, sobbing. She pauses her struggles for a moment. "...Welp, now I feel bad..."

She looks down at the entangling plantlife. "...Is anyone going to help me here?"

2012-08-13, 01:05 PM
"Not at all, ant-ling."

2012-08-13, 01:53 PM
"Right, introductions. I am Skrib Adanech." Skrib proceeds to introduce the rest of the party. "Alessia, just relax. The vines will regress soon enough. Now, on to more. Why is it that you taunt the lion?"

2012-08-13, 03:00 PM
"Because, Skrrib Adanech, Barrd Singerr frrom the Outside Lands... when the mighty fall frrom upon theirr high rrock, those of us who have been at the bottom must rremind them of the distance."

Olezen literally roars, causing birds from the nearby forest to take to the air.

"You arre a trraitor to yourr own kind, Pindarra!"

Pindarra lets out a ravenous laugh, seemingly unphased by the lion's roar. She reclines slightly, shifting her weight back on her hands behind her. Her tail flickers in a snake-like manner, as it disappears and reappears in a rippling effect up and down its length.

2012-08-13, 03:36 PM
Skrib takes a step away from the line separating the two of the felines. "Hold on now, we don't want any fight around here. Olezen, seeing as you get angry easily and most likely have a quick sword-arm, I suggest you calm down, she wants to get you angry. Pindarra, is this how you want your king's first impression to us outsiders to be? Same goes to you, Olezen, but less so as we're not in his land."

2012-08-13, 04:52 PM
"I have no intention of fighting herr. Therre is no honorr in killing a beast that has none to starrt with."

Olezen moves to the dead bodies of the faeries and removes a small leaf-pouch from each one of their tiny belts. He places one into his own belt pouch, and offers the other to Jessica.

"Forr the aid you gave."

Pindarra speaks loudly, talking over the lion.

"Honorr, good Banished King Olezen?! Do please inforrm us all about the points of honorr... and starrt with the parrt about how you rran away with the sworrd that belongs to yourr usurrperr."

Rage swells behind the eyes of the Kazzbah and he bellows out another roar, this time accompanied by the drawing of the aforementioned blade. She purrs loudly as her smirk widens wickedly. He points the tip of the weapon in her direction but does not move to approach.

"You decided that yourr loyalty was forr sale long ago. You know nothing of honorr or prride... you abandoned them when you abandoned your nation!"

Pindarra leaps up from her perch and moves like she is going to close with the lion. He quickly adopts a fighting stance, which causes her to feign fright... which just as quickly fades into another rolling laugh. Instead, she moves to Alessia and begins caressing her face and then her arms, touching the plants and causing them to retreat slowly back to their natural state, releasing her.

"I think I made him angrry, no? Perrhaps he just needs someone to give him the prroperr... rrelease. My king carres not forr firrst imprressions, Outsiderr. You arre not of his forrrest and you arre not of this land. Rrememberr that yourr presence herre has been noted."

Pindarra then slyly approaches Olezen, locking eyes with the great creature.

"And be carreful who you trravel with, Newcomerrs. You wouldn't want to be thought of as cowarrds by association."

With this, Olezen swings his bastard sword at the taunting cat, cleaving her visage in half. Except that when his blade makes contact with her, her form bursts into a shiny golden powder. You hear the laughter of Pindarra once more, coming from the branch where you had originally seen her face. Looking back, you see her entire form sitting lazily in the dappled shadows. Olezen points his blade at her once more.

"Marrk my worrds, Pindarra Tabberr, Lacky of Bajja - the next time I see you, you will have had yourr last laugh."

Her laughs becomes a deep throaty cackle as she slowly disappears, leaving only her eyes and her smile once again.

"We shall see, Olezen Exiled King... we shall see. And you," she says, indicating your party, "I will be watching you with interrest."

She begins yet another laugh, until all traces of her presence finally fade all together.

2012-08-13, 05:52 PM
Skrib says his farewells to the feline, just before she left. "Sir Olezen, did I not tell you to stay calm? Exactly what she wanted was to get you angry. But... I must admit I am curious: What is it that happened to you?"

2012-08-13, 06:28 PM
Jessica watches the scene quietly, taking the pouch with a simple, "Thank you.".

Once the cat-lady leaves, Jessica speaks up. "Wait, before any long conversations, is anybody hurt? I can heal some minor injuries."

2012-08-14, 09:30 AM
"I sufferred only a scrratch, I do not rrequirre healing. I thank you forr yourr offerr howeverr."

Olezen readies the remainder of his gear solemnly. He seems as though he is deep in thought, his mind in a far away place or time. When his reply to Skrib's question comes, it is simple.

"As she said, I was banished. I was strripped of my honorr and my people in the same motion."

2012-08-14, 12:26 PM
"Would you mind sharing the rest of the story with us? And if not, just answering some questions? For example, why did you get banished?" Skrib stops the song he had been playing and clips the small harp back onto his belt.

2012-08-15, 11:13 AM
You can see the subject weigh heavily on Olezen's shoulders. When he speaks, you hear the quiver in his voice.

"I was once the Warrlorrd of the Kazzbah Prride Nation. As is customarry, the strrongest and noblest is allowed to lead. Not long ago, I came acrross a lone giant in the norrtherrn rreaches of ourr lands. I grravely wounded herr and when I moved to deliverr the killing strrike, she... she crried out forr merrcy. I stayed my hand and durring my hesitation, anotherr giant appearred frrom hiding and drrove herr spearr into my back. I killed the second and rreturrned home. Saving the life of a giant is borrderring trreason among my... the Prride. And so, what I had done had to rremain a secrret... and so too my wound. Beforre I was rrecoverred, a young warrriorr named Asarru challenged me for leaderrship, as is custom. One cannot rrefuse a challange... unless injurry prrevents him frrom fighting at his best. In the state I was in, Asarru easily defeated me. With this, I lost my title and soon afterr, what I had done was discoverred. And so I was banished. And with warr brrewing... Asarru will strrengthen his position as Warrlorrd beyond measurre."

2012-08-16, 02:35 PM
Skrib nods, showing he understood. "Now that that's all done, how about we continue onwards? Where are you headed to, Olezen?"

Yuki Akuma
2012-08-17, 07:20 AM
Alessia is apparently sulking right now, as she picks bits of foliage out of her clothes. Getting humiliated by a pixie... that's so... humiliating.

She does listen to what's being said, but she makes no comment. She's sure Skrib is pretty good at the "diplomacy" thing - Bards usually are, right?