View Full Version : Quicken Teleport Feat?

2012-05-31, 10:16 PM
I though there was a feat in BoED or BoVD that enabled outsiders with Teleport (SLA) to do so as a quickened action. I can't find it, though, and googling doesn't tell me what it's called or where it is.

Did I remember wrong?

2012-05-31, 10:25 PM
Quickshift. It's a BoED spell.

2012-05-31, 10:25 PM
Quicken Spell-Like Ability does what you want. Requires SLA at caster level 10. I don't know if that's what you wanted.

2012-05-31, 10:36 PM
Quicken Spell-Like Ability does what you want. Requires SLA at caster level 10. I don't know if that's what you wanted.

Quicken Spell-Like Ability (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsterFeats.htm#quickenSpellLikeAbility) requires CL 18 for a regular Teleport. Outsiders usually (always?) get Greater Teleport, so you're not quickening that any time soon...

2012-05-31, 10:38 PM
Quicken Spell-Like Ability does what you want. Requires SLA at caster level 10. I don't know if that's what you wanted.

Well, I was making some advanced Bearded Devils for a high-Op campaign (adding 4HD to get large makes them MUCH more worthy opponents, and only costs 2CR per the outsider advancement rules.) I wanted to be able to let them get full attacks off before the party mage vaporizes them, or before they eat 200 damage from martial initiators and die.

Pre-advanced, they have CL 12 for Greater Teleport. I could easily say that adding 4 HD makes that CL 16. However, the table for Quicken SLA says that they need to be CL 21+ to Quicken a 7th level spell duplicated by SLA. Even a 5th level spell (teleport) would require CL 18 to use Quicken SLA.

Quickshift. It's a BoED spell.

Thanks. Unfortunately, that doesn't help in the case of these non-caster devils, though. :smallfrown:

EDIT: Swordsaged by a poster with quickened teleport! :smalltongue:

So, is there any RAW way to give them quickening on their teleport ability, even if it's just 1-2 times per day, or should I consider houseruling it?

2012-05-31, 11:17 PM
Continuing on to try to find a solution to the problem I was hoping to address:

After looking at Bo9S, I've realized that I could swap out the Weapon Focus (glaive) for Martial Study (Steel Wind) and that would let them attack 2 characters at their highest BAB. It still doesn't let them full attack right when they teleport, though.

I could somewhat solve the problem with a Pounce Barbarian level, but that still means they'd have to get within range of the mage, and then charge the next turn. The paranoia combo of Anticipate Teleport and Mindsight 100' plus lockdown tactics will shut that down rather nicely, so I was thinking the ideal solution would be to somehow combine a teleport and a full attack.

Having realized this synergy between the characters, this causes me to respect my players all the more. They've basically created a situation where raw numbers have to be applied, which is great.

According to the encounter calculator, 4 advanced Bearded Devils (CR 7) constitute an EL 11 encounter. Assuming all 4 teleport in, 2 of them probably die outright in the opening round to damage overdose, which means 2 will get to make full attacks. They attack at +19/+14 against ACs of 24-32, for an average of 21 damage per hit; Power Attack does not seem very meaningful as it will cause the second attack to have less than 50% chance of landing. (A full power attack would be +20 damage, but the second attack would almost certainly miss, and the first attack might miss as well. This kind of makes it a wash; removing Power Attack frees up another feat for my feeble attempt to make them survive to round 3.)

Characters have 60-100 hit points; assuming our predictions hold, 2 characters will take ~42 damage and begin bleeding before the remaining bearded devils are exterminated at the bottom of round 2/top of round 3. The 4 bearded devils, though listed as "challenging" by the encounter rules, are only a light workout for the party unless something unexpected happens like a critical, or the cleric failing to stop the bleeding swiftly after the fighting ends.

What happens if I up the number to 6? The EL is now 12, "Very Difficult." Assuming that 2 die per round, 4 survive to attack in round 2, yielding 8 attacks for ~42 damage to 4 characters. Then another 1-2 die (the most powerful strikes and boosts having been depleted, it's not as certain that 2 will die the 2nd round.) In round 3, 2-3 remaining devils make full attacks again and probably drop 2 characters.

So . . . while I can make up for the inability to teleport and full attack with sheer numbers, it's tricky to increase the numbers without risking a significant number of deaths.

2012-05-31, 11:51 PM
I would suggest mixed tactics as opposed to just increasing the amount of barbed devils. Try cluttering the field with a few smaller demons who charge in or flyers skirmishing. While the party is engaged with the small fry, the Barbed Devils pop in and do their thing. If everything is spread out, some of the BFC becomes less effective.

2012-06-01, 12:34 AM
Hmm, I guess I could mix them in with regular bearded devils. Not much else seems to be "soldier" material at lower CR; there's the bezikiira, which is clearly some kind of scout/ranger analogue that does best against lightly armored targets, lemures, which aren't even a speed bump for an EL 11 party, the erinyes, a caster type which summons bearded devils . . . I suppose CR 5 kythons would make a reasonable distraction.

EDIT: Oh, how silly of me. A pack of hell hounds would probably do.