View Full Version : Level 20 One Shot

2012-06-01, 02:04 AM
So I have been invited to a friends one shot to rescue an all powerful NPC who was placed into a coma by Pandorym (3.5 Elder Evil).

We have been told to make a level 20 character using both 3.5/Pathfinder rules. Now to be clear; he uses the rules VERY loosely and never uses minis or battlemap combat.

Its less about the crunch and more about the fluff and story, so I guess I am more looking for a concept that can work with others but also stand on its own.

The other players are playing a Wizard/Abjurant Champion/IotSV combo (very defensive oriented) the other player (Wife of the first) is playing a Sorceror/Force Missile Mage/Incantatrix (lots of metamagic cheese with magic missile) the other player is going with a Factotum (but really rules are thrown out here with him, he cant/doesnt do combatbut apparently "knows" practically everything, its weird. I cant even explain it other than hes alot like the Dos Equis Guy, likes to call himself the most interesting man in the multiverse.

The ultimate goal of the game is going into the comatose characters "psyche" magically to defeat the forces that are keeping him down, think Innerspace but more magic. In the end his safe return to the awake and living is whats wanted, but if we win, then we return "psionics" to the planes, as they went dead when Pandorym was stopped.

So fluff and ideas? Crunch matters little but if its there to explain how I do what I can do, then great. The DM is big on being told how something works so the player can do what he does.

2012-06-01, 05:11 AM
A single level 20 magic user should be able to take out Pandorym and any mobs he has with him.

I'm not sure what you're asking us. Are you asking us for character suggestions?

If so, here's my suggetsion: a Cleric/Monk/Sacred Fist of Zuoken, the neutral demigod of mental and physical perfection. Zuoken is a god from the Expanded Psionics Handbook. He can want psionics to return to the world and charge his most prominent monk-clerics with that task. Through the use of mental and physical prowess your character seeks to destroy Pandorym's plots with his magical kung fu.

Averis Vol
2012-06-01, 05:17 AM
It looks to me like those could all be crunch builds :smalltongue:

but realistically it looks like your missing some kind of meat shield, so maybe something like

earth dwarf whirling frenzy spirit lion totem barbarian 2/dungeon crasher fighter 4/ deep warden 2/ dungeon crasher fighter +2/ bear warrior 10. That way you can be effective at tearing faces off, get con to ac and makes for an interesting character to roleplay.

2012-06-01, 11:23 AM
Given the level of optimization of the rest of your party, I'd probably go with something like Druid 10/ Planar Shepherd 10. Full casting, plus plenty of great Wildshapes to go into melee if needed. You could probably go further, but I don't think you'd need to.

Despite it's reputation, this build can be very flavorful and character-driven, but it is up to you to provide that.