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2012-06-01, 04:43 PM

Cedric Athad, Human Alchemist, moments before creating a philosopher's stone.
Image is “The Alchemist” by Yuumei of deviantArt.

Class Skills
The Alchemist's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (all skills, taken separately) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), and Use Magic Device (Cha)
Special: An Alchemist can train and use the Craft (Alchemy) skill even if he does not have levels in an arcane spellcasting class.
Skills Points at Each Level: 4 + int

Alignment: Any.
Abilities: Intelligence is of primary use to Alchemists, as this determines both their skill points and the effectiveness of their transmutations. Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution are all important to an Alchemist who wishes to engage in physical combat, while Charisma can help increase an Alchemist's ability to create and use magical items.
Hit Dice: d8

{table=head]Level|BAB|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Transmutations

1st| +0 | +2 | +0 | +2 |Alchemical Companion, Brew Potion, Item Creation, Philosopher's Stone|Minor

2nd| +1 | +3| +0 | +3 |Augmented Strike +1|Minor

3rd| +1 | +3 | +1 | +3 |Enhanced Alchemy|Minor

4th| +2 | +4 | +1 | +4 |Arcane Secrets (1st)|Minor

5th| +2 | +4 | +1| +4 |Bonus Feat|Minor

6th| +3 | +5 | +2 | +5 |Intuit Item|Major

7th| +3 | +5 | +2 | +5 |Elixir of Life|Major

8th| +4 | +6 | +2 | +6 |Eternal Alchemy|Major

9th| +4 | +6 | +3 | +6 |Arcane Secrets (2nd)|Major

10th| +5 | +7 | +3 | +7 |Bonus Feat|Major

11th| +5 | +7 | +3 | +7 |Favored Element|Greater

12th| +6/+1 | +8 | +4 | +8 |Augmented Strike +2|Greater

13th| +6/+1 | +8 | +4 | +8 | -- |Greater

14th| +7/+2 | +9 | +4 | +9 |Arcane Secrets (3rd)|Greater

15th| +7/+2 | +9 | +5 | +9 |Bonus Feat|Greater

16th| +8/+3 | +10 | +5 | +10 |Eternal Alchemy|Grand

17th| +8/+3 | +10 | +5 | +10 |Transmogrification|Grand

18th| +9/+4 | +11 | +6 | +11 |Favored Element|Grand

19th| +9/+4 | +11 | +6 | +11 |Arcane Secrets (4th)|Grand

20th| +10/+5 | +12 | +6 | +12 |Alchemical Ascension, Bonus Feat|Grand[/table]

Class Features: The following are all class features of the Alchemist.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Alchemists are proficient with simple weapons and with light armor, but not with shields.

Because the somatic components required for Alchemist transmutations are relatively simple, an Alchemist can use any of his transmutations while wearing light armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure. However, like arcane spellcasters, an Alchemist wearing medium or heavy armor or using a shield incurs a chance of arcane spell failure (all transmutations have a somatic component, even those that alter or augment your companion's attacks). A multiclass Alchemist still incurs the normal arcane spell failure for arcane spells received from levels in other classes.

Alchemist's Path: While all Alchemists have the ability to craft the same alchemical items, the study that led them to their calling can be vastly different. At first level, an Alchemist chooses whether to pursue the path of the Elemental Weaver or the path of the Constructor. Elemental Weavers learn transmutations that focus on damaging and disabling foes with raw elemental forces, while Constructors learn transmutations that reshape the battlefield or their own bodies into deadly weapons while augmenting their companion's offensive and defensive abilities.

Once made, this choice is permanent.

Transmutations (Sp): An Alchemist does not prepare or cast spells as wielders of arcane magic do. Instead, he possesses a repertoire of attacks, defenses, and abilities known as transmutations that require him to focus the alchemic energy within his philosopher's stone. An Alchemist begins play with one transmutation from his chosen path. At each level thereafter, he learns an additional transmutation of any rank that he has access to, as shown on the table above. An Alchemist can use any transmutations he knows at will, with the following qualifications:

An Alchemist's transmutations are spell-like abilities with an activation time of a full-round action; using a transmutation therefore provokes attacks of opportunity and can be disrupted, just as a spell can be ruined during casting. An Alchemist is entitled to a Concentration check to successfully use a transmutation if he is hit by an attack while casting, just as a spellcaster would be. An Alchemist can choose to use a transmutation defensively, by making a successful Concentration check, to avoid provoking attacks of opportunity. An Alchemist's transmutations are subject to spell resistance unless a transmutation's description states otherwise. An Alchemist's caster level with transmutations is equal to his class level. For the purpose of spell level and school equivalencies, the level of a transmutation is equal to 1, plus one for every two class levels beyond first, to a maximum of 9 at level 17, and all transmutations are considered spells from the Transmutation school.

The save DC for a transmutation (if it allows a save) is 10 + equivalent spell level + the Alchemist's Intelligence modifier. Since spell-like abilities are not actually spells, an Alchemist cannot benefit from the Spell Focus feat. He can, however, benefit from the Ability Focus feat, as well as feats that alter the way spell-like abilities function, such as the Empower Spell-like Ability feat.

Some transmutations have the [Tandem] descriptor. Using these transmutations requires that both you and your companion (see Alchemical Companion, below) take the action outlined in the transmutation entry. Using [Tandem] transmutations consumes a full-round action for both yourself and your companion.

Some transmutations have the [Augment] descriptor. Using these transmutations alters your body in some way, granting you new abilities. However, an Alchemist's body can only be changed so far - you may only have a single augment of a given level (Minor, Major, Greater, Grand) active at any time; using a new augment of the same level as one already active instantly ends the first. Unless otherwise specified, [Augment] transmutations persist until dismissed as a standard action.

Philosopher's Stone: While most anyone can dabble in the alchemical arts, what truly defines an Alchemist is the discovery of the fabled philosopher's stone, an alchemical creation that only the brightest can hope to accomplish. While the size and shape of a philosopher's stone varies from Alchemist to Alchemist, most are roughly thumb-sized gemstones that shift between the entire spectrum of colors depending on the angle of viewing.

The creation of a philosopher's stone requires at least a week of effort and several vials of the Alchemist's own blood, among other ingredients. Once forged, a philosopher's stone is of use only to the Alchemist that created it; to anyone else, it is only a curious trinket.

While in possession of a philosopher's stone, the Alchemist gains a +2 circumstance bonus to Craft (alchemy), and can create alchemical substances in one-quarter the normal time with only rudimentary alchemical equipment. In effect, a philosopher's stone functions as a masterwork alchemy lab, though much easier to transport and conceal. However, the true power of a philosopher's stone lies in its seemingly miraculous ability to extend the life of its owner; while at or below 0 hitpoints, the Alchemist gains Fast Healing 1 so long as the philosopher's stone is in his possession.

Additionally, the philosopher's stone is a focus for all of the Alchemist's transmutations; without it, the casting time of his transmutations is increased to 1 round and his effective class level is reduced by 2 when determining their effects (minimum of 1).

Alchemical Companion: Alchemists begin play with a companion, determined by their choice of path. Elemental Weavers receive an elemental familiar, while Constructors begin play with either a clay or steel Lesser Golem. Like familiars or animal companions, alchemical companions always act on the Alchemist's turn, rather than their own place in the initiative order.

Elemental familiar:An elemental familiar is equivalent to a familiar obtained by a wizard or sorcerer in all respects, except as follows: the familiar's type is Elemental rather than Magical Beast; it never gains the ability to speak with other animals, instead learning its master's known languages and the ability to speak with others at 7th level; summoning an elemental familiar has no gold cost; and the death of an elemental familiar does not inflict an experience point loss on the Alchemist, nor must he wait a year and a day to resummon his familiar.

Lesser golem:An Alchemist following the path of the Constructor may choose between a clay or steel companion. If damaged or destroyed, a construct companion can be reforged anew with 24 hours of direct contact with the Alchemist's philosopher's stone. These construct companions generally assume the shape of a humanoid, but animal or other forms are possible. Regardless, construct companions have the following statistics:

Construct type
Hit Dice equal to Alchemist level
Medium size
One natural slam attack
Damage Reduction 2/bludgeoning
Lesser Immunity to Magic (Ex): Construct companions are immune to spells with a spell level equal to or less than half their hit dice -1 (a construct with 2 hit dice is therefore immune to cantrips, while a construct with 10 hit dice is immune to 4th level spells and below). Construct companions are always affected normally by the Alchemist's transmutations.
Starting ability scores: Strength 17, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1

Additionally, at 2nd level and every two levels thereafter, the Alchemist may choose one of the following upgrades for their construct companion:

Bonus feat. The golem gains a feat which it meets the prerequisites for.
Ability score enhancement. The golem gains a +2 bonus to Strength or Dexterity (maximum of a +6 bonus to each score)
Natural Armor increase. The golem gains a +2 bonus to its natural armor.
Extra Slam. The golem gains a second natural slam attack.
Fine motor control. The golem gains the ability to wield manufactured weapons and in general use its limbs in a manner appropriate to the creature it resembles. A golem with this ability gains proficiency with simple weapons.
Improved Grab. The golem gains the Improved grab special attack. If the golem hits with a slam attack, it may immediately attempt to grapple the struck foe without first succeeding on a touch attack and without provoking an attack of opportunity.
Large Size. Requires 6th level.
Huge Size. Requires 10th level and Large size increase.

Clay golem: In addition to the normal construct companion traits, clay golems gain an additional point of damage reduction plus an additional point per four hit dice, and an additional hitpoint per hit die, but their base movement speed is 20 feet, rather than 30.

Steel golem: In addition to the normal construct companion traits, steel golems return one point of magical piercing damage whenever struck by an unarmed strike or non-reach weapon. For every four hit dice the golem gains, it returns an additional point of piercing damage.

Sample Clay Golem, 1st level Alchemist
Size/Type: Medium Construct
Hit Dice: 1d10+21 (26 hp)
Initiative: -1
Speed: 20 ft.
Armor Class: 15 (-1 Dex, +6 natural), touch 8, flatfooted 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/+3
Attack: Slam +3 melee (1d8+4)
Full Attack: Slam +3 melee (1d8+4)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: Clay traits, construct traits, damage reduction 3/bludgeoning, darkvision 60 ft., lesser immunity to magic
Saves: Fort +0, Ref -1, Will +0
Abilities: Strength 17, Dex 9, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills: -
Feats: -

Item Creation (Ex): An Alchemist can create a magic item even if he does not have access to the spells that are prerequisites for the item. The Alchemist must make a successful Use Magic Device check (DC 20 + caster level) to emulate each spell normally required to create the item. Thus, to make a 1st-level wand of magic missile, an Alchemist would need a Use Magic Device check of 21 or higher. To create a bottle of air (caster level 7th), he would need a check result of 27 or higher to emulate the water breathing prerequisite.

The Alchemist must make a successful check for each prerequisite for each item he makes. If he fails a check, he can try again each day until the item is complete (see Creating Magic Items, page 282 of the Dungeon Master's Guide). If he comes to the end of a crafting time and he has still not successfully emulated one of the powers, he can make one final check – his last-ditch effort, even if he has already made a check that day. If that check also fails, then the creation process fails and the time, money, and XP expended to craft the item are lost.

For the purpose of meeting item prerequisites, an Alchemist's effective caster level equals his class level. If the item duplicates a spell effect, it uses the Alchemist's level as its caster level. Costs are always determined using the item's minimum caster level.

An Alchemist can also make Use Magic Device checks to emulate nonspell requirements, including alignment and race, using the normal DCs for the skill.

Brew Potion: An Alchemist gains Brew Potion as a bonus feat at 1st level.

Augmented Strike (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, while under the effects of an [Augment] transmutation, the Alchemist gains a +1 bonus on all weapon attack and damage rolls for each Augment current affecting him.

At 12th level, this bonus increases to +2 for each Augment.

Enhanced Alchemy (Ex): Beginning at 3rd level, when crafting alchemical items, the Alchemist can imbue them with increased potency. By doubling the base price of an item, the Alchemist can increase the damage dealt by one die, and the save DC (if any) by one. For every two levels beyond 3rd, the Alchemist can increase the damage and save DC again, once more adding the base price to the total cost of the item.

Items that do not deal damage or have a save DC are unaffected by this ability.

Arcane Secrets (Sp): Beginning at 4th level, the Alchemist gains the ability to replicate a small number of arcane spells. At 4th level, the Alchemist chooses a single wizard spell of 1st level; he may use that spell once per day as a spell-like ability. At 9th level, the Alchemist chooses a single 2nd level spell and another 1st level spell to gain as spell-like abilities. At 14th level, the Alchemist chooses a single 3rd, 2nd, and 1st level spell to gain as spell-like abilities, and at 19th level, the Alchemist chooses a 4th, 3rd, 2nd, and 1st level spell to gain as spell-like abilities.

The save DC, if any, of these spell-like abilities is equal to 10 + spell level + the Alchemist's Intelligence modifier, and their caster level is equal to the Alchemist's class level.

Bonus Feat: At 5th level, and again every five levels thereafter (10th, 15th, etc), the Alchemist gains a bonus feat chosen from the following list. He must meet any prerequisites for the chosen feats, as normal.

Craft construct, craft magic arms and armor, craft rod, craft staff, craft wand, craft wondrous item, exceptional artisan, extraordinary artisan, forge ring, legendary artisan, scribe scroll, skill focus (use magic device or alchemy)

Intuit Item (Ex): Beginning at 6th level, an Alchemist can Take 10 on Use Magic Device checks made to activate (but not craft) an item, even if rushed or threatened.

Elixir of Life (Ex): At 7th level, the Alchemist unlocks the secret to creating aqua vitae, more commonly known as the elixir of life. Crafting a single flask of this elixir consumes diamonds and other rare alchemical agents worth 1,000 gp and takes a week of uninterrupted distilling and contact with a philosopher's stone. If the elixir is poured over the body of a creature slain within the past 24 hours, it acts as a resurrection spell cast upon the corpse.

However, the true power of the elixir can only be unlocked by the owner of the philosopher's stone that created the elixir. If the Alchemist drinks the elixir, he receives the effects of a panacea and remove curse spell with a caster level equal to his class level at the time of creation, his physical ability scores return to those of the age category before his actual age category (minimum of Adulthood), and he cannot die of old age for the next year and a day. If anyone else drinks the elixir of life, they receive the effects of a cure critical wounds spell.

As it is inextricably linked to the philosopher's stone that created it, the Alchemist can only have a single dose of the elixir of life at one time.

Eternal Alchemy (Su): Beginning at 8th level, the Alchemist's body undergoes a startling, nearly magical change. The Alchemist chooses a single 1st or 2nd level Sorcerer/Wizard spell with a duration measured in minutes per level or longer and a range of Personal. He gains the effects of that spell as a persistent, supernatural effect.

At 16th level, the Alchemist may choose another spell with the same qualifications as above, except that the spell may be of up to third level.

Favored Element (Su): Beginning at 11th level, the Alchemist chooses a single element: acid, cold, electric, or fire. Whenever he activates a transmutation with that descriptor, he deals an additional point of damage for each die of damage the ability would deal.

At 18th level, the Alchemist chooses a second favored element, gaining the above effects for that choice as well.

Transmogrification (Su): Beginning at 17th level, the Alchemist may replicate the effects of a polymorph any object spell by spending ten minutes with his philosopher's stone in contact with the object or creature to be transmuted. Unlike the normal spell, this ability can never result in a permanent duration. Only one object may be transmuted at a single time, and the Alchemist cannot transmute another object for 24 hours after the duration of the first transmutation elapses.

Alchemical Ascension (Su): At 20th level, the Alchemist unlocks one of the primal mysteries of alchemy, based on his chosen path.

Elemental Weaver: As a swift action, the Alchemist can transform himself into pure alchemic energy, granting himself the Elemental type with the augmented subtype of whatever his previous type was for up to a minute. While in this form, the Alchemist can shift between a solid form and a gaseous mist as a standard action. While in the mist form, the Alchemist gains the Incorporeal subtype and functions as an incorporeal creature in all regards, save that he cannot pass through entirely solid objects unless they are sufficiently porous to allow mist to drift through. While in the solid form, the Alchemist gains damage reduction 10/- and Fast Healing 10.

Constructor: The Alchemist gains the ability to awaken his construct companion, as by the awaken construct spell, except that he automatically receives the maximum result of the spell. When awakened, the construct can immediately replace up to 18 of its Construct HD with NPC class levels (subject to DM approval), and thereafter serves as a loyal cohort to the Alchemist.

2012-06-01, 04:45 PM
Minor Transmutations

Path of the Elemental WeaverAcid Spray [Tandem, Acid]

As part of this ability, you charge your familiar with acidic energy while it moves up to its speed. At the end of your familiar's movement, it releases an explosive shower of acid in a 15-ft. burst, dealing 1d6 acid damage to all creatures caught within, plus an additional 1d6 acid damage for every two class levels above 1st. A successful Reflex save halves this damage.

Alchemical Claws [Augment, Acid, Fire]

Crushing the capsule in your palm, your fingers suddenly begin to radiate an intense warmth, their every motion leaving behind a wavering heat distortion. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 bonus alchemical damage, plus an additional 1d6 alchemical damage for every three class levels beyond first.

Alchemical damage is half acid and half fire damage.

Elemental Cloak [Augment]

With a motion like donning a cloak, you stretch the essence of your familiar around you in a protective barrier. When you use this ability, choose a single element. You gain resistance 5 to that type of damage, plus an additional point of energy resistance for every class level. While this augment is active, your familiar ceases to exist for all intents; you can reform your familiar (and dismiss the effects of this augment) with a standard action.

Eyes of Light [Augment]

Blinking away the darkness, you open eyes suddenly able to see with perfect clarity. You gain the ability to see up to 60 ft. in darkness, including magical darkness. Your eyes illuminate the area around you as the light spell, though you may suppress and resume this effect as a free action.

Flame Barrage [Tandem, Fire]

Invoking the essence of fire, you and your familiar each release a 20 ft. line of flame, dealing 1d6 fire damage, plus an additional 1d6 fire damage for every two class levels above 1st. A successful Reflex save halves this damage. A given creature only takes damage from a single line of fire, even if subjected to both.

Ice Slick [Cold]

With a flick of your wrist you let the conjured sphere of ice fly at a point up to 20 ft. away. The sphere explodes in a 10 ft. burst when it reaches its destination, dealing 1 point of cold damage per class level to all creatures caught within. A successful Fortitude save negates this damage. In addition, all surfaces caught within the burst are slicked with a thin sheen of ice for one round; any creature attempting to move across a slicked surface must succeed on a Reflex save or fall prone.

Jolt [Electric]

Extending your spread fingers toward your foe, you feel the buildup of static energy a heartbeat before the bolt of lightning streaks forth. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack against a foe within Close range (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels); if successful, your target takes 1d6 electric damage, plus an additional 1d6 electric damage for every two class levels.

Path of the Constructor

Alchemical Detonation [Tandem, Acid, Fire]

As you concentrate, a gap opens in the chest of your construct companion, revealing its alchemical core. As part of this ability, your golem may move up to its speed, at which point its exposed core enters a state of agitation, flashing though the spectrum of colors more and more rapidly. At the beginning of your next turn, the core breaches, releasing an explosion that deals 1d10 alchemical damage to all creatures within 30 feet. Alchemical damage is half acid and half fire damage. For every two levels beyond 1st, the damage of this explosion is increased by 1d10. A successful Reflex save halves this damage.

While the breach does not destroy your companion's core, it does take some time for the damage to be repaired; you cannot use this ability again for 1d4 rounds after the detonation.

Earthen Grasp

One hand gripping your philosopher's stone, you make a clutching gesture with the other, and a hand of stone and clay bursts from the earth to grapple with your foes. When using this ability, choose an unoccupied square in contact with the ground within Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) range; a Medium sized earthen hand and arm erupts from that point, remaining for a number of rounds equal to your class level. Each round, the hand clutches at a target of your choice within 10 feet of itself, attempting to grapple it. The hand attacks using your class level + Intelligence modifier for both the initial touch attack and its grapple modifier, plus any appropriate modifiers for being Medium sized. Even if you have multiple attacks in a round due to a high base attack bonus, the hand receives only a single attack each round. The hand does not provoke attacks of opportunity for its attacks, but it can be targeted as easily as any other piece of the landscape (AC 5), and has 10 hitpoints per class level.

Once it has successfully grappled a foe, the hand attempts to pin the target each round until the grapple is broken, unless you direct it to do otherwise (a free action on your turn).

At 6th level, you may opt to increase the hand to Large size when using this ability, and its reach increases to 15 feet. At 12th, you may increase the hand to Huge size, and its reach increases to 20 feet. At 18th, you may increase the hand to Gargantuan size, and its reach increases to 25 feet. Each increase in size carries the appropriate increases and penalties to attack and grapple rolls.

You may have a number of earthen grasps active at one time equal to half your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1).

Fist of the Construct [Augment]

As you focus your will, metal plating phases into being around your hand and forearm, oddly light despite its sturdy form. You gain a slam attack, dealing 1d6 damage for a medium Alchemist, or 1d4 damage for a small Alchemist. You add your full Strength modifier to the damage dealt with this slam attack, or 1 – ˝ your Strength if it is your sole natural attack.

Frigid Repulsion [Tandem, Cold]

A hundred small jets open along your construct companion's body as its alchemical core floods it with frosty energy. A heartbeat later, your construct releases a pressurized wave of freezing gas into all adjacent squares, dealing 1d4 points of cold damage to all creatures caught within, and blowing them away (as the condition). For every two levels beyond first, the damage dealt by this ability increases by 1d4. A successful Fortitude save halves the cold damage and negates being blown away.

Skin of the Construct [Augment]

In a flash, your skin hardens and takes on a bluish-white tinge. You gain damage reduction 2/adamantine. For every three class levels, this damage reduction increases by one point.

Static Pull [Tandem, Electric]

The air around your foe shimmers and hums with the force of the energy building there, moments before the hapless victim is sent hurtling toward your construct!

When you use this ability, choose a foe within Close (25 ft. + 5ft/2 levels) range of both yourself and your construct companion. If the foe fails a Fortitude save, it is hurled, prone, into the nearest space adjacent to your construct; this movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Your construct then makes a single attack against the foe. For every size category your foe is larger than you, it gains a +2 bonus to its Fortitude save.

Quick Fix

With the merest touch of a philosopher's stone, what was once damaged casing flashes back to polished plating. As part of this transmutation, you touch your companion construct, healing it for 1d8 plus your class level points of damage.

Major Transmutations

Path of the Elemental WeaverAlchemical Wings [Augment, Acid, Fire]

You sprout of pair of gaseous alchemical wings that allow you to fly up to your land speed with average maneuverability for up to two consecutive rounds. You can also glide up to your speed with these wings when not flying; doing so allows for thirty feet of forward momentum for every ten feet of descent.

While not flying or gliding, you gain a pair of wing attacks that deal 1d4 alchemical damage, plus one alchemical damage per class level. You do not add your strength bonus to attacks made with these wing attacks.

Ball Lightning [Electric]

Upon completion of this transmutation, you create one Small-sized sphere of condensed electricity, plus one additional sphere for every five class levels, which swirl around you at a close distance. Each round, you can concentrate as a standard action to move the spheres up to 20 feet in any direction; each sphere may be moved separately as part of the same action. Any creature that comes within 5 feet of a sphere takes 1d6 electric damage for every two class levels. A successful Reflex save halves this damage. No creature may be damaged by more than one sphere in a given round.

Caustic Surge [Tandem, Acid]

As part of this transmutation, your familiar streaks forward to a point up to 60 feet from its current position without provoking attacks of opportunity, leaving behind a caustic vapor in a line behind it, which persists for one round. All creatures within the vapor, and all creatures that enter or pass through the vapor, take 1d4 acid damage per two class levels and are sickened for 1d4 rounds. A successful Fortitude save halves this damage and negates the sickened condititon.

Elemental Heart [Augment]

Alchemical vigor suffuses your every vein while this augment is in place, granting you Fast Healing 1. In addition, the alchemic energies protect you from negative energy effects; the first time you would be subject to a negative energy effect, the alchemic energies instead absorb that effect entirely, and the augment ends.

Eruption [Fire]

When you complete this transmutation, choose a grid intersection connected with the ground within Close range. The chosen area begins to rumble ominously and those in contact with the ground within 20 feet of the chosen area notice that it warms precipitously. At the beginning of your next turn, the ground in that area explodes violently, transforming all connected squares at the intersection into difficult terrain and spraying molten rock in a 20 ft. burst. All creatures in the affected area take 1d6 damage per two levels, half of which is fire and the other half of which is bludgeoning damage. A successful Reflex save halves this damage.

Each round after the initial eruption, you can concentrate on this transmutation as a standard action to cause the eruption to again spew magma, dealing the indicated damage again, up to a number of rounds equal to half your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1 additional round).

Frostbolt [Cold]

A quick flick of your fingertips sends a bolt of liquid cold streaking toward a target within Close range. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to hit with this ability. If you hit, your foe takes 1d4 cold damage per two levels, and is slowed for one round.

Luminescent Blast

Raising your spread fingers before you, you release a wave of light to blind and scour your foes. All creatures within a 60 ft. cone must succeed on a Will save or be blinded for one round. Further, any undead in the area are subjected to a turning effect, as if by a Cleric of your class level. Once subject to this turning effect, whether successful or not, undead are immune to the same effect for 24 hours.

Path of the ConstructorAlchemist's Firethrower [Tandem, Fire]

A cone-shaped opening forms at the end of one of your construct companion's limbs, and the sound of a giant inhaling fills the air. A heartbeat later, billowing waves of liquid fire pour forth, searing all before your companion to ash. All creatures in a 30 ft. cone originating from your construct companion take 1d6 fire damage per two levels. A successful Reflex save halves this damage. Creatures that fail their saves against this ability are set on fire, as the environmental danger of the same name.

Caustic Mire [Acid]

Flinging a seastone at the desired location, you cause a reeking mire to bubble to the surface. When you use this transmutation, choose a grid location in contact with the ground within Close range. All ground squares within 20 feet of the chosen intersection become a caustic combination of mud and acid. Each round, foes within or crossing the mire take 1d6 points of acid damage per two levels. While within the mire, enemies have their movement speed halved.

Caustic mires persist for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Earthen Shackles

As you close your fist around the philosopher's stone, the earth itself reaches up to clutch at the legs of your foe. Choose a foe within Close range of both you and the earth or a stone structure. A shackle of clay and stone bursts free of that surface to snare your foe, Immobilizing it, unless the creature succeeds on a Reflex save. The shackle has hardness 0 and 20 hitpoints per level, divided evenly between each five-foot section extending between your target and its source. If any section of the shackle is destroyed, the transmutation ends prematurely.

Earthen shackles persist for up to three rounds, or until the ensnared foe escapes. Ensnared creatures can escape from the shackles with a DC 25 Escape Artist check as a standard action. Only one earthen shackle may be active at any time.

Electrifying Grasp [Tandem, Electric]

Lightning crackles around your companion's limbs as it reaches out to deliver a shocking touch. As part of this transmutation, your construct companion makes a melee touch attack; if successful, it deals 1d6 electric damage per two levels and stuns the target foe for one round. A successful Fortitude save negates the stunning.

Frozen Armor [Augment, Tandem, Cold]

Your philosopher's stone and your companion's alchemical core release frigid vapors, which solidify around your forms into a semblance of armor. You gain damage reduction 5/-, which stacks with any other damage reduction you may possess. This damage reduction can absorb a maximum of 2 damage per class level, at which point it shatters and transforms back to simple mist. While the armor holds, any attacks made against you with unarmed strikes or non-reach weapons deal 1 point of cold damage per class level to your attacker.

Spikestorm [Tandem]

Spiky protrusions abruptly grow all along the surface of your construct companion's form. After a momentary delay they fire violently in all directions; all creatures within 30 feet of the construct take 1d4 magical piercing damage per class level. A successful Reflex save negates this damage.

Greater Transmutations

Path of the Elemental WeaverAcid Sheath [Acid]

A sheen of acidic gel coats your familiar from head to toe, dealing 1d6 points of acid damage per two class levels to any foe that strikes it with an unarmed strike or a non-reach weapon. Additionally, the slick acid grants your familiar a +10 circumstance bonus to Escape Artist checks.

Alchemical Weapon [Augment, Acid, Fire]

You shape alchemical energy into the form of any melee weapon with which you are proficient, coalescing in your hands. If the alchemical weapon leaves your grasp at any point, it immediately fades away in a puff of mist. Attacks made with the Alchemical weapon deal 1d8 points of alchemical damage for every four class levels and are resolved as touch attacks. The to-hit and damage bonuses of your Augmented Strike ability do not apply to attacks made with an alchemical weapon.

Enervating Bolt [Electric]

You must succeed on a ranged touch attack against a foe within 60 feet to hit with this ability. If successful, the struck foe takes 1d6 electric damage per two levels and is fatigued for one minute.

Ice Tomb [Cold]

A sheath of ice encloses a creature of size Large or smaller within Close range, containing it for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier or until the prison is destroyed. The shell of ice has hardness 10 and 10 hit points per class level, and takes double normal fire damage. A creature can avoid the prison with a successful Reflex save, which places it in an adjacent square of the creature's choice. A flying creature trapped within the prison falls to the ground. The enveloping ice prevents the creature trapped inside from moving or casting spells with somatic components. The ice is too confining to permit effective attacks with anything larger than a natural or light weapon (and the creature inside can attack only the prison in any event). While contained, the target cannot be targeted by effects and is immune to the effects of area of effect abilities.

Pyroblast [Tandem, Fire]

Upon conclusion of this transmutation, you and your familiar each make a ranged touch attack against foes within Close range. If successful, the struck foes take 1d6 fire damage per two class levels, and all creatures within 20 feet of the struck foes take 1 fire damage per class level. A successful Reflex save negates this secondary damage. No creature can be subjected to the direct damage of this ability more than once in a single casting.

Supernova [Tandem, Acid, Cold, Electric, Fire]

A shrieking whistle fills the air in the scant moments between your completion of the transmutation and the sudden, violent explosion of all four elemental essences. As part of this ability, your familiar moves up to its speed as the elemental energies imbued within it begin a chain reaction. At the end of its movement, the familiar explodes in a 30 ft. burst, dealing 1d3 points per two levels each of acid, cold, electric, and fire damage. A successful Reflex save halves the total damage dealt. Enemies adjacent to the familiar at the time of detonation take a -4 penalty to their save.

Your familiar takes some time to reform after unleashing such a potent attack, reappearing adjacent to you in 1d4 minutes.

Path of the ConstructorAdamantine Anatomy [Augment]

Critical portions of your anatomy are briefly covered by fully-functional adamantine replicas designed to both shelter and bolster. You gain immunity to critical hits, as well as disease and poison.


Choose a grid intersection in contact with the ground within Close range. Upon completion of this transmutation, all creatures that come in contact with the ground in a 40 ft. radius area from the point of origin lose the ability to fly while within the area and for 1d4 rounds after leaving. Constructor transmutations affecting the earth that originate from within this area of effect and successfully affect a foe (such as a spikequake damaging a foe or earthen grasp succeeding on a touch attack) also render the affected creatures unable to fly for an equal amount of time.

Exoskeleton Pulse [Tandem, Electric]

Crackling energy races up and down your body, and the form of your construct companion. Until the start of your next turn, any creature that strikes you or your construct companion takes 1d6 points of electric damage per two class levels and is stunned for one round.

Forge Fires [Tandem, Fire]

Your construct companion begins to radiate an intense heat as you finish the transmutation. All creatures adjacent to the construct immediately take one point of fire damage per class level. At the beginning of your next turn, any creatures adjacent to your construct take 1d6 points of fire damage per level. At the beginning of your next turn after that, any creatures adjacent to your construct take 1d12 points of fire damage per level.

After the effects of this ability elapse, your companion's alchemical core requires time to cool before it can replicate these effects again. You must wait 1d4 rounds before using this ability again.

Localized Tremor

As you close your fists, the ground begins to shake with the fury of an earthquake, knocking your foes to their knees.

Select a grid intersection within Close range in contact with the ground. All foes on the ground within 20 feet of that point are immediately knocked prone unless they succeed on a Reflex save. Any foe knocked prone takes 1d4 bludgeoning damage per class level as the ground heaves, crushing them. Each round after the first (up to three rounds) you can concentrate on this ability as a standard action to subject creatures within the area to its effects again.


As you swing your hand up in a clawing motion, a wave of needlelike spikes burst from the earth to impale your foes.

Select a square within Close range in contact with the earth or a stone structure. As you complete this transmutation, a 15 ft. cone of churning spikes up to 30 ft. tall (chosen at time of creation, between 5 and 30 ft. in height) erupts at that location, dealing 1d6 piercing damage per two levels to all creatures caught within. A successful Reflex save negates this damage. Each round after the first (up to three rounds), you may move the wave of spikes up to 30 ft. along an unbroken natural path as a Move action, subjecting any foe caught within to the damage again.

All squares currently affected by spikequake are virtually impassable, considered extremely difficult terrain (x4 movement cost), and any creature attempting to move through them is subjected to the damage of this ability.

Grand Transmutations

Path of the Elemental WeaverAbsolute Zero [Tandem, Cold]

As part of this transmutation, you familiar moves up to its speed, at which point a whirling storm of frost and bitter winds springs up in a 20 ft. radius area around it, building in intensity toward the inevitable climax. While within the area of effect, all creatures are slowed. At the start of your next turn, all creatures still within the area of effect take 1d6 cold damage per class level.

Alchemic Breath [Augment, Acid, Fire]

While this augment is active, you gain the ability to breathe a 40 ft. cone of alchemic fire every 1d4 rounds as a standard action. The alchemic breath deals 1d8 alchemical damage for every two class levels. A successful Reflex save halves the damage inflicted.

Disintegrating Touch

With a touch, you attempt to unmake your foe at the basest level, unweaving the strands of primal energy that compose its form. You must succeed on a touch attack to hit with this ability; if successful, the touched foe is subjected to the effects of a disintegrate spell. Disintegrating touch works only on living creatures, not constructs, undead, or objects.

Dissolving Bonds [Acid]

Hundreds of rubbery strands of acid envelop a target within Close range, entangling them for up to three rounds. Each round that the target remains entangled, it takes 1d6 acid damage per two class levels. The bonds can be escaped or burst as a standard action with a DC 30 Escape Artist or Strength check, respectively.

Lightning Leap [Tandem, Electric]

This transmutation functions as the lightning leap spell except as follows: both you and your familiar leap to points of your choosing, and the damage is equal to 1d6 per two class levels. A given foe can only be damaged by a single instance of this transmutation.

Living Bomb [Augment, Acid, Fire]

While this augment is active, when you take damage that reduces your hitpoints below one-quarter your normal maximum, your body releases a shockwave of alchemic energy. This shockwave strikes all creatures within 20 feet for 1d6 alchemical damage per class level, stuns them for one round, and pushes them to the edge of the area of effect (or until they collide with a solid object), at which point the augmentation ends. You may choose to not activate the effects of this augment when it would trigger, but it still ends at that point regardless.

Seeking Fireball [Tandem, Fire]

As part of this transmutation, your familiar becomes a blazing sphere of fire that moves with perfect maneuverability as you direct, up to a total distance of 100 feet. The sphere can pass through occupied spaces. Any creature whose space the sphere passes through is set on fire, as the environmental danger of the same name. At the end of the movement, the sphere of fire explodes, dealing 1d6 fire damage per two class levels to all creatures in a 40 ft. burst, at which point your familiar reforms at its end location. A successful Reflex save halves the damage inflicted by this ability.

Path of the ConstructorAlchemic Shielding [Augment, Acid, Fire]

Coaxing all four alchemical elements into shape, you call a suit of gaseous armor into being around your body. The armor has the look of plate mail, but as if made of multicolored smoke. While this augment holds, you can choose to solidify the armor in response to an incoming attack, in which case a portion of the armor flashes to alchemically-enhanced adamantine for an instant. You may solidify the armor up to five times in response to attacks of your choice, but you must choose to do so before you know the result of an attack. When solidified, you gain a +10 armor bonus to AC against that attack, and your attacker takes 1d6 alchemical damage per three class levels if attacking you with an unarmed strike or non-reach weapon.

Call of the Construct

With a touch, the Alchemist can place a curse on an opponent, rapidly - and painfully - turning portions of its body into metal.

Call of the Construct initially deals 1d4 untyped damage per class level, Fortitude save halves. The ability then deals 1 damage per two HD at the beginning of each of the Alchemist's turns thereafter, lasting up to five rounds. The Alchemist's construct companion is is healed for half of the damage dealt by this ability.

If the touched creature dies while under the effects of Call of the Construct, the Alchemist immediately entraps its consciousness for a short duration, creating a shell of loose metal bits, vaguely resembling the creature's appearance at the time of death, in which the soul is trapped.

Treat the resulting creature as the effect of a shadow conjuration spell, except that no saves are allowed to disbelieve it, and it deals 50% normal damage, rather than 20%. The Alchemist can give the creature simple to moderately complex mental commands, but has no direct control over special abilities used unless he has extensive knowledge of the specific creature in question. The shell lasts for one minute or until destroyed, at which point it collapses into a heap.

Call of the Construct may be removed by remove curse or similar effects.

Once subjected to the effects of this ability, a creature is immune to its effects for 24 hours.

Deep Freeze [Tandem, Cold]

Chill energies suffuse your construct companion, sufficient in strength to form short-lived icicles hanging from its form even in desert heat. Until the start of your next turn, any creature that strikes your companion takes 1 point of cold damage per class level, and is slowed for one round. At the start of your next turn, the frigid energies explode in a wave of cold, dealing 1d6 cold damage per two class levels to all creatures within 20 feet of the construct. A successful Fortitude save halves this second instance of damage.

Inferno Engine [Tandem, Fire]

Your construct companion's alchemical core floods its body with liquid heat, even as portions of its torso shift aside to reveal the raging blaze within. As part of this ability, your construct companion makes a touch attack against a foe within reach; if successful, the construct and the touched foe make opposed Strength checks. If the construct wins, it pulls the foe in close, subjecting it to the intense fires within and dealing 2d8+Str constriction damage plus 1d6 fire damage per level before releasing the foe.

Once used, your construct companion's alchemical core requires time to recharge. You must wait 1d4 rounds before using this ability again.

Static Pulse [Tandem, Electric]

Your construct companion's alchemical core begins to release pulses of highly-charged static energy, shocking those who come near. When you use this ability, all creatures within 40 ft. of your construct companion take 1d6 electric damage per two levels, Fortitude halves. At the start of your next turn, all creatures within the area of effect take an additional 1d6 electric damage per two levels, are pushed away from the construct to the edge of the area of effect (or until they encounter a solid object) and are dazed for 1d4 rounds. A successful Fortitude save halves this second instance of damage and negates the secondary effects. Creatures wearing metal armor or with mostly metal forms take a -4 penalty to their saves against this ability.

Touch of the Maker

A brief touch of the philosopher's stone, and your companion's entire form flares pure white for the span of a heartbeat. When the light fades, it is as if nothing had happened to mar its form since it was new-forged.

Your touch floods your construct companion with alchemical power, healing it of an amount equal to its full normal hitpoints and purging it of all negative conditions currently affecting it. The strain placed on its alchemical core limits how often you can make use of this ability however; once healed, the construct cannot be affected by this ability again for 24 hours.

2012-06-01, 05:58 PM
I'm curious why you went with the standard spell save progression instead of the spell-like ability progression.

I think doubling the attack bonus from augmented strike at level 12 might be a bit much. This class looks really gish-like and that effectively gives it a +8 bonus to attack rolls. While it doesn't gain extra attacks this is pretty close to having full bab. But I haven't see the higher level transmutations yet, so it might not be as much a problem as I think it is.

Also, because the alchemist isn't technically a spellcaster, he might not qualify to make actual alchemical items. Because, for whatever reason, they decided that non-spellcasters shouldn't be able to make any alchemical items at all.

Everything else looks good so far.

2012-06-01, 06:01 PM
I'm curious why you went with the standard spell save progression instead of the spell-like ability progression.

If you mean the Warlock's "this is a 2nd level equivalent", it's because that leaves earlier abilities in the dust very quickly. The Alchemist doesn't have as many abilities available to it, but, while the higher-tier abilities get newer and better effects, they're not outright more powerful. The Alchemist should be able to use his Minor transmutations with the same degree of success.

This class looks really gish-like and that effectively gives it a +8 bonus to attack rolls. While it doesn't gain extra attacks this is pretty close to having full bab. But I haven't see the higher level transmutations yet, so it might not be as much a problem as I think it is.

That's the idea! A gish-lite that can effectively contribute to physical combat if he wants to, but without giving them the BAB to pull off the big melee tricks.

Also, because the alchemist isn't technically a spellcaster, he might not qualify to make actual alchemical items. Because, for whatever reason, they decided that non-spellcasters shouldn't be able to many any alchemical items at all.

I think the note right below the skills qualifies them to craft alchemical items, but I might have overlooked some other stipulation.

2012-06-01, 06:19 PM
Unfortunately there is a rule directly in crafting that states that only spellcasters can craft alchemical items. It's under the subscript 1 I believe. I never understood that rule, but whatever.

By spell-like ability progression I had meant the 10 + 1/2 class level + modifier save, because I think it scales better.

2012-06-01, 08:01 PM
I think only having two paths is rather limiting, from what i know of alchemy there are four types; Black, White, Yellow, and Red. Black is the Constructor and Red is the Elemental Weaver IIRC. White is the one that revolves around life force and self, while Yellow represents something akin to perfection of form, likely a refining effect.

This is all from memory from a 3rd party book that had the four colors represented by four different alchemist PrCs, so it may be a bit spotty. Anyway, I do like what you have except the companion and paths. The companion is actually good, but it has rather limited options, which is kinda odd for an alchemist as they do tend to represent change. The path i can understand a bit more, but it needs to have more options, that's all.

The abilities are cleanly described and well written, and you've gotten around that rather annoying restriction about alchemical items and spellcasters that most DMs ignore, though with the spell-like abilities they actually qualify to craft alchemical items anyway, just like gnomes do.

2012-06-01, 08:27 PM
I think only having two paths is rather limiting, from what i know of alchemy there are four types; Black, White, Yellow, and Red. Black is the Constructor and Red is the Elemental Weaver IIRC. White is the one that revolves around life force and self, while Yellow represents something akin to perfection of form, likely a refining effect.

I really don't know what this is a reference to, unfortunately. I pulled the class and the names out of my hat from scratch, not as an attempt to recreate something. Elaborate please?

The companion is actually good, but it has rather limited options, which is kinda odd for an alchemist as they do tend to represent change. The path i can understand a bit more, but it needs to have more options, that's all.

Feel free to make any suggestions you like! I tend to add things over time to my creations, since my head only holds so many concepts at one time.

The abilities are cleanly described and well written, and you've gotten around that rather annoying restriction about alchemical items and spellcasters that most DMs ignore, though with the spell-like abilities they actually qualify to craft alchemical items anyway, just like gnomes do.

Thanks! To be honest, I've always completely ignored the restriction on alchemical crafting, so I wasn't even entirely sure what the qualifications needed were. Better safe than sorry, and this way everyone's sure that the Alchemist qualifies.

2012-06-01, 09:41 PM
Major transmutations updated and added.

2012-06-01, 09:50 PM
Seems interesting. while I haven't heard of those "colors", I would agree that adding another Path or two would be good. Maybe one that's defensive and healery, with a companion that is a little floaty disc that can act as an Animated shield and/or grant fast healing.

2012-06-01, 09:53 PM
Seems interesting. while I haven't heard of those "colors", I would agree that adding another Path or two would be good. Maybe one that's defensive and healery, with a companion that is a little floaty disc that can act as an Animated shield and/or grant fast healing.

That's a neat idea, and one I definitely hadn't considered. I'll probably implement this after I finish converting the current transmutations over so everything is 'done'.

2012-06-01, 11:50 PM
Oh... This is neat!

I really like this class a lot! It's a good sort of complex, interesting, but not terribly gimped or overpowered. I'd like to play one!

Mind if I put it in my world's homebrew whitelist?

2012-06-01, 11:54 PM
where's the list of known transmutations per level ?

2012-06-02, 12:20 AM
Greater Transmutations added. Most of them, anyway. The rest are proving problematic, and will be added later.

Oh... This is neat!

I really like this class a lot! It's a good sort of complex, interesting, but not terribly gimped or overpowered. I'd like to play one!

Mind if I put it in my world's homebrew whitelist?

High praise. Go right ahead. :smallbiggrin:

where's the list of known transmutations per level ?

You begin play with one, and learn one at each level thereafter, so it's equal to your class level. It seems redundant to include an additional column just to repeat numbers.

2012-06-02, 02:07 AM
I really don't know what this is a reference to, unfortunately. I pulled the class and the names out of my hat from scratch, not as an attempt to recreate something. Elaborate please?

The colors represent different aspects of alchemy, unfortunately the different colors of alchemy have been taken as site names so you can't really look it up, and i seem to be missing the original book.

Black Alchemy - Masters of inanimate matter, they are the more traditional example of alchemists, manipulating materials into something else and seeking purity of materials and the very essence of them.

White Alchemy - Masters of living mater, they seek purity of self and in others, healing the body and keeping it pure. They wish to achieve immortality through application of the process of creating the philosopher's stone to their body.

Yellow Alchemy - Masters of energy, they manipulate the natural energy of the world for whatever purpose they see fit. They manipulate the four basic elements and the fifth element of aether.

Red Alchemy - Jack-of-All-Trades among alchemists, they take parts from each of the other three and mix them in much the way other alchemists mix the elements.

2012-06-02, 09:49 AM
You begin play with one, and learn one at each level thereafter, so it's equal to your class level. It seems redundant to include an additional column just to repeat numbers.

I'd just mention that I was going to ask the same thing, but I caught it on my third reading of that section. It's kinda important, so if other people have the same issue, would it be possible to put it somewhere more obvious?

2012-06-02, 09:54 AM
I'd just mention that I was going to ask the same thing, but I caught it on my third reading of that section. It's kinda important, so if other people have the same issue, would it be possible to put it somewhere more obvious?

I moved it to the first paragraph of the Transmutations ability entry. Hopefully that's more visible now.

2012-06-02, 10:29 AM
Grand transmutations added. Post went over length, so they've been moved to the second post. Still need to add more transmutations for each level, but at least there's enough for now that an Alchemist can make choices.

Next up is likely a 'cleric'-ish path for the Alchemist, and accompanying companion/transmutations.

2012-06-02, 11:25 AM
Well, my worry about the BaB has been quelled. These all look like really interesting abilities.

The only thing I wonder is why Luminescent Blast leaves undead immune to its effects, even upon a failed save. Truthfully it doesn't seem powerful enough to warrant that limitation.

And looking at his item crafting ability, I'm wondering how high or low you want the margin of error to be. As of now it only takes a roll of about 8 to craft even 9th level spells, when most classes gain access to them, and that assumes no bonuses beyond ranks.

2012-06-02, 11:45 AM
The only thing I wonder is why Luminescent Blast leaves undead immune to its effects, even upon a failed save. Truthfully it doesn't seem powerful enough to warrant that limitation.

I dunno. An at-will AoE blind seems pretty powerful to me. The undead turning is just icing on the cake.

And looking at his item crafting ability, I'm wondering how high or low you want the margin of error to be. As of now it only takes a roll of about 8 to craft even 9th level spells, when most classes gain access to them, and that assumes no bonuses beyond ranks.

Honestly, if you're willing to invest resources and feats into crafting items and boosting your UMD, it should be feasible to create them on a roll of a 1. Very little sucks worse than failing to make an item despite your best efforts.

2012-06-02, 01:38 PM
Amusingly enough, I've actually played an Artificer/Alchemist Savant/Master Alchemist who used that exact same image. It's a good one.

Anyway, this is pretty cool; were I to return to that character, I'd be sorely tempted to use this. I am somewhat surprised at the Alchemist becoming a minion-master type, though golems certainly seem fitting. I like it overall.

Enhanced Alchemy seems way, way too expensive, though. The save DCs on alchemical items are often pitiful (DC 11 to 15 seem common), and they seem like they need a lot of boosting to be worthwhile, but then you're literally paying 900% of the thing's market price. I'd like to see the Alchemist get an ability to set the DCs of his alchemical items to the same DC as his Transmutations, and at little to no cost.

Also, I'm not sure that one-quarter is enough of a speed boost. Mundane crafting takes ages. The Alchemist Savant (Magic of Eberron) offers what is, effectively, a seven-fold speed boost (make the progress you'd otherwise make in a week in one day), and it was still very slow.

Beyond those, I'm not sure why Intuit Item has the restriction that it does; I realize that the Artificer doesn't get the ability for another seven levels, and that the Warlock, who got it two levels earlier, won't get Item Creation for another six, but it still seems a weird restriction that they cannot take-10 on UMD in the situation where it most makes sense to do so... I'd actually be in favor of the opposite: that the Alchemist can take-10 when crafting items, but not otherwise.

Oh, also, you have a name conflict with the Constructor (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040625b). Don't really have any particular suggestions for a replacement, though.

zegram 33
2012-06-02, 02:03 PM
looks very nice.
i'd possibly suggest "philosophers stone" be moved to the first description as some of the abilities mentioned before it rely on it.

it has a really nice range of powers, ball lightning for a kinda "landmine" feel, wings at will and all.
I like how the constructor path seems to focus on tandem abilities whilst the elemental path seems to focus on your own powers, thats a nice touch.

one question i do have, for the "alchemical wings" major ability: flight for two consecutive rounds, does that mean your intended to fly straight up and then glide for two rounds, essentially? might want to specify your manouverability whilst flying with them too.
some very cool synergy with earthbind and spikequake too.

my only input for stuff to ad is this: there are a few spells that perfectly gel with this class that rnt there, which suprised me. i mean, they could be taken by the spell learning ability, but there are better options as these are mostly thematic. for the constructor: "trasmute rock to mud" and vice versa, and "move earth".
for the elemental weaver: "wall of fire" and maybe "feezing sphere"

if your not a fan of that, maybe fill the dead level with the "fabricate" spell since thats pretty alchemist-y.
in case im totally missing something important that does happen at that level, i mean 13 (wouldnt be the first time:smallsmile:)

i was genuinley looking forward to see what you'd cooked up in the "grand, segment, which always bodes well, and you didnt dissapoint.

EDIT: upon rereading that, it sounded pretty critical, so i wanted to add in a little nb saying it really is a very cool looking class.

2012-06-02, 02:52 PM
Next up is likely a 'cleric'-ish path for the Alchemist, and accompanying companion/transmutations.

I'm curious to see what this will be like. You seem pretty talented! Do you plan for it to have a divine bent, or cover similar roles to a cleric without fluff considerations?

Also, I have a little question. Here:

An Alchemist's transmutations are spell-like abilities with an activation time of a full-round action.

We see that Transmutations are full-round actions. Coolio. Invocations are a standard, I believe, but whatever. This is fine.

But here:

Additionally, the philosopher's stone is a focus for all of the Alchemist's transmutations; without it, the casting time of his transmutations is increased to 1 round.

It would appear that if you don't have your Stone, your casting time goes up from one round to one round :smallconfused:. I checked, and it doesn't appear that I'm missing anything right off, but that's very possible.

2012-06-02, 03:55 PM
It would appear that if you don't have your Stone, your casting time goes up from one round to one round :smallconfused:. I checked, and it doesn't appear that I'm missing anything right off, but that's very possible.
Casting times of "a Full-Round Action" and "1 Round" are very different.

With a Full-Round Action, you spend your Move and Standard Actions, and get the effect then.

With a 1 Round casting time, you spend your Move and Standard Actions, as well as the time in between turns casting. That means that you're still casting on other people's turns (better not get hit!), and the spell effect does not come into play until the beginning of your next turn.

2012-06-02, 04:03 PM
Ahhh, that makes sense. Didn't pick up on that. Thanks!

Carry on, nothing to see here. :smallredface:

2012-06-02, 04:37 PM
Enhanced Alchemy seems way, way too expensive, though. The save DCs on alchemical items are often pitiful (DC 11 to 15 seem common), and they seem like they need a lot of boosting to be worthwhile, but then you're literally paying 900% of the thing's market price. I'd like to see the Alchemist get an ability to set the DCs of his alchemical items to the same DC as his Transmutations, and at little to no cost.

Well, at the level we're talking about, you can provide your entire party with 10d6 acid bombs for roughly 40 gp a pop, and 10d6 (+10d6) alchemist's fires for about 80 gp each. They're expensive in the sense that they're way more costly than usual alchemy items, but it's also meant to allow them to scale into higher levels, where you have something like 800,000 gp to work with.

You're right that the save DCs are pitiful, however. The damage and save DCs now scale at the same rate.

Also, I'm not sure that one-quarter is enough of a speed boost. Mundane crafting takes ages. The Alchemist Savant (Magic of Eberron) offers what is, effectively, a seven-fold speed boost (make the progress you'd otherwise make in a week in one day), and it was still very slow.

I'd been considering changing it to something like the UA variant of crafting. That is, you can 'pull' an item out of your philosopher's stone without waiting, but it requires X days of recharge before you can make another, based on the cost of the item.

Oh, also, you have a name conflict with the Constructor (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040625b). Don't really have any particular suggestions for a replacement, though.


looks very nice.
i'd possibly suggest "philosophers stone" be moved to the first description as some of the abilities mentioned before it rely on it.


one question i do have, for the "alchemical wings" major ability: flight for two consecutive rounds, does that mean your intended to fly straight up and then glide for two rounds, essentially? might want to specify your manouverability whilst flying with them too.

Fly for two, glide for one or more, fly for two. It specifies average maneuverability already though, so that's taken care of.

[various input]
EDIT: upon rereading that, it sounded pretty critical, so i wanted to add in a little nb saying it really is a very cool looking class.

No worries, I didn't take it as being overly critical. Thanks for the feedback. :smallsmile:

2012-06-02, 06:37 PM
The save DC on basically all alchemical items in the SRD is 15. Assuming the price is immaterial, the Alchemist can increase this by 1 every two levels.

Meanwhile, DC 15 is utterly trivial for a Wizard 1's first level spells (means an 18 Int). The save DC of his spells increases by 1 every two levels also, but he also gets to improve his Int, which means the save DC is actually increasing quite a bit faster than 1 every two levels: if we see an Int 18 going to Int 30 (a 6 DC jump) and spell levels going from 1 to 9 (an 8 DC jump) over twenty levels, the DC increases by 14 total: that's 40% more increase than the Alchemist sees, and at very little cost.

Sure, by those levels the cost may be minimal, but is it even worth making them if it's so obvious that anyone worth using it on is going to make the DC?

2012-06-02, 09:21 PM
Sure, by those levels the cost may be minimal, but is it even worth making them if it's so obvious that anyone worth using it on is going to make the DC?

Well, taking the bog-standard Alchemist's Fire as an example and going down the list of CR 19-20 monsters from various splats, we have...

Balors have a 75% chance to make the save
Concordant Killers have a 50% chance to make the save
Century Worms have a 35% chance to make the save
Chronotryns have a 55% chance to make the save
Crawling heads have a 15% chance to make the save
Deathshriekers have a 70% chance to make the save
Night Twists have a 40% chance to make the save
...and the Tarrasque makes just about every save ever, but doesn't really count.

Granted, that's hardly a comprehensive list, but I think the answer is a yes, for the most part.

2012-06-06, 08:33 AM
Welcome back to the land of the living, Jarian! =D Your homebrew, as ever, is excellent on a first glance. I'll probably have a more extensive review tonight, but just at first glance, I like the concept. =3

What's this inspired by? I mean, other than Warlock + Artificer + Alchemy

2012-06-06, 08:50 AM
Wow, I really like it. And it happens to be just what I was looking for.

May I use this for my homebrew world?

2012-06-06, 09:09 AM
The more I think about it, the more I'd really like to see a version of this that doesn't rely on a companion. What I'm thinking of as a resplacement is a sort of magitech power armor/mini-mecha thing, sort of like the suits in Final Fantasy VI. Possibly with some actual grafting. Do you have any interest in something along these lines? If not, would you object to my attempting to do so?

2012-06-06, 12:30 PM
Welcome back to the land of the living, Jarian! =D Your homebrew, as ever, is excellent on a first glance. I'll probably have a more extensive review tonight, but just at first glance, I like the concept. =3

Thank you. :smallsmile:

What's this inspired by? I mean, other than Warlock + Artificer + Alchemy

That's... that's about it, really. Most of my creations spring out of sudden flashes of insight like that.

Wow, I really like it. And it happens to be just what I was looking for.

May I use this for my homebrew world?

Of course. Everything I post here is what I would consider public property. Anyone can take it and use it for whatever they want.

[...]Do you have any interest in something along these lines? If not, would you object to my attempting to do so?

Not personally, but you're more than welcome to make the ACF/whatever yourself, sure.

2012-06-24, 09:52 PM
Couple things...

First, mind if I play one?

So, the Constructor's golem get a slam attack? Neat! How much damage does it do?

Ok, they get Brew Potion at first level.

You can create a potion of any 3rd-level or lower spell that you know.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it doesn't look like he actually knows any spells.

2012-06-24, 10:21 PM
See the Item Creation ability for how they overcome that.

By the way, I haven't forgotten my magitech armor variant; I actually had half-written one when a browser crash erased what I had.

For the most part, not a lot needs to change. [Tandem] transmutations just treat your square as both yours and your Companion's. You lose some tactical options (two different positions), you gain some tactical options (you're both in the same square and move together), etc. The main thing was actually statting the armors.

2012-06-24, 10:35 PM
Couple things...

First, mind if I play one?

Of course not.

So, the Constructor's golem get a slam attack? Neat! How much damage does it do?

The statblock says 1d8, though I suppose I could add that information to their general statistics too.

Ok, they get Brew Potion at first level.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it doesn't look like he actually knows any spells.

Blatant rippoff of Artificer creation saves the day! :smallwink:

Roc Ness
2012-06-25, 05:49 AM
Wow, this is incredible stuff and I'm loving the look and feel of the class. :smallbiggrin:

... And I suppose that's mostly all I have to say on the matter. I'd join the bandwagon for more paths (I'd personally love to see a primarily explosive/demolition path), but that does seem like it puts far too much pressure on you to crank out the paths.

Maybe up the skill points to +6? You could always do with more skill points, especially if you're going to invest heavily in Craft (Alchemy) already.

2012-06-25, 09:17 AM
Of course not.

I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks for making this!

The statblock says 1d8, though I suppose I could add that information to their general statistics too.

Oh, yeah, it does. That works excellently. Thank you!

Blatant rippoff of Artificer creation saves the day! :smallwink:

Derp derp derp.