View Full Version : No love for the Runecaster?

2012-06-01, 05:53 PM
So, upon digging through my old books, I came across my PGtF.
Thought I would take a stroll through memory lane and read through her again.
Came across the Runecaster PrC. Really liked it. Seem's more powerful than I gave it credit for the first time I seen it ( I didn't understand Item Creation that well at the time), also really liked the fluff.

My question is this:
Why no love for the Runecaster? I never, ever see it mentioned on here, and I only came across one build through google.
Anyone have any experience with it?
Would a Pathfinder conversion of it make it better or worse? (Seeing as they took out XP components for Item Creation)

What do you think Playground?

Agent 451
2012-06-01, 06:17 PM
Here is a link (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=202517)which may interest you. And another (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=244980) (see the last post). And another (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=12011.0;wap2).

2012-06-01, 06:23 PM
Yeah, I love Runecaster, but I've never been able to play one. The ability to share Personal range buffs by inscribing them on runes and allowing allies to activate them is intriguing. X/day Wish runes and the like would be insane, but I'd avoid that much cheese.

2012-06-02, 07:09 AM
You could simply give everyone a necklace made of stones, each with a permanent rune of CLW, activated my a command word to all go off at once.

In combat healing made easy.

Or if you can find a way to be able to cast a couple arcane spells as divine, give the melee-ers a rune of true strike/wraith strike/other nice things. Divine power for those with medium BAB. A good way to avoid having to pump up UMD on characters without spells.

Edit: Wow, yeah, should have checked out those links before writing this. Some way awesome ideas, plus, they are pretty cheap. 4k for a Perm. True Strike is awesome. Noone would ever miss again! Not to mention all the other cheesy goodness you could get out of that.

Why don't we hear about the Runecaster more often?!

2012-06-02, 03:05 PM
Have to agree with OP. I'd never heard of Runecaster before this thread, and now that I looked it up (along with those links), I'm wondering how in the heck that's possible. Runes could have so many applications that the links in this topic briefly touch on that the number of options there are is mind-boggling. I can't believe Runecaster isn't brought up in every build ever.

I was thinking an Archivist entry, to grab all those otherwise arcane spells that appear in domains. That would be pretty great, as long as you have a DM that'll give you access to spells.

2012-06-03, 05:09 AM
Heck, even just straight Cleric entry would be awesome. All the buffing and healing you could ever want, for a low cost and quick creation time, as opposed to normal crafting which would take months in game.