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2012-06-01, 10:02 PM

Image of Timeforged

Timeforged are an enigma, nothing is certain of their origin, no name for themselves, lost travelers with no place to call home. Some believe they are created by the gods of creation, forgotten for ages, then rediscovered and reactivated by the dwarves at the start of this age. The Timeforged know differently, they know they came from a vast empire spanning the dark tapestry, Millennia from now, but their minds remain silent beyond this.

Their legends speak of a time where they were at war with organics (in truth it was a parasitic life form that enslaved nearly every world). Facing a losing battle, the Timeforged were sent back in time to assist the organics in ending this possible future. However, their failure to calculate for every variable led to about 99% of the Timeforged sent back failed to survive the trip. Those that did were lost on the material plane, deep within the earth.

The first was named Mission. It was pulled from solid granite by mistake, a section cut for a column had been found to encase it. When first reactivated, it said one word: "mission" then attacked the workers. It ran into the main tunnel branch off the mine tunnel and proceeded on smashing another wall to pieces, leading to the second Timeforged to be reactivated.

The second was damaged severely and was called Lore. Lore calmed Mission and assisted in first contact with the dwarves. Although the dwarves were uneasy, the workers attacked all suffered non-lethal damage (Mission was a monk, or so the dwarves recorded later, and extremely disciplined) and were alive. The dwarves took this as an act of good faith that they were not killing machines, and could be trusted to obey laws governing them.

After Lore met with the Dwarven leaders, they offered to assist in finding the lost Timeforged in return for peace between them and assisting in labor and construction to earn their keep. Lore ceased to function after the first dozen were revived.


The Next important one was revived one week after that, a beautiful (by Timeforged standards, anyways) timeforged of superior quality and more feminine, more humanoid in features. She called herself Queen and named the race as Timeforged. The dwarves then adopted them into their culture.

The discovery led to the search for the remaining Timeforged, about 2 million are estimated to have possibly survived the trip, although most are unable to be reached and remain lost. About eight hundred have been revived and work with the dwarves towards recovering them.

They are extremely secretive of their origin and purpose. they have revealed the most to the dwarves, as part of their first encounter. beyond this, they are viewed as brothers among the dwarves. Most live with Dwarves, over 800 strong dwell within the nations of dwarves.

Gnomes find them intensely interesting and often spend their lives seeking the fabled city under the ocean. To learn from the Timeforged, technology adapted to harness gnomish steam and cogs as a power source. Fact remains that more gnomes have died from accidents when tinkering with Timeforged designs. To be honest the gnomes tell fibs that they as a race have been transformed by technology but the only noticeable changes are alot more burns and scars on gnomes.

Halfings and Humans often show mistrust and they generally dont get along well without a lot of trust and understanding between the two parties. Naturally this isnt the case in all of halflings and humans, just a majority. The alliance of orcs and Timeforged has also caused problems with the integration of Timeforged into their societies.

Orcs hold them as well in high regard, they in fact show honour to them, allowing a large group of Timeforged (146 by the recount) to live within the orc caverns and encampments. The Timeforged have advanced the orcs tactics, training and with new weaponry designs and forging techniques adapted from the dwarves. The largest enclave of orcs is ruled by Timeforged blackguard named Skull by the orcs (after the white paint made from bonemeal, it paints its faceplates in a shape similar to a skull).

Elves mistrust and hate them, often refusing them into locations owned or operated by elves. Elves fear they are machinations of death and tell horror stories of the battles they fought with the Dwarves and Timeforged allies in the ages past. Dwarven Magic and Timeforged Technology combined into what would nearly become an extinction of the Elven population if not for the actions of the Fey in hiding them, and the human/dwarf negotiations that led to the end of the Thousand Year War. also, the alliance with the orcs has led many more elves to view the Timeforged as a whole to be barbaric.

Timeforged are usually lawful, and they tend towards neutral.

One such documentation of a Chaotic Evil Timeforged has been noted. By the name of Pylon, this Timeforged had severe damage to its head from witness reports, its right eye dark but occasionally flickered with blue light. The other burning intensely with an almost diabolic glow. It had been damaged in the trip back and showed genocidal ideas.

It was destroyed by the Dwarven King Tra'knok Ironheel and twelve Timeforged (Zephyr, Rust, Current, Portal, Edge, Leer, Gauntlet, Zone, Spec, Trust, Gear and Frost). At battle's end, Only Spec, Edge and Leer stood next to the King; all heavily wounded and in the king's case, maimed for life with the loss of his weapon arm and his left leg. Pylon was incinerated in the Dwarven Great Forge in their hollowed mountain.

Rift, A highly advanced city that floats on barriers under the ocean, hovering above the continental shelve. Rumors abound of its origin, although its believed it might be a Timeforged artifact but no proof has been found.


Its one of the oldest cities, still operating from the First Age (about 20,000 years ago), a relic from the past, it is in the care of the Timeforged. Noted for its immense age and high tech nature, it requires little to no maintenance, the city being powered by water currents and self-repairing.

The three arms of of the city radiate the barriers on and around the city, and are protected at all times. Also, the barriers seem to create breathable air from the water it keeps out.

Despite the advanced nature of the city, little is known about its functioning or creators, no knowledge was found within when it was first rediscovered, the city appears to be autonomous. The Timeforged have claimed it as their own, but remain silent about how they operate it or its purpose.


Extremely similar to Rift, these ships are capable of traveling vast distances in little time, using a method of folding space around a barrier. This is then accelerated to immense speeds to reach their destination. This is considered a lost Technology but its rumored that Rift may in fact be a ship, based on the similar shape and layout.

However, never has the city ever moved from beneath the ocean's currents nor has it any notable engines, thrusters, exhaust vents, or any other methods of short distance travel. Its also rumored that if it is indeed a ship, the city isn't completely finished as the Timeforged do seem preoccupied in repairing it and they never seem to finish anything of notable importance, at least from what has been announced to the non-Timeforged public living within or made available for outsiders to see.

Timeforged have adopted religious thought from who they have dwelt with, having no actual faiths of their own. Many more still do not believe in the gods at all and cannot comprehend the belief. They claim to be built by other Constructs but do not worship them or even go into detail about them. Most are not interested in divine roles and will more likely favor the arcane if any magic is pursued.

Racial Modifiers
+4 Strength, +4 Constitution, −2 Wisdom, −4 Charisma. Timeforged are inherently tough and are known to be very strong; however, Timeforged are usually withdrawn and socially inept. Primarily programmed for warfare, Timeforged often have difficulties adjusting to peace and a sedentary lifestyle.

Medium Living Construct

Darkvision: 60 ft.

Construct Constitution: Timeforged are vastly different physiologically to humanoids. Immunity to Fatigue, Exhaustion, Magical Sleep, Nonlethal Damage, and Poisons.

Construct Origin: Living constructs can be affected by spells that target living creatures as well as by those that target constructs. Damage dealt to a living construct can be healed by a cure light wounds spell or a repair light damage spell.

For example, and a living construct is vulnerable to a harm spell. However, spells from the healing sub-school provide only half effect to a living construct.

A construct doesn’t need to eat, drink, or breathe, but this doesn’t render you immune to any effect if they do eat, drink, or breathe and can still benefit from the effects of consumable spells and magic items such as potions.

Regen State: Does not need to sleep; however, Timeforged do spend 4 hours refraining from any strenuous activity and enter a state of intense self repair. The Timeforged needs to spend 4 hours in this state to gain the same benefits as other races gain from taking a full 8 hours of rest. While resting in this low-exertion state, The Timeforged are fully aware of its surroundings and can notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.

The hundreds of panels and rune edges glow and move slightly outwards, as if venting heat or taking in air. When the panels are open, thousands of fine creatures that the Timeforged call nanos, crawl out over the Timeforged, repairing any damage present.

The Timeforged gains Regeneration 10 while in this state, can reattach limbs by holding them back together. This intense regeneration effectively heals any amount of damage over the four hours of repair. However, during this state the Timeforged is flat-footed against attacks and loses any magical effect currently applied to themselves until the state ends.

If the Timeforged is forced to break the cycle, it requires a full round action, retracting the nanos and closing the panels. Timeforged can also enter this state for longer periods, remaining deactivated effectively indefinitely until it reactivates, but while this happens the panels are closed.

Platings: Each Timeforged is plated differently, each material having different properties. They cannot wear armor, but clothing, robes and cloaks can be altered to fit the larger frame, and plates can be enchanted like armor. Each type has a different array of slam attacks with different types of damage as shown in the second post (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13327776&postcount=2).

Weapon Proficiency: Timeforged are masters of warfare and combat, are proficient in all weapons, and suffer no penalties for using improvised weapons in combat.

Curse of Babel: Timeforged are gifted with languages, their minds easily grasping the phonics of languages. Timeforged gains a +4 racial bonus on Linguistics checks and gain two languages for each rank spent into the linguistics skill.

Built For A Cause: Timeforged were created to hate Mind Flayers, to end their all impressive grasp on the Planes of Existence. Timeforged are treated as having a Ranger's Favored Enemy ability, but functions only against Mind Flayers and their Brood.

They gain a +2 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against them. Likewise, they gets a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against them. A Timeforged may make Knowledge skill checks untrained when attempting to identify them.

This does stack with a ranger who takes aberrations as a favored enemy; again only applying against Mind Flayers and their brood.

Automatic Languages: Common and Binary (see below).

Bonus Languages: Any

Binary: The Timeforged language sounds like rapid fire beeps and clicks that does not follow the normal patterns of languages. This language requires spending two ranks in linguistics to learn, instead of one.

If learned, I can be understood and written; However, it is next to impossible to speak for those who are not Timeforged. The Written form appears to be a series of two symbols written in different sets of eight.

Aging Effects: Timeforged are effectively immortal. Aging effects still do occur; However, physical penalties only lower by one as mental scores increase at the normal rate. Also, this change is measured in millenias, not years.

Middle Aged: 7,000+ years
Old: 14,000+ years
Venerable: 21,000+ years

CR +2

2012-06-01, 10:06 PM
Timeforged Feats

Hidden Compartment
Some Timeforged were constructed with hidden compartments in several possible locations inside their body. The Timeforged is built with either a long compartment inside their torso or two smaller ones on each hip. These compartment are capable of holding a one-handed or light weapon in each.

Prerequisite: Timeforged, Level 1st.

Benefit: The Timeforged has one or two compartments. The Torso Compartment opens at the base of the back of the neck, pushing up a one-handed, light, wand or rod handle upwards. The each hip compartment can hold a light weapon or wand within.

These functions as a sheaths for the purposes of drawing speeds and feats like quick draw can apply. The items are considered concealed unless the Timeforged has used it before within sight of a creature. this feat can be taken twice, each time grants either the Torso or the Hip compartments.

Normal: Without this feat, a Timeforged does not have any compartments.

2012-06-03, 02:43 AM
Timeforged Weapons

{table=head]{colsp=8}Table: Timeforged Weaponry
Exotic Weapons |Cost |Dmg |Critical |Range |Weight |Type |Special

Beam Rifle |16,500 gp |6d6 |×2 |120 ft. |6 lbs. |Fire |(See Below)
Chainsaw |1,000 gp |3d4 |×3 |— |10 lbs. |Slashing |(See Below)
Laserblade |2,200 gp |2d4 |×4 |10 ft. |2 lbs. |Force |(See Below)

Beam Rifle: The beam rifle uses energy drawn from light sources to power a power cell located in the butt-end. The standard cell holds 50 shots, while magical cells hold 100 shots. It takes one minute for the beam rifle to recharge 6 shots if in direct sunlight or 1 shot per minute of indirect sunlight. This weapon can be fired continuously without overheating. This weapon attacks are treated as ranged touch attacks for the purposes of armor class.

Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armour, Flaming Sphere or Craft (Technology) 13 ranks
Cost to Create: 8,250 gp
Chainsaw: The chainsaw is a complex masterwork tool crafted by Timeforged which employs an engine of steam (or sometimes magic) to drive a belt of blades around a vaguely sword-like projection. It is great for cutting through objects such as logs, and rare adamantine versions can chew through solid iron walls.

It is not intended to use as a weapon however. Those without proficiency take -6 to attack rolls, while those with proficiency still take -2. It may be used as a tool, proficient or not. All chainsaws are automatically masterwork.

The chainsaw does special things on a natural 1 and a natural 20. On a natural 1, the chainsaw has a 20% chance it may jam. In such a case, the device must be shut off and a Disable Device check of DC 20 is requires to bring the chainsaw back into working order. If the weapon is ever sundered and broken, its fuel explodes, dealing 2d6 fire damage to its user and the attacker.

On a natural 20 however, the chainsaw has bored into its target. In addition to the critical hit damage, the weapon has a 20% chance of lopping off a limb. Choose randomly from one of the limbs (typically 4 for two arms and two legs). The enemy loses that limb, and takes penalties appropriate. The head is not considered a limb for this purpose (and for balance, as it is not a Vorpal weapon).

Chainsaws gain +2 on Sunder checks and treat the hardness of the object as -2 less than normal (to a minumum of 0). Any enchantment bonus grants another -1 penalty per bonus.

Chainsaws which are not magical require fuel. It consumes 10g in alchemical fuel per encounter or for every minute used outside of battle. This fuel can be crafted with craft (alchemy) checks, generally distilled from organic sludge like oils. Refueling takes a full round action and provokes an attack of opportunity.

Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armour or Craft (Technology) 4 ranks
Cost to Create: 500 gp
Laserblade: When not active, it looks like a handle, which is usually decorated to suit the individual who built it. Some choose to inlay theirs with precious metals or gems, while others are much more functional. All have a single button on the handle, which generates a sword-shaped beam of light when pressed (requiring a swift action). Another press of the button (and another swift action) turns off the beam.

While the beam is active, it sheds light like a torch. While the beam can be of any color (depending on what gemstones are used within it as a focal point), most common are blues and greens.

The Laserblade can be wielded as a light weapon. Note that a Laserblade is always considered a light weapon, regardless of its relative size to the wielder. When used this way, the Laserblade deals 2d4 damage, and has a critical threat range of 20 and a critical multiplier of ×4. It is considered a force effect, and is automatically considered mwk and magical for all purposes, even though it has no enhancement bonus.

Laserblades are difficult for those not trained with them, any attack roll of a natural 1 ends up scoring a hit on the user if they are not proficient with this exotic weapon. Having proficiency in Laserblades removes any chance of the user injuring themselves with it.

If a Laserblade strikes refined adamantine, it shorts out, deactivating it immediately and making it unable to be reactivated for 1d4 rounds. This applies if the Laserblade is used to attack a creature wearing adamantine armour or carrying an adamantine shield, or when striking a creature made mostly of adamantine.

Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armour or Craft (Technology) 6 ranks
Cost to Create: 1100 gp

Timeforged Armor Platings
{table=head]{colsp=8}Table: Armor Plating Types
Material Type| GP | Armor Bonus| Max Dex |ACP| Movement|
Slam Attack|
Special Abilities

Hide and Bone|---|0|---|0|30 ft.|1d4 P|treated as armorless for monk class features
Wood|50|+1|+8|-1|30 ft.|1d4 B|+4 swim checks to swim upward, -4 swim checks to swim downward
Stone|30|+2|+6|-3|20 ft.|1d6 B|+2 bonus on stealth checks when hiding among stones
Bronze|175|+2|+5|-3|20 ft.|1d6 S|------
Iron|300|+2|+6|-2|30 ft.|1d6 P|------

Composite|600|+2|+7|-2|30 ft.|1d8 S|------
Cold Iron|900|+4|+6|-3|20 ft.|1d6 P| slam attacks treated as cold iron
Silver|1,000|+3|+6|-3|20 ft.|1d6 S| slam attacks treated as silver

Mithral|2,200|+5|+6|-2|30 ft.|1d8 S| slam attacks treated as silver
Ceramic|2,750|+7|+3|-5|15 ft.|1d10 B|+4 CMB on Sunder with slam attacks

Red Stone|Node (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13374927&postcount=2)|+4|+4|-4|30 ft.|1d8 S| immune to heat effects, slam attacks deal double damage to cold subtypes
Blue Stone|Node (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13374927&postcount=2)|+4|+4|-4|30 ft.|1d8 S|swim speed 30 ft., slam attacks deal double damage to fire subtypes
Green Stone|Node (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13374927&postcount=2)|+5|+6|-2|30 ft.|1d8 S|slam attacks treated as silver
Yellow Stone|Node (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13374927&postcount=2)|+4|+4|-4|30 ft.|1d6 S|spider climb when walking on metal surfaces
Purple Stone|Node (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13374927&postcount=2)|+4|+4|-4|30 ft.|1d8 S|+1 caster level checks when casting divine spells within 30 ft.
Black Stone|Node (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13374927&postcount=2)|+4|+4|-4|30 ft.|1d6 S|light decreases one step within 30 ft., darkness spell like ability (centered on self; 3/Day; CL = HD)

Adamantine|3,000|+9|+2|-5|20 ft.|1d10 S| Attacks ignore hardness less than 20, DR 3/---
Galvorn|4,000|+7|+1|-3|20 ft.|1d8 S| Ignores half sunder damage
Diamond|5,500|+10|+0|-6|15 ft.|1d12 P| Vulnerability to Sonic, DR 5/---
Balthazate|7,500|+8|+2|-5|20 ft.|1d8 B| Slam attacks have flaming property, Resistance to fire 10
Atium|8,000|+6|+3|-4|20 ft.|1d8 B| Slam attacks treated as +2 weapons
Arcanite|10,500|+7|+3|-4|30 ft.|1d6 S| Fly (3/Day; CL = HD)
Insidium|13,750|+4|+8|-3|20 ft.|1d6-1 P| 50% Concealment, +10 stealth when moving, +20 stealth when stationary

2012-06-03, 04:28 AM
Well I'm hoping this isn't C.R zero because it's WAAAAY too powerful for that. The regeneration 10 when sleeping is already enoguth for that, and an orc gets -2 to all mental stats for a 4+ bonus to ONE score.

The fluff is awsome, however, i'll give you that much.

Morph Bark
2012-06-03, 04:28 AM
Needs some LA.

2012-06-03, 06:52 AM
The diamond plating's "Immunity to Sonic" should be "Vulnerability to Sonic", considering sonic spells like Shout explicitly deal more to crystalline creatures.

I also find it just strange that they have level restrictions on their plating. It doesn't feel right.

2012-06-03, 09:56 AM

Image of Timeforged

Timeforged are an enigma, nothing is certain of their origin, no name for themselves. As lost travelers with no place to call home, there are many different theories as to how they came to be. Some believe they are created by the gods of creation at the beginning of time, forgotten for ages only to be rediscovered and reactivated by the dwarves at the start of this age. Some say they were relics of the giant's empire, created to serve but were thrown away as a failed creation.

The Timeforged know differently; they know they came from a vast empire spanning the dark tapestry (Outer Space)Millennia from now, but their minds remain silent beyond this. Their legends speak of a time where they were at war with organics. In truth it was mutated parasitic life-form that evolved from the mind flayer's, one that enslaved nearly every world within the Dark Tapestry. Facing a losing battle, the Timeforged were sent back in time to assist the organics in ending this possible future.

However, their failure to calculate for every potential variable led to about 99% of the Timeforged sent back failed to survive the trip. Those that did were lost on the material plane, deep within the earth.

The Discovery:
The first was named Mission. It was pulled from solid granite by mistake, a section cut for a column had been found to encase it. When first reactivated, it said one word: "mission" then attacked the workers. It ran into the main tunnel branch off the mine tunnel and proceeded on smashing another wall to pieces, leading to the second Timeforged to be reactivated.

The second was damaged severely and was called Lore. Lore calmed Mission and assisted in first contact with the dwarves. Although the dwarves were uneasy, the workers attacked all suffered non-lethal damage (Mission was a monk, or so the dwarves recorded later, and extremely disciplined) and were alive. The dwarves took this as an act of good faith that they were not killing machines, and could be trusted to obey laws governing them.

After Lore met with the Dwarven leaders, they offered to assist in finding the lost Timeforged in return for peace between them and assisting in labor and construction to earn their keep. Lore ceased to function after the first dozen were revived.


The Next important one was revived one week after that, a beautiful (by Timeforged standards, anyways) Timeforged of superior quality and more feminine, more humanoid in features. She called herself Queen and named the race as Timeforged. The dwarves then adopted them into their culture.

The discovery led to the search for the remaining Timeforged, about 2 million are estimated to have possibly survived the trip, although most are unable to be reached and remain lost. About eight hundred have been revived and work with the dwarves towards recovering them.

They are extremely secretive of their origin and purpose. they have revealed the most to the dwarves, as part of their first encounter. beyond this, they are viewed as brothers among the dwarves. Most live with Dwarves, over 800 strong dwell within the nations of dwarves. Roughly half are active in the war against the Orcs. Several have been captured or defected in recent years, leading to several to be spotted within the Wastes.

Gnomes find them intensely interesting and often spend their lives seeking the fabled city under the ocean. Learning from the Timeforged artificers and engineers, gnomish technology has advanced and been adapted to harness steam and cogs as a power source. While the fact remains that more gnomes have died from accidents when tinkering with Timeforged designs, gnomes refuse to submit to setbacks, so tireless in their search for a better machine. The gnomes claim that, as a race, they have been transformed by technology. Sadly, the only noticeable changes are a lot more burns and scars on gnomes.

Halfings and Humans often show mistrust and they generally get along well without a lot of trouble between the two parties. Naturally this isnt the case in all of halflings and humans, just a majority. The alliance of orcs and Timeforged has also caused problems with the integration of Timeforged into their societies.

Orcs hold them as well in high regard, they in fact show honour to them, allowing a large group of Timeforged (146 by the recount) to live within the orc caverns and encampments. The Timeforged have advanced the orcs tactics, training and with new weaponry designs and forging techniques adapted from the dwarves, the orcs have advanced their tactics and abilities. The largest enclave of orcs is ruled by Timeforged blackguard of the Radiant One, named Skull by the orcs, after the white paint made from crushed bones it paints its faceplates (in a shape similar to a skull).

Elves often mistrust or even hate them, often refusing them into locations owned or operated by elves. Elves fear they are machinations of death and tell horror stories of the battles they fought with the Orcs and their Timeforged allies in the past. The alliance with the orcs has led many more elves to view the Timeforged as a whole to be barbaric killing machines.[/SPOILER]

Timeforged are usually lawful, and they tend towards neutral.

One such documentation of a Chaotic Evil Timeforged has been noted. By the name of Pylon, this Timeforged had severe damage to its head from witness reports, its right eye dark but occasionally flickered with blue light. The other burning intensely with an almost diabolic glow. It had been damaged in the trip back and showed genocidal ideas.

It was destroyed by the Dwarven King Tra'knok Ironheel and twelve Timeforged (Zephyr, Rust, Current, Portal, Edge, Leer, Gauntlet, Zone, Spec, Trust, Gear and Frost). At battle's end, Only Spec, Edge and Leer stood next to the King; all heavily wounded and in the king's case, maimed for life with the loss of his weapon arm and his left leg. Pylon was incinerated in the Dwarven Great Forge in Heartforge.

Rift, a highly advanced city that floats on barriers under the ocean, hovering above the continental shelf. Rumors abound of its origin, although its believed it might be a Timeforged artifact that they are rebuilding, but no proof has been found.


Its one of the oldest cities, still operating from the First Age (about 20,000 years ago), a relic from the past, it is in the care of the Timeforged. Noted for its immense age and high tech nature, it requires little to no maintenance, the city being powered by water currents and self-repairing.

The three arms of of the city radiate the barriers on and around the city, and are protected at all times. Also, the barriers seem to create breathable air from the water it keeps out.

Despite the advanced nature of the city, little is known about its functioning or creators, no knowledge was found within when it was first rediscovered, the city appears to be autonomous. The Timeforged have claimed it as their own, but remain silent about how they operate it or its purpose.


Extremely similar to Rift, these ships are capable of traveling vast distances in little time, using a method of folding space around a barrier. This is then accelerated to immense speeds to reach their destination. This is considered a lost Technology but its rumored that Rift may in fact be a ship, based on the similar shape and layout.

However, never has the city ever moved from beneath the ocean's currents nor has it any notable engines, thrusters, exhaust vents, or any other methods of short distance travel. Its also rumored that if it is indeed a ship, the city isn't completely finished as the Timeforged do seem preoccupied in repairing it and they never seem to finish anything of notable importance, at least from what has been announced to the non-Timeforged public living within or made available for outsiders to see.

Timeforged have adopted religious thought from who they have dwelt with, having no actual faiths of their own. Many more still do not believe in the gods at all and cannot comprehend the belief. They claim to be built by other Constructs but do not worship them or even go into detail about them. Most are not interested in divine roles and will more likely favor the arcane if any magic is pursued.

Racial Modifiers:

+4 Strength, +4 Constitution, −2 Wisdom, −4 Charisma. Timeforged are inherently tough and are known to be very strong; however, Timeforged are usually withdrawn and socially inept. Primarily programmed for warfare, Timeforged often have difficulties adjusting to peace and a sedentary lifestyle.

Medium Construct (Living)

Darkvision: 60 ft.

Construct Constitution: Timeforged are vastly different physiologically to humanoids. Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, effects that cause the sickened condition, and energy drain.

Construct Origin: Living constructs can be affected by spells that target living creatures as well as by those that target constructs. Damage dealt to a living construct can be healed by a cure light wounds spell or a repair light damage spell. However, spells from the healing sub-school provide only half effect to a living construct.

The stone and metal materials that make up the body of a timeforged makes them vulnerable to certain spells and effects that normally don’t affect living creatures. A timeforged takes damage from heat metal and chill metal as if he were wearing metal armor. Likewise, a timeforged is affected by repel metal or stone as if he were wearing metal pr stone armor. The iron in the body of a timeforged makes him vulnerable to rusting grasp. The timeforged takes 2d6 points of damage from the spell (Reflex half; save DC 14 + caster’s ability modifier). A timeforged takes the same damage from a rust monster’s touch (Reflex DC 17 half). Spells such as stone to flesh or stone shape affect objects only, and thus cannot be used on the stone and metal parts of a timeforged.

A timeforged doesn’t need to eat, drink, or breathe, but this doesn’t render it immune to any effect if they do eat, drink, or breathe and can still benefit from the effects of consumable spells and magic items such as potions.

Regen State: Does not need to sleep; however, Timeforged may chose to enter a low power state, refraining from any strenuous activity. If they maintain this low power state, they can begin a period of intense self repair after it ends. While resting in this low-exertion state, the Timeforged are fully aware of its surroundings and can notice approaching enemies and other events as normal. However, during this state the Timeforged is flat-footed against attacks and loses any magical effect currently applied to themselves until the state ends.

If they rest of the full four hour period, the hundreds of panels and rune edges glow and open slightly, as if venting heat or taking in air. When the panels are open, thousands of fine creatures that the Timeforged call nanos (a symbiotic construct that lives within them) begin to crawl out over the Timeforged, repairing any damage present.

The Timeforged effectively gains Regeneration 10 after the initial four hours of rest, allowing any wounds to be healed if they maintain the state longer than the minimum four hours. While in this state, can reattach limbs by holding them back together.

The Timeforged needs to spend 4 hours in this state to gain the same benefits as other races gain from taking a full 8 hours of rest. If the Timeforged is forced to break the cycle, it requires a full round action, retracting the nanos and closing the panels. Timeforged can also enter this state for longer periods, remaining deactivated effectively indefinitely until it reactivates, but while this happens the panels are closed.

If the timeforged is reduced to 0 hit points, it is disabled, like any other construct. If no repairs/healing is applied, after a full day has passed the nanos automatically release and begin restoring the timeforged.

Platings: Each Timeforged is plated differently, each material having different properties. They cannot wear armor, but clothing, robes and cloaks can be altered to fit the larger frame at extra cost, and plates can be enchanted like armor. Each type has a different array of slam attacks with different types of damage as shown in the Third post (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13333595&postcount=3).

Weapon Proficiency: Timeforged are masters of warfare and combat, are proficient in all weapons, and suffer no penalties for using improvised weapons in combat.

Curse of Babel: Timeforged are gifted with languages, their minds easily grasping the phonics of languages. Timeforged gain two languages for each rank spent into the Speak Language skill.

Built For A Cause: Timeforged were created to hate Mind Flayers, to end their all impressive grasp on the Planes of Existence. Timeforged are treated as having a Ranger's Favored Enemy ability, but functions only against Mind Flayers and their Brood.

They gain a +2 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks against them. Likewise, they gets a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against them. A Timeforged may make Knowledge skill checks untrained when attempting to identify them.

This does stack with a ranger who takes aberrations as a favored enemy; again only applying against Mind Flayers and their brood.

Automatic Languages: Common and Binary (see below).

Bonus Languages: Any

Binary: The Timeforged language sounds like rapid fire beeps and clicks that does not follow the normal patterns of languages. This language requires spending two ranks in linguistics to learn, instead of one. If learned, It can be understood and written; However, it is next to impossible to speak for those who are not Timeforged. The Written form appears to be a series of two symbols written in different sets of eight.

Level Adjustment: +2

Aging Effects:
Timeforged are effectively immortal, although aging effects still do occur; However, physical penalties only lower by one as mental scores increase at the normal rate. Also, this change is measured in millenias, not years.

Middle Aged: 7,000+ years
Old: 14,000+ years
Venerable: 21,000+ years

2012-06-03, 09:58 AM
The diamond plating's "Immunity to Sonic" should be "Vulnerability to Sonic", considering sonic spells like Shout explicitly deal more to crystalline creatures.

I also find it just strange that they have level restrictions on their plating. It doesn't feel right.

i agree, im making the changes.

2012-06-03, 10:05 AM
Well I'm hoping this isn't C.R zero because it's WAAAAY too powerful for that. The regeneration 10 when sleeping is already enoguth for that, and an orc gets -2 to all mental stats for a 4+ bonus to ONE score.

The fluff is awsome, however, i'll give you that much.

CR +2 will work. LA doesnt exist or it would be +3 or something.

Orcs, half orcs, and kobolds are crap when it comes to stats in my book.

I will need everyone's advice as I finish this, this being the first Pathfinder race ive built from scratch. (done dozens for 3.5, though)

2012-06-03, 12:49 PM
What have I created?

2012-06-03, 02:31 PM
Most Pathfinder races have an attribute bonus total of +2, while this class has a total of +4.

Also, most Pathfinder races have +2 to one Physical Attribute (STR, CON, DEX) and one Mental Attribute (CHA, WIS, INT) and -2 to any one attribute. If you were to go by this, I would suggest having one of the bonuses be a +2 to Wisdom or Intelligence.

2012-06-03, 03:02 PM
Most Pathfinder races have an attribute bonus total of +2, while this class has a total of +4.

Also, most Pathfinder races have +2 to one Physical Attribute (STR, CON, DEX) and one Mental Attribute (CHA, WIS, INT) and -2 to any one attribute. If you were to go by this, I would suggest having one of the bonuses be a +2 to Wisdom or Intelligence.

Charisma will suffer the hit, becoming -4 to compensate but i will not change the ability mods beyond this.

2012-06-07, 08:17 PM
large edit of armors, adding several new ones to the list.

2012-06-14, 10:57 PM
added age categories. any suggestions?

2012-06-16, 03:39 PM
big update for the warforged race, added alot of fluff and even a city.

2012-07-31, 10:46 PM
it no longer feels like the standard race of warforged, so i give them their own room to stand, changed by time and perhaps even fate.

2012-08-11, 01:48 PM
Hello there! Long time listender first time caller, I was wondering what the "NODE" entries within the armor table refers to.

2012-08-11, 02:21 PM
Hiya just thought that you should know that I've added your race to the list of possible races able to enter the Trueforge (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=248364) class (as recomended by Deviston). Hope thats ok!

2012-08-11, 09:19 PM
Hello there! Long time listender first time caller, I was wondering what the "NODE" entries within the armor table refers to.

Each Node looks like a 10 ft. tall x 5 ft. wide volcano, instead of lava they secrete a resinous substance that can be fired and worked exactly like metal can; however, the material is treated as if it is stone, instead of metal.

Its furtherly explained in this post (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13374927&postcount=2).

2012-08-12, 05:11 AM
Fair enough, what's the cost for them?

2012-08-12, 09:28 AM
Fair enough, what's the cost for them?

they dont cost a thing. its based on if the DM adding them to the party's equipment or not.

2012-08-12, 02:08 PM
Uh.... but if it is a material that can be mined, could not it be mined by non-timeforged? And what would a timeforged do if he saw a merchant selling it and he wanted it? Look up into the sky and wait for the "Diety Mighty" to cause it to float from the stall into his backpack?

2012-08-12, 02:38 PM
They seem.. rather powerful.

If this weren't pathfinder, I'd expect some form of LA.

2012-08-12, 02:50 PM
Uh.... but if it is a material that can be mined, could not it be mined by non-timeforged? And what would a timeforged do if he saw a merchant selling it and he wanted it? Look up into the sky and wait for the "Diety Mighty" to cause it to float from the stall into his backpack?

No, more like White Node is currently crafting currency and all the rest can only be used if the party itself finds it.

its all about who owns it. the owner would have the material, no one else. im never having it just randomly found in shops. its a 1 in a trillion item, the nodes.

It should be ruled as, if it exists in the universe, its in the party's items, no one else. definitely not obtainable at random or even in Metropolises. unless the node is housed within that city.

2012-08-12, 02:57 PM
Meh ok then. They don't seem powerful or enticing enough for me to be concerned about it any further. Thanks for the indulgence.

2012-08-15, 01:31 AM
no problem

2012-08-15, 04:15 PM
added two weapons to the third post. Chainsaw and the Laserblade.

Edit: added beam rifle

2012-08-15, 06:57 PM
This also applies if the Laserblade is used to attack a creature wearing adamantine armour or carrying an adamantine shield of at least masterwork quality

You don't need to be that specific. =)

Adamantine is so costly that weapons and armor made from it are always of masterwork quality

2012-08-15, 07:38 PM
You don't need to be that specific. =)

cleaned it up a bit but its still mentioned.

2012-08-24, 03:38 AM
Working off my phone, so this is a little tricky. Can you post/pm the most up to date info?

This thing is kicka$$ and mad props to you

2012-08-24, 03:41 AM
Working off my phone, so this is a little tricky. Can you post/pm the most up to date info?

This thing is kicka$$ and mad props to you

how so? like just copy the racial stats? no table for the armor plating types? no weapons? fluff attached?

2012-08-24, 11:13 PM
added a racial feat, the Hidden Compartments

2012-08-27, 04:01 AM
added a section about the space ships, referred to as a Tapestry Ship, to avoid the constant scientific terms like space. bad enough im toeing that line and crossing it a lot. Technology and Magic are fusing in my mythos, yet remaining separate, like two coiled serpents.

2013-06-07, 12:41 PM
Do queens stat differently?

2013-06-07, 01:59 PM
Do queens stat differently?

they only have one queen, and no, its not different. (besides appearance)