View Full Version : Get ALL the clothes! [the best 3.5 Clothing]

Morph Bark
2012-06-03, 09:05 AM
I'm trying to get together a wardrobe for a character who is very fond of changing clothes.

1. What outfits exist that grant a bonus to a skill or save or other roll or ability?

2. What various special materials are there that clothing can be made of in DnD?

3. What books (and if possible, on what page) are these?

EDIT: Things I'm looking for are items that are worn, but do not take up magic item slots. This means that most items that qualify are nonmagical items. Scratch that, even the awesome Shift Weave takes up a slot and I'd rather not exclude those. Magic items that have a relation to clothes are a go!

2012-06-03, 09:36 AM
There's various special materials for clothes in the ECS.

2012-06-03, 09:38 AM
Eberron has a bunch, Darkweave(+1 to hide), Glamerweave(+1 to diplomacy) in the ECS
MoE has Chameleoweave(+1 disguise), Dolweave(+1 intimidate)
I thought there was more, but I can't seem to find em...

2012-06-03, 09:40 AM
Sharn has a special glamerweave with a higher bonus.

Little Brother
2012-06-03, 10:02 AM
I see no reason why you couldn't have Shadowsilk(ToM 155) clothes. +2 hide and move silent, though most of what you get comes from it being on armor.
Black Bodysuit gives +2 to hide. Shadowsilk Black Bodysuit?
Forester's cloak. +1 hide in a forest.
Silent Shoes? +1 move silently.

Will do some more looking. This seems useful.

2012-06-03, 10:12 AM
Robe of many professions - changes into garb of ordinary professions +5 disguise checks.

Burglars Vest - produces items used for burglary

Vestment of many styles - suit of clothes that transforms itself into different fabrics and designs +2 disguise checks

2012-06-03, 10:13 AM
If magical clothing counts, here are a pair of my favorites:

Travel Cloak, Magic of Faerun, page 166
It is a relatively cheap magic item (just over a thousand gold) that provides all your food and water, wards of precipitation, gives you endure elements (cold), and can turn into a tent. I love this one.

Shiftweave, Magic Item Compendium, pages 133-134
A very cheap magic item (500 gold), this is multiple garments in one, switching between five outfits determined at its creation as a swift action.

Here's some non-magic stuff:
Sandstorm has three outfits on page 101, Desert Clothing, Heatsuit, and Hydration Suit, which are all designed to protect against heat and dehydration. In the same chapter, a few pages before the outfits, it also adds in some new armor types, some armor add ons, a mask to protect against sandstorms, and (my favorite) a parasol. Oh, and sun glasses.

Frostburn also has some stuff on page 78. You can find Fur Clothing, Winter Fullcloth, skates, skis, snowshoes, and snow goggles there, all of which are basically what they sound like.

Stormwrack has a number of items on page 108. It has the prices for bicorne and tricorne hats (though neither do anything), swimming goggles, and an oilskin suit.

Complete Scoundrel has no complete outfits or pieces of clothing, but has entire page about hidden spaces and blades. From page 107 to 110, you can find rules for lead lined clothing, inside pockets, hollow heeled boots, and blades from just about any portion of your body that you might want.

Arms and Equipment Guide has all kinds of stuff. This is 3.0 material though, so be warned. A lot of stuff has also been updated in other places by now. Still, it has Silent Shoes (page 24, bonus to move silently), stilts (page 26), thieving helmet (page 26, bonus to listen), a jester's kit and swimmer's kit (page 28), and various outfits from page 29 to 30 including an animal trainer's outfit, a beekeeper suit, a spelunker outfit, a black bodysuit (bonus on hide), a miner's helmet, and a knife vest.

Little Brother
2012-06-03, 10:23 AM
Okay, lesse, Iron Kingdoms has the Longcoats. Those give AC.

A/EG has the heat suit(-4 to the DCs of heat endurance saves), Cold suit(+1 to saves against cold), and the gas mask(Okay, filter mask, +2 on saves v. gasses). This is off the top of my head, AFB, but I think that's right.

RoS, 160~(IIRC), Earthsilk. DR1/Bludgeoning, can break if critted.

Shiftweave(500GP, MiC) lets you make it look different, so you only need one or two totally optimized outfits. Also in this book are the hideously overpriced shirts of minor DR. For a bit under 150,000GP(Between 9 and 15K apiece), IIRC, if you stack them all, you can have DR3/Bludgeoning, Slashing, Piercing, Chaotic, Lawful, Good, Evil, Silver, Cold Iron, Adamantine, and Magic.

I also see no reason why you can't have a shirt made out of all of the above special materials together. Can anyone tell me if there is?

2012-06-03, 10:34 AM
There's a Dust Mask from Sandstorm, I think. And TWO versions of sunglasses in D&D.

Also, for diplomatic stuff, a Noble's Outfit + Jewelry + Signet Ring + Masterwork tool of Diplomacy (even MORE jewelry!) is useful.

2012-06-03, 10:36 AM
Is there a nonmagical veil anywhere? I know of several magic item veils but none that aren't.

2012-06-03, 10:40 AM
Artificers monocle gives you identify although you might just consider that a magical item and not "clothing"

2012-06-03, 10:45 AM
Here's a few more odd items:

Sashling, from Races of the Wild, page 170. It's basically a belt with a ton of pockets, especially a ton of hidden pockets. Grants a bonus on sleight of hand to hide items.

Wand Bracer, from Dungeonscape, page 33. Holds five wands (or similar items, I'd assume), which you can draw as a swift action. Replacing them is more difficult. Could be useful in a pinch.

Planar Handbook actually contains a few interesting outfits on pages 70 and 71. The Ether Harness is made to tie people together, and grants a bonus on use rope for that purpose (for stuff like traveling in the ethereal realm, though it could also work for dark areas or climbing, I'd think). It also contains a fireproof clothing mod for 50 gold, and a weight suit which counteracts light gravity environments (though I'm sure a clever person could think of other uses for it).

Sundark Goggles are similar to Snow Goggles from Frostburn, and are found on page 123 of Races of the Dragon. They provide a different bonus though, namely a saving throw bonus against gaze attacks.

2012-06-03, 10:56 AM
There are a few masterwork things in forgotten realms campaign setting. Masterwork Potion Belt, Masterwork Bandolier, stuff like that.

Morph Bark
2012-06-03, 11:00 AM
I also see no reason why you can't have a shirt made out of all of the above special materials together. Can anyone tell me if there is?

I don't know if there is a specific rule against it... Is there a specific rule against armor not being able to be made of both mithral and adamantine? If so, then it stands to reason clothes also cannot be made of multiple materials.

I suppose Shiftweave could have five different outfits of different materials though. That'd be nifty.

Artificers monocle gives you identify although you might just consider that a magical item and not "clothing"

An artificer's monocle is pretty explicitly a magic item. I am just looking for items that don't fill magic item slots, but are clothing. This means that Shiftweave is one of the few magic items that qualifies. Most other items that fall under these qualifiers are nonmagical items.

2012-06-03, 11:02 AM
The rule for armor and weaponry is this:

If you make a suit of armor or weapon out of more than one special material, you get the benefit of only the most prevalent material.

2012-06-03, 11:11 AM
Wand Bracer, from Dungeonscape, page 33. Holds five wands (or similar items, I'd assume), which you can draw as a swift action. Replacing them is more difficult. Could be useful in a pinch.

I have the sudden urge to play a Rogue who quotes Taxi Driver.

2012-06-03, 12:07 PM
Stone Cloth (DC p. 119 or DM #280) stops you from catching fire.

2012-06-03, 12:16 PM
Is there a set crafting cost in making a mundane item with a skill increase.

Say for instance I wanted to make a pair of pants that increased jump checks by 5, how much it would it cost to make?

2012-06-03, 12:33 PM
Say for instance I wanted to make a pair of pants that increased jump checks by 5, how much it would it cost to make?

You'd have to have that item priced as a magic item (probably a wondrous item). Normal masterwork tools only provide a +2 bonus, and you cannot craft a mundane item that exceeds masterwork quality. I can't find the exact reference at the moment, but Magic Item Compendium has rules on creating items that provide a skill bonus.

2012-06-03, 12:43 PM
You'd have to have that item priced as a magic item (probably a wondrous item). Normal masterwork tools only provide a +2 bonus, and you cannot craft a mundane item that exceeds masterwork quality. I can't find the exact reference at the moment, but Magic Item Compendium has rules on creating items that provide a skill bonus.

So could you make a pair of pants that provide a +2, a pair of shoes that provide a +2, and a shirt that provide a +2 and have them stack?

Hmm, I didn't find the rules for making them but similar +5 skill check items are 3,750gp market price and a +10 is 15,000gp market price.

Little Brother
2012-06-03, 12:49 PM
So could you make a pair of pants that provide a +2, a pair of shoes that provide a +2, and a shirt that provide a +2 and have them stack?No. Bonuses of the same type don't stack.

2012-06-03, 12:51 PM
Circumstance bonuses from the same source don't stack.

EDIT: Swordsaged, though masterwork tools give a circumstance bonus which usually stacks, but see above.

2012-06-03, 12:54 PM
So could you make a pair of pants that provide a +2, a pair of shoes that provide a +2, and a shirt that provide a +2 and have them stack?

Masterwork items provide a circumstance bonus. While circumstance bonuses usually stack (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/theBasics.htm#stacking) (unless otherwise specified), custom items are subject to DM discretion, and as such would be open to interpretation.

I'd, personally, rule they do not stack. In other words, that an entire set of clothing must be so crafted. But you could have +2 shoes of move silent, +2 clothes of hiding, etc. Note that this is prior to special materials being applied, so if a special material further enhanced the bonus (and the cost modifier as described added to the crafting cost or purchase cost), I'd allow that to stack. But no shoes +2 hiding, pants +2 hiding, shirt +2 hiding, cape +2 hiding, mask +2 hiding, and so forth.

EDIT: partially swordsaged, but I think my answer is still more complete than the above.

Little Brother
2012-06-03, 12:56 PM
He said +2 item. That means magic item, rather than masterwork tool.

And, regardless, bonus from the same source=no stacking, even Circumstance Bonuses.

2012-06-03, 01:00 PM
He said +2 item. That means magic item, rather than masterwork tool.

And, regardless, bonus from the same source=no stacking, even Circumstance Bonuses.

Please see the reference I linked from the SRD. Circumstance bonuses do stack, unless specified in the item, spell, power, soulmeld, or whatever, description, or unless from essentially the same source. A spell that provides a circumstance bonus combined with an item/masterwork tool that provides a circumstance bonus would, most likely, stack. And a tool that provides a +2 bonus to a skill does not automatically mean a magic item. But it does not rule it out, either.

A circumstance bonus (or penalty) arises from specific conditional factors impacting the success of the task at hand. Circumstance bonuses stack with all other bonuses, including other circumstance bonuses, unless they arise from essentially the same source.

2012-06-03, 01:02 PM
Masterwork tools explicitly don't stack.

Little Brother
2012-06-03, 01:13 PM
Please see the reference I linked from the SRD. Circumstance bonuses do stack, unless specified in the item, spell, power, soulmeld, or whatever, description, or unless from essentially the same source.
A circumstance bonus (or penalty) arises from specific conditional factors impacting the success of the task at hand. Circumstance bonuses stack with all other bonuses, including other circumstance bonuses, unless they arise from essentially the same source.Bonuses from the same source do not stack, ever. Period.

A spell that provides a circumstance bonus combined with an item/masterwork tool that provides a circumstance bonus would, most likely, stack. And a tool that provides a +2 bonus to a skill does not automatically mean a magic item. But it does not rule it out, either.Yes. That was never question. A spell, however, is not a masterwork tool.

And +2 item is shorthand for a magic item granting a +2 bonus. So, when +2 item is said, it is assumed to be a magic item.

2012-06-03, 01:21 PM
Bonuses from the same source do not stack, ever. Period.
Yes. That was never question. A spell, however, is not a masterwork tool.
Ok, we're agreeing, I think, just using different words, regarding the masterwork tools with circumstance bonus. I apologize if I failed to make clear my point. I do concur that circumstance bonuses from "essentially the same source" do not stack.

However, I beg to differ regarding the second half of your post.

And +2 item is shorthand for a magic item granting a +2 bonus. So, when +2 item is said, it is assumed to be a magic item.
Crowbar (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/goodsAndServices.htm#crowbar), Portable ram (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/goodsAndServices.htm#ramPortable), Silk Rope (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/goodsAndServices.htm#ropeSilk), Alchemist's Lab (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/goodsAndServices.htm#alchemistsLab), among others, might want to discuss that with you, which I think is what invaderk2 was asking.

Agent 451
2012-06-03, 01:54 PM
The rule for armor and weaponry is this:

So, does that mean you can have any number of special materials, as long as they are all in the same proportion? So I can have a milthril-adamantine-aurorum-darksteel suit of armor as long as they all make up 25% of the mix? :smallconfused:

2012-06-03, 02:06 PM
Bonuses from the same source do not stack, ever. Period.
Yes. That was never question. A spell, however, is not a masterwork tool.

And +2 item is shorthand for a magic item granting a +2 bonus. So, when +2 item is said, it is assumed to be a magic item.

Except we were talking in the context competency bonuses and in a conversation its not necessary to keep identifying the subject.

Possibly poorly worded but not wrong, sorry if there was any confusion :smallbiggrin:

2012-06-03, 02:20 PM
There's a whole section in the MIC that covers clothing but you're going to find pretty much everything you wear that's not armor so it might not be narrowed down enough.

2012-06-03, 02:49 PM
So, does that mean you can have any number of special materials, as long as they are all in the same proportion? So I can have a milthril-adamantine-aurorum-darksteel suit of armor as long as they all make up 25% of the mix? :smallconfused:

Uh, no. It definitely says material in the singular, so no matter what you do, you'd only get the benefit of one.

If there isn't a single most prevalent material, then I suppose your armor doesn't have a prevalent material, and so it gains no bonus at all. :smallamused:

Morph Bark
2012-06-03, 02:56 PM
There's a whole section in the MIC that covers clothing but you're going to find pretty much everything you wear that's not armor so it might not be narrowed down enough.

The Magic Item Compendium basically ruined the definition of clothing in DnD that way.

I meant clothing in the sense of... well, clothes. As in, outfits. Some magic items (such as Shift Weave and others mentioned earlier in this thread) allow you to switch to other outfits and grant bonuses that way or simply allow you to quickly change outfits, period.

I'm obviously not looking for a listing of every single wearable item ever. That'd be a hellish task to catalogue.

2012-06-03, 03:26 PM
A robe (Body slot item) and armor effectively take up the same space. You can buy a Robe of the Archmagi which gives you an armor bonus. If you don't want something custom you can just start with a Scholar's Outfit which includes a robe and get it enhanced with an armor bonus as a common item effect (Magic Item Compendium, page 234). That's my recommendation for Cloistered Clerics, who aren't proficient with anything better than light armor. Clerics have the Magic Vestment spell to add an armor enhancement bonus to regular clothes, and the total effect (armor bonus + armor enhancement bonus) ends up being about as good as the armor they're not proficient to wear.

The Gilded Duke
2012-06-03, 03:27 PM
Eberron Campaign Setting:
Darkweave: +1 Circumstance to Hide -100 gp
Glamerweave: +1 Circumstance to Diplomacy, 1 pound lighter - 100 gp
Flametouched Iron: +1 resistance bonus on saves vs evil outsiders - 1000 gp
Targath: Wearing a Targath item gives +2 resistance bonus on saves vs disease - No listed price

Sharn City of Towers:
Clebdacher Glammerweave: +2 Circumstance to Diplomacy, status symbol. - 2x base cost +500 gp
Potion Bracer - Hold three potions on forearm, use without AoO or free hand - 50 gp

Magic of Eberron:
Chameloweave: +1 Circumstance on disguise checks, 1 pound lighter - 100 gp
Dolweave: +1 Circumstance on intimidate checks, 1 pound heavier -150 gp
Mournelode: +1 resistance bonus on saves vs undead -700 gp

Races of Eberron:
Shaders: Negate light sensitivity, -1 penalty to spot. - 1 sp

Secrets of Xen'Drik
Jungle Outfit: +2 circumstance hide in jungle - 20 gp, 40gp over armor

2012-06-03, 03:58 PM
A&EG has Smuggler's Boots. For 10gp, you get up to six small items (four "small", and two "thin") hidden with a DC 30 Search to find them. One thought was to cast Shrink Item and Magic Aura on your Bag of Holding, stuff it into your boot, and get past guards without a hitch. Can't cast Shrink Item on magic items.

2012-06-04, 12:13 PM
Mask of sweet air is pretty nice.

You can breath freely in smokey or dusty conditions and gain a +5 on saves against any kind of stench attack.

2012-06-04, 03:58 PM
Mask of sweet air is pretty nice.

You can breath freely in smokey or dusty conditions and gain a +5 on saves against any kind of stench attack.

If we're including gas-masks here, I'd have to mention Savage Species' Breathing Mask. Once activated, it lets the wearer breathe anywhere (even a water breather can breathe on land or in a vacuum) and ignore "ignore the effects of noxious fumes and inhaled toxins" for 4 hours. It costs 1000gp can be created with a DC20 Craft (alchemy).

2012-06-05, 04:05 AM
Has anyone suggested the Rod of Splendor (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/rods.htm#splendor)?

2017-07-22, 04:04 AM
There's various special materials for clothes in the ECS.

ECS is a kid clothing brand??

2017-07-22, 11:37 AM
ECS is a kid clothing brand??

:smallbiggrin: Eberron Campaign Setting. May not be available in your campaign, so talk 'about that with your GM

Also, Masterwork stuff can be made to grant you +2 to any reasonable. Talk about that with him/her too. Rule on PHB. I would rule them NOT to stack (but you may want a +2 hide suit and +2 search googles).