View Full Version : Mythals

Craft (Cheese)
2012-06-03, 12:33 PM
Alright, I just found out about these, but I find the example mythals really lacking. From a DM's perspective, what are some really cool things you can do with them?

2012-06-03, 12:50 PM
Everyone benefits from fly, unseen servant horde, dimension door at will. That kind of stuff?

Craft (Cheese)
2012-06-03, 01:04 PM
Everyone benefits from fly, unseen servant horde, dimension door at will. That kind of stuff?

I meant more on the evil side, making the mythal serve as an obstacle for the players. Still though, that kind of stuff is still useful if it's keyed so only the antagonists benefit from it.

2012-06-03, 01:09 PM
No casting spells for anyone but the creator of the mythal. Trolololol.

2012-06-03, 01:21 PM
Well, a mythal alters the Weave in a place, and the normal rules of magic no longer apply.

I am no specialist on FR, but I know you can negate schools of magic (and empower others) and you can restrict access to classes of beings (like evil dragons).

You could then make maybe make the mythal as a powered up unhallow area and make the resident caster a necromancer, apply collateral effects on specific schools of magic (evocations apply a backlash on the caster for 1d6/spell level of damage of the same type of the spell) or anything like that.

Mythals are 10th level spells (power-wise) so you grab Wish and make it a little stronger. That's what a mythal can do.

2012-06-03, 01:40 PM
Well, a mythal alters the Weave in a place, and the normal rules of magic no longer apply.

True :smallsmile:

I know you can negate schools of magic (and empower others) and you can restrict access to classes of beings (like evil dragons).

You can bar certain schools of magic, certain spells, certain subtypes, etc. You can't however ban certain creatures. You can raise a Prevolent spell for Apathy which will make your undesired creature not want to be in that area (and even set a spell to continuously trigger on the targeted creature the example given is for Meteor Swarm to constantly trigger on Evil Dragons or Evil Outsiders or something)

You could then make maybe make the mythal as a powered up unhallow area and make the resident caster a necromancer, apply collateral effects on specific schools of magic (evocations apply a backlash on the caster for 1d6/spell level of damage of the same type of the spell) or anything like that.

You can prevalent spell an Unhallow area, Prevalent power the backlash effect for certain schools of magic, and even Prevalent power certain an increase in caster level however you cannot allow spellcasting with the Mythal. You can allow these to benefits and powers to extend only to creature with/without a keystone (like an amulet with a symbol on it or something) or you can make it effect everyone within the Mythal or for I believe the Elven ones extend only to Good Aligned Elves :smallsmile:

Mythals are 10th level spells (power-wise) so you grab Wish and make it a little stronger. That's what a mythal can do.

On a power scale yes, Mythals would be 10th level plus spells so effectively its Wish but stronger. A Mythal can theoretically accomplish anything and an Epic level Batman Wizard would have a Mythal that makes them immune to everything... ever... :smallamused:

For a DM a Mythal can be used to explain why any specific area that isn't a dead magic zone doesn't allow magic (you can limit this to Arcane or Divine or both if you'd like with Prevalent powers)

2012-06-03, 02:07 PM
If we are using the Mithal seed, from Lost Empires of Faerun.
a) Indeed you can block anyone not keyed to it from using its powers. That said, if you want cheese: Prevalent Power: Anti Magic Field Keyed: Anyone who didn't perform the rite of attunement. Now, you got a permanent Antimagic area, that doesn't affect people attuned to your mithal. I used Prevalent Power instead of Prevalent Spell because it has the whole Mithal range as its area (its usually centered on the caster and a 5 feat emanation at that), and magic still is there, just not available to those no attuned to it. I hope the party has an initiate of Mystra...
b) Prevalent Spell: Peacebond, again, keyed to those not attuned to the Mithal. Anyone who comes in, has their weapons bonded.
c) Prevalent Spell: All Buffs You Want Your Minions to Have. Enough said, make this one keyed to attuned creatures.
d) Vanguard Spells: Grant your minions acess to battlefield control tactics and spells that make them more useful in combat, as if it was a magic item. Might want to limit how many times each day a minion can do this. Keyed to people attuned to the mithal.
e) Annoited Spell: Teleportation effects. You get in, but you sure as hell won't go out. Keyed to people not attuned to the mithal (In case the group thus have an initiate of Mystra).

The chese in the Mithal seed is its Keyed part. It may not allow you to block specific creatures, but the whole "You can have it block people who have not performed a specific ritual" line makes up for it. Remember to use inteligent creatures, so they can properly use all the power you are giving them. You could restrict access to specific creatures too, but its not as effective as banning anyone who doesn't follow whatever rule you set. (e.g.: If they don't kiss my boot when ordered, they are denied access)

Also: You can make the cheese bigger by coupling it with other epic seeds. Its an Epic Spell, adding more of those just make it absurdly abusable.

A fun mithal for your players:
The Life Anchor: This particular mithal casts revivify whenever a creature keyed to it dies within its area (which is as big as a city AND can be carried around).

2012-06-03, 02:28 PM
Building one under a city you don't like and then breaking it is always pretty good for some lols.

2012-06-03, 02:58 PM
Could I say that, unless we are talking about epic-levels of power, a Mythal is more of a plot device than a quantifiable source of power, and must be treated as such?

"of course it can turn all your blood into water AND allows you to survive! It's a Mythal!"