View Full Version : [Legend] Red Hand of Doom

2012-06-03, 02:34 PM
[[OOC is in double square brackets]]
[[OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=13335577#post13335577)]]
[[Right, the adventure starts off with an encounter, and to speed htings up (it is a PbP after all) I'll roll initiative myself and post the order (to speed up my own posts, enemies' rolls will be rolled spearately,though I'll put the raw number down) though the players don't need to post their actions in order, and unless a previous action in the turn makes your move impossible or implausible, I'll try to make your move work even if, for example, you can't get into the exact right space, but if that's impossible, you'll get chance to change your move in light of the new circumstances]]

Having been given a map by an eccentric Priest when staying in a nearby town, you, the party, have gone on a quest in the province of Elsir Vale, searching for the treasure of a 'Vraath Keep'

The afternoon sun beats down upon you; the air is hot and still. The sparsely settled lands of Elsir Vale are starting to grow monotonous, with a seemingly endless line of dusty flyspecks of towns. The town of Drellin's Ferry lies a few miles ahead of you. It's a settlement hard on the borders of the Witchwood, and the bets place from which to begin exploring the nearby forest.

The road crests a small rise and descends into a dusty grove in a large, shallow dell. An abandoned farmhouse, aprtially visible through the trees, stands on one side of the road. You then hear orders in barked Goblin coming from the farmhouse, around you is glimpsed the glint of mail through the brush by the side of the road, you are surrounded by a group of tall hairy humanoids with large mouths and flat faces!
DC 11 Medicine Check:
These are Hobgoblins, soldiers trained to fight as a group but otherwise use fairly standard fighting tactics, their only real strength being their persistence.
Further down the road, you also glimpse fiery red eyes in the bushes.
DC 13 Arcana Check:
Those are the eyes of a Hell Hound, a cross-breed of Worgs and demons, who combine the ferocity of wolf with the power of Hellfire

Battle Map:
Here, insert any picture you like to represent your character, your character can start in any of the red-shaded squares (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/17am4h9gjDHTe_PN3qKQtVwbdlWnu-7U_1NGsqppGXmY/edit)
(Forest squares have light undergrowth (cost two squares to mvoe through and provide [Light Concealment], the slope is steep and costs four squares of movement to enter one of its squares).

Initiative Order:
Before Enemies
Galen Silverbeard
Hobgoblin 2
Hobgoblin 6
Hobgoblin 4
Hobgoblin 5
Hell Hound
Hobgoblin 1
Hobgoblin 3
After Enemies
Dr. Vedit
Waste Eliminator 7

Feel free to make a character introduction before you post your first move (also, the first two Hobgoblins delay until the party have made a move, too stupid to realise their cover has been blown).

2012-06-03, 09:00 PM
It had been a pleasant day for a walk, despite the trick knee, achy back....Why are those so hard to mend with magic? Now some fools jump from the bushes and say boo?

"Hobgoblins, and a hellhound too. Seems trouble was kind enough to find us, save the trouble of looking for it."

Galen raises his staff above his head. A light travels from it up his arm before radiating out. The rest taste a tinge of blue before feeling their hands steady.

"You youngster please teach them some manner, will you?"know arcana [roll0]

incantation on self, bless (+2 att & will saves), all allies in 25' share as long as they are in that radius (bastion)

2012-06-05, 01:12 AM
Sark smirks as his armor springs out of nowhere, articulated plates snapping into place in an instant.

"Whatever you say grandpa," says the dwarf, his voice resonating with an electrical tinge, "you keep the spells coming, we'll clear the road."

Sark's gauntlets begin to glow with blue white energy, which traces along the lines of the armor. As he launches a tiny geodesic sphere into the middle of the road, the energy pools in circles on his palms and he thrusts it towards a hobgoblin in a deadly blast.

Sark has deployed a Generator Automaton (move) formed his Just Blade weapon (swift) and made a ranged attack against the nearest hobgoblin (standard). Attack: Damage: [roll]1d6+12 And boy did I miss like crazy.

2012-06-05, 10:51 AM
As Galen casts his supportive spell, the Hobgoblins spring into action!

The first moves to just above the slope going down into the road, drawing a revolver and shooting it towards Waste Eliminator 7 (1d20=1) and misses completely.

The second walks carefully on to the slope and shoots Galen with its own revolver (1d20=16), just hitting and dealing (1d6=2) 7 points of damage.

The third stays put, sheathing its weapons and drawing a longbow from its back, shooting at the caster Galen as well (1d20=20) scoring a perfect hit and dealing (1d6=6) 15 points of damage.

The fourth shifts slightly in position and fires its revolver at the armoured Dwarf, Sark (1d20=16), but is unable to penetrate the Dwarf's armour.

The Hell Hound then seems to blink out of existence, only those with an awareness above (1d20=8) 5 can see it in its new position (so, everybody can). It then shoots a bolt of energy at Waste Eliminator 7, dealing (3d6=10) 10 points of damage (a DC 17 reflex save from Waste Eliminator halves the damage), if WE7 fails the Reflex Save, he gains [Vulnerability] to fire for the encounter's duration.

The fifth Hobgoblin also moves and shoots at Sark (1d20=19), scoring a critical hit and dealing (1d6=2) 9 points of damage.

The sixth also stays put and draws a Longbow, shooting at Miyaka (1d20=20) also scoring a perfect hit and dealing (1d6=2) 11 points of damage.

Sark then attempts to fire an energy blast and misses as poorly as the first Hobgoblin did with his revolver.

Before Enemies
Galen Silverbeard
Hobgoblin 2
Hobgoblin 6
Hobgoblin 4 [Skirmish]
Hobgoblin 5
Hell Hound
Hobgoblin 1 [Skirmish]
Hobgoblin 3
After Enemies
Miyaka (Delayed)
Dr. Vedit
Waste Eliminator 7

Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/17am4h9gjDHTe_PN3qKQtVwbdlWnu-7U_1NGsqppGXmY/edit)

[[Everyone but Sark has their turn now, Miyaka has two (one on Round 1, one on Round 2), and wow, two 20s from enemies in the first encounter, and three criticals, that's pretty bad]]

2012-06-05, 11:30 AM
The badguys are using both longbows and revolvers? Bit of setting dissonance.

Galen glares at the hobgoblins. "No manners at all. I suppose you should be the first to learn a lesson." He points his staff, a black cloud launching toward his foe.

ranged attack using incantation to harm vs the one farthest up
[roll0] ed- forgot +2 from bless :smallredface:
damage [roll1]

2012-06-05, 11:35 AM
Dr. Alluous waves his hands dramatically in the air. "Foolish creatures, tremble in fear, for today you have ambushed your DOOM!"

Striking a dramatic stance, he points his fingers towards the closest hobgoblin (SW of him), shooting a bolt of magical energy towards it and lighting it on fire.

Action breakdown:

Free: Draw energy bolts(?)
Free: Deadly Aim: -3 to ranged attacks and +3 to damage for 1 round
Standard: Attack with magical bolt, [roll0]. I'm guessing that misses
Damage: [roll1], lets make it fire type
Move: Flame Kiss on the same hobgoblin (6 damage and it is [On Fire])
Swift: Nothing
Free: Draw Staff

2012-06-05, 03:23 PM
Sark curses and mutters something about recalibrating his targetting sensors as he deploys another generator and rushes a hobgoblin with a rocket-assisted kick!

The 15 damage taken by Galen is shifted to the Assemblage, reducing it to 3 hitpoints. Sark deploys his second generator automaton, then attacks the nearby Hobgoblin with a Brutal Kick! [roll0] [roll1]+7 cold damage. Edit: There should be another 3 damage on that kick, for some reason I only added half my level instead of all of it. At the end of the turn, the two generators add a total of 7hp to the assemblage, bringing it up to 10.

2012-06-05, 07:13 PM
Trash must-be dis-posed of!

Waste Eliminator attempts a ref save [roll0].

Then he activates Black Tidings: Hammerfall. Doing [roll1] Physical damage to the two Hobgoblins to the East of him. Ref DC 19 for half.

2012-06-06, 08:29 AM
Miyaka whips out her sword as the Hobgoblins spring into action! "Right, bring it on!"

She then grunts as an arrow hits her in the shoulder, the catgirl drawing her katana and moving towards and slashing at the closest hobgoblin quickly.

I'm... still unsure how to work the map, exactly. Mostly where we're starting. Also, it's pretty much a big blur to me, so I'm not sure where to put her character or what counts as a 'square'. Is there supposed to be a grid or something? :smallconfused:

In any case, Miyaka will move towards the closest hobgoblin and attack him with her sword!

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

HP: 49/60

2012-06-06, 03:45 PM
[[horngeek, the map is working fine for me, and isn't blurry at all, perhaps it was just tiredness blurring your vision?]]

The Hobgoblin who Galen launched his black cloud at deftly dodges, as does the one who Dr. Alluous attacks with his energy bolt.

However, when the Waste Eliminator produces a Hammerfall, both Hobgoblins fail to dodge (1d20=16, 1d20=7), falling down to the mossy ground unconscious.

Miyaka then successfully strikes at the Hobgoblin to the north west, dealing some damage with her sword.

The third Hobgoblin then moves closer to the ambushed party, firing another shot from its longbow at the Waste Eliminator who just downed two of its allies, (1d20=19) scoting a critical hit and dealing (1d6=1) 10 points of damage.

The forth slashes at Miyaka in a flurry (1d20=7, 1d20=20), but is unable to penetrate her armour or predict her dodges with either blow.

The Hell Hound ocne again seems to teleport out of existence, hiding its position from any with an Awarenes below (1d20=6) 8, once again, no-one is fooled, so it teleports again to right next to the Doctor.

The fifth makes a shot with its revolver at Dr. Alluous as he sees the armoured Dwarf flying towards him (1d20=13), but misses as the Dwarf bears down on him.

The sixth moves on to the road, shouting further up the road, and towards the apparently abandoned farmhouse, then looses a longbow shot at Galen (1d20=3), but misses in its haste.

Then, a Hell Hound appears in the middle of the road, having teleported out of the farmhouse, firing a bolt of fire at Miyaka (3d6=7), dealing 7 points of damage and inflicting [Vulnerability] to Fire (DC 17 Reflex save for half damage and no vulnerability).

Finally, two more Hobgoblins, one dressed in ornate light armour, and one in Cleric's robes and heavy armour, run out of the house and into battle.

Sark then finishes his rocket-propelled kick, knocking his target unconscious with one blow.

Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/17am4h9gjDHTe_PN3qKQtVwbdlWnu-7U_1NGsqppGXmY/edit)

Before Enemies
Galen Silverbeard
Hobgoblin 2 [31 Damage, unconscious]
Hobgoblin 6
Hobgoblin 4
[S]Hobgoblin 5 [30 damage, unconscious]
Hell Hound 1
Hobgoblin 1 [Skirmish, 31 Damage, unconscious]
Hobgoblin 3
Hell Hound 2
Doom Hand Cleric
Hobgoblin Bladebearer
After Enemies
Miyaka [I](Delayed)
Dr. Vedit
Waste Eliminator 7
Sark (Moved)

[[To move, everyone but Sark again, Miyaka can move twice if she wishes as she can move after and before enemies]]

2012-06-06, 04:02 PM
Galen glares at the top-most hellhound. "Hold still." Another cloud launches from his staff.

incantation to harm, imbued w/ hold person

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

no save, helpless

Remember your +2 from bless on attacks if in 25'!

2012-06-06, 07:01 PM
"Good to see you in the fight, sweetie," says Sark, and you'd swear he's winking under his helmet, "you'd better catch up, I'm pulling ahead of you!"

To punctuate his statement, Sark bounds across the road and blasts at a hobgoblin with both hands.

The Assemblage absorbs 5 Damage from Waste Elminiator and 4 Damage from Miyaka, leavine it at 1hp. Sark moves over to a hobgoblin and flurries! Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]+7 cold. Attack [roll2] Damage [roll3]+7 cold. At the end of his turn, the generators add 7hp to the Assemblage, bringing it up to 8hp.

2012-06-06, 08:35 PM
[[Waste Eliminator 87 HP at end of turn]]

Waste Eliminator will drop another Hammerfall (Physical) on the Cleric [[Order of the Stick icon]] and the other hobgoblin near him [[guy with no shield]] doing [roll0] damage to them, DC 19 Ref for half.

2012-06-07, 01:01 AM
Seeing the hellhound that appeared behind him incapacitated by Galen's magic, Dr. Alluous turns and gestures towards the cleric and ornately armoured hobgoblin while taking a step forward. "Consume them, spirits!" Shadows leap up from the ground, clawing at his targets. With a final flourish, the immobilized hellhound is wrapped in magical flames.

Action Breakdown:
Standard: Using Hungry Shadows on the cleric, and bladebearer. They get -1 to attack, fort and ref saves, and can only move at half speed, for two rounds.
Move: Lighting the hellhound behind [On Fire], it takes 6 damage as well. That makes two on fire enemies, meaning I heal 4hp at the beginning of each turn.
Swift: None
Free: 5 foot step SE.

This is all of course assuming that something the enemies do in the meantime doesn't change anything, eg. the hellhound dying from Galen

2012-06-08, 06:07 AM
Galen's binding cloud hits the Hell Hound squarely, causing it to drop to the ground pitifully, helpless.

The two commander Hobgoblins attempt to dive for cover from the Waste Eliminator's Hammerfall (1d20=20, 1d20=15), the Cleric dodges the brunt of the blast, while the warrior dodges it completely.

After the two commanders dodge the Hammerfall, darkness erupts around them and drains their strength, and the Doctor's fireball causes the apralyzed Hell Hound even more pain.

Miyaka make sa simple strike at the Hobgoblin she is in melee with (1d20=10), hitting and dealing (1d6=3) 9 points of damage.

The Hobgoblins then launch their counter attack, the one in the eastern woods seeing the armoured Dwarf bound towards him, launches another longbow shot at him (1d20=18), only just getting a critical hit and dealing (1d6=3) 12 points of damage.

The Hobgoblin in the western woods [[who is on fire, I forgot to note that]] takes (1d4=2) 2 points of damage from the fire, dropping unconscious form the heat and its prior wounds.

The Hell Hound in the north makes a Will Save to shake off its paralysis (1d20=15), easily overcoming its paralysis, but takes (1d4=2) 2 points of damage from the fire, it then flurries recklessly with its claws at the Doctor (1d20=17, 1d20=9) dealing (1d6=1) 17 points of damage.

The second Hell Hound teleports further into the trees' cover and shoots a fiery burst at the Waste Eliminator (3d6=11), dealing 17 points of [Fire] damage (to which WE7 was made vulnerable), with a DC 17 Reflex save for half.

The southern Hobgoblin soldier runs up the road and shoots with his Longbow at Galen (1d20=20) scorign a critical hit and dealing (1d6=1) 10 points of damage.

The Cleric moves into the woods, creating a font of healing energy then healing itself with a quick incantation (4d4=7), recovering 12 HP.

The armoured commander then moves up the road and, as Sark moves in to attack the eastern soldier, throws a knife at the Dwarf (1d20=6), but misses.

Sark then knocks out the Hobgoblin with a single critical blow from his power gauntlets, and movement is heard from further up the road.

Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/17am4h9gjDHTe_PN3qKQtVwbdlWnu-7U_1NGsqppGXmY/edit)

Before Enemies
Galen Silverbeard
Hobgoblin 2 [32 Damage, unconscious]
Hobgoblin 6 [30 Damage, unconscious]
Hobgoblin 4
[S]Hobgoblin 5 [31 damage, unconscious]
Hell Hound 1 [30 damage, On Fire, Reckless Strike -3 AC]
Hobgoblin 1 [Skirmish, 32 Damage, unconscious]
Hobgoblin 3
Hell Hound 2
Doom Hand Cleric [1 Damage, -1 to attack, Ref and Fort, half speed]
Hobgoblin Bladebearer [-1 to attack, Ref and Fort, half speed]
After Enemies
Miyaka (Delayed)
Dr. Vedit
Waste Eliminator 7
Sark (Moved)

2012-06-08, 06:34 AM
Sark's Assemblage absorbs some of the fire thrown at WE7, as Sark himself steps up and takes a few swings at the warlord!

The Assemblage absorbes 7 damage off of WE7. Sark then darts around to get inside Galen's Bastion and flurries the warlord.
Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1] + 7 cold.
Attack [roll2] Damage [roll3] + 7 cold.

2012-06-08, 07:02 AM
Galen stride into the middle of the ambushers, a soft light emanating from his staff and face. It grows in intensity until releasing in a blinding flash.

moving, then standard act to use a light against shadow, all enemies in 25' take HP reduction 10, plus fort save 18 or blinded one round

2012-06-08, 11:55 AM
[[WE7 at 88HP if save made]]

[roll0] Waste Eliminator will turn to the Hell Hound behind him [[above him on the map]] and blast it with a wave of cold. Invoking Black Tidings Dread Wave: doing [roll1] cold damage, DC 19 Will save for half.

2012-06-09, 01:48 PM
Dr. Alluous takes another step forward, figures he should cover the rear, and launches another bolt of energy at the unwounded hellhound.

Free: Deadly Aim for 2.
Standard: Magic Bolt at the Hellhound, [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Move: Flame Kiss on the same, 6 damage and it is [On Fire]
Swift: None

2012-06-10, 04:52 AM
Galen strides into the centre of the ambush, engulfing three of the enemies in light (the commander just manages to avoid the flash) (1d20=18, 1d20=14, 1d20=14), however all three enemies just manage to shrug off blindness.

The Waste Eliminator then turns to attack the Hell Hound (1d20=3) who fails to resist the deadly magic and falls to the ground encased in ice, still being burnt away by magical fire.

Doctor Alluous then fires his energy bolt at the second hound, who is hit squarely and then also sets alight in arcane fire.

Miyaka then moves in closer to the second Hell Hound, preparing for the kill.

As the unconscious Hobgoblins bleed out and burn, the last remaining Hobgoblin soldier then takes a hail-mary shot at the rapdily closing armoured dwarf coming towards him (1d20=3) and misses.

A ray of healing comes fro the Cleric's font and geals the Hell Hound as the Cleric attempts to surround Galen in bonds of binding magic [Hold Person], causing him to be Stunned and Paralyzed if he fails a DC 16 Will Save (though he gets another on each of his turns to break out).

The remaining Hell Hound teleports towards the Waste Eliminator who froze its brother, unleashing a flurry of claws (1d20=1, 1d20=1) but in its fury it completely loses its aim.

The commander moves forwards, still hindered by the Hungry Shadows, and throws a Knife at Galen (1d20=5), but misses.

As that happens, another band of Hobgoblin Regulars runs down from up the road, the Cleric turns to shout them instructions in Goblin
"Ghuugan duulkhar daan dhuuc, shuugaar Uth-Lar!"

Sark then lands his flurry on the unlucky Hobgoblin [[on the map he's adjacent to a regular, not the commander, so I have to assume he's attacking him, as Flurry is only available in melee]], killing the wealened soldier outright with his powered fists.

Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/17am4h9gjDHTe_PN3qKQtVwbdlWnu-7U_1NGsqppGXmY/edit?pli=1)

Before Enemies
Galen Silverbeard
Hobgoblin 2 [33 Damage, unconscious]
Hobgoblin 6 [31 Damage, unconscious]
Hobgoblin 4
[S]Hobgoblin 5 [32 damage, unconscious]
Hell Hound 1 [59 damage, Unconscious, On Fire]
Hobgoblin 1 [Skirmish, 33 Damage, unconscious]
Hell Hound 2 [10 HP Reduction, 10 Damage, On Fire]
Doom Hand Cleric [1 Damage, 10 HP Reduction]
Hobgoblin Bladebearer [2 Focus Points]
Hogboblin 7
Hobgoblin 8
Hobgoblin 9
Hobgoblin 10
Hobgoblin 11
Hobgoblin 12
After Enemies
Miyaka (Delayed)
Dr. Vedit
Waste Eliminator 7
Sark (Moved)

2012-06-10, 05:42 AM
Dr. Alluous summons another group of shadows to hinder the newly arrived hobgoblins, and surrounds the cleric in fire as well with a few mystical words.

Standard: Hungry shadows on all but the leftmost of the reinforcements: -1 to atk, Fort, Ref, and they can only move at half speed. Lasts 2 rounds.
Move: Flame Kiss on the Cleric: 6 damage and he is [On Fire]
Swift: None
Free: Taking another step SE.

2012-06-10, 01:39 PM
[[WE7 at 91 HP(full)]]

Waste Eliminator will full on blast the next hellhound as well with Black Tidings Dread Wave, doing [roll0] Cold damage, DC 19 Will save for half.

2012-06-11, 07:17 AM
Galen grits his teeth as he fends off the priest's mental assault, raising his hand and as he does so, grabbing the mystic energy, tearing it from his mind, and hurling it back alongside a blast from his staff.

will [roll0]

incantation attack vs cleric [roll1]
damage [roll2]+6 =21
will 18 vs hold person ed-no save due to incantation

2012-06-13, 01:50 PM
Dr. Alluous' fire envelops the Cleric, and the soldiers are choked by darkness, slowing in their rapid advance.

The Hell Hound attempts to resist the Waste Eliminator's wave of magical cold (1d20=7), but fails and falls to the floor, encased in ice like its brother.

Galen's binding counterattack and magical blast hit the Cleric squarely, as the priest tumbles helplessly to the mossy ground.

As the Cleric regains his physical capabilities (1d20=16) one of the Hobgoblins and the first Hell Hound bleed out and burn completely, passing on into death. The Cleric's font then heals him and he moves forward, catching Sark, Doctor Alluous and Galen in a wave of evil energies (3d4=8) dealing 8 points of damage and forcing a DC 16 Will Save against being Shaken for one round.

The commander then rushes forward to the armoured Dwarf, shouting a foreign challenge as he expends two Focus Points to reduce the Dwarf's AC by 2, and then attempts to trip the Dwarf with a precise sword strike to the legs (1d20=3), but misses despite its precision.

The slowed Hobgoblins move forward, three aiming at Dr. Alluous (1d20=3, 1d20=12, 1d20=10) and missing, and two aiming at Galen (1d20=15, 1d20=13), neither hitting due to their debilitation by the Doctor's darkness.

The Hobgoblin that escaped the shadows moves to a better vantage point and takes a shot at Sark (1d20=19), hitting critically and dealing (1d6=4) 13 points of damage.

Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/17am4h9gjDHTe_PN3qKQtVwbdlWnu-7U_1NGsqppGXmY/edit?pli=1)

Before Enemies
Galen Silverbeard
Hobgoblin 2 [34 Damage, unconscious]
Hobgoblin 6 [32 Damage, unconscious]
Hobgoblin 5 [32 damage, unconscious]
Hobgoblin 1
[S]Hell Hound 2 [10 HP Reduction, 44 Damage, On Fire, Unconscious]
Doom Hand Cleric [21 Damage, 10 HP Reduction, On Fire, Paralyzed]
Hobgoblin Bladebearer
Hogboblin 7
Hobgoblin 8 [-1 to attack, Fort and Ref, half speed]
Hobgoblin 9 [-1 to attack, Fort and Ref, half speed]
Hobgoblin 10 [-1 to attack, Fort and Ref, half speed]
Hobgoblin 11 [-1 to attack, Fort and Ref, half speed]
Hobgoblin 12 [-1 to attack, Fort and Ref, half speed]
After Enemies
Miyaka (Delayed)
Dr. Vedit
Waste Eliminator 7

2012-06-14, 07:28 AM
Galen steps away from the cleric, shaking free from the dark cloud clinging to his will, and launches another dark blast squarely into the hobgoblins chest.
will save [roll0]

attack [roll1]
damage [roll2]

2012-06-14, 11:26 AM
Getting into the swing of things, Dr. Alluous shoots a blast of energy at the cleric, and lights the officer on fire.

Free: Deadly Aim for 2.
Standard: Magic Bolt at Cleric [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Move: Flame Kiss on the bladebearer, 6 damage and [On Fire]

2012-06-14, 05:14 PM
Waste Eliminator 7 attacks the new enemies over the horizon, laying down a physical Hammerfall on the leftmost two Hobgoblins, doing [roll0] damage. DC 19 Ref for half.