View Full Version : campaign ideas?

2012-06-04, 07:17 AM
I'm working on a campaign for a party of 6 each of which will have:

an ECL 4-6 starting race
start level ten; standard gold
must be chaotic
custom classes balanced in proportion to each other (roughly high tier 2)
no cross classing (to make sure the balance holds and I didn't give them something to destroy reality).

The back story is that the world they live in has been recovering from a large scale war of the "noble" races (PHB races) against the rest of the abominations that attack them and heroes usually hunt. They were combatants in the war, but in a similar role to the red cross. They battled when needed to get to the injured of both sides to help them and heal them. Now that the war has been over for more than 5 years, they have been trying to make ends meat, deal with racism, and give aid to those they can find. But there have been rumblings that the war could break back out at any time, despite neither side indication they wish to do so. The party believes that someone is pulling the strings to make these things happen, and is now on a quest to stop it from happening again.

What I'm wondering is what kind of ideas can you guys offer for where to take the campaign from here? I was thinking of linking it to an elder evil later on that needs the bloodshed to revive, or maybe even some kind or devilish plot to gain a quick harvest.

Anything for some adventure ideas, places to take it, BBEG ideas, anything would help. Thank you in advance

2012-06-04, 08:45 AM
A variation of the Khufurah gambit.
After the peace, the many nations and factions of the noble races have been drifting apart/ seeking autonomy from the council/king that held it together resulting in a series of bloody civil wars almost as devastating as the original war.

The princess( or relevant authority figure) is captured just as the first signs of Atropos appear in the sky. Of course, the 'abominations' are immediately suspected and everyone starts rushing for war. The players try to prevent this by rescuing the princess.

They track her down and defeat her captors, only to be betrayed by the princess and left for dead. It turns out that the princess arranged the whole thing, going so far as to summon Atropos. Because if peace and complacency tore the nation apart, she needed a threat that could never truly be defeated.

She's the leader of an Illuminati-like group consisting of some of the greatest heroes from all of the noble races. The plan is to bring the world crashing into calamity before they make a big show of driving off Atropos and proving that the races need to stand united forever. She's even found a way to draw the aspect of Atropos down to the heart of the 'abomination' lands. Of course, there will be millions of deaths, but they're just abominations and all that.