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2012-06-04, 05:15 PM
Ok thread start.
18+ only.
And shall edit post when i finish Start.
Please post Sheets for convenince
OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=13342718#post13342718)

First idea: Ascention
The Cult of the Terrasque has many clerics in it's number. This idea would assume that this has been going on for hundreds and hundreds of years already. The clerics of the cult and the cult members worship the beast as a god. At first this weakens many of them. Normally if a Cleric actively worships a non-deity it only can get lower level spells only from the power of their faith (and not actually a god). However, their faith eventually fulfills itself and turns the Terrasque itself /into/ a deity. Still chained it becomes a Cthulhu-esque being whose tortured godmind tells his clerics horrible sanity-destroying things that change their very nature. This cult can be both in the public eye and in the shadows at once. The public portion seeming to be just some nuts that seem to have strange ideas but alot of influence and power (think Scientology). The secretive section of the Cult works to spread it among the wealthy and powerful, and does their dark god's bidding. The god itself doesn't really /want/ to be "free", see? Part of it's very nature is to be bound to the city, always in agony and suffering. Just as the cultists would be bound to their god, sharing in that agony. However, the god now with deific intelligence, if ever freed... well, I don't even really /know/ what kind of true horror that would be. It would be akin to Cthulhu's cultists succeeding in summoning him from R'yleh and to the Earth... it would be an Armmegeddon that would reshape the world in the Terrasque's insane vision. The highest placed Clerics of the God know this to be true and seek to prevent it at all costs, as it's not the 'true' nature of their God. However, some powerful but lesser 'fanatics' might twist the scriptures to indicate that the freedom of their God, and the resulting destruction of the world, is their only true purpose. Going back to what I said before, the clerics would know that their god has awakened at some point, by the increased power of th
e 'Cleric Spells' they have access too suddenly becoming available to them. Of course the spells would be changed somehow because of the source, and the proximity of that source. Once 'Awakened' the God's blood starts to drive those that consume it insane and bent to it's will, hearing/seeing the words/visions of the God as the Clerics do, but very unprepared for what it does to them. There are many suicides in the year of the Ascention.
...this has all happened before, as we have thought with trolls and such being made. But not quite. There was a great beast that was 'immortal' but not a god. Back in a time before there were really 'dragons' there was only but one many headed beast called the Tiamat. It too terrorized the land. It too was eventually captured under similar but vastly different circumstances. Not tortured but rather just contained. It too gained a cult of followers that had in it's number many priests. It too caused over a great deal of time the awakening of Tiamat into godhood. Before Tiamat was a god, there was only one. Then the power of Tiamat, not driven by insanity, allowed it to overcome it's captors and escape. It literally transformed the cult that worshiped it into the dragons. So too, will eventually the Terrasque create from it's cult a new race of horrific beings the world will not be happy to see.
Second Idea: Culling Interupted
The Terrasque's apparently 'random' attacks on different locations weren't as random as they seemed. They were infact very well targeted. These locations were where the Terrafounts are. Places that from the very nature of energies that gathered there, would spawn newborn Terrasques. The Terrasque was drawn to these places. There was only one Terrasque in the world for good reason, the one that existed was efficent in culling away these places before their work could be done. It didn't want the competition, just like any other predator. Now, though, the Terrasque can not do it's work. Small versions of the beast are rumored to be spotted in various locations. They are hunted down by the city's rulers and slaughtered, not yet having developed the immortality of the full grown beast. The sites targeted for pillaging to feed the Terrasque are in fact those that 'terrapsyches' (those who are found to be sensitive to the thoughs of the beast) found to be Terrafounts, thus the raping of the land and all that live there is justified to the people of the city.
Third Idea: Oil Crisis Solution
Someone finds a way to sustain the Terrasque without the sacrifices and pillaging wars, but people in charge and their buddies profit too much from the pillaging. So the 'government' attempts to silence the person who discovers an alternative to the slaughter.
Player recorces(?)
Elixir of Regeneration
This elixir heals the living creature who consumed it of 4d8+13 damage, as well as restoring lost body parts within 2d10 rounds. If the lost part is placed where it was removed from, this takes one round instead. This elixir also removes exhaustion/ fatigue, and all non-lethal damage.
If created with Tarrasque blood as an additional ingredient, the elixir is treated as though it were Maximized, and the lost part(s) regrows in 2 rounds.
Strong Conjuration. CL 13; Craft Wondrous Item, regenerate; Price 4,550 Gp. Cost 182xp, 2275 Gp, four days. Second version requires a gallon of Tarrasque blood, and an additional day to create.
Tarrasque’s Legs
This graft replaces a creature’s legs, providing a five foot bonus to the creature’s base land speed. In addition, the creature can double its land speed once per minute.
Graft Flesh, haste; Market Price: 8,000 Gp.
Tarrasque’s Skin
This graft replaces (or augments) a creature’s skin. It adds 4 points of natural armor, as well as having a 10% chance of reflecting ray, line, cone spells, powers, and other assorted abilities, as well as magic missile spells specifically. It also makes the creature with the graft immune to poisons.
Graft Flesh; Market Price: 12,000 Gp.

Tarrasque’s Arm
This graft replaces a creature’s arm. It grants a claw attack that deals 1d8+2 damage (Str mod not included), with a critical range of 19-20, and overcomes DR related to metals. In addition, the creature gets +4 Str.
Graft Flesh; Market Price: 15,000 Gp.

Tarrasque’s Eye
This graft replaces a creature’s eye. It grants the Frightful Presence ability, with a save DC equal to 17 plus Cha modifier, to the creature, along with a perpetual arcane sight spell.
Graft Flesh, arcane sight; Market Price: 5,000 Gp.
Tarrasque Bone Weapons
A weapon made of Tarrasque bones heals itself over time and cost 5% less to enhance with magic, due to the inherent magical nature of a Tarrasque. If a Tarrasque bone weapon is sundered, or in the case of arrows, broken by normal use, placing the pieces together and leaving them for a day will restore it to full health.
Any weapon may be made of Tarrasque bone.
The following table shows prices, assuming a Tarrasque based society. If not in a Tarrasque based society, or on poor terms with their weaponsmiths, multiply the prices by a thousand.
Type of Weapon Price Modifier
Ammunition +50Gp
Light Weapon +500 Gp
One-Handed Weapon +750 Gp
Two-Handed Weapon +1,000 Gp
Tarrasque Hide Armor
Any leather armor or plate armor may be made of Tarrasque Hide. As with Tarrasque bone weaponry, Tarrasque Hide Armor is inherently easier to enhance, reducing cost to enhance by 10%, and heals itself over time if it gets damaged or sundered.
Most suits of Tarrasque Hide Armor are of at least +1 enhancement bonus, with the Light Fortification special quality.

Type of Armor Price Modifier
Light Armor +100 gp
Medium Armor +500 gp
Heavy Armor +1000 gp
Exotic Armor Normal Price * 50
Here are two tarrasque templates. The Scion is more powerful. They could result from too many grafts, some sort of ritual, consuming too much tarrasque flesh or blood, or some other source. I didn't do the LA because I'm of the opinion that those need to be worked out for your own group.

Child of the Tarrasque
AC: +10 natural or as base creature.
Attacks: Creature gains a bite attack that does normal damage, retains all of its normal attacks unless one of these supersedes.
Special Qualities: Retains base creatures plus below:
-lesser carapace (Ex): 30% chance to deflect and negate any ray, line, cone, or magic missile. Check for negation before rolling for spell resistance.
-Damage Reduction: 5/magic.
-Resistance (Ex): Resist 10 Fire or as base creature.
-Immunity (Ex): Disease, Poision.
-Spell Resistance: 18 or as base creature.
-Fast Healing (Ex): 5 or as base creature.
-Frightful Presence (Su): 30 ft radius, DC (10+[1/2 HD]+Charisma Mod) will save or shaken.
-Augmented Critical (Ex): Bite attacks threaten a critical on a roll of 18-20 and deal triple damage on a successful critical hit.
Abilities: Increase as follows: Str+10, Con+6
LA: Base creature +_______

Scion of the Tarrasque
Size and Type: Increase one step and change to magical beast.
Hit Die: Increase to d10
AC: +20 Natural or as base creature
Attacks: Creature gains a bite attack, two horns, and two claws that deals normal damage and retains all of its normal attacks unless one of these supersedes.
Special Qualities: Retains base creatures plus below:
-Frightful Presence (Su): 60 ft radius, DC (10+[1/2 HD]+Charisma Mod) will save or shaken.
-Carapace (Ex): Deflects all rays, lines, cones, and even magic missile spells. There is a 30% chance of reflecting any such effect back at the caster; otherwise, it is merely negated. Check for reflection before rolling to overcome the creature’s spell resistance.
-Rush (Ex): 1/minute, sextuple speed for one round.
-Regeneration (Ex): Regeneration 20, Critical and Epic attacks deal normal damage.
-Immunities (Ex): Immune to fire, poison, disease, energy drain, and ability damage.
-Spell resistance (Ex): 24 or as base creature
-Damage Reduction (Ex): 15/+5
-Bestial: A scion of the Tarrasque is incapable of speaking or complex hand gestures.
Abilities: Adjust as follows: Str+16, Con+12, Int-10 (minimum 3)
Skills: +8 racial modifiers to listen and spot
Level Adjustment: Base creature +_______
'Squers have the following racial traits:
Type: Humanoid ('Squer). 'Squers are a type of humanoid that has lived in the shadow of the mighty Tarrasque, evolving due to the proximity to a creature of such power.
Abilities: Con +2, Int -2, Cha -2.
Medium size.
Base Land Speed: 30 feet.
Carapace: A 'Squer has a small amount of armor like plating on their body that provides a Natural Armor bonus of +2. This plating also is extremely resistant to ranged magical assaults, allowing it to apply to AC against ray spells.
Favored Class: Fighter. If not using Fighter, due to it being broken in a bad way, use Warblade instead. In fact, use Warblade even if using Fighter. Warblade.
LA: +0
Also, a cult worships the Tarrasque. There worship is rewarded with spells, although who is actually doing the granting, or if the tarrasque has obtained deific status is unknown.
Appropriate Alignments: True Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Evil
Domains: Destruction, Endurance, Hunger, Protection, Retribution, Strength, War, Wrath
The only way to keep the chains binding the beast was with the blood of Kytons....
How does the Tarrasque regenrates so fast? The mass has to come from somewhere. And, when the Tarrasque is free, and on a rampage, how can it eat such vast amounts of everything?
Well, the Tarrasque is clearly not a creature cooked by Mother Gaia. It comes from somewhere else, and in essense, it is still a portal leading to and from there. So when it regenerates, it fetches more mass from that far away place. Is it from some chaos-based realm? Or a plane of pure evil? No one really knows. But the fools keep cutting parts of the wounded beast, and the beast keeps summoning matter from it's home realm. As time pass, more and more of the dark material the Tarrasque is made of seeps into our existence. It worries me. Who knows what the long range effects might be? Me, I can't sleep at night, staying awake, worrying. Can you?
There has been talk of having the Tarrasque in a desert, the only ready avaliable food being its flesh. The only drink its blood. But what if the area only started out as a desert? The first watchers, when they ran out of food and drink, might have taken to desperately using the Tarrasque for sustinence before descovering that it is suprisingly tasty, even a bit addictive, when prepared properly...
Time went on, and they figured out how to make many sorts of food and drink from the Tarrasque's flesh. Fruit and vegtables were still a commodity, of course, because the tounge eventally desired something else, but there was little need to find any other source of food. The increased desire for flesh, however, had left the beast bleeding far more than previously. Hasty ditches were dug to drain away the red liquid, and a few enterprising guardins decided to see if they could grow grain in this arid place by watering it with Tarrasque blood. The result was... Unusual. But tasty, and almost as addictive as the flesh itself.
Later, as the population began to grow and it was impossible for any more flesh to be removed - The bones and organs of the Tarrasque being constantly exposed now by cutting, and even those not remaining completely save - blood drains were installed at a great cost of life beneath the beast by hired dwarves who dug in from below. An elaborate pumping and irrigation system was set up to ferry the blood far and wide to the feilds of what was now becoming an empire. Where there was once a forest red grain blew faintly in the breeze, and the red corn was traded far and wide by their farmers.
None needed to go hungry, or thirsty, the blood waters the crops... And there are foutains that all can drink from. The skin and bone of the beast provide powerful magical weapons and armor for their defense... Its organs were found to be even more nutritious than its flesh, though far too useful in magic to be eaten by any but the richest among its people. The crops do well as an export, and no one seems to find it unusual that the people of the Tarrasque empire have eyes just a little more slitted, teeth just a little sharper, nails just a little blacker.
The blood, the flesh, affects everyone differently. Most live longer, some heal faster, some become stronger, some even become little more than tiny versions of the Tarrasque; monsters that are quickly put down by the guard. But that is mostly in the city, in the countryside they just eat the crops... And the changes are mostly cosmetic. They are still friendly, helpful, farmers living perfectly ordinary lives. At least to those outsiders who look in on them. They couldn't know about the blood sports in the feilds at night. How those who don't change are killed... About the occasional monster born by ripping its way through a farm wives stomach before the rest kill and it it... and the mother... something that is said to be a good omen for the next harvest. They could not know about the high birth rate, and how it is balenced out by the cannibilism. As far as the outside world knows they are just farmers.
And they want to sell you some fruit... Dont mind the apples, its perfectly ordinary for them to be red all the way through.
These creatures stand taller than a human, 7 to 8 feet tall, and they are massively built with a flexible, half-plated tail.
Their skin is various shades of brown, and often pebbly and rough. Their faces are humanoid, but their heads are differently shaped. Their jaws are over-sized and lipless, lined with sharp, pointy teeth. Their noses are little more than slits above their mouths, and their eyes are spaced far apart, almost on the sides of their heads. They have no identifiable ears, but they are not deaf and can hear better than a human. Their crowns are bald, and two horns protrude from their foreheads.
Their bodies are humanoid, but more widely and thickly built than a human. Their shoulders often, but not always, have bony protrusions sticking up and outwards, as do their elbows. Their hands are three-fingered and have opposable thumbs. Each finger and thumb ends in razor-sharp claw, and the hands are proportionately stronger than a human's.
Their backs are covered in a shell-like layering of bony plates, and these plates of aften adorned by inch long spikes. This plating extends down and covers the top of their tail, a several foot long appendage that is surprisingly flexible and aids in balance.
Their legs are not human, but shaped like that of the tarrasque. (Sorry, couldn't think of a way to describe it.)
Racial Traits:
Strength +10, Constitution +8, Intelligence -4, Charisma -6: The tarrasque-blooded are inhumanly strong and tough, but they are not as bright as humans, and are often considered ugly and monstrous.
Large: As Large creatures, tarrasque-blooded gain all the advantages and disadvantages of that type.
Tarrasque-blooded's base land speed is 40ft.
Scent: A tarrasque-blooded can detect hidden and invisible foes within 30ft by scent. They also get a +2 circumstance bonus on tracking if the trail is no more than a day old.
Spell resistance: 16. The spell resistance check cannot be intentionally failed.
Regeneration: A tarrasque-blooded has regeneration 10 and can regenerate lost limbs in 1d6 minutes, or instantly if the limb is held against the stump.
Carapace: The tarrasque-blooded's skin and carapace is reflective to magic. All lines, rays, cones, and even magic missile spells have a 50% chance of being negated. If the spell is negated, there is a 15% chance that the spell will be reflected upon the caster. Check for negation before spell resistance.
Immunity: The tarrasque-blooded has immunity to fire, poison, and disease.
Damage Resistance: A tarrasque-blooded has DR 7/epic.
Tarrasque-blooded: For all effects regarding type, tarrasque-blooded are considered magical beasts and humanoids.
Automatic Languages: Common
Favored Class: Barbarians.
Level adjustment: +6
Skills: A tarrasque-blooded has a +4 bonus to Spot and Listen checks.
THIS is how they cut the flesh...
Put into old times of corse..
And one thing i must add.
It occurs to me that this idea is sort of odd.... or at least it begs the question of why there aren't more tarrasquelets running around with the pitter patter of tiny destructive feet.
Now, you could say that there was never a creature that could stand up to the brutal, brutal raping by the Tarrasque that would be required to impregnate something....or maybe it has precognition of its death and impregnates something (doesn't really matter what) a few days before it's slain, so that there is always one around...
Also, how exactly would sperm farming work?
Glaives. Halberds. And a grape press...
Even if it *could* work, would it be a good IDEA in the first place???
The seed of terror has many uses.
This hulking reptilian beast thrashes about wildly, destroying everything in its wake and giving no ground.
CR 15
N Huge magical beast
Init: 5; Senses: low-light vision, scent; Perception +28
Aura: frightful presence 80 ft (DC 30)
AC: 32 (+5 Dex, +19 natural, -2 Size)
HP: 390 (20d10+180); regeneration 5
Fort +24, Ref +17, Will +6
DR: 10/adamantine; Immune: bleed, mind affecting effects, permanent wounds; Resist: acid 20, fire 20 ; SR 26
Speed: 35ft
Melee: Bite +30 (2d8+10 plus grab), 2 claws +30 (1d8+10), 1 gore +30 (2d6+10), tail slap +30 (2d6+10)
Ranged: 3 Spines +25 (1d10+5/x3)
Space: 15ft; Reach: 15ft (30 with tail slap)
Special Attacks: burst, spines, swallow whole
Str 30, Dex 20, Con 28, Int 3, Wis 11, Cha 10
Base Atk: +20 ; CMB: +32; CMD: 47
Feats: Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Natural Attack (Bite), Power Attack, Run
Skills: Acrobatics +9 (+28 when jumping), Perception +28
Racial Modifiers: +5 Perception, +18 Acrobatics (Jump)
Languages: Aklo (can’t speak)
SQ: fledgling carapace, strong leaper, tarrasque heritage
Fledging Carapace (Su): A Tarrasque Spawn’s scales have a 50% chance to deflect cones, lines, rays, and magic missile spells, rendering the creature partially immune to such effects. If the effect deflected is a line or ray, there is a 10% chance that the effect is reflected in full back at the caster. If the effect was a magic missile, the chance of the effect being reflected back on the caster is increased to 30%.
Strong Leaper (Ex) A Tarrasque Spawn uses its Strength to modify Acrobatics checks made to jump, and has a +12 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks made to jump.
Regeneration (Ex:): Few forms of attack can suppress a Tarrasque Spawn’s regeneration. If the spawn fails a save against an effect that would kill it instantly that does not involve destroying its body, it rises from death and completely reforms 3d4 rounds later with 1 hit point if no further damage is inflicted upon its remains. A Tarrasque Spawn’s regeneration can only be stopped by utterly destroying every last bit of its remains; It can regenerate even from the dust left by disintegration. If a wish or miracle spell is cast by an epic-level caster, the creature remains dead permanently.
Finally, any ability damage or energy drain dealt to a Tarrasque Spawn begins healing 1d8 rounds after being dealt, and any successful petrifaction or polymorph effects are reversed after 1d4 rounds.
Rush (Ex): Once per minute for 1 round, a Tarrasque Spawn can move at a speed of 80ft. This increases its Acrobatics bonus on check made to Jump appropriately.
Spines (Ex): The Spawn can loose a volley of six spear-like spines form its body as a standard action with a toss of its head or a lash of its tail. Make an attack roll for each spine- all targets must be within 15 feet of each other. The spines have a range increment of 60 feet.
Tarrasque Heritage (Ex): A Tarrasque Spawn’s specific origin is unknown, but their inherit link to the Tarrasque is undeniable. Although thankfully not as powerful as its superior, it still boasts considerable defenses alongside its legendary Regeneration ability. The Tarrasque Spawn gains a +8 racial bonus on saves against ability damage, energy drain, petrifaction, and polymorph.
Although not the indestructible engine of obliteration that the Tarrasque is, this Spawn continues its horrifying tradition of disaster.
Just as elusive as the Tarrasque, a Spawn has the mysterious ability to find the most isolated and undiscoverable place in a given region and hide there for centuries.
Few foes have ever had the misfortune of crossing the creature, and fewer still can claim to have bested it. Many intriped adventureres and kingdoms have sought the end of these creatures, only to find themselves fighting an endless battle that almost always ends in the Spawn's favor.
Unlike the true Tarrasque however, these creatures are not without their losses. A few key warriors have found ways to permanently stop the beasts, though the tools are hopelessly beyond most mortals.
Although no wiser than the Tarrasaque, a Spawn's innate senses keep it focused on the greatest present danger and constantly aware of the best escape route/hiding place, if the situation should call for it.
1. The Tortured City. The city rests in the center of a tortured creature. The economy spawns from the beast. They cannot live without it, and they cannot live with it. The different being the people live a great and glorious life. The creature, the most fearsome beast in creation, suffers each day: being murdered every thirty minutes.
2. Unconventional Common Races. What you know about D&D races is not true. Dwarves are forged out the bed rock of rivers; Drow are good creatures. Only human and deva have survived the change unchanged.
3. The Gods. People believe in faith. Gods are not known to be truths. The only truth they know is that certain gods are separated into spheres of influence, and these influences can change depending on the god in question.
4. The Houses Rule. Twelve houses rule the streets of the City of the Tarrasque. You are lucky to see one once in your lifetime. You are never made a nobleman, you are born one.
5. The City is Doomed. Unless you can stop it. The city is under constant threats from the outside, but the nobles are so concerned with their own politics they own ignore the real dangers.
6. The City is Safe. Yet the city is safe. Those inside it's walls find it the appealing and alluring.
7. Nations of Servitude. Many nations work under the heel of the Houses, and many have kings who pay tribute to the Tarrasquean nobility.
8. Evil and Good blurred. Good and evil is relevant. You can have a good Necromancer and an evil Paladin.

2012-06-04, 08:05 PM
As you approch the city gates you notice that the spikes on top of the walls are not facing outward as one would think but Inword.....

A well defended gate with many soldiers on top of it..
A gaurd hails you "Ahoy there tavellers! Be ye friend or foe?"

What do you do?

Vixsor Lumin
2012-06-04, 10:30 PM
Adoven looks at the guard and answers gruffly. "I'm a friend to all until they convince me otherwise. My name is Adoven Silversight. Iwasa sent by the church of Pelor to meet the new saint."

2012-06-04, 10:36 PM
"The saint? What saint?" the guard says

2012-06-04, 10:38 PM
"Friend? Foe? ... Friend! I like friends! ... Where is the big monster?" Alyssa answers cheerfully.

Then she turns to the man who answered first (and gave her a clue how to answer...) "What is saint? Is it shiny?" :smallbiggrin:

2012-06-04, 10:39 PM
The guard looks at Alyssa slightly disturbed

Vixsor Lumin
2012-06-04, 10:40 PM
"Pelor has revealed a new Saint and leader in his church. I was sent to be her guardian if she would have me. Since you cant show me where she is, I would appreciate if you would let me into your city. That way we can quit wasting each others time." Adoven had never been one for manners....

he turns to the inquisitive girl next to him and laughs. "I wouldnt use the word shiny to describe a person, but sometimes they give off light."

2012-06-04, 10:43 PM
When has the New Saint been revealed?

Vixsor Lumin
2012-06-04, 10:46 PM
"I'm not sure of the exact date, or how to describe it. All the Saints of the past present and future are in a prophesy, but only when Pelor wills it does the prophesy become clear. He of the Sun has only revealed this new saint recently." Adoven says tapping his foot impaitently.

2012-06-04, 10:49 PM
I would let you in..

But how do i know that your not a member of the Claw?

The guard says

2012-06-04, 10:54 PM
"Yay! Shiny! And a person! I need to meet him!"

She turns back to the guard.

"You don't have to tell me where the big monster is anymore. I will see the shiny person first!"

After hearing the last question of the guard she has a bit puzzled look on her face.

"The Claw? I have claws... but these are my members... not the other way around!"

Now she looks at the guard with suspicion...

Vixsor Lumin
2012-06-04, 10:56 PM
"The Claw? What in the Abyss is the Claw?" he says suddenly interested.

2012-06-04, 11:00 PM
Guard:The claw is a group of cultist's set on freeing the beast...

2012-06-04, 11:04 PM

She looks with suspicion on her hands and murmurs

"They don't look like cultists..."

Again she looks at the guard:

"No, no cultists here!"

Vixsor Lumin
2012-06-04, 11:13 PM
".... I just said i worship Pelor. No beast can compare to his splendor. i would never lie about my faith." Adoven says with a straight face.

2012-06-04, 11:15 PM
The Guard opens the gate to avoid anymore "crazyness"

2012-06-04, 11:28 PM
You are greeted by a bustling market full of Smells and sights.
However the main smell is that of freashly cut MEAT

2012-06-04, 11:29 PM
Alyssa doesn't like the growling man.

She clings to the talky man ... Adoven... was his name.

"I want to see the shiny man! Show me!"

And long, long, long while later...

"Oh... and hi, I am Alyssa! Nice to meet you!... And this is Cheese!"

She says showing the talky man the hamster.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-06-04, 11:33 PM
"Hello Alyssa, and hello Cheese." he says smiling. "And the shiny man is actually a women if I am correct."

2012-06-04, 11:38 PM
"A woman? Shiny woman?... Strange...I've never seen a shiny woman! Show me!"

The confusion didn't last long...

2012-06-04, 11:58 PM
Pai Mei came late to the spaztastic ramblings, and saw the gate opening. He hoped he could slip in with the two of them unnoticed. If he manages this, he waits until they are out of earshot of the guards before speaking.
Thanks for the distraction. Guards these days try to keep things locked up tighter than a clams @$$. Unfortunately, for them, they are dumber than the south end of a north bound horse, but if you cross them...Oi they are more ornery than a bull with his balls in a vice!

2012-06-05, 12:45 AM
Having heard the conversation from his hiding place just inside of the city, Aeter approach the travelers I don't know if she is there but I can Take you to eighter her resident or to were she performed the big miracle

knowledge local[roll0]

The mindflayer slowly moves op in front of the group and begins to lead the way Im Aeter Tesla by the way a sort of local

Vixsor Lumin
2012-06-05, 01:01 AM
Adoven gives the newcomer a sideways look. "Indeed. If you don't mind me asking who exactly are you?"

2012-06-05, 01:26 AM
Pai Mei looked to the man and chuckled.
I am just a wanderer. Looking for new things to study, and ways to test what it is I already know. Its the only way to attain anything these days. Besides...I am hoping that this city holds something very interesting indeed.

2012-06-05, 06:38 AM
Aeter Tesla suddenly stops and turns around I would recommend that we leave the main road and go throu the shades
He points down a very shady alley.

When he see the suspecting looks he continues down the main road lies the "meat hall" the largest market in town, but if we enter from this direction we walk right into the elven corner.
And many who walk thru ends up without purse or life
Aeter stands looking down the road towards the "Meat Hall".
Then he points toward the shades In there we also know people wants to rob and mug us, but they often thinks twice before trying anything with people like us, and they seldom have acces to elven murder magic
He then stands awating their response.

2012-06-05, 08:34 AM
Engald walks up to the newcomers. He turns to face Pai Mei. "Did I hear you correctly? 'Looking for new things to study'? What exactly do you seek to learn?"

2012-06-05, 01:39 PM
Pai Mei just smiled to them."Anything really. Just something to catch my interest. Whether it be man, beast, magic, religion, or swordplay. All things are equally appealing, as long as I don't already know it."

Vixsor Lumin
2012-06-05, 02:11 PM
Initiative [roll0]

2012-06-06, 04:36 PM
You all hear a loud roar that shakes the very ground upon which you stand.
Fowllowed closely by a small group of men heavily armed rushing tworads the mighty roar.
Everyone immidetly heads into there houses packing up.

What do you do?

Vixsor Lumin
2012-06-06, 04:48 PM
Unnerved by the apearance of a mindflayer, Adoven checks that his kukris are loose in their sheathes. Then when he hears the roar and sees the running men he realizes they might have bigger problems. "I would appreciate being shown to where the miracle happened."

2012-06-06, 05:03 PM
Alyssa was quiet for a while as all the new people started to surround her and talky-man (Adoven). She appears to be deep in thought.
She says really quietly...
"So many new people..."

Then suddenly she starts pointing and shout:

*points at Pai Mei*

*points at Aeter Tesla*
"Squid man!"

*points at Engald*

Then she continues to follow Adoven, with an expression of pride on her face. The she stops again, looking like she forgot about something...
"Hi I am Alyssa!"
... and not waiting for answer she follows Adoven again. She looks at him and says (trying to whisper, but everyone still can hear her with Listen check DC -2):

"Are these people friends too? Or foes? Or claws? Or cultists? I don't like...

A mighty roar interrupts her. She apparently didn't notice...

... and then he tried to eat Cheese! That is why cultists are bad!"

Another 10 seconds later...

"Hey did you hear this roar? Maybe it is the big ugly monster! Lets go see him!"

Current expression

2012-06-06, 05:09 PM
A local stumbles up to the group...
Blood dripping from his eviscated abdomen. He chokes on blood and falls to the ground...

Vixsor Lumin
2012-06-06, 06:55 PM
Adoven walks up to the man and focuses while he placed his hands on either side of the mans head. Adoven begins to bleed from the stmach a little as he the mans stomach begins to close itself.

Manifest empathetic transfer to heal him at the cost of myself.
spend 3 power points and wild surge +1 to give it the effect of 4.
risk of enervation [roll1] if its 5 or under im dazed for a round and lose an extra power point.ok so he gets healed 26 and i take 13 damage.

2012-06-06, 07:39 PM
Pai Mei just smiled to them."Anything really. Just something to catch my interest. Whether it be man, beast, magic, religion, or swordplay. All things are equally appealing, as long as I don't already know it."

"Ah, a fellow walker of all paths. I think we'll get along just fine."

You all hear a loud roar that shakes the very ground upon which you stand.
Fowllowed closely by a small group of men heavily armed rushing tworads the mighty roar.
Everyone immidetly heads into there houses packing up.

What do you do?

"Uh, this again? Come on, we'd probably better get inside or go see what's going on. What do you think?"

2012-06-06, 07:42 PM
The man gasp's with the breath of life.
He cuagh "haock ack, Ahhhh, Thank you sir. The monster with....THE MONSTER:smalleek: AHHH RUN IT'S COMING!"
With that he leaps up and sprints off.

2012-06-07, 02:37 AM
well then lets hurry, watch out for falling objects he hurries into the shades, waves the others to follow. Quick while people are occupied by the shakes