View Full Version : Does this nation exist?

Elric VIII
2012-06-05, 02:24 PM
I have a character that I am going to play soon and I want to know if there is an actual nation/country/region that matches part of his backstory.

He is from a lineage of powerful wizard-kings that made a made a pact with demons for great power. A side effect of this pact was that sometimes a child born to one of this blood would sometimes exhibit demononic traits. Normally, these children are killed at birth, but my character was hidden away in exile for most of his life.

Does such a nation exist?

2012-06-05, 02:27 PM
In which setting are you playing ?

2012-06-05, 02:27 PM
Pretty sure this is the Tiefling fluff in 4e, and they all come from one empire. Don't know what it was called though.

Elric VIII
2012-06-05, 05:18 PM
In which setting are you playing ?

Greyhawk, usually, but FR or Eberron would be fine for ideas. I just want some empire to be in the backgroud, because I am too lazy to create an entire nation for a character. :smallbiggrin:

2012-06-05, 05:31 PM
Sounds a lot like the Fey'ri from FR.

"The fey'ri are the result of interbreeding between sun elves and tanar'ri in an attempt to strengthen the sun elf bloodline".

The elven nation they came from would be Cormanthor.

2012-06-05, 05:52 PM
I have a character that I am going to play soon and I want to know if there is an actual nation/country/region that matches part of his backstory.

He is from a lineage of powerful wizard-kings that made a made a pact with demons for great power. A side effect of this pact was that sometimes a child born to one of this blood would sometimes exhibit demononic traits. Normally, these children are killed at birth, but my character was hidden away in exile for most of his life.

Does such a nation exist?

It sounds kind of like Ancient Narfell - the wizardkings would make deals with demons and suck. I could see interbreeding (a la Mulhorand) between humans and these otherworldy servitors, and the wizardkings killing the offspring.

2012-06-06, 01:06 AM
A little less relevant is the city of Thay. Which is sort of like that, and it's in Greyhawk.

2012-06-06, 02:30 AM
Actually Thay is in the Forgotten Realms...

It sounds a reasonable fit for the Great Kingdom of Aerdy. However this is definitely one to discuss with your DM. Having a player write in a noble bloodline for the wrong country can derail an entire campaign.
So, check with your DM. If there's no "on the map" country that fits try to come up with some suitable one from off the map (or one so small it's inside another). Remember that the map of the Flanaess is only a small part of that continent on Oerth - and there are multiple continents.

Hmm, re-reading your original post I have to take back my suggestion to a degree - I don't think there's a published country where the rules made demonic pacts and then tried to hide it! What could fit for Aerdy was you are an offshoot whose family tried to hide their connection. A lot depends when the adventure is set - in the middle of 2nd Ed the Great Kingdom broke up (the Greyhawk Wars) - I think the lich who ruled it died, not sure, but the old capital (Rauxes) is now someone in the lower planes...

2012-06-06, 02:39 AM
It sounds kind of like Ancient Narfell - the wizardkings would make deals with demons and suck. I could see interbreeding (a la Mulhorand) between humans and these otherworldy servitors, and the wizardkings killing the offspring.

Narfell sounds about right. Read up on it, with a bit of fluff tweaking it should give you some ideas.

2012-06-06, 02:55 AM
Also calls to mind Cheliax (http://pathfinder.wikia.com/wiki/Cheliax) from Pathfinder. Basically Nazi Germany, but with actual magic.

Edit: of course, Cheliax deals with Devils, not Demons. Not sure if this truly matters to you or not.

2012-06-06, 04:07 AM
A little less relevant is the city of Thay. Which is sort of like that, and it's in Greyhawk.

I've never heard of a City in Greyhawk called Thay :smallconfused: You sure your not thinking about the nation of Thay on Toril?

The Red Wizards of Thay actually interbreed with Demons quite frequently so its entirely possible for a Red Wizard to be a Half-Fiend or atleast have some Demonic heritage :smallamused:

2012-06-06, 06:28 AM
The Red Wizards of Thay actually interbreed with Demons quite frequently so its entirely possible for a Red Wizard to be a Half-Fiend or atleast have some Demonic heritage :smallamused:
Well, when you're an evil wizard, all the civilised nations of the world hate you, and you have access to a Death Ward scroll or similar, can you really blame them for calling up a succubi friend-with-benefits for some happy fun time hanky-panky? Isn't that what BBEG wizards are supposed to do with their spare time in between researching new ways to blow up buildings/cities/countries/continents/planets/planes?

EDIT: Drow priestesses in FR are also known to breed with demons/devils in their final initiation rites. Sometimes a half-fiend child (called a draegloth) will be born from these pairings, and it's thought to be a great honour and a blessing from Lolth.

2012-06-06, 08:29 PM
I've never heard of a City in Greyhawk called Thay :smallconfused: You sure your not thinking about the nation of Thay on Toril?

The Red Wizards of Thay actually interbreed with Demons quite frequently so its entirely possible for a Red Wizard to be a Half-Fiend or atleast have some Demonic heritage :smallamused:

Herp. Someone said it was actually forgotten realms. I just assumed Greyhawk because I thought Greyhawk was the default world for 3.5. And lots of Thay classes are in core and non-region specific splats.

2012-06-06, 09:27 PM
Herp. Someone said it was actually forgotten realms. I just assumed Greyhawk because I thought Greyhawk was the default world for 3.5. And lots of Thay classes are in core and non-region specific splats.

...Lots? I count only the Red Wizard (DMG) and the Thayan Gladiator (CW) as Thayan stuff outside of FR (or FR-specific web releases).

2012-06-06, 09:34 PM
...Lots? I count only the Red Wizard (DMG) and the Thayan Gladiator (CW) as Thayan stuff outside of FR (or FR-specific web releases).

Well Red Wizard and Thayan Knight. Now that I think about it Thayan Gladiator is in Champions of Ruin... which is Forgotten Realms. I just find it a little funny for books that usually have to do with Greyhawk suddenly having PrC's that have to do with a different place.

2012-06-07, 02:49 AM
He is from a lineage of powerful wizard-kings that made a made a pact with demons for great power. A side effect of this pact was that sometimes a child born to one of this blood would sometimes exhibit demononic traits. Normally, these children are killed at birth, but my character was hidden away in exile for most of his life.

Does such a nation exist?

Yes. It's called Callan (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/). :smallamused:

I honestly couldn't resist.:smalltongue: