View Full Version : IC V:tM-Chicago-Trump Tower

2012-06-06, 05:18 PM
Good evening, and welcome to the beginning of the chronicle. The date is Saturday, June 9th. Midnight.

The Invitation
Each character received a invitation less than 48 hours prior to the party. It said only the following.

Where: Trump International Hotel & Tower. Floor Ninety One.
When: Saturday, June 9th. Midnight.
What: You have been cordially invited to Prince Alexander's private party. Attendance is mandatory. Formal Attire recommended.
Please bring this invitation to get in.

Some of you will have a special note written on the card as well, this will be noted in the OOC thread or via PM.

Trump International Hotel and Tower
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/20090518_Trump_International_Hotel_and_Tower%2C_Ch icago.jpg/403px-20090518_Trump_International_Hotel_and_Tower%2C_Ch icago.jpg

Prince Alexander

Few of you have actually met prince Alexander. Most of you have bothered to introduce yourself, but he is not always available. Most small tasks such as announcements are handled by the Seneschal, William.

It is known that Alexander is the long time prince of Chicago. What he was before that, you likely do not know. But he played a key part in the formation and structure Chicago, both in mortal and Kindred Society. When the city became a robust metropolis, he assumed command and everyone fell behind him. Allegedly he has his business hands in everything. During prohibition he was rumored to have been aiding Capone and the other gangsters while helping the police an equal amount. Of course he made money off both sides.

So considering none of you have many dots in resources, he likely has never had any interests in you, and has never bothered you.

The Seneschal
Although few of you have met the prince, all of you have met the Seneschal. William Duphrene is the name he is known by, and he is the Prince's right hand man. In some cities the Seneschal and the Prince are at odds, this is not the case in Chicago. Alexander is a macro-manager. William is a micro-manager. They work well together and have ruled Chicago because of it.

So if you aren't on speaking terms with your Clan Primogen, he likely hand delivered your invitation. Perhaps it was simply a courtesy to make sure you got it. Perhaps he had 4 goons with him, all with automatics in hand. Either way he would have stressed that the Prince has business with you, and that you will attend. Failure to do so will be regrettable... for you.

He comes off very clean and well spoken, and often says very well underlined threats. But at the same time, he isn't unknown to make direct threats either. He is rumored to get violent when necessary, and is not someone you wish to make angry.

The butlers
All the butlers at this party are clearly nosferatu. However they seem almost off a assembly line because they seem so similar. All of them are very ugly, but in very plain ways. They have no disgusting smells, common of the clan, nor do they seem to be unusually deformed or mutated with the exception of their height. All of them are at least 6 feet tall, do not speak, and wear butler uniforms. Their faces seem un-phased by their low position, and move about the room with drinks and other refreshments. (Yes, food is actually served but not everyone takes some).

2012-06-06, 10:46 PM
The powerful elevator roars up the floors faster than you would have imagined. The attendant at the lobby directed you to a specific Elevator.

"It's the only one that goes to ninety one" he said somewhat oddly.

There are likely others in the Elevator, dressed well in suits and fine dresses. It seems very normal. Until the doors open and you see the floor.


You are taken back at it's size and beauty for a moment, but obviously you expected the prince to have money, so this is not a huge surprise. It's fine atmosphere and rich decor simply caught you off guard. Standing outside the elevator is a Short man, likely asian in heritage, in a Black suit and sunglasses. His firm face makes him look like he means business.

The other guests step off the elevator before you, and all show him a invitation. When you approach, he of course asks for yours. He glances at it quickly and smiles.
"Yes, I have special instructions for you. First off, please note that this area is considered under Elysium. So no fighting, period. No excuses. Turn over any weapons you have, and they will be returned to you when you leave. If I catch you with a weapon that you didn't hand over, I will show back to the first floor. It is a very quick trip.

Now, the Prince has requested that you do not leave here until he or the Seneschal speaks with you about business. They are currently in a private meeting and will have you summoned when they are done. You will not be allowed to leave until this happens. Any questions? No, good! Now please enjoy the party."

2012-06-06, 11:51 PM
As you walk past security, you are able to get a better sense of the floor. Immediately in-front of you is a large lounge area with several couches. Security personnel stand on every side of this room. On the other side of the room lies double doors, and stairs going to an elevated area. From what you can see of the elevated area, there seems to be tables set up.
To your left are two open doors leading into a larger room where you can hear some kind of classical music playing.
To your right is a two open double doors leading into another larger room where people seem to be mingling and a small hallway that leads around the stairs.
There are people everywhere, and any individuals that I point out are simply ones that stand out in the crowd.

The lounge
Four woman sit scattered about on three couches. Two blondes and two brunettes.
The blonde with short hair wears a nice white pants outfit. She sits normally on a couch with the brunette with long hair. The brunette seems to have a leather fetish, as her dress is made entirely of leather and mostly black. Your impression is that she belongs in a goth bar.
The other brunette, who wears a pony tail and a simple blue dress, sits uncomfortably in a armchair. Her complexion is pale, especially compared to the others and looks like she thinks people are going to start shooting anytime.
The second blonde, with long hair, looks like the most informal person in the room, wearing jeans and a small red top. She is stretched out on the couch, lying leisurely like a cat lays on top of a TV.
None of them seem to be speaking much, but the blonde in jeans has a open green beer bottle and the anxious brunette a very red looking Margarita.

The Room on the left
The room on the left is smaller than you expected and filled with chairs in one corner for people to sit and listen to the group of musicians playing.

There are four people in Victorian era clothing, three of them female. Leaving the male looking like some Victorian era pimp.

In the corner sit three Japanese men in nice suits. Two of them have shaved their heads, one wearing a blue suit, the other a grey suit. The third man has his hair slicked back, and wears black gloves.

Finally, a very muscular man sits on the side by himself. He has thick red hair, combed back, and a large red beard. He looks uncomfortable in his dress shirt and pants.

There are five musicians playing various string instruments and the Brunette in a Victorian era dress is playing a cello.

The upper level
From what you see here, this area is mostly deserted with the exception of the nicely dressed couple in the corner. and two security personnel.

On the far side is a bar, with a large mirror and number of fine wines spread out on the shelf. A well groomed latino man sits behind the bar playing with a strange metal machine about the size of a microwave, however you can't get a good look at it.

The room on the right
The room on the right is by far the biggest room here, and it houses the most people. This room is the most crowed, and a DJ quietly plays music that few are listening to while even fewer are dancing to. For a brief second you see a man talking to a group of business men, and you have to take a second glance because he looks alot like Donald Trump. But from what you've seen on Tv, he doesn't talk like him so you easily dismiss that it must not be him.

On one side, a man in his forties stands out because of his tall stature and suit that looks to be from the 1930's. He leans to one side on a cane. He is talking to a blonde young woman in a revealing purple dress who looks like she could easily be in high school.

In the center is a Latino looking woman in a long flowing white dress that she uses to over-insinuate her dance moves. She dances alone, but she dances well and the crowd seems to be watching her.

In the corner three tough looking gentlemen in old fashioned suits appear to be playing cards and enjoying some fine wine. Their profanity thankfully is drowned out by the other guests chatter and the music.

Finally near the far wall is a young boy who stands alone. He is dressed in a suit, and looks at the dancing like it upsets him. People seem to be leaving him be however, as a 10 radius has formed around him.

2012-06-07, 01:04 AM
Jace nodded in aquiescence to the Asian man, and handed him a small sidearm. It was old, no doubt some hand me down, or something he scrounged up from the sewers.

The Nosferatu let out a sigh. He really need to learn that mask of a hundred (or was that a thousand? nah, nah, a hundred) faces trick he had heard so much about. It was a lot of skulking around, lot of hiding his face, and then there was always the awkwardness of getting through the front door. Luckily the man at the door was the Prince's and had rushed him quickly to the elevator muttering something about 'rats'.

He was about the height of the Nosferatu butlers, a little over six feet tall. He stood up straight. His face was leathery, like he had been left out in the sun for weeks, and someone came and died his skin an ugly, dark yellow. He had no ears, so his sunglasses rested solely on the birdge of his nose. Jace's suit was wrinkled, and a bit dusty smelling, though for someone who lived underground it could have been worse. It was dark grey, and he wore a plum colored tie. He looked about, a small, pleasant, but very small, smile on his face.

Jace looked around at some of the guests, and for a moment was concerned. He didn't see any Nosferatu besides the butlers and they didn't seem the sociable sort. In the past, he'd had bad experience with the beautiful kindred, and though he had no issue with beauty like some of his clan did, he also didn't feel the need to press himself on others. His eyes looked about and caught the latino man playing with his machine.

Jace climbed the stairs, admiring the glamor of it all. Wouldn't mind a place like this. Still had to make his fortune though. He could, pretty easily at that, but not without consequences. Not a whole lot people, kine of kindred, would take kindly to him hacking into the banks in the city.

"Mind if I take a look?" His voice was a light baritone, casual, it wasn't really a voice that matched his looks too well. Then again, probably the only sound that matched his face was a wheezing, deathly pitch.

2012-06-07, 01:44 AM
The man continues to fiddle with it for a minute before looking up, only looking at you out of the corner of his eye. He speaks with a feminine latin accent that catches you slightly off guard.
"Its fine sweety, you know the prince just demands the levels to be JUST right."
Looking up, he seems excited for a moment "Hey! I didn't know any of you boys could talk... I've been dying of BOREDOM up here." He says and gives you a good look over. His face turns to horror. "Oh... My... Gawd!... I am so sorry honey. I wasn't thinking and just assumed you were one of the help. Foot in mouth for me! I'm sorry." He laughs obviously uncomfortable. "Well what can I get you to drink? Our mixers are fresher that anything you will find east of San Franciso. Trust me sweety, you'll like it."

2012-06-07, 02:11 AM
Jace scratched the back of his neck nervously as he (or she?) rambled on. Jace wasn't the most sure of himself, and he was more uncomfortable with the apology than the assumption he was hired help. He was getting the inkling maybe they weren't hired though...

"Uh... no worries. I guess I'll have whatever's good." He thought about what he just said and corrected himself. "I mean whatever you reccommend." His eyes tured to the contraption, trying to see what it was. "What is that thing you're working on? Looks curious."

Slowly, his attention ws turning away from the machine and onto the Nosferatu situation in the room. He knew that there could be others of his Clan about, just hiding themselves. Still, seeing the butlers was disconcerting.

2012-06-07, 04:49 AM
Edward enters after Jace. He seems to have ignored the part in the invitation concerning formal attire, for he is dressed in his usual biker jacket. He is tall, but smaller than Jace, and wears big round soundglasses and lets his hair fall down on his face to hide his many ugly scars. He supports himself on a thin, elegant cane made sometime in the 2nd half of the 19th century
On the request of the asian man he takes out a big revolver, then a small backup pistol, 2 throwing knives and a long curved dagger.
He then looks more intensely at the man:
"You don't need my walking stick, do you?" he smiles, but his smile, although meant to be friendly, makes an ugly grin due to a big scar running from the right corner of his mouth
"I kind of need it to kind of walk..."

(Credibility = Manipulation 4 + Subterfuge 2 = [roll0]

2012-06-07, 08:04 AM
Danielle is an extremely attractive brunette, wearing her nicest cocktail dress -- a "little black dress" that had served her quite well in the past. She keeps her hair short, and there is an effortless perfection to its tossled styling. The smell of rain, like a cherished childhood memory, follows her about and there is something familiar and comfortable about her easy charms. She is in her mid twenties and she breathes easily and naturally.

The woman surrenders no weapon, smiles that she is in Elysium, and approaches the quartet of woman on couches.

"Good evening, ladies. My name's Danielle. Do you mind if I join you?" she speaks in a West Coast accent.

2012-06-07, 08:26 AM
Matthew exits the elevator, having arrived alone but around the same time as the others. He stands tall, a few inches over six feet and his muscles are evident through his business casual clothing. He looks around the entrance room for a second before handing a hunting knife to Asian bodyguard at the front.

"That's all I have not counting my fists," he says with a slight smile before making his way in.

He steps into the lounge and stands there for a second admiring the opulance of the room. "Wow," he whispers as he stares at everything: the chandolier, the small trees decorating the floor. There's a hint of sadness in the exclamation, though, for he remembers when the Sun-Times offices were here. Time changes everything save for us," he has to think with a slight smile before heading to where the classical music is coming from.

2012-06-07, 11:07 AM

The man smiles alittle "It's okay honey... I didn't know it was your first time using one :smallbiggrin:" He says with a smile. "Let me make you what most people like the most."

He then takes a metal cup and puts it up to the machine. You realize after a minute that all the red tubes inside the machine seem to be circulating blood, because they clear up as blood empties from them momentarily. Fresh blood squirts into the metal glass, and he promptly proceeds to make you a blood flavored margarita. (Resist Frenzy check please)

Handing it to you with a smile, he quickly puts a small umbrella in it. "Taste it honey, you'll like it" He says with a wink.

Of all the characters, I get the impression Edward has been here before. So this guy has met you before.
"Really Edward? You couldn't have even dressed up? Keep the cane. Just don't use it exactly how I expect you to use it"


Your question makes the nervous looking Brunette freeze like a deer in front of a car. The Blonde woman laying spread out on the couch sits up and takes a big drink of her bottle. She surprisingly responds with a west coast accent as well. "Sure, its a free country isn't it. WAITER! Another bottle of crappy import please" One of the waiters bows and goes through the double doors under the stairs. You briefly see the sight of a busy kitchen. Extending her hand, the Blonde says "Dianne. A pleasure."

Upon entering the room, a Waiter approaches you with a tray. There are several very red looking wine glasses on the tray, as well as several hors d'oeuvres that don't interest you.

The musicians seem to be just finishing a song, and everyone starts to lightly clap.

2012-06-07, 11:10 AM
When Felix pulled his pinstriped black suit out of his closet he knew immediately that this was going to be a long night for him. I have so many better things to be doing. Looking at the wrinkled suit he spent an hour searching for an iron, eventually finding one from one of the ghoul's that manages the Tremere Chantry in Chicago. After another 30 minutes of trying to get the wrinkles out he finally gave up and hoped that he had done enough. Staring at himself in the mirror, Felix edcided that tongiht might be a night where appearance might matter a little more than normal, so he prepared and cast the Impressive Visage ritual, a ritual that he has relied on many times in the past to help him deal with his less than impressive natural appearance. Well, I won't win any beauty pagents, but at least I won't be confused with a Nosferatu...

Once he is done preparing, Felix departs from the chantry and drives his black SUV to the party. When he arrives, he valet parks and goes up to the 91st floor. While entering, Felix tries to avoid conversations as much as possible. At news that he has a special meeting, Felix will grow hopeful yet weary, Perhaps the Prince has heard of my research and wishes to discuss it with me? Having no weapons, Felix leaves nothing at the front desk.

Once he is in the party, he will take a lap around the entire party before setting in at the upper level. From there he will stand near the stairs and use the height advantage to look down and watch those on the ground floor.

2012-06-07, 11:39 AM
Just a note: The room on the right, the tall man with the cane is a Tremere elder. Therefore you would recognize him. You have seen the girl once or twice in passing around the Chantry, but don't know her personally.

Once you return to the lobby to go up the stairs, you note another woman has joined the Harem on the couches.

Finally after sitting down you can see a obvious Nosferatu that's not a butler talking to the bartender. He looks uncomfortable. As you turn back towards the lobby you partially jump as a waiter seems to have come out of nowhere. Without a word he hands you a menu. The menu seems pretty fancy, but a note at the bottom catches your attention.

For our guests pleasure, special ingredients can be added to any food or drink upon request.

2012-06-07, 12:04 PM
Joey was hesitant about handing over his pistol, but as a measure of good faith, he hands it over. His sharkskin suit hugged his lanky form snugly, and he was ecstatic about finally having a chance to show off his new 'gators.

When entering the lounge, a smile crossed his face. Now this is what I'm talking about, he thought as he reached into his coat pocket and produced a cigarillo. He made his way towards to the women on the couch, glancing around the room, before putting the tiny cigar in his mouth and lighting up.

Evening, he says, taking a long drag on his cigarillo. What brings you ladies to this . . . fine establishment?

2012-06-07, 12:59 PM
As the musical piece ends, Matthew claps along with the crowd before taking a glass of wine from the butler's tray. I wonder when I'm going to find out why I was invited here? he thinks before he takes a light sip of his drink. He stands by himself for a few seconds, waiting to see if the group will begin another piece shortly.

2012-06-07, 01:17 PM

Joey was hesitant about handing over his pistol, but as a measure of good faith, he hands it over. His sharkskin suit hugged his lanky form snugly, and he was ecstatic about finally having a chance to show off his new 'gators.

When entering the lounge, a smile crossed his face. Now this is what I'm talking about, he thought as he reached into his coat pocket and produced a cigarillo. He made his way towards to the women on the couch, glancing around the room, before putting the tiny cigar in his mouth and lighting up.

Evening, he says, taking a long drag on his cigarillo. What brings you ladies to this . . . fine establishment?

The Blonde with long hair seems to hardly notice you, as she waves her hand to keep the smoke away from her. Something seems to have caught her attention about the woman next to her that just sat down.

The Brunette with the leather leather dress decides to respond to your question. "The same thing that brings most people here. An invitation and someone with authority telling you that you have to come." She says with a weak smile. No one seems to be making a spot for you however, so your choices if you wish to sit down are on a couch/arm chair that is unoccupied (there are plenty) or to squeeze in-between the Short haired blond and the Brunette in leather.

The woman with the Cello takes a bow, and rolls her wrist to relax it. She then sets it down and rejoins the others in similar clothing. The musicians begin another piece without her, but it does not sound nearly as good.

The drink is clearly a mixture of fine wine and blood. It tastes pretty good. Well the blood does, whether your taste of wine matches the high quality is another story.

2012-06-07, 02:32 PM
Joey takes a seat in a nearby arm chair and awaits his meeting with the Camarilla prince. He glances around, noticing the Nosferatu butler, and sighs. For the family . . . He thought as he took another puff on his cigar.

2012-06-07, 03:35 PM
Of all the characters, I get the impression Edward has been here before. So this guy has met you before.
"Really Edward? You couldn't have even dressed up? Keep the cane. Just don't use it exactly how I expect you to use it"

"Hey, I'm wearing my best shirt, ain't I?" Edward laughs in a distinct northern UK accent before opening his jacket and revealing a Nazareth tour 1979-shirt, clean, but wearing signs of being bought at that concert tour.

Edward then walks to the nosfeartu by the bar and grinds towards him: "I guess us pretty ladies should keep together..." then he turns to the barkeep:
"A single malt whisky, please. And not the cheap local stuff, but the real thing!"

2012-06-07, 04:33 PM
"Hey, I'm wearing my best shirt, ain't I?" Edward laughs in a distinct northern UK accent before opening his jacket and revealing a Nazareth tour 1979-shirt, clean, but wearing signs of being bought at that concert tour.

Edward then walks to the nosfeartu by the bar and grinds towards him: "I guess us pretty ladies should keep together..." then he turns to the barkeep:
"A single malt whisky, please. And not the cheap local stuff, but the real thing!"

He looks you over for a moment. Then cautiously says "...did you want any... special additives to that? Or just a normal malt whisky?"

Make a Perception+Alertness roll please.

2012-06-07, 06:00 PM
Felix look sover the menu, and then places it on the bar, uninterested. After watching the crowd for a few minutes he decides to make his way down and be a little social, and hopefully make a friend.

Felix's first stop is to the room he saw Alan in. When he locates him, he will wait until he is alone and not engaged in anything that he looks interested in, and then walk over to him. Elder Alan? How are you this evening? I know you are new to the chantry and I've yet to have an opportunity to introduce myself, I'm Felix Socult. I'm a scholar of sorts, so if you ever need any research done or have a question about something historical I would love to be of assistence to you.

2012-06-07, 06:14 PM
Danielle Anderson

Danielle shakes Dianne's hand, smiling a friendly smile. She answers in a similarly informal tone, believing that the ladies here would respond poorly to over-politeness and formality. "Nice to hear someone without that atrocious accent they have around here. I'm from Seattle -- how about you?"

She spares a sidelong glance at the paralyzed, pale woman. "... And dear, you don't have to look so stiff." she resists the urge to add a cliche about 'not biting' considering her company.

2012-06-07, 06:43 PM

After waiting for him to free up, it becomes clear that this girl is either deliberately staying close to him or it's his date. However at some point she does wander off to find a drink. When you approach he gives you a small smile of recognition. He listens and nods.
"Felix... yes, I recognize you. I'm not the best with names, but I know your face. I'm not used to such a big chantry to be honest. Argo speaks well of you. To be honest, I've been spending the last two years trying to piece back together decades of research. My old notes were destroyed, an unfortunate event, and I have been trying to piece it back together ever since. It's mostly by memory however, so assistance is not something I need, just time and patience. That and a little peace and quiet doesn't hurt either" He says with a chuckle.
"So tell me, what kind of research have you been working on?"

Danielle Anderson
"Meh, the midwest isn't too bad as accents go. It's the south that bugs me. Can't understand half of what they say." She says still shaking your hand.
"That's also Danielle by the way. Don't mind her, she's got a fear of crowds or something. We didn't know a party was going on. Say, that's a lovely perfume you got there. Where'd you buy it?" She says, finally letting your hand go with mischievous face.

2012-06-07, 07:17 PM
I understand, if you think of anything that I could ever help with please don't hesitate to ask. In my mortal days I was actually involved in exploratory biology, mostly I was the researcher working alongside the biologists. When mortality went to the wayside I transitioned my research towards matters of the occult. You would be surprised how much symetry exists between Biology and Blood Magic.

2012-06-07, 08:02 PM

"Yes, of course. That sounds very interesting. Next time you are by my quarters, stop by for a bit. You can show me your notes and I've got a few notes from a... colleague of mine I suppose, that you may find interesting. She was a Bio-chemist at the top of her field who got embraced by a Lasombra. So she turned her research into very detailed work on our own blood. I think she was trying to find a way to reverse the process, of course that's just a hunch. But the research was very interesting anyway, even without knowledge of Thaumaturgy to enhance it."

2012-06-07, 08:14 PM

Unless it's difficulty 8 or higher, I think Jace is good to go.

Jace momentarily felt the beast jump up. It felt like some primal source throwing itself against a cage, only the cage was Jace's bones, and spiritually it shook him, if only for a moment. Hell of a machine.

He didn't even see Edward at first. However, his regaind himself in but a moment, and turned to Edward. He smiled, forgetting for a moment how unpleasant his smile was. For a Nosferatu, Jace wasn't so bad on first glance. If one squinted real hard, at least his head (minus the lack of ears) was still human shape. No crooked nose, no sunken eyes. However, when he smiled, his mouth split past his lips a good inch-and-a-half both ways, and revealed an array of shark-like teeth.

"Come now, friend, don't sell yourself so short. Don't you know, every one of the guests down there is Nosferatu, only they're using the powers to hide it." He took a drink from his margartia. "And I'm a pretty boy putting on the performance of my life."

2012-06-07, 09:04 PM
"Very impressive," Matthew says as he approaches the cellist. "The whole section was good, but it's quite clear that you were better." He takes another sip of the blood-spiked wine, the lingering thought about where exactly the blood had came from making him slightly uneasy. I can't wait until I can get out of here... he thinks.

2012-06-07, 09:34 PM
I would enjoy that a great deal. Well I don't want to monopolize your time, I am sure many others would be interested in speaking with you. Felix extends his hand to shake Alen's I will certainly stop by sometime soon. After saying his goodbye, Felix will do a circuit around the room before settling in at the bar where he saw the uncomfortable looking Nosferatu.

2012-06-07, 10:16 PM
You have managed to time it just right, and as you excuse yourself and walk away, Alan's companion seems to be returning with two drinks just as you walk away. The girl seems a bit puzzled.

Returning to the upper level, you notice as you pass by the group in the lounge has gotten bigger. And two of the women are just staring at each other. The Nosferatu is still there, and he seems to have been joined by a gruff looking man who decided not to come in formal attire.
(You have gotten yourself ahead in the timeline, sit out a few posts to catch up please).

Not usually a perceptive person apparently, you just happen to notice something odd about the blonde with short hair. She wears a chain necklace that appears to be rather long so it would hang down around her sternum. But she seems to have covered all of it up by hiding it with her shirt. It strikes you as odd. And she makes you slightly uncomfortable for reasons you don't understand.

A note on the blood wine. You have had blood from blood packs before. It had a 'old' or even 'not fresh' taste to it. This is not the case with this blood. It tastes almost as fresh as what you would take from a living, breathing mortal.

The woman looks you over for a moment, almost as if she is evaluating whether you are important enough to respond. She must decide you are however as she responds with a strong and firm voice.
"Why Thank you. I have spend many long nights practicing. It is my second favorite hobby."
She extends the top of her hand out to you.

2012-06-07, 10:25 PM
Danielle Anderson

Danielle smiles back, oddly excited by the other woman's response. "It is a lovely fragrance, isn't it? I find having a signature scent really makes a person memorable, don't you think? Smell being the sense most closely tied to memory and all that." she evades the question casually, trusting the other woman to pick up her implication.

"What brings you to the Tower, if not the party?"

2012-06-08, 01:58 AM
He looks you over for a moment. Then cautiously says "...did you want any... special additives to that? Or just a normal malt whisky?"

"No, thank you. I am a simple man and don't like mixed drinks. Besides, a good whiskey is like a good wife, while blood is like your mistress on the side. Wouldn't be fitting to have them in the same room, would it?" Edward jokes before turning to the Nosferatu:

He didn't even see Edward at first. However, his regaind himself in but a moment, and turned to Edward. He smiled, forgetting for a moment how unpleasant his smile was. For a Nosferatu, Jace wasn't so bad on first glance. If one squinted real hard, at least his head (minus the lack of ears) was still human shape. No crooked nose, no sunken eyes. However, when he smiled, his mouth split past his lips a good inch-and-a-half both ways, and revealed an array of shark-like teeth.

"Come now, friend, don't sell yourself so short. Don't you know, every one of the guests down there is Nosferatu, only they're using the powers to hide it." He took a drink from his margartia. "And I'm a pretty boy putting on the performance of my life."

"I have to agree on the last part, at least: many are putting on a performance tonight. Not least the prince, gathering all here for, I wonder, what reason...." Edward scans the crowd:

Perception: [roll0]

2012-06-08, 04:41 AM
Jace shrugged his shoulders. "Not so different from mortal parties." Jace took another, deeper drink of his margarita. It tasted good. "Figure the Prince will come around to his speech sooner or later. Ain't much to do until then but drink and have everyone play nice with each other."

Not having been to too many kindred functions, Jace was blissfully unaware that these events were used to inflame petty rivalries, and humilitate peers, a far cry from "playing nice". Not that it would have surprised him, but with only a quick glance, with eyes that weren't the best, all the smiles and handshakes my as well have been of friendship.

2012-06-08, 09:22 AM
"For a second hobby, you certainly are good at it," Matthew says as he takes the hand and politely kisses it. He sets the glass of wine back onto the tray of a passing waiter, uncomfortable of the fact that he doesn't quite know where the fresh blood had come from.

2012-06-08, 11:52 AM
Joey stands, "I believe I'll have a drink. He says, and makes his way towards the man making drinks.

2012-06-08, 02:26 PM
"Oh you know, business as usual. Our associate has business with the king. We're just the hired help." Dianne says with a wink, and puts hand on your arm.

PM to follow.

Still leaning against the bar, a athletic looking young woman, in a revealing purple dress comes up next to you and orders two "red cocktails". She turns and seems to be looking you over.
"Wow, I can't believe you're standing here so calm. doesn't this place piss you off?"

"Thank you for the compliment. My name is Allison, and you are?" She says as she steps away from musicians further. As you set the glass down, she picks one up.
"Wonderful wine they've chosen for the party, isn't it? William always had good taste. Well at least in the last century" she laughs.

As you start up the stairs, you notice a pretty nice looking young woman at the top of the stairs. Athletic, Blonde, and a nice rear too as you get a good view from where you stand. By the time you climb the stairs, she's walked over to the bar, and is standing next to a Nosferatu, and a scarred and grungy looking thug. Your best guess is a Brujah.

You take a quick turn back to the lounge, and the creepy Blonde doesn't appear to even be paying attention to you. She's looking at the long haired Blonde and the woman who just sat down. The two seem to be staring into each other in a really weird way.

Turning back around, one of the waiters is right there, which is funny because you didn't notice him a second ago. He bows and indicates a open table, which is funny because most of them are open.

2012-06-08, 02:43 PM
Joey approaches the bar, his eyes locked on the blonde woman. "A scotch on the rocks, he says to the bartender. He reaches into his jacket pocket, pulls out a bag of white powder and tosses it to him. Mix some of that into it, will ya? Grazie. He smiles. His Aunt Lucy had been teaching him Italian, and he felt he was becoming quite good.

2012-06-08, 02:59 PM
The bartender catches the bag and nods "Sure thing sugar. You want those rocks white or red?"He says and winks.
The blonde seems to have struck up a conversation with the Nosferatu, but turns as you approach and smiles.

2012-06-08, 03:06 PM
Red, please. Joey smiles at the blonde woman and playfully blows a smoke ring into the air.

2012-06-08, 03:17 PM
Danielle Anderson

Danielle smells the other woman lightly, sighs and says "I see that you also have good taste."

Cannot roll in PM:

2012-06-08, 04:42 PM
"Thanks. Its some expensive brand from the west coast, I forget what though"

The two woman on the other couch have grown uncomfortable, clearly believing Dianne is up to something. They both sit up at about the same time, and the leather loving brunette gives a interrupting cough.
"You should get yourself a drink Amy, your throat sounds dry..."

She waves a hand to get the smoke from her face, frowns as if slightly annoyed, and takes two special drinks that bartender just finished. She regains a minor smile and begins walking back toward the steps.

The bartender hands you your special order drink, it appears to be made very well. The bag is hand back to you as well. "There you go sweetie, hope you enjoy it"

2012-06-08, 05:14 PM
Joey smiles, putting the bag into his pocket and sipping at his drink. "Thank you", he says, a hint of relief in his voice. He leans over to the Nosferatu, How about I spice that drink up for you. He says.

2012-06-08, 07:00 PM
Edward takes a sip of the whisey, makes a sour face and turns to the bartender: "I thought you had better, but I guess you only have the local then..." he sighs
"Seems no one can make it proper anymore.."

2012-06-08, 09:12 PM
Jace shrugs his shoulders to the woman. "Not a whole lot pisses me off to be honest. Guess I'm wondering why I'm here, and why all the Nosferatu seem to be playing butler."He finishes his drink. "Kind of hard to be upset over what I don't understand."

Jace leans his head around slightly to see Joey. He smiles, though this time it's tight lipped. "Sorry, guess you'll have to spice up my next drink."

He turns his attention back to the woman. She might have an answer for him about the butlers, and if nothing else, she was easy on the eyes. Not like he was trying to woo her, not from lack of interest, but since he really couldn't imagine too many being interested in him in return. Flirting didn't come natural.

"You know what the deal with them is?"

2012-06-09, 02:36 AM
Joey smiles. "Will do, he says. He takes a seat, and scans the room.

2012-06-09, 03:47 AM
Danielle Anderson

Danielle relaxes into the couch, smiling. "I'd love to keep in touch with such a stylish lady. Can I get your number?" There is perhaps a hint of flirtation in the woman's voice, but she appears quite serious.

2012-06-09, 09:24 AM
"Here Honey, let me make a special one. It's a little fruity, but I know you're gonna like it..." He says with a wink and begins messing around with his machine. Moments later he's pushing a red colored cocktail of some kind into your hand and smiling at you.

"That's impressive considering human nature IS to be upset over what they don't understand. I'm afraid I can't help you in that department however. All I know is they weren't here at the last party I attended. Well... at least I didn't see them..." She says somewhat quizzically. Her attention on you doesn't appear to last however as she seems to flirt with the smoking man at the bar a small amount before getting two drinks and begins to walk off. "See ya around... Or won't I?" She says with a wink, and walks away.

It takes some time, but she manages to scrounge up a pen from her associates. After retrieving a pen, the other three all look start to look a tad nervous. Obviously Danielle number two looks even more nervous. "I won't be in town for long. But this is my hotel number." Smiling seductively back at you, she hands you a napkin with a number on it. It has a extension number on it as well.

Everyone but Matthew
Everyone but Matthew is in a position where this is loud enough to be heard.
As Felix begins climbing the steps, there is a sound of heavy doors being opened from the hallway underneath the stairs. The sounds of footsteps come quickly, there are two and they are both walking quickly. One is in heels, and almost has a angry sound to the walk. A moment later, a attractive woman in a Business suit storms out of the hallway with William right behind her. He is trying hard to keep up with her stride. As she cuts through the lounge, Danielle is the only one in a position to notice that she is nearly identical looking to Dianne with the exception of Brown hair. Her facial expressions are much more strained however.

"It is unfortunate we could not come to a agreement Ms. Miller." William says loudly trying to keep up with her. She angrily turns back to him.
"That's MRS. Miller to you MR. DUPHRENE! And don't play the coy attitude with me. I know you want me to leave and stay out of YOUR business just as much as the Prince. Just remember, Pride and Vanity have their costs, MR. DUPHRENE, and when they overrun the city, It will be YOUR fault! Not mine!"
With that she turns and continues walking to the elevator. The women at the couch all get up, and excuse themselves from Danielle's company, following the angry woman. The only one who appears to be getting something back from the security detail, Dianne gives a wave.

William stands there looking smug as they leave, and after she is gone, he turns to Danielle. "Ms. Anderson. Good to see you've made it. Although your meeting will have to wait just a little longer, we're still waiting on one more party before your meeting. Feel free to mingle alittle" . With that he scans the surroundings a bit and begins to walk towards the stairs.

2012-06-09, 11:02 AM
"My name's Matthew," he says. "I take it that you've know him for a while, then?"

2012-06-09, 02:26 PM
Edward, having accepted the new drink, tries to slide casually up besides William. And speaks quietly: "Problems? Of the kind you want me to take care of?"

2012-06-09, 03:21 PM
Danielle Anderson

Looking bemused, Danielle stands when her company does and watches the spectacle. As the women leave and William dismisses her, Danielle finds herself standing alone in the lounge. She saunters over to the bar and takes a seat, ordering, "A White Russian. Keep it white -- you don't carry my brand."

2012-06-09, 07:36 PM
Felix watches the exchange with interest, and as William turns and begins walking towards the stairs, he slowly turns and begins up the steps (allowing William to catch up), assuming William eventually catches up to Felix and doesn't stop on the way, when William catches up Felix will look over and begin talking with him. This is quite the event, the Prince trully knows how to host.

2012-06-09, 08:19 PM
Joey lets out a laugh and turns to the Nosferatu beside him, "You Camarilla really know how to party"

2012-06-09, 09:53 PM
As the Brujah woman left, his eyes lingered a moment longer at the sway of her hips. Old habits died hard, but they sure did die. He almost laughed at the thought.

"Won't even remember me..." He almost breathed the words out. The Primogen once told him that his computer skills was the reason he was embraced, but something called 'arcane' was why he would survive. The primogen said he was like that star in the night sky you can't see in the big cities cause there's too many other lights, or that's still so dim in the countryside that there's a thousand others you look at first.

"Wouldn't know. Don't come out too often to be honest. Say I'm too classy for most of their grand balls." He noticed the grim looking man move towards William. For some reason Jace liked the grim man. Bit different than the others. This other guy he liked, but for some reason Jace didn't fully trust him. Probably because he just said he wasn't Camarilla. "Not Camarilla?" He extended his hand. "Name's Jace, chief of beautification operations amongst Nosferatu, and eternal rival to the Clan of the Rose."

2012-06-10, 05:46 PM
Sorry for the delay guys

"Well when you have lived in Chicago more than a few decades, you're bound to spend time with the prince. He always throws a good party. Are you new to the area?"

"If her reputation is correct, she would likely tear you apart on your own. However she has been given 48 hours to vacate the city, so we shall see if she becomes a problem. In the meantime we have more pressing matters. Would you escort that couple at the table to the Prince's study, and wait for me there. They shouldn't offer you any trouble."

He then turns to the gentleman coming up the stairs.

After your comment, he turns and studies you carefully for a moment.
"Thank you for the praise. It takes a large amount of efforts to make this go off without a hitch.

...I apologize, but who are you again? My memory usually serves me better, but your face escapes me."
He moves to shake your hand.

Joey & Jace
After speaking with the poorly dressed man, and another gentleman behind him on the stairs, William heads in your direction. He goes directly for the open spot on the bar, but turns to Shake Joey's hand.
"Mr. Millner, glad to see you made it. I don't know if you're familiar with our Camarilla terms, but this place is under Elyssium. It means you will be completely safe from any Camarilla threat while here. So please, don't feel threatened."
(This may feel odd to you since the last time you saw him, he had several goons with guns threatening you as he handed you the invitation.)
"Edwardo, my usual please". Turning back to the both of you. " "Mr. Hallowell, good to see you as well. I hope you are enjoying yourself. As it happens, we would like to see both of you in the Study once you're ready. And once I get my drink." He says with a empty smile.

Moments later a red looking rum and coke is produced and he gestures for you to follow him.

The bartender quickly makes your drink, and then compliments you on your dress. If it weren't for the feminine tone to his voice, you would think he was hitting on you.

2012-06-10, 06:09 PM
Danielle Anderson

Danielle mulls over the events of the evening for a few moments. Things certainly could move fast around here. She sips her drink, thanks the bartender, and idly people-watches, preoccupied with her thoughts.

2012-06-10, 06:16 PM
Felix shakes William's hand, Felix Socult, Occultic Scholar of House Tremere. I recently moved to the Chicago Chantry from NYC, so it's not surprising that we haven't crossed paths prior to this evening. I was hoping that I would have a chance to speak with the Prince this evening, but I hear that speaking to you is as good as. I wanted to offer my scholastic services in the event that he needs them for anything. In my short time time here I have discovered that there appears to be few trully adept scholars and fewer still of the Occultic arts. I wanted to make sure he knew that there was a new resource in town that is available for him to request the services of.

2012-06-10, 07:34 PM
Joey smiles "Threatened? Never." He lets out a laugh and follows William

2012-06-10, 08:56 PM
Jace only nodded at William's recognition. Once they were up and moving towards the Study, Jace opened his mouth as if to speak, wanting to ask about the butlers, but he closed his lips again. No, there was no need to ask that kind of thing. Although it itched at the back of his head, he figured it safer to stay silent on it.

2012-06-10, 09:57 PM
William takes upon a look of impress at your words. "Ah yes, Felix Socult! I'm terribly sorry. You are one of the rare cases where I know you by name rather than face." Still shaking your hand, he goes on to say "It is always good to know that we have loyal members in the Tremere. They have been a integral part to the Camarilla. Know that you will have a chance to speak to the prince before you leave tonight, and he very well may take you up on your offer. Until then, would you excuse me?" He says with a smile and walks towards the bar.

2012-06-10, 10:44 PM
Felix with a pleased smile on his face releases Williams hand, Of course, I know you must be busy. I appreciate your time, let me know if you need anything.

After William departs Felix will consider his next move. William, Alan, and potentially the Prince.... Perhaps I was wrong about the productivity of this evening's event.. Felix will take a walk around the rooms and look for kindred that he knows to be elders or highly respected. If he can't find any then he will go to the main bar and relax against it.

2012-06-11, 07:37 AM
"Unfortunately, being torn apart would not kill me, so I don't think I would back down... Still, if she is given 48 hours, then she's given 48 hours." Edward shrugs
"I will wait with the couple then. But I hope I'm not expected to entertain them..." he nods a courtesy bow and walks towards the bar as he drinks down his drink and puts the empty glass on the bar. He then goes to the couple by the table
(OOC: who I have no idea who is OOC)
He smiles a smile with his mouth only and says: "I would like to introduce myself... Actually, I'm not big on introductions, but you can call me Edward, and I have been asked to show you to the Prince's study. I hope you will accompany me there?" he asks

2012-06-11, 08:25 AM
You approach the couple, and because of your attire, you would logically catch their attention. You do not catch their attention. They continue to babble on to each other about good times and seem very happy, and this does not appear to change in the slightest when you begin speaking to them. They sit there talking, and do not respond in the slightest as if they were in their own little world.

Jace & Joey
You follow William down the steps and have just walked into the hallway. There is a set of double doors at the end. You suddenly hear a large amount of commotion and yelling from the adjacent room on the right. All the security personnel, except the one at the elevator door, go running into the room on the right. See the obvious issue, William stops and turns around. Indicating the double doors he says "Please continue without me, I will catch up to you shortly." And with that he follows the security.

You see security suddenly haul ass into the room on the right where the dancing is located. Seconds later William follows.

2012-06-11, 12:02 PM
"I'm not used to be ignored!" Edward snarls, then lifts up the table over his head
"I'm certain you will find a table to sit and ignore me at in the Prince's study as well." he grins

2012-06-11, 12:02 PM
Danielle Anderson

"Well, this should be interesting..." Danielle murmers to herself. She finds a better vantage point to see what is going on in there.

2012-06-11, 12:32 PM
You count yourself lucky that the upper level has virtually no one there anymore, because those few who still are, are staring at you. With the exception of the couple who haven't even seemed to notice the table is missing.

You can't tell for sure unless you go into the room. People are already crowding together, blocking your view.

2012-06-11, 12:50 PM
Joey shrugs, tosses the remainder of his cigarillo on the floor, and continues on.

2012-06-11, 01:31 PM
"Excuse me," Matthew says to the cellist before heading out of the room. I wonder when the prince is going to arrive and say why I'm here in the first place? he thinks as he heads out into the main room.

2012-06-11, 03:06 PM
"Oh really?" Edward puts down the table away from the couple. He places his hand in front of the eyes of the male, still not touching anyone, but very much invading his personal space. And then waves
"Your pants just buttoned up, and they reveal no pretty sight" he tries with humor this time

2012-06-11, 07:48 PM
It becomes clear to you that they are in a trance or something, because they still do not respond to you. They just keep smiling and talking, as if they were somewhere else.

Although you have slightly disappointed Alison by your leave, you find it worth it as soon as you walk out the door. Across the room you see several security guards run into the next room over, and William following quite quickly. It doesn't take you long to realize that something is going down.

Jace & Joey
<I have not forgotten you. I posted in the OOC:>

2012-06-11, 09:07 PM
"Holy ****," Matthew whispers as he follows the commotion through the main lounge of the floor. He walks up to a random person near the door. "What in the world's going on?" he asks.

2012-06-12, 09:07 AM
"I guess I will have to help you over to the room then..." he says as he lifts the man over his left shoulder
"I hope this manner of travel will suit you as well" he smiles as he turns to the woman

2012-06-13, 02:41 PM
You manage to lift the two without too much effort, and they don't put up a fight in the least. As you walk to the Prince's study, they continue to chat as if they were still sitting at that stupid table.

A guy in a suit turns to you.
"One of the guys in the corner, he just flipped out. Got all crazy looking, and threw the table at his friends. Then he attacked Donald Trump, he was beating the crap out him until the security tackled him. Even now, there's four guys on him and he's still putting up a fight."

2012-06-13, 09:28 PM
A guy in a suit turns to you.
"One of the guys in the corner, he just flipped out. Got all crazy looking, and threw the table at his friends. Then he attacked Donald Trump, he was beating the crap out him until the security tackled him. Even now, there's four guys on him and he's still putting up a fight."

"Huh," Matthew can only say as tries to see what's going on up on the upper level. "They got it?" he asks, cracking a knuckle. "Trump hurt bad?"

2012-06-13, 09:33 PM
The man simply shrugs with uncertainty. He cannot see any better than you, and the crowd is in your way.

2012-06-14, 06:55 PM
Everyone left
The crowd clears and William walks through first. Behind him follows two security agents holding a limp body by its arms, dragging it along. The body has been covered by a table cloth. Finally following is two more security guards, helping along the man who looks like trump. He is holding a napkin to his nose, as if he has a bloody nose. Thankfully you don't see any blood however. A few moments later two of the tough looking gentlemen in old fashioned suits walk through, following the security agents.

William and the agents with Trump turn down the hallway under the stairs, while the rest all head for the elevator. A few moments later the DJ says something not entirely audible, and starts playing some more music.

2012-06-15, 06:09 PM
He's all right then, Matthew thinks as the hurt billionaire is led out of the room. Pity... he jokes to himself. He tries to get a bit further into the room, wondering what exactly had happened here.

2012-06-17, 11:21 AM
Other than a tipped over table, and some cards scattered about the floor, there is nothing to indicate what happened.

2012-06-18, 02:48 PM
Matthew has to smile a bit to himself as he sees how quick the majority of the situation has already been handled. An overturned table and a few scattered cards on the floor are the only indication that something has happened. He takes out his invitation again and reads it for the seventh time, wondering what exactly needs to be done that can be solved with his help. And what if it's something he wants nothing to do with...

2012-06-20, 07:20 PM
Matthew has to smile a bit to himself as he sees how quick the majority of the situation has already been handled. An overturned table and a few scattered cards on the floor are the only indication that something has happened. He takes out his invitation again and reads it for the seventh time, wondering what exactly needs to be done that can be solved with his help. And what if it's something he wants nothing to do with...
As you look up from the card, you notice a athletic looking young woman, in a revealing purple dress. She appears to have been reading over your shoulder, and then looks embarrassed to have been caught. She smiles nervously and begins backing away. "Interesting party, AmIright?"

2012-06-20, 09:21 PM
Matthew turns around and smiles at the athletic woman. "No it's all right," he says as she appears to almost cower away. "And you're right," he states as he gives the area one last look before turning back to her. "It certainly seems to be. Matthew," he adds, introducing himself.

2012-06-21, 01:21 AM
"Kendra" She says nervously "Did I see that correctly? You got a personal invitation from the prince?"

2012-06-22, 11:41 AM
After walking around the rooms for a little while and talking to a few people, Felix starts to feel bored. I wish there was more reason for me to be here.. Since the Toreador elder never seems available and he is a Toreador and not really worth waiting for, Felix goes in search of other potentially interesting people to talk to and help pass the time.

Felix will be looking for and science/scholarly type people or anybody fairly high ranking or of interest. Tremere he may recognize but not know work as well.

OOC: if the toreador becomes available Felix will go talk to him.

2012-06-22, 12:14 PM
After walking around the rooms for a little while and talking to a few people, Felix starts to feel bored. I wish there was more reason for me to be here.. Since the Toreador elder never seems available and he is a Toreador and not really worth waiting for, Felix goes in search of other potentially interesting people to talk to and help pass the time.

Felix will be looking for and science/scholarly type people or anybody fairly high ranking or of interest. Tremere he may recognize but not know work as well.

OOC: if the toreador becomes available Felix will go talk to him.

I think you meant Tremere, not Toreador. And yes, Alan is by himself currently.

2012-06-22, 12:32 PM
I think you meant Tremere, not Toreador. And yes, Alan is by himself currently.

I talk to Alan already... Offered my services, he said swing by my apartment in the chantry. Then I talked to William, then I went in search of other important people, botched my roll and thought hayabusa's character was an elder toreador and asked ooc where he was an what he was up too, got no response but in ic he was always talking with someone so I decided to give up trying to talk to him and went looking for others.

2012-06-22, 12:40 PM
>.< Right, sorry. Makes more sense now.

2012-06-22, 05:54 PM
Matthew nods slightly. "It certainly seems that way," he says, putting the invitation away. As for why, I have no clue. I assume that you're here for more mundane reasons?"

2012-06-23, 11:52 AM
She slightly chuckles to herself. "Yeah, I'm not even here by invitation. I'm here because my elder was invited, and he wanted an escort. I'm NO way important enough to be here by invitation. But even then, I think personal notes from the prince is pretty rare. From what I hear, he rarely even shows up to most of them."

2012-06-23, 03:52 PM
"I used to think of myself that way," Matthew says. "Then all of a sudden my sire, whom I haven't seen in years, shows up with it. I don't know if she was brought in from St. Louis to specifically find me or if she had just happened to move here herself. It's the first one of these things that I've attended, that's for sure."

2012-06-24, 11:30 AM
Something about your comment seems to have upset her, but you're not sure what.
"I doubt the Prince would have your sire brought in just to have a message delivered. It's probably just a coincidence."

2012-06-24, 06:39 PM
Matthew frowns slightly when he sees that something that he's said has somehow upset Kendra. "I'm sorry," he says. "I didn't mean to offend you by saying something."

2012-06-24, 07:08 PM
"No big. Just be thankful your Sire's still alive. These are dangerous times we live in." And with that, she finishes her drink in one gulp and excuses herself to head to the bar.

2012-06-24, 09:16 PM
"I'm sorry," Matthew says as Kendra finishes her drink in one quick movement. "I didn't know..." he sighs as she leaves quickly back to the bar. "Now I know why I've avoided these things." he adds in a defeated tone as he flags down a server, gulping down the liquid quickly for more the alcohol in the drink than the blood.

2012-06-24, 09:57 PM
I believe that is your second drink, so you may add a blood point to your total.

2012-06-27, 09:04 PM
Felix, Matthew and Danielle are all approached by security.
"The prince has asked us to inform you that he will be ready for you in his study in five minutes."

2012-06-27, 10:25 PM
Matthew sets down the empty glass of whiskey on a nearby table, lamenting the fact that the booze hasn't tasted as it used to do almost fifty years previously. It had been odd, his sire had said when she found out, that most common foods still tasted somewhat decent to him after the Embrace. It was some mutation or something with the blood. He didn't know. All he knew that even the most expensive steak from the best steakhouse in St. Louis was never as good as it once was. Unless it was very, very rare.

The security guard's notice to him snaps Matthew out of his thoughts. "Yes, I'll be there when he's ready for me," he states, standing up from the chair and checking his wristwatch.

Ought to be making my way up there, then, he thinks as begins to walk around, wondering where exactly the Prince's study is.

2012-06-28, 10:32 AM
Felix nods to security and Follows the guard.

2012-06-30, 06:06 PM
Danielle blinks, having lost herself in the commotion. She shakes her head to clear it, and makes her way to the study, eager to find out what precisely is going on here.

2012-07-06, 08:02 PM
Matthew stands up around a minute later and begins to make his way towards the study, noting the other Kindred that have gathered near there as well.

"Hello," he nods to the others.