View Full Version : [3.P] Optimising crafting time?

2012-06-06, 09:50 PM
One of the issues with crafting magic items is the time it takes as item values increase - weeks and months of dedicated crafting for even mid-level items. As a baseline, it takes 8 hours to craft 1,000 gps' worth of magic item

Some games accomodate this, but I find that most don't. In spite of this, I'm considering going down the craftsman's path for a current game, and I'd like to cut down the time spent by as much as possible.

First of all, we can add +5 to the spellcraft DC to craft the item in order to double the speed at which we craft (goes from 8 hours to 4 hours per 1,000 gp).

Another way to double the speed is by having an ally/minion/familiar/what have you with the same item crafting feat as you, as well as the Cooperative Crafting feat. A point of interest is that, rather than reducing the time it takes to craft 1,000 gps' worth, as above, it doubles the amount of gp value you can craft each day - I think this skirts around the whole "a double double is a triple, not a quadruple" thing with D&D math.

There's the Arcane Builder arcane discovery, which a wizard can take in lieu of a feat. This makes you craft 25% faster than normal.

There is the Hedge Magician trait, which reduces magic item crafting costs by 5%. It's debatable whether this actually reduces the crafting time, as time is based on the item's base cost, not the 50% you pay in materials.

Are there any other time savers for crafting magical items?

Agent 451
2012-06-07, 12:17 AM
Take a look at the Eberron Campaign Setting. There's Legendary, Exceptional, and Extraordinary Artisan feats which give you a 25% reduction in base gold cost, base time, and base xp cost, respectively.

Unearthed Arcana has the Talented Crafter feat, which gives a pool of 500 craft points that you can used to speed up the production of items.

Edit: There's also the Efficient Item Creation feat, which lets you craft using 10,000 gold per day. The problem with this is that it's an epic feat and it only applies to one previous item creation feat that your character has.

2012-06-07, 12:45 AM