View Full Version : Clothes Question

2012-06-07, 08:33 AM
I'm trying to role play a Cicero style character. I want to be decked out in a full jester outfit, but I'm unsure how to get one that would make me not completely naked (AC and special properties wise). Could I enhance my jester outfit (each piece separate like I was wearing individual pieces of gear) so that I'm not walking around with a "touch" AC all day?

2012-06-07, 08:45 AM
There is a separate slot for armor and clothing (torso and body, I believe, where armor goes on the body and clothing on the torso), so you can put armor on underneath the outfit, or if you want to get really fancy you could fluff it that the armor is interwoven in the jester's outfit (that would probably work best with leather armor). Note that the jester's outfit can also be magical while you are wearing armor.

2012-06-07, 09:28 AM
This question was answered in the Simple Q&A Thread XXI:

Q 36
Can clothing be enchanted like armor? What other options are there for someone who does not want to wear armor to increase his armor bonus through items?

A 036 Some.

Magic Item Compendium lists common magical effects that can be added to items on pages 233-234. Items in Arms and Body slots can have armor enhancements added to them. (Bracers of Armor and Robe of the Archmagi are examples of existing items with armor enhancements in Arms and Body slots, respectively.) If the character wears a robe (a Body slot garment) they can get it enhanced with an armor bonus. After the item has at least a +1 numerical bonus other armor enhancements can be added. Note that there is no non-magical armor bonus from an ordinary garment.

Other garments (shirts, hats, gloves, boots, & c.) not in the Body slot can only be given armor enhancement if created as a custom item subject to individual DM approval. The DM would have to determine the price and other crafting requirements (or they could simply say no: only Arms and Body slot items can have armor bonuses).

Alternatively, you could also get armor enchanted with the Glamered (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicArmor.htm#glamered) property and just look like you are wearing a jester's outfit. Although see discussion, also in that thread, starting page 8 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=243805&page=8) at question 136. Your DM might rule, as I did, it only gives you one set of clothing, designated by the creator (probably the DM if it is treasure) and not by the wearer.

Also, hat of disguise (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#hatofDisguise) would disguise it all, and the Robe of Blending (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#robeofBlending) might help. Robe of blending can even be given armor bonuses, allowing you to not only wear a jester's outfit, but any outfit you choose, and still get armor bonuses.

2012-06-07, 02:45 PM
I don't think it unreasonable to treat clothes as armor +0 and add magical bonuses to it (though that would be a Very expensive outfit).

A dip in Battle Dancer grants Charisma to AC, and a Monk's Belt grants Wisdom to AC. Those along with your Dexterity should come out to a decent AC at low to mid-levels before your WBL kicks in for Rings of Protection, Amulets of Natural Armor and Bracers of armor.

You could also ask for a Chaotic Neutral version of VoP, maybe calling it Life of Debauchery and spend all of your income on partying and superfluous shiny things and fancy clothes.

Would probably need Great Fortitude or Endurance as a pre-requisite instead of Sacred Vow.

2012-06-07, 02:59 PM
There is a separate slot for armor and clothing (torso and body, I believe, where armor goes on the body and clothing on the torso), so you can put armor on underneath the outfit, or if you want to get really fancy you could fluff it that the armor is interwoven in the jester's outfit (that would probably work best with leather armor). Note that the jester's outfit can also be magical while you are wearing armor.

I would probably fluff it by saying that you have several patches of fine chainmail sewn to the inside of your clothing over the vitals (chest, back, groin, and the outside of your arms and legs). Some or all of it could be patches of boiled leather instead, which would be lighter but less flexible.

Then stat it up with the weight, armor check penalty, and armor bonus of whatever type of light armor you prefer. You can justify it as being chainmail which doesn't grant the full chain shirt bonus because it doesn't cover everything, or your can justify it as being a full chain shirt if you need to.

This does bring up the tricky issue of spells like heat metal and shocking grasp, which will likely affect your clothing because of this. It's undesireable, but it will only come up rarely and you may be able to convince your GM to reduce the effects of those spells.

Agent 451
2012-06-07, 03:41 PM
There's the Tabard of the Great Crusade from MIC that grants +5 Natural Armor, and counts as a shirt. Can't remember the cost, but I'm positive that it's a relic.

2012-06-07, 03:46 PM
I'm trying to role play a Cicero style character...
I suppose I'm the only one who started out thinking "Roman tunic and tunic" and "Which Cicero, the senator or the poet?" :smallbiggrin:

On topic, there's plenty of precedent for enhancing clothes as armour in the core books / SRD.
Additionally, you could wear a tunic or coat over light armour without it looking too weird.