View Full Version : Shifting and ........?

2012-06-07, 09:59 PM
Ok I am curious, what out of the following can you do at the same time while your shifted?

Shifting (Su) – As a Free Action, the Shifter becomes
animal-like for (3 + Constitution modifier + 1 per
Shifter feat) rounds. Usable 1 + (Shifter feats/2)
times per day.

Primeval form( from the primeval prc Frostburn)
Spirit Shape (from The Demented One Lunar Epic Destinies, link bellow)
Alternate forms from templates like lycanthropy or the following Home brew epic feat from Krimm_Blackleaf

Vicious Tiger King [Epic]
You have the powers of the greatest martial warriors of the Tiger Claw discipline, one of which grants you some of the abilities of a true tiger.
Prerequisites: Jump 24 ranks, Dex 21, Str 21, Power Attack, Reaping Talons, Two-Weapon Fighting, ability to use the feral death blow and raging mongoose maneuvers.
Benefit: You add your full Str modifier to off-hand attacks and suffer no penalties for wielding two weapons when using weapons of the Tiger Claw discipline. The damage die for all Tiger Claw discipline weapons you wield increases one die size, and you are capable of using the Power Attack feat for all Tiger Claw associated weapons, even if they are light weapons.
You possess the ability to transform yourself into a creature not unlike a tiger. You can transform yourself into the hybrid form of a tiger, much like that of a lycanthrope(without the additional animal HD). You may switch between this form and your own as a swift action at will. This transformation does not include the curse of lycanthropy. This is a supernatural ability.

I wanna know what all an can be used at once out of this above list.

An um if I am in the wrong thread can some one tell me where I should be posting this.

2012-06-08, 12:15 AM
Heeeey! I didn't even read the full question but I happened to have this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=12352390) link handy! Look through it and see if it helps! Even if it doesn't, if you plan on playing a shifter, it'll help somehow.

Mystic Muse
2012-06-08, 02:39 AM
Ok I am curious, what out of the following can you do at the same time while your shifted?

Primeval form( from the primeval prc Frostburn)
Spirit Shape (from The Demented One Lunar Epic Destinies, link bellow)
Alternate forms from templates like lycanthropy or the following Home brew epic feat from Krimm_Blackleaf

Vicious Tiger King [Epic]
You have the powers of the greatest martial warriors of the Tiger Claw discipline, one of which grants you some of the abilities of a true tiger.
Prerequisites: Jump 24 ranks, Dex 21, Str 21, Power Attack, Reaping Talons, Two-Weapon Fighting, ability to use the feral death blow and raging mongoose maneuvers.
Benefit: You add your full Str modifier to off-hand attacks and suffer no penalties for wielding two weapons when using weapons of the Tiger Claw discipline. The damage die for all Tiger Claw discipline weapons you wield increases one die size, and you are capable of using the Power Attack feat for all Tiger Claw associated weapons, even if they are light weapons.
You possess the ability to transform yourself into a creature not unlike a tiger. You can transform yourself into the hybrid form of a tiger, much like that of a lycanthrope(without the additional animal HD). You may switch between this form and your own as a swift action at will. This transformation does not include the curse of lycanthropy. This is a supernatural ability.

I wanna know what all an can be used at once out of this above list. While I can't say for shifting, since I don't actually have the rules for shifting on hand, taking the form of one thing precludes you from also having the form of another. So, if you spirit-shaped, you would not then be able to turn into the hybrid form of a tiger and retain the benefits, or the Hybrid form of a Were-bear and retain the benefits. Also, that epic destiny and that feat together strike me as being at odds with each other since the epic destiny prevents you from using weapons (Unless Natural weapons are Tiger claw discipline weapons, I don't have ToB on me to check) and that feat is kinda dependent on your ability to use Tiger Claw discipline weapons.

An um if I am in the wrong thread can some one tell me where I should be posting this.

Any questions dealing with 3.5 go in the 3.5 forum, not the general roleplaying games forum.

2012-06-08, 11:30 AM
Yes claws are tiger claw pref weps