View Full Version : Help me build Doran!

2012-06-07, 11:41 PM
Hey there guys. It is possible that you saw my post from earlier this week about my building of a "Disciple of Wukong." I realized that with the idea I was going with, it was very magic-item intensive. I knew that the best way to afford any of it would be through getting discount crafting.
So I decided that since I gained my inspiration for this character from LoL, which gave me the idea to put more research into Sun Wukong, I decided that if I get myself an Artificer cohort, I want it to be a shout out to the League. I want to build Doran.
So for those who don't know, Doran was an extremely bright and talented young Artificer who was going to the League to craft items for the champions. On his way there, he was kicked in the head by a donkey, and hasn't been the same since. He has kept his talent and passion, there is just not the intelligent spark in his creations anymore.

My current plan for making this guy is a fairly basic Artificer Build. But one catch... I dump Int. Nooow I know this could be kind of tough, but I don't want him super-optimized anyway. I just want him to not suck.

To date I only have 2 ideas for how to boost his crafting.
1. Dip 1 lvl in Marshal and pump Charisma. Apply his charisma to his crafting and other int-checks. Hooray! Also a boost to UMD is always nice.
2. Get and item familiar. I'm not sure if I would want it for the extra XP that could be used for crafting, or for boosting skills.

Any other ideas? I like where this could go, but so far I think it's missing something.

2012-06-08, 06:42 PM
Shameful bump