View Full Version : Advise a game for a group of dungeon crawlin' fools

2012-06-08, 01:48 PM
Hello everyone! Long story short, my friends and I decided we just can't roleplay, p'n'p or otherwise, and should just stick to punching stuff in the face, but best if we could do that in the settings and formulas we love.

I want to ask, then, what PC game would you recommend to get 5 guys to crawl a dungeon online and have a lot of hack'n'slash and Teamspeak fun? We have been thinking about games like Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights, maybe Diablo etc. Are there some more options?

Only two crucial things: one is that the game needs to be Really low on requirements, so probably retro (I have an ancient 1,3Ghz CPU, 64 Mb graphics, 768 Mb RAM PC :smallfrown:), and two would be that it is not an MMORPG in which you have to level for two months to start having fun only then...

Is there hope for us? Can you help? Please? :smallsmile:

2012-06-11, 01:57 PM
I had at least a few suggestions until I got to the part where there's five of you; most co-op games nowadays only go up to four. Your rig doesn't help either, I'm pretty sure my phone is more powerful than that.:smalltongue:

Anyways, I'm not that familiar with the older co-op RPGs that you'd be able to play, though a lot of other Playgrounders are.

...Would you be interested in an MMORPG that starts being fun immediately?:smallwink:

2012-06-11, 02:33 PM
Hello everyone! Long story short, my friends and I decided we just can't roleplay, p'n'p or otherwise, and should just stick to punching stuff in the face, but best if we could do that in the settings and formulas we love.

I want to ask, then, what PC game would you recommend to get 5 guys to crawl a dungeon online and have a lot of hack'n'slash and Teamspeak fun? We have been thinking about games like Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights, maybe Diablo etc. Are there some more options?

Only two crucial things: one is that the game needs to be Really low on requirements, so probably retro (I have an ancient 1,3Ghz CPU, 64 Mb graphics, 768 Mb RAM PC :smallfrown:), and two would be that it is not an MMORPG in which you have to level for two months to start having fun only then...

Is there hope for us? Can you help? Please? :smallsmile:

If you're going for more action and less plot I'd go with the Icewind Dales and Diablos. Baldur's Gate is a Huge game with lots of side areas, so the plot can be avoided for quite some time, but it does have quite a bit of plot once you get into the main quests. Neverwinter Nights is a pretty balanced game between plot and action from what I've seen.

I'd also recommend Dungeon Siege, don't remember if it can have 5 players in it, but its older, one long dungeon crawl, and loads of fun to play with others.

As a more tactical game there's always Battle for Wesnoth, but the RNG hates you more than usual with that one.

2012-06-11, 05:46 PM
Diablo 2.

That is all.

I remember having a party of all necromancers with some golems and huge numbers of skeletons running around. My poor computer nearly died from the number of skellies running around, bit it was great fun until we hit mid-act-2... Then all of those points into skeletons proved to be not as awesome idea as it initially seemed. :smalltongue:

2012-06-11, 06:06 PM
Diablo 2.

That is all.

I remember having a party of all necromancers with some golems and huge numbers of skeletons running around. My poor computer nearly died from the number of skellies running around, bit it was great fun until we hit mid-act-2... Then all of those points into skeletons proved to be not as awesome idea as it initially seemed. :smalltongue:

I agree Diablo 2 is where its at.

Also necromancers best pvp ever. Lagromancy for the win.

2012-06-12, 12:24 AM
The MMORPG Lunia should fit this - though rumor has it that it has gone downhill quite a bit since when I played it. It plays more like an action/adventure game than a conventional MMO, and should work perfectly for a group of 5. Also, it's free.

2012-06-12, 05:56 AM
Diablo 2? Torchlight comes to mind...

if you are not against competetive gaming maybe LoL or DotA? It starts being fun from the first minute if you can play in a team.

2012-06-12, 06:07 AM
Multiplayer Icewind Dale 2 is pretty fun, speaking from experience.

2012-06-12, 11:40 PM
it's an mmo rather then just a multi-player online game, but ddo could be good, as most content is easier(or more accurately, with a group the higher difficulty settings[hard elite, or epic] are actually plausible, while hard or elite settings can be difficult or impossible to solo with a level appropriate character) and more fun with a group, and the base game is also free to play(though you need to grind quests, or have a standard subscription in order to access all of the dungeons).

2012-06-14, 08:45 AM
Although it is an MMO, Realm of the Mad God sounds like it would be good for you guys. Its graphics are quite retro (most characters and monsters are 8-bit or 16-bit sprites). Leveling doesn't take much time at all-the XP sharing system means an experienced player can get to the max level in half an hour, and even a totally new player should be able to do it in a couple hours (as long as they don't die too much). And yes, there are quite a few dungeons to crawl with your friends.

2012-06-14, 05:08 PM
If you throw out the PC requirement, have you tried Munchkin? It's kick in the door fun!

2012-06-14, 06:40 PM
Dungeon Fighter Online and Vindictus are MMO side-scrolling beat 'em ups that you guys might find fun.

I personally found DFO kinda slow to start, but gets really good a week or so in (at least after you get your subclasses). While it is kind of pay-to-win with buyable stat benefits, I found the game tolerable and enjoyable without paying a cent.

I didn't get into Vindictus as much, but it's basically the same scheme, but in 3rd on the Source engine.

2012-06-18, 06:58 AM
Sorry I'm replying so late, I sort of abandoned hope after three days of not getting any reply :smallwink:

I had at least a few suggestions until I got to the part where there's five of you; most co-op games nowadays only go up to four. Your rig doesn't help either, I'm pretty sure my phone is more powerful than that.:smalltongue:

Perfectly aware of that. Woe is me :/ Magicka would be king of the world if it weren't for my poor station...

...Would you be interested in an MMORPG that starts being fun immediately?:smallwink:


If you're going for more action and less plot I'd go with the Icewind Dales and Diablos. Baldur's Gate is a Huge game with lots of side areas, so the plot can be avoided for quite some time, but it does have quite a bit of plot once you get into the main quests. Neverwinter Nights is a pretty balanced game between plot and action from what I've seen.

I'd also recommend Dungeon Siege, don't remember if it can have 5 players in it, but its older, one long dungeon crawl, and loads of fun to play with others.

As a more tactical game there's always Battle for Wesnoth, but the RNG hates you more than usual with that one.

The plot won't be that much of an obstacle - it does prompt general silliness more often than not :smalltongue: Baldur's on the plate, then. I've heard a great deal about Dungeon Siege back in the day, and so are going to give it a go now that it's come up.

Diablo 2? Torchlight comes to mind...

if you are not against competetive gaming maybe LoL or DotA? It starts being fun from the first minute if you can play in a team.

Only Torchlight 2 has a multiplayer mode, sadly. LoL and DotA never quite did it for us, and I honestly don't know why! :smalleek:

@Togath: how D&D is mechanically flawed put me off the more complex forms of RPing in the first place :smallfrown:

@Halberd: As much as I dislike permadeath, this looks Awesome! The loot ninja'ing makes me hark back to the olden days... Will definitely give it a go! Thanks!

If you throw out the PC requirement, have you tried Munchkin? It's kick in the door fun!

As in, the card-game? That's what we have been doing all this time :smallbiggrin: I would worship anyone who would create a proper, Diablo-ey video game out of it! It totally rocks.

Dungeon Fighter Online and Vindictus are MMO side-scrolling beat 'em ups that you guys might find fun.

We tried that some time ago, but didn't really click :/

Thanks everyone for their answers! If you have some more ideas, please share! And if it only goes up to four players, don't hesitate, it can be worked around. Have a nice day!

2012-06-18, 07:16 AM
Thanks everyone for their answers! If you have some more ideas, please share! And if it only goes up to four players, don't hesitate, it can be worked around. Have a nice day!

In that case, it seems like you would have a great time with Magicka. It's a swedish game with an awesome and customizable magic system, and you can run the campaign with four people.

2012-06-18, 11:15 AM
@Togath: how D&D is mechanically flawed put me off the more complex forms of RPing in the first place :smallfrown:

The DnD mmo actually has fixed most of the balance issues of 3.5(due to both not being turn based, and due to having wizard, clerics, druids, and sorcerers with much fewer spell options or metamagic options, and also due to boosts applied to classes such as monks, paladins and fighters), so it's mechanics are fine.

Hiro Protagonest
2012-06-18, 04:03 PM
Guild Wars 2 is coming out before the end of the year (nothing else is confirmed. Do not listen to Gamestop or Amazon or any of those guys), and I hear the original is still rather active. Guild Wars 2 fast-forwards a few centuries, so knowledge of the original isn't required. Just learn the basic stuff. The Asura are a race of midgets with big eyes and ears due to living underground before being pushed out by the awakening of an elder dragon, the Norn were pushed out of their icy mountain homeland 250 years ago by the elder ice dragon Jormag, the Iron, Ash, and Blood Legions of the Charr rose up and overthrew the tyrannical chauvinistic shamans of the Flame Legion and are now fighting a constant war against Ascalon's ghosts, the Humans are in conflict with the Charr and have been pushed back after the fall of Ascalon and the other human nation, which were originally Charr land, and the Sylvari are a race of plant people, recently born from a giant tree. Oh, and the elder dragons are a bigger threat than anything else ever. That's pretty much all you need to know.

Also, the races don't have any sort of stat benefits, so you can play a Sylvari Warrior or Charr Mesmer and not lack whatever barely relevant modifiers other MMOs have. Your ranger's animal companion doesn't get a +1 to attack and damage no matter what race you are. Iron Legion Charr don't get a bonus with rifles. Sylvari aren't more skilled with magic. Street Rat Humans aren't better with daggers.

2012-06-19, 02:39 PM
@Cespenar: Magicka is hands down the best game released in the past several years, and I love it, and I watched all the Yogscast & TB playthroughs, and my PC will not run it in a million years :smallfrown: So yeah, the Other four guys could play, and I would need to sit and play in turns with one of them... Then again, maybe it's not that bad an idea...

@Togath: Oh? One of my friends played it a while back and said that the power balance still sucked, but I'll give it a look if you say it's livable :smallsmile:

@Jade Dragon: Thanks for the exposition, but I won't be needing it :smallwink: One reason is because I know it (played GW 1 with the exact same set of guys, and I want to revive that now, but GW was too... complicated, so to say, and sport-like), and the other because GW 2 won't run on my station anyhow :smallannoyed:

2012-06-19, 03:30 PM
@Cespenar: Magicka is hands down the best game released in the past several years, and I love it, and I watched all the Yogscast & TB playthroughs, and my PC will not run it in a million years :smallfrown: So yeah, the Other four guys could play, and I would need to sit and play in turns with one of them... Then again, maybe it's not that bad an idea...

I think even watching it would be fun, and you would get to crack jokes at your friends when they cross beams and blow themselves up, for example (yes, that's in the game). :smallbiggrin:

2012-06-20, 07:36 AM
I think even watching it would be fun, and you would get to crack jokes at your friends when they cross beams and blow themselves up, for example (yes, that's in the game). :smallbiggrin:

Or you think that your friends are killing stuff too slow so you kill the enemies and you buddy with some quick AE spells and then resurrect your buddy. Not that I've ever done that before. :smalltongue:

2012-06-20, 07:42 AM
Or you think that your friends are killing stuff too slow so you kill the enemies and you buddy with some quick AE spells and then resurrect your buddy. Not that I've ever done that before. :smalltongue:

Hey, I like efficiency.