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Cipher Stars
2012-06-08, 05:43 PM

Personality: Elna are a very curious race. They are always curious about nearly anything new and like to ask lots of questions. If they don't know the answer to something they can spend days pondering or searching for the solution. They like reading, playing, and doing things on fanciful whims. They don't care about laws or structure, they just want to have fun with life and explore. Elna are a female only race and as such they are very curious about the Male species of other races, but in a "Its weird! and funny looking!" or "What is it?" sense. They have very open hearts and can make friends with creatures of all types. They have an eye for beauty, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and they see everything without thinking badly. Its just another unique shape or texture, or color to them! They are pansexual, and find good things in any and everything. An Eln is just as likely to find love in another female Eln, or an Elf or Halfling as they are to find it with a male of any sentient species.

Physical Description: Elna are short humanoids with well defined figures and an appearance that tends to surpass that of a Dryad and often on par or more then that of the Succubi, they simply don't naturally have as many tricks is all. They use this to their advantage to help them get close to people or play pranks of males. Their most prominent feature are a pair of rabbit like ears, and matching tails, that sit atop their heads, they are incredibly furry and match the color of their hair perfectly and when they are flat and not perked up they can even blend in with her hair as normal. When flat, they can blend in with most the standard humanoid races such as humans and elves. That is until someone notices the odd, soft texture of their hair and realize its soft fur.
It would be important to note that there are no male Elna, as they were all created by the divine blood of their deity who was female. Eln can still reproduce however, in a number of ways, any child an Eln has will be born an Eln if its female or of the father's race if its male. Elna leave a faint arcane aura at their touch, this aura can connect with the aura of other Eln during intimate moments and in intimate places to form a connection that shares information about their genetics and gives the chance that one or both of them will get pregnant and have a child created using the given information. This same aura can fertilize females of any sentient race in a similar manner, and can take information from certain fluids produced by them in the act of mating and the Eln herself can end up carrying, making Eln an excellent life savior or mate to any being and save a race if even one of its members survived an extinction event as an Eln can mate with nearly anything.

Relations: Elna are a race of travelers, they like to establish good relations when they can but that can be difficult when you have a reputation for being more troublesome then a pixie, with which the Elna have one of the few good racial ties with. Pixies get a long well with Elna. The nicer ones anyway.
If there was any race they definitely would have a hard time getting along with, it would be a Drow. Drow are so dark and moody, always seeing the negative.

Alignment: Elna are almost invariably Chaotic. They have no regard for rules except those that they make themselves, and even those are often broken. They travel too much and move from one place to the other too often to really learn anyones rules anyway.

Lands: Elna heavily populate the ruined demiplane owned by their deceased deity. They commonly leave the plane to visit new lands, and to travel uncharted territories, perhaps in hope that they will find out what caused their deity's death.

Religion: Elna believe that they do not have a god or goddess to serve as their patron deity. They did. But they now do not, because they are each the drops of blood shed from her dying body during a great war with an unknown entity. Their goddess was one over several domains, including love, travel, trickery, and luck. These traits show themselves in the Elna.

Language: Elna speak Elnuit. Their own language that is composed of soft, quick, sounds that seem to stream endlessly like a GrammaR Nazis' worse night-mare,Ever.

Adventures: Adventuring is perfectly natural for an Eln. Eln are remarkably curious and intuitive. They are always cursed with a sense of boredom and a need to explore, It is rare to see an Eln that remains in one place for a prolonged period of time. Eln are prone to take up almost any adventure with a promise of a new item they find interesting.

Racial Traits:
+4 Dexterity, +6 Charisma, -4 Constitution
Fey [Extraplanar]
Medium, they have no benefit or penalty due to size.
Elna have a base land speed of 40ft
Conjurer's Blood: Elna have an affinity for Conjuration spells. They have +1 to their caster level for spells of that school.
Trickster God's Heart: Created by magic, Elna all have a spark of divinity within them. A divine heritage. Elna do not die of old age, and do not receive penalties from aging. Their personalities match their agelessness, and they seem perpetually immature and irresponsible for the most part. They do not receive benefits of aging either.
Luv'n like a Rabbit: Eln never have to make recovery checks for sustaining an activity, and have a +2 to a certain perform skill.
Prestidigitation: Eln have the ability to cast Prestidigitation at-will, like a Sorcerer of first level.
Minor Colorblend: Eln have the ability to alter their coloration at-will. The color changes can include fine detail, like giving yourself what looks like a tattoo but is just different colored areas of skin or fur. If used correctly, this can allow an Eln to blend in and receive a +5 bonus to her Hide and +10 to her disguise skills.
Skill Bonuses: +2 Escape Artist, +5 Jump, +2 Tumble and +2 Listen.
Automatic Languages: Common, Elnuit
Bonus Languages: Any, particularly Elven, Sylvan, and Gnomish
Favored Class: Sorcerer, Rogue, Arcane Trickster
Favored Color: Whatever color dominates the Eln's own hair and fur.
Level Adjustment: +1

Racial Traits:
+4 Dexterity, +4 Charisma, -4 Constitution
Fey [Extraplanar]
Medium, they have no benefit or penalty due to size.
Elna have a base land speed of 30ft
Trickster God's Heart: Created by magic, Elna all have a spark of divinity within them. A divine heritage. Elna do not die of old age, and do not receive penalties or benefits from aging. Their personalities match their agelessness, and they seem perpetually immature and irresponsible for the most part. They do not receive benefits of aging either.
Luv'n like a Rabbit: Eln never have to make recovery checks for sustaining an activity, and have a +2 to a certain perform skill.
Minor Colorblend: Eln have the ability to alter their coloration at-will. The color changes are only general, like giving yourself a different hair, eye, or skin color. +5 disguise when used with the skill.
Skill Bonuses: +5 Jump and +2 Listen.
Automatic Languages: Common, Elnuit
Bonus Languages: Any, particularly Elven, Sylvan, and Gnomish
Favored Class: Sorcerer, Rogue, Arcane Trickster
Favored Color: Whatever color dominates the Eln's own hair and fur.
Level Adjustment: 0

Random weight and height table:
Base Height | Height Modifier | Base Weight | Weight Modifier
4’1” | +2d6 | 60 lb. | × (1d6) lb.

Elna aging is complicated. Where a human would age from 5 to ten years of age, the Elna ages that time in twenty. The, it takes them forty years to age from the physical human age of ten to fifteen. Eighty years more, then they appear 18. See where I'm going with this?
A hundred and sixty years later, they'll look 20. Then 21 after 320 years. After that, their aging stutters to a halt.
It takes many more years to age reach a mental maturity. Their furry cat like brains develop fairly slowly, always learning yet always tinged with lighthearted immaturity. However, with general common sense and reasoning

Racial Feats:

Chameleon Blend:
Prerequisite: Minor Colorblend racial trait
Benefit: The creature with this ability can passively alter her colors. She can automatically adapt to her surroundings, granting her a +5 bonus to hide or stealth, and a +15 bonus when staying still. The Chameleon ability can be suppressed or activated as a free action.

Potent Prestidigitation:
Prerequisite: Prestidigitation usable at-will.
Benefit: Your prestidigitation is more potent, it now functions as the spell but as written here:
Prestidigitations are minor tricks that novice spellcasters use for practice... Potent Prestidigitation are the same tricks cast by someone who knows what their doing, the workings of the spell and how to amplify it.
Once cast, a prestidigitation spell enables you to perform basic magical effects for 5 hours. The effects are minor and have their limitations. A prestidigitation can quickly lift 1 pound/level of material, such can be used as an improvised ranged weapon for all effects. It can color, clean, or soil items in a 1-foot cube/level each round. It can chill, warm, or flavor 1 pound of material-If used on a living creature, it ends at the end of the Potent Prestidigitation spell. Prestidigitation can create small objects, they look incredibly life like but have an air of wrongness about them. The materials created by a prestidigitation spell are extremely fragile, and they cannot be used as weapons, and lack innate ability behind them to be used as spell components. Any actual change to an object (beyond just moving, cleaning, or soiling it) persists until the Potent Prestidigitation spell ends.

Hand Trick I:
Prerequisites: Trickster God's Heart
Benefit: You can use Mage Hand, as the spell, at will as a supernatural ability.

Hand Trick II:
Prerequisite: Trickster God's Heart racial trait, Hand Trick I, Character level 15th
Benefit: The Eln gains the ability to cast Mage Hand, but it uses your strength and is controlled by your own hand at a range of up to 60ft It can wield weapons and manipulate objects as well as you could your own hand.

Fluffy Heritage:
Prerequisite: Elna race
Benefit: You gain a pair of teeth with which you can make a bite attack. Your jaws are more adapt, and can open wider then most and bite harder. These teeth can vary, just like the ears and tail on an Eln can vary. Most are retractable, though they do not have to be. The appearance are more commonly cat like fangs, or two rabbit like front teeth (Which appear more like normal teeth until retracted, if retractable).
These teeth are only secondary to your more powerful jaws, they deal 1d6 damage for every five HD the creature has.

Lucky Rabbit:
Prerequisite: Trickster Gods Heart racial trait
Benefit: Choose one nonmagical attack you have, you now apply your charisma modifier as a luck bonus to attack rolls with that attack. Usually used by the Elna for the Eln's bite.

Potent Colorblend:
Prerequisite: Minor Colorblend racial trait, Chameleon Blend, Hide 9 Ranks
Benefit: You can access new colors, including states of colors such as Transparency or removing visual effect entirely.
You can make yourself invisible with your Colorblend, you can also do so selectively to make certain parts invisible while others are not. This only effects the Eln and not anything she wears, as this is an extraordinary ability brought on by the Elna physiology- items are not a part of her, now are they?
The state of the invisibility can vary, she can instead add a bonus to her hide check anywhere from +1 to +30, but only against Spot checks.
Otherwise, this functions in a similar manner to Greater Invisibility.

Prodigious Prestidigitation:
Prerequisites: Potent Prestidigitation
Benefit: You can perform prestidigitation effects on whim, taking no action. Your changes to the flavor or color of something lasts until someone dispels it as with Dispel Magic.
Even if you are not actively altering things around you with this, you bring life to things around you. All color seems to grow many times more vibrant, fading over the course of three days. You leave a trail of magic someone could potentially follow if they are within three days behind you.

Cipher Stars
2012-06-08, 05:48 PM
There it is.
My newest race. I quite like it.

I'm considering giving them Prestidigitation and a less potent version of Minor Change Shape like Changlings have.
Edit: I did it. Thoughts? What should the LA be? It kinda looks like +1 to me.

2012-06-08, 07:12 PM
+1 is the highest I would go for these gals as that minus 4 to con us gonna hurt anyone. Also they really have nothing all that amazing. If anything other then the ability array I'd say their on the weak side of +1.

Cipher Stars
2012-06-08, 07:16 PM
+1 is the highest I would go for these gals as that minus 4 to con us gonna hurt anyone. Also they really have nothing all that amazing. If anything other then the ability array I'd say their on the weak side of +1.

How about now, with +5 charisma instead of +2? Middle +1 or High +1? Charisma is usually a dump stat, but between that and dexterity it might compensate for a -4 constitution?

Morph Bark
2012-06-08, 07:16 PM
I seem to be having troubles with the font, with it not registering for me and appearing much as gibberish. Could you change it to something else, or is there a particular reason for this one that I cannot see?

2012-06-08, 07:18 PM
The ability array is actually +4 Dex, -4 Con, +3 Int, +3 Wis, +5 Cha, because if you don't have any age penalties or fear of death, there's absolutely no reason not to start as a venerable character.

That said, it's a pretty decent LA +2 race with all those bonuses. Would make a fantastic venerable bard who has been around the block.

Cipher Stars
2012-06-08, 07:23 PM
I seem to be having troubles with the font, with it not registering for me and appearing much as gibberish. Could you change it to something else, or is there a particular reason for this one that I cannot see?

It was ComicSans. Seemed fitting. removed.

The ability array is actually +4 Dex, -4 Con, +3 Int, +3 Wis, +5 Cha, because if you don't have any age penalties or fear of death, there's absolutely no reason not to start as a venerable character.

That said, it's a pretty decent LA +2 race with all those bonuses. Would make a fantastic venerable bard who has been around the block.

+2 is fine I suppose. Surly this is on the low end of +2 though?

Edit: nevermind.
I'll remove the bonuses from aging.

2012-06-08, 07:31 PM
You can't be a humanoid with the (Fey) subtype, because Fey is a type, not a subtype.

The new ability scores are alright. Makes for a high LA +1, but there's nothing wrong with that.

The bonus to Bluff seems a little over-the-top now, after your Charisma has already increased by +5. I can understand the bonuses to Escape Artist, Jump and Listen, but being half-rabbit doesn't exactly lend itself to being a skilled liar.

Cipher Stars
2012-06-08, 07:55 PM
You can't be a humanoid with the (Fey) subtype, because Fey is a type, not a subtype.

The new ability scores are alright. Makes for a high LA +1, but there's nothing wrong with that.

The bonus to Bluff seems a little over-the-top now, after your Charisma has already increased by +5. I can understand the bonuses to Escape Artist, Jump and Listen, but being half-rabbit doesn't exactly lend itself to being a skilled liar.

Rabbits are very cocky and prone to overexaggeration and making of fantasies in which they are the bestest things ever.
Its a common trope in Fairytales.

2012-06-09, 04:26 PM
Drop that Charisma to +4 or make it +6; stat boosts are always an even number (because even boosts affect odd + even base scores the same, while odd boosts don't). I suggest the +4.

Sylvan, not Sylvian.

And I assume "+2 Escape Artist+5, Jump" is meant to read as "+2 Escape Artist, +5 Jump".

Cipher Stars
2012-06-09, 04:31 PM
Drop that Charisma to +4 or make it +6; stat boosts are always an even number (because even boosts affect odd + even base scores the same, while odd boosts don't). I suggest the +4.

Sylvan, not Sylvian.

And I assume "+2 Escape Artist+5, Jump" is meant to read as "+2 Escape Artist, +5 Jump".

I thought the +5 looked a touch off when I listed it.

Ah. Thanks, I didn't know and I couldn't find an example to see how it was spelled.

o-0 Odd. I didn't notice that.

All three of these have been corrected ^_^

2012-06-09, 08:44 PM
Three favored classes is interesting. What's the reasoning behind that?

Cipher Stars
2012-06-09, 08:53 PM
Three favored classes is interesting. What's the reasoning behind that?

All three are chosen in direct relation to the personality of the Elna. Elna are very magically adapted. Their true connection stems from divinity, but manifests as Arcane power that wells within them. Their trickster and chaotic natures push them to the more shady life of the Rogue, but just as commonly the innate magical talent that the Sorcerer brings out in the Elna.
Elna who grow in power commonly take the route of the Arcane Trickster, combining their magical nature with their chaotic, tricky side of their being.
It is also perfectly normal to see an Eln who has taken both levels of Sorcerer and Rogue before taking the path of the Arcane Trickster, progressing their stealthy sneak attacks and develop their arcane casting.

2012-06-10, 12:28 AM
All three are chosen in direct relation to the personality of the Elna. Elna are very magically adapted. Their true connection stems from divinity, but manifests as Arcane power that wells within them. Their trickster and chaotic natures push them to the more shady life of the Rogue, but just as commonly the innate magical talent that the Sorcerer brings out in the Elna.
Elna who grow in power commonly take the route of the Arcane Trickster, combining their magical nature with their chaotic, tricky side of their being.
It is also perfectly normal to see an Eln who has taken both levels of Sorcerer and Rogue before taking the path of the Arcane Trickster, progressing their stealthy sneak attacks and develop their arcane casting.

Cool. I'm not against the idea, that's for sure. Favored class is one of my least favorite parts about 3.5, anyway, so increasing flexibility without changing the system too much is alright in my book.

2012-06-10, 05:36 AM
Having a prestige class as a favored class is unnecessary - prestige classes do not count towards an experience penalty.

Morph Bark
2012-06-10, 05:55 AM
Multiple favoured classes is also done in Pathfinder and I always thought it was fitting anyway, though in Pathfinder it partly seems to have been done so they could remove racial substitution levels.

Cipher Stars
2012-06-10, 08:38 AM
Having a prestige class as a favored class is unnecessary - prestige classes do not count towards an experience penalty.

It is not unnecessary at all. Its favored classes, and so I put the three most favored classes for the Elna.

2012-06-10, 10:56 AM
It is not unnecessary at all. Its favored classes, and so I put the three most favored classes for the Elna.

All favored classes do is reduce the experience penalty for having multiple classes, so there's literally nothing that adding in a prestige class does. And since it has no mechanical effect, you'd be better off adding "Many Elna become Arcane Tricksters for X reason" somewhere up above, which says more than putting it in the favored class list does since it also gives reasoning and maybe a bit of insight into how they're built psychologically.

EDIT: Throw another requirement on Potent Colorblend. 9 ranks of Hide, maybe? Greater invisibility is a 4th level spell; the absolute earliest you should get access to it is at 6th 5th level. As it stands, it's trivial to get the feat at 3rd and possible to get it at 1st by taking a single flaw.

2012-06-10, 04:00 PM
It is not unnecessary at all. Its favored classes, and so I put the three most favored classes for the Elna.

It is mechanically unnecessary and you've listed it in the mechanics of the race. Just sayin'.

Cipher Stars
2012-06-10, 04:54 PM
Let me put it this way, I don't care. I put three classes, two base one prestige. Its there. Like an abstract painting. Some think its garbage on the wall, some think its art. I happen to think its art, so I leave it on my wall.

Thank you for pointing that out, I failed to notice, I'll add additional prerequisites.

2012-06-10, 05:15 PM
Let me put it this way, I don't care. I put three classes, two base one prestige. Its there. Like an abstract painting. Some think its garbage on the wall, some think its art. I happen to think its art, so I leave it on my wall.

Leave it up there if you want, but it's neither art nor garbage - it just doesn't do anything.

It's like listing Favored Color: Purple.

Also, my cursory reading of Hand Trick leads me to believe that it is potentially obscenely overpowered. I can wield weapons, using my full Strength score, at a range of 60 feet essentially at will? No Elna will ever be within melee range again, making the Constitution penalty hurt significantly less. I can manipulate objects too, allowing me to use Disable Device and Open Lock at range? That's categorically better than one of the Arcane Trickster's main class abilities (which you'd think would actually incline the race to not take levels in that class, given that they can already duplicate Ranged Legerdemain with a feat). Mage Hand at will by itself would be a pretty powerful feat - you're basically giving them Telekinesis (albeit at slightly reduced power) at 1st level. I would say that it is too powerful of an effect to be obtained through a feat at all - at the very least the prerequisites should be much higher.

I think LA +1 is too low - I'd say +2. Drow are a +2, and pretty much the only thing they have on the Elna is spell resistance (which is often more of a curse than a blessing) and slightly higher Constitution/Intelligence, while the Elna get significant bonuses to Dexterity and Charisma (I've almost never seen a +1 LA race with a +6 bonus), functional immortality, and access to a host of very powerful feats.