View Full Version : SETI Tau Ceti IC Comms Thread

2012-06-08, 06:02 PM
Here's the thread for discussing the game in character, to avoid cluttering the main thread with public content-free posts.

2012-06-09, 02:44 AM
HMRF Pionjär
Turn 0. 2240

Aboard the HMRF Pionjär.

Katrin sat by the metal table and stirred her spoon in the unappetizing sludge that lay in the bowl in front of her. A grayish white sludge. Nutritious. Easy to digest for a recently restarted digestive system. Filled with prophylaxis to ensure that the crew remained healthy while their immunesystems was repopulated. And disgusting.

She dropped the spoon and just let it lie. Staring at the sterile white bulkhead in front of her, she dreamed her way back home; a world prior to spaceships, stasis and disgusting slurries. She woke up from her daydreams as Arne, the bulky head of the Agro-Medical division sat down in front of her. He looked different and not merely due to a lack of hair. Admittedly, that made everyone look a bit alien. For sanitary reasons everyone aboard the Pionjär had to shave off all hair prior to stasis. Including eyelashes and eyebrows. But apart from that, Katrin was certain the man had lost a bit weight since they woke up.

”Hah, those devils chose December 25th for synchronization. Think they did it on purpose so we’d miss out on celebrating?”

Arne placed his bowl in front of himself with one if his unique impossibly wide smile, one of those that you just felt better just by seeing. Katrin smiled weakly, still weary after the resuscitation.

”I don’t think they chose that date for celebrating, nor do I believe they were aware we Scandinavians celebrate on Christmas eve.”

Arne were already scooping the nutritious slurry into his mouth at a steady pace. Behind him, in the corridor, Katrin noticed how the major and some of his men jogging past. They had been doing that every… day? Was that the correct word?

”Bah… you’re not fun. See this as a grand adventure. Sure, the major taking command was a bit of a shock. But I’m sure it’s just temporary. Besides, we’re hearing from more colonists every day. You’ll see… things will become better soon”

Katrin smiled at her friend, there was something about him that made her always feel better. She was really glad he was here.
Major Sköld sat with his fellow division leaders around the round table, the interface spreading across its surface displaying reports, pictures, maps and graphs.

”Director Jensen, what is your initial thoughts regarding our fellow humans out here in space?”

Adam leaned forward and rested his head on his clasped hands, briefly using his right hand to enlarge a couple of the reports displayed by the interface.

”The Henry Ford and the Pacifica are a decent enough lot. In a way we share a lot of similarities with those expeditions. Barring unforeseen circumstance I do not think they’ll be any problem. The Mitsuharu and the Aeon are students and scientists and I doubt we’ll have any real trouble with them. Similarily, barring unforeseen circumstance I do not think we will have much issues with the Green Unity.

As for the mormons: I don’t think either faction would turn belligerent any time soon, though I suspect there is a possibility of ideological differences. The main danger with them isn’t that though, but rather how they interact with the locals. There’s a risk that the locals might turn violent, either as a reaction to them or in an attempt to assist.”

”I agree, as for the other factions; The LSI certainly have an unsavoury reputation about them. We can’t really prove they’re behind anything, but they’re rumoured to have been in enough pots to warrant caution. For now we’ll simply maintain a distance and observe.

The vory are considerably more clear cut in that regard. We know that they have done terrible things and are likely to do so again. For now I and director Jensen have decided to accept their offer of peace, but we’re going to maintain a safe distance from them. Hopefully they really have had a change of heart.

The enlightened is the first group I’d consider a threat. I am not sure whether they intend to spread their ideology to the rest of humanity, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they did once they’ve gathered enough strength. Regardless, we’re going to designate them as a threat until proven beyond any reasonable doubt that they are not.

As for the Grim, I do not know what they are planning or what they are capable of. I’m not even certain what they are. For now we’ll keep our distance and observe. Doctors, would you kindly inform the rest of us your preliminary analysis of the planetary situation.”

The small finnish woman, Dr Nurmi, cleared her voice and leaned forward, resting her forearms on the edge of the table as she began to speak with her heavily accented voice.

”As you are well aware, we will soon begin planetfall on a completely new biosphere. This means we will encounter life that we have never encountered before. Most notably we will encounter microorganisms that no human has ever been exposed to before. It is extremely unlikely we will be completely incompatible. This means we will initially suffer bouts of fever, sniffles, sore throats and being sore as our immunesystems develop countermeasures. We should definitely limit our exposures the first few weeks but with our nanites I think it’ll be no worse than an inconvenience.

A more pressing concern is the local flora and fauna. We have no idea if we’re remotely compatible with it, nor if the crops we brought with us are. At least until after extensive analysis we should do the utmost to keep our food separate from the surrounding organisms.

Finally, there’s the implication that we’re bringing entirely new lifeforms to this planet. The ecological disasters of Australia are likely to be nothing compared to what happens when we land. If grass outcompetes its equalients here, it’ll only take a few years before it covers virtually all of the temperate zones on the entire planet. We have no idea what harmless opportunists on our bodies will do to the natives. For all we know E. coli, which we cannot live without, could turn out to be deadlier than the bubonic plague. All the latent viruses we carry could wipe out millions of natives should they resurface. For all the threat this new world poses to us, we pose a worse threat to everything on it.

Dr Arne Björck began speaking as his colleague finished.
” Short term we should have no real medical problems, all of us being equipped with a decent array of nanites. The trouble is that we have no way of making more at the moment. The infrastructure just isn’t there and won’t be for many years. I think we should all prepare for the possibility that future generations might not have the blood borne protection that we have.

Which brings me to concern number two: namely the lack of a massive medical infrastructure. This means that we lack the screening processes, the specialized laboratories, the clinical experts and a large amount of the databanks that we had on earth. Until we reestablish that we will see genetic disorders resurface, we will see allergies, auto immunities and we will see people being crippled by disorders that haven’t been seen for decades back home. These things weren’t cure-and-forget; you had to screen and induct gene therapy on every generation. Hopefully we’ll have infrastructure set up in time for that, but we should all prepare for the return of chronic disorders.

Oh… and if you see something that you don’t know what it is… don’t eat it.“
The last sentence brought a bit of a chuckle from all around the table.


From: HMRF Pionjär
To: UNSS Henry Ford. Open Transmission.

HMRF Pionjär to UNSS Henry Ford.

Director Jensen has due to the current situation decided to relinquish the leadership in favour of me. He still remains responsible for the settler division and assist in an advisory role, but overall command of the expedition will for the time being be held by my position.
Regardless, we are all grateful for the greetings and extend our own personal greetings to our fellow Scandinavians and all other members of the crew of Henry Ford. Regardless of prior nationality, we consider all of you our fellow brothers and sisters.

Over and out.

Atrum Umbra
2012-06-09, 12:26 PM
The Helios lays devoid of life, the faint hum of the engine and lapping of cryogenic juices are the only sounds. For 120 years the ship has travelled, taking the crew to a new home, and now its job is finished, its task to awaken the new Tau Ceti colonists.

- - -

Minerva's head jerked forward as he awoke, he struggled to draw breath with lungs full of fluid. His soft gel bed of over one century drained away leaving him laying naked in a large plastic coffin. His feeding tube, which stopped supplying liquid a day previously, disconnected and he coughed out the mouthpiece. The lid slid open leaving him to deal with his pain and problems just like when he was born, which to his mind was just over a year ago.

The other Avatars had awoken too, in a similarly dignified way, their task, to ensure that everything was ready for the bulk of the crew. They studied the room, each other and the pod where Quirinus was still resting, they barely managed to conceal their resentment of the later. Minerva was the first to speak, taking charge as their creator had instructed.

"We had better get to our assigned groups, we need them awake and ready for work immediately. I will need to check all of them individually to ensure they are in working order. I'm sure Quirinus assigned you all special duties and wouldn't want to get in your way with orders or inspiring pep talks."

"Calm down Minerva, you speak as if Quirinus is still in charge. You don't think he can hear us and will smite us down do you. We should get our bearings first, find out exactly what effect the spear had on the crew."

"By all means Venus, but I'm sure you will find the effects quite satisfactory." Minerva smiled.

- - -

The full waking cycle was hectic, though it ran a lot easier without free will getting in the way. There were several people for whom the treatment didn't quite stick, they would need to be tested regularly to make sure they didn't recede to their old state. The crew, while incredibly obedient, tended to drift off, probably thinking of their enlightenment, while they didn't have orders.

- - -

On the bridge Venus was going though the transmission logs while waiting for word from the other ships. As expected they cut off after a few years. Initial scans of the planet suggested relatively primitive sentient life, a good start for a new religion, Venus hated the idea of trying to convince intelligent life to worship Quirinus but the aliens should be easy to manipulate.

Venus just listened intently as the first broadcast came in from the other ships, making notes on the people he would be sharing the world with. He was stuck in a difficult situation, the fact the ship wasn't quite up standard on its human rights would become obvious, especially if anyone spoke to the crew. He elected to send a single message.

On behalf of the crew I would like to welcome everyone to humanity's new home. We have elected to land on the northern half of the continent we are currently in orbit over. We would be delighted to trade goods with you when we have settled in. We couldn't think of a better day to set our time to, isn't it a coincidence that everything truly monumental happens on Christmas Day.

Grimsage Matt
2012-06-09, 01:43 PM
Awakend. Painful as hell, as the deathlike state had lasted for over a century. Well, it could always have been worse. As for what the others were yapping about, the Grim knew they would not be reciving messages from home. But now, we would have to be.... social.

We are unfamilliar with this "Christmass Day" your speaking of? Was he some Sage of you surface dwellers that recived great fame and stature? In any case, we offer our medical and biological expertise.

2012-06-09, 01:50 PM
As the church and mothers talk they decide that they could use a trade with one of the more respectables groups, so they send a message.

"This it the Theologian, we remember there was going to be a group between two schools and a few others, is that still happening and if so who is in this group?"

2012-06-09, 10:20 PM
The Aeon Institute
Year 2240 Ad (0 AA)

The Prometheus had monitored and stored all the various transmissions from its fellow ships. But so far no human aboard the Prometheus had read them. This was simply due to the fact that the Aeon Institute had taken a somewhat different approach to stasis technology. Extensive testing had shown that abrupt revivals were disorienting and very harsh on the human body, even the gene engineered bodies of 2120. So the biologists of the Institute had decided not to do it that way. Oh there were still abrupt revival protocols for emergencies, but as lon as nothing untoward the Prometheus had been programmed to wake the Aeon scientists up very slowly.

In fact that process had started almost a month ago as the Prometheus was making its final approach and was only now was the first of the crew being brought to full wakefulness. The scene was essentially the same for each crew member. Each pod was a self contained unit large enough to actually give the scientists some privacy as they awoke. By the time each scientists had regained consciousness the essential machinery that had been keeping them alive would have fully retracted in the walls of the pod leaving them time to fully wake up in what was the equivalent of a tiny one person bedroom. A small sink was provided to freshen up as well as a clean set of the standard coveralls which served the Institute as a sort of quasi uniform. Each one was white with a colored stripe to identify the wearer's college, Grey for Economics, Yellow for Theoretical Sciences, Green for Biotechnology, Blue for Medicine, Orange for Physics, and Black for Applied Engineering.

Once clean and refreshed the newly awakened scientist would step out of the pod more or less the same as if they had just woken up for a standard day back on Earth. Having planned thoroughly each scientist had an assigned duty to get to, and in mere hours the Prometheus transformed from a silent cold ship into a bustling science ship. At least until the knowledge of Earth's blackout made its way through the crew at which point things promptly turned tense as every one on board quietly contemplated what that meant for themselves, for the Institute, and for Humanity as a whole.

Still the Aeon Institute did not choose its scientists for their tendency to break down in difficult situations. Each member of the crew had an above average resiliency in their psych profiles and soon the ship was once again going about its planned maneuvers, albeit with a quiet overtone of worry.

The Prometheus
Comm Burst to the Mitsuharu Academy ship, the Pacifica ship, and the Green Unity ship

As planned we are commencing an orbital survey of the site we have determined to be the most suitable site for the landing. We have designated it landing site Unity and are forwarding the coordinates to you now. Please advise of your current situation. The Promethesus is fully prepared to follow through on the planned colonization, especially as it has become more important now than ever that humanity works together and thrives in its new home.

Space Lawyer
2012-06-09, 10:31 PM
From: Pacifica
To: Prometheus, Mitsuharu, Green Unity
We have now landed on the planet. Landing sites have been prepared for your ships. Our colonists have begun exploring our new home. We welcome your arrival soon.

2012-06-10, 04:37 AM
The Green Unity


A view from space
Tau Ceti's beauty
Our hearts race
We have to fulfill our duty

An endless slumber
Our lives start anew
With so low a number
We have to see this through

Two stand together
Looking out over the new world
Discussing more than the weather
Discussing how their futures unfurled

Will humanity stand united
Looking towards a bright future
Or will some be uninvited
Split as though by a suture

We will take it in stride
Be an example
On this world where we now reside
It all seems such a gamble

From: The Green Unity
To: Pacifica, The Aeon Institute and the Mitsuharu Academy
Thank you for the coordinates, Prometheus. We are currently under way with the preparations for the cooperative colonisation. This initiative still holds high support under the Green Unity for the same reasons the Aeon Institute brings forth.

Our plan is to see all our people to Tau Ceti's surface, but considering our large number of people, our Lander will need to make two trips to accomplish this, which will waste valuable fuel. Twelve hundred people can be ferried, while we are looking at a number of sixteen hundred, thus leaving four hundred. From our last calculations regarding the factions we projected that the Landers of The Aeon Institute and the Mitsuharu Acadamy will be full as well, and while there would be some space in Pacifica's Lander, there is not enough. If this not the case, might we request some of our people to be ferried to the planet by the Pacifica and whose Lander has room for the remaining colonists?

OOC: Sent before the Pacifica's landing. An extra trip to get the remaining PUs down would cost 2 units of refined helium-3 fuel, so would be useful if that can be saved.

Space Lawyer
2012-06-10, 05:46 AM
From: Pacifica
To: Green Unity

We will gladly accept your colonists onto our ship. Prepare for rendezvous and transference.

2012-06-10, 11:26 AM
(sence laser comunication needs to be put in spoilers I will assume this is using radio)

The theologians have room though you may need to wait half a year. We where wondering if you would like to traid for us to build the collation a school that you may share, though what to ask for it has not been figured out. As you know a school from us would be quite usefull.

2012-06-10, 05:13 PM
Open Radio Transmission:

"Greetings from Lateral Services Inc! We are pleased to report that our information associates have gathered thousands of hours of footage showing the natives of this planet. All six culture groups of the central continent have been mapped and extensively studied. Further, our extensive audio recordings will allow for easy translation of all languages spoken on the central continent, by giving you an idea of how the natives speak to one another in their natural environment. Shock and awe natives with your mastery of the subtleties of their speech!

Our associates gathered this information at great personal risk. We would be happy to provide our maps and recordings for the low price of a single construction module. For your convenience, our associates will pick up the module for no extra charge.

If this offer does not appeal, we would be willing to accept something of equal or greater value. In this currency-free age, one must be flexible.

Additionally, for the sake of privacy we are capable of setting up private communication channels. Such communication lines with LSI can be set up free of charge. We are also willing to set up dedicated secure communication lines between other factions for a nominal fee.

Thanks for listening, and have a great day!"

2012-06-10, 10:34 PM
Laser Transmission to the Vory Ship

We would speak business with you. There are a number of human colonists who are banding together in imitation of their time on Earth. On the one hand, there are the religious groups, on the other there is the Unity settlement.

In so far as birds flock together; there is an interesting symmetry between us, no?

We have gathered much information on the locals, and see that there is an opportunity to create leverage if you are interested in helping us to this end, we can move up the timetable dramatically. Further, with LSI logistics capacity and your weapons production ingenuity, we may be able to save valuable time.

Last, but not least, there is no UN to cry foul regarding monopolies. If we work together, then the other colonists will be forced to pay a high price when they need protection. We are almost certain they will.

Let me know what you think; if you are interested, I'd be happy to speak with you further.

Charles Smith, Executive

Grimsage Matt
2012-06-11, 11:45 AM
Grim Transmission

We would like to request any blue prints for a small weapon. We ran into a large amphibious predator, and it will take some time before we can grow a new defence pod. In exchange, we posess advanced Bioengieering expertise.

2012-06-11, 02:45 PM
The Grim,

We are sorry to hear that you have been having trouble with native wildlife, and would be happy to assist! In exchange for some small firearms blueprints, we would like some biochemical analysis to be performed on specimens which we have collected from the field. Particularly, we are interested in edibility and the presence of pathogens.

If you are interested, LSI can also provide you direct fire support to help you with your security problem until you build your own defense capacity. Regular Nullifier patrols should end any problem you have with wildlife.

Charles Smith, Executive
Lateral Services, Inc

Grimsage Matt
2012-06-11, 03:11 PM
To the LSI,

Your terms are agreeable. Here are our corrodinates. However, all our labs are in the middle of construction and fine tuning at the moment. We should be able to handle it by the start of the new year.

2012-06-11, 07:42 PM
Laser response to the LSI

That sounds like quite a reasonable offer. Our personnel are not particularly suited for infrastructure, and we will likely spend this first year on setting up a stable base-camp in a centralized area. After that, we would be more than willing to work with you. What forms of assistance were you willing to offer for our weapons production?

A further note, we plan on keeping very few personnel on the Maelstrom due to the resources required for shuttling to and from world, so future communications will likely be required to be either via radio, or in person. Reasonable ways to avoid eavesdropping is either for us to decide upon a reasonable meeting grounds for regular exchanges of communication, or we can develop an encryption to prevent others from understanding transmissions. The choice is yours.
-Cmdr. Elain Delancy

2012-06-11, 09:12 PM
To the Grim

We have Nullifiers en route to your location with biological samples. Keep in mind that the exchange of information does not cover conflict resolution services. We have very few information executives, and having them take part in combat will force us to scale back our own growth.

I would ask a favor. If the Nullifiers take part in the combat, would you be willing to grow us a farm with one of your construction module equivalents? We will bring your technicians to our location for this task.

We will understand if you do not agree, but if you do not then we must have the Information Executives halt their assistance to you after providing the blueprints.

Depending on your needs, we could also manufacture basic weapons for you, at a cost to be determined.

Laser communication to the Vory

In terms of manufacturing assistance, LSI operations and logistics are unmatched. If you agree to the construction of a rail line between our base camps, we can simply ship you goods. Short of that, we may be able to help you construct a factory once the first year is set up.

Beyond this, though, we are interested in working with you to foster a particularly beneficial relationship with the natives, wherin they rely on our two groups to supply an arms race. If you are interested, I can provide details.

2012-06-11, 09:30 PM
Laser Communication to LSI
A rail-line will probably be the most efficient, as it will facilitate any future exchanges as well. Your idea of an arms race sounds quite appealing, assuming that you have found a way to avoid the inevitable back-lash that is bound to occur when some of the other factions notice.

Regardless, we look forward to working with you in this endeavor and await further information regarding how you wish to proceed.

2012-06-11, 09:48 PM
To LSI via laser

A LSI intelligence associate is inbound to your location. He will act a an ambassador of sorts, and a way for us to quickly exchange information. The LSI network is quite secure. Is this acceptable?

2012-06-11, 10:02 PM
Laser communication to LSI
That's quite acceptable. Our security forces have been informed of your associate's impending arrival, and we are preparing accommodations for him now.

Grimsage Matt
2012-06-12, 09:08 AM
Grim Transmission

LSI, we will ready a seed package for your farm.

2012-06-13, 10:45 AM
Open transmission. Radiosignal transmitted from surface colony through the colonyship. No encryption.

From: HMRF Pionjär
To:All human colonies.
Timestamp:03:41:22 7th of October. 2240. Mission time.

HMRF Pionjär to all fellow human colonies.

This is a general advisory warning. We have discovered a large predator on the eastern continent around our colonysite that has been involved in attacks on our patrols.
Preliminary hypothesis is that this predator sticks to the mist in the area. We have not yet ascertained the extent of their roaming range nor their full capabilities. It is however aggressive and has attacked several of our scouts, a few of whom has been forced to undergo extensive medical care and rehabilitation. Fortunantely no fatalities have occured. We do not believe our colony is in any form of danger or in need of assistance at this time.

If you do visit the eastern contintent. Stay out of the mist. We are willing to share information about this species as we learn more.

Over and out

2012-06-13, 11:28 AM
To the MAPAIGU collaboration (Mitsuharu Academy, Pacifica, Aeon Institute, and Green Unity)

We have started the basics of what we need to start are base, looking at are supply's we are in need of basic construction tools for housing and mining. along with any material that may help us in construction. Can anything be arranged, and fuel would be useful also.

Also we have seen remains on are small island also, though what caused them has yet to be determined.

2012-06-14, 06:42 PM
Aeon Institute to the Theologians.

We have no extra supplies currently, except a little extra food which probably isn't worth sending a lander for. But next turn we may be able to build some excess tools or goods to trade.

2012-06-16, 03:58 AM
An open, unencrypted radiosignal, transmitted from the colonysite of the Pionjär expedition. Relayed through the HMRF Pionjär in orbit.

From:HMRF Pionjär
To:All human colonies.
Timestamp:21:04:11 14th of December 2240 mission time.

HMRF Pionjär to all human colonies. We are currently facing a situation were we find that we will be unable to produce the consumer goods we need to cover our basic needs. We have little more than a year's worth of supplies left. Including what we will produce during the coming year.

As such we are seeking to inquire as to the prospects of trade. We believe that we will be able to produce a surplus of food and are willing to trade for that. We would also consider lending out our technical expertise in exchange for the sought after consumer goods. A final offer would be to lend the use of our supercomputer to crunch raw data. It can process most inquiries in minutes or hours.

We hope one of these three offers will be of interest to some of you. To end this message on a happy note, we simply wished to relay that we're expecting our first birth in approximately 3 months. Even stranded on an alien planet, life goes on.

This is major Erik Sköld.
Over and out

2012-06-16, 06:40 PM
To the HMRF Pionjär.

We believe you have a transportable power generator and we would like to invite you to come to are place to learn, though it needs power. We also Have some ideals on how we can fix your problem for some time, and ours, but it would take an odd twist which would require your super computer.

2012-06-16, 07:09 PM
From Vory Base-camp, re-broadcast from The Maelstorm

Transmission to HMRF Pionjär: We have received your transmission and may be willing to trade some necessities for computations on your Supercomputer. It will take us some time to acquire the sample information we need for the computations, but we are willing to deliver the resources now in exchange for future services. How many crates of consumer goods will you be needing to give you time to upgrade your production abilities.

2012-06-16, 08:09 PM
To all stations, We have found that in an entire year we see no body with so much as a wheel. Has any been discovered? And if not does any one have an ideal why? Our people are equipped with muskets yet has not manged to produce the wheel!! something is not right hear, its not even slavery. Ok more like serfdom, but even surfs had something to carry around what they would pick from trees.

To the MAPAIGU collaboration, have you managed to think of anything worth trade. In case this was not clear this is a trade for the entire group to share.

2012-06-19, 11:55 AM
Directed transmission from HMRF Pionjär's colonysite, via the HMRF Pionjär, to the Enlightened:

To:The Theologians
From:HMRF Pionjär

HMRF Pionjär to the Theologians

We would be interested in hearing the specifics of your offer before we make a decision regarding it.

Over and out

Directed Transmission from HMRF Pionjär's colonysite, via the HMRF Pionjär, to the Vory basecamp.

To: Vory Base camp.
From:HMRF Pionjär

HMRF Pionjär to the Vory

Currently our production capabilities are low and at this time it is unlikely to expand much for the forseeable future. We are willing to accept your offer however, though wish to stress that we will not move the supercomputer anywhere and our engineers will be responsible for handling it. Currently we feel that 2 crates of consumer goods are a fair price, 3 if the computations are extensive.
Are these terms acceptable?


2012-06-19, 12:11 PM
The Aeon Institute Broadcast through the Prometheus to the Theologian Colony Site

We have encountered two distinct Ceti cultures. One is sea faring and as such would have little opportunity to discover the wheel. On the other hand the dominate land culture we have discovered appears to have a cultural revulsion for disturbing nature. As such they have likely clamped down on inventions like the wheel which would allow for technological expansion at the cost of the environment due to form of roads, while at the same time allowing other forms of invention, like gunpowder, which have lesser environmental impacts.

As to your specific request it is not a matter of thinking of something to trade. We know quite well what we wish to trade. The issue is that we simply lack the resources to make excess goods or tools which aren't immediately needed. We have found that the ground is fertile and as such we have plenty of food, but as yet nothing else to trade. Eventually we hope to rectify this, but we cannot truthfully say that we will be able to do so in the next few years.

We could trade you the use of our laboratories as we have little time for pure research, but you did not indicate you wished any such service.

2012-06-20, 06:00 AM
We where going to use the extra power from your generator to power are mine and the the masive calculator to aid in some construction, though if you want to bring some food Or a second person to help build power, that would be apreceated. Over.

2012-06-20, 09:30 PM
LS Nephi Public Radio Transmission, at Sun-Distal Solstice. [Voice only.]

Captain Wright of the LS Nephi, to leaders and scientists in all human factions - Greetings.

The last public transmission from this ship served to specify a sun-synchronous walking planetary orbit.

This orbit was chosen for purposes of planetary observation similar to that of the late 20th century LANDSAT satellite. This orbit allows the Nephi to pass over every point on the planet's surface approximately once every 15 days. The Nephi will continue in this orbit until further notice.

Over the past five Earth-months the instrumentation aboard the Nephi has collected thousands of detailed images of the planet's surface at 20-meter resolution. Seven bands have been collected - 1 near IR, 1 far IR, 4 visible, and 1 near UV. At each location we have a time series of about 10 images spanning the southern hemisphere's winter and thaw seasons, and the northern hemisphere's summer.

In the spirit of cooperation, and with the executive approval of President Black, Mission Control is now offering this massive collection of data publically to all the colonies. We hope that it will aid in the survival and prosperity of Humanity in this era of settlement. Current plans for the near future are to position a second set of lenses which will give us parallax, from which digital elevation maps of Ceti III's surface will eventually be made.

We invite collaboration with any who are prepared to help us process this data, and are currently soliciting suggestions as to the development and installation of further instrumentation aboard the Nephi. We hope to remain humanity's premier public low-orbital planetary observation station for the foreseeable future.

A continuous feed of LANDSAT-like images will begin in 5 minutes at this same bandwidth.

God bless. This is Captain Wright, over and out.

2012-06-20, 10:10 PM
Transmission from Vory to Transmission to HMRF Pionjär:

We believe that usage of your supercomputer combined with any information you have on the local flora/fauna, would be worth the 3 crates of consumer goods. Transport to and from your location is obviously the most difficult part, as our only reasonable method of reaching there is via the Planetary lander, due to the limited re-fueling positions available for normal transports. We are still willing to make the trade using the lander, but if there is any other trade-goods you foresee needing we would like to get all of the trading done at one time.

2012-06-20, 10:14 PM
The Mitsuharu Academy to The Theologians

If you happen to have a method to transport energy from our site to your own that doesn't involve laying miles and miles of cable, then we may be able to discuss a trade involving energy. However, as things stand, I can't imagine that you have constructed anything that would let you transport energy without having it yourselves. If you're asking that the Aeon Institute move their generator to your facilities, that is a decision that is best left to them, but I can't imagine that they'll be willing to do so at this time. Our energy supplies are not in such excess that we can afford to simply remove a significant portion of them for trade.

If you are in need of construction equipment, we have the ability to manufacture some for you, provided that we receive something of equal value in trade. However, our equipment requires energy to power it, and as such, may be unusable if you're low on energy supplies.

And finally, we'll have to respectfully decline your invitation to come and help in person. We have plenty we need to take care of on our end of the world. We are certainly interested in trading, though I believe I need to make this clear - Any trade we make will be one that is of benefit to us as well as to yourselves. As such, we would like to request that you offer something along with making requests. As things stand, I don't believe I've heard any offers from your end as to what you would give us as part of these deals, only requests for help.

Unfortunately, things are not like they were back on Earth. Supplies are short, along with resources. We can't really afford to just give anything away. Please let us know what you're able and willing to give in return for what you want from us.

Yuma Mitsuharu

2012-06-22, 09:11 AM
From thealogens to everyone.

As we predicted the vroy have decided to come attack If anyone would like to earn that school, now would be a good time.

Grimsage Matt
2012-06-22, 09:13 AM
To the Vory

If you want access to a school, we'll provide one in exchange for rescuing some of our members that had been captured.

2012-06-22, 09:18 AM
Some of your members have been captured, by who, how? these guys are mostly primitive.

2012-06-22, 01:39 PM
Slavers. He didn't take laser rifles, so he accepted the risk of being Zerg-rushed by Ceties with gunpowder-based rifles.

Video transmission from the Mormon colony site via the Nephi to the leadership of the UNSS Henry Ford:

This is Keith Richardson, of the Presiding Bishopric; I represent the crew of the Nephi.

Our communications records and satellite images from the past year show that you've chosen to make Planetfall in a similar biome as we have, within maximum range of our terrestrial transport vehicles. Over our first year on Planet, our colonists have succeeded in establishing some basic agricultural, manufacturing, chemical, and energy infrastructure. Our efforts to conserve and stretch our landing supplies have paid off, and our initial stocks of goods and food will probably last at least two or three more years. We'd like to ask if you're faring similarly well, and if there is any way we might provide necessary assistance.

We hope the next years will show closer collaboration and trade between our colonies. The Quorum of Seventy, our evangelistic arm, is eager to share information on local Ceti cultures. I've also been asked by our Director of Agricultural Extension to pass on the mesage that our agricultural and fledgling xenobiology departments would be open to sharing data and coordinating investigation on our shared environmental surroundings.

We hope to hear from you soon. May God keep you and bless you in all your endeavors.

2012-06-22, 02:38 PM
Outgoing Vory transmissions:

To All Colonies, on same frequency as used by Theologians: This is commander Delancy speaking. The Theologians are only partially correct. We do have troops near their camp, but this is not an assault. We are approaching as part of a peace-keeping mission. We hope to prevent what would surely become a rather devastating war between the Theologians and a very populace group of Cetie known as the Blood Empire. We hope to avoid any bloodshed, and ask that all parties involved work together to bring this unfortunate situation to a peaceful resolution.

Reply to Grim from Vory base-camp: This is Vory command, the bulk of our forces are currently occupied in peacekeeping actions, however we are certainly willing to provide you assistance. Please provide any details you have about the whereabouts of your captured settlers. Information regarding the Cetie faction that took them will also be helpful. Above all the Vory value the continued survival of humanity.

2012-06-22, 03:42 PM
We are not at war with them neather do we plan to be, stay out. We do not trust those who chose you're path.

2012-06-22, 03:56 PM
Localized radio transmission to Theologians

As we said earlier, we mean you no harm. We are simply here to protect the Cetie inspectors. We will not interact directly with any of your people or equipment unless you initiate hostilities or we are asked for direct assistance by the Cetie inspectors. Your compliance would be apreciated but is not necessary. Our forces are far too well trained, and our equipment superior, if we wanted to attack you, most of your soldiers would be dead before you knew we were coming.

2012-06-22, 04:13 PM
Realy? that sounds nice, or maybe its so that you can obtain tactical information about are base. Like you said your not that stupid. By interfering you are only putting them in danger, we do not plan on harming them but we will shoot you. You will not be getting a tactical advantage out of us.

(at about this time you pass over onto the land and receive word that we have just blown up are own school, and sent a single craft away to a near by city that is in the opposite direction as you.)

2012-06-22, 04:29 PM
To Theologians

We repeat, we do not want hostilities, but we WILL support the Cetie inspectors. Any personnel carrying weapons will be treated as hostile. Lay down your weapons and comply, or we will take whatever actions are necessary. The choice is yours.

2012-06-24, 10:09 AM
From Commander Delancy to LS Nephi:

Shortly after the request Commander Delancy responds, the video of her being taken from what looks like the inside of one of the flying cars. The seats removed to provide space for a very small make-shift office, in which Delancy is sitting. Throughout the whole call Delancy will occasionally ask for a moment and put the signal on hold while she speaks with various other Vory leaders that required her attention.

"I understand your concern President Black, and assure you that we hope to avoid situations like this in the future. While I do not currently have a complete listing of everything that happened during the short battle, I can confirm that regrettably there were some casualties. All of the Theologians are being moved to our newly constructed hospital for treatment, and will be released near their peoples new settlement as soon as we feel they are in a condition to travel. While I know how bad this battle must look, I assure you it was intended to prevent a greater loss of life in the future, and our personnel did not fire until provoked, and even then only on armed targets. Once we have had time to go over all the data, we can send you a full report of what happened, along with video evidence supporting our claims. Will that be sufficient to allay some of your concerns?"

From Vory to ALL colonies:

It is apparent that something terrible has happened to the Grim. We do not have the personnel to work in three separate areas that are so far apart, but we will be using our lander to try to save as many of the Grim as we can from whatever has happened. We will keep everyone updated on our findings.

2012-06-24, 08:15 PM
Aeon Institute to All Colonies

We currently do not have any capacity to spare for rescue efforts. Except in one regard, our food stores are more than adequate. If any Grim survivors are found we can house and feed them.

2012-06-25, 01:54 PM
LOL. Serves me right for reading the IC Comms thread after posting IC, instead of before.

Transmissions from LS Nephi to Vory Command:

Year 2.5, Response to Cmdr. Delancy after the Theologian basesite incident:

"Thank you for your straightforward cooperation in the matter. I'm sure I'm not the only faction leader who will appreciate it. We would be grateful if you could collect and annotate the footage for us by two weeks' time, when next the Nephi makes a flyby of the site."

Year 3.0, after the Grim incident:

"We of the Church appreciate your leadership's commitment to the integrity of the various colonization missions, and would like to offer our support to your expedition. If your logistics are strained, perhaps some of our personnel can take our planetary lander and we can jointly undertake the Grim mission instead. While our planetside economy is not particularly well developed, we can certainly feed and house people, and we are also prepared to provide limited orbital accomodations for any refugees that might require rehabilitation off of Planet for their psychological health."

2012-06-26, 09:01 PM
Is some one getting the lander? It has become clear that there is a need that some one do so the major race there does not. It may be more important than checking on the base itself. Sence scouting ships that have landed on the island is much easyer.

2012-06-26, 09:28 PM
LSI lets out an open broadcast read by an incredibly enthusiastic young female voice. She sounds bubbly, sincere, and just vulnerable enough to tug on your heartstrings. :

"Greetings from LSI, your first-in-class securities solutions provider. We have currently been busy rescuing Grim elements which were taken by slavers. Please direct all information regarding these Grim slaves to LSI, such that they can be liberated. We are certain you are aware that their state of slavery sets a terrible precedent, and may lead to unacceptable information leaks. Those who took the slaves seem to be from "culture group 2". We have attached to this message an image of the Flag of the slavers who likely took the Grim. If you can give us any information regarding this character, we will be able to let our fellow humans breathe free air all the sooner.

We have devoted additional manpower to salvaging the Grim lander and locating survivors. As per standard protocol; all traces of technology will be erased once our operation is finished. There is no need to pay us for this service.

If you are interested in leveraging LSI services for your security needs, please don't hesitate to contact us! We are looking forward to helping you find solutions as we build a better future for all mankind."

2012-06-26, 10:42 PM
Transmission to LS Nephi

"As per your request, here is all the data regarding the Theologian incident that we do not feel compromises our military security."
Several hundred pages of information are then sent regarding the incident, the important 'facts' are as follows.

Undiscolosed intelligence sources stated that the Theologian base would soon be incestigated by local Ceties. If the investigators were not pleased the Ceties would likely assault the Theologians with a very sizeable force.

During our interactions with the Ceties, the requested our supervision of the investigation. We aggreed hoping to help avoid conflict.

Theologian leadership refused to listen to our warnings, and threatened to shoot us on sight.

Command estimated that a surprise attack by the local Ceties would likely end with the death or capture of all Theologians

Vory command decided that the Theologians were more likely to flee from us than the they were to flee from the Ceties, so we moved forward with the Cetie invesigators.

When Vory forces arrived, the Theologians had set their own school on fire, and set up several ambush points.

After a brief battle the Theologians fled. All injured Theologians were brought back to the Vory hospital.

Now that the Theologians have moved to a safer region, their personnel will be returned to them, as well as enough weaponry for their defense against locals and wild animals.

Response to LS Nephi regarding the Grim

We believe that initial response time is far more important than logistical efficiancy. Perhaps once the orriginal crissis has been dealt with, we can organize a more efficient manner of returining home. Since our Lander is touching down near the Grim basecamp, it might be helpfull for yours to end its route near the Grim survivors.

2012-06-27, 06:00 AM
Giving the information from the post of the area we are in, and a short history if what they have gone through, the thealogions continue... "it is for these reasons that we beleave they are in dire need of physiological attention, if every one can agree to it, and the vroy wish to be useful for once, then we can get them and there stuff on the lander and to the Mormon space ship.

2012-06-27, 09:09 PM
Giving the information from the post of the area we are in, and a short history if what they have gone through, the theologians continue... "it is for these reasons that we beleave they are in dire need of physiological attention, if every one can agree to it, and the vroy wish to be useful for once, then we can get them and there stuff on the lander and to the Mormon space ship.

Wait, -MY- space ship?

I never said no, but I never said yes, either.

2012-06-27, 09:14 PM
The Aeon Institute is willing to accept the Grim survivors at Unity Landing. As stated before we have a surplus of food and housing.

2012-06-27, 09:44 PM
I guess unity site would be next bests if they can sea dictate the people to watch and help through mental problems, but in space there wouldn't be as much the urge to kill every living thing on the planet. Not to mention how much easyer it is to keep an eye on some one when there isn't much place to go or hide wepons of mass distruction. Pluss the Mormons have that almost free housing up there so it wouldn't be as much as aburden than otherwise.

Yes, the Mormons would have to agree to it. For it to work.

2012-06-27, 10:26 PM
Okay. Just wanted to make sure you didn't mean your own ship. When Bishop Mishra contacts President Black about this, the President is receptive to the idea, and expresses his appreciation for the Bishop's trust.

2012-07-01, 02:47 AM
A somewhat belated response to the Vory:

Radio transmission from HMRF Pionjär colonysite, via HMRF Pionjär, to Vory base. No encryption.

From:HMRF Pionjär
To:The Vory

HMRF Pionjär colony to Vory command.

We find the agreement acceptable. We have no further requests and are eagerly awaiting your arrival.

Over and out.

2012-07-01, 05:24 PM
*Text only message to all human factions*

Attn: The Grim lander crash site has been cleaned, and all significant radioactive waste has been contained. Grim slaves are still at large and will be rescued by LSI associates. Any assistance in this matter would be appreciated.

2012-07-05, 10:57 PM
Radeo frequency on begining of turn 5

We have heard that there are large slave markets on <the southwestern continent, 5-14>, and <the Dominion home island at 16-15>.

Though any large city can hold them. There is no need to reach are area, we will continue to look at it, though any info you hear could be usefull.

2012-07-08, 12:51 PM
*Text only transmission*

Information received. Thank you for your assistance.

Atrum Umbra
2012-07-12, 11:53 AM
Internal discussions.
With the phantoms gone the leadership gather to discuss their options. “We need to make sure that this doesn't happen again. We have already shown our strength but we have to bring the fight to them. The blood shows that the demons aren't human so we know nothing about the extent of their power.”

“But we can shoot them, and that's all that matters.” Interrupted Mars.

“Precisely, and that is why I am sending you and your team to the south-east to find the angels that the demons took.”

“But my team know a lot more about how the ceties live. If the demons are, as I believe, the creatures that the ceties worship as gods, then I can will have a much better chance of tracking our men down.”

“And brother, if as you believe their god's are protective of their people then slaughtering a village of them is an easy way to get their attention.” Venus remained silent. “Then it is settled, Mars you leave tomorrow, you will take the Armour of Angels and the drones to detect the demons. You take the road to the south-east, search the villages for phantom life-signs first then go in shooting.”

“Last time we shot a demon all of our men fainted, we can't risk sending in angels without some protection against this or we could be sending our men to their death.”

“A good point Ceres, how long would this take?”,”My men are tough, we can take it,” Minerva and Mars replied at the same time, but Mars quickly backed down.

“It is difficult to tell, maybe a year, the battle-suits should prevent any concussion from falls I would just have to install some sort of auto-stimulant.”

“Ok, it would be unwise to send some of our best technology into the hands of our enemy, we may have only blacked out for a few seconds but we have no idea about the limits of this ability. We will wait a year, in the mean time Mercury can search for our angels with the drones.”

After everyone has their new plans the gods leave the room one by one to give their orders. “One moment Venus,” Venus paused in the doorway then turned to face Minerva. “I hope you will understand that we are now at war and that we cannot negotiate out of it. We can't afford to have any weak links. I would love to know what you learnt from your trip to the village in the north, and why you decided not to bring back more prisoners.” Venus opened his mouth ready to give his well prepared lie. “But it is late and I'm sure it is a long tale, maybe we can wait for another night.”

Minerva seemed to finish then remembered something else. “I haven't received any angels from you for re-treatment recently, maybe you should bring them all along in about a few weeks.” It was clear this was an order and didn't need a reply so Venus left without saying anything.

A brief distress signal is broadcast on a new frequency, originating from (9,5), at midnight for that part of the world every day until it is answered.

2012-07-12, 05:35 PM
"We will check it out, we should be there when the sun comes up. Please stay tuned for information that is found."

Well we are On this flight we see that it would be good to tell every one that we have come to the conclusion that there is an advanced race with minamle mind control abilitys. Please be careful.

Atrum Umbra
2012-07-12, 05:50 PM
"Please do not rush in blindly, it is not safe. I am risking a lot saying anything but I cannot stand for this atrocity any more. We are all in a terrible situation due to the faults of a few bad men."

The voice explains the problems in The Enlightened's settlement. It repeats the spoilered conversation in the last post.

Our citizens are kept under strict mind control, currently I have about 200 humans that are in control of themselves compared to the 1000 still dominated. I cannot recommend landing nearby unless you can provide a suitable threat to those still loyal. I have used my time and have to go." The man cuts off without any chance for a reply and there are no further transmissions from The Enlightened's settlement.

2012-07-12, 06:01 PM
We stand to stand when standing is ready. Any one else?

2012-07-15, 07:39 AM
The Green Unity was too late to offer a response to the broadcast from the Enlightened, as it seemed whoever had been transmitting would or could no longer.

The words broadcast raised a serious issue. If the Enlightened were willing to mind control their own people, this was serious business. Regretfully, they were far away, had more than adequate offensive capabilities and the Green Unity was still setting things up at their own colony.

Still, something might be possible to be arranged at some point.. at a frequency not far from the emergency broadcast earlier, for a week long at the same time of day the emergency broadcast had happened, there was a sound to be heard from the Green Unity.

A song about freedom (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgM-to7jF_g)
Perhaps they could establish contact again, if they got the hint. If not, then at least there was the comforting knowledge to know there were other humans out there who thought of them and cared about the ill fate that had befallen them, even if they could not break mind control.

2012-07-15, 06:05 PM
To the Pionjär:
With you're permission we are going to send a person to see that 1. You aren't likely to brain wash or attack us, and 2. If there is anything you need that we can help with.

Last we heard there was a problem with creating goods, if that is still a problem we may be able to come up with a rather affective antidote.

2012-07-16, 12:43 AM
Transmission from the Pionjär colony, via the HMRF Pionjär in orbit, to the Theologian's colony. Unencrypted

To: The theologians
From: HMRF Pionjär colony Nymark.

HMRF Pionjär to the Theologians

You have our utmost assurance that we have no hostile intentions on any of our fellow humans on this world or another. You are however very welcome to send a delegation to visit us. We merely wish to inquire the means you intend to use to reach us and the size of the delegation so that we may prepare a suitable welcome. Regarding the goods, the situation is slowly improving.

As such, permission granted.

Over and out

2012-07-16, 08:29 AM
Just 1 person by flying car.

She comes and seams to be the most nosy person ever met taking detailed notes sending important info back by laser. When she finds out about the person she tells you that they are known for some form of mind control. She then heads back with some bone chunks of the monster in the area.

After evaluation of you're situation it has come to are attention that you could use are help to build an affective factory and source of power. We can build you a verry affective factory and supply tools with instruction on how to use them so that you can produce solar power on you're own. Inspection has found that this will likely take most of youre power for the year, with an estimate of 2/3 rd's of you're energy. In exchange we would like to ask for two things of value from are old world, that you may pick. (the next part comes by laserand a sample of blood from you're friend.)

2012-07-16, 10:57 PM
The general comms channel is once again used by LSI. Once again, the message consists only of text.


One of our fellow expeditions is hurtling through space and we must assume the worst. LSI will be sending out an expedition to investigate the status of the Illuminator. If any are interest in rendering assistance, please forward private communications to LSI's regional HQ.

As a second point-of-interest, we have noted a major fire by the Unity landing site. Do you require assistance?

From the desk of Executive Smith"

2012-07-17, 08:00 AM
Interaction with Pioneers, back in turn 5
As previously agreed, our lander brings you the 3 units of Consumer goods via Lander, setting down a safe distance from your camp and meeting you in a clearing of your choice. "We regret that currently we do not have the data necessary for the computations we wanted to run through your supercomputer. The realities of this world and it's challenges have slowed some of our projects more than we would have liked, however we hope that we can send you the necessary data once the data is ready. Take the goods for now as a sign of good faith. We look forward to dealings with you in the future."

Communication Directed towards LSI Via long-range Radio. Not encrypted, but only transmitted on standard LSI frequencies.

"Our records suggest that one of our medical teams will likely be needed given some of the augments many of the injured are likely to have. We are more than willing to assist, and are willing to lend our medical expertise and engineering teams to the effort, as well as our Colony ship. However, we currently have no EVA suits, and limited piloting expertise. Can we assume you have these obviously necessary skills and equipment?"

Private Laser Communication to Green Unity Vessel
"We see that you have noticed the same distress beacon as we did. We wish to avoid another incident such as what happened to the Grim, and wish to help in anyway possible. However, we do not wish to make any move alone in this matter, and would like to know if you or any others in Unity are willing to pledge any forces or materials to support a team to ensure the safety and good-treatment of the personnel of the Enlightened."

2012-07-18, 03:02 PM
Prometheus Open Broadcast
The fies are not exactly by our site except in the geological as they are several thousand miles away. We do not even know the source, and are currently investigating, so no we need no assistance there.

The Institute will be moving to intercept with the Illuminator. We have calculated the necessary vectors to dock with and slow down the Illuminator. We can supply everything necessary to do so, and the Green Unity plans on providing medical assistance, but we welcome any other volunteers on this rescue mission.

2012-07-19, 12:16 AM
Private return broadcast to the institute:

We apologize, but Central has begun moving to intercept at a timetable earlier than yours. You really should have announced your intent earlier.

The fires have been investigated by one of our teams. It seems they are being caused by an unthinkably large horde of rats. They are destroying everything in their path with remarkable efficiency.

2012-07-19, 12:35 AM
Return Broadcast to Central
We were unaware that this was some sort of race. We regard it as a rescue operation not a competition. If you are able to reach the Illuminator and adjust them to their correct course then we will applaud your efforts. However our analysis indicates that they will not be within range for several more months. We would be interested in knowing how you plan to get to them while they are still outside the system. It has been some time since we plotted orbital mechanics so our skills may well be rusty.

2012-07-19, 04:39 AM
Broadcast to LSI
Did you find how the fires were caused by the rats? And any signs of how this rat plague came to be? They are not coming from our site, that much is for sure, and no other human landing site seems close enough to really cause such problems without having such problems in closer proximity to their landing site as well. The news is worrisome, to say the least.

Private Laser Communication to Vory Vessel
The last private laser communication from Vory to Green Unity is shared with Aeon Institute and Mitsuharu Academy.
"It is correct that we noticed the signal. We would very much like to improve the state of the Enlightened people, but we do not have the means in the slightest to do so effectively at this time. Ideally, we hope that there is once more contact with those not affected by the mind control, so that possible a plan to rescue at least those people may be executed. Something akin to them moving some distance from the settlement and then a lander picking them up, but without contact such a scheme is not possible.

We are pleased to see the Vory caring about the fate of the Enlightened and it is a shame to see what situation they are currently in. Unfortunately to see such a situation change, diplomacy would not work and a more forceful approach is not something the Green Unity is really supportive of either. We hope that something can be done in the near future which lies in the realm of what is possible, but as mentioned, this does depend on contact from their side."

2012-07-19, 06:52 AM
We under stand that are magnets may help in slowing it down and offer to have are ship placed where it may be most useful. We where wondering if there was a particular planet that we where going to send it around to help slow it down? Though that now seams to be contrary is someone else's ideal.

On another note is anyone willing to help with the 'other' problem. Everyone hear has offered to help, but find are self lacking in ... supply's.

2012-07-21, 08:29 AM
To the Pionjär
We quite agree that she would have to agree if for no reason then the fact that she is capable of making such desitions on her own, have you asked? We will be giving information that is gathered directly from it back to you, though it may be some time before we do anything with it. as for the other part... I can not guaranty that they will be the same quality that you request, however, if you take your construction Nantes as the example you will likely find that you have very little need of them because of your current level of education, making them worth less then they are in our hands. We could turn them on instantly for you to make whatever you want that is within are knowledge (not fringe), thereby constructing there full use. We can't spare the people to spend the time to make them better, but that alone may hopefully increase the deal for you for something at its level.

We could also cut the deal in half if you prefer. If you wanted to make it something outrageous like your Ramjet colony ship (tool) we could discuss what else we could give you, though it may take a few years to fulfill considering how much it is worth. We also recognize the Planetary lander and M6 “Uriel” Jump Tanks to be of more value than a single thing from the old world, and although we wouldn't dream of the planetary lander we would likely price the M6 “Uriel” Jump Tanks to be everything including spending the time on your nanites. The super computer... worth 2 items from the old world plus level 7 Industrial Tools (Consumer goods), when my people get another break to make some new ones.

We would have given this information sooner but figured you would just want to give the nanites.

As to offering us protection, we found that nobody came to aid us when the vroy attacked, and the school would have more than solved your problem by now and then some. Because of this we find that a trade of later promises is not likely to happen, and therefor worth very little. Visiting is also not likely to happen, at least not till we get more adequate security.

About next year, are people will be busy making more goods though we believe they may be available for a short time the year after.

2012-07-22, 05:58 AM
Broadcast to the LSI vessel and Vory people aboard

As the Aeon Institute mentioned, we are providing support to the planned space undertaking from the Unity site to rescue the people from the Illuminator. As we understand, not only are your people working on similar efforts, assisted by the Vory, your space ship has already departed, with little time between your stated intent and departure.

On our side there is still the intent to take off as well. Thanks to the ingenuity of the Aeon Institute's people there are plans for slowing down the Illuminator. The Green Unity feels that there is room for cooperation between our four factions to safeguard the fate of the vessel and the people on board. As the Aeon Institute has stated an interest in your plans, so do we politely inquire as to your plans of this undertaking, in the hopes that we can more easily assist one another and make rescuing the people aboard an easier task.

As we have yet to depart, perhaps we can provide means LSI or the Vory have not brought along and which may prove useful in the endeavour. If we may further inquire, what is your main goal of the undertaking? Ideally, we would like to see the ship, its contents and the lives of the people being brought to safety, but as for the Green Unity, we care about the lives of the people foremost. In that sense, we believe that the Vory's medical assistance is most likely better suited to help the people. Can the Vory confirm whether this is the case? Assuming it is, we truly recommend this be a joint effort, where we can both assist one another to help our fellow humans.

Broadcast for LSI, Vory, Aeon Institute, Mitsuharu Academy

The news about the rats in the jungle causing a devastation has increasingly worried the Green Unity. Considering the early stages of our colonisation still in progress, we have limited resources to try and tackle this and admittedly, no plan without serious disadvantages to tackle the problem, or capable of dealing with it at this scale. We are curious if any of you have given this grave situation thought and have a possible solution. We are willing to lend a hand if possible, as with an ever increasing population of rats, we fear for the impact on nature.

Considering the unique form nature has taken on this planet, we have inquired amongst the Ceties whether they have had a similar problem before. This is the information we learned:

The traders have only heard rumors about the problems to the east, but haven't really encountered such a problem before. The only thing they have encountered vaguely like the ecological disaster described is when the Gods failed, and the Life trees (the trees with the large fruits) stopped bearing their fruit. The fruit-less trees seemed to edge out the fruit-bearing trees, and there was soon a major food problem in the Godless home islands. The Gods insisted on the Directive, there was a revolution, and the rest is history. Still, once they developed agriculture, they actually started to use the "cheater" trees against the Empire.

There are stories about a time long ago, when Demons roamed the entire planet, instead of just the Eastern continent. In a time of distant legend, there was said to be a Godswar, when the Gods disagreed on the question of Demon eradication. The bulk of the Empire supported wiping them out, but dissenters on the Eastern continent fought them to preserve the Demons. The dissenters were defeated, but the Gods of the rest of the Empire were so weakened by the fight that they could not finish wiping out the Demons on the Eastern continent. The traders doubt that a God would be much use against a large number of small creatures, though they aren't exactly experts.

2012-07-22, 10:17 AM
Broadcast to the Theologians

A broadcast from the HMRF Pionjär colony Nymark, via the HMRF Pionjär in orbit, to the Theologians.

To:The Theologians
From:HMRF Pionjär

HMRF Pionjär to The Theologians

We are not interested in trading away anything produced on earth for anything produced on Tau Ceti. The technology from our homeworld is by far too valuable for us to be willing to trade it away. Even if we currently cannot utilise them to optimal capacity they have far superior energy consumption properties to anything you can produce. If this is the only price you are willing to accept then we politely decline your offer.

HMRF Pionjär over and out.

Open frequency, directed to all factions.
Transmitted from HMRF Pionjär Colony, through the HMRF Pionjär in orbit, to all factions.

To:All factions
From:HMRF Pionjär

HMRF Pionjär hailing all factions involved with the future rescue operation.

We are willing to lend assistance in any capacity we are able. We have medically trained personell available, currently a safe position with no credible threats to our settlement and large food stores. We are more than willing to assist in a supportive role should it be required.

2012-07-23, 02:47 PM
Broadcast concerning the Illuminator, response to HRM Pionjär

We thank the HMRF Pionjär for the offer to lend assistance. From what we understand, the Vory have supplied medical assistance already, though we are still awaiting confirmation stating that they have sufficient medical expertise along.

So far, the Green Unity holds the belief that with LSI already departed and possible reinforcement from the Unity site, with Green Unity and Aeon Academy represented, we can tackle this situation. While we certainly appreciate the offer and would like to make use of it, an additional trip to make use of said offered assistance would cost fuel, which we believe should be saved for now.

If our current plans change, we hope the offer will stand and we can make use of it. Again, we thank you for the assistance.

We do have another problem, though. An outbreak of rats is plaguing a territory on this continent. While we have not been able to formulate a plan against this rising issue, we do wish to alert the HRM Pionjär, and any other human factions, of the troubles releasing earth fauna on this planet and advise caution.

2012-07-23, 05:08 PM
Communications to the Pionjär, If you can create an electric Blimp to transport goods back and forth then we can install solar power and get it to go back and forth to pass you our left over Consumer goods. We have Managed to find a way to do this without needing energy on your end, though expanding the blimp to hold the goods and energy cells will likely be on your end. Or we could put the blimp in the middle and let you drive back and forth(ooc, also you where right, I was just miss informed about the level cap on power)

Laser communication to Henry Ford, the Mormons, Pionjär, and those of the the Unity Site:

"We where wondering, Who else is of the Partnership?"

(If you are of the Partnership, some of your history of living the Tenets on Earth shall be public knowledge; but your partnership may not be know.)

The following may or may not be known by anyone:

Description: Key Tenets:

Care of the Planet. Provision for all life systems to continue and multiply.
Care of Sentient Beings. Provision for sentient beings to access those resources necessary for their existence.
Setting Limits to Population and Consumption. By governing our own needs, we can set resources aside to further the above principles.

Those who had interest in the Key Tenets when on Earth already know this and may or may not have joined:

Design Principles:

1. Observe and interact: By taking time to engage with nature we can design solutions that suit our particular situation.
2. Catch and store energy: By developing systems that collect resources at peak abundance, we can use them in times of need.
3. Obtain a yield: Ensure that you are getting truly useful rewards as part of the work that you are doing.
4. Apply self-regulation and accept feedback: We need to discourage inappropriate activity to ensure that systems can continue to function well.
5. Use and value renewable resources and services: Make the best use of nature's abundance to reduce our consumptive behavior and dependence on non-renewable resources.
6. Produce no waste: By valuing and making use of all the resources that are available to us, nothing goes to waste.
7. Design from patterns to details: By stepping back, we can observe patterns in nature and society. These can form the backbone of our designs, with the details filled in as we go.
8. Integrate rather than segregate: By putting the right things in the right place, relationships develop between those things and they work together to support each other synergistically.
9. Use small and slow solutions: Small and slow systems are easier to maintain than big ones, making better use of local resources and producing more sustainable outcomes.
10. Use and value diversity: Diversity reduces vulnerability to a variety of threats and takes advantage of the unique nature of the environment in which it resides.
11. Use edges and value the marginal: The interface between things is where the most interesting events take place. These are often the most valuable, diverse and productive elements in the system.
12. Creatively use and respond to change: We can have a positive impact on inevitable change by carefully observing, and then intervening at the right time.
13. Create Elegance: Create beauty that is simple and efficient.


Government: Teach correct principles and let them govern themselves. There are no leaders; there are respected Elders. Elders are recognized by the other Elders, or by common consent when there are no Elders. This governance is practiced by all groups (the Partnership, Guilds, and etc.). Think globally, act locally.
Legislative: The tenets, principles, and practices of the Partnership and the group. Everything is written in the most popular language of the group.
Executive: Consensus Decision-Making (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consensus_decision-making), and encourages feedback from everyone who is effected.
Judicial: No lawyers, Barristers, Legal dictionaries, Judges, and etc. The defendant(s) are treated as if they are innocent; information is gathered as if they are guilty. The scientific method is used to determine if an allegation is false (all iterations are paid by the plaintiff(s) or group). Punishment is made by Consensus-Decision Making by their peers. An appeal is always available from the next highest group. Every individual/group are responsible for their own actions (no groups that shield participants from responsibility).
Economy: Bartering. Self-sufficiency when possible; help from the next highest group when necessary. No usury.
Military: Passive resistance (Ghandi style) when possible; forgiveness for repentance; tit-for-tat when necessary.

Every group [faction or PU] that has a history of following the Partnership's tenets, principles, and similar practices can become a partner (you retain control of everything you currently have, you have a representative in appropriate group meetings that consents or disapproves of proposed Legislative and Executive decisions of the group for the sharing of materials, energy, information, things, assistance, and systems. 10% of all yields are voluntarily given to the Partnership (see tenet of consumption, and principles of yield) to fulfill the Tenets.

2012-07-25, 07:46 AM
General Message Sent to all factions, regarding the rescue operation for the Illuminator.

The Vory of course value the lives of those aboard above all else. Our primary goal in this mission is to provide medical support for the LSI rescue operation in the hopes of saving as many people as possible. While saving the valuable equipment on board, as well as the ship itself would of course be beneficial, the human lives are more important by far, and it is for their well being that we are assisting at all.

General Message sent out, regarding the Rodent invasion.

We have already found evidence of the rats along much of the eastern coast of the central continent. The rodents will likely continue to expand, and without some kind of massive intervention, I doubt the local Cetie cultures will be able to survive the ecological change. We currently have no plan that would not cause further ecological disasters, but are certainly interested in any plans that could provide a long-term solution for these creatures.

2012-07-25, 10:51 AM
A missive from LSI Central Tower

To all colonies:

We seek to address some concerns expressed by the “Green Unity” . LSI and the Vory have undertook a mission to rescue our fellow “wave 1” colonists By flying out to their location, as opposed to waiting until they are within easy range, we get a year of flying with them during the approach. We can use this time to slow them down using our colony ship’s ramjet. This also gives us time to affect an attempt at repairs of their ship. If we cannot repair their ship, then the year gives us time to take everything from their vessel and transfer it to our colony ship.

As we approach, we would prefer to stay in contact with those interested in rendering assistance. It may be that there will be no need for your lander to launch, which would save you precious fuel. However, we may find that the rescue mission is beyond our capabilities. In such a case, we would be delighted to have your assistance.

To make it clear, our intention is not to loot or kidnap. If our fellow colonists wish to work for LSI, or join Unity, or join the Vory, that is their business. Unwilling employees are bad employees.

Frankly, it is our hope that you take the operational freedom our actions afford you to work on the rat problem. We have begun preparations to build massive enclosed farms and food silos for the Cetis of the north. As a first step, I strongly encourage that we all do the same. failing to do this will result in a humanitarian crisis. Secondly, we may want to look into engineering either a pathogen or predator for the rats. It will further damage the ecosystem to be sure, but to be honest this ecosystem is a suspicious house of cards anyway. Our Grim survivors have significant skill in reproductive cloning, but we would need a laboratory or cloning vats. If any have these things, and would be willing to work with us, please send a message to LSI at once.

To all , we strongly suggest you start leveraging your production capacity to produce rat poison in bulk. It will not stop the problem, but the exponential growth of rats must not be allowed to continue. We may also want to consider halting all boat traffic from our continent to the others, lest the rat infestation spread to the entire planet.

In happier news, we would like to announce the creation of GEN: The Global Entertainment Network. We have finished the production of a communications tower which will allow us to broadcast a staple we have gone too long without, televised entertainment. It is free to use, provided you set up a receiving site.

(OOC: If you set up a receiving station, I can broadcast "consumer goods" from LSI to your faction in the form of entertainment programs. These will come from my entertainment AI's and professionals as I make them. The amount of consumer goods you get depends on the level of the receiving tower. I got these details from Mal, but he has final discretion regarding how this system works)

Executive Smith

2012-07-25, 10:57 AM
A radiotransmission from Nymark, via the HMRF Pionjär in orbit, to the Theologians. Unencrypted.

To:The Theologians
From:HMRF Pionjär

HMRF Pionjär expedition to the Theologians

We find this offer far more palpatable. We will begin evaluating the possibilities of constructing a commersial dirigible as soon as it is practical. We currently predict that our energy situation is about to stabilize and produce a surplus the next year, but we're more than interested in trading for surplus consumer goods. We hope that if this endeavour proves succesful you would be interested in expanding the trade further.

Over and out.

Radiotransmission from Nymark, via the HMRF Pionjär in orbit, to all human factions. Unencrypted.

To:All human factions
From:HMRF Pionjär
Subject:Ecological crisis

HMRF Pionjär to all human factions.

We recieved and acknowledge the warning. For this very reason the only flora we have thus far introduced to the planet is behind a sterile airlock. We have not yet introduced any animal life to the planet itself and have no plans to do so. We suggest that all factions take measures to keep any terran life behind similar safety measures from now on, biodiversity here seems very low and thus it is to be assumed that terran organisms will outcompete anything Ceti.

As for the rodents themselves. Are we understanding you correctly that the rats are running wild with no way of containing them? Are they sticking to civilized areas primarily or have they spread out to the wilds?
We agree with the Vory assessment that Ceti life and culture will not suffer the ecological hit lightly. Rats are among the most vicious and clever animals we have ever encountered.

We would primarily suggest releasing some sort of small animal predator in the rat infested area. Preferably a ceti one, since it will mean a less impact than a terran one. Something akin to a viper, a bird of prey or a cat.

We also suggets teaching the ceties to kill rats, deploy traps, secure storages and similar. What's most important is to make things very difficult for the rats or else only starvation will control their numbers.

Finally, if rats have been released there is only a matter of time before we see the emergence of some sort of terran-ceti zoonose. Something that can infect both terran and ceti life, or which will be carried by one of us and infect the other.
We urge all factions to be on the lookout for any new disease the ceties are unfamiliar with. Also note that it may be a result of our own interaction with them. There's also a risk it's so unfamiliar that not even our nanites will help.

We will monitor the situation here and keep you briefed if we see either new diseases or rats. We hope you will do the same.

Doctor Björck of the HMRF Pionjär expedition.
Over and Out.

2012-07-25, 11:26 AM
Open Transmission directed toward the HMRF Pioneer, unencrypted

We mean no offense with this, but you seem to have drastically underestimated the problem. There is a horde of rats in the wild consuming everything in their path. The Ceties in the region immediately around the rodent horde appear to have started a forest fire to curb the creatures spread, though it was sadly ineffective. Reports have described the horde as "A living sea of rodents consuming everything in their path."

Though the rat's largest population appears to be in the central part of the continent, they have been confirmed to have migrated to the eastern coast in numbers that are already causing food shortages for the Ceties in the region. The Ceties we have come into contact on this continent are not agricultural, and without human intervention will almost certainly starve in the face of the rats.

In regards to diseases, we have detected no earthborn virus outbreaks, even amongst the rats, and have heard no complaints about new illnesses from the Ceties we are in contact with. The only illness they've mentioned thus far in regards to humans is what we've determined to be malnutrition that occurs if they attempt to eat primarily earth-foods. This unfortunately also means that the rodents that are spreading would likely also cause malnutrition, and prevents us from using Cetie predators to curb their numbers.

2012-07-25, 12:20 PM
The comms suddenly flick on to relay another massage

HA, you have not seen the predictors, they are called devels for a reson. The ecosystem on this side of the globe is much more stable, if some one wished to transplant the ecosystem then the rats would be no problem. I do not know about the pioneer but we have not seein a monster died from eating any of are people. They can eat the rats. However the people would have to become agracultural if this where to happen.

2012-07-25, 02:42 PM
Broadcast concerning the Illuminator

From the calculations we have seen, even if we would have left this year, we would not have been capable of getting in range with the Illuminator much earlier than in the middle of next year, due to the rate of speed it still has as it decelerates. Departing months earlier only seems to give at most a few weeks longer time, which we did not feel is efficient at all.

In any case, we hope things will work out well and are looking forward to transmissions early in the next year, where we hope you will be able to tell more about whether help is needed. After all, between sending help and arrival, we are talking about months of time, so asking for help sooner rather than later is obviously the better way to go about it. We do concur that dedicating our energy on the problems on the planet itself in the year rapidly approaching would be much preferred, as it seems a capable crew is already in space and the rat threat posed is dire to say the least. Though we await to hear what the Aeon Academy has to say about going or not going.

Broadcast concerning the rat problem

We are sorry to hear the rats are spreading further east in the vicinity of the Vory. It does stress how large this threat is. We are currently still unsure of how to tackle this problem, especially because we have so few means, and on top of that the large scale of this problem makes them seem insignificant.

We will work on the problem in the coming year, as this year has ever so little time left and there are still numerous projects running that need finishing.
We have seen no predators here that would be of use, only water predators. The Green Unity does not have laboratories of any kind, though the other factions at the Unity site do have access to something of the kind. We can look into setting a biological laboratory, however. Though to move in the direction or cloning seems to be too much for the Green Unity to take on at the moment, considering our limited knowledge and the fear that such might just mess up the ecology even more.

We do not think we can really halt boat traffic across continents. This falls in the domain of the Ceties, after all, who are well travelled and unlikely to stop doing so due to the advantages of trade. Speaking about travel, we may have to look into faster or less helium intensive means of travel later on if we wish people to make use of facilities in other locations on the planet at a timely manner when dealing with such threats.

For now, we think rat poison may be the best means for at least the Green Unity to follow, as while large use may not be good for the environment, to let these rats run wild would be even more catastrophic, and it is at least something that we try to manufacture on a larger scale. We will look into means available to us to produce it or create such means.

The proposal made by the Theologians sounds interesting, though we know very little of these devels and do not really oversee the impact. Why would, upon introduction of devels, the people need to become agricultural?

2012-07-25, 03:31 PM
Because they would need to build walls to keep themselves safe and anywhere outside if the walls would be dangerous to them. But from what we have seen it would also get the rats killed that are in the city.

If anyone wants to trade for real detail we are open to offers, simply send them by laser. The detail does not merit that it will work, but how we know it will work.

To are friends of New Berlin: This communication device is not safe to talk, we would love to gather and talk. Please bring friends so we can continue where we left off, safely, will have about 2 to 4 hundred, though every object will be with us we will share information with you. Also if you have friends in trade feal free to bring them buy, we will be ready to continue in (start of turn 9), the traders may come any time but need you're name and the code we told you when you came by. Please bring communication device so that we can make it secure.

To the Pionjär: we dont remember you offering something for the goods which last I cheacked made it a charity.

2012-07-25, 04:06 PM
Transmission from Nymark, via the HMRF Pionjär in orbit, to all factions. Unencrypted.

To: All Factions
From:The HMRF Pionjär expedition
Subject:Ecological disaster

HMRF Expedition to all factions

The threat was a great deal graver than the information led us to believe. Rats devouring all in their way like a swarm of locusts sounds like a situation straight out of a nightmare.

Regarding the theologians suggestion of grafting the local predators on our continent to the other. I am afraid it is a no, go. They are much too dangerous and about the size of elephants. They would not go after the rats but bigger prey and indeed, the native culture here is being hard pressed by the density of them. They've even taken a few bites out of some of our men doing recon missions, only the nanites saving their lives. The locals call them demons, and for good reason.

But perhaps the rats can be opposed by the same means as the demons, or mistbeasts as we call them. The natives have individuals with extraordinary abilities. Among others the ability to influence the minds of other species. They refer to them as gods. If the situation is the same on the other continents, perhaps that would be an efficient means of combating the horde? Reenacting the story of the Pied piper?

If that plan is unfeasible, then the most efficient method ought to be Scorched Earth or spreading chemical agents over the swarms. Both methods highly destructive, but it sounds to us that no other means will work.

Doctor Björck of the Pionjär expedition.
Over and out.

2012-07-25, 04:34 PM
Transmission from Prometheus to all factions.

To: All Factions
From: The Aeon Institute
Subject: Ecological disaster

To state our stance on ecological matters we have in fact released Earth flora into the wild, but only variants of bamboo engineered to grow well on this planet. And it is both confined to the river bank, and does not appear to be overtaking local plants.

We have not even grown any types of earth fauna, much less released them. Which brings us to a topic which has till now been ignored. Rats have been so commonplace in our history that no one has yet questioned why there are rats on Tau Ceti. But our colony ships were not the ships of Earth that we are accustomed to. After a voyage of a hundred years even if rats had managed to slip on board during the loading they would be long dead of starvation.

Any rats on Tau Ceti must have deliberately grown by humans. And not only that, but if the Vory are correct about Cetis suffering malnutrition from eating earth foods then the same should hold true in the opposite direction, which means these rats must have been genetically engineered to survive and thrive in such numbers to create this swarm.

Possibly it was an accident. Some lab rats that happened to have the correct mutations or genetic tweaks and which managed to escape. If so then if you have grown rats speak up. There is no blame in accidentally releasing the rats. It is an ecological disaster true, but it wouldn't be the first time colonists have caused one.

If however no one admits to being responsible it is because it was not an accident at all. If that is the case then someone deliberately released these rats as a plague on Tau Ceti. And while the rats are the main problem, the fact would remain that one of factions of humans on this planet has used what is in effect a bio weapon of massive proportions.

2012-07-25, 09:51 PM
Text-only transmission
Re: Ecological Disaster
From: Dr. Karen Jensen, Director, NZDA
To: All colonies, unencrypted

While New Zion's Department of Agriculture is still in the process of working out the colony's bioenergy infrastructure, our attention will turn to this ecological problem at our earliest opportunity.

The Church feels it is unnecessary and uncharitable at this time to presume the development of a bioweapon. It may prove impossible to determine which of the colonies, if any, were at fault. No one seems to have yet ruled out the most obvious potential source of this plague - unintentional human-to-rat vector-mediated lateral gene transfer, followed by Ceti-driven dispersal. The Grim settlement was first raided by Ceties well after they had already begun restarting a life sciences research agenda, and rats would have been used as mammalian expression libraries. Genetic transfer between the Grim and a population of rats they were using for their experiments could have been mediated by any of the many viruses or nanites in their environment, and these rats, after having escaped the damaged colony site, would have traveled by Ceti ship all across the world.

The damage from the rats' escape is done, and attempting to cast blame for it is futile. Let us instead recognize that the present situation presents both an opportunity and a moral imperative to advance our understanding of Terran invasion ecology. This population of rats has clearly overcome some kind of major biosynthetic constraint to be so successful on substrates on which no other form of Terran life save humans has been adapted. Their genomes should be sampled, sequenced and compared to Earth laboratory strains. Any biological control measures we might introduce would require similar genomic adaptations to tackle a Ceti landscape, as would the pollinators and other fauna peripheral to Terran agroecosystems that we might eventually seek to recreate.

As Chief Scientific Advisor to the President, I would like to put forth the proposition that human life scientists and xenobiologists should at this juncture commit to a global research agenda of understanding Cetie cellular biochemistry and Terran invasion ecology. We should collaborate to achieve this understanding as soon as possible, that we might invent measures to control and mitigate this and future biological impacts upon this world, to properly preserve it in the state that God created it for its original inhabitants.


2012-07-25, 10:37 PM
Open text-only communication to all factions from Central Tower

To all colonies,

It would seem we are in agreement; the rats must be stopped. For the sake of this planet, let us work together to this end.

I would ask the each of you to publicly commit to the actions you wish to take in regards to the below points, such that we can help one another as needed.

1) Provide some food support for local Ceti populations via granery/farm construction. Our records indicate these techniques are foreign to them, but they are essential for the survival of locals. If we each handle the Cetis by our locals, we should be able to cover a significant amount of the map. If no one else will, we will send messengers to the southern walled Ceti kingdoms.

2) Begin production of methods to kill the rats. At the very least, we should be making sufficient pesticide to make a dent in the number of rats. If we each pitch in, the logarithmic state of rat population growth can be quelled.

For those of you on the Eastern continent (Theologians and HMRF), is there a way for you to bring the monsters you speak of to the central continent? They may help us deal with the rats.

Regarding the presence of rats, it is clear these were engineered. As to who did this, one must keep in mind that there are many Grim unaccounted for, and that many were possessing deep psychosis. To Dr. Jensen's point, study of the invasion ecology may be interesting, but I do not believe now is the time. Triage must come first.

From the desk of Executive Smith

2012-07-26, 09:38 AM
Continuation of previous text conversation

1) New Zion, as part of its efforts to integrate Cetie labor into our colony infrastructure, has already begun teaching Ceties Terran farming techniques. In light of this new development, we will attempt to impress upon the local Ceties the necessity of adopting more Terran practices in the face of a Terran threat.

2) Pesticide would be very difficult for even the cumulative industrial capacity of all human colonies to produce and deliver in the quantities needed to mitigate the growth of the swarm. The requirements would be at first approximation proportional to the net primary productivity of the landscape the rats are currently devouring. This is far beyond our means. Neither can I speak to the logistics of deploying such measures in the field.

Our first evaluation is that chemical means might be used to protect key resources in the event of a rat-colony conflict, but not viable as an offensive strategy.

3) We suggest instead the development of a biological countermeasure, one that has the potential to grow with the size of the swarm and control it in a density-dependent fashion. If genomes from the escaped rat population could be quickly sequenced and searched for the insertions that were made that enable the synthesis of essential vitamins in the rat liver, we at New Zion have the tools to bioengineer a series of virii that target and disrupt the function of these insertions. Infected rats that have lost this function should then die of starvation, like other Terran livestock do. Forwarding us genomic information (we have no automated sequencing facilities) and sample rats from the population would be necessary for us to pursue this line of research.

We would also welcome the expertise of the Institute in this matter.

2012-07-26, 11:16 AM
Transmission from Nymark, via the HMRF Pionjär, to all colonies. Unencrypted.

To:All human factions
From:The HMRF Pionjär Expedition
Subject:Ecological crisis

HMRF Pionjär to all human colonies working on the rat problem.

We wish to reiterate that the local predators are not feasible for transplanting to fight the rats. These things hunts the ceti livestock, ceties themselves and even us humans. They are huge, strong and clever. The native culture is practically besieged and barely holding on. They are simply too much of a risk to allow introduction outside of this continent.
Not only that but we'd need some really strong sedatives and really durable cages to safely hold them.

We do, however, offer our supercomputer to assist in running the numbers for any plan or design, or to compare genetic sequences to one another and similar timeconsuming calculations. Our other capabilities are of course also at your service.

An idea that was surfaced here was designing some compounds that closely resemble steroidhormones to drastically disturb the fertility of the rats. Unlike poison, the effect would be long term which likely would lessen the risk of the rats learning to avoid it and it would drastically lessen the long time impact of the rats, even if it is unlikely to actually stop the horde.

Doctor Björck of the Pionjär expedition
Over and out

2012-07-26, 12:27 PM
The Pionjär are right, they are quite deadly and would require much under taking. The proposal is more of a verry long term solution, if it is to be undertaken, and would require mass amounts of work in every area of ceti and human life. Even dedicating every spare resorce to do so would take years.

2012-07-26, 08:23 PM
Unencrypted Transmission from The Vory's ship, Maelstrom

From: Vory Command
To: All Colonies
Subject Rodent Problem

We have conducted some tests in our laboratories and determined that the rats were in fact engineered to be capable of surviving on this world. The modification appears to be on a genetic level, so creating a virus to remove it would be quite an undertaking.

While we are obviously willing to aid with the rats, we expect that some other disaster is likely on the horizon. The interaction of humans and the Ceties is bound to cause problems for the Ceties in the future, whether through zoonosis of viruses, or some other unforeseen occurrence. Our best chance of minimizing the damage is by understanding the local creatures, allowing us to be more capable of aiding them when such a disaster strikes. With this in mind we have already started investigations into cetie biology, and are most certainly interested in any information or samples that could aid our scientists in this matter.

We have recently constructed a gene sequencer which should make full understanding of Tau-Cetie natives far simpler, and in conjunction with the Pionjär's Supercomputer, it's only a matter of time and samples before we could have the understanding necessary to aid the locals when needed.

2012-07-26, 11:19 PM
To are friends
The top layer ranges from 1000 years old at the youngest to five thousand years. If the radiocarbon dating is correct, the older layer ends roughly 5000 years ago and goes back beyond the limits of radiocarbon dating at least 50,000 years. Part of the reason we wanted you to come by was so that we could do something that would see just how far back it goes. We believe you have managed to figure out what it sais, and so have we. Was there anything else? Also, what is the history around this artifact you gave us?

2012-07-27, 10:24 AM
Laser transmission to Theologian ship
From our records we believe that you are quite well versed in constructing schools, and somewhat ironically we are not. We would be interested hiring your expertise to aid us in constructing a school for our colony. What would you wish for in return. We are prepared to supply all the necessary materials and tools.

2012-07-28, 11:41 AM
Broadcast concerning rats and flora

We are interested to learn if the modifications made to the rats allow them to eat all Ceti flora. Where we learned that the jungle flora is edible to the Ceties, in our area there are grasses, amongst which is a wheat-like grass that they use for farming and then process it, which are inedible to them, though there is a herbivore which eats the grasses. Our question is, does anybody know if the rats capable of eating the grasses as well, especially the wheat-like grass? From what we know, the wheat-like grass grows in the wild in temperate forests.

LSI and the Vory, have you seen the rats capable of eating this type of plant?

2012-07-28, 01:09 PM
Broadcast from the vicinity of New Berlin (19-15), unencrypted

There is another hourlong pause, with ambient noise over the channel with Cetie speech and the sounds of a busy farmhouse. Finally, Dr. Jones seems to return to the room with the radio and reply. "Capital! The records from the temples I've been able to translate speak of the Ancient Empire stretching back for millions of years, but I've never had any evidence! I'm not sure how much more we could get out of those old ruins with the jungle the way it is; we'd need hundreds of trained excavators to reach the lowest levels of the ruins without damaging anything, and all of it would need military protection; there just aren't enough soldiers with Inquisitor training for that. My next expedition will be a bit closer to home though. If the ruins are correct, there should be the ruins of an ancient city underneath the current city of <New Munich> (22-15), and they should be more accessible. There is a statue of the First Consul striking down the elder God <Ares> in the main square. I could meet you there in three months."

When you ask about the artifact, there's a pause, as if he's trying to remember something. "Oh, yes. It is a statue of one of the Gods of the Penitent Imperials, on <The Northwestern Continent>. I traded them a compass for it; the craftsmanship is exquisite, isn't it?"

Transmission from The Henry Ford to all factions

"This is Captain Jack Marshall, formerly of the New Start Foundation. We have come to conclusion that Earth is lost to us, and that the colonists in Tau Ceti are almost certainly all that remains of humanity. As such, we have altered the priorities of our mission to highlight the survival of humanity above all else. To that end, we are willing to provide assistance to those that require it, provided they are not doing anything that jeopardizes our species's future. I have attached a manifest of the resources we have at our disposal to support this end ((Henry Ford status thread post at the top of the status thread)). That is all."

2012-07-28, 09:07 PM
Laser to Aeon Institute As it can be well understood are schools are our most valuable asset and will likely cost more than the deals we tried with the Pionjär. Also do to the attack by the vroy and realizing that nobody would even lift an arm to aid us, producing a school for any other group will likely make it harder to obtain consent within the community and if agreed will likely increase the price more. However sence we are doing well and the vroy have not tried to attack, likely do to the fact that they cannot find a reason to without you guys realizing that they are a real threat. Something might be reached. We will be sending are planetary lander to (22-15) and would like to send a representative to your area to check upon the resources and skills that you have available. She is rather a small pain in the butt, but tends to be verry accurate in details, and it would be nice to not have to deal with her for a little time. We do have some people wondering why you sent this by laser?

Broadcast to are friends.
Ok, we will be down there shortly, we are trying to make some wonderful tools that will aid in the helping of the project, though we may not be able to tell how old it is there because of are limit on the power we can bring with us.

What do you know of the Penitent Imperial Gods, are they still there? What are they like?

Also given what you have likely heard about the rat problem, do you guys have a problem there?

Also we where wondering if it is possible to obtain slaves like us for consumer goods we do not believe in slavery and would not like to have them in bonds. If we cannot, then we are afraid what the other groups might do to your city now that they know you are there.

Radio to the Mormons
When we get there, if there are any supply's you wish to give the Pionjär we will gladly deliver them.

Radio to the Pionjär
If you wish to join we would love the protection and will supply the trip. We will send directions of where you can land for pick up by radio when it becomes closer to are time to leave, however we do not know how long we will be their and are taking food for 2 years.

Radio to the Unity site
If you want to send some cars you may need to bring some tools to construct solar panels, We gladly offer are ship as a place to put them on.

2012-07-28, 11:14 PM
Laser to the Theologians
We simply wished to ensure that you received the message.

You may send a representative to bargain if you wish, however we are very busy as we are sure you are as well, and won't be able to give any sort of tours of our facilities or such.

We have though prepared a list of what we are willing to trade. Although obviously it will be some combination of these items and not the full list for a single school.
1 Level 7 Bioengineered Seeds (2027) (Can be applied to farm for modifier of 50% (rounded up) (4), exceeds cap)
1 Level 6 Construction Tools (2026)
1 Level 6 Consumer Goods Tools (2026) (2 Energy/use)
1 Level 7 Mining Tools (2027) (2 Energy/use)

5 units of refined copper
10 units of bamboo

2012-07-29, 03:44 PM
*click* HAHAHAHAAHAHHAHHAAAH... O this is funny HEHEHE, I can't Ha wait HEHe to deliver this HEE message. HA

Hey I think you may have turned the radio on.

He, really? oops, sorry, hahaha. *click*

Message to are friends
Looking at are planes we will not be able to be there till (turn 7.5), but look forward to seeing you there.

2012-07-30, 06:52 AM
Broadcast concerning rats and measures taken by the Green Unity

To keep everybody informed, the Green Unity has decided to focus on aiding the local Ceti populace as difficult times are upon them or coming. With a major threat to their food supplies as the rats will eat their agricultural crops (the Vory confirmed the rats eat the grass [IM]), we have offered the outpost close to the Unity site to teach them about means to produce electricity, so that it can be used in competent glass production which can then be used to protect their farms and structures against rat intrusion. We are providing basic instructions about the rats, from simple rat traps to pointing out how they usually enter buildings and what care must be taken.

We realise that these measures will have a big impact on their culture, which we would have liked to prevent, but the impact of the rats would be far worse. And considering the scale, only the Ceties have the numbers to help food production for such numbers, hence why we have opted for this course. We are teaching them clean means of producing electricity: solar energy, as we do not wish to see them make the same mistake as we did when we polluted our planet.

2012-07-30, 05:21 PM
Laser to Pionjär (the directions to where to land requires taking a long route around the city [different hexes] to where the lander is, on the edge of town) Also we ran into some people who have an extra Consumer goods factory tool, If you would like to offer anything to them for it simply send a laser over to the Aeon Institute, we can take the stuff with us as we leave and we will have power when we get there for there vehicles to return.
(turn 7)
A message is repeated over and over the radio, it is in the languages of the Empire of blood, Republican, and English in that order. "Please gather all people who hold political position, are slave holders, or researchers for a message at (one week from then)." I then repeats the message, counting down till it is time to give the message.

The message is translated in the same order and repeated three times. "There is information that we believe you need to know. There are 10 groups of humans on this planet with different goals and morals. However they all share one thing in common, they want the people you have taken from them back. Some of the groups are nice, others are not. Those others may not think twice to destroy an empire that they think has slaves of our people, and they have the power to do it. We would strongly suggest that you go to the nearest group and hand them over. If you do not know where such a group is, we will be at the city of <New Munich> (22-15) from (turn 7.5) to (turn 8.9). We are saying this to save your life because we care and to hold a human slave is to risk death, fractions like us do not have the power of stopping those not so nice fractions that would kill to get are people back. We will offer a ride to the city nearest are fraction and will supply some consumer goods when we have them to spare, as a reward for bringing are friends home. We will also offer jobs to said people as we come up with them. (We describe the consumer goods that we can give them that will not give them to much of an advancement, like radios.) Thank you, that is all.

2012-07-30, 09:10 PM
Broadcast from the Vicinity of New Berlin, Unencrypted

Dr. Jones talks about what he knows of the Penitent Imperials, in that the Gods of the region apparently decided to relax the Directive of the Flesh and embark on regulated blasphemy in order to avoid starvation and revolution; they are said to guide the Ceties of <the Northwestern Continent> along this process as a way of repaying them for the failure of the Gods. While they are nominally affiliated with the Empire, they are considered apostates and heretics, and only the long sea voyage separating them from the Empire has prevented conflict. He has never met one, since they do most of their business, particularly with outsiders, through their priest caste.

While he has heard rumors about rats, they do not appear to be in New Berlin, as far as he can tell.

For those rich and well connected enough, it would be possible to purchase human slaves, though the vast majority of them are not for sale.

He hopes to see you there, though he will begin his investigation before you arrive. When you sent your second message, he remarks that he will convey your warning to the proper authorities, and it may convince some of them to release their human slaves, though the rich and powerful are generally an obstinate bunch.

2012-07-31, 01:52 AM
Laser back to grim ship Despite what you think we have been doing are best to help, or maybe the vroy didn't want to bother telling you that we found out where the main places for slave trade are and told LSI years ago.

There are better ways to getting information than just forcing people to talk. They may take longer, but they work. Besides the fact that there is still information regarding there being more slaves means that LSI hasn't found them all and clearly shows that whatever they are doing is not that affective. We practically gave them the places where all slave trade goes through and humans are hard to forget when you first see them.

Now its are turn. It may interest you to know that the information that he has been helping me gather is rather useful and has potential of being even more so.

Questions, comments, more emotional outbursts?
(This laser does not have any signature as to who it came from)

Laser to LSI
we where wondering if you would like to be the 'not so good guys' basically we talk and eventually convene you not to destroy the city if we get the rest of the slaves from them. We may have to blow a few things up in the end but it should get some usefull results, if we do it well then the commoners may start picking out who has slaves.

We will have to find some one to right the script, but it should be effective.

2012-08-01, 10:37 AM
Laser to all except grim ship, and the one in space that was supposed to be broken.
Do to the fact that we believe that all radio is being listened to by people we wouldn't want to hear this, we are sending this by laser. Hear is what we found upon are landing.

It is around 3-5 million in population (though estimates of Cetie population density suffer because of a lack of concrete data), and there is large, busy port, as well as thriving manufacturing district. Smokestacks, some belching steam and some billowing coal ash jut throughout the skyline, and though the city is very highly ordered, the Cetie tendency to build three dimensionally shows through in that many of the streets are "roofed" by the upper stories of buildings, which seem to connect over the roads on purpose. Ceties display a much higher tolerance for crowding than humans do, and they pack the streets constantly; there are alternative routes, some of them either above or below the main streets, for both beasts of burden and what appear to be primitive steam-driven elevated rail networks. There are wires that may be telegraph lines strung throughout the city.

In the harbor, in addition to sailboats, there are a handful of boats that have both steam-powered paddles and sails. There are two steam-powered ironclad naval vessels in the harbor, though their seaworthiness is suspect. The boats in the harbor generally fly black spatter flags, though the other Godless factions are represented as well. In addition to the military naval vessels, the harbor includes defensive fortifications on the jetty that keeps the harbor sheltered from waves.

The city proper is surrounded by three layers of fortifications, engineered to minimize artillery blind spots. There are artillery emplacements throughout the fortifications, and a standing force several thousand strong is evident immediately, either patrolling the area or manning the fortifications. There are machine gun nests in earthworks between fortification layers, as well as on the walls themselves.

When the lander arrives, a general call of alarm goes up, and many more troops scramble from barracks in the city and fortification layers. It seems they were at least somewhat expecting you, because it isn't long before several Ceties ride out to meet us. The leader of the group identified herself as <Captain Henrietta>; she removed a stack of papers from her ornate black military coat, and began to read, in English:

"By the authority of the Senate and the Consuls of the Iron Republic, you are hereby ordered to cease your harassment of Republican citizens. Extortion will not be tolerated, and we will take military action if you continue on your present course. The citizens of the Republic are under no obligation to free slaves, of whatever type, under duress from foreign powers."

Because of what we have seen we believe that the black group has the most human slaves and likely has a place where records are kept stating where important slaves might be. This also leads us to believe that they have managed to get or make more radios than the 1 sent out. Please do not give technological ideals out that have not already been discovered.

Also last we herd the ship wasn't able to make it into the system, why is now able to do so?

Laser to the Grim
We hope you realize that they have slaves that likely have your password and may be able to gain information from this ship. We therefor hope you have seance changed your passwords.

Laser to the Henry Ford
If you are interested, we know where a city of the gods is near you. What we ask is for any information you obtain from it and things coming out of it.

2012-08-01, 05:12 PM
A message to the Unity factions by laser, text only:

Your degree of naïveté is truly astounding. On the one hand, I’m pleased that you followed the course of our suggestions vis a vis food production and saving the Cetis. However, you have done so in the worst possible way.

You taught them economics. You gave them electricity.

You have given these technologies to, of all natives, the Godless. This is a civilization which didn’t just kill the last group of “others” who came bearing gifts, they based their entire national identity upon the idea! This is the same group of natives which took the Grim as slaves at the first sign of weakness.

You have spread technological contagion far beyond our ability to stop its spread without massive loss of life. However, we will do what we can to keep things from getting out of hand. Keep on your guard, and take care that you do not become the golden goose.

When the Godless turn on you, please keep LSI in mind when you are fighting for your lives. We would be happy to assist in your defense. Do not seek to repeat your performance in the north.

From the desk of Executive Smith

2012-08-02, 12:05 AM
Laser-message to The Theologians from LSI HQ

If you wish to contract LSI, we would be happy to assist in your defense needs. If I understand correctly, you wish for us to impress the natives with a show of force.

In our experience, the Godless are extraordinarily difficult to impress with technology, particularly after their interactions with the Unity site. Impressing them would, at this stage, likely have to involve significant damage to the city and the use of one of our missiles.

This would make the action you propose expensive in terms of both blood and treasure. We could do this thing, but I have the feeling that this is not what you have in mind.

At LSI we take the satisfaction of clients very seriously, and try to anticipate the client's needs. Sometimes this involves referring the client to a subcontractor better suited to an assignment. LSI technology may not impress the Godless, but Vory plasma weaponry may well do the trick.

If your needs change and you wind up needing defensive assistiance or an evacuation of your people from the combat zone, let us know.

From the desk of executive Smith

Laser communication to the Vory

There is something profoundly wrong with this world, and we have a few suspicions. Unfortunately, it will be a little while before we will have a lab up and running. As such, I was hoping you might be able to assist us.

Could you run some basic biological tests on the Cetis? I'd be interested to know how much genetic variation there is in between individual natives. This might give us an idea as to why the environment was set up in the first place. I am suspicious of the Gods in Ceti lore.

From the desk of Executive Smith

2012-08-02, 02:21 AM
Laser Message to LSI
Much of Cetie biology is still being studied, however we can certainly share some of what we have learned regarding the general structure of the genome. Attached is a report regarding the analysis of research on the Cetie Biology, though we feel it highly supports your beliefs that something is very wrong on this world.

We would like to study the Cetie's gods, however we have yet to find a way of successfully holding one for study. Our scans of the northern lands show a large number of them in monastery like structures throughout the mountain range. If you could find a method of capturing and holding these beings, we feel that their study could prove quite useful.

-Rachel Smith

Laser Communication to Unity Site members
While we agree that dealing with the rat problem is of utmost importance, we feel sharing certain technological advances could be quite dangerous. Reports from the Theologians seem to suggest the Cetties are starting to develop advanced weaponry, including machine guns. Combined with your teaching, we worry that they may quickly develop mass manufacturing. Ceties with muskets and swords are no threat, but legions of Ceties with assault rifles could be very problematic for humanities limited numbers. We hope that the Ceties in your camp are loyal, and prepared to work for humanities interests, in case one of the other Cetie factions decides that you are worth more as slaves than teachers.

-Elain Delancy

Radio transmission on same frequency as Theologian conversation with Ceties.

"This is Mohamed bin Tedair of the Vory. We wish to speak with someone regarding the price of human slaves. Is anyone receiving?"
(This message is repeated in English, Imperial and Thane-Imperial every four hours for several days.)

2012-08-02, 02:48 PM
Transmission from HMRF Pionjär colony Nymark, via the HMRF Pionjär in orbit, to the Theologians.

To:The Theologians
From:HMRF Pionjär expedition

HMRF Pionjär expedition to the Theologians

We regretfully must inform you that we cannot spare our military unit at this time. We have much too many duties presently to be able to spare our expertise for a lengthy endeavour that is not directly related to human lives. However, if you are willing to postpone your expedition one and a half years, we will be able to assist, barring nothing unforseeable happens.

Over and out

2012-08-03, 08:47 PM
Laser to Aeon Institute
Sorry for the delay in a reply, we had more pressing matters to try to predict and prepare for with the excavation efforts and such. We looked at the list but only found 2 of the items even worth trade, and that was because we just haven't spent the time to make them (and that I have no ideal what refined copper does). They are 1 Level 7 Bioengineered Seeds (2027) (Can be applied to farm for modifier of 50% (rounded up) (4), exceeds cap) and
1 Level 6 Construction Tools (2026)

We did find that the Pioneers could use the Consumer goods tools and sent them laser to contact you. Though seeing that they did not send anything with us to trade for them they didn't have anything of worth to you or simply didn't get to it.

We understand that you're group is interested in the environment in relation to the natives and have managed to get the group to agree to create a school that only aids in Fringe technology or Medicine, your choice which upon creation, the fringe will not help with mind control technology. For this we would ask for the three items above and 2 units of refined copper, you would also need to make the trip to and from are base which would have to be arranged after we have returned to base. Do not worry about the tools needed, we are well equipped.

2012-08-03, 10:11 PM
Laser to Theologians
First of all while we can understand why you would be hesitant to build a more capable school, one that only teaches fringe or medicine is useless to us at the present time. By the time we are in a position to explore those fields of study we will be capable of building our own schools that would be more than capable of teaching those subjects.

So if your people are unwilling to provide us with a fully capable [level 11] school, then these negotiations will simply come to a close as there would be nothing more to discuss.

If however they are willing to build us a facility then we can continue to the actual terms. Which are themselves too high, you seem to be under the impression that this school is a necessity for us, which it is not only a convenience.

First of all we must make clear that we need a school this year. If you can build one for us within the year then we can offer you any two [2] of the items you requested, with the copper being one item in this regard. Although the construction tools will only be available at the end of the year since you took so long getting back to us that we assigned them to use.

If you cannot build one this year then we are willing to offer one [1] item next year. We are of course willing to provide transport to and from Unity Site to your own colony in our lander if these terms are acceptable to you.

2012-08-03, 10:31 PM
Laser back to Aeon instituteYou have the food and goods that you're people need, what more is needed? You clearly do not under stand the importance of education and there is no need to continue discussing trade, we are buissy this year and can make most every object you have offered as easily as we can a school. Should you reconsider, the offer might still be on the table.

2012-08-03, 11:09 PM
Laser to the Theologians
Oh we know how important education is. That is why we suggested the trade in the first place. However you have not taken into account the other factions living at Unity Site. In another year they will be able to make schools almost as well as your people. In two they will likely equal your skill, and in three who knows.

As for why we are not willing to provide all of what you asked it is simple. The copper has been reserved for a very important upcoming project. Every unit we trade is a unit we will have to mine replacements for. The Academy wishes to plant those seeds on their farms, and so if we trade them away we will have to produce a new batch in our labs. And the construction tool sees consistent use, and will see more in the future. We would have to build replacements for it if it was traded away. The consumer goods tool is not so vital, but only because we were planning to build an upgraded set of tools anyway. And of course most importantly restricting the school to only one field was in itself a deal breaker. Not only would the restriction make the school useless in any other field, and thus only useful for a fraction of cases, but the restriction was to fields we aren't even studying at this time.

We would have liked a school as soon as possible which is why we discussed terms with you, but every item you asked for will have to be replaced. Which will cost time, one of our most precious resources. If we were to provide all that you asked we would lose so much time rebuilding that it would simply be more efficient to instead wait for our allies to learn the appropriate skills.

It is regrettable that we were unable to come to an agreement, but not so much as to block our plans. If in the future you wish to trade then don't hesitate to send us a message and perhaps we will be able to work out more agreeable terms.

Atrum Umbra
2012-08-04, 02:36 PM
Broadcast from The Enlightened's village 1 day before the lander takes off. Radio transmission on same frequency as Theologian conversation with Ceties, English only.

The enlightened among us agree that forced human slavery is a problem, but we are sure there are better solutions than threats of violence. Unfortunately our best diplomat Venus is preoccupied but we are about to send our next best men to discuss the problem and possible alternatives. We look forward to hearing how the conversations go.

Signing off the voice includes his name, Minerva, and the time and location of the transmission.

2012-08-05, 05:59 PM
Radio: Do to the fact that are friend has died, and no one wants to give up there slave, we will only be hear till the end of the year. If any one has come up with designs to aid against the rats we will gladly start making them, provided we can keep the power supply up.

Laser to the Pionjär We are gathering a massive counsel to aid in keeping the environment. We would like to borrow your flying cars and some weapons, and if your friend would like to attend, she may. We are in the proses of creating some designs for consumer goods that we may be able to give you a copy of once they are done. We where just going to give them to you but if you want to say you traded for them to aid in dealing with rats, we will gladly except.

2012-08-05, 11:40 PM
Laser communication to all factions:

First, I am pleased to announce that the rescue mission was a success. The Cloud Acolytes have been saved by LSI operatives, and they have set up a base close to our primary compound. The Vory were instrumental in our life-saving effort.

Secondly, there is some bad news. The colony ship heading towards us is riddled with computer viruses which have learned that crashing into things is an excellent way to spread itself. Contact with ship fragments can lead to catastrophic contamination. As such, any attempts to destroy the colony ship must also take into account the debris.

We would be happy to coordinate with any who wish to help us build a missile to vaporize the ship. Alternatively, if any others have more expertise than us, we would be happy to provide material support as we are able.

2012-08-06, 12:43 AM
Laser communication to all factions

While we likely could develop something to take out the rogue colony craft, we feel that an undertaking such as this MUST be a group effort. A weapon capable of completely destroying a colony ship is the kind of creation that could only harm inter-human diplomacy. The Vory of course are willing to lend our expertise and resources to a joint endeavor to stop that craft.

Our current leading plans that we believe could be reasonable are as follows:

1: Most obviously, we could create some form of missile, or series of missiles, with explosives capable of destroying the colony ship in it's entirety. The largest problem with this is of course that any fragments of the craft could retain the Charbydys viruses, making the needed payload almost ridiculously large.

2: Convert one of our current colony craft into a kind of overly large EMP, and fill it with explosives as well. Though we would of course have to find a way to overcome the UN restrictions against ramming, and convert the Ram-scoop into an EMP emitter. This method isn't particularly easier, though it would ensure that even if we managed to replicate the process, it would be unlikely that any of us would ever recreate the process, as the Colony craft are far more valuable intact than they would be as weaponry.

If any one has any other options, or wishes to pledge assistance towards this matter, please respond quickly, as there is little time to plan for this catastrophe.

2012-08-06, 10:48 AM
Laser to all factions, except the Illuminator.

The Church is distressed to hear that yet another of humanity's sins has followed us into space.

Did the rescue mission manage to take an inventory of the Illuminator for possible viral vectors? There are at least four nanofabrication kits aboard the Illuminator, and also one planetary lander with the maneuverability of 20 units of 3-He fuel. There are also multiple unmanned colony ships in various orbits around Tau Ceti III which present targets for these ships.

Unfortunately there's really no telling what has been built with those kits. In the worst case they've successfully built some sort of factory that salvages the ship's mass for components to build viral vectors, but there are so many other possibilities.

Defense is as important as offense. Mission Control believes it is a priority to move and hide all the potential targets for viral infection that are targetable from Tau Ceti III low orbit. Any colony ships, orbital installations, planetary observation platforms, that can't be recovered and landed should be programmed and wired into some sort of bunker mode, with automatic beacons disabled, comms equipment disconnected, hardware systems isolated, etc.

As for offense, there are approaches that would require that we somehow neutralize the Iluminator's engine or overpower it - likely necessitating the sacrifice of a colony ship, and maybe a crew to man it to ensure mission success. It would be preferable to dispose of the entire Illuminator in one piece in an appropriately large gravity well, such as the Sun or Tau Ceti IV. Mission Control doubts we'll be able to accomplish this, but a more temporary and feasible alternative would be to rendezvous with the Illuminator, mechanically secure the Illuminator to an engine under manual control, and then burn the whole setup to travel outside the plane of the Ecliptic, which would buy us time to prepare a more permanent solution.

There are also destructive approaches. A missile launched early that seeks and destroys the Illuminator's ion drive might also be able to remove its ability to conduct course-correcting burns. This would open the Illuminator to further attacks.

Depending on the precision to which the Illuminator's course is known, we may be able to tow a large asteroid of comparable mass into a collision course. If we do this soon enough, it's possible the Illuminator will not be able to see it coming, and will be destroyed upon impact.

Mission Control is currently monitoring the Illuminator's position for signs of small burns that may indicate course correction.

2012-08-06, 03:17 PM
Laser to all non infected, factions, except grim.

We have done research before on how to take down a colony ship, safely. Prepare to receive instructions (you all get the information on what is needed, just pull from my area) However we have nothing to do this with other than are general purpose factory, and we are close to being able to fly it down are self.

However, taking down a charging colony ship may require more research. Does any one have designs for eva equipment or do they need to be developed? Simply going over there with a battery powered laser could be good for destroying an ion drive. How many rockets and parachutes can be made, we need just as many as Eva Gears also. We will be ready to do it with are man power, but don't have what is needed and would not be willing to use are lander. We would also need a way to destroy the ion drive, the affects of what an active ion drive entering the planet are to unpredictable at this moment, but none seam good.

We think that the bubble rap will likely be the most important and if we can get some tools to aid in its creation, along with some Eva gear to install it, we may be the best for making it. (they talk about there physics and economics of 10)

Though we have thought of another problem, how are we going to safely get on it to make any changes?

As another ideal, we could find a way to get are lasers to work in space and shred the ship into a lot of peaces and let it burn upon entering, hopefully.

2012-08-06, 04:17 PM
Laser Transmission from the Prometheus to other colony ships in orbit

First of all we would like to correct the Theologians misconceptions about the Ion Drive. There is nothing particularly catastrophic about its use. And using one in atmosphere would certainly have little effect. Much less than using normal chemical rockets, and certainly a negligible impact compared to the actual impact of an entire colony ship travelling at high speed. The Ion drive certainly needs to be destroyed, but to limit the Illuminator's ability to maneuver and accelerate further rather than any sort of detrimental environmental effect it might have.

Second we would point out that towing asteroids is impractical. We looked into towing a colony ship in the course of attempting to determine how to rendezvous with the Illuminator in the first place, and even that was mostly an unfeasible plan. Which at best have required the combined use of another colony ship and welding a lander to the side of the Illuminator. Not only would towing an asteroid be far harder, but if we had the means to do so why not just apply it to the Illuminator in the first place to adjust its vector away from Tau Ceti III.

More practically we support the idea of destroying the Illuminator. We propose first destroying the Illuminator's main engine and maneuvering thrusters with weapons mounted on one of more colony ships, and then using another colony ship to ram the Illumanitor and either break it into pieces that won't survive reentry or possibly even divert the resulting hulk into another course entirely. We note that the Grim colony ship is currently derelict as the Grim have ceased to exist as a coherent faction. And so their colony ship could be used without endangering the remaining colonies.

As a smaller less immediate concern we propose the formation of some kind of space treaty as by necessity this plan would result in numerous colony ships being fitted with weapons of one or more types and not restricted by the UN AIs.

2012-08-06, 05:05 PM
If we do not have the means to tow an asteroid, the whole point is moot anyway, but one salient difference between 1) applying the towing force to the Illuminator directly and 2) applying towing force to a large asteroid projectile and putting it on collision course with the Illuminator is that the plan 2) does not require rendezvous with the Illuminator, which has been advised against.

We have designed basic EVA drones for the original purpose of salvaging exterior hull components off of the colony ships. These drones, which like all drones require manual control, could also be used to plant explosive charges upon the surface of the Illuminator that could be detonated remotely to disable the ship's ion drive and change its trajectory; however, this course of action would require attempted rendezvous. Their schematics are attached in triplicate to this transmission. (Everyone now has plans for level...6 I think...EVA salvage drones.)

Development and fabrication of an actual mobile space weapons platform would be superior, though perhaps more risky.

We wish to point out one disturbing facet of this development. The course correction from hyperbolic out of the system to collision with Tau Ceti III, clearly not having been authorized by any human, force us to conclude that the initial trajectory which mandated the rescue was intended to create a contagion opportunity. The Illuminator is capable, and has always been capable, of safe insertion into planetary orbit. We must assume from here on out that we are dealing with an adversary that is capable of strategic action against us, and has already acted with no compunction for abrogating the dignity, sanctity, and worth of human life.

2012-08-07, 11:38 AM
More lasers, to include grim.

Which is why something needs to be done, are ship will be gathering information on its current coarse to find out where it currently plans to 'land' along with corrections it could change and where those corrections would lead it. It could simply be a bluff to try to get us in space with are stuff, where it may more simply "tag" us with its already gathered speed.

Information will be sent as we receive it.

In other notes, We have obtained law books and an English translator and are translating the law books right now. A copy will soon be available, should you find use.

For some time we have been planing to create designs to aid in the creation of consumer goods, that just happened to be this year and we are going to need it no mater what happens. So, any who contribute 'significant' aid on the project of stopping the ship and virus will be rewarded with a copy. Just in case there where any who thought they had better things to do.

In other news we will be working on learning Piloting so that during the next year we can make better predictions regarding the problem, we believe that the skill we poses should be able to pilot any ship which we have control over safely onto the planet. And if somebody installs the other needed parts and supply the full to do so, then we will take down your ship for you. (sense it wouldn't take an action on my part, though some risk if they fail to do so with a skill of 8)

We are in a bit of a tight spot right now with the mice actually being able to infest this part of the world and the ramming colony ship, but will do whatever we can to help.

in addition to Pionjär

There has been a change in plans due to the ship being confirmed as the virus, we will not be having a group tribe meeting. Though we could still use the before mentioned items if available.

We are also in need of someone to work are Industrial factory (Consumer goods) for the first half of the year, we will give you half of what is made or you can send people over to learn better Economics well you work, we do have power and food to do so, but would not likely be able to supply the goods or housing. If the latter deal we may be willing to extend longer.

2012-08-08, 09:42 PM
Laser transmission to all non-grim first wave colonists.

We believe that we may have a working solution for the Illuminator. We will gain control of the Grim's colony ship. Then LSI, if they are willing, will disable the sensors, and as much of the remaining obstacles on the craft as possible. Then the Theologian pilots will maneuver the Grim's craft by laser to intercept the Illuminator.

We would ask that the Nephi pioneers use their supercomputer to calculate the trajectories involved, and likely crash zones for debris, or the craft itself in case our plan fails.

On another no less important note, we are currently preparing to take action against the first Cetie nation to hold human slaves. Regardless of your views on slavery, I think we can all agree that there must be some control kept over the spread of advanced technologies throughout the native nations. This Cetie nation has had minimal contact with human colonies, yet is developing technology at a dangerous rate. It is our goal to set up controls on their technological advances, and to then use their political power to influence other world powers into taking actions in the best interests of all colonists.

As always, we hold the safety and well being of all colonists as our utmost priority. If any are truly in need of assistance please feel free to contact us.
-Cmdr. Delancy

2012-08-08, 11:08 PM
Turn 8.2

As events unfold on Tau Ceti III, the second wave of colonization speeds toward the system. As the great ships creep below the velocity threshold required to maintain fusion and their ion drives take over the final deceleration, the first of the crew to awaken would begin to rouse from their long slumber.

((Wave 2 may now communicate with the rest of the factions, in advance of their arrival in turn 9.1)).

2012-08-09, 12:16 AM
It was hardly dignified, but it would do.

Michael Hollenbrook of the Hollenbrook Institute stared, glassy-eyed, at one of the metal walls of his room, strapped into an uncomfortable, straight-backed chair. A video feed from one of the cameras outside the ship was piping glorious images desolate space right into his optical cortex, far exceeding the resolution of his pitiful eyes. From this perspective those pinpricks of light were completely static, but he knew that his ship was hurtling through space at almost incomprehensible speed, the very force of it igniting the fusion reaction that kept it going.

Fifty hours ago, thrust had been diverted from the rear of the ship in an effort to decrease forward velocity, and within the next 2 hours the fusion engine would be unable to maintain temperature and pressure. At that point, the ion drive would be engaged for final approach. He and his partner, Margerette, had been awoken ahead of the rest of the crew to monitor these last procedures, and to make sure that the revivification proceeded on schedule.

"Have you found any problems, Meg? Everything seems to be alright to me." A tiny 3D model of the ship was rotating in the corner of his vision, giving him quick access to vital systems.

"Everything seems fine... Enjoy the quiet while it lasts. You're going to be brushing elbows with the 'normals' soon." A mocking lilt to her voice made it clear how ridiculous she thought that statement sounded.

Michael rolls his eyes. "They're not normals. These are the best that humanity had to offer! Trust me... once we land and you see them in action, I think you'll be impressed!"

"I'm not worried about myself, hun."

Silence was the only rejoinder to a comment like that, and Michael lets himself drift off the the gentle glow of the stars outside. He didn't have long to enjoy he sight before the gentle, monotonous voice of the ship interrupts his reverie.

"Good evening Michael- we've entered communications range with Tau Ceti III. Radio emissions have been detected coming from the planet. Would you like to attempt to open a line of communication?"


To: To Whom it May Concern
Subject: Greetings from the Transcendence, courtesy of Dr. Michael Hollenbrook

Greetings fellow colonists,

My name is Dr. Michael Hollenbrook, and I would like to express my great pleasure in seeing your successful settlement of Tau Ceti III. My ship is currently ___________ from the planet, and I expect to make landfall soon after entering orbit. Hopefully you have developed infrastructure to allow for easy entry, though we are prepared to construct a settlement if that is not the case.

Please direct any pertinent information regarding planetary atmospheric and geological conditions to my ship if possible- I see that you are currently undergoing some significant volcanic activity.

I expect our future collaborations to be quite fruitful, as we have much to offer this new offshoot of the human race. May we pick up here where Earth sadly had to leave off, carrying the torch of our ancestors to new heights.

Dr. Michael H. Hollenbrook

Director of the Singularity Initiative
C.T. Wheeler Chair of the Hollenbrook Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Computing, and Mathematics

2012-08-09, 11:48 AM
Laser transmission to all non-infected Colony ships currently detectable.

I would like to welcome all of you to the Tau Cetie system. You're presence is a very welcome surprise. After our records showed that communications from earth had ceased, we had believed that the first wave colonists were the last living humans. There are a few important pieces of information that you will need, and I'll try to deliver them as simply as possible.

First and most importantly, do NOT communicate or interact with the Illuminator. The craft is heavily infested with advanced Charbydys Viruses, and any communications with it could risk infection of your craft as well. We are currently working on a solution to the problem, though our resources are somewhat limited.

Secondly, though slightly less threatening to you immediately, this may be far more shocking. What you saw as 'volcanic activity' is actually a mix of two events currently happening on Tau Ceti III. One of these is widespread wildfires and ecological collapse due to the uncontrolled spread of rats invading the Cetie bio-dome.

The other, is an industrial revolution among the natives of Tau Cetie III. That is correct, there is an intelligent species already inhabiting this world. Their technology ranges from late medieval to early renaissance, though many are now starting to utilize technologies provided by humans for various reasons.

I'm sure you have numerous questions regarding your new home, but on behalf of all first wave colonists, I feel obligated to also ask for any further information regarding the fate of Earth and those we left behind. Also how many more craft should we be expecting, and in what condition are your people? Will you be needing assistance?

-Ex UN Commander, Elain Delancy
Commander of Vory forces in the Tau-Cetie System.

2012-08-09, 02:03 PM
Laser transmission to all non-infected Colony ships currently detectable fallowing vroys.

Also we are using laser to transmit because any ideals we share can likely be coped when done by radio, plus it hinders the ship from knowing what we plan on doing. Also I hope you realized you may have just given up your position and the ship might change coarse towards you, we would like to give the ideal of not entering orbit of the planet till after Charybdis has crashed or been averted, it might not be a good ideal to present bate.

2012-08-09, 09:07 PM
Michael’s message was cast off into the wild oblivion of space with no reasonable expectation of an answer, but despite that he hoped. Meg had been quickly informed that scattered radio signals had been received from the planet, and that a message had already been cobbled together and sent out.

No one else was yet awake.

The director sat motionless in his chair after the transmission, staring out at the blank wall of his chamber for hours. Oblivious to the world, he seemed comatose until the computer informed him of an inbound message.

Someone had survived.


To: Dr. Elain Delancy
CC: Any other interested parties on Tau Ceti III (Not the Illuminator)
Subject: A Hearty Greetings


It is fantastic to receive communication from the first colonist wave. There was a concern back on Earth that the project did not, or could not, succeed. I am glad that was not the case.

That charbydis managed to follow us here shouldn’t come as a surprise, but it still does. I will have our network specialists begin security protocols to eliminate potential infection routes, and I am already informing the computer to avoid any contact with the Illuminator. I can only hope that those who used it for their trip managed to survive before disaster struck. If I can be of any aid regarding that dilemma, I’ll happily provide what I can, though we are operationally limited at the moment.

That rats are able to survive on the planet well enough to /cause/ ecological collapse is actually quite heartening. I’m staggered that any sort of life there would be similar enough to our own to allow for that, but it must make colonization significantly easier. I suppose those initial reports of an oxygen atmosphere indicating life weren’t as far-fetched as some believed.

A native, sapient, population? I hope they are peaceful if you are providing them with technology. I suppose that it is the nature of the universe to increase information density, entropy be damned.

I regret to inform you that Earth is beyond salvage at this point. An experiment in self-replicating nanotechnology grew beyond all control, and the planet had to be entirely abandoned. Though it is possible we may be able to save it at some point in the future, all that could be done was to gather the best and brightest and retreat. I do not know how many will still be coming, and over what time period, though I do know several such efforts were underway when we evacuated.

We are in excellent condition currently, and all systems appear to be operational. We are well equipped to make planetfall and set up a colony of our own. Any information concerning planetary ecology and geology would be greatly appreciated so that we can decide where to land. Furthermore, a brief history of your time on Tau Ceti III and any important notices regarding native culture would also be nice.

Many thanks for a warm greeting,

Dr. Michael H. Hollenbrook

Director of the Singularity Initiative
C.T. Wheeler Chair of the Hollenbrook Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Computing, and Mathematics


Thank you for your suggestion, though we believe it would be much wiser to get on the ground in the case of infection, as opposed to remaining in space. At least then there is some potential for abandoning our computers in the event of disaster.

2012-08-09, 09:31 PM
Laser to non infected.

Well it depends on what are the goals of the Singularity Initiative? This would make it a lot more simpler to determine were it is you would likely want to go.

2012-08-10, 09:18 AM
Laser to all non affected, and are own computer.

It has come to are attention that we will not likely be able to get the ship ramming are planet to stop with out the help of are colony ship, we would like any help that can be given in convincing the ship to aid us in deploying a new ideal we call space boms. Basically the design of the bom is to have a simple front so that it cannot be taken over quickly by nanites, nothing to complicated, twigs should even do. The on the front will be included a device to sense for a spesifide light to aim the boms velocity to the ship. The propellent will be a variety of open able and shut able clogs to propel the boms and change directions with a limited supply of water. It would not be useful for the ship to take over but would allow us ideal of a threat to get the ship to change coarse. A small explosive device will be in the middle so that the sensors on the ship may want to avoid it, and in case we can convince the computer that disabling, not destroying, disabling the ships ability to move would in fact co-aline with the programing of the ship.

All communications regarding this mater will be shared so that if anyone has anything to add to aid in this project they may do so. We will still need some form of EVA to get the things positioned well.

What do you think computer? Or is there a better way to avert the ship that will likely crash down on us killing untold numbers of people?

2012-08-10, 01:35 PM
Message about the Illuminator

The Green Unity is happy to see several factions offering ideas on the issue of the Illuminator and working together in thought. Unfortunately, we can contribute little, as we do not have the focus or skills necessary to enact such a plan. We will continue to observe the discussion and hope that the end result will be a solid plan.

Message to newcomers

Welcome to Tau Ceti. It is amazing to hear that another wave of colonists was able to be sent, which we believed very unlikely due to the silence from Earth. We are glad to hear that there are thus more survivors from our planet, but we deeply regret hearing that an experiment concerning nano-technology went wild and caused further tragedy.

It seems that the Vory has sent the basics on our situation already. So far, the different factions have set up their colony sites spread over the planet. The Green Unity has shared its colony site with the Aeon Institute, Mitsuharu Academy and Pacifica, with the latter faction having undergone integration with the other three. Over the years, we have been setting up our colony site, and a Ceti trade outpost has been set up in the vicinity.

In light of the rat disaster, the Green Unity is currently teaching the local Ceties how to create glass in larger quantities with electricity to allow them to rat-proof their farms. There are several different culture groups of Ceties, of which one, the Blood Empire, seems to have collapsed under the rat catastrophy already. Near the Unity site, the colony site where our three factions reside, a group of different Ceti factions collectively known as the Godless are present, which seem to be a more advanced group of Ceties.

One of the other factions, the Grim, has fallen apart with quite a boom to it. We do not have the details, but some of them are now living near or at other factions and from what we understood, some are still kept as slaves at the Ceti population.

And then there is the aforementioned Illuminator, a colony ship which arrived late, and is infected by a swarm of viruses. Most of the people aboard were saved by the combined effort of the LSI and Vory.

We'll send our current data concerning the map of the planet, and we hope that you will send any information available about Earth during the time between our departure and yours, because we are interested in learning what exactly happened.

OOC: Basically hoping for some files with news, data and such - information stored about the time in between. Not just a short summary.

2012-08-10, 01:43 PM
Laser to Green unity and other non infected.

Are you able to create Eve sutes, we don not need them to be advanced sense they will basically be used to position the boms. Or you could help convince are ship to help us (you have better Diplomacy (L) 2 2/4, and Governing (L) 2). Even the boms are rather simple design.

On another note we will not be able to make the designs due to there not being as useful as we had originally thought.

2012-08-11, 07:19 AM
Mishra: Well I hope this works.

Michael: Me to, it would be nice to have more people to aid in keeping us alive.

Mishra: Haa, more people. I don't think any one has lifted a finger to defend us, why are we working on defending them from Charybdis?

Michael: Because its the right thing to do.

Mishra: Yea, I figured you would say that.

Radio in common communication frequency with a few things encrypted.

Warning, wake up emergency pu's early, for Charybdis virus. [encrypted by one time pad, to Permanent Culture Partnership. Which will wake up specified pu early for said emergency.]

2012-08-11, 04:04 PM
Laser to LSI

As you may have heard though the discussions with are computer, it needs evidence. Would you please send it documentation of the encounter with the Illuminator.

2012-08-11, 04:44 PM
Permanent Culture Partnership
(the Partnership)

/ \
/ . . . . \
I . . . . . . E

Turn 9 (my turn 1)
[Aboard the Observer at Tau Ceti - Tau Ceti III Lagrange Point 2; in Osami Minami's pod]
Minami was asleep in his pod when the warning message arrived from the Theologians about the Charybdis virus. Upon awakening, his pod is illuminated by a green glow - the sign of a warning with automated actions [in this case pre-programmed before leaving the Sol System[Directive 3][Maldiem]. The HUD displayed:
Warnings from Theologians:
Wake up emergency PUs early, for Charybdis virus.

Remote Commands = Disabled
Running Silent = Yes
Running Dark = Yes
After grabbing some juice at the cafeteria, Minami sent the following communication via laser to the Theologian Colony Ship:Security Verification = 4b456D543ft0ghgE

Message received.

2012-08-11, 06:21 PM
That's good, we need ally's. Now, what to tell them? What do you think Sasu?

I think they need to know everything that is related to the planet and possible problems we may face later.

So basically tell them everything, what about the history of the planet?

Yea, they may not need the map but the rest could be important for later.

Laser to PCP
basically telling them the basics of what has happened over the coarse of this game, this has been done in person. Except he will not be told about the grim, unless things change due to communications with the Pionjär.

2012-08-12, 04:58 PM
To: The Green Unity?
CC: Any other interested parties on Tau Ceti III (Not the Illuminator)
Subject: A Hearty Greetings, addition

The Green Unity,

I appreciate your hospitality, though I will appreciate it if future communications inform me of who is speaking. It makes further messages between us, (and any other group we have dealings with) a bit easier to deal with.

I must say that I do not quite understand the interest in insulating the indigenous population from the side-effects of our landing. A culture that is willing to take human slaves does not seem like an ideal one to maintain, and improving their technological capacities before they move past that stage of their development feels like it may yield difficulties in the future.

For those interested in data concerning Earth history, please submit a request and I will happily transmit the data.

So that you are aware, I will be landing in the region {25 - 10}. From my initial scans, this region seems to be nearly devoid of life, having been ravaged by the rat release. Needless to say, this makes it an ideal site away from local cultures.


Dr. Michael H. Hollenbrook

Director of the Singularity Initiative
C.T. Wheeler Chair of the Hollenbrook Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Computing, and Mathematics

2012-08-12, 05:18 PM
To the Singularity Initiative
Subject: Environmental Recovery


After reading your latest message I felt it was pertinent to inform you that while the actual rats are currently taking all our time and efforts once they have been dealt with we do plan to reseed the central continent with some mixture of Ceti and Terran life.

We doubt that you will have issue with this, but since we plan to start first in the most devastated areas, which is where you plan to land, I felt you should be informed of our eventual plans.


Dr. Talulla Yoav Wolfe
Director of the College of Biotechnology, Aeon Institute

From: Dr. Idoya Tara Albrektsson
Subject: Ceti Culture

Also there is currently a certain amount of dispute over how much Ceti culture should be influenced, especially since their technological development has been massively advanced since contacting humans. We, the Aeon Institute, are of the belief that Cetis and Humans should work together towards an integrated culture to avoid any further harm on either side, such as slave taking. Of which hasn't been limited to only human slaves taken by Cetis, the reverse has also occurred in certain factions.

We welcome your input on this matter.

Dr. Idoya Tara Albrektsson,
Director College of Theoretical Sciences, Aeon Institute

2012-08-12, 07:18 PM
To: Dr. Talulla Wolfe
CC: Any other interested parties on Tau Ceti III (Not the Illuminator)
Subject: Concerning your plans

Dr. Wolfe,

The purpose of our landing location was to not only avoid disturbance of the surrounding area once we land, but to also avoid engaging the 'Cetis.' Their warlike nature is not something that we want to deal with, and their rapidly increasing technological capacity will only further spur our distaste.

By our measurements we are over 1600 km from your colony, which I would have hoped would be sufficient. Considering we expect to cause considerable ecological damage at the site where we land, this seemed ideal to minimize impact. If you have another location that you think would be more appropriate, we would appreciate your feedback.


Dr. Michael H. Hollenbrook

Director of the Singularity Initiative
C.T. Wheeler Chair of the Hollenbrook Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Computing, and Mathematics


To: Dr. Idoya Albrektsson
CC: Any other interested parties on Tau Ceti III (Not the Illuminator)
Subject: Concerning the 'Cetis'

Dr. Albrektsson,

I thank you for your information regarding the indigenous species. While I agree with what you are saying in principle, I think that giving them the tools before being sure we can trust them is irresponsible at best. The fact that even members of our species would stoop to that level is all the evidence I require to demonstrate what a risk handing out that technology can be.


Dr. Michael H. Hollenbrook

Director of the Singularity Initiative
C.T. Wheeler Chair of the Hollenbrook Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Computing, and Mathematics

2012-08-12, 08:55 PM
To: The Singularity Initiative
From: The Aeon Insitute
Subject: The Cetis

We think perhaps that you do not yet have a full grasp of the situation planet side. The Cetis advancing the most rapidly are known collectively as the godless, but are not in fact one uniform culture. There are in fact four different groups of godless Cetis. The Liberated, the Godless Dominion, the Iron Republic, and the Prosperity League. And of these four not all of them have taken human slaves. Of the ones that did the Dominion, which has the most slaves, has advanced the most rapidly. It is also the most autocratic of the godless cultures.

We are not dealing with them. We are dealing with the Prosperity League, who not only have a far more free society, but also from what we can tell have no human slaves. And we have been negotiating with them to determine whether or not we can trust them. Admittedly our conclusion is that we can't entirely, but we can trust them more than any other Ceti group. Our choice then is to hold our technology in reserve until we can trust them entirely, and watch as the autocratic slave holding nations destroy them one side while on the other a man made ecological catastrophe consumes their entire food supply. Or on the other hand help them now and work towards establishing full measures of trust in the future. The choice seems clear, especially as if the Dominion overwhelms the Prosperity League they will probably not stop there, and even if their technology is limited to what human slaves can teach them it would still be enough to overwhelm us as well given their vastly superior numbers.

Up in your colony ship newly arrived in the system and free to go wherever you wish and view whatever events you wish the situation may seem more clean and objective. But here on the ground we have to deal with the dirty reality that there are 200 thousand Cetis, and more arrive every day, just in the city that has grown up solely to trade with us. If we were to abandon them now, at best that city would collapse economically. At worst the entire population would die as their food supplies run out. Perhaps we made a mistake in the first few years of landing in placing our colony so close to Ceti populations, and you can choose differently. But what's done is done, and we thank you not to call our choices irresponsible without either completely considering the situation or offering alternatives.

Dr. Idoya Tara Albrektsson,
Director College of Theoretical Sciences, Aeon Institute

2012-08-12, 11:18 PM
Laser Transmission to all active and friendly colony craft.

To: Whom it May concern.
From: Vory Command
Subject: Godless Dominion, Conflict

As was mentioned earlier we are embarking on an effort to prevent too rapid of expansion among un-moderated Cetie populations. We are currently in control of the Dominion's Capital city, <New London>. The losses on both sides were unfortunately higher than anticipated, though rebuilding the city and the integration of control mechanisms into their government will be beginning in the near future.

Our current control extends only to the City itself, as the Cetie Monarch is currently abroad, and surprisingly difficult to find. Any information regarding the Dominion's Queen would be much appreciated, and would greatly aid in preventing the further loss of life.

Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter,
-Mohamed bin Tedair

Laser AND Radio Communication to the Zaytek Lander and Colony craft.

Warning, your lander is currently approaching an active war zone. The local Ceties have primitive flak guns, artillery, and mounted machine guns. Furthermore Vory forces are currently holding this city, and thus it is under our protection.

We advise either landing in the mountains far from the Ceties for the time being, or finding another landing zone altogether.

What is it you are currently seeking in a landing zone. We have extensive knowledge of several areas of the world and may be able to direct you to a more suitable landing zone.

2012-08-13, 03:07 AM
Message to Singularity Initiative

Apologies, this is Marjanne van der Veen speaking on behalf of the Green Unity. You mentioned an interest in insulating the indigenous population from the side-effects of your landing? I do not recall the Green unity speaking about that.

In any case, we would rather not have shared technology with the Ceties, as we did not, nor have, the means to ensure the development in the Ceti civilization goes along a proper path. The reason we are sharing technology, however, is simply because the genetically modified rats are devastating land and food supplies, which will leave uncountable Ceties without food. While we do not have the means to combat such gigantic numbers of rats, we do have the means to at least give the Ceties technology to help them protect their food supply from these rats. Which in turn will help them survive from a disaster wrought by the likes of humanity.

While it is not possible to tell the full consequences of sharing this technology, not doing so would have and will lead to the death of many more Ceties than have already and will perish under the catastrophe. And we could not stand idly by and let that happen while we have the means to give the Ceties a worthwhile chance against this malady.

We do wish to spend time and effort to help the Ceties handling the impact of these new developments and try to prevent them from making the mistakes we made, but currently we are too busy with our current efforts to help their chance of survival. And as there are other goals to strive for as well, considering this is still a developing colony, we do recognise that providing the Ceties with philosophical aid may take some time to get properly set up.

And we thank the Aeon Institute for providing the details of our current situation.

2012-08-13, 09:00 AM
To: To all First and Second Wave Colonists excluding the Illuminator
From: Dr. Jacob Banik
Subject: Greetings from MEDIC

Greetings and Salutations,

Firstly, I'd like to congratulate all those who made it to Tau Ceti III, it is an extraordinary feat that all of humanity should be proud of and never forget. Secondly, as many of you might be familiar with our organization, MEDIC, we are anxious to get to work on the apparent disaster that has befallen Tau Ceti III. However, due to our less than ideal departure from the Sol system we are not properly equipped to deal with a problem of such massive scale, nor will we be able to supply any kind of aid until we are able to establish ourselves and get proper supply chain organized. Finally, on behalf of MEDIC, we'd like to extend our deepest sympathies to those suffering from the calamity.

Dr. Jacob Banik

2012-08-14, 01:04 AM
Burst Transmission from the Enlightened Base

((This is clear after a day or so of tinkering with the program to figure out what it's supposed to do))
<<A program that searches a network for a specific software suite, overwrites a handful of variables, and then deletes itself>>

2012-08-14, 01:11 AM
Radio Transmission- Un-encrypted

To Enlightened Leadership,
We've recently received some strange radio transmissions that appear to have originated from your equipment. We are curious what the purpose of this transmission was, and whether or not you are in need of assistance.
-Rachel Smith

Atrum Umbra
2012-08-14, 02:10 PM
Laser message to all ships in orbit over western hemisphere seconds after the burst transmission.

We have won. The cruel masters are no more. Long live the true gods.


A few days later.
It seems we have had a madman on the loose for some years. Venus has in his mind raised a rebellion against an imaginary enemy in our government, and worse has transmitted messages to attempt to gain support among other groups. We hold no ill will towards those that offered him support but that you realise you were just part of his delusional fantasies.
Recently he triggered some program that has wiped our surveillance technology and after the message from The Vory we fear it may have spread to your systems as well. During of security blackout Venus has disappeared and taken vital technology with him. We offer a large bounty to whoever can find him and the equipment. If you are interested we can provide useful information to help you search.
My regards Minerva

2012-08-14, 07:13 PM
The Gaian Initiative

As the Gaian colony ship waded through the currents of space and time, a lone radio ping would reach out, the transmitters upon the travel-battered craft would burst into life. Radio and infrared transmissions would seek for any active transceivers, broadcasting the prerecorded message of the ark.

"This is Doctor Heinrich, Head Director of the Gaian Initiative survival program. To any and all fellow surviving humans, it is my solemn duty to report to you that Earth, Terra, the cradle of mankind, has at last fallen. Mankind, as a species, is an endangered creature. All of the things we once knew on Earth, our friends and loved ones we left behind, are dead. Consumed by the nanotechnology that we allowed to so vastly alter our lives."

Upon one of several messages from the preexisting colonists, the revived command staff of the ark ship would be notified. A woman's voice, the same voice as that in the recording, would speak and have her voice broadcast as they made their approach.

"Alien life? Mother of god." Doctor Heinrich said after a few seconds to consider it, "I-- Can someone please forward us everything? We'll be making landfall shortly. We need a proper landing zone. We'll be setting down in the waters, we've been equipped for..."

There was a brief pause as she went through some things, "Hey! Bill-- What does the telemetry from the planet show us?"

The radio channel remained open during the conversation, Bill replying back, "Three main continents. Superocontinents, even, with some islands interspersed. Plenty of ocean, though whether or not it's saltwater is up for debate."

"Considering there's life on that world, it seems like there should be the basic components of life." Heinrich replied, "Nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon... Right. We'll make a landing on the planet." She said, before speaking directly into the broadcast.

"Attention, inhabitants of Tau Ceti three. We are making landfall shortly: Our ark, the Pride of Gaia, will be depositing us in the waters. We have an interest in providing for an ecologically stable New Earth. The presence of sentient life already on this planet is concerning, but we will not allow ourselves to be so easily discouraged. There are some apparently uninhabitable portions on this world-- deserts appear to be predominant on the largest continent." She went on to say, "If we're going to be making an impact on the ecosystem, we'll be making it as minimal as possible, with an available source of fresh water nearby and plenty of land to begin terraforming on. Does anyone currently on-planet have any information pertaining to existing efforts to meld with... or interfere with... the active ecosystem?"

2012-08-14, 07:31 PM
Laser Transmission to Gaian initiative.
This is Communications officer Dalton, I'm currently manning the radio transmissions to contact any of the awaking Colony Vessels. First, do not accept ANY communications from the 'Illuminator'. The Craft is heavily infected by Charbydys Viruses, and communication with it could be very dangerous to your craft.

As for current terra-forming attempts. The closest that has been seen so far, is that an unknown source released rats into the biosphere. Having no natural predators, the rats have caused major ecological collapse, and it is our belief that the native ecosystem will be entirely unable to deal with it. It may be possible to recreate a terra like environment that is capable of supporting the local sentient species, though we are still working on tests to that effect. Our experts on the environment are currently preoccupied, but I will have one contact you with more information as soon as possible."

Several hours later a second laser is sent to the Gaian Initiative.

"This is Rachel Smith of the Vory, I've heard that you are interested in a water based facility. Few of our current colonists have done much research into the ocean depths of this world, but we do have some pertinent information. In the southern waters there is a very large predatory aquatic creature. It has been known to attack sea-side settlements in the far south, and is believed to be quite dangerous. We do not know how far north these creatures go, but we have not heard any reports of them near equatorial settlements. If you wish to have contact with the locals, there is a rather large number of sea-faring cultures in the ocean to the west of the Central continent. A number of the human colonists have trade set up with some of the locals in that region, and would likely be willing to speak with you regarding your terraforming attempts. Since much of the north east of the central continent has been abandoned due to the rat crisis, any construction in that area (in the ocean or otherwise) would have little to no effect on the local sentient species. I hope this is of assistance, and if you have any further questions please feel free to contact us."

2012-08-15, 02:40 PM
Message to Gaian Initiative

This is Marjanne van der Veen speaking on behalf of the Green Unity. Welcome to Tau Ceti. We have heard about the grave fate of Earth from the Singularity Initiative, another faction arriving like yours. We deepfully regret what happened, but we are glad to see you here amongst us as well.

-- Marjanne van de Veen then repeats much of the same information she has broadcasted before:

It seems that the Vory has sent the basics on our situation already. So far, the different factions have set up their colony sites spread over the planet. The Green Unity has shared its colony site with the Aeon Institute, Mitsuharu Academy and Pacifica, with the latter faction having undergone integration with the other three. Over the years, we have been setting up our colony site, and a Ceti trade outpost has been set up in the vicinity.

In light of the rat disaster, the Green Unity is currently teaching the local Ceties how to create glass in larger quantities with electricity to allow them to rat-proof their farms. There are several different culture groups of Ceties, of which one, the Blood Empire, seems to have collapsed under the rat catastrophy already. Near the Unity site, the colony site where our three factions reside, a group of different Ceti factions collectively known as the Godless are present, which seem to be a more advanced group of Ceties.

One of the other factions, the Grim, has fallen apart with quite a boom to it. We do not have the details, but some of them are now living near or at other factions and from what we understood, some are still kept as slaves at the Ceti population.

And then there is the aforementioned Illuminator, a colony ship which arrived late, and is infected by a swarm of viruses. Most of the people aboard were saved by the combined effort of the LSI and Vory.

We'll send our current data concerning the map of the planet.

OOC: Sending the info on the maps Maldiem included in the IC/status thread.

Afterwards, she will ask a number of questions about the history of the Gaian Initiave, as the name and early words direct towards an ecological minded faction, which the Green Unity likewise is. In fact, depending on how recent the existence and/or prominence of the Gaian Initiative is, she may know of it, as the Green Unity was a combination of green parties and movements and up to date on ecological interests and contacts. Ofcourse, if the Gaian Initiative was set up after the first wave, the Green Unity would not know, but the Gaian Initiative should know about the Green Unity, being amongst the first wave in outer space, with ecological interests at heart.

2012-08-15, 02:59 PM
After the main part of the virus is taken care of Mishra heads down to the communication relay to manually disconnect the laser and radio communication devices, she is finishing the job when:

Mishra: Haahahah, that was a pathetic attempt, my children can do better than that. *$#&(, they even have bad timing, they could have used it to distract us from ... $!%^.

Motu: Hey, what do you think would have happened if someone else heard you say that?

Mishra: Wha.. good your hear, disconnect all communication devices and tell me where the physics department is.

Motu: In his new room, wh

Mishra as she runs off: good, get someone to disconnect all the communication devices now!

...........Later, Motu and the rest of the quarm of the twelve come to Mishra, Motu puts her shoulder to find himself quickly on the floor before she realizes who it is an gets off letting him go.

Motu: ow.... lets go somewhere private, we need to talk.

They all walk off, after she tells someone nearby to get back to her with that information asap.

Mishra: Did you manually disconnect the communication devices?

Motu: Someone is working on it right now, what is going on?

Mishra: Currently I have people out doing a visual confirmation that the infected ship is where are sensors say it is, then we will do a check on the weapons to be positive that they wont attack us along with making posative the AI is still willing to help us.(pu 5s this turn action is under the assumption that LSI did send evidence that would allow the AI to help, which he hasn't said he did, yet.)

Motu: No, I mean that I am already hearing reports that children went crazy and somehow managed to take care of whatever was going wrong. People claim its a blessing from above, but... we think it has you all over it.

Mishra: Well sense you never did find people to put under my position, I took volunteers. You said I could use the school for my calling.

Motu: We though that was so you could do some research on reviving technology.

Mishra: Guess you should have asked what calling, I think I went the right direction... we are alive.

Motu: I need a name of people who are under your position so we can call them to it.

Mishra: Sorry, but we are currently not in a secure position to be able to do that, when we are I will give you a full list.

Motu: You know the deal, you do what we say needs done. It would not be to hard for us to remove your false husband, all we would have to do is stop writing his speeches and people would start to realize that something is wrong. The other ev

Mishra: I am doing what you said, you said that I was called to the position to protect us? I am simply following the calling, if I give you the names now then we will not be as protected as before. Now if you will excuse me I must see to a ramming viral ship still being where we thought it was.

She walks out.

Motu: guess we will have to speak to Michael, maybe he can talk some sense into her.

.........Later they find Michael at ... the communications relay?

Motu: What are you doing?

Michael: What I'm told, why?

Motu comes behind him to read the message...'s

Motu: I thought the communications system was down.

Michael: It is but I'm preparing for a burst transmission, are friends need to know to look out and Mishra wants to taunt the grim.

Mishra walks in: you ready?

Michael: Almost.

Motu sits in front of the open panel to block the path: Why do you want to taunt the grim?

Mishra: So they don't know what is coming, I have planes for them and now that they have attacked us with there ship I am by law allowed to utilize those plans.

Motu: What plans

Mishra: Take the ship.

Motu: That may be legal but it goes against are religion, no one will go with it.

Mishra: On that note, the mothers need to do a better job at teaching there children, the children that are turning 18 this year are on my side. I will of coarse need a school.

Motu: You won't get it.

Mishra: Ok, then the enemy will continue to send attacks and my group will eventually be out skilled, resulting in all of are death.

Motu: We will pray about it, you may send your letter.

Mishra: Thank you. Also I need your lasers again, do not be to surprised to see children running around with them.

Laser to Mormans Please send this message to unity site also, we will not be able to receive communications for some time and will be planting are weapons to start at these places, if someone up hear has Eva suits and would like to help please position them after the ramming ship, be careful we are not positive that all the problems are worked out on there design, though if there is a problem they should explode in front of us rather that when you get there, thank you.

Laser to PCP (and Pionjär maybe, if I ever get result of communication with him.)
We have reason to believe that your ships may be infected with at least a back door or may soon be, please be careful and use counterespionage if necessary. We will not be able to receive communications for some time.
PCP only Also your position may have been compromised.

Laser to grim ship
To busy to taunt you. Saving your life from Charybdis, will talk later.

2012-08-16, 09:35 AM
Any one who is looking at the Theologian ship may notice that the lights are blinking inside the ship, it would not take long before you would realize it is code for "Is there anything on the ship, requesting EVA to make visual inspection for nanite holes." Although it may seam a bit paranoid the ship places itself at a spot away from the battle and other ships, but does not back away when/if a ship comes next to it. (unless grim, or vory) (I am confident that the ship has power for the lighting on my ship to do this.)

2012-08-16, 11:41 AM
Message transmitted on an open radio frequency to all newcomers except the Illuminator from Nymark via the HMRF Pionjär in orbit. Unencrypted

To:Second wave colonists
From:HMRF Pionjär expedition

HMRF Pionjär expedition to all Second Wave Colonists.

Please be advised that the local fauna in the northern parts of the eastern continent (coordinates transmitted) is to be considered extremely dangerous and hostile. Several of our patrols were attacked and only our medical nanites have prevented losses.

The beasts in question is 5 meters long, 3 meters tall and keeps to the mists of the area. If you intend to set up a colony on or send explorative or mercantile expeditions to this continent please stay out of the mists, especially wintertime.

We are more than willing to render assistance should it be requested.

HMRF Pionjär expedition over and out.

2012-08-16, 09:11 PM
To: Dr. Talulla Wolfe
CC: Any other interested parties on Tau Ceti III (Not the Illuminator)
Subject: Concerning the rats

Dr. Wolfe,

It's starting to look like the rats aren't the terraforming initiative that we first took them for, and reviewing past documents they seem to be referred to as a 'disaster.' I was wondering why you haven't simply engineered a plague to manage their growth a bit better. There are several influenza strains in our databanks that can easily infect rats, not to mention engineered versions of smallpox and the like developed in the 20th century.

This would be a very quick way to deal with the problem, and you wouldn't have to resort to teaching the Cetis any more than you have to.


Dr. Michael H. Hollenbrook

Director of the Singularity Initiative
C.T. Wheeler Chair of the Hollenbrook Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Computing, and Mathematics

2012-08-30, 12:39 AM
Broadcast from the Henry Ford to all factions (Not the Illuminator)

This is Captain Jack Marshall, of Fordlândia, formerly the New Start foundation. Orbital recon suggests that the rats that had been plaguing the central and eastern continents have started a mass die-off. We have no data on this phenomenon, but surmise that some sort of biological control mechanism has been employed. Does anyone have more details on what exactly is going on?

2012-08-31, 09:46 PM
Broadcast from the Prometheus to the Henry Ford (And anyone else who wants to listen in.)
This is Dr. Wolfe of the Aeon Institute. We just finished our examination of the rats in the die off regions. It looks like a two pronged viral assault was employed. The first set up essentially an internal suicide pill that went off when the rats ate a certain chemical. We'll send you the details so you can produce that yourself. Followed up by long incubation virus which produced an acute hemorrhagic fever. The fever killed most of them and suicide pills probably got the rest. Combined there's been a 99.5% die off.

We're certain humans released the two viruses. They've got Earth sequences all over them. But no one has informed us of any efforts to that end.

2012-09-04, 11:54 PM
*Broadcast Message from LSI to the Unity Site*

Our Nullifier pilots have indicated that your dam has broken and that there is major flooding. Are you under attack and do you need assistance?

Beyond this immediate concern, if you wish it we at LSI would be happy to provide emergency supplies or help with your rebuilding efforts.

From the desk of Executive Jones

*Broadcast Message to the Seekers of Singularity*

We are glad to see that you have arrived. We do not know what your current needs are, but we have the ability to trade for advanced materials, including steel and 2120-grade electronics. We also have language-learning packs available for most of the major Ceti culture groups available for trade.

If you would prefer to discuss trade in person, LSI would be delighted to send a representative to your location.

*Broadcast Message to the Theologians*

Our operatives have been quite busy dealing with internal matters, but I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your efforts to stop the Illuminator. It is very easy for people to talk about the nobility of being human in a post-earth era; but it is clear that you live the ideals you espouse.

From the desk of Executive Smith

*Broadcast Message to the Vory*

It has come to our attention that you are involved in fighting a bloody insurgency. LSI had a solid reputation on earth as a defense contractor. If you wish, we would be delighted to leverage our expertise to find you an efficient solution.

From the desk of Executive White

2012-09-05, 11:10 AM
Broadcast Message from Aeon Institute
This is Vanessa Holmes, everyone else is pretty busy, can't get to the radio. It's pretty bad down here. Someone attacked the dam. Took it out in a coordinated struck. We have hundreds of dead. There's mud and debris everywhere. And we think some of the old explosive stockpiles got washed out when the warehouses were destroyed, so its touch and go searching the riverbanks for supplies.

We've got 300 hundred dead so far and the Green Unity lost another 400. And that's not even counting the Cetis. They got wiped out. Fortunately the resevoir is empty now, so at least we aren't in any more immediate danger, but we'll take any assistance available.

2012-09-05, 07:31 PM
Laser transmission to LSI (and partially passed on to Cloud Acolytes)
Your offer of assistance in this insurgency is quite welcome. We were admittedly unprepared for the shear numbers of Cetie's that we would be dealing with. If you have any ideas on how to increase the numbers of our loyal police force, we are certainly willing to discuss some kind of mutually beneficial arrangement with you.

On an unrelated note, part of our research department has asked that you pass on this message to the Cloud Acolytes. Our burgeoning studies of Mind-Machine interfaces could likely be aided greatly by their expertise, if they are willing of course.

We look forward to hearing from you in regards to these matters, and look forward to working with you in the future.
-Mohamed bin Tedair

(Message to Cloud Acolytes to be passed on)

This Rachel Smith, of the Vory. We are currently looking into re-discovering the technology that lead to the implementation of Cybernetics, primarily the Mind-Machine interface itself. Given your technological focus, we imagine your expertise could be quite helpful in this endeavor, and were wondering if you were able and willing to provide any assistance to our research. We hope to hear back from you soon
-Rachel Smith

Open Broadcast, directed towards all members of Unity Site.

"We are shocked to hear that such a tragedy has hit one of our fellow colonies. We of course wish to aid in whatever way possible, though much of our resources are currently engaged elsewhere, if there is anything specific you are in need of we will do what we can to ensure you have it. Our thoughts go out to all those who lost loved ones in this tragedy, and we hope that whoever would commit such an act of terrorism is found and brought to justice.

With our deepest condolences,
Commander Elain Delancy.

Laser Transmission to LS-Nephi
Our records of your religious doctrine indicate that we have found something you may be quite interested in. We have found rather concrete evidence that the Ceties are in fact the results of intelligent design. This discovery however was not come upon easily, and as I'm sure you understand it has value beyond just it's religious significance. However we are quite willing to offer a trade.

While we fully understand that you may not support all of our actions, I feel confident that we could come to some kind of agreement that does not involve you performing or supporting any actions that you find go against your moral obligations. The most reasonable would be if you were to undertake a scientific expedition for us. There are a number of extremely ancient catacombs and ruins underneath the city of New London, which we believe hold further clues as to the origins of the Ceties. If you were to conduct an in-depth exploration of these ruins and share with us all of your results, we would be willing to share with you our evidence of the Ceties designed nature. If this is not an acceptable trade, we are of course open to negotiations, and willing to listen to any Counter-offers you may have.
-Mohamed bin Tedair

Laser Transmission to all Colony ships (except the Illuminator)

It has recently come to our attention that a small number of our personnel have occasionally taken actions neither of our will, or even their own. Further investigation has revealed that the Ceties 'Gods' do in fact have a kind of mind-control. While our records thankfully indicate that no actual harm was caused by any of our personnel were under this control, the events at Unity Site naturally obligate us to speak now. The Blood Empire was known for the power of it's many gods, and we feel it is quite likely that they used their mind-control capabilities to strike out at one of the factions that wronged them.

A number of our personnel (while under the control of these beings) constructed and transmitted a virus to the Theologian ship, presumably in an attempt to start some kind of conflict. Thankfully their understanding of programming was limited, and it seems that the Theologians were capable of defending themselves from that attack. Given the scale of devastation we have seen at the Unity site, we would like to suggest that ALL factions that have close contact with Ceties consider their security, not just against outside forces, but also against internal personnel that might not be in control of their own actions.

If any other colonies have found methods of dealing with the mind-control aspect of these beings, we would like to hear it. Our only current method is tighter internal security, and living in an area where the gods are either unwilling or unable to survive.

-Commander Elain Delancy

2012-09-06, 12:51 PM
From Nymark, via the HMRF Pionjär.

Lasers to all (except the infected ship)
This is the Theologians, the Pionjär has graciously allowed us to use there lasers

Well we do believe that you did not mean to as a group you should also look at the possibility of them being grim sympathizers, we received this message from them before you seamed to have obtained their ship.
We have heard the transmissions between you and the Ceties. You are helping to hide ceties that are keeping human slaves.

You and your kind are traitors to the human race. You side with the Ceties, and leave our fellow humans in slavery. You were right to warn them that they are in danger, but you are as well. We have spies everywhere, and allies in almost every faction. Our allies will undermine your every action, everywhere you go. You will find no aid from humans, and your allies amongst the Ceties stand no chance against us. It would be simplest for you to just surrender now, though freeing more of mankind from slavery would at least buy you some time, and may cause us to overlook your past treachery to our race.

-Human Superiority Directive It seams that you have the most grim, though clearly anyone helping ceti is a target.

Back to the question of the gods, if they had wanted to try to kill us they would likely have had many chances as what we have found to supports that they are able to be invisible. The real question is if anyone has tried to find them and how? Sense starting thoughts upon the data we have of the gods using mind control would require a small army, yes they have the ability but we have not seen evidence that it is capable of doing anything extremely against ones will.

About the dam: We do have some food in are colony ship but do not think it is worth the H3 to bring it to you, when we head back up there if you want it you can come get it.

Thank you president white

Laser to Seekers of Singularity, MEDIC, and Trion Inc
We still haven't heard who you are, what does your fraction plan on doing, or if there is any trade exports/imports that you are looking for.

2012-09-06, 10:02 PM
To: Dr. Talulla Wolfe
CC: Any other interested parties on Tau Ceti III
Subject: Concerning the Recent Violence

On the behalf of the Institute, I would like to extend my sincerest consolences. The loss in life from such a senseless act, both human and ceti, is beyond words. I would offer physical support, but we are unfotunately not in a position to project any sort of aid beyond our meager borders. We can only provide our sympathies, and those we have in abundance.

Dr. Michael H. Hollenbrook

Director of the Singularity Institute
C.T. Wheeler chair of the Hollenbrook Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Computing, and Mathematics
Laser transmission to LSI:

To: Lateral Solutions Inc.
Subject: Concerning your Suggestion

I thank you for your offer, though we have things mostly under control right now. We have recently gotten several important mainframes up and running, and that is all we require. The only thing I might be interested in is a defense contract, though given our strategic position, I do not think it is of significant importance.

I may be interested in a strategic analysis of the other groups that have landed here, however. Many of them are unfamiliar to us from earth, and sabotage has become a concern.

Dr. Michael H. Hollenbrook

Director of the Singularity Institute
C.T. Wheeler chair of the Hollenbrook Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Computing, and Mathematics

To: Fellow humans on TCIII
Subject: Concerning the Alledged 'Mind-Control'

What evidence do we have that this 'mind control' is real? While such acts of violence as those inflicted against the Theologian ship are unfortunate, destructive impulses have been with our species since the dawn of time. That someone attempted to hack something for dangerous ends and come up with a way to blame the cetis does not surprise me.

Dr. Michael H. Hollenbrook

Director of the Singularity Institute
C.T. Wheeler chair of the Hollenbrook Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Computing, and Mathematics
Laser transmission to Nymark

To: The Theologians
Subject: Concerning your Inquiry

I apologize- I assumed that our group was known beforehand. We are attempting to bring about the Singularity, which is a point at which technological advance will dramatically increase the speed of research. Through this dramatic increase in knowledge gain, we hope to spur the progress of all mankind.

Our landing site is secure, and we were capable of foreseeing most of our needs- as such, we do not need anything at the moment. Our primary concern is getting our compound up-and-running to continue our research. If we are in need of support, we will be sure to ask.


Dr. Michael H. Hollenbrook

Director of the Singularity Institute
C.T. Wheeler chair of the Hollenbrook Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Computing, and Mathematics

2012-09-07, 08:48 PM
Laser to all except infected ship.

A female voice comes on
This is a speaker of the Theologians
Well we are glad that you see what others have not cared to notice the last time Vory attacked, not to mention that they decided to say something about it just as we reach a communications line that they have not yet attacked! Excuse me. [Deep breath, in and out.]

The fact that they actually stated it this time without us having yet found solid evidence against them is noted. Even we have evidence that the gods have some mind control powers, he haven't found evidence that they can do that much, but theoretically if they had honed there skills then they likely could have done that with only 2 of them for each one of us.

However, of better documentation is there invisibility skills. This has lead us to believe that they could still be with us right now without us having a clue, though believers on this theory are wondering if they decided to not join us in space due to the possibility of how much of a death trap it could have been against Charybdis, not to mention food. Any way, if they had wanted us dead it would have likely happened before or after your attack.

Laser to SOS, From Nymark, via the HMRF Pionjär.

If you can still move, there is a spot that would allow you to gain knowledge of the ones who call themselves gods, naturally we want a copy of any information you gain or make from what is found at the site. In exchange for revealing its location. We have reason to believe that the sight may be the most important out of all the sites we know about, in relation to the gods. This importance is marked by its potential age, likely being older than the rest.