View Full Version : [M&M 2ed] The Twilight Ic

2012-06-08, 07:17 PM
"Why are you doing this ?"
The hunched figures covers his bleeding flanks, in a last gesture she tries to lift her hand in a last futile gesture of defense "Do.. not come closer.. If you.. keep it..you will undo ev..ery..thing"
"Quite the contrary, I assure you" Another figures advance, his glow illuminates the blackness around. "And that is why"
"But w..hat will ..happen to th..em ?"
"Your hubris was great to the end. Have you ever truly looked down to see your legacy. They'll survive. Probably better without you" The cold voice becomes a lot more sympathetic as the gleaming figure pose a hand on his victim "But I swear this, if I can, I will protect and take care of them."
There's a last scream of agony and the fist one dies. The killer seems contemplative as it closes the eyes of it's victim whose body slowly vanish into the endless void.
"And if I cannot. You off all people should know the need of sacrifices"

400 BC, In the core of mount Olympus

The first sensations that come to you are the heavy clang of the hammers that echoes in vast halls. Only punctuated by the occasional grunt of effort, the screeching of a blade being sharpened against a wheel and the low hissing of bellows. You can feel the steps of large presences toiling away, the pounding of metal against metal. Drafts of hot air tingle your nose with sharp smells of cinders, hints of acid, ozone and the sensation of power flowing through the place. The warmth feels pleasant, comforting.

You sense two presences around you. One is large, heavy, similar to those walking all around you. It smells of sweat and ashes. Occasionally you feel a sweeping polishing feel against your flank. As it does, you feel movement stirring slowly in you. The second presence is smaller, lighter. You feel a slight touch against your side in a gesture of admiration for a well polished statue.
"He does not move yet?"
The answer comes a deep rumble.
"There was a time where he would have been ready a soon as our lord tore him from the rock. Now it seems more complicated. I do not know why, Daedalus, but times are changing, I do not what the future may hold for this place." There's an edge of sadness in the voice as it says this but after a pause it goes again, this time with a bit of amusement as it changes subject. "Now. You wished an audience with our lord but I'm afraid you’ve come at a bad moment. Our lord has decided to take a little time alone with his wife. He's preparing a surprise to regain her favors, I believe. He even gave us some free time later in the afternoon in this honor. As much as he appreciates you, I'm afraid her charms trump yours. But we could try to see if he has some time."
"...Only a foolish mortal would disturb such a tender moment, Gennadios. But maybe you can help me then? I have found this peculiar device and I cannot make sense of it."
"I would be happy to, but it is better not to talk here. I do not bear you any animosity but some of my brothers are not happy with what happened in Samothrace. I hear one of them talking about using your bones as a sharpening tool, you know?" The voices fade slowly as the two move away from you. "This is indeed a strange mechanism. I've never seen the likes of it before, this part here..."

A few hours of slumber come to pass as your eyes finally open. You can barely make the large dark shapes on great pillars bathed in the ambient orange light. The ceiling seems too high for you to see, or maybe it just disappears in the thick residual smog of the place. You lie in an open space. In front of you, diverse objects have been piled up. They appear as a blur to your still weak eyes, but they have some gleaming reflections and a distinctive appeal that you would learn to associate with metals. With effort by turning your head on the left you can see an oddly shaped large block of cast iron.
Even if your body still feels heavy, you can finally move. You also feel a craving in your body, a void in the center for yourself that asks to be filled. Your senses are clearing up. The sounds seem to have greatly diminished, only a swinging chain and occasional grinding from some far off machinery, and the only pounding you feel on the ground is that of your own feet that have suddenly decided to respond. It seems at the moment, only an empty forge is here to welcome you to life.

Blue Dwarf
3 months ago, New Jersey

After what seems hours of driving the rental truck finally slows down and turns to take a small dirt road. Through the windows all you can see are seemingly fields of grass and wheat under the stars. When the van stops, your driver steps out and walk to the back of the vehicle while silently waving you to do the same.

The field you parked isn't cultivated right now, it's just bare earth under your feet. The only sound you can make out, apart from the cooling engine (and the looping Queen CD your driver has felt the need to impose for the whole trip) are a few cicadas. There doesn't seem to be any other human presences at the moment, not a car on the roads, not a habitation in sight.

After a short pause, your accomplice takes a deep breath of the cold night air. The night sky really is magnificent. Far away from the city smog and without a cloud, the stars are fully visible.

"Does you good to get out of Freedom city once in a while." Now that he's confident no one else is here to see him, Vincent Bastion, the Red Dwarf, removes the hat on his head and takes his coat off. With a large gesture he opens the back of the truck, revealing what appears like construction panels piled in the front. He grabs two under his arms, the man may have lost his powers but he's definitively got some force still left, before delimiting with his free arm a large circle in the field about 30 meters wide. "That should do for starters. Help me set them out, kid."

It takes a good twenty minutes for him to make his side of a rough fence; "I rented the place for a whole week, so we should be good." You see him disappear in the back of the truck and get out a pair of movie cameras "But if anyone comes, that's our cover." he walks back into the truck, to get something wrapped under tarp.
"Now why do you think I drove us here?"

The Tallywol
300 standard galactic pulses, Past the Proxima Centauri Interstellar Bypass

The ship has been proceeding at a steady pace lately; you heard you were approaching another system. It is believed to bear life on its fourth planet… or is it the third?
You have been called on deck 2A for a revision of safety protocols while boarding new worlds. It would be an understatement to call it a bore. Until... there's a moment of panic as a sudden tremor shakes the ship. You and Ze'erki, one of the other Ra'shathasans are almost thrown on the floor by the violence of the turbulence while the Cejitan scientist is thrown bouncing against the smooth curved wall of the cabin. Thankfully for him, his species’ natural lightness allows them to support some quite hard impacts. The holographic computer generating the images you were studying shuts off and the lights dim down as you can hear the humming of power shifting though various systems and the survival tools you were supposed to learn to operate scatter on the floor with a metallic noise.

"What is going on?" Ze'erki asks the small creature as he shakes out of his stupor. But the only answer you get from the small bug creature is a rattle of its wings, a reaction you have come to associate as a gesture of confusion and nervousness from that species.
You hear another loud sound thumping for a short while, the activity coming from the bridge. You see many lights dancing from the instruments against the smooth polished surface. This is not unusual for a Cejitan ship but the way they are blinking in quick succession is something new. An announcement from the ship PA system bounces off the walls. It's in Cejitan, a fast succession of rattling and clicking you'd have a hard time making sense of, but you don't need to understand it to watch the commotion it causes among the crew.

There's another tremor, stronger. This time you are thrown on the floor no matter what. You feel an almost painful vibration coming through the ship, and a few of the intricate crystalline systems along the wall seem to shatter with a frizzling sound. The crew is scrambling away, though some try to repair the light damage.
"Are you alright, Ke' ?" Another announcement comes in as Ze'erki, always the tough one is helping you back on your roots. This one has a Ra'shathasani translation as well. You are urged not to panic, to act calmly and follow the emergency procedure and get into to the closest security pod. You are by now familiar enough with the ship to know they are scattered around the ship and unlock in case of emergency. Unfortunately, you don't know their exact location in this part of the ship. The communication adds with a warning to lock on tight.

Freedom City, wharf

From your high vantage point on a crane, you see at least three figures moving around the large brick building about a hundred meters. Trouble is, except for a few this warehouse is supposed to be deserted right now. You should know; you own it.

The barrier is asleep and the security guard at the entrance is lying around in his booth; like that, you can't say from here if he's dead, knocked out cold or just asleep. They parked their van right in the middle of the courtyard; obviously they're not here to stay. The large doors of the building with the 'Q Corp' logo on them have been opened so there may be more of them inside doing whatever they were here to do. They don't wear uniforms of any sort, but their clothes have been chosen to cover them quite a bit. They also all wear hoods or caps. Two of them are armed with odd-looking machine guns and stand guard near the door. The third one is carefully patrolling around the building, scanning around for people.
None of them have seen you yet.

Freedom City, Riverside

"Is there anything I can do for you, young man?" the smiling old woman behind the counter asks with a smile.

The interior of this place looks old, which is rather unusual for such a new and dynamic district like Riverside. This is more the kind of the kind of thing you'd expect to find on Lantern Hill, (but you don’t like going there for... reasons.)
There's a slight smell of dust and dry paper in the air. The dusty window seems to even ward off a bit the bright light and the noise of the animated street outside. There are books everywhere, on shelves, on metallic sale stands, even stacked on the floor to the point you have to do some twisting around to access to access the backroom. Some of the titles you’ve never even heard of.

You don't really know why your steps brought you here. Maybe it's because the charms of those little bookstores seem to have increased since increasing disparition. Maybe it calls to something deeper. Maybe you are just falling into old habits.

But you do remember needing something, what was it already?

The Pharaoh

The world is gone. There is just a blank void filled with whispers. Your head is empty. You feel light as a feather, as if you were floating in the aether. Time seems to have stopped, as if you were to stay this way forever.

But the sensations pass and you feel yourself called down. If the discomfort in your back is any indication, you are lying half naked on what you must assume to be a hard stone slab covered with cushions. The air is cool and chilly and there is a light smell of incense and flowers. You hear very little sound except for some frog croaking and a splash of water, coming from a river nearby.

You open your eyes on darkness, except for a small glow given by a small bronze brazier nearby. Your vision adapts to the low light, and you realize your bed is surrounded by veils. Standing up and pushing them aside you see you are standing at the center of a massive luxurious chamber, something out of an ancient Egyptian palace. The walls are made of massive stone decorated with colored frescos and light tapestries. Surrounded by the shadows cast by two massive statues and a few ornate coffers, facing you is a large balcony, though you do not see much of the view from your position except a heavy early morning mist. The place is unknown but somehow feels familiar.

On the other end of the room, behind you, you hear a light footstep resonating on the cold tilled floor.

So we're starting with a short prorogue for each of you, just a little something to introduce your character on their own. since we are in self contained intros rather than fully in the main plot just yet you guys have a bit more freedom to improvise with the environment or screw around with the Npcs.

Erdo: Tl,DR: Damascus as just been created in the forges of into,us. He is alive but hungry. Letting you introduce the character a bit from his particular POV before getting into he meat of your prologue.

Rook: Yes, the red dwarf listen to Queens. any problem with that ? Seriously though, since you haven't made his build or given much info on him, I'm making some details as I go; though it'd be more interesting that having the mentor figure be too bland and passive.

Buisness: Surprise ! We're playing this little bit of your backstorry. though it'd be a nice way to start. There's might to be a few changes from waht's on your sheet though.

Volv: Batman cold cut intro time ! The three guys around the warehouse are mooks, you pretty much outclass them in any way, so not much rolls necessary unless you try something particular elaborate. knock yourself out;

Bwuh: .. Hum well, okay i got nothin' in particular so I though a calm mundane opening, for starters. but there's a couple of hooks here so dodn't worry if you want somethign to happen just ask.

Jallorn: Nope, I didn't read your backstorry wrong. Bear with me.

I would like to thanks Ripleycat for her help in editing and correcting this a bit.

Link to the OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=245773)

2012-06-08, 09:30 PM
Khai moves towards the balcony, examining the statues more closely on his way. Any hints to where he is will be very useful.

Can't really do anything more detailed yet, as I don't even know for sure when this is.

2012-06-08, 09:54 PM
Alex looks thoughtfully at the circle he and Vincent constructed. I assume we're here to practice, though I admit, I don't yet understand the exact purpose of the circle. Am I going to use these barriers for targets? And should I put on my suit?

2012-06-08, 10:03 PM
Garret looked at his property, specially to the security guard, who was clearly either dead or not doing his job, "He is totally not getting his bonus this time" that was probably something he should take a better look later.
He started to climbed down the crane, stealthy moving from shadow to shadow, until he was on the back of the van.

He placed one of his Mini-tracers on it and moved from his place, those two thugs on the front would pose no trouble for him, at the same time, fighting them might alert the others something is not going according to their plans. "I guess you got lucky Thug 1 and 2".

He the proceeded to hit the side of the van to activate the alarm, or at least make an annoying noise that they should check after the deed was done he quickly hid himself, and prepared to enter the building.

2012-06-08, 10:29 PM
The giant beast of metal and fire known as Damascus stretches out and yawns, his inner fire was dull at the moment, only the dullest of cherry red emitting from the cracks in his metalic hide, he makes his way to the pile of scrap metal, taking his first bite of metal, building up the metal on his hide and letting the inner fire build up as it reflected back on itself, increasing his strength and making him less rigid, eventually he was full, shedding excess metal in a rain of silvery shards as he shook much like a dog would.

With that, his mind finally caught up with his body, getting him to look around, walking the area. After a time he let out a sound akin to a roar, only far more metallic (think the panther or leopard one you hear in movies) as he stalked the room, growing restless, this would fade, the restlessness and need for movement, it would yield to eternal patience as time wore on, but now, now he was like a hot-headed teen looking for something to stave off boredom.

Business Scrub
2012-06-09, 12:40 AM
Ke'era looks around, disoriented. "Ze'erki? I'm ok. We need to get to those pods." She takes his hand and pulls him along a few steps before she realizes she has no idea where she's going. She looks at him, eyes wide. "Which... which way are they?"

2012-06-09, 12:03 PM
"Books are a true pleasure." Owen said merely to himself, his discerning eye trailing over the cover of tome after tome. He loved stores like this that struggle to stay alive and not become Barnes and Noble. Who knows how many books could be lost in such a conversation? Not to mention the smell in there; brand new pages and chemicals, but here, this place smelled dusty and worn like a book should.

But it wasn't the pleasure of reading he was looking for today. Ever since Lantern Hill his research had been.. suffering a bit. These old stores always had a little book of magic tucked away somewhere with no one even daring to try them either because they were too superstitious or not superstitious enough. The young man adjusted his bag and lyre hanging from the same strap and ran his hand over the worn and lovely cover of one of the books.

"No thank you, miss. I'm just looking.." Owen finally replied, glancing over at the woman in charge of this place. Older, obviously, the teen wondered if she was a witch with some secret magic book hidden waiting for the person with talent enough to find it. But he had talent. And if this place could advance him even slightly he needed it.

A shiver ran down his spine as a chill filled the air. His breath became a little visible.

Needed it.

"Well, actually, excuse me if this sounds delightfully bonkers but do you have any books dealing with the occult? Specifically.. ghosts and resurrections." And I'm getting kicked out of here in three, two..

2012-06-09, 10:58 PM

This is no ordinary forge, this is the mother of the metalwork and engineering of a civilization, and the quality of the material shows. This is metal plucked form the core of stars themselves, used to make weapon fit for the gods. Crunchy under the teeth yet it melts delightfully under the palate; it'll weight on your stomach later but it's a true delight for the metalovore connoisseur.

Your vision clears a bit. While still blurry, where were a large grey block, you distinguish a bit better the forms of anvil twice your size or furnaces that could fit a small house. Sadly they are all cold and empty, and they offer little entertainment. At some point you hear some kind of great sound, echoing from the wall. It sounded like roaring laughter from an assembly. But you do not feel any presence walking on the ground anywhere near, so you must assume it was a loud distant sound.

The place is huge, you come to realize as it takes easily more than ten minute to finally reach one end. The wall is carved in rock and seems to follow a curved path. Sets of very large steps along the rock spiral upward and loose themselves into the far off unssen ceiling. Under them are a number of opening closed by curtains. You hear a faint humming sound and a faint light coming from under one of them.

Blue Dwarf

"Good guess" Vincent answers comes back from the vehicle, wearing some vaguely high tech harness with associated shoulder pads on his torso. "I want to see how you do in the open air, true. But that's not all." but he doesnt say more on the subject.

He drags a small machine that you recognize as an energy scanner used to track energy level, and plugs into one of the cameras. Then he grabs one of the panels, take his lighter the other hand and stick the flame to the material, not a trace. "They wanted to install the stuff as isolation in one the new pyramid skyscraper but they settled for something less expensive. Fire resistant stuff. A few other forms of energy as well. We don't want to set fire to the field around do we ?"

He steps into the ring and mention you to do the steps before closing the last panel behind you and punches a few buttons on his thing, there's a faint humming sound. "Alright, Alex" he claps his fist together. He's smiling "Show me what you got."

The Tallywol

"I don't know !" he sounds as lost as you are "I though you did" Just like you, Ze'erki would be considered quite curious by Ra'shathasani standard but so much he's not shy around other species. Of the three of your species that boarded, you were probably the one who looked around the ship and talked with the crew the more. In three weeks of trip you gathered a few details about the general layout and some of the simpler, you could probably recall them if you concentrated a bit, but there's only so much you can get when you don't speak the crew language.*
Jel'k, the third one, could communicate with the Cejitans rather well, no small feat for anyone not equipped with mandibles and a double pair of wings, but her interest in this trip, was as far as you got from her because she doesn't talk much, purely xenogeologic, which is why she rarely bothered coming for training and such along you. Where is she at the moment, you do not know.

Any reflections are interrupted by a muffled but distinct screeching sound of twisting matter coming from the outer hull.
The wall instruments have been going blinking like crazy since the wave you felt, despite the work of a lone engineer frantically trying to, you assume stabilize the station while another Cejitan is gripping him by the leg , trying to pull him away. And another seems to look expectantly at them while rattling it's wings.

*(The little insectoids cannot talk your language more than you speak theirs but they can understand it, even if sounds dreadfully slow to them. The prospects of chatting with a member of another species trumped their impatience enough that they made large effort to facilitate communication. For official communications like the lesson you that was just interrupted, they use translating devices). At this point this is all rather immaterial, though.


As you pass near the guard booth, you see you will not need to pay a bonus to that guard anymore, you may however need to pay a pension if he has a widow. The only apparent mark and cause of death seems to be a five small round burns in t he back as far as you can tell. You see two (more or less hidden) video cameras above the entrance are still intact, yet no alarm has been sound. The vehicle barrier lay on the floor, splintered and broken.

The van is not parked far from the warehouse entrance actually and is right in the line of sight of the two guards. Make sense they would keep an eye on their getaway. The good news is that it provides good cover, the bad one is that moving away from it unseen is going to require some pretty good timing. The two men are talking, though you only can only hear part of on of them, talking loudly and betraying nervousness in the way he shifts around, is talking.
'..hit Man ...this guy was dead ! ... didn't sign up for this"

Your kicking fail too trigger any alarm. Cursed be those criminal smart enough to power out loud sirens before going on stealthy crimes. It does however make the sound you'd expect while kicking violently a car which the guards hear.

They shift their attention in your direction. The nervous one start almost jump in the air at the sound and raise his weapon in direction of the van but the other, more experienced, grabs him by the shoulder and make a short gesture to stay put. This thankfully give you a very short window where they aren't looking at you. At the injunction of the other, the less experienced one reach for a radio and say a few worlds in it then start moving, while the other slightly crouched stay near the door, arm at the ready to give cover fire.


"The occult, young man ?" The old bookseller takes a step backward in the shade. Her voice take a strange ominous shrieking sound. She seems to stare right into your soul "Do you believe me a witch, paddling with the occult, dancing with demons and dealing in dark tomes forces men where not meant to know ? "

"Sorry, afraid not . But I've been told my jam rolls could wake up the dead" Guess that's what you get for book shopping in Riverside, district of artist hipsters, and theaters; even the booksellers moonlight as comedians. You feel may feel a bit foolish.
"They're in the back." Foolish to assume that around here your question would be automatically be decried as craziness. In a city that gets attacked about twice every month or so by Malador the lich from Atlantis, Medea the bloody enchantress, the enigmatic Dr Sin and countless other pompous sounding names of a long list crazed sorcerers, insane mystics, undead and creatures from beyond reality, it take a particular brand of hard headed or delusional skeptic not to believe in magic at least a bit.

"I'm afraid it's not a very extensive collection. If you don't find your happiness, I think you'll have to ask a more specialized establishments; I believe you may find some up the Hill or in . And I don't keep much order in them." That's the understatement of the century. The shop may seems a mess but there seems to be at least a certain organizations to the mess, tags with names of authors placated along the shelves or at least stacks kept relatively small and organized by categories. But those, however have been touched a little as possible, enough to keep them in a good state but no more. "Dreadful thing they are" You can hear the old woman muter. Just because the existence of mystical forces is widely accepted, does not mean most people understand it. Or like it for that matter. You may find what you wan there but it's going to take some time to rummage through all of them for it.

The Pharaoh

You move in the dark room and your eyes adapt to the obscurity. There's something very strange for a little while, like a flicker, two images truing to superpose each others and stabilizing In one.

The statues are of a man and a woman. On the ceiling is a large picture of two women, one with the body of a vulture, the other with the body of a snake.You know who they are, you have seen them in pictures, and you were been told about them, both by your parents when they walk to you of your heritage and sometime by the voices in your head when they oh so rarely felt inclined to share the millennial knowledge.

On the ceiling, Nekhbet and Ouadjet are keeping watch over the room while statues of Isis and Osiris look with unblinking glares and unmoving benevolent smile while you approach from the balcony. The mist is quite heavy and your view limited, but you do see under your eyes the massive shapes of the wings of a palace made out of yellow stone delimiting a courtyard traversed by a small channel. You can see a few lights and torches though the mist, and a few figures marching below. It is exactly like one of those photographs you saw, of ancient Egyptians ruins. Except .. before they were ruins.

Behind you, from the other side of the room you hear another hesitant footstep. You hear a woman voice "Lord Pharaoh, I heard sounds. Have you trouble sleeping ?"

2012-06-09, 11:44 PM
Damascus looks toward where the sound came from, only to calm down once it's obvious no one is approaching. He started pacing, waiting for someone to show up, to break the silence and the emptiness. Finally, he couldn't wait any more, his patience growing thin quickly. He prowled to the curtained door and peered through, merely glad to break the monotony more than anything else. It was odd how he worked, only a few hours old and he was skulking around like a curious cat, which is essentially what he was, he had not yet learned much beyond what his insticts told him and what the gods had forged into him, though even that was spotty at best.

He moved cautiously as he entered the new room, ready to go back to the gods' forge at a moments notice should anything happen, though he didn't like it (it was cold, tired, and lacking life), he much prefered it to being in a life threatening possition.

2012-06-09, 11:51 PM
As he moved from behind the van, he watched as the thugs didn't act as he planned, which was weird for what he was expecting "This guys seem to be very well prepared for this, they must be stealing something very important, for someone with a lot of dosh, like me" as he said his monologue he proceeded to put on his gas mask, over his mask, it was uncomfortable and very weird, but it had worked before, I am guessing this time wouldn't be any different.
Readying one of his hands on his bandoleer, preparing himself to throw one of his extremely normal tear gas grenades.
This time it was obvious that just throwing the grenade at them, would be a moronic action, they know he was here, the experienced one knew, the inexperienced one knew and probably the whole complex inside knew as well, probably one or two are coming, or they are hurrying things up to run away, which anyway, they are going to do.
Garret waited for any other mooks before throwing the grenade.

2012-06-10, 12:19 PM
"Ha, ha, ha." Own forces a soft chuckle, while rubbing the back of his head. It had embarrassed him, and he didn't like being viewed as some kind of freak, but that was almost inevitable. He was sure most masters of magic kept to themselves in some high tower.. or were moonlight as a super-villain. None that could really help him- unless..

No. He wasn't finding a super-villain. That thought is right out.


"Ahaha.. I'm not getting up to anything too much.. aha, thank you very much miss." He stammered while stepping over to the back as quickly as possible. The boy stared in wonder at all the books wishing he had the time to properly organize and catalog each and every one. "Maybe I can come back and discuss some sort of.. no, no, focus man, focus."

Owen picked up one book off the top of a stack and settled down to find something useful.

I suppose I'll use a Knowledge (Arcane) roll to find something? :smalltongue:

Roll: [roll0]

2012-06-10, 04:20 PM

You slip behind the curtain. There's a small set of stair and a short but corridor. It's is more richly decorated than the rest of the forge. The source of the faint humming sound you heard is a bronze case in which is enclosed a strange line of blue fire. It seems moves and crackles faintly while providing illumination into the room.

At the end of the corridor is a massive iron door. It's very thick and look rather impressive decorates with large bronze pattern and a series of complicated looking locks. In the center is the shape of a hammer. The door is slightly ajar.

You hear whispering voices coming from behind. Just hearing them fills you you with a strange sense of awe.
One is male definitively, commanding and brash, at every word it pronounce it puts in mind of fires, blood in the dust, blades clanking against each other and the exhilaration of battle.
"In his own workshop ?"
The second voice is female, so very much so you can tell despite never have met a female until now. it put in mind of silk rooms, passion and flowers
"Don't tell me you are afraid ?"
"You should know, I fear nothing"


Your knowledge of the occult generally allow you to recognize the genuine mystical books from the crap by glancing over a few pages.
There's actually a fair number of books who contains some nuggets of useful advice or real facts but generally under a thick layer of new age or conspiracy stuff. Its still mostly garbage though.

A handful of books look more serious in their research and subject, Curiously they're among the most recently publied stuff, but not particularly useful for you unless you feel like augmenting your occult collection in a general sense, General principles and starters spells for neophytes', and essais.

Nothing written by mad Arabs and bound with the skin of hellbeasts or just bona fide spellbooks though... Ah, you see something that might be interesting 'Beyond and back'.

"A find certainly, if I may." a middle aged woman in a sharp tailor on your right comments. She herself select a "Ancient and new worships from a sorcerer point of view, the nature of the link between gods and men" and "technomagic: Is it possible to redefine the law of thermodynamics around the occult ," essais and a 'bestiary and strange sights from lands beyond' "But if you are serious about your studies of the subject, I doubt it'll be enough for your needs."


Sure enough, another goon gets out of the warehouse along the one guarding the entrance and the one who was patrolling around the warehouse joins them soon. All three stand ready to help the one checking out the vehicle.

The guy who went forward cautiously reaches the van and take a look aaround very cautiously.

2012-06-10, 07:02 PM
Alex steps across the ring to take a position on the opposite side of the circle, not really sure what his mentor is up to. He considers a few possibilities for a moment before letting fire dance along his hands for a second then sending a blast at Vincent's feet. Clearly not wanting to hit him.

2012-06-10, 07:14 PM
Damascus slowly approaches the voices, pulling his inner fire into a tight ball at the center of his being, dimming his outer glow as he does so. He was just curious, not really knowing what was going on was annoying him, and he wanted to know what was happening so he wouldn't be in the dark.

2012-06-11, 12:17 AM
"Showtime." Garret watched as the group of goons started to get near the van, it was time to act, he took hold of his tonfa and removed the safe of the tear grenade as he expertly slid it to the feet of the group of thugs.
Garret Proceeded to just walk directly to this guys as the grenade exploded releasing the irritating substance inside of it, it was obvious they wouldn't expect something like that.
"Do you get paid extra hours while being in jail?" he asked giving away his position "If so, your pay check just got a lot bigger" he smirked behind his two mask, this was going be a crazy night.
I am not sure you gonna roll, but it is a fort save DC 14 in a 40 ft radius, that produces Nausea and Blindness

2012-06-11, 04:31 AM
You could say that, Khai murmurs, Is this... real?

Business Scrub
2012-06-11, 04:35 PM
Ke'era runs over to the Cejitans, helping pull the lone engineer away. "We have to leave, the ship breaking apart! Where are we supposed to be going?"

She looks frantically around for a sign that might point her in the right direction, or a path to a more familiar part of the ship.

2012-06-12, 11:54 AM
"Junk, junk.." Owen slowly made his way through the assorted books in silence. Sure, he found a book with actual magic in it once in a while but nothing he was looking for. But he did try and set aside some of the more interesting ones for possible purchase.. just because it didn't deal with the dead, didn't mean it couldn't be useful, right? Especially General principles and starters spells for neophytes. Although he found some information, it didn't look like he was going to find anything of real interest..

"Beyond and Back?" He spoke tentatively, feeling something like excitement welling up. He nearly jumped out of his skin when the quiet silence was broken by an older lady, before slowly turning his head around to look at her. "You.. don't think so? But it looks so.. official." Owen replied to her lamely, staring down at the book. "I suppose you'd know all about this sort of thing?"

2012-06-21, 08:17 PM

It's a gigantic workshop. There's another forge it looks much more richer, more decorated. There many tools scattered around too and large boxes, tables and coffers so big you could probably slip under with a bit of effort. Far away against one wall there's a beautifully crafted set of sword and armors and more of that strange blue crackling light set in.. bunches ? They give a faint blue illumination to the otherwise dark room.

But it's the two people standing in the middle that takes your attention. a man and a woman of great beauty both. The man is muscular and looks tough with black hairs and slightly angular traits. he's wearing a red tunic and bronze legging, near him a bronze breastplate had been has been laid on the ground. The woman is ...stunning. (even for you, despite the fact you aren't the right species to fully appreciate it.) Her long blond hair falls to her waist along her perfect figure. Both seem to radiate an aura of power, just looking a them gives a sense of fear, adoration and awe.

They seem very busy, locked against each other, trying to suck the air out of each other lungs with their mouth ?

Blue Dwarf

"Very nice, if the ground is trying to get us we know you are ready" the red dwarf look a the flames dying at his feet "But we need to get you some more sparing practice. They won't be all the ploughing* monologing kind. Do give me some credit, kid" The ex superhero lift the corner of his sleeve, revealing a corner of a white suit under it "Fire resistant suit, like the panels" he says why taping one of the barriers "So if you have to worry, kid" Suddenly he grabs the object with both arms and, lifts it in a blur and he swings the thing at you "do it about yourself."*

The stats I'm going to use for him in this short little fight will probably not be the same as your PL 4 minion.
If he touches, it's a difficulty 20 toughness roll please

*(Form your memories of your encounter, with his nemesis, the former superhero is being a bit cocky here. Calling Vile ploughing, is quite a stretch, sure he may not have been the most athletic villain ever but he can move fast and pack quite a punch when he really wants to)*

The Tallywol

Despite his resistance, you manage to drag the engineer away from the machine just as the crystalline part who was starting to glow wildly finally gives up and explode in a shower of translucent shrapnel and sparks.
The other crewbugs look at you with something akin to gratefulness before grabbing his colleague and moving away with a nod for you to follow him.

As you are about to turn in another section of the circular deck, you hear another deafening screech of tortured hull. But this time very very close. You feel a slight change change of pressure. Giving a reflex glance behind, you see an oblong conical object just pierced the ceiling. You see a small hole opening in the tip from which a jagged sharp clawed appendage springs. You have never seen it before, nor did you wish you ever would, but you have heard ushered tales of death and destruction about such objects. Gegathi's assault pods.
"Look out" There's another sound, like an alarm and you hear the sound of something charging up close, not far in front of you. Looking up, you can see blast doors are pointing form the ceiling. As per security protocols, as soon as a complete breach is detected,this section of the bridge is going to be hermetically sealed off to avoid any leak of air or contamination.

The doors are about twelves to fifteen feets, maybe a bit more in front of you, You hear from behind you the sound of something landing on the floor and running. It's catching up to you in matter of mere seconds. Gegathi are very efficient predators, single minded, deadly and fast.


The three goons in front of the warehouse have barely time to react and try to move away or put a hand in front in their mouth that they are already falling to the ground coughing and crying.

The one in front of the van grips his gun and points at you "Stay back !" he yells while pointing his gun in your direction. His arm is wavering and he looks like he's about o crap his pants. "HVR6-Impaler" you notice.

Suddenly you hear a large sound of crashing and broken glass coming from the building roof, something crashed through the roof window. The goon panics and his twitchy finger instinctively presses the trigger.

I'm making it a fortitude save, they failed.
However the one in front of you gets a roll (given the circumstances, seeing as you are walking in his direction in the open and all, he acts first if you try to attack him)
[roll1]-1 because he's stressed. Since he is a minion, you can take ten against him for defense.

Toughness roll difficulty 21 if he hits

edit: holly crap ! he did not just made a critical ?! That is one lucky minion. correction, toughness dificulty 26


"Well I dabble in a lot of things. And I wouldn't want to brag but yes I am rather knowledgeable about the subject." The woman takes her book and moves to the front of the shop."But you can only learn so much by yourself. And in these time, I'm afraid there's little offer for an apprentice ship in an ivory tower, sadly. You'd be too old anyway. So..." she fishes out of her purse a small card she hands over to you

"'Mina Haerva's
Owl perch club'"*
"There may be much to be learned from people with the same interests. Do give a visit if you get the time."

The Pharaoh

"I assure you oh, king" the woman bows to you. You see she's rather old, wearing golden bracelet and a torque and a rich robe with leopard skin with religious icon of the goddess Ma'at. Her attitude seems concerned and slightly concerned, but not overly so. "that whichever of your regular nightmares you had ,it is now passed. You have waken from now. It is real as the sun that rises in the morning or the ground your feet are on. I will prepare you an infusion to make your morning easier.
This however cannot continue. If I may bold enough to ask, is it the war that trouble you so, oh king ?"

2012-06-21, 10:10 PM
Damascus tilts his head as he looks at the two before he starts sniffing around the room. He makes surprisingly little noise for a couple hundred pound metal beast, though with his comparative size he would be less noticeable.

Business Scrub
2012-06-22, 11:46 AM
Ke'era stands shocked for a moment, deer in the headlights. This can't be happening. This isn't happening right now.
Then, vividly aware of the tramp of death running toward her, she starts sprinting away trying desperately not to get sealed inside with the deadly brutes. Please let Ze'erki be following me...

2012-06-23, 10:07 AM
"Wow, the real deal, and you're not trying to blow up the city or anything." Owen responded before taking the card. It even looked official. "Thanks.." He mumbled, feeling a profound sense of numbness. This might actually help.

2012-06-25, 02:23 PM
"I continuously forget of the other guy, why can't everyone just fall for the grana-"being so cocky didn't give him enough time to see the guy actually shooting him with those weapons, it took him by surprise "How did he get one of those?, do i actually sell them to the public in here?, Is this a group of vampire hunters?"he was thinking as the pain of getting shot by that weapon become reality

I will use a Hero point
Second: [roll1]
So Stunned, Bruised and Injured.

He grabbed his side shocked by the attack "Oh.. You are not getting away with this."

2012-06-26, 10:11 PM
Then the gods are playing with my mind. Or trying to teach me something. Oba turns to the woman, My memories do not fit this time. I remember a world vastly different from this one, and, if I'm not mistaken, it is the future.

2012-07-03, 01:04 AM

You tiptoe into the titanic room.

In the background, the workshop smells a bit like the rest of the forge , but with some diferent in balance. Weither the rest gave an impression of raw power, smells overwhelming of sweat labot and smoke, this is a place where the raw power is refined and shaped in it's final form. You can also smell the same odors of sweat and dirt and brutish stregth that you associate with the large habitants of the forge, their trails wander in the corridor but only timedly goes into the room itself, standing near the exit.

On top of everything, three smells are very noticable, or more honestly, overwhelming. The first two are those of the two people standing in the middle, kissing each other. The mising of bland sand and flowers make for a strange but heady perfume. They entered the place not so long ago. You can smell a few aditional puffs of the woman herself around the door, she's been here before ocasionaly.

The third one is omnipresent, someoen who is here often, spends days even in this palce. It's all around the room, around the small forge, on the large desk that throne in front of the entrance, around variable places where thr masterworks comes to life and the end products. Very Recently you can tell it has been concentrated around two places. One worktable on wich you can see a small object fintly giving a faint beatufull orchid shine and arorund a gigantis metalic silouhette standing in the middle of other armors.
But for now, the owner of this small is gone from the room. it's a smell of sweatadn coal but also something more, something warm, something so very familiar, so very comforting. Forger, creator, father.

Normaly I should ask for a stealth roll for 'tiptoing' (or rather tipclawing for ya) around you know ?

Should you look at them more closely the small object is a beautiffully crafted bronze in the shape of flower and emit a little ticking in it.
The silouhette is a massive suit of armor. (more details if you try to interact with one)

The Tallywol

Zeer'ki is not following you. He's preceeding you, even grabing your arm and giving you a little push forward as he catches up to you. Running as fast as your roots will bring you, you easily pass beyond the doors as they barely started going down, with time to spare.
The Cejitans are even futher ahead, they're naturaly light, fast and they don't look like they are going to stop.

As you are still running , trying to catching up, you barely realise the stomping behind you seems to have stoped for a split second. a treacherous though might commes up to mind, if you could pass with time to spare....

I assume that by 'sprinting' you used the 'all out movement' action.
For a full action you quadruple your speed to run right in front of you. thus easily moving the 15 feets in a single round and passing under the bulkhead doors before they close (wich otherwise would ahve taken one more round since you have no speed.)


.. You lose your dodge bonus.
So this attack roll is prety much of a formality unless he fumbles. He's leaping on his target wich I'm interpreting as using a charge.

[roll1] (1-3 T, 3-6 Z)
[roll2] (strength check.)

Edit: so he's attacking you. You are pinned. if you fail an oposed strength check

You feel a large weight falling on you and crushing you to the floor and the pointy tip of claws scratching your back.


The thug takes a step back while keeping you in his sight he seems unsure what to do next. "i don't won't to go to prison. I didn't do it. I..." He doesn't seem lying but his wavering finger is not far from another press of the trigger.

Sudenly there's a metalic whirl and blur in the air comminc fromt he warehouse door and weapon is knocked out from the man's hands. You think it cames from the warehouse.. "I'm outta here" The man turns tail and start running to the exit.


"No one offended me enough for that yet." she gives a little playful smile. Getting a good look at her in the better luminosity of the front of the shop, you'd say she's actually younger that what you though in the first place, the way her black curly hair are tied in a severe bunn and her very proper atire does age her somewhat, somewhere her late twenties and mid thirties. There's something odd about her, though.
Something... missing , something in the way she stand in the light but you can't fully put your finger on it. "Besides" her expression shifts and become apologetic expression as soemone who realised they slipped or said something really uncalled for. The feeling of strangeness pass. "some may think war is a fun spectacle but I don't take pleasure in ruining lives."
She pays for her book (not without a low 'I might reconsider the burning' as the shopowner reminds you of the ugly side of those charming little bookstore with a price that is just barely under the limit of daytime robery) and moves back to the back of the shop. "Well we do hope for your eventual vist. Have a good day."

The Pharaoh

"It happens sometime that Thoth share some of his wisdom through vison my lord. their meaning are often hard to decypher and would it be a mere mortal, it can be overwhelmening."
The old woman look at you sternly before moving at the door. her yes seems to pierce you "but you my kind are not anyone. even if the meaning is unclear, it had to be important."

Business Scrub
2012-07-05, 08:01 PM
"AAAhh!!" Ke'era's scream echoes down the hall, chilling and loud as the massive beast pins her down. A thousand tiny thorns stick out of Ke'era, piercing the Gegathi's skin, pushing poison into his system. She struggles futilely against the creature's iron grip, and instinctively releasing a lethargic chemical around them.

Opposed strength check: [roll0]

Edit: well that's just... that's just a wonderful first roll.

As a Reaction action to the Gegathi making contact, Ke'era's thorns make a paralyze attempt on him. Fortitude save DC 16, I believe.
Also, standard action releasing stun chemical, Fortitude DC 20.

2012-07-06, 10:43 PM
He quickly threw another Tear nade the way the culprit was running about and turned to the warehouse as he said "So... dark and broody, are you gonna show yourself or need some time to finish your monologue?" he said as he took hold of his tonfa "Because, I still have some time to catch my soups and I don't don't want to waste waiting you to finish. " He wasn't really sure what was inside the warehouse, he wasn't really sure it was an alley or an enemy, or why it helped him, he just started to walk there slowly, prepared for anything that might happened.
Same deal with that one, DC 14

2012-07-10, 11:55 AM
"Well, that's good news." Owen said, feeling particularly relived that at least one powerful mage wasn't trying to kill him or other innocent people. I mean, you've got ultimate power, and all you want to do is blast people in the street and take vengeance for your miserable life? Wait. That did sound kinda right. Perish the thought! He couldn't put his finger on something odd that had been bothering him about this woman, but he figured if she was friendly it wasn't that big of a deal.. still, it was a little creepy.

"Thank you. So much. You've really given me a glimmer of hope." Owen responded enthusiastically, giving her a wide smile. Soon after he knows what was talking about when he buys a book of his own; the beginner's guide.

"That was my problem, maybe, I didn't start with the basics and probably doomed my great love's soul." Owen said, to himself, back home as the tension welled up in his stomach. He certainly hoped her soul wasn't doomed. He'd have to use one of these horrific torture spells he'd heard so much about.. on himself.

The book itself might have been harder to decipher for a normal person written as it was partially in a different language, but Owen had absolutely no trouble in that area. The master of the lute lit two candles and focused himself. "I can't go to that club a total newb at magic." He told himself, glancing down at the book and trying something simple.

2012-07-20, 05:10 PM
Then I will play along with the gods, tell me what I need to know. When is it, where am I, and what is the war?