View Full Version : League of Legends XXXIV: No Exceptions.

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ex cathedra
2012-06-09, 03:25 PM
League of Legends XXXIV:
No Exceptions.

There certainly haven't been any made for League.

You can sign up for League of Legends here (http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/en/signup/). It's a free MOBA, based on Defence of the Ancients.

We maintain lists of players, sorted by server. If you are not on these lists and would like to be, please post in the thread with the following information in bold: Server (if you don't know it, it's likely the region you're in, but it's worth checking anyway), your Forum Name and your Summoner Name
If no reply's been made about adding you after a day or two, first check the lists to see if you've been added, if not, feel free to post again or PM me. Any incorrectly formatted posts will probably be overlooked.

NA Server
{table=head]Forum Name|Game Name
0tt3r | 0tt3r
9mm | cwcriner
Adumbration | Benefice
aethernox | aethernox
Alemil | Alemil
Alter | AlterForm
Anonomuss | OpticalSage
ArcanistSupreme | Arcanist Supreme
Arbitrarity | Arbitrarity
Archangel Yuki | Yocham
assassin89 | nineballcirno
Astrella | Sirroelivan
AtwasAwamps | AtwasAwamps
Aurenthal | Estor
Baron Corm | Baron Corm
Baxter | Thefettered
BinaryMage | BinaryMage
Blueiji | Blueiji
Bookboy | Keledrath
Brother Oni | MarineHK4861
Bliss Authority | Companion N00b
Caradryan | Ying Quliang
Castleraven | Castleraven
cdstephens | cdstephens
Chess435 | Chess435
Copacetic | Azbu
Creed | Moarzed
CrnvorousMeece | CarnivorousMeece
Croverus | Croverus
Cute_Riolu | Cute Riolu
Dallas-Dakota | MustacheMan
Dante & Vergil | Raphiezar
Darth Mario | Darth Mario
Daverin | Daverin
Dentrag2 | Callinectes
dgnslyr | GANKERLagann
Dichotomy | Kaellin
Djinn in Tonic | The Djinn
Dogmantra | Dogmantra
douglas | DouglasM
Dragonus45 | Dragonus45
Drager0 | Drager0
Dragor | Supernaturalist
Draken | Draken Frosthand
DrakeRaids | DrakeRaids057
Dralnu | TomerIsHot
dukexx | JacksonHicks
Duos | DapperGuy
Eldariel | Elealar
efdf | efdf
Elagune | Chopstyx
EndlessWrath | Andurin
Errandir | Ramses III
EternalMelon | EternalMelon
faith | Ferrovax101
FantomFang | FantomFang
Faulty | FaultyClockwork
Fawkes | Count Fawkes
FeverFox | Alcopop
Flechair | Master Zealot
Folytopo | Folytopo
Frankelshtein | McFinkelstein
Fredaintdead | Fredthefighter
Gallus | Anechois
Geigan | Geigan
glemis | glemis
Giant Panda | Le Shirrif
Godskook | Bethor Kookalian
Gourtox | Gourtox
Gruffard | Gruffard
Hanuman | HanumanXoO
Hatevah | Hatevah
Incomp | Incomp
InyutheBeatIs | Believe Inyu
Istari | IstariK
Ivellius | Ivellius
Jamin | CapZich
Joran | Jorana
KaizoMK | KaizoMK
Kara Kuro | RaptorKitty
Kciemir | Ghostface Ki11ah
Kettle | Kettle747
king.com | kingcom
Kinslayer | HaunterReqiuem
kmchii | kmchii
Kopaka | CelesHurricane
Kwazey | Kwazey
LegoShrimp | LegoShrimp
Lil Shiro | Mizz Mitchell
litewarior | litewarior
Lix Lorn | ElixiaLorn
Lord Generic | Lord Generic
LordShotGun | LordShotGun
LostEnder | LostEnder
Low-Key | TheFuzziestBear
lvl 1 sharnian | StarryEagle
Lyxie | Lyxie
Maeglin_Dubh | Tycho Velius
Makensha | Jarbis
MammonAzrael | MammonAzrael
Manticoran | Manticoran
MasatoHyuga | MasatoHyuga
Master_Rahl22 | Goltoth
master256 | QWERTYSTOP
Math_Mage | Mathmage
Mattarias, King. | Mattarias
Malmagor Andrigal | Madmal
Maxios | Maxios20
Meatshield#236 | Meatshield236
Merellis | Merellis
Mike_the_Mystic | Kraemer
Milskidasith | Milskidasith
Mindfreak586 | Mindfreak586
Mirrinus | Parallaxal
Miscast_Mage | MiscastMage
Moklok | KokoBWare
mrzomby | mrzomby
Mtg_player_zach | MtgPlayerZach
Mushroom Ninja | Mushroom Ninja
Mutant Bunny | WhollySpart
Nadevoc | Xenik
Nanoblack | IwearSILLYhats
Nargan | Naryuk
Necroticplague | Yamidamian
Neoseanster | Neoseanster
NeoVid | NeoVid
neXianXavia | neXianXavia
NotAEvilToaster | NeonPie
oblivion6 | warcrown10
Octopus Jack | Thalric
PersonMan | Nsev
Pie Guy | Qwazes
pilvento | Kandrass
PhoeKun | PhoeKun
Poison Fish | Baron Von Flib
Protecar | Godreig
Protecar | Atk
Psychotic | SquirrelFish
Qaera | Qaera
ragingrage | ragingrage
Raistlin1040 | Sanevale
Rama | Nargus
Raroy | setokaibasmt
RationalGoblin | AtillathePun
Raveypoos | Rhaviewoos
recklessabaddon | recklessabaddon
revolver kobold | A Magic Kobold
Reynard | Duke Reynington
Serpentine | Lady Serpentine
Shades of Gray | PierreAbelard
shadowwalker64 | shadowwalker65
Shadowleaf | Shadowdancing
Shadow Lord | ShadowLordgiantitp
ShortOne | LittlePoppy
SidCoolios | Irazel
Silverraptor | Silverraptor
Sircarp | Sircarp
SirSigfried | LibertarianSDR
Slash_712 | Catfud
sofawall | sofawall
St. Viers | St.Viers
Starfols | Starfols
SuperPanda | Lokilar
SweetRein | Riot Reinboom
TalonDemonKing | TalonDemonKing
TechnOkami | Techn0kami
Temotei | Temotei221
Terazul | Allegretto
term1nally s1ck | silverdevilboy
Thanatos 51-50 | Thanatos Erebus
The_Fiery_Tower | TheFieryTower
TheGlowingRogue | I Glow In Dark
Themage | SirPelletheGreat
Thethan | Thethan
The Rabbler | Paco H Jones
The Shadowmind | The Shadowmind
The Valiant Turtle | Valiant Turtle
Thrantar | Thrantar
Thrawn183 | Thrawnyboy
throtecutter | throtecutter
toasty | toastymow
Tono | Tono Chou
Treayn | Treayn
tribble | Smallbluedot
Tychris1 | Tychris1
userpay | userpay
Vauron | Vauron
Volatar | The Volatar
wandiya | wandiya
Winterwind | DreamingHeart
Winthur | Seyruun
woodzyowl | Woodzyowl
Zabel_Zarock | Jon Talbain
Zeful | Zeful
ZeltArruin | ZeltArruin
Zemro | Shivic
ZeroNumerous | ZeroNumerous
Zeteni | Zeteni
zolga | TheZolga[/table]

EU Server--West
{table=head]Forum Name|Game Name
Acromos | Crannoch
Adumbration | Adumbration
Anonomuss | Anonomuss
Brother Oni | MarineHK4861
Cheers | Sam vds
Cyborg Mage | Cyborg Mage98
Eldariel | Elealar
Even Human | SlyGuyMcFly
Gauntlet | Isva
HalfDragonCube | giantmudkip
Krazzman | Viskerin
Maxymiuk | Maxymiuk
Mc. Lovin | B1GB1RDB4G3L
Miscast_Mage | MiscastMage
Morph Bark | Morpheus Bob
Nargan | Naryuk
PersonMan | Scarge
Reb46 | Reb46
Reynard | Duke Reyn
Talesin | Fridgecake
term1nally s1ck | Silverdevilboy
That'd_be_me | AntiLocke
Winterwind | DreamingHeart
Ziren | Zirenoid
zolga | MasterZolga[/table]

EU Server--Nordic & East
{table=head]Forum Name|Game Name
Dada | Scrattlebeard
Posca | LDRC
Rockbird | Rockbird[/table]

EU Server--Unspecified
{table=head]Forum Name|Game Name
Abakus | Terpfen
Alemil | Alemil
Ayra | Ayramatao
Darwin | DarwinBeGood
Endoperez | Endoperez
Heliomance | Sidhe de Grian
Kurrel | GrinningOni
littlebottom | Littlebottom
lord_khaine | Lord_khaine
Narazil | Narazil
Narkis | Narkis
Penthar | Malderon
Raviepoos | Skittles Unicorn
Shadowleaf | AncientPharma
shadowwalker64 | shadowwalker64
Socratov | Mbutu
Voidhawk | Sidhe ne Awk
Volatar | VolatarUK
Zefir | Einerwie
Zombywoof | Zombywoof[/table]

SEA Server
{table=head]Forum Name|Game Name
abadguy | Smite Thy Enemy[/table]

Download here! (http://mumble.sourceforge.net/)
Our main means of communication is a mumble server, playing host to a variety of games, including LoL. We're quite a tight knit community, get to know us! Hanging about is a good way to find a game, and if you don't fancy playing something there's always a good chance of a friendly chat. Contact Djinn_in_Tonic via PM if you have a question or want to donate money to keep the server running.
Address: fish.mumbleboxes.com
Port: 36003

Admins: Djinn_in_Tonic (Djinn); Darth Mario; ShortOne (LittlePoppy, Raven); Dogmantra; Nano (Nanoceraptor).

Some of us run streams. You can watch them here.
Silverraptor (http://www.livestream.com/silverrapter?t=527242)
Lyxie (http://www.own3d.tv/lyxie)

Sometimes people write guides and post them in this thread. Other times pro players write guides that people then post in this thread. They often end up here.
Guide to General Common Jungler Set-Ups (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12409551&postcount=575), by Mtg_player_zach
Small Guide to Jungle Counterpicking (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12379254&postcount=98), by Winthur
General Guide to AD Carries (http://www.solomid.net/guides.php?g=9234)
Into the Wild - Guide to Being a Better Jungler (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=10867111#post10867111) by Mtg_player_zach
Seizing the fourth digit: Playing your way out of Elo Hell. (http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=341821) by Math_Mage
Faulty and Raistlin's Quick Build Database: Notes and Stuff (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10942497&postcount=1004) by Faulty and Raistlin
Turning Skill Into Elo: Solo Queue Mindset And Methodology (http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=1220673) by MathMage
How to be a Good Team Leader (http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=1374492) by Darth Mario

Specific Champions
Riven 101 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12579737&postcount=204), by Arbitrarity
Highly Artistic Blitzcrank guide (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12380155&postcount=115), by Dogmantra
Laser Bear Udyr (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9657101&postcount=39), by Djinn_In_Tonic
Rammus: Can't touch this (http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=258919), by Math_Mage
Twitch (http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board
[URL="http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10267058&postcount=1448), by Djinn_In_Tonic
Jungle Akali (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10498621&postcount=1358) by Djinn
How to play everyone's favourite Lightning Squirrel (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10518034&postcount=154) by Dogmantra
Lee Sin (http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=636475) by Dralnu
Super Serious Rumble Guide (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11052926&postcount=904) by Dogmantra
Jax (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11252389&postcount=652) by Mtg_player_zach
OH SNAP Morgana Can Jungle (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11295698&postcount=1238) by Dogmantra
Anivia Guide (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11514141&postcount=845) by Eldariel
Tristana (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11938481&postcount=1029) by MathMage

Watching these videos makes you a classier person. Fact.
Jungle Janna! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fC6wm9iaNmM)
How to Win Every Game in League of Legends (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrsTE1vpoXM)
Panic at the Nexus (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7WlCbaLI3I)
Sunfire Cape Sunday (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgjfX6crjrg)
Season One Trailer with Commentary (http://www.leagueoflegends.com/news/season-one-trailer-commentary)
D-Town (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wHp4VJ47v0)
Insanity Mix (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGKN1Adzckk&feature=related)
(Truly, Truly) Outrageous (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fC7S05vI-BU&feature=related)
I'm just a noob (Ryze Ryze Ryze again) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wpr1T-pgaZY&feature=related)
e.o.n Shen (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHs_cGUPQ3M&feature=related)
Vendrim-Ionia (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ry3E2UQMe3k&hd=1)
Pwn ur FACE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zf9VSDt0EN4)
Your -Epic- Dreamhack comes true! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKCs1CyBFLg)
Ezreal Custom Skin Spotlight (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zn-HoAPlg-c)
I Just Got Ganked (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpNVN33fj4Y&feature=channel_video_title)
Keep Feeding (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaR0frKc4a0)
Champion Rap Battles -- Brolaf vs. Gentleman Cho'Gath (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZ-r300BVFI)
Combinasion BOOM! League of Legends (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwzsXR4sM_Y)
All in the Cards (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9d3342IXSs)
No One Ganks Like Garen (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bD4uiTQsRJg)
Rammus Taunts Everyone (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-8Q4PM4PXM)

It's like your eyes are getting a massage.
LoL Comic (http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=48169) by Elagune
Learn Your Alphabet (http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/6264/g28376.png) by Dogmantra and Pierreabelard (with a mention in Summoner Showcase #36 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cy7JWV-HA28&feature=feedu)!)
Chibi Champions (http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=763895) by pika7
Gender Swaps (http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=606416) by ShowMeYourMoves
Champion Flowchart Guides (http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=608154) by Renekton Bot
Patch Day Comic (http://i.imgur.com/kHtwk.jpg) by DaemianFF

Proof we're not all experiencing collective haullucinations.

League of Legends XXXIII: Game of Mundo (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=13142848#post13142848)
League of Legends XXXII: Cupcakes and Kittens and Squirrels. Oh my! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=237600)
League of Legends XXXI: I'll Start My Own Team! With TF And Janna! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=234631)
League of Legends XXX: Must be Summoner Level 18 to View (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=231927)
League of Legends XXIX: Are Nerfs Vayne In This Grave Situation? (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=229460)
League of Legends XXVIII: Ahri-Vederci, Dodge. Hello, Viktory. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=12466887)
League of Legends XXVII: Your Sister's Hotter (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=225730)
League of Legends XXVI: We've officially jumped the shark (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=223894)
League of Legends XXV: Who is your Summoner, and what does he do? (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=221849)
League of Legends XXIV: Today's Noob Strat, Tomorrow's New Meta (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=219436)
League of Legends XXIII: gunbladeface.jpg (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=217744)
League of Legends XXII: Teamwork OP, Nerf Nao (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=215725)
League of Legends XXI: For The Love Of God Amumu, Stop Crying! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=213794)
League of Legends XX: Riot's in the Playground (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=211977)
League of Legends XIX: 15 million players, and nary a Morgana (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=210332)
League of Legends: XVIII: ┻━┻ ︵ (╯°□°)╯ (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=207908)
League of Legends XVII: Gondor Has No Tank, Gondor Needs No Tank (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=205488)
League of Legends XVI: Alas, Poor Game Balance, I Knew Him, Morello (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=203298)
League of Legends XV: Robots Are Better Than Trees (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=201024)
League of Legends XIV: We're So Broken That We're OP! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=198948)
League of Legends XIII: Our Skill is Hard to Deny (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=196765)
League of Legends XII: It's Worth It Because I Said So In The Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=194886)
League of Legends XI: It's Hard to Post Like This in Heels (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=192695)
League of Legends X: Armored Armadillo Delivers Ambiguous Affirmative (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=10646164#post10646164)
League of Legends IX: New Thread Available! Only 6300 IP! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=188076)
League of Legends VIII: Gali-Os: They're idolicious! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=185516)
League of Legends 7: Truly, Truly Outrageous! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=182486)
League of Legends 6: Jannaaaaaaaaaa! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=178334)
League of Legends 5: Tall Grass Used Garen! DEMACIAAA! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=173805)
League of Legends 4:CAWCAWCAWCAWCAWCAW (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=169616)
League of Legends 3: You only need to click once (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=164008s)
League of Legends Goes Where It Pleases 2 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=158135)
League Of Legends: We post where we please. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=139094)

2012-06-09, 03:30 PM
I just realized my name isn't in the list. NA, ragingrage

2012-06-09, 03:30 PM
Hello! I apologize for making a duplicate.

ex cathedra
2012-06-09, 03:31 PM
Hello! I apologize for making a duplicate.

*shrug* Not a problem. I edited the link into my post and you were only a couple of minutes behind, anyways. It happens.

I just realized my name isn't in the list. NA, ragingrage
Consider it done.

2012-06-09, 03:38 PM
Do I need to be afraid of the Comics and Pics section in this iteration? :smallamused:

ex cathedra
2012-06-09, 03:39 PM
Do I need to be afraid of the Comics and Pics section in this iteration? :smallamused:

Soon. :smallwink:

Lix Lorn
2012-06-09, 04:00 PM
And if anyone needs proof, just ask me! :smalltongue:
...not really.
Not on this site at least.

2012-06-09, 04:15 PM
And if anyone needs proof, just ask me! :smalltongue:

Are you Ego Ignaxio? :smalltongue:

2012-06-09, 04:28 PM
Urgh. Just got out laned by Kayle. =\

2012-06-09, 04:29 PM
There certainly haven't been any made for League.

I beg to differ, good sir.

fred dref
2012-06-09, 05:14 PM
Urgh. Just got out laned by Kayle. =\

Kayle has a lot of really strong machups.

So it appears as though MLG is being... interesting. Wouldn't let Aphromoo go to the washroom between games 2-3, and CLG.eu is having issue with 3(!) of their headsets, but MLG won't let them try and fix it, making them play anyway.

2012-06-09, 05:15 PM
I beg to differ, good sir.

You're saying there HAVE been exceptions made for League?

Because I'm pretty sure there are a few thousand pictures that prove that it isn't an exception.



2012-06-09, 05:40 PM
You're saying there HAVE been exceptions made for League?

Because I'm pretty sure there are a few thousand pictures that prove that it isn't an exception.

Eoh. No, I just grossly misinterpreted the exception bit, and my beliefs are with yours. Huh, 'dunno where my brain was at the time...

2012-06-09, 06:20 PM
That last TSM vs. CLG EU match was epic. Those Anivia walls and dat ult were scary followed by all of the CC Shen and Leona could put out in an AoE, not to mention Graves' AoE damage. CLG's initiation was definitely better in terms of champions not relying on Flash, but then TSM had better counter-initiation and ridiculous power with Morgana + Kennen ults.

2012-06-09, 06:34 PM
Sitting on the loading screen, one of the champs on my side hasn't connected.

ex cathedra
2012-06-09, 06:50 PM
That last TSM vs. CLG EU match was epic. Those Anivia walls and dat ult were scary followed by all of the CC Shen and Leona could put out in an AoE, not to mention Graves' AoE damage. CLG's initiation was definitely better in terms of champions not relying on Flash, but then TSM had better counter-initiation and ridiculous power with Morgana + Kennen ults.

That entire Bo3 set was pretty much fantastic.

2012-06-09, 06:52 PM
That entire Bo3 set was pretty much fantastic.

Agreed. I want to play now. Usually, I wait until nighttime. I still will, but agh.

Also, Dan Dinh and Studio casting was nice.

Lix Lorn
2012-06-09, 07:01 PM
Are you Ego Ignaxio? :smalltongue:
...who? :smallconfused:

ex cathedra
2012-06-09, 07:04 PM
Agreed. I want to play now. Usually, I wait until nighttime. I still will, but agh.

Also, Dan Dinh and Studio casting was nice.

I think that they're both good casters, but they don't seem to have a lot of synergy. Studibro's experience is almost entirely in casting alone, and so compared to Dan Dinh he seemed to be fairly soft-spoken. Dan Dinh's diction is distressing, but his knowledge and understanding are both quite solid.

fred dref
2012-06-09, 07:07 PM
Dan Dinh seems to be pretty much the opposite of Husky, as far as I can tell.

ex cathedra
2012-06-09, 07:14 PM
...who? :smallconfused:

Ego is a player who's primarily known for both being the highest-rated Normals player in NA and playing pretty much nothing but Kennen.

He also has some particularly unique tastes.
Involving Kennen.
If you catch my drift.

His rune page's names (http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/20143837#runes) might help clarify.

2012-06-09, 07:15 PM
All those rune pages are identical, except one.


Hey, this guy's drawings are pretty good, actually...

2012-06-09, 07:19 PM
His rune page's names (http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/20143837#runes) might help clarify.

Well, then.

Lix Lorn
2012-06-09, 08:08 PM
Ego is a player who's primarily known for both being the highest-rated Normals player in NA and playing pretty much nothing but Kennen.

He also has some particularly unique tastes.
Involving Kennen.
If you catch my drift.

His rune page's names (http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/20143837#runes) might help clarify.
I see.
Well, to each their own. I'd like to cast Resist Acid and make out with Kog'maw some time, so I can't talk. :smalltongue:

2012-06-09, 08:19 PM
I see.
Well, to each their own. I'd like to cast Resist Acid and make out with Kog'maw some time, so I can't talk. :smalltongue:

Kog'Maw is so cute, though. And. Well. Dat mouth.

Kennen is cute, but he would just be unpleasant, I'd think. Shocks aren't things I look forward to every day. I get them every day, too, so I'd know. :smallsigh:

2012-06-09, 08:21 PM
... I've got a thing for Ahri.

Those tails =V

2012-06-09, 08:34 PM
... I've got a thing for Ahri.

Those tails =V

I'm not really into anyone, I guess. If I had to choose, though, I'd go for Freljord Ashe, probs. She's cool.

2012-06-09, 08:58 PM
*gropes his Janna body pillow*

2012-06-09, 09:01 PM
What the heck? Orbit up a game on TSM.Evo in the loser's bracket and they're winning game 2. I wasn't expecting that at all. I probably have to take back what I said about CLG.NA before.

2012-06-09, 09:08 PM
I'm not really into anyone, I guess. If I had to choose, though, I'd go for Freljord Ashe, probs. She's cool.

I would attempt to serenade Sona on the piano. :smallredface:

And then she would criticize my lack of inner musicality. :smallfrown:

2012-06-09, 09:13 PM
...what the hell happened in this thread?

ex cathedra
2012-06-09, 09:19 PM
...what the hell happened in this thread?

I made a huge mistake.

2012-06-09, 09:27 PM
Pentakill Sona is the best Sona.

2012-06-09, 09:29 PM
This MLG has been really impressive though. The level of competition has really surprised me; I thought there'd be maybe 6 teams playing for the title but so far I've seen outstanding performance from:
- Both CLG teams.
- Both TSM teams.
- Both Curse teams.
- Fnatic.
- Dignitas.
- Dynamic.
- Orbit.

The last two especially were complete dark horses for me. It's really a joy to watch the number of solid teams currently in the show, and M5 wasn't even present (and neither were any of the Asian teams). That's 10 teams that, IMHO, could on a good day play for the title.

Of course some are better than the others but Dynamic taking a game from Dignitas and Orbit taking one from CLG NA (and beating TSM Evo) suggests that they're more than just shooting stars. It's worth pointing out that Curse.EU (formerly AL.EU) has beaten both CLG.EU and M5 online on multiple occasions so they're hardly a lightweight team either, and Dynamic beat them.

fred dref
2012-06-09, 09:44 PM
I made a huge mistake.

I read this in your voice and it made me start giggling at work on my tech support call.

2012-06-09, 09:45 PM
To add to that, Dynamic is the same team that placed 4th at IPL 4, and Curse.EU just took a game off CLG.EU. So, in summary, there's a lot of good competition going on here.

2012-06-09, 09:46 PM
To add to that, Dynamic is the same team that placed 4th at IPL 4, and Curse.EU just took a game off CLG.EU. So, in summary, there's a lot of good competition going on here.

Speaking of which, champ select of Clg.Eu vs. Crs.Eu G3 just started so everyone should tune in to LoL Stream 4 (http://www.majorleaguegaming.com/live#lol) here (the Streams-bar is in the top of the site).

EDIT: Holy ****, watching a stream with in-game sounds and no commentary is so much more enjoyable!

EDIT#2: CLG.EU asserting dominance hardcore.

2012-06-09, 10:12 PM
EDIT: Holy ****, watching a stream with in-game sounds and no commentary is so much more enjoyable!

Yeah, looks like for the non-focus streams they just let the game play and have the auto-camera follow it?

2012-06-09, 10:18 PM
Yeah, looks like for the non-focus streams they just let the game play and have the auto-camera follow it?

Seems like it. It's working out pretty darn well too, though this game is over. And stream died but eh, 11k gold lead, AOE team & Baron buff = GG.

2012-06-09, 11:16 PM
Anyone who's not attracted to Mundo is lying to themselves.

2012-06-09, 11:30 PM
I'm really impressed by the autocam from what I've seen. It jumps around a little more than I'd like when nothing important happens, but I'd prefer that to missing stuff (which I'm sure happens, but doesn't seem to happen much).

2012-06-09, 11:48 PM
Man, TSM manhandled Fnatic. TSM, CLG, and Dignitas the remaining teams in the winner's bracket...a familiar story refreshingly retold. I'm hoping Dynamic or Curse surprises SK so we aren't COMPLETELY surrounded by old names, though, since I doubt Orbit will dent CLG.EU.

2012-06-09, 11:57 PM
...what the hell happened in this thread?

It's thread 34, what did you expect?

I'm just gonna sit back here and try (and fail) to not judge the folks of this thread too harshly.

Da Beast
2012-06-10, 12:28 AM
I would attempt to serenade Sona on the piano. :smallredface:

And then she would criticize my lack of inner musicality say nothing because she is a mute.

Fixed that for you :smallwink:.

2012-06-10, 12:38 AM
Fixed that for you :smallwink:.

She could give him the silent treatment. :smalltongue:

2012-06-10, 12:52 AM
Man, TSM manhandled Fnatic. TSM, CLG, and Dignitas the remaining teams in the winner's bracket...a familiar story refreshingly retold. I'm hoping Dynamic or Curse surprises SK so we aren't COMPLETELY surrounded by old names, though, since I doubt Orbit will dent CLG.EU.

Curse just surprised SK, beat them 2-1, rolled them over in game 3. Those Nautilus ganks!

2012-06-10, 02:16 AM
And we go to third game for CLG and Dignitas.

Man that last game was a blast.
So many comebacks. So many teamfights going side ways.

Mundo and Udyr going 2v4 to stop a inib take (and coming on top, kinda)

2012-06-10, 02:38 AM
And now Dignitas is just steamrolling game 3. Classic Dignitas win-lane-win-game tactics.

2012-06-10, 05:32 AM
Free week Darius players are utter scum who deserve to be subjected to unspeakable things. I'm tired of there being one in every game and without fail, having them hang around waiting to kill steal and then run away.

I even had one use their ult on the champion that I was currently in the middle of using Fiora's ult on who had no chance of survival or escape, yet they still did it.


ex cathedra
2012-06-10, 06:01 AM
I even had one use their ult on the champion that I was currently in the middle of using Fiora's ult on who had no chance of survival or escape, yet they still did it..

That kill was totally secured.

In other news, I'm pretty indescribably disappointed that this thread still hasn't given me a good opportunity to use "That's so Draven."

2012-06-10, 06:36 AM
Free week Darius players are utter scum who deserve to be subjected to unspeakable things. I'm tired of there being one in every game and without fail, having them hang around waiting to kill steal and then run away.

I even had one use their ult on the champion that I was currently in the middle of using Fiora's ult on who had no chance of survival or escape, yet they still did it.


Are you kidding? Been running Riven top most of the week and having a blast with bad Darius players. Cloth/5 and start E. MAKE THEM Q, DASH AWAY, LAUGH AS MANA GETS LOW. Get level 3, E in, W, Q once, autoattack once, Q away and dodge damage then wait for cooldowns to kick in.

Even had a hilarious game with one that didn't have ghost or flash. Jungle Olaf comes in, I dive, stun, whack him while Olaf just beats on him, then finish things off with a final Q and another minion wave of free farm.

2012-06-10, 07:55 AM
Recent news: Support Trundle is still great. Nautilus is an amazing ranged AD, apparently.

I don't know. We won that game, so it was fine.

2012-06-10, 07:57 AM
Nautilus is an amazing ranged AD, apparently.

...ranged ad... ...Naut...


How-wha? Essplain, my head hurts...

2012-06-10, 08:37 AM
...ranged ad... ...Naut...


How-wha? Essplain, my head hurts...

Well, I had locked in support Trundle, we had a GP top and AP Ezreal mid. Naut was Graves until about 1 second before the game started, then he switched. Because apparently Ez was coming bot (he wasn't).

So he was my ranged AD and I was the support. Sort of. Then we won.

2012-06-10, 08:47 AM
Guess our lanes:

2012-06-10, 09:15 AM
Guess our lanes:

Normally I'd say Soraka/Graves bot, Rumble mid and Twitch top.

In this game I think it was Graves mid, Soraka top, Rumble/Twitch bot.

2012-06-10, 09:29 AM
Soraka/Graves bot, Rumble top, Twitch middle for the roaming!

The mage
2012-06-10, 11:11 AM
My name's not on the list and I'd like it added.
Server: North Americaan
Forum Name: Themage
Summoner Name: SirPelletheGreat

If you like trolling, add me, nsev (personMan), and ArchmageIlmryn (ArchmageIlmryn) on League, we'll gladly show you the always win Soraka guide.

2012-06-10, 11:24 AM
Soraka mid, Rumble top, Twitch/Graves bot (Twitch might leave the lane and roam).

2012-06-10, 11:44 AM
Soraka has no cs, is obviously support(Unless Ele got really bad since the last time I played with him, which I doubt... :smalltongue: ). Could be bottom or top. I guess technically could be mid. This is upper elo though, so I'd assume bot unless the whole team decided to buck the meta. Their top is riven, and I feel like Graves would have a lot better time then twitch against him, so he's up there. I don't see why twitch would go mid against a ryze who could rush a frozen heart, so he'd be bot. Which makes rumble mid.

Final answer: Soraka and Twitch bot, Graves top, Rumble mid, and Naut the tanker ganker.(Jungle)

Now, for my random support tips of the day(Thanks to a solo queue game where I wasn't supporting.):

If you are support leona, you don't have any poke. You don't have any sustain for your ad carry, so that leaves you with 2 tools: zoning and burst. That means you have to be active from level 3(because you can full combo for the triple passive proc. In some lanes you can start being aggro level 2) onward in putting pressure on the ad carry and trying to catch him with your e. Otherwise, a champion like graves can push up right next to your ad carry and win most of the trades and zone him out because he doesn't care. What this does not entail is sitting a bit behind your ad carry and letting him get poked for no reason while he gets zoned by graves and alistar.(Eventually she got the lesson... 50 cs and a tower and 2-3 deaths in lane later. We were able to burst down graves easily.)

The second tip: Ward dragon. Make sure you ward it if they take the first one. You need to ward it if you know exactly when the second one is going to come up(If you aren't timing it already, start doing it along with all other buffs. Red and blue are 5 minutes, dragon is 6 minutes, baron is 7 minutes.). Because those add up, especially when your ad carry isn't allowed to get to half of his farm. Oh, and warding baron past 20-25 minutes is important. (They got every single baron and dragon that game because of this fact).

I may do more of these later based off of mistakes I see 1500-1600 supports make.

2012-06-10, 12:11 PM
Y'know, overall, I sorta like the current meta. It's a bit stale, but most everyone has a place in it.

Then you play a game where you end up playing support Sivir for Tryndamere top lane, and go back to missing the beta times where there was no meta whatsoever. And yes, support are supposed to end the game with Ghostblade and two Bloodthirsters.

And for more related/serious/whatever matters...

What should support Blitzcrank do against support Alistar? Just cry? If I pull the carry, Ali headbutts + pulverizes. If I pull the support...well... I have an Alistar in my face.

And Fiora. Opinions? She sorta disappeared. I played her tonight and was pretty pleased. Admittedly this is probably because I was against a Kayle who let me parry the first attack of her Righteous Fury then juke through the bushes to waste the rest of her ranged time, followed by killing her face hard.

2012-06-10, 12:14 PM
Guess our lanes:

Based entirely off of itemization.
Ryze was versus an AD since his only defense if item was FH, so I will have him against graves.
Riven built a lot of mr so she was against rumble.
Twitch has a wriggles so maybe bot lane, but I am not that confident since wriggles is decent anywhere.
Soraka was supporting so with basically somewhere.
and naut was probably jungling.

So another idea occurred to me probably lesslikely but! :smalltongue:
Naut soraka bot.
twitch jungle
graves mid.(vs ryze)
rumble top.(vs riven)
All because twitch built wriggles.

2012-06-10, 12:34 PM
The best thing I've personally done to shake the meta was dual-junglers. To paraphrase Phreak, it was tons of fun.

Allies took solo top/mid/bottom, I got Tryndamere, last buddy took Shaco.

We initially split the jungle bottom/top instead of our jungle/their jungle, so that Shaco (the default "go steal THEIR jungle" champ) didn't have to deceive across their mid-lane to move from Red to Blue.

The enemy jungler (whatever he was, can't remember, was some time ago) gave up fast :smallbiggrin: But we didn't really do any double-ganks, which is a shame. I guess as long as your bottom can handle himself, the hardest part is coordinating, because each jungler is trying to kill different creeps.

Naturally this wasn't in ranked.

2012-06-10, 01:14 PM
What should support Blitzcrank do against support Alistar? Just cry? If I pull the carry, Ali headbutts + pulverizes. If I pull the support...well... I have an Alistar in my face.

Strive not to pick Blitz in blind pick/random normals- I'd only run him if I was at least duoing with somebody I was familiar with or was alright with the possibility of getting a completely useless lane partner and not being able to do anything.

That said- in that situation, let your lane partner know that you're looking for a pull. Ping the one you're going to attempt so he's hopefully awake and ready to support the grab, then grab somebody. It doesn't actually matter too much whether you get the carry or Ali, IMO, at least before 6 (after 6 if you grab Ali there's a chance he'll ult and waste all your burst.) Either way, you should be ready for it and they aren't, which gives you and your carry a chance to lay out your burst on the pulled victim. Once you've done that, it's *alright* if Ali breaks up the fight- whoever got pulled should be mostly dead and running away, so they're either ripe for the next pull, a gank, or backing out of lane. All of which are good outcomes even if Alistar's abilities did prevent you from getting the kill this time.

(Also you've forced Ali to use a significant amount of mana- even with Philostone he runs out pretty fast if you keep the pressure up and make him Headbutt-Pulv + try to keep himself/his carry healthy with constant heals.)

Edit: If you *are* trying to force a kill, save your Power Fist and Overdrive for after Alistar's intervention so you can chase him down and catch him out while he's trying to walk back to a safe part of the lane. Ali is painfully slow for his role when he's not Headbutting somebody.

2012-06-10, 02:14 PM
Game 3 between CLG.EU and CLG.NA was sublime...

...right up until Froggen tried to Karthus ult with 100 HP in the middle of the last teamfight. Oh well.

Meanwhile, Chaox plays the first Ashe I've seen in this tournament, and TSM just keeps showing they're in another league. We know Dignitas loves initiation/assassination comps, and TSM just pulls out a team you DO NOT WANT to initiate on. Oh, and then they add Ashe so they can start their own fights.

Ah well, ho hum, let's go check on how Dynamic vs. Fnatic is going...



Dynamic won? Wow.

2012-06-10, 03:03 PM
TSM vs Dignitas game 2 is making game 1 seem close. The only reason why Dignitas has any kills was TSM being silly or greedy. Also this seems to be the second most one sided series of MLG that I watched. In the winners finals.

2012-06-10, 04:13 PM
Well, here comes CLG vs. Dignitas again.

Random interesting tidbit: apparently, Snoopeh was helping Hotshot learn to jungle. So CLG.NA beating CLG.EU had a hint of "Now I am the master" to it. :smallcool:

Hotshot needs to learn Maokai, though, and not just because it would help for poke comps. More importantly...
George, George, George of the jungle
Strong as he can be.

2012-06-10, 04:34 PM
Well, here comes CLG vs. Dignitas again.
George, George, George of the jungle
Strong as he can be.

I lol'd so hard at this.

also, for those of us who were tragically without good internet for the last few days, is there anywhere I can find recordings of the matches? I really wanted to see a few of these.

fred dref
2012-06-10, 04:38 PM
George, George, George of the jungle
Strong as he can be.

I need to stop reading this thread at work. That's two days in a row you guys have had me chuckling.

2012-06-10, 05:40 PM
What should support Blitzcrank do against support Alistar? Just cry? If I pull the carry, Ali headbutts + pulverizes. If I pull the support...well... I have an Alistar in my face.

He's definitely a counter to Blitz in lane. That said, it's not the end of the world; just play a bit more passively. You can still go for kills if you feel confident or your jungler ganks, but for the most part just try not to feed and let your carry farm. Your own knock-up and displacement can weaken the threat of headbutt+pulverize a bit, so just farm up. Blitz is one of the scariest late-game supports just by virtue of his Q that can end games by itself, while Ali notably falls off mid to late game. That's the flipside of Alistar support.

fred dref
2012-06-10, 06:00 PM
I find Alistar, Leona and similar supports to often scale just as well or even better into lategame. Alistar/Tristana in particular is almost impossible to lock down and engage on in a meaningful way as a bruiser.

2012-06-10, 06:12 PM
I find Alistar, Leona and similar supports to often scale just as well or even better into lategame. Alistar/Tristana in particular is almost impossible to lock down and engage on in a meaningful way as a bruiser.

Depends on how you define 'scale', I guess. The CC they have obviously never becomes any less powerful, but their damage becomes irrelevant (along with the amount Alistar can heal) and their natural tankiness (+ lower gold income as a support) stops being enough to hold up against a well-farmed bruiser or carry. That sounds a lot like poor scaling to me, as the enemy team no longer has to worry about what you do once all your skills are on cooldown.

2012-06-10, 06:27 PM
Ali certainly doesn't fall off late-game compared to Blitz, though. They do very similarly.

Speaking of power curves, CLG just held out until Vayne had BT-PD-LW and started shredding fights in game 2 vs. Dignitas. I'll be honest, I did NOT expect the game's oldest rivalry, CLG vs. TSM, to be our grand final.

2012-06-10, 06:33 PM
When (champion) is above 35% health, half of the damage dealt to allies within (range of aura items) is redirected to (champion). When (champion) is above 85% health, crowd control effects within that range are also redirected.

Who else thinks this (maybe with number tweaking) would be good for a support/tank hybrid character?

2012-06-10, 06:34 PM
Tasty Paladin Powers.

(I wanna see it on a Nexus character for lols)

2012-06-10, 06:36 PM
Tasty Paladin Powers.

(I wanna see it on a Nexus character for lols)

"Nexus character"?

2012-06-10, 06:43 PM
Well, game 2 of Dig vs CLG.na was really good.

That Baron fight that turned the whole game was a Bad call.
you just dont risk it when the other team got an AoE AP carry with teleport.
and you are that low. but oh well. it was a really good play on CLG part

About Ali, Leona and Blitz.
Going to throw my bits of (not so good) wisdow

they all CC-utility supports.

Blitz got 3 ccs (Aoe silence, melee knock up and grab). He doesnt scale much, but as said above you take blitz cuz of his grab. A good grab = a kill = instant 4v5. You can counter pick (alistar, karthus + Kayle, etc)

Alistar got only two (knock back and aoe knock up), but hes heal provide sustain. his ulti is good as emergency device even in late game. He's better in pelling from your carry. you can pull those bruiser alway/pulveize them.
His counter are the omnipresent in these thays: true damage. Your ulti doenst do any agains true damage

Leona also got three stuns (Melee, ranged + blink and his ulti as stun/slow). I think she's the weekest of the three. Sure the got 3 stuns, but her scaling oh god. Is it bad. But, there's one reason she will be picked. Her ultimate. Its a long range AoE CC initiation. on a support. It worth so much. Initiation is worth gold, and if you support can initiate, its a plus. If its in area, its a double plus. But thats it. She has as worse laning than ali, also ali can defend his carry better, and grab has a waaaay shorter CD.

2012-06-10, 06:53 PM
Blitz got 3 ccs (Aoe silence, melee knock up and grab). He doesnt scale much, but as said above you take blitz cuz of his grab. A good grab = a kill = instant 4v5. You can counter pick (alistar, karthus + Kayle, etc).
um actually Blitz scales amazingly. that 3 second cd knockup? Deals Double damage. hence why Blitzes end with BT and IE after getting shurellia, Glacial/Randuin, and MR. He picked less due to the difficultly in hitting those grabs and he doesn't peel as well as the other 2.

2012-06-10, 07:04 PM
Guess our lanes:

Soraka/Graves bot, Rumble top, Twitch middle for the roaming!

This is correct, though for wrong reasons. Twitch went mid 'cause he was convinced he could beat the Ryze...which he more or less did. Lee Sin ganks stirred the pot a bit but in the end it worked out ^^ Twitch was the second-to-last pick and I was the last pick so I ended up taking the easy job and just supporting FTW.

I'm surprised Soraka/Twitch with sololane Graves was suggested less; IMHO that's by far the most natural way to lane that team as solo graves is actually pretty darn strong. :smalltongue:

2012-06-10, 07:05 PM
When (champion) is above 35% health, half of the damage dealt to allies within (range of aura items) is redirected to (champion). When (champion) is above 85% health, crowd control effects within that range are also redirected.

Who else thinks this (maybe with number tweaking) would be good for a support/tank hybrid character?

Strikes me as horrendously overpowered right off the bat. I'd have to see the kit that goes with it to judge fairly, but doubling your lane partner's effective HP passively like that seems pretty awful both in terms of play (boring) and counterplay (can't be countered).

As a single-target active ability it might be pretty cool, though.

2012-06-10, 07:16 PM
um actually Blitz scales amazingly. that 3 second cd knockup? Deals Double damage. hence why Blitzes end with BT and IE after getting shurellia, Glacial/Randuin, and MR. He picked less due to the difficultly in hitting those grabs and he doesn't peel as well as the other 2.

as Support blitz i never whould have money to IE and BT. A sheen maybe...

2012-06-10, 07:24 PM
Alright, let's see, if this MLG is anything to go by, IMHO:
- Froggen is the best AP mid in the world right now, at least out of these teams. He didn't lose his lane once, completely malhandled world's best players and carried CLG.EU as far as they got.
- Dyrus seems to be the best top laner, though that might have something to do with nobody else playing Kayle currently. He's dominated his lane a lot and been incredibly resilient.
- Doublelift/Chauster have won every single botlane they played, I believe? They carried CLG.NA vs. CLG.EU.
- Can't say who's the best jungle out of the games I've seen though I Will Dominate and Snoopeh seem like the candidates.

2012-06-10, 07:33 PM
11-9-24 as Amumu, including a Quad Kill when they pushed our central Inhibitor tower and I was the only one left alive. Though I had to die to pull it off.
Warmog's Armour, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Sunfire Cape, Force of Nature, Mercury Treads and a Frozen Heart. By the end of the game I was pretty much running free aside from their Tristana, who I had some difficulty catching after she got a few shots off, but otherwise it was Rampaging Mummy Day.

I love Amumu. :)

2012-06-10, 07:53 PM
Best part of the finals coverage: when the teams realise they're being listened in on. TSM singing and GG's confusion too strong.

2012-06-10, 07:56 PM
oh god.

Kayle + karthus... AGAIN.
I hope CLG know what they are doing with their picks right now...

2012-06-10, 08:00 PM
CLG going big or going home with that Ez/Leona bot lane. Picking Yorick is evidence of how much they want to just win top lane...but this time it's OddOne who gets to gank people with Nautilus--and Karthus ult for backup.

EDIT: OH MY GOD THAT LANE SWAP. I did NOT see that coming. :smalleek:

And TSM was WAY too slow sending Janna top, IMHO. Graves will do fine in a solo lane, but Kayle can't 1v2. Now they're completing the swap and sending Kayle bot.

2012-06-10, 08:05 PM
CLG going big or going home with that Ez/Leona bot lane. Picking Yorick is evidence of how much they want to just win top lane...but this time it's OddOne who gets to gank people with Nautilus--and Karthus ult for backup.

EDIT: OH MY GOD THAT LANE SWAP. I did NOT see that coming. :smalleek:

They are camping the ever loving heck out of that Kayle; however Graves is getting pretty damn farmed.

For those not watching the stream, CLG swapped the Ezreal/Leona bot to top against solo Kayle and sent the Yorick solo bottom against Graves/Janna.

With Shen constantly ganking, Kayle is 0-3-1 and finally the lane reset happens swapped her bottom to compensate.

2012-06-10, 08:44 PM
CLG going big or going home with that Ez/Leona bot lane. Picking Yorick is evidence of how much they want to just win top lane...but this time it's OddOne who gets to gank people with Nautilus--and Karthus ult for backup.

EDIT: OH MY GOD THAT LANE SWAP. I did NOT see that coming. :smalleek:

And TSM was WAY too slow sending Janna top, IMHO. Graves will do fine in a solo lane, but Kayle can't 1v2. Now they're completing the swap and sending Kayle bot.

that ^

It was Sink or Swim
and that ezreal, and the lane swap. Going to throw my hat to my hated CLG.
Very well played.

I was raging when they banned nocturne. Was like? Nocturne? they got floored by Kayle + karthus... and they ban NOCTURNE?
oh... silly me, it was to allow shen split push, forcing tsm to devote greaves - one of the dps to stop. why i'm so silly. I need to stop being silly.

2012-06-10, 08:48 PM
Well...Ez/Leona went big, what can I say. TSM forgot that Shen doesn't have to lane top to be OP late game.

The bigger strategic takeaway here is that the top lane has become SO much more important to the jungler. It's almost like a 2v2 top lane where one person from each side takes time off to farm jungle.

2012-06-10, 08:56 PM
"Nexus character"?

Noxian. :smallsigh: My crap is ****tay.

2012-06-10, 08:59 PM
Well...Ez/Leona went big, what can I say. TSM forgot that Shen doesn't have to lane top to be OP late game.

The bigger strategic takeaway here is that the top lane has become SO much more important to the jungler. It's almost like a 2v2 top lane where one person from each side takes time off to farm jungle.

And now TSM giving CLG a bit of their own medicine with Ashe/Janna switching top to take on Malphite, leaving solo Olaf against Soraka/Kog'maw.

fred dref
2012-06-10, 09:10 PM
After the most recent IPL, someone did some maths and determined that in something like 80% of the games played, if the top lane got first blood from a jungle gank, the team that got that first blood won.

2012-06-10, 09:30 PM
Sensible trade since early on, Kog/Soraka has little offensive presence while Janna/Ashe is a godlike zoning lane. The tides shift around level 6 tho.

2012-06-10, 09:33 PM
Incautious Baron loses games. Remember this, guys.

2012-06-10, 09:34 PM
thats the second time CLG win the game by interrupting a Baron
killing a bunch of people AND stealing Baron.
allowing their HUGE momentum to close the game

2012-06-10, 10:33 PM
... new downside to Hotshot being the jungler, he can't be Nid.

2012-06-10, 11:10 PM
CLG cleans out TSM at Baron, with a stupid Jax teleport into the enemy team. Then CLG has Baron buff and one Nidalee spear and one Kassadin combo and Graves drops ridiculously quickly at the base turret.

CLG wins and now we're down to one game for all the marbles.

2012-06-10, 11:15 PM
The Comebacks

2012-06-10, 11:15 PM
I think TSM has been playing stronger overall, almost always coming out of early game with a bit of a lead, but CLG is proving very good at seizing opportunities for big plays and just catapulting themselves to victory.

2012-06-10, 11:18 PM
The Comebacks

The Throws! (poor Dyrus, he looks so sad after the second game of set two.)

2012-06-10, 11:27 PM
Final Game

TSM: Alistar, Shen, Soraka.
CLG: Kennen, Vladimir, Urgot

TSM: Janna
CLG: Nautilus/Graves
TSM: Nocturne, Corki
CLG: Sona/Nidalee
TSM: Karthus/Kayle
CLG: Kassadin

TSM: Kayle (mid), Karthus (top), Corki/Janna (bot), Nocturne (jungle)
CLG: Nidaelee (top), Kassadin (mid), Graves/Sona (bot), Nautilus (jungle)

And... Nidalee gives up first blood to TSM (missed it, what happened?)

Edit: Crap, TSM does a lane switch Karthus up top against Nidalee, Kassadin against Kayle.

2012-06-10, 11:30 PM
I think TSM has been playing stronger overall, almost always coming out of early game with a bit of a lead, but CLG is proving very good at seizing opportunities for big plays and just catapulting themselves to victory.

Honestly, I'm rooting for CLG. I absolutely adore the Kassadin and Sona picks. It's nice to see them in tournament play again. TSM is a really great team, to be honest...but only Dyrus is doing anything special. The rest of TSM is picking the same champions that've been picked all tournament long by the better teams.

2012-06-10, 11:31 PM
And... Nidalee gives up first blood to TSM (missed it, what happened?)

Basically just caught in the river and exhausted, then chunked down by Lay Waste

2012-06-10, 11:41 PM
TSM in complete control of the game so far, up 6K in gold, 3-1 in kills, and picking up the dragons.

Holy crap, TSM turns a 4v5 into a 5v3 when CLG can't kill Baron. TSM picks up a third kill, but HotShot smite steals Baron!

Edit: HotShot blows his ult too early, then gets caught near Baron, TSM grabs Baron and a 10K gold advantage.

ex cathedra
2012-06-11, 12:27 AM
The rest of TSM is picking the same champions that've been picked all tournament long by the better teams.

What? Firstly, the better teams? I really don't feel that saying any of the big four teams are objectively better than another is fair at all.

Chaox practically plays the only Ashe and he undoubtedly plays the best Graves. His Urgot gets banned out every game. Regi plays one of his best champions and gets called out for it but Froggen plays (predictably) nothing but Kog'Maw and Anivia and is endlessly praised. I get that you might like CLG more than you like TSM, but you could at least try to be objective about the tournament.

Kassadin gets picked because Karthus is literally the only champion played at tournament-level into which you can actually pick Kassadin. Kassadin is the most ancient of counterpicks and arguably the only reason Jiji is playing him again is Ahri's constant nerfs.

2012-06-11, 01:11 AM
What? Firstly, the better teams? I really don't feel that saying any of the big four teams are objectively better than another is fair at all.

Chaox practically plays the only Ashe and he undoubtedly plays the best Graves. His Urgot gets banned out every game. Regi plays one of his best champions and gets called out for it but Froggen plays (predictably) nothing but Kog'Maw and Anivia and is endlessly praised. I get that you might like CLG more than you like TSM, but you could at least try to be objective about the tournament.

Kassadin gets picked because Karthus is literally the only champion played at tournament-level into which you can actually pick Kassadin. Kassadin is the most ancient of counterpicks and arguably the only reason Jiji is playing him again is Ahri's constant nerfs.

You probably have a lot of good points.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by the first statement. The big four teams usually end up matched up against each other (or else they wouldn't be the big four), but I see a lot of similar, common picks. Graves/Janna/Soraka/Urgot/Kog'Maw being some of them. I actually liked it when Ashe was played. That arrow is just great, to be honest. I think you might have mistaken what I was saying. I wasn't saying CLG was better than TSM, vice versa, or with any of the other top teams. I was separating teams like CLG and TSM from some of the smaller teams like MRN. I probably could've used better terminology.

I guess why Reginald isn't as liked as Froggen is because Karthus has been done before. I wasn't really around when the first tournaments started, but I thought Phantoml0rd was one of the more common Karthus players. On Froggen's side, I'm pretty sure AP Kog'Maw is rarely played, although that might change soon. I'm not a fan of it though. I'm not too big a fan of his Anivia either, but I thought the health stacking was clever.

On TSM's side, I actually like the Kayle pick, but in that last game... it seemed like that their last team had been done before, aside from Kayle. I mean, I guess they couldn't pick the AoE comp of Kennen/Vlad because both champs were banned. I suppose it's better to play conservatively with champs you know how to play.

It's just... It feels like there are really SOLID tournament picks that you can never go wrong with, so you don't get to see any other champions. Champions like Graves and Nocturne (an example from both teams in that last game) are really solid, so you actually don't see other champions in those roles. In the TSM/CLG final game, you saw a double ultimate from Nocturne/Karthus on that bottom lane not once, but twice, maybe even three times, succeeding every time. It just wasn't interesting. It was a winning strategy, to be sure. I suppose this is also mostly irrelevant, because yes, these teams are playing to win.

It's why I like M5. Or I liked M5. Not sure what they've been up to recently. But even then, I'm sure they do some of the typical tournament picks.

Also keeping in mind that I'm 90% sure this post was completely opinion, and that I'm probably not above 1400 Elo.

2012-06-11, 02:45 AM
What happens when, at 18 minutes, you're 10 kills down and are going to surrender at 20?

You win after another 22 minutes because your team comp is amazing for team fights and Kennen is fed.

Bruiser Fizz/Kennen/Morde/Trynd/AP Yi vs Twith/Eve/Lux/Sion/Olaf.

Double ult from me and Kennen, followed by everyone else running in. One of the last teamfights was 'enemies are there. Everyone presses R. Suddenly 4 are dead'.

I love comebacks.

2012-06-11, 05:56 AM
Want to be added for EU West.
Forum Name: Krazzman
Game Name: Viskerin

ATM I play nearly only against Bots... due to having nearly no time.

2012-06-11, 06:07 AM
I'm just sad that CLG.eu lost the deciding game twice due to a single really dumb misplay. If Wickd had been faster on his shen ult and used it before Froggen was egged vs TSM, they would've won, and if Froggen hadn't ulted before he died on Karthus vs CLG they would've won there too.

2012-06-11, 08:44 AM
So TSM takes it with their take on Double AD, Double support that CLG just couldn't ban out.

2012-06-11, 09:08 AM
Strikes me as horrendously overpowered right off the bat. I'd have to see the kit that goes with it to judge fairly, but doubling your lane partner's effective HP passively like that seems pretty awful both in terms of play (boring) and counterplay (can't be countered).

As a single-target active ability it might be pretty cool, though.

Well, first-off, the percentages can be adjusted (both of damage redirected and how much health you have to have for it to work).

I haven't made a kit yet, this was an idea that just popped into my head.

2012-06-11, 09:55 AM
You probably have a lot of good points.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by the first statement. The big four teams usually end up matched up against each other (or else they wouldn't be the big four), but I see a lot of similar, common picks.

What Big 4 are we talking about? CLG.NA/TSM/CLG.EU/Dignitas? What about the ~6 other teams that performed well and scored wins against these teams? Also, it's just the comps they run; Karthus is simply the best fit for the comps TSM ran so they're going with it until it gets banned. Karthus+Kayle is slightly absurd, and only TSM can run it since apparently they have the only Kayle-player in the tournament.

Kassadin is picked a lot by Fnatic actually, and they'd easily classify among the top teams too in their current form; they just plain did really well aside from the Loser Brackets match.

In short, TSM's picks were a bit stale since they found two comps they really didn't lose with and ran with that. If someone managed to actually top them and significantly counterpick that they would've run something else; they all have huge repertoires of champions.

The reason the whole finals were pretty much played with about 30 champions total was because both teams felt they had the advantage with those picks so they kept picking the same teams and banning the same stuff against each other with minor experimentation.

2012-06-11, 11:35 AM
In short, TSM's picks were a bit stale since they found two comps they really didn't lose with and ran with that. If someone managed to actually top them and significantly counterpick that they would've run something else; they all have huge repertoires of champions.

The reason the whole finals were pretty much played with about 30 champions total was because both teams felt they had the advantage with those picks so they kept picking the same teams and banning the same stuff against each other with minor experimentation.

I deliberately didn't want to qualify who the top teams were, because, as you pointed out, that number could include the other teams who aren't in the "Big Four".

And it's not just the top teams either.
There's a section on the Most Played Champions in the tournament.

Now, out of some 60-65 games (I counted 62, but that number might be off), isn't it interesting to note that Janna has been played in 53 of them and Graves in 52? Admittedly, this doesn't feature in bans, though.

42 champions were played either 10 times or less total in the whole tournament.

Now, if the number of games in the tournament was actually 62, then that means that there were a total number of 620 picks, going by 10 picks per game. The top three most common champions, Janna, Soraka, and Graves were picked a total number of (53+50+52)=155 times.

That's a solid fourth (155/620=.25) of all the total picks from three champions.

As of the Draven patch, there are 99 champions in LoL. Now take away Draven as a pick and the 8 or so champions that would probably not be played competitively in their current state (Xin Zhao, Eve, pulling this number out of my ass, but giving plenty of room to work with). That's still 90 champions. Hell, you could take away 28 champions that would never be played competitively. That's still 70 champions. Three champions are in a fourth of all the picks.

Do you get where I'm coming from? It's not just TSM, nor the Big Four or the Top Teams. These champions are everywhere. Maybe it's the bans of other champions, such as Urgot, that are preventing them from being played, but seriously, there are other champions that WEREN'T banned, too.

2012-06-11, 11:35 AM
In short, TSM's picks were a bit stale since they found two comps they really didn't lose with and ran with that. If someone managed to actually top them and significantly counterpick that they would've run something else; they all have huge repertoires of champions.

The reason the whole finals were pretty much played with about 30 champions total was because both teams felt they had the advantage with those picks so they kept picking the same teams and banning the same stuff against each other with minor experimentation.

I think these can't be overlooked. Jiji's Karthus, if he even plays it, isn't nearly as good as Regi. Looking at the teams in this tourney: xpeke, froggen, and scarra all play a very good Karthus, but none of those teams made it to the finals. They all would have willingly first picked Karthus, or at least 2nd picked him, to stop Regi. CLG decided to do something else. Banning Karthus MIGHT have been a good idea, but for what? Looking at the bans from the 1st set (don't have the others) they chose to ban Kennen and Vlad, two powerful mages that both Dyrus and Regi can play and both that have the ability to carry their teams to victory in a very real and dangerous way. Both are, in general, safer laners too. In fact, in my opinion, a Vlad ban is strictly better versus TSM instead of a Karthus ban. THey also chose to Ban Nocturne twice. This makes a LOT of sense when you look at the Oddone because Nocturne is clearly both one of the strongest junglers in the game and one of the few heroes that the odd one can constantly carries with. The Odd One has been a Nocturne player since his release and continues to show that Nocturne might be his best hero in 5v5 LAN matches.

Compare that to banning Vlad or Karthus: Dyrus actually has a better knowledge of Jax overall, even with the remakes. Dyrus actually has a large history with Udyr and GP. Regi could have picked Ahri or Morgana if they ban Karthus, both are probably better pics. Regi could have played really safe and picked Galio, who is pretty much the best pick for safely winning middle, unless CLG pulled some crazy sheningans involving something like Urgot middle, Corki top, (who, even then, galio might lane against) and Bliztstar Bottom.

Kayle was a solid pick, but not a solid ban. Banning Kayle just means that Dyrus can play hyper-carry with another solo top: Vlad or Jax, for instance. Dyrus can even play Kennen, Lee Sin, Udyr, or hell, he can play Gangplank and Shen and do just fine. There is no specific reason to ban Kayle.

Maybe I'm overthinking this a little, I'm not sure. But I think that CLG, looking at picks and bans, had fine comps and that TSM also had fine comps. People don't like to vary in tourney matches. That's all. Even M5 pretty much ran the same strat the entirety of IEM Kiev.

2012-06-11, 11:36 AM
So TSM takes it with their take on Double AD, Double support that CLG just couldn't ban out.

CLG never had a good answer for Kayle. Well, the one time they managed to lane switch and camp the ever loving heck out of Kayle with 2 top + a jungler, but at the cost of letting the Graves get farmed.

The final game, TSM pulled an inspired lane switch, putting Kayle in the mid to harass the crap out of Kassadin, instead of letting Kassadin be the counter-pick to Karthus and Karthus could still farm against Nidalee.

This time, TSM didn't squander their early lane and gold advantage, despite having Baron smite-stolen.

2012-06-11, 12:54 PM
I can't help but find it silly to say "look at how much Janna/Soraka were picked!" Pretty much every team is going to have a support champ, and the available pool is very small. Maybe around six. Alistar was getting banned a lot in the games I watched, shrinking that pol further. Sona's mostly considered a bit weak (though she was still picked a few times). And more kill lane type supports like Leona are a bit riskier, and your AD carry's too valuable to take that risk lightly (and again, it happened some)

2012-06-11, 01:09 PM
I can't help but find it silly to say "look at how much Janna/Soraka were picked!" Pretty much every team is going to have a support champ, and the available pool is very small. Maybe around six. Alistar was getting banned a lot in the games I watched, shrinking that pol further. Sona's mostly considered a bit weak (though she was still picked a few times). And more kill lane type supports like Leona are a bit riskier, and your AD carry's too valuable to take that risk lightly (and again, it happened some)

Good point, but that's only 2 supports out of around 9 or 10 (if you count Shen) common supports. The next most picked support, other than Alistar, who was banned commonly as you mentioned, was Taric at 22 games. Janna/Soraka each were still picked twice as much as Taric.

EDIT: Make that 10 or 11 (if you count Shen). Zilean wasn't played at all. :smallfrown:
I actually like the Chronokeeper.

2012-06-11, 01:43 PM
I deliberately didn't want to qualify who the top teams were, because, as you pointed out, that number could include the other teams who aren't in the "Big Four".

And it's not just the top teams either.
There's a section on the Most Played Champions in the tournament.

Now, out of some 60-65 games (I counted 62, but that number might be off), isn't it interesting to note that Janna has been played in 53 of them and Graves in 52? Admittedly, this doesn't feature in bans, though.

42 champions were played either 10 times or less total in the whole tournament.

Now, if the number of games in the tournament was actually 62, then that means that there were a total number of 620 picks, going by 10 picks per game. The top three most common champions, Janna, Soraka, and Graves were picked a total number of (53+50+52)=155 times.

That's a solid fourth (155/620=.25) of all the total picks from three champions.

As of the Draven patch, there are 99 champions in LoL. Now take away Draven as a pick and the 8 or so champions that would probably not be played competitively in their current state (Xin Zhao, Eve, pulling this number out of my ass, but giving plenty of room to work with). That's still 90 champions. Hell, you could take away 28 champions that would never be played competitively. That's still 70 champions. Three champions are in a fourth of all the picks.

Do you get where I'm coming from? It's not just TSM, nor the Big Four or the Top Teams. These champions are everywhere. Maybe it's the bans of other champions, such as Urgot, that are preventing them from being played, but seriously, there are other champions that WEREN'T banned, too.

Okay, for starters, the number of games was 88. 19 teams played double elimination and the final went to the second set, so 18 teams lost twice and TSM lost once, for a minimum of 74 games. 14 sets went to 3 games, so add those third games on.

Now, Janna and Soraka and Graves picks are made precisely to allow things like Dyrus on Kayle. The issue with early picks is, you have to pick something that's hard to counterpick. Bot lane is less matchup-dependent, so pro teams lose less by picking generalist bot lanes and waiting on their solo picks. This is why you see more of the generalist bot laners than the generalist solo laners.

Of the supports, Janna and Soraka are the generalists. Of the AD carries, Graves and Corki are the generalists. Nocturne is the do-everything jungler. Then you get to the champs that are incredibly good at one thing (Urgot, Kog'maw, Mundo, Nautilus, Alistar) and some of the more generalist solo lanes (Shen, Vlad, Ahri, Jax, Morgana, Karthus, Kennen).

If you look at the 42 champions that were played 10 or less times, many or most of them are specialist picks, specialist comps that demand those picks, or lane counters. It's not that they're nonviable, it's that they're niche.

If you want to see less of Janna and Soraka and Graves, the price is losing a lot of those situational solo lane picks. And there's quite a bit more potential diversity in solo lanes than in bot lane.

2012-06-11, 02:00 PM
If you want to see less of Janna and Soraka and Graves, the price is losing a lot of those situational solo lane picks. And there's quite a bit more potential diversity in solo lanes than in bot lane.

Thanks for that. I had actually completely forgotten about double elimination. I guess I'll retract whatever opinion I had made and had continued to clarify as an opinion.
(Not to discard the points you made, of course. Those were good points, too. Especially the double elimination. :smallredface:)

Yeah, I guess I'm maybe a bit miffed about the response here. Not all that bothered, but I just dislike generalist picks. I tend to dislike safe win-lane-win-game picks anyway like Morgana. I'm not too big a fan of Vladimir or other heavy self-sustain lanes either. I can understand the reasoning behind them, but that's about it.

EDIT: Although, to be fair, I did start arguing in favor of my opinion. :smallfrown:

2012-06-11, 04:47 PM
Good point, but that's only 2 supports out of around 9 or 10 (if you count Shen) common supports. The next most picked support, other than Alistar, who was banned commonly as you mentioned, was Taric at 22 games. Janna/Soraka each were still picked twice as much as Taric.

EDIT: Make that 10 or 11 (if you count Shen). Zilean wasn't played at all. :smallfrown:
I actually like the Chronokeeper.

I guess our view of the available pool of supports is different. I would say Janna, Soraka, Alistar, Lulu, Blitz, Nunu, and Leona. So 7. Galio, I guess, for 8, but I'm not a big fan of him as support. I wouldn't count Shen. First, he gives your team much more as top/jungle, where he's one of the top picks. Second, I think he falls off too much on a support's gold income. With his ult and taunt, he will end up/need to be in melee. He needs some items to survive that, items he won't really have as a support.

Zilean's design is very problematic and makes him really a terrible choice right now, I think. He's only got the one offensive spell (sort of two with the CD reset), so he's not a good AP carry. As support, he's got his ult which is nice... but that's sort of it. He gives no sustain. If he harasses with his bombs, you push the lane and steal your carry's farm (because the enemy team will purposely make it hit their minions). And no sustain or anything makes him a relatively poor babysitter, which goes counter to his ult wanting a strong hypercarry.

So three of the supports had very strong showings (because I'm still claiming Alistar was up there due to his constant place in the bans). Taric showed up 22 times, as you said, which is a full 25%. That's quite a bit.

I guess I'm just not sure who else you'd be expecting/wanting to see. Lulu would be nice, but I suspect it's just that she's still too new for the support players to be as comfortable with. Yeah, she's been out for awhile, but she was getting played by the mid and top players. And support players have a LOT of games sunk into the older champs because of the tiny pool of champs they've got, so it's going to take a long while to get as comfortable with other champs, I think.

2012-06-11, 04:52 PM
I deliberately didn't want to qualify who the top teams were, because, as you pointed out, that number could include the other teams who aren't in the "Big Four".

And it's not just the top teams either.
There's a section on the Most Played Champions in the tournament.

Now, out of some 60-65 games (I counted 62, but that number might be off), isn't it interesting to note that Janna has been played in 53 of them and Graves in 52? Admittedly, this doesn't feature in bans, though.

42 champions were played either 10 times or less total in the whole tournament.

Now, if the number of games in the tournament was actually 62, then that means that there were a total number of 620 picks, going by 10 picks per game. The top three most common champions, Janna, Soraka, and Graves were picked a total number of (53+50+52)=155 times.

That's a solid fourth (155/620=.25) of all the total picks from three champions.

As of the Draven patch, there are 99 champions in LoL. Now take away Draven as a pick and the 8 or so champions that would probably not be played competitively in their current state (Xin Zhao, Eve, pulling this number out of my ass, but giving plenty of room to work with). That's still 90 champions. Hell, you could take away 28 champions that would never be played competitively. That's still 70 champions. Three champions are in a fourth of all the picks.

Do you get where I'm coming from? It's not just TSM, nor the Big Four or the Top Teams. These champions are everywhere. Maybe it's the bans of other champions, such as Urgot, that are preventing them from being played, but seriously, there are other champions that WEREN'T banned, too.

Aye; this is a factor of many of the teams playing by common solo queue picks though since they haven't had the time to specialize and practice the whole champion pool; in short, much of this tournament went by the common champs.

This is part of the reason the champs are everywhere; no matter what, Janna or Graves is not a bad pick so they're picked 'cause they're safe and at least reasonably efficient and every player of those roles has the competence for those champs. Lulu might be stronger than Janna for many comps but how many support-players play as good Lulu as they play Janna?

Much of the staleness is because players have to play what they're best at on this level and most of these players aren't really good enough yet to master the obscure champs.

I think these can't be overlooked. Jiji's Karthus, if he even plays it, isn't nearly as good as Regi. Looking at the teams in this tourney: xpeke, froggen, and scarra all play a very good Karthus, but none of those teams made it to the finals. They all would have willingly first picked Karthus, or at least 2nd picked him, to stop Regi. CLG decided to do something else. Banning Karthus MIGHT have been a good idea, but for what? Looking at the bans from the 1st set (don't have the others) they chose to ban Kennen and Vlad, two powerful mages that both Dyrus and Regi can play and both that have the ability to carry their teams to victory in a very real and dangerous way. Both are, in general, safer laners too.

They mostly banned the Vlad/Kennen to break apart the double AP Will AOE setup TSM had been terrorizing the tournament with. It's really hard to run it with any other champs.

In fact, in my opinion, a Vlad ban is strictly better versus TSM instead of a Karthus ban. THey also chose to Ban Nocturne twice. This makes a LOT of sense when you look at the Oddone because Nocturne is clearly both one of the strongest junglers in the game and one of the few heroes that the odd one can constantly carries with. The Odd One has been a Nocturne player since his release and continues to show that Nocturne might be his best hero in 5v5 LAN matches.

Compare that to banning Vlad or Karthus: Dyrus actually has a better knowledge of Jax overall, even with the remakes. Dyrus actually has a large history with Udyr and GP. Regi could have picked Ahri or Morgana if they ban Karthus, both are probably better pics. Regi could have played really safe and picked Galio, who is pretty much the best pick for safely winning middle, unless CLG pulled some crazy sheningans involving something like Urgot middle, Corki top, (who, even then, galio might lane against) and Bliztstar Bottom.

I feel they could've left Kennen open and banned Karthus in favor of Kennen though. Noc makes sense already in that they wanted to run Shen and Nocturne negates Shen to a great degree.

Kayle was a solid pick, but not a solid ban. Banning Kayle just means that Dyrus can play hyper-carry with another solo top: Vlad or Jax, for instance. Dyrus can even play Kennen, Lee Sin, Udyr, or hell, he can play Gangplank and Shen and do just fine. There is no specific reason to ban Kayle.

None of those synergise the same with Karthus though; really, what was happening in those last games was the Karthus/Kayle combo which I feel they should've broken up somehow if they lacked the answers. They tried to answer it with Kassadin and it worked for one game but then they got one-upped in the last. I think it would've been interesting to see how they adapted with more games TBH.

Maybe I'm overthinking this a little, I'm not sure. But I think that CLG, looking at picks and bans, had fine comps and that TSM also had fine comps. People don't like to vary in tourney matches. That's all. Even M5 pretty much ran the same strat the entirety of IEM Kiev.

Well, it depends. They usually have a good number of comps practiced. Just, in this case, both thought they'd found the right one to maximize their chances of winning the match with.

I guess our view of the available pool of supports is different. I would say Janna, Soraka, Alistar, Lulu, Blitz, Nunu, and Leona. So 7.


ex cathedra
2012-06-11, 05:08 PM
I feel they could've left Kennen open and banned Karthus in favor of Kennen though. Noc makes sense already in that they wanted to run Shen and Nocturne negates Shen to a great degree.

None of those synergise the same with Karthus though; really, what was happening in those last games was the Karthus/Kayle combo which I feel they should've broken up somehow if they lacked the answers. They tried to answer it with Kassadin and it worked for one game but then they got one-upped in the last. I think it would've been interesting to see how they adapted with more games TBH.

I don't think that there's necessarily a correct answer in that scenario given a 3-bans-per-team pool. With only two bans set aside for solo lanes, Regi/Dyrus can almost always set up a really synergistic comp. Ban Karthus/Vlad and I'm pretty sure that they'll just run Kennen & Kayle. I mean, Kayle ult practically translates into a free Zhonya's for Kennen, you know? It's pretty strong.

Kennen/Kayle bans leave Vlad/Karthus (though it requires Nautilus or Ashe + Maokai, I'd wager) and Vlad/Morgana.

Kayle/Vlad lets Dyrus pick up Kennen for Kennen/Karthus, etc.

I would say Janna, Soraka, Alistar, Lulu, Blitz, Nunu, and Leona. So 7. Galio, I guess, for 8, but I'm not a big fan of him as support.

Support tier list initiate!

Soraka/Janna Tier : Soraka, Janna
Tier 1 : Lulu, Leona, Alistar, Taric
Tier 2 : Sona, Nunu, Blitzcrank, Galio
Tier 3 : Annie, Morgana, Gangplank, Nautilus, Yorick

2012-06-11, 05:32 PM
I don't think that there's necessarily a correct answer in that scenario given a 3-bans-per-team pool. With only two bans set aside for solo lanes, Regi/Dyrus can almost always set up a really synergistic comp. Ban Karthus/Vlad and I'm pretty sure that they'll just run Kennen & Kayle. I mean, Kayle ult practically translates into a free Zhonya's for Kennen, you know? It's pretty strong.

Kennen/Kayle bans leave Vlad/Karthus (though it requires Nautilus or Ashe + Maokai, I'd wager) and Vlad/Morgana.

Kayle/Vlad lets Dyrus pick up Kennen for Kennen/Karthus, etc.

Kennen/Kayle would be my choice. They'd both be aimed primarily at the same player and they'd break up the stronger AOE combos. Tho frankly, Kayle ult doesn't make you immune to CC; CLG shoulda just ran some champs with knockback. Guess HS isn't practiced on his Lee Sin yet?

ex cathedra
2012-06-11, 05:45 PM
Kennen/Kayle would be my choice. They'd both be aimed primarily at the same player and they'd break up the stronger AOE combos. Tho frankly, Kayle ult doesn't make you immune to CC; CLG shoulda just ran some champs with knockback. Guess HS isn't practiced on his Lee Sin yet?

Fair enough. I don't actually ever recall seeing HSGG running Lee top and I suspect that jungling Lee is the more difficult of the two.

On that note, it might be worth pointing out that, despite how very well xHazzard performed, Voyboy is probably the best Lane Sin in NA and historically has a fairly good record against Dyrus.

Anyways, Kayle/Karthus is very nearly as susceptible to displacement as Kayle/Kennen. And considering Doublelift's fondness for forcing Vayne/Ali lanes...

Though, that often involves picking Vayne into Karthus. That just feels like such a mistake unless CLG gets so far ahead that picks don't even matter.

2012-06-11, 07:23 PM
Watched the MLG matches, first time watching a straight up LOL tournament. Can't lie, I got hella hype for Marn despite him being a massive peice of crap who kills scenes *For the love of god I hope he stays away from XBLA/PSN Guilty Gear* but that **** was mad entertaining. Bringing some of that FGC hype to MOBAs.

2012-06-11, 07:26 PM
just got out of a weird game. I was Trist, topped minion kills and the like, but only went 2/1/1. Someone would call for a push and they'd just all defend me while I Q down the turret in 5 seconds.

2012-06-11, 08:22 PM
Fair enough. I don't actually ever recall seeing HSGG running Lee top and I suspect that jungling Lee is the more difficult of the two.

On that note, it might be worth pointing out that, despite how very well xHazzard performed, Voyboy is probably the best Lane Sin in NA and historically has a fairly good record against Dyrus.

Anyways, Kayle/Karthus is very nearly as susceptible to displacement as Kayle/Kennen. And considering Doublelift's fondness for forcing Vayne/Ali lanes...

Though, that often involves picking Vayne into Karthus. That just feels like such a mistake unless CLG gets so far ahead that picks don't even matter.

It's worth noting Alistar was banned by TSM quite a few times.

2012-06-11, 08:52 PM
just got out of a weird game. I was Trist, topped minion kills and the like, but only went 2/1/1. Someone would call for a push and they'd just all defend me while I Q down the turret in 5 seconds.

Sounds standard. AD carries trash turrets late game. IE/PD plush some form of wave clear means you can almost total a tower in one wave. If you had a strong push comp and they couldn't initiate or turtle it's not uncommon to see low kill games that still feel pretty one sided.

RE: Teamcomps

We didn't see as much innovation at MLG as we have at a few other tournaments (Mass counterjungling, or triple support ect) instead we saw a lot of solid picks and some good team play and synergy. Putting together a full teamcomp that's "anti-meta" or "innovative" requires a lot of time and effort and is often quite hard to practice without spoiling it to rivals. Does that mean that over half the champions are enviable? No (with a few exceptions maybe). Only a few teams were in team houses leading up to MLG and those that were either had new members (Crs.Na) or seemingly very different practice schedules (TSM). With more teams going into houses and a gap before the next LAN (after dreamhack that is) I think that we're going to see a lot of really team play and even some new interesting comps going into the season 2 champs.


2012-06-11, 09:14 PM
This just in, according to Hotshot's stream he's Juliet and Behkuh is Romeo. Also, the following are apparently all smilies:

No clue what they mean. Watching streams can be weird at times.

ex cathedra
2012-06-11, 09:29 PM

No clue what they mean. Watching streams can be weird at times.

The apostrophes are eyes and the 3 represents lips.

Obviously, Eld. '3' '3' '3' :3

2012-06-11, 09:49 PM

...oh gods. She's even one of my PREFERRED supports. Clearly I should not attempt to make sizable posts while rushed for time.

It's worth noting Alistar was banned by TSM quite a few times.

I want to say Ali was banned every game of the finals, but I could be wrong.

fred dref
2012-06-11, 10:59 PM
I have come to the conclusion that despite my massive preference for only playing champions that are mechanically simple but complex in decision making, like Udyr and Olaf, my best supports are the ones that are commonly considered to be pretty damn tricky, Janna and Alistar. I've managed to get that WQ combo down pretty much perfect, and I don't think I've cost us a game with Janna ult yet (although I'm sure I've failed to win us a couple).

And yes, I know Alistar comboing isn't always optimal.

2012-06-12, 02:18 AM
I'm late to the discussion, nothing much to add except

people seen to forget that Regi is a monster of farming with karthus,

Check all games (first and second best of three)
he can farms like a madman. 270 cs in 25 minutes or so.
And still getting assists with his ulti.

and we all know that farm win games (DL's vayne, if you record)

Zen Master
2012-06-12, 07:38 AM
as Support blitz i never whould have money to IE and BT. A sheen maybe...

As a new experiment on support Blitz, I bought gold quints and seals, along with masteries and two gold items.

In a long-ish game, I can buy absolutely anything I want. What I end up with seems to be Atmas, Frozen Mallet, Maw, Zeal/PD,Brutalizer, whatever. Meaning I move away from pure support as the game grows older. To instead being some kind of annoying tank/initiator/damage dealer thing.

I may well not be optimal - but it certainly is fun =)

2012-06-12, 08:18 AM
As a new experiment on support Blitz, I bought gold quints and seals, along with masteries and two gold items.

In a long-ish game, I can buy absolutely anything I want. What I end up with seems to be Atmas, Frozen Mallet, Maw, Zeal/PD,Brutalizer, whatever. Meaning I move away from pure support as the game grows older. To instead being some kind of annoying tank/initiator/damage dealer thing.

I may well not be optimal - but it certainly is fun =)

I'd say around the 8-10k gold mark seems to be about average for a support blitz game that I win and 6-8k for one that I lose. I tend to build him boots start, philo, hog, boots 2 of some kind, Aegis, Shureylas. Between those items and wards/oracles I would say i've not got the money for something like frozen mallet.

I'd love to have your build though, that'd be a really fun blitz game. I'd say the thing I find most annoying as Blitz is the ults passive. More because I don't seem to be able to use it in team fights, due to early use of the AOE silence to either counter an intiate, keep the person you've grabbed from escaping or just general use in silencing 4-5 members of their team.

Oh and it pulling baron when you're clearing the baron pit is a pain. Only usually costs an attack or 3 off baron but its health you might not have for the next team fight.

2012-06-12, 08:22 AM
Gold seals and quints are always good.

Mutant Bunny
2012-06-12, 09:09 AM
I've played a few Amumu games in treeline recently, and done pretty well each time. It's especially fun when the enemy team doesn't focus you even after you have >250 AP.

At one point, I noticed that between my passive and my Abyssal Scepter, I had reduced the enemy Lee Sin to -7 MR. It amused me.

I have also deduced the REAL reason Amumu is sad: he has too many item choices, and can't decide which ones he wants.

With regard to Blitzcrank, don't feel bad about popping your ult at the first good opportunity: if you have physical damage in your build, you'll be doing more damage with your W and E anyway.

2012-06-12, 09:16 AM

Of course, I get stuck with a Soraka who claims to be AP, buys only support items, then sells it all for a Mobility and an inventory full of green wards.
Oh, and Tristana took top, putting me bot with said Soraka.
And nocturne says he "fell asleep" but "wasnt afk". Then sold everything.

Lix Lorn
2012-06-12, 01:25 PM
As a new experiment on support Blitz, I bought gold quints and seals, along with masteries and two gold items
Gold runes are BEST runes. xD They help make up for my binary laning.
(I either get massively fed or do terribly.)

Also, bah. I think my new connection has a mass of latency, and it's basically impossible for me to LoL. I can't even justify queueing for normals anymore. It's not fair to the other players. I can only just cope with in-houses because they aren't serious...

2012-06-12, 01:27 PM
/me hugs.

I'm sure you'll get your latency removed soon.

Zen Master
2012-06-12, 01:50 PM
On the Blitz thing - when it works, it can look something like this:


super dark33
2012-06-12, 05:17 PM
My last game as Darius was awesome, mid lane aginst a Garen.
Epic battles of the titans. we didnt really get to kill each other.
Now that darius got nerfed, battles with garen are now like:
an enemy has been slain!:smallamused:
our ally have been slain!/you have been slain!:smallfrown:

2012-06-12, 05:27 PM
Athene's Unholy Grail is OP on Karma:
Totally makes up for the nerf on Will.

Would make a good Guess Our Support-game too if I hid stats. :smalltongue:

2012-06-12, 06:59 PM
Which champion is the worst at last hitting? Assuming a custom game, no other champions. I've decided it's time for me to actually try to improve. To do this, I figure I'll:
--play custom games where I do nothing but last hit
--play normal games as Draven (since his spinning blade gimmick sort of serves as a constant reminder to be thinking about positioning)
--Really work on getting a stable of 2-3 champs/role I'm comfortable with. I used to have this, but have noticed it's not really the case any more.

2012-06-12, 07:05 PM
Athene's Unholy Grail is OP on Karma:
Totally makes up for the nerf on Will.

Would make a good Guess Our Support-game too if I hid stats. :smalltongue:

And the items. 3 GP/10 on Fiddles is a big giveaway.

2012-06-12, 07:14 PM
And the items. 3 GP/10 on Fiddles is a big giveaway.


I played Supportlesticks today again. Randuin's/Thornmail/Armor boots/Aegis of the Legion/Thornmail/something else was my build. I had a total of...407 armor, against a primarily physical damage dealing team. Fights would look like this:

Enemy tries to initiate. I fear them. They start dying as their team runs in. I silence everyone and ult. CAWCAWCAW = they focus me, even though I'm the tank/support/CC bot. End result: they lose fights. Hard.

fred dref
2012-06-12, 07:18 PM
Which champion is the worst at last hitting?

Well, Karthus has medicore range, a merely decent animation and the lowest AD at level one among all champs. Kog'Maw also has incredibly low AD, but has a good animation. Nautilus has a horrible animation, but decent damage from his passive.

EDIT: Why both Thornmails? Surely a Giant's Belt would give more EHP, or Frozen Heart for 1 less armor but better in every other way (except cost, of course).

2012-06-12, 07:32 PM

I played Supportlesticks today again. Randuin's/Thornmail/Armor boots/Aegis of the Legion/Thornmail/something else was my build. I had a total of...407 armor, against a primarily physical damage dealing team. Fights would look like this:

Enemy tries to initiate. I fear them. They start dying as their team runs in. I silence everyone and ult. CAWCAWCAW = they focus me, even though I'm the tank/support/CC bot. End result: they lose fights. Hard.

Support Fiddles is a thing? Huh... it makes sense... I should try that. I might have a new support to play as (have all the unusual supports!).

ex cathedra
2012-06-12, 07:46 PM
I played Supportlesticks today again. Randuin's/Thornmail/Armor boots/Aegis of the Legion/Thornmail/something else was my build. I had a total of...407 armor, against a primarily physical damage dealing team. Fights would look like this:

Your lack of Frozen Heart is very, very disappointing.

Support Fiddles is a thing? Huh... it makes sense... I should try that. I might have a new support to play as (have all the unusual supports!).
Depending on who you talk to, pretty much everything is a thing, Techno.

2012-06-12, 08:05 PM
Depending on who you talk to, pretty much everything is a thing, Techno.

Support Fiddle is easily in the Support Gangplank/Support Galio territory far as viability goes (that is, "unconventional supports that are sound in theory and have seen tournament success"). His base values are obscene, he has two very strong CC abilities, he pokes well, and he doesn't really need items to make games. M5 runs him occasionally, and fairly successfully.

2012-06-12, 08:09 PM
Oh, and his ult causes panic and focusing without spending gold to make it do damage.

ex cathedra
2012-06-12, 08:16 PM
Support Fiddle is easily in the Support Gangplank/Support Galio territory far as viability goes (that is, "unconventional supports that are sound in theory and have seen tournament success"). His base values are obscene, he has two very strong CC abilities, he pokes well, and he doesn't really need items to make games. M5 runs him occasionally, and fairly successfully.

My point wasn't that Support Fiddles isn't viable (I've seen those M5 games) but that the question "Is X a thing?" doesn't accomplish very much. :smallwink:

2012-06-12, 08:17 PM
Oh, and his ult causes panic and focusing without spending gold to make it do damage.

This works only against weaker players, mind. Stronger players will be able to check items and determine the true threats in the enemy team; I certainly wouldn't expect to panic Plat-level players. That said, Abyssal, Sorcs & Passive + MPen Runes is already massive damage against most targets (200+ MR won't mind too much but just about everyone else will; 60 points of flat penetration combined with Crowstorm's base value). And there's nothing wrong with a Zhonya's somewhere along the lines when the primary desired auras are done (Abyssal is a great aura anyways so running it on the support is just fine), if you feel the focus.

My point wasn't that Support Fiddles isn't viable (I've seen those M5 games) but that the question "Is X a thing?" doesn't accomplish very much. :smallwink:

Fair enough :p

2012-06-12, 08:19 PM
Depending on who you talk to, pretty much everything is a thing, Techno.

I... want to quote that... so badly... but I don't know how to make the super links to have the massive extended Signatures.

Lix Lorn
2012-06-12, 08:32 PM
There are threads for it. Just go find one, post your 'signature' in there, link to the post in your actual sig, and then edit the post whenever you want to add stuff.

2012-06-12, 09:19 PM
For support fiddle, would you run the usual faerie+pots/wards start, and go for Philo/Kage/Hog as needed?

Just bought him, since I've always wanted to make him work, but his jungle is just rubbish nowadays.

2012-06-12, 09:25 PM
For support fiddle, would you run the usual faerie+pots/wards start, and go for Philo/Kage/Hog as needed?

Just bought him, since I've always wanted to make him work, but his jungle is just rubbish nowadays.

Junglesticks ain't so bad. Drain rank 2, max out Dark Wind, then Terror, profit. Anyways, yeah, normal Support stuff; 2-3 Gold/10s, Wards, etc. The whole point of Supportsticks is that he can actually pull this off while still maintaining power.

2012-06-12, 09:40 PM
*shifty eyes*

*casually drops images*




Viera Champion
2012-06-12, 09:42 PM
Today... I have joined your ranks. *cue dramatic cloud opening and choir of angels*

2012-06-12, 09:45 PM
There are threads for it. Just go find one, post your 'signature' in there, link to the post in your actual sig, and then edit the post whenever you want to add stuff.

Ah, ok. Now to find one...

2012-06-12, 09:55 PM
Speaking of "supports that have some theory behind them but aren't used as supports," I was talking to my brother about Riot's comments on underused champions like Trundle and Urgot, and I feel that Urgot's lack of use is more because of his kit. His abilities (maybe not the numbers involved) really feel more like that of a support. I mean, you have two debuffs to weaken the enemy carry for trades, a shield that provides a slow, an ultimate that feels very much support-y and rewards building tankiness, and a spammable ability that has good base numbers and can zone out enemies. The obvious build for Urgot is prioritizing CDR, mana, and tankiness. Why not go all the way and build him fully support?
Okay, I know the shield only protects him and he doesn't directly boost his carry...but still.
Guys, make that a thing. Please?

ex cathedra
2012-06-12, 09:59 PM
Speaking of "supports that have some theory behind them but aren't used as supports," I was talking to my brother about Riot's comments on underused champions like Trundle and Urgot, and I feel that Urgot's lack of use is more because of his kit. His abilities (maybe not the numbers involved) really feel more like that of a support. I mean, you have two debuffs to weaken the enemy carry for trades, a shield that provides a slow, an ultimate that feels very much support-y and rewards building tankiness, and a spammable ability that has good base numbers and can zone out enemies. The obvious build for Urgot is prioritizing CDR, mana, and tankiness. Why not go all the way and build him fully support?
Guys, make that a thing. Please?

I've got some bad news. Urgot isn't underplayed.

Today... I have joined your ranks. *cue dramatic cloud opening and choir of angels*
Welcome to the thread! If you'd like, leave your in-game summoner name and what server you play on (NA, EU-W, etc) and I'll add you to the list on the front page.

Viera Champion
2012-06-12, 10:01 PM
I've got some bad news. Urgot isn't underplayed.

Welcome to the thread! If you'd like, leave your in-game summoner name and what server you play on (NA, EU-W, etc) and I'll add you to the list on the front page.


Summoner name: Mizz Mitchell
Server: North America

2012-06-12, 10:06 PM
Speaking of "supports that have some theory behind them but aren't used as supports," I was talking to my brother about Riot's comments on underused champions like Trundle and Urgot, and I feel that Urgot's lack of use is more because of his kit. His abilities (maybe not the numbers involved) really feel more like that of a support. I mean, you have two debuffs to weaken the enemy carry for trades, a shield that provides a slow, an ultimate that feels very much support-y and rewards building tankiness, and a spammable ability that has good base numbers and can zone out enemies. The obvious build for Urgot is prioritizing CDR, mana, and tankiness. Why not go all the way and build him fully support?
Okay, I know the shield only protects him and he doesn't directly boost his carry...but still.
Guys, make that a thing. Please?

Would work much better if he could shield an ally. as is, he has no way to sustain or buff an ally. he might make a good kill lane partner, but he has no hard CC.
I'd try it, as I do enjoy urgotting, but I suspect a meh performance.

EDIT: haha you covered my points in white text. shen'd.

2012-06-12, 10:47 PM
Urgot was banned in a lot of MLG matches
and used a lot when he was avaliable

2012-06-12, 11:23 PM
Urgot was banned in a lot of MLG matches
and used a lot when he was avaliable

He was banned or picked in every match, actually. Urgot op

2012-06-12, 11:32 PM
Speaking of "supports that have some theory behind them but aren't used as supports," I was talking to my brother about Riot's comments on underused champions like Trundle and Urgot, and I feel that Urgot's lack of use is more because of his kit. His abilities (maybe not the numbers involved) really feel more like that of a support. I mean, you have two debuffs to weaken the enemy carry for trades, a shield that provides a slow, an ultimate that feels very much support-y and rewards building tankiness, and a spammable ability that has good base numbers and can zone out enemies. The obvious build for Urgot is prioritizing CDR, mana, and tankiness. Why not go all the way and build him fully support?
Okay, I know the shield only protects him and he doesn't directly boost his carry...but still.
Guys, make that a thing. Please?

Urgot AD verra popular. Urgot support, though? Definitely underplayed...in the sense that it's entirely UNplayed. Could be good for lane domination. It doesn't have quite the level 2 presence of a Leona/Taric/Ali, but the harass is strong and level 6 ganks are crazy. Probably best against AD-heavy comps since that lets him build Frozen Heart, which (with Shurelya's and Treads) is everything Supportgot needs--mana, CDR, beef, and auras. The main issue there is that supports are often picked early, so it's tough to pick a support specifically to counterpick a comp. You'd have to bait it out of the top lane matchup, which is hella risky. I suppose you could build Hexdrinker and BVeil, though where you'd get the money is beyond me, unless you consistently get fed.

2012-06-13, 12:36 AM
Well, Morello points out Urgot as a "reason we can't have ugly/monstrous champions," so Riot considers him not very attractive (at least for people to buy). Tournament play doesn't exactly equal the majority of players spending money on a champion.
I'm not discussing whether he's played very often or even strong as-is anyway. It's theorycrafting.
Regardless, I would say that other than his Acid Hunter spam his toolkit feels a lot like a support. No hard crowd-control until level 6, but Nunu doesn't have it at all and he seems to do okay. You're running more of a "kill lane" kind of thing, and Support Urgot would try to zone the enemies to keep them off the carry. Basically, if someone does jump on your carry, you have to weaken them enough that yours kills whoever attacks.

Frozen Heart would almost definitely be core, and you might need gold/sec runes to get his slightly more expensive stuff (for a support).

Might never be considered tournament viable, but if you get enough people to try it we can start a new meta! Someone crazier than me who owns Urgot should do this. (I don't own Urgot.)

2012-06-13, 03:59 AM
We were losing pretty hard until we turtled in the base and we were able to hold them back with the power of initiation. Eventually, we got so farmed that we were able to win every fight and then push back without repercussions. Damn long match, but it was horrifically epic. Olaf and Kayle weren't happy. What seems like a happy "We're sending this to Riot" message is actually an angry complaint that we were...ahem. Bad words. Oh, and nerds. It was great.


2012-06-13, 04:06 AM
He was banned or picked in every match, actually. Urgot op

I kinda suspectd that, but i didnt watch the whole tournament.

Anyways, yes urgot OP. He will punish you. Emphasis in Punish. With capital P.
Even some wierd builds (manamune + CDR, urgot initiator) worked (can't remember the game. was a CLG versus Dig in lower bracket, maybe?)

oh... the whole meta thing.
Okay my two cents.
Why the current meta works.
It's all about resourcers.

Further optimization can still be made, thou.
Specially on the purple side.

2012-06-13, 04:25 AM
Support Fiddles is a thing? Huh... it makes sense... I should try that. I might have a new support to play as (have all the unusual supports!).

It's been a thing, for me, ever since I said "support bot" and randomed in Fiddle a couple months ago.

Your lack of Frozen Heart is very, very disappointing.

We already had one on our team and near there was constantly something happening so I just grabbed the largest armor item I could afford and 'ported back in (4 teleports and lots of split pushing. We won about 30 kills down).

Support Fiddle is easily in the Support Gangplank/Support Galio territory far as viability goes (that is, "unconventional supports that are sound in theory and have seen tournament success"). His base values are obscene, he has two very strong CC abilities, he pokes well, and he doesn't really need items to make games. M5 runs him occasionally, and fairly successfully.

Yeah. In lane, I'd generally try to poke with Dark Wind when I thought I could hit both enemies and just Terrify them when they jumped on my carry.

Additional benefit: they apparently hated me so much that they towerdived me, giving my carry a triple. Yeah, I don't know. Scarecrow OP.

For support fiddle, would you run the usual faerie+pots/wards start, and go for Philo/Kage/Hog as needed?

Well, I started DRing and mana pot but that's a terrible decision. The standard support start should work, although I'd recommend pink wards if they have a support and you want to start the counterwarding arms race. I went Kage's/HoG but after that mainly bought tanky items, as I have a lot of extra gold income from my runes and masteries. More gold/10 is always good, though, and I once ran Bankersticks (all gold/10 items), which worked exactly as badly as it sounds.

Speaking of "supports that have some theory behind them but aren't used as supports," I was talking to my brother about Riot's comments on underused champions like Trundle and Urgot, and I feel that Urgot's lack of use is more because of his kit. His abilities (maybe not the numbers involved) really feel more like that of a support. I mean, you have two debuffs to weaken the enemy carry for trades, a shield that provides a slow, an ultimate that feels very much support-y and rewards building tankiness, and a spammable ability that has good base numbers and can zone out enemies. The obvious build for Urgot is prioritizing CDR, mana, and tankiness. Why not go all the way and build him fully support?
Guys, make that a thing. Please?

I've done Supportgot. Another "support bot" randomlock, but it worked pretty well. I used Ass Acid Hunter to harass in lane, missed all my Es (it's been so long since I played Urgot I had no idea what I was doing half the time), shielded to help slow enemies and my damage output was good enough early game to get me focused, which my carry was quite happy about. The best part was, even when they didn't focus me I was still pretty threatening in lane due to my early damage.

I built Bankertank, with something like Randiun's, GA, FoN, FH or similar. In a teamfight I'd either trollnitiate with my ult or just hit the first non-tank that I though shouldn't be allowed to contribute to the fight for a little while. Then I spammed Qs and Es.

EDIT: Hexdrinker/BVeil should be fairly doable with extra gold runes/masteries, items and some assists. It's only a bit more than 4k, so in a long game it should be easily gotten. I usually have between 7 and 15k in my support games, depending on the length, so it shouldn't really be a problem.

EDIT2: I've played Support Trundle, too. It's pretty unusual, but the playstyle in teamfights isn't that different from normal - ult tank, Q AD carry, W, smack people until you need to Pillar of Filth for some reason.

Zen Master
2012-06-13, 05:08 AM
Urgot AD verra popular. Urgot support, though? Definitely underplayed...in the sense that it's entirely UNplayed. Could be good for lane domination. It doesn't have quite the level 2 presence of a Leona/Taric/Ali, but the harass is strong and level 6 ganks are crazy. Probably best against AD-heavy comps since that lets him build Frozen Heart, which (with Shurelya's and Treads) is everything Supportgot needs--mana, CDR, beef, and auras. The main issue there is that supports are often picked early, so it's tough to pick a support specifically to counterpick a comp. You'd have to bait it out of the top lane matchup, which is hella risky. I suppose you could build Hexdrinker and BVeil, though where you'd get the money is beyond me, unless you consistently get fed.

I played an Urgot/Blitz lane (actually, the game I posted earlier), and it was devastating. Basically, from level 6, when we decided to kill someone, there was no getting away.

We might still lose the actual fight, of course - but no one runs from Urgot/Blitz.

2012-06-13, 05:35 AM

I saw you are a player of Teemo too. I'm currently a bit split between two builds. In one I focus on AP, with Runes for Manareg, Magicpenetration and AP/lvl and the other similar but instead of manareg i use atkspeed.

For Items I buy boots depending on enemy (Berserker or Mercs) and malady. In the AP one I go for Nashor's Tooth, Rabadons, Rylais and Void Staff. In the one without Manareg I go for Wit's End, then Claws, followed by Frost Hammer and Guardian angel. I can't decide which plays smoother... do you have a bit of advice for me regarding that one?

2012-06-13, 06:54 AM
Depending on who you talk to, pretty much everything is a thing, Techno.

I keep on saying jungle janna is a thing but people never believe me. :smallfrown:

2012-06-13, 09:06 AM
I keep on saying jungle janna is a thing but people never believe me. :smallfrown:

Eldariel believes you, your opinion is automatically valid.

(I do too, but Eldariel actually can play this game.)
Also, everything really IS viable in this game. Let's face the fact that for most of us the best way of measuring your skill is solo queue rating. In solo queue, with enough effort, you can raise Elo with any given champion. Therefore, everything is viable, because everything can get you wins.

Which also allows me to say: Froggen in his Reddit AMA said Heimerdinger is "very strong". Think of the champions you have been denying yourself because you thought they were "weak"!

2012-06-13, 10:28 AM
Which also allows me to say: Froggen in his Reddit AMA said Heimerdinger is "very strong". Think of the champions you have been denying yourself because you thought they were "weak"!

Heimer has always been 'very strong' he's just reliant on various kinds of comps and has no escapes (even AP Kog'maw has a slow) so playing him middle kinda sucks. He's . . . awkard. But his strength in Dragon/Baron Fights (less now but still strong) and the fact that he's a poke mage makes him amazing mid/late game.

Just played GP after no LoL for two weeks. Went 6/0/8 despite laning against Renekton. I think I need to play GP a lot more. Don't care about all the nerfs, imma make him work.

Support Fiddle is easily in the Support Gangplank/Support Galio territory far as viability goes (that is, "unconventional supports that are sound in theory and have seen tournament success"). His base values are obscene, he has two very strong CC abilities, he pokes well, and he doesn't really need items to make games. M5 runs him occasionally, and fairly successfully.

I want to point out that support GP with Aegis/Phage is... amazing. I mean, its not Janna or Soraka, but i'd argue that he's almost as good as taric in lane.

2012-06-13, 10:55 AM
Just played GP after no LoL for two weeks. Went 6/0/8 despite laning against Renekton. I think I need to play GP a lot more. Don't care about all the nerfs, imma make him work.

My friend plays GP. To give you an example of how he does it, he favors crit to the point where Parrrrrley forces people to build armor. Last match I was Tristana, not doing good or bad level 14 ended up 5/5/8. He was 4/1/20, present at every single turret kill buffing my attack speed. GPs ability to not die is silly.

2012-06-13, 11:23 AM
My friend plays GP. To give you an example of how he does it, he favors crit to the point where Parrrrrley forces people to build armor. Last match I was Tristana, not doing good or bad level 14 ended up 5/5/8. He was 4/1/20, present at every single turret kill buffing my attack speed. GPs ability to not die is silly.

Thanks for the advice, but to be honest, unless I'm missing something here, I'm pretty sure I've played the most GP of anyone on this forum. 50 games with him in ranked this season, and plenty of games in dominion/normal draft mode. GP's pretty much been my main since his rework post Dreamhack, along with WW.

Having said that, I don't like the crit build because of two things A) carry GP is kinda weak B) Crit build is a weak build for a TankyDPS carry. For GP if I want to build damage I build Triforce, BT or Ghostblade. I've also considered building Last Whisper, but I suppose that would be slightly more situational (maybe if I played against some annoying triple tank team like Galio/Cho/Amumu). I prefer to build a bit more of a versatile build on GP.

One thing about GP right now is that he NEEDS mana early game. I really wanna try to build Tear of the Goddess on him but I'm not sure how he would fair with a manamune vs. Riven, Renekton, Udyr, and Lee Sin. Against Vlad and Kennen you can get a Chalice anyways. For now mana pots and philostone have been working. After Philo I tend to get a HoG because... I dunno, I always have. Stacking Dorans or building wriggles is probably better.

Then I can build anything. Aegis, Randoins, Frozen Heart, Bveil, FoN, Warmogs are all good tanky items. Supportive TankyDPS items like shurelias, Frozen mallet and Locket also seem like good items. For carrying Triforce, BT and Ghostblade are probably GP's best items. Boots should be Ninja Tabi or Merc treads vs. 99% of all heroes. If you are destroying your lane get CDR boots probably.

Lix Lorn
2012-06-13, 11:28 AM
Also, everything really IS viable in this game.
Except Evelynn?

2012-06-13, 11:30 AM
Evelynn is surprisingly viable in Dominion. I thought that the guy was pulling my leg when he picked, but she's very good.

2012-06-13, 11:59 AM
My ranked 5s team has occasionally used support Urgot and won but you'd have to ask Neoseanster how to actually play it.

2012-06-13, 12:10 PM

I saw you are a player of Teemo too. I'm currently a bit split between two builds. In one I focus on AP, with Runes for Manareg, Magicpenetration and AP/lvl and the other similar but instead of manareg i use atkspeed.

For Items I buy boots depending on enemy (Berserker or Mercs) and malady. In the AP one I go for Nashor's Tooth, Rabadons, Rylais and Void Staff. In the one without Manareg I go for Wit's End, then Claws, followed by Frost Hammer and Guardian angel. I can't decide which plays smoother... do you have a bit of advice for me regarding that one?

I build Aspd/onhit. I follow this guide (http://www.solomid.net/guides.php?g=14315), except that for runes I have the gold seals and quints, MR glyphs, mpen marks.

2012-06-13, 12:36 PM
Except Evelynn?

It's not a question of what a champion is,
In certain situations, their kit might be a bliss,
You just need to know in and out how they work
I mean, don't play Shaco as if you were a dumb Ork!
Yes it's quite true that Eve has been quite mutilated,
But there are many strats with her, some of them 5-star rated.
She can be your roamer and kill people who are daft,
And if a moving ward is needed, she's viable for draft!
It's just that you need to know what every skill does,
And go for the good items: the right ones for your class.
From this little frasca comes a moral quite satiric:
Don't outfit the cow with a scepter that's Vampiric!

2012-06-13, 01:00 PM
One of those games...

We were screwed pretty well by the time Skarner rage quit. Funny, we started winning exchanges after that, but decided to make them work for it. To start we had "spin in a ball and blindly rush, oh look a turret dead" Rammus and "stand in Nunu's ult until he's fed then spend the rest of the game KSing" Ashe. Their damage was pitiful.

When we lost an inhibitor I decided to just start building for immortality. Between me and jax they just dove our nexus trying to get hits in before dying.

2012-06-13, 01:11 PM
So, I have a question about carrying.

Generally, even when I do well I don't really carry, at least most of the time.

So...does anyone have general carrying tips? Either AD or AP is appreciated.

2012-06-13, 01:30 PM
I think I might be addicted to AP Tristana.

2012-06-13, 01:54 PM
One of those games...

Wait, why is your Rammus complaining about Unholy Grail on Ashe when he goes laning, buys Boots of Swiftness and has a Guardian Angel, and also fed the enemy the most?

Nice effort though. Kinda hard to win when Rammus forces 13 bad plays that get him killed.

2012-06-13, 01:58 PM
I think I might be addicted to AP Tristana.

I wanna shoot somethinnnnnnnnnng. Trist is fun, make it a game to see how fast you can shoot down a turret.

Wait, why is your Rammus complaining about Unholy Grail on Ashe when he goes laning, buys Boots of Swiftness and has a Guardian Angel, and also fed the enemy the most?

Nice effort though. Kinda hard to win when Rammus forces 13 bad plays that get him killed.

He kept saying that "im jesus" because he had a guardian.

Viera Champion
2012-06-13, 02:05 PM
Why is this so addicting.

So I'm getting the hang of this game, Qaera has been training me in the art of LoL, and it's very confusing.

Also, everyone tells me I basically need a mouse for this game. That's what they said when I got TF2 as well. Don't underestimate my trackpad skills. :smallamused:

2012-06-13, 02:31 PM
So, I have a question about carrying.

Generally, even when I do well I don't really carry, at least most of the time.

So...does anyone have general carrying tips? Either AD or AP is appreciated.

1. Ward up so you don't get surprised and give up the advantage
2. Shut down your opponent by pressing your advantage and chunking him every time he tries to trade or farm.
3. When your opponent has been reduced to a helpless mewling ball of fear lying in fetal position behind his second turret (or alternatively has died or backed), go grab some teammates and do something like gank or steal a buff or do dragon.
4. Take towers. Preferably mid ones, but any will do.
5. Go buy something.
6. Repeat Steps 1-5 until it's time to press Baron.
7. Press Baron with Oracle's and wards.
8. Win ensuing teamfight.
9. Push or take Baron, depending on how many are up and what everyone's health is.
10. Take everything outside their base.
11. Press on their inhibs until Baron runs out.
12. Repeat steps 7-11 until victory.

Why is this so addicting.

So I'm getting the hang of this game, Qaera has been training me in the art of LoL, and it's very confusing.

Also, everyone tells me I basically need a mouse for this game. That's what they said when I got TF2 as well. Don't underestimate my trackpad skills. :smallamused:

You need a mouse. I'll underestimate the heck out of your trackpad skills to get you to (a) use a mouse and (b) play unlocked camera (which, from experience, is much more difficult than locked camera with a trackpad). :smalltongue:

2012-06-13, 02:38 PM
I don't know how anyone can play FPS/RTS games without a mouse. I mean, yeah, I use a fancy Razer gaming mouse so I might be spoiled . . . but in a good way.

Viera Champion
2012-06-13, 02:42 PM
I don't know how anyone can play FPS/RTS games without a mouse. I mean, yeah, I use a fancy Razer gaming mouse so I might be spoiled . . . but in a good way.

I... I have no idea what those letters stand for...

2012-06-13, 02:45 PM
I... I have no idea what those letters stand for...

FPS - first person shooter
RTS - real-time strategy

LoL is the latter, only instead of armies you have one unit

Lix Lorn
2012-06-13, 02:47 PM
Also, everyone tells me I basically need a mouse for this game. That's what they said when I got TF2 as well. Don't underestimate my trackpad skills. :smallamused:
Trackpads are a personification of pure darkness.

2012-06-13, 02:56 PM
nothing to see here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=7ebQTanjbys)

2012-06-13, 03:00 PM
nothing to see here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=7ebQTanjbys)

Hell, it's about time.

2012-06-13, 03:10 PM
Look at all the customization they did on him! Neat.

Also, the top-rated comment made me laugh: "Call him gay one more time, mother****ers. I DARE YOU."

2012-06-13, 03:10 PM
Does he actually get an extra ability at level 16? The site says he can fly at that point.

Lix Lorn
2012-06-13, 03:16 PM
Pretty sure that flying is just an animation like joke and taunt. What game effect would it have?

2012-06-13, 03:29 PM
Hell, it's about time.

So... if Ezreal's decked out with super badass technology and sent to the past... does that make the Void creatures the Zerg?

Also... is it bad I want to try out Ezreal now? I mean, I'm terrible as it is when it comes to AD carries... (although Catilyn is just silly stupid easy)

2012-06-13, 03:42 PM
So... if Ezreal's decked out with super badass technology and sent to the past... does that make the Void creatures the Zerg?

Also... is it bad I want to try out Ezreal now? I mean, I'm terrible as it is when it comes to AD carries... (although Catilyn is just silly stupid easy)

Ashe: my ult is up
Announcer: nuclear launch detected

2012-06-13, 03:43 PM
So... if Ezreal's decked out with super badass technology and sent to the past... does that make the Void creatures the Zerg?

For Aiur.
I have returned. Skin's secret passive: screwed up pathfinding, capable of getting stuck on the summoner platform
It shall be done.
My life for Aiur!

2012-06-13, 04:01 PM
Pretty sure that flying is just an animation like joke and taunt. What game effect would it have?

Speed boost?
No collisions with units?
Ignore persistent AOE slows?

There are a lot of things it could be, and it looked like he went faster when he started flying.

2012-06-13, 04:07 PM
I cant belive it would have any mechanical effect whatsoever, its just a skin after all.

Lix Lorn
2012-06-13, 04:20 PM
Speed boost?
No collisions with units?
Ignore persistent AOE slows?

There are a lot of things it could be, and it looked like he went faster when he started flying.
Touche, but I doubt it has anything.

2012-06-13, 04:41 PM
I need to start playing Janna more again. Support that AP carries? OP!

2012-06-13, 05:01 PM
So I haven't played in 4 weeks but it appears that I'm right back in action as far as my gameplay goes. Just need to figure out how to play Solo Top Corki more. :D

2012-06-13, 05:08 PM
Except Evelynn?

Even Evelynn, although she's a lot easier to just completely fail with than she is to make work.

There are a lot of things it could be, and it looked like he went faster when he started flying.

Pretty sure that's just an illusion caused by his model moving 'closer' to your viewpoint; his shadow seems to be moving at the same rate across the map to me. And I can't imagine Riot would add any kind of game-relevant ability to just a single skin of a champ, no matter how legendary it is.

Mutant Bunny
2012-06-13, 05:24 PM
nothing to see here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=7ebQTanjbys)

Shoulda been Pulsefire Trundle instead.

2012-06-13, 05:39 PM
Shoulda been Pulsefire Trundle instead.

Snrk. Can't stop laughing.

2012-06-13, 05:39 PM
Even Evelynn, although she's a lot easier to just completely fail with than she is to make work.

Pretty sure that's just an illusion caused by his model moving 'closer' to your viewpoint; his shadow seems to be moving at the same rate across the map to me. And I can't imagine Riot would add any kind of game-relevant ability to just a single skin of a champ, no matter how legendary it is.

Well, they might add a movespeed buff of 2 or 3, just because they can. I mean, Voli gets extra gold when he kills Zilean, so why not?

2012-06-13, 05:57 PM
So, uh... get it as soon as it comes out. Or a couple of days after that.

If you don't, say hello to a new price level. My word that will be expensive at full price. That said, it is very much the most decked out skin they have done.

2012-06-13, 05:58 PM
I need to start playing Janna more again. Support that AP carries? OP!

funny thing about that "always play Janna" vid; his advice about getting AP is really, really good, right down to the soulstealer.

2012-06-13, 06:04 PM
Skins have 0 real game effect beyond perception (though, perception can be huge) in the vast majority of cases (only exception I can think of is Monarch Kog'maw*).

All actions actually handled are done by the servers, and the servers don't have knowledge of the animations. There isn't even z-index, it's just x and y.

For things like walk animations and actions to feel like they sync together, there's a number of variables that give the server and equivalent for timing purposes. These numbers give real game effect and is what makes animations seem like they have a real effect. It's these numbers that actually causes Anivia's autoattacks to take so long to actually register (as an example).

When skins come in to the equation, these numbers DO NOT change as a hard rule.

So no, there is 0 real game power benefit from Pulsefire. Only perception.

Older skins this rule was softer for, but since it's become more permanent.
Monarch Kog'maw has a slightly different hitbox. This is the only exception I can think of, and this might not even be true anymore.

2012-06-13, 06:19 PM
On the flip side to PFE's exorbitant price point, Soul Reaver Draven is legendary quality for half the price.

Well, they might add a movespeed buff of 2 or 3, just because they can. I mean, Voli gets extra gold when he kills Zilean, so why not?

Put it this way: if Ezreal got more than 1 HP from this skin, the backlash over pay2win would be TREMENDOUS.

Skins have 0 real game effect beyond perception (though, perception can be huge) in the vast majority of cases (only exception I can think of is Monarch Kog'maw*).

All actions actually handled are done by the servers, and the servers don't have knowledge of the animations. There isn't even z-index, it's just x and y.

For things like walk animations and actions to feel like they sync together, there's a number of variables that give the server and equivalent for timing purposes. These numbers give real game effect and is what makes animations seem like they have a real effect. It's these numbers that actually causes Anivia's autoattacks to take so long to actually register (as an example).

When skins come in to the equation, these numbers DO NOT change as a hard rule.

So no, there is 0 real game power benefit from Pulsefire. Only perception.

Older skins this rule was softer for, but since it's become more permanent.
Monarch Kog'maw has a slightly different hitbox. This is the only exception I can think of, and this might not even be true anymore.

Surfer Singed and some of the Commandos (and anyone with sunglasses) take 1 less damage from sunlight-based attacks. :smalltongue:

2012-06-13, 06:23 PM
Put it this way: if Ezreal got even 1 HP from this skin, the backlash over pay2win would be TREMENDOUS.

Fixed that for you. :smalltongue:

2012-06-13, 06:27 PM
Fixed that for you. :smalltongue:

To paraphrase TheOddOne,
"Ezreal is playing with the Pulsefire skin, that means his Mystic Shot will do 11 damage rather than 10 damage" :smalltongue:

2012-06-13, 06:41 PM
Oooh let's play a game: pay to win champion skins that do stuff.

Noxus hunter Anivia gains 10 attack damage during July 4.

2012-06-13, 06:47 PM
To paraphrase TheOddOne,
"Ezreal is playing with the Pulsefire skin, that means his Mystic Shot will do 11 damage rather than 10 damage" :smalltongue:



- average mmo/moba community member

on a serious note, the ninjas (akali, shen, kennen, for those of us new to the game) lose 1 max hp for each other ninja in play, unless they are in medical skins. so, like the sunglasses take 1 less damage from lux ult thing, there are a few skin effects, but never enough to be an actual advantage. side note: what is the lowest HP anyone has ever escaped with? has anyone ever gotten down to 1 HP and lived?

2012-06-13, 06:59 PM
side note: what is the lowest HP anyone has ever escaped with? has anyone ever gotten down to 1 HP and lived?

Not counting Tryndamere?

8 HP on the last tick of ignite.

2012-06-13, 07:01 PM
Surfer Singed and some of the Commandos (and anyone with sunglasses) take 1 less damage from sunlight-based attacks. :smalltongue:

Ohh right.
I forgot about skins being able to have their own scripts. Usually it's only used for Legendary voice work. I forgot about the sunlight thing. =P

2012-06-13, 07:02 PM
Not counting Tryndamere?

8 HP on the last tick of ignite.

I've actually got a LoLRecorder replay of me (Lee Sin) getting our TF out of a fight with 1 hp.

Safeguar->Cripple OP vs Xin Zhao.

Lix Lorn
2012-06-13, 07:54 PM
Ohh right.
I forgot about skins being able to have their own scripts. Usually it's only used for Legendary voice work. I forgot about the sunlight thing. =P
Wait, riot employees are FALLIBLE?
holy god that means they AREN'T screwing things up to annoy us!

I... maybe they're human! :O Wow that makes us JERKS!

2012-06-13, 08:06 PM
My friend plays GP. To give you an example of how he does it, he favors crit to the point where Parrrrrley forces people to build armor. Last match I was Tristana, not doing good or bad level 14 ended up 5/5/8. He was 4/1/20, present at every single turret kill buffing my attack speed. GPs ability to not die is silly.

"I once got polymorphed into a raccoon. But then I ate some oranges and everything was fine."

So, I have a question about carrying.

Generally, even when I do well I don't really carry, at least most of the time.

So...does anyone have general carrying tips? Either AD or AP is appreciated.

There's a rather good AD carry guide here (http://solomid.net/guides.php?g=19081).

nothing to see here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=7ebQTanjbys)

See, I'm torn. On the one hand, this skin is amazing. On the other hand, Ezreal's a bit on the underpowered side, and that makes justifying the large amounts of real cash hard to do. On the other hand, I hear talk they gave him a Mega Man style death animation, and that is inherently noble.

(Oh gosh how did I pick up yet another thread to follow D:)

2012-06-13, 08:17 PM
See, I'm torn. On the one hand, this skin is amazing. On the other hand, Ezreal's a bit on the underpowered side, and that makes justifying the large amounts of real cash hard to do. On the other hand, I hear talk they gave him a Mega Man style death animation, and that is inherently noble.

(Oh gosh how did I pick up yet another thread to follow D:)

Underpowered how? He's picked quite a lot in tournaments, he's definitely one of the safest AD carries with great poke and comparatively fairly solid overall damage (higher than Ashe or Cait, lower than Vayne or Kog) and decent utility. He can lane against any AD, he functions with a wide variety of supports and he can actually win lanes against most lane opponents very easily.

2012-06-13, 08:25 PM
Wait, riot employees are FALLIBLE?
holy god that means they AREN'T screwing things up to annoy us!

I... maybe they're human! :O Wow that makes us JERKS!


Underpowered how? He's picked quite a lot in tournaments, he's definitely one of the safest AD carries with great poke and comparatively fairly solid overall damage (higher than Ashe or Cait, lower than Vayne or Kog) and decent utility. He can lane against any AD, he functions with a wide variety of supports and he can actually win lanes against most lane opponents very easily.

Depends, is Trinity still a common sight on him? If so, there is your answer (that, and he is not the one to go to for the highest damage output. But, as you say, his poke, safety, and laning are hard to match for the others. And the ult, for all being just an easily whiff-able damaging mapshot, still has threat.)

2012-06-13, 08:52 PM
Depends, is Trinity still a common sight on him? If so, there is your answer (that, and he is not the one to go to for the highest damage output. But, as you say, his poke, safety, and laning are hard to match for the others. And the ult, for all being just an easily whiff-able damaging mapshot, still has threat.)

^What he said.

Still viable, no doubts about that. I enjoy playing him quite a bit, actually. It's just that I find that he doesn't quite scale as well as other AD carries I play, but I suspect a big part of that is just my own skill.

EDIT: So the real question becomes, will an absurdly expensive skin motivate me enough to get better with Ezreal? :smalltongue:

2012-06-13, 08:54 PM
"I once got polymorphed into a raccoon. But then I ate some oranges and everything was K."

Fixed that fer yah. :P

ex cathedra
2012-06-13, 09:06 PM
Community Draft! (http://www.twitch.tv/malfusx)

With Phreak.

And me.

Lix Lorn
2012-06-13, 09:07 PM
Sadly, well put xD

2012-06-13, 09:17 PM
Theories on why GPs scurvy returns so often:

Big Citrus put some experimental device in him to make him wholly dependent.
The orange rinds are actually filled with cheetos.
There resides some sort of black hole inside the pirate
It's a gameplay abstraction so people know when you have the ability ready

2012-06-13, 09:20 PM
It's a gameplay abstraction so people know when you have the ability ready

See, this doesn't make sense. Mostly because there isn't any equivalent for QSS and Cleanse.

Pie Guy
2012-06-13, 09:27 PM
Community Draft! (http://www.twitch.tv/malfusx)

With Phreak.

And me.

Nice. When did you get all buddy-buddy with Phreak?

ex cathedra
2012-06-13, 09:41 PM
Nice. When did you get all buddy-buddy with Phreak?

Community draft. With the community. That's what that means. :smallwink: It's normally just 5v5 draft games casted, but Phreak just randomly dropped in when I happened to get into a game.

2012-06-13, 09:57 PM
Depends, is Trinity still a common sight on him? If so, there is your answer (that, and he is not the one to go to for the highest damage output. But, as you say, his poke, safety, and laning are hard to match for the others. And the ult, for all being just an easily whiff-able damaging mapshot, still has threat.)

It appears IE -> Trinity is a fairly common build on him nowadays. Trinity -> BT and Trinity -> IE (also IE -> BT and IE -> PD) are all seen also. That said, given he actually utilizes all stats on Trinity fairly efficiently, it's not all that bad for him.

2012-06-13, 10:38 PM
It appears IE -> Trinity is a fairly common build on him nowadays. Trinity -> BT and Trinity -> IE (also IE -> BT and IE -> PD) are all seen also. That said, given he actually utilizes all stats on Trinity fairly efficiently, it's not all that bad for him.

and AP Ez is also still used frequently to good effect, to the point I wish they'd make another champion like Ez that focused on AP for Pew Pew Justice!

2012-06-13, 10:49 PM
Got loads of IP.

Should I get Varus, Draven, or wait for next week's new guy?

2012-06-13, 11:34 PM
It appears IE -> Trinity is a fairly common build on him nowadays. Trinity -> BT and Trinity -> IE (also IE -> BT and IE -> PD) are all seen also. That said, given he actually utilizes all stats on Trinity fairly efficiently, it's not all that bad for him.

Dang, that's expensive. Granted he is the carry, but still... At the least, I imagine not many items being bought besides going straight for the core, such as no dorans. Btw, given WHY he takes Trinity, does he start sheen still? Or should he take Phage like everyone else?

2012-06-13, 11:56 PM
Dang, that's expensive. Granted he is the carry, but still... At the least, I imagine not many items being bought besides going straight for the core, such as no dorans. Btw, given WHY he takes Trinity, does he start sheen still? Or should he take Phage like everyone else?

If Ezreal gets pretty far ahead in lane, he might start Phage. The slow lets him snowball the lane really hard. The rest of the time, though, he'll probably go double Doran's --> IE --> Zeal --> Phage --> Trinity --> LW. Vamp Scepter where appropriate.

It's not that expensive on an economy of 200 or so last hits and a few kills/assists by 25 minutes, which is pretty much what a bot laner does. (Or he does the Djinn thing and racks up 10 kills while still having 200 last hits, but I'm not nearly so good at snowballing my lane.)

fred dref
2012-06-14, 12:51 AM
I have a friend where we've just been running Alistar/Tristana bot every game, and stomping lane pretty darn hard. The only problem is, he and I are also the best top lanes in the group (he's better if Jax works in the matchup, but I have a wider variety of champions I'm good at top) and I'm the best jungler in the group. If we snowball bottom lane, we tend to lose the other two lanes, and often our jungler falls far behind, too. Even with Alistar's legendary peel and Tristana's absurd disengage, one mistake from either of us means that the enemy gets an ace, because as soon as one of us misplays, Tristana dies and nobody else is doing well enough to close out the teamfight.

2012-06-14, 01:00 AM
So, a question, may or may not be related to me trying to touch up my Ezreal/AD carry game:

Do you run Armor Penetration reds, or flat Attack Damage for your AD carries? The former theoretically gives you a better endgame, while the latter gives you incredible ease at last hits in-lane. I've been running Armor Pen forever, and just picked up a set of Attack Damage ones yesterday, and the difference in-lane is fairly noticeable. Not sure which I'll end up keeping, but what's your preference?

2012-06-14, 01:32 AM
Something went terribly horribly wrong after this game ended:


Here's what I think happened:

This is the screen I got after a dominion game I played. I played ranked 5s about 3ish hours before this dominion game. I won both. It took the stats from that ranked 5s game and put it where stats normally go. However, the elo is nowhere near close to where that ranked 5s team is going to be(It should be around 1100). Since it was a dominion game, I must assume it took the information from that, thus giving me my dominion elo(HURRAY!). It also kept the players and chat from the dominion game on the right side. However, it kept the team names in on the right side. (Also, I apologize for the other teams inappropriate team name. Didn't realize it when I was editing the pic)

In sum: Best. Bug. Ever.

2012-06-14, 04:24 AM
I have a friend where we've just been running Alistar/Tristana bot every game, and stomping lane pretty darn hard. The only problem is, he and I are also the best top lanes in the group (he's better if Jax works in the matchup, but I have a wider variety of champions I'm good at top) and I'm the best jungler in the group. If we snowball bottom lane, we tend to lose the other two lanes, and often our jungler falls far behind, too. Even with Alistar's legendary peel and Tristana's absurd disengage, one mistake from either of us means that the enemy gets an ace, because as soon as one of us misplays, Tristana dies and nobody else is doing well enough to close out the teamfight.

Jungle Alistar, let one of your friends play Sona bot. Problem solved.

So, a question, may or may not be related to me trying to touch up my Ezreal/AD carry game:

Do you run Armor Penetration reds, or flat Attack Damage for your AD carries? The former theoretically gives you a better endgame, while the latter gives you incredible ease at last hits in-lane. I've been running Armor Pen forever, and just picked up a set of Attack Damage ones yesterday, and the difference in-lane is fairly noticeable. Not sure which I'll end up keeping, but what's your preference?

Once I went AD, I simply never went back. I'm sure there's more finesse to it than that, and you could probably get a lengthy explanation from Doublelift or Aphromoo or Chaox, but I haven't gone there yet.

2012-06-14, 04:51 AM
Got loads of IP.

Should I get Varus, Draven, or wait for next week's new guy?

Wondering if anyone has played both, or has heard anything about the next champ coming out.

2012-06-14, 05:21 AM
Wondering if anyone has played both, or has heard anything about the next champ coming out.

Varus is Ashe with better trades, but a short-range ultimate. Good, solid, not spectacular.

Draven is...weird. Chasing your axes around can be either an interesting way to make your movement between attacks count, or a gimmick that makes you vulnerable to skillshots, depending on your experience. The steroid is great for running around, global damage ults are never bad, and his E is a nice bit of utility.

No word on the next champ just yet. 100th coming up, they better have something planned...and it better not be 12600 IP releases.

ex cathedra
2012-06-14, 05:55 AM
No word on the next champ just yet. 100th coming up, they better have something planned...and it better not be 12600 IP releases.

For what it's worth, Dev posts (http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=2169852) confirm that the 100th champion is meant to be female human mage.

Additionally, the PBE client includes files for an upcoming male champion named Jayce (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eqi9znGxXEw).

2012-06-14, 06:57 AM
That is a pretty sexy voice. Also, sounds like a jet-packing hammer-wielding time-traveling champ. And that is awesome.

2012-06-14, 07:13 AM
and AP Ez is also still used frequently to good effect, to the point I wish they'd make another champion like Ez that focused on AP for Pew Pew Justice!

Yeah; best Lichbane Delivery Method in the game. I only wish the E wasn't so unreliable.

Dang, that's expensive. Granted he is the carry, but still... At the least, I imagine not many items being bought besides going straight for the core, such as no dorans. Btw, given WHY he takes Trinity, does he start sheen still? Or should he take Phage like everyone else?

I generally get Phage before Sheen if I can. I also generally gets Doran's. This is a rather sizable lane advantage as you have massive amounts of health over your opponent who did not, in all likelihood, build a Ruby Crystal.

It's not all that bad gold-wise. It's the same core Corki uses, after all. Though it is worth noting that Chaox was doing awesome with BT/PD Core on Graves all tournament and while that does less damage than IE/PD, it's also significantly cheaper so maybe there's something to experimenting with BT-base builds too.

So, a question, may or may not be related to me trying to touch up my Ezreal/AD carry game:

Do you run Armor Penetration reds, or flat Attack Damage for your AD carries? The former theoretically gives you a better endgame, while the latter gives you incredible ease at last hits in-lane. I've been running Armor Pen forever, and just picked up a set of Attack Damage ones yesterday, and the difference in-lane is fairly noticeable. Not sure which I'll end up keeping, but what's your preference?

I use both; if I'm gonna get a Doran's Blade I get ArPen, otherwise I get AD. So mostly ArPen with Soraka or so, otherwise flat AD.

ex cathedra
2012-06-14, 07:22 AM
Yeah; best Lichbane Delivery Method in the game.

Poppy's Q? Magic damage lichbane procs are kind of absurd. Of course, being ranged kind of facilitates building Lichbane more than being melee does, but we're talking about lichbane-able skills specifically, rather than the relative viability of AP Poppy and AP Ez.

2012-06-14, 08:20 AM
Poppy's Q? Magic damage lichbane procs are kind of absurd. Of course, being ranged kind of facilitates building Lichbane more than being melee does, but we're talking about lichbane-able skills specifically, rather than the relative viability of AP Poppy and AP Ez.

I mostly referred to the "1100 range"-thing. It's the longest range application method for Lichbane. Given Lichbane itself applies a fixed value the only real variable in the application method is the range. Doesn't hurt that Mystic Shot has a small AP scaling on its own. Too bad it's still all Physical tho.