View Full Version : A Scientific Expedition IC Thread[SW Saga]

2012-06-10, 02:54 AM

Lejosh|Garath Merco (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=60797)|Human|Jedi
Fluffy_1.0|3M-CX11 (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=408398)|Medical Droid|Noble
garter_snake|Bossk Grande (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=407712)|Trandoshan|Soldier
Ballista|Ardana Talkia (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=408117)|Twi'lek|Scoundrel
Felhammer|The Professor (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=408268)|Gen'dai|Scout
ValhallaStreet|Par Moonwood (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=408006)|Altiri|Scout
thechosen2nd|Korma Gold (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=408693)|Human|Noble
Joshter72|Al Greggs (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=408380)|Human|Soldier
SoullessGinger|Aris Talt (http://plothook.net/RPG/profiler/view.php?id=10758)|Umbaran|Noble[/table][/table]

Opening Crawl (http://www.starwars.com/play/online-activities/crawl-creator/index.jsp?cs=n563szzrnc)

OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=13389033#post13389033)


Five years ago a bill was proposed to the Senate called the Exploration Enrichment Act. It proposed to create a whole new branch of the Republic called the Exploration Committee, charged with exploring unknown space and expanding the Republic's borders. Five years later the end result of the bill was the creation of the Galactic Republic Science Space Ship Discovery, an old Hammerhead-class Cruiser, which has been retrofitted with more fuel capacity, faster engines, and advanced sensors. For some reason or another, you have all been chosen to be a part of its crew.

You were all instructed to meet at a non-descript government office building before boarding the ship. After arriving you are shown to a sparse room that contains basic refreshments and a table. The table has nine chairs on one side, and three on the other. Their is no one else in the room aside from yourselves.

OOC:This is a chance for you all to introduce yourselves in character before anything official and important happens.

2012-06-10, 04:37 AM
Par Moonwood slouches into the room, looking as though he'd rather not be there. He notes the table setup with glum apprehension, but then his eyes light up when he notes the meagre food at the table.

He starts introducing himself. "Hi! I'm Par. I'm supposed to be the archaeologist on this expedition. I've been out that way before, but it should be exciting to find some new things out there, right?" He looks anything but excited. While he's introducing himself, he eyes the food, evidently hoping to be the first to get to it. Apparently he hasn't eaten for a few days.

2012-06-10, 05:47 AM
As Garath enters the room he and announces "My name is Garath, emissary of the Jedi Council for this expedition" before pulling out a chair and sitting near one of the table ends.

As he sits waiting for the others he plays over the meeting with the council when they asked him to go on this mission thinking of why he was the one chosen to do this task.

2012-06-10, 12:04 PM
The quadrupedal medical droid
(http://1.bp.blogspot.com/--QnzvmaxWyI/To5REIQwe5I/AAAAAAAAAb4/GmfbAzIUBNc/s400/100611.png) speaks in a cold clinical female voice.

Greetings, I am 3M-CX11, I will be your field medical droid on this expedition when you inevitably spring some ancient trap or otherwise seriously injure yourself. All I ask is that you try to minimize the damage you do to yourself so that you are less likely to die while I am working on you and leave a mess for me to clean up.

Additionally, those with weak constitutions, congenital defects, and other serious ailments please advise me of them before we set foot on another world so I can prepare to treat you. Thank you.

2012-06-10, 12:21 PM
Aris (http://plothook.net/RPG/profiler/view.php?id=10758) checked his reflection in the turbolift and ran a hand over his freshly shaved scalp. He straightened his designer jacket, using the opportunity to make sure his weapons were secure. After finding the right room, he walks in and looks over the two rather... scruffy men that arrived before him. The scientist is about what he expected and the Jedi seemed lost in thought in the corner. The droid was an oddity and probably in need of a memory wipe. The medical ones always did get a bit morbid eventually.

"Gentlemen, Three-EM," he says by way of greeting. He then makes himself busy picking over the refreshments.

2012-06-10, 12:51 PM
Greggs walks into the room with his back straight and head held high. He notices a slight glance from a couple people who have showed up before he did. He w atched with uninterest as an Altiri ravages the table of food and pays no mind to the apparent medical droid doing its usual humanoid scan.

He expected no danger on this trip, but decided to mentally prepare himself for whatever may come.

Not thinking of any reason to introduce himself and whole heartedly not wanting to, he posts up next to the door waiting for further instructions.

2012-06-10, 01:15 PM
A lithe young woman bounds into the room, clearly trying (somewhat unsuccessfully) to contain her excitement. Her clothing is modest, but clearly new, and of high quality fabric, making her family's status apparent to the trained eye. As she walks up to the table to grab a handful of fruit, she introduces herself to the team members already present.

"Hey guys!" My name is Korma, and I'm just so excited to be a part of this exploration committee with you all! Even though I'm only a field assistant, I know I'll be a great help to the group, and I can't wait to learn all about these outer rim planets. I'm pretty handy with a blaster pistol too, and I never turn down a challenge in a boxing match. If anyone wants to spar once we get on the ship, come find me!" she says with a wink towards the soldier standing by the door.

'He looks pretty tough' she thinks, as she sizes him up 'but I bet I'm faster.'

2012-06-10, 01:20 PM
The powerfully built Gen'Dai meanders into the room. He looks around, noting the 9 chairs opposite the other three. How very droll, thinks the Gen'Dai, I was hoping for a bit more pomp and circumstance.

The Gen'Dai clears his throat loudly, stands up straight and puffs his chest out before beginning, "I am called the Professor. I have twelve Doctorates from the Alderaan Planetary University. I know most everything there is to know about the known galaxy in which we live. I am an explorer at heart, I have an innate urge to cast myself out and discover the unknown and the unknowable. For the the entirety of my nine hundred and fifty one years of life I have done this. I joined this expedition for one reason and one reason alone - to bring knowledge to our fair Republic. For too long the vast expanse known as the unknown regions have remained alien and remote. We must sail forward and never look back - we must discover all there is to know and return home with a bounty of artifacts and data that will entertain and fascinate academics for centuries to come."

Feeling proud of himself, the Professor nods at each of the other sentients in the room with a hearty smile before taking a seat at the end of the row of nine chairs.

2012-06-10, 01:54 PM
The doors slide open to reveal a thin, young twi'lek leaning against the turbolift wall. She appears to be wearing a standard engineer's uniform, with a numerous amount of tools strapped to her waist. She casually walks into the large chamber, sizing up the rest of the inhabitants.
Jeez, didn't expect quite the diversity here...
She notices the chairs set up in rows, presuming that they were left for the team and their prospective employers.
She sits herself quietly in the chair farthest away from the crowd, eyeing the others rather suspiciously.

2012-06-10, 02:27 PM
Aris watches the room fill up and files away information about his fellow travelers. Academic, soldier, soldier, unknown, he ticks off as he scans the room.

He takes a plate with him to socialize with the others, starting with the Gen'Dai, "Greetings Professor. My name is Aris Talt. I have not yet had the honor of meeting a member of your species, and am delighted to make the acquaintance of one so distinguished."

2012-06-10, 03:15 PM
Barely concealing his joy at hearing the word "distinguished", the Gen'Dai looks up and smiles, "Yes, unfortunately my people are quite rare. Our species was decimated during the Great Hyperspace War and, quite sadly, has never really recovered. Given our long life spans and our borderline pathological indifference towards bearing young, I believe the Gen'dai will always remain a rare sight in the galaxy."

Steering the conversation towards something less grim, "I have encountered many of your kind if the past. Artisans, politicians, merchants and warriors. You are a from a truly great species. In fact, during the Great Galactic War, a young Umbaran female named Tara Tukala served as my lab assistant while I was forced to work as an archaeologist for the Sith Empire. We were great," The Professor pauses for a moment as if reliving past events, "Friends." The long pause and the wry smile that crosses the Gen'Dai's face would lead even a Mantellian Savrip to guess the relationship was much deeper and more involved than mere friendship.

2012-06-10, 06:19 PM
"I am truly glad my people have made such a favorable impression. As I believe I am the resident bureaucrat on this expedition, allow me to say that it is my mission to make sure that no red-tape hinders your progress. Should you encounter any difficulties, please do not hesitate to bring it to my attention.

With that, Aris moves around the room speaking to the other occupants. He centers on the unknown twi'lek that is avoiding conversation.

(In Ryl): "It seems that you are a mechanic of some sort. I know how that occupation can suffer when it is denied the proper supplies. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Aris Talt and I believe I am to be the bureaucratic liason for this mission. Should you need anything to perform your duties, please allow me to help."

2012-06-10, 06:20 PM
Greggs ignored the wink while thinking to himself if she was being serious. He was about to retort in his usual non-witty manner when he overheard the Gen'dai speak.

He listened with an already biased opinion. When the professor was finished talking he loudly chuckled within hiimself catching the attention of those in the conversation.

You give shame to your people, professor. I've seen the way some of your older folk can fight. If you all weren't so smart I'd call you a bunch of savages.

He half smiled and casually pushed himself off the wall.

If you are supposed to know so much, how about you tell us something. In all of your years of being taught and going to different planets to shuffle some dirt, how many people have died for your quest for knowledge?

He begins to speak louder so everyone can hear him.

Because I'll tell ya, there aren't many who've died for a lesser cause than this... and I'll also tell ya, people die.

2012-06-10, 06:32 PM
Garath raises his head as he hears voices rising in the room. These people are going to start fighting before we even know each other, let alone getting to the planet. He thinks to himself

2012-06-10, 06:41 PM
Tiring of sitting by his lonesome, the impressively tall Gen'Dai stands up and walks over to the curious little medical droid, "You said your designation is 3M-CX11? How up-to-date is your medical programing? My colleges at the Alderaan Planetary University and I have just published a new edition of the "Standardized and Comprehensive Galactic Medical Textbook." May I add that I authored the entry on what is commonly referred to as 'Zeltron Flaming Pink Eye.' The article was impressive enough to warrant mention in the Coruscant Senatorial Medical Journal. I trust your masters have updated you recently with data from this most useful textbook? If not I have a digital copy that we can download into you memory banks."

2012-06-10, 07:01 PM
Ardana's face, despite its blue coloration, manages to turn into a shade of red as she blushes at Aris's approach. She seems to be unable to make eye contact with him.

(Replying back in Ryl) Um, hello, my name's Ardana errr, thanks for the offer. I'll be sure to, um... check with you if I need anything.

Aris can tell that the twi'lek is not really used to social interactions and is in fact quite awkward to talk to.

Umm, I've noticed you seem to be born of high blood, what brings you to such an expedition such as this? Not that I'm insulting you or anything... err, yeah sorry...
Jeez I'm such an oaf...

With that, she notices the rather gruff-looking man that had been standing by the door the whole decided to finally speak up. She wasn't really paying much attention to what he was saying, but she was still terrified nonetheless.
Ardana's hands seemed instinctively reach inside her jacket, before relaxing and coming to a rest on her lap. She turned herself around to get a better view of the whole commotion.

2012-06-10, 07:38 PM
Forgot to check if there were any updates before I posted.

The Gen'Dai chuckles at the attempted wit of the poor, loathsome, petty human who was obviously forged more of brawn than brain.

"My species suffers from a terrible psychosis as we age. it changes our biology and makes us act in uncivilized manner. I feel sorry for any that cross paths with a Gen'Dai who suffers from the psychosis. Obviously you were not the object of his ire, for if you were, you would not be standing here today."

Feigning surprise at the accusation of death, the Professor responds, "Science is noble profession. Some times risk is necessary for its advancement. I am an adventurer of sorts, my unique physiology allows me to do things that other sentients cannot do. I can't count the number of times my limbs have been chopped off, smashed or otherwise decimated. I never intentionally put my assistants or my colleagues in undue harm. However," The professor pauses and tries to hold back a few tears, "I have lost nearly five hundred souls on my watch. Most were killed by the Sith of Revan's and the Emperor's eras. Sixteen more were murdered in a terrorist bombing on Corellia. A handful were killed by ancient Sith booby traps. One of my fondest grad students was trampled to death by a gundark, while another was eaten by a hutt's rancor. One of my dearest friends was corrupted by a Sith Holocron and went on a rampage across Tatooine..."

Collecting himself, the Professor continues, "Science can be dangerous, especially if you attract the ire of those who are morally corrupt. I have dedicated my life to the understanding of the fundamental mechanics that underpin our universe. I do this because if I were to shirk away, I would be condemning everything those brave souls died for. "

2012-06-10, 07:56 PM
Watching the argument with a mixture of amusement and alarm, Par pauses for a moment longer, then raises his voice.

"Hey, has anyone noticed anything interesting about our group? I was reading up on the expedition last night... Anyway, apparently we're all pretty new in our fields. I mean, there's The Professor, he's done a bit of work." He nods at The Professor respectfully.

"But the rest of us are pretty green. Just thought that was pretty interesting, for such an apparently important expedition."

2012-06-10, 08:49 PM
Greggs sneers at the Altiri

Speak for yourself Blue one. I'll tell ya, I've seen my share of death.

He straightens himself out and accusingly points towards the professor.

I'm here to make sure you're not on the professors list of casualties in his chasing of the... of the whatever it is he's after.

You're the one that's "green", Blue one.

2012-06-10, 10:50 PM
Par's eyes widen, and he tucks his hands into his pockets and ducks his head down.

"I wasn't really talking to you. I'm sure your position could be filled by just about anybody." Obviously incensed, he sits down and ignores the human soldier.

2012-06-10, 11:01 PM
3M-CX11 is quietly analyzing attitudes and speech patterns and running them through its tactical analysis software to determine proper motivating forces in case of injury during dangerous situations. It makes special note of the attractive young mechanic's shyness and a jumpiness that appears similar to that of troops exposed to combat without rest for too long.

Upon hearing the Gen'Dai's comment about medical programing 3M-CX11 begins to comment before the slightly heated exchange begins. 3M-CX11 ceases to speak and listens and builds upon the Professor's and the soldier's profile. After the exchange 3M-CX11 places brief notes as to possible sources of the soldier's hotheaded short sighted behavior.

Seeing a slight break in the conversion, 3M-CX11 sees an opportunity to answer the professor and provide comfort to those who may be concerned at having a "green" medical droid, and possibly avoid unneeded conflict.

There is no need for concern. I am programmed as a combat medic and a veteran of the last great war. While I have been converted to civilian use with the removal of my shield generator and many of my servos have been converted to standard 3M parts, and the classified military knowledge I obtained was my knowledge of field medicine exceeds that of most flesh and blood field medics. As for my understanding of surgery and other aspects of medical treatment, my medical programming is up to date as of this morning.

In other words, yes I can fix you should you fall prey to traps, ancient droids you for some reason decide to reactivate, or manage to insult the chieftain's honor undoubtedly because one of you will become enamored with his daughter and try and teach her the ways of the big galaxy.

Additionally I have been equipped with a high quality translator unit and should have little trouble understanding most forms of speech. So, if for some reason you actually manage to not enrage the first intelligent life forms we come across you should be able to speak to it through me. Not that there is much hope that this unit will be remotely necessary.

2012-06-10, 11:48 PM
Ardana's face, despite its blue coloration, manages to turn into a shade of red as she blushes at Aris's approach. She seems to be unable to make eye contact with him.

(Replying back in Ryl) Um, hello, my name's Ardana errr, thanks for the offer. I'll be sure to, um... check with you if I need anything.

Aris can tell that the twi'lek is not really used to social interactions and is in fact quite awkward to talk to.

Umm, I've noticed you seem to be born of high blood, what brings you to such an expedition such as this? Not that I'm insulting you or anything... err, yeah sorry...
Jeez I'm such an oaf...

"Oh no, I assure you I am a just a bureaucrat, I have no title. I am fortunate enough to have a formal education and this is where my superiors thought I could be of the most use."

Aris follows Ardana's gaze to the raised voices, "If you'll excuse me, I think I should attempt to smooth things over."

Greggs sneers at the Altiri

Speak for yourself Blue one. I'll tell ya, I've seen my share of death.

He straightens himself out and accusingly points towards the professor.

I'm here to make sure you're not on the professors list of casualties in his chasing of the... of the whatever it is he's after.

You're the one that's "green", Blue one.

"And I have no doubt that you will perform admirably. Just as you say, the professor has his job and you have yours. I for one, feel safer already knowing our guardians appear both formidable and passionate towards their work. Don't you agree, Jedi?"

Aris looks towards the Jedi hoping he might help in the mediation.

3M-CX11 is quietly analyzing attitudes and speech patterns and running them through its tactical analysis software to determine proper motivating forces in case of injury during dangerous situations. It makes special note of the attractive young mechanic's shyness and a jumpiness that appears similar to that of troops exposed to combat without rest for too long.

Upon hearing the Gen'Dai's comment about medical programing 3M-CX11 begins to comment before the slightly heated exchange begins. 3M-CX11 ceases to speak and listens and builds upon the Professor's and the soldier's profile. After the exchange 3M-CX11 places brief notes as to possible sources of the soldier's hotheaded short sighted behavior.

Seeing a slight break in the conversion, 3M-CX11 sees an opportunity to answer the professor and provide comfort to those who may be concerned at having a "green" medical droid, and possibly avoid unneeded conflict.

There is no need for concern. I am programmed as a combat medic and a veteran of the last great war. While I have been converted to civilian use with the removal of my shield generator and many of my servos have been converted to standard 3M parts, and the classified military knowledge I obtained was my knowledge of field medicine exceeds that of most flesh and blood field medics. As for my understanding of surgery and other aspects of medical treatment, my medical programming is up to date as of this morning.

In other words, yes I can fix you should you fall prey to traps, ancient droids you for some reason decide to reactivate, or manage to insult the chieftain's honor undoubtedly because one of you will become enamored with his daughter and try and teach her the ways of the big galaxy.

Additionally I have been equipped with a high quality translator unit and should have little trouble understanding most forms of speech. So, if for some reason you actually manage to not enrage the first intelligent life forms we come across you should be able to speak to it through me. Not that there is much hope that this unit will be remotely necessary.

"There you have it, we will take every precaution, and should the worst come to pass, we will be in good hands... Or pincers."

2012-06-10, 11:55 PM
"I agree Aris, I think we should all sit down and discuss why we are all here, where we are going and what we are looking for" Garath says as he sits up and looks around at everyone in the room.

2012-06-11, 12:54 AM
Greggs watches Pal for a moment before revealing a confused look trying to think if the gentlemanly noble is being sincere or condescending.

I don't care 'bout any of these specifics. I'm just doing what I'm told, Jedi.

He turns his back to the Jedi and saunters back to his original spot by the door, all the while keeping a keen eye on the colorful Altiri.

Anybody huh...

He "Hmmph"s.

2012-06-11, 01:38 AM

You all begin to hear the sounds of faint arguing. The door bursts open and four people enter them room. One of them is Admiral Jarla Kuat. A member of the Kuat royal family, she was recently given a commission in the Galactic Republic Navy at the rank of admiral, specifically for commanding this expedition. It is suspected that this was done to get her out of the public eye, as she has little talent for management, industry, and economics, and lots of talent at annoying people and partying, and is well known for her arrogance. The next person entering the room is Jedi Knight Kas Aandel, a Zabrak. Not much is known about him, but getting assigned to this expedition means that he either shows a lot of promise or the Jedi Council considers him an embarrassment. The next human is Adam Zalvoen, a former Senator of Correlia, who was caught embezzling funds and taking bribes from many corporations and criminal organizations. After serving his time, he became a mid-level bureaucrat on Coruscant, before being assigned to this expedition. The final person entering the room is a female Selkath who wears the uniform of a Republic Starship Captain.

The former Senator, Jedi Knight, and Admiral, sit down at the three unclaimed chairs, while the Selkath leans against the wall.

"Greetings. We have called you hear because you have all been selected to become Expedition Team One...", Zalvoen begins to say, but is quickly interrupted by Admiral Kuat and Kas Aandel.

"I'm pretty sure that under all official documentation they are called Strike Team Alpha...", the Admiral says.

"I'm not sure we should be naming them really, the name is for the group to decide...", Kas says.

"Ohh like you care about them in anyway, you're just along for the credit all the little Jedilings will bring you!", Admiral Kuat spits at Kas.

"ENOUGH!", Zalvoen yells before continuing, " You are all hear because your bring something unique to the table. That might be for your academic knowledge, your wilderness abilities, or the belief that when the situation gets dangerous and people are in danger of dying, you won't panic and let that happen. What we want is for you to be our first team on the ground when we find something interesting. We can scan and probe all we want from a ship, but in the end we need to send people to really uncover the mysteries the Unknown Region holds. We all believe that you are the best candidates for the job. Don't disappoint us. Any questions?, he finishes, glaring at both Kas Aandel and Admiral Kuat whenever they look they are going to interrupt.

Everyone please roll a perception check.

If you beat DC 15:

You notice that the Selkath officer in the corner is rolling her eyes and sighing every time the three people seated at the table look like they are about to argue.

2012-06-11, 01:43 AM
Oblivious to the rising tensions, Korma wandered around examining the few decorations of the sparse room, and scanning over her soon-to-be teammates. It's quite a diverse group she thought. I can't wait to hear all the stories the professor and that soldier have, for starts. I bet they've seen so much of the galaxy already.

Of course, Korma had experienced her share of adventure for one so young. After buying her way onto a smuggler's ship to get away from her home-world, and exploring the galaxy on her own for a few years, she had accrued a number of her own exciting stories that she is itching to brag about to her new teammates.

Now is not the time, she told herself.

Suddenly brought back into the room by the Jedi's words, Korma becomes aware that the soldier and Altiri seem rather miffed about something. She chooses to ignore it, however, much more interested in finding out more information about this expedition. She makes her way to a seat and casually grabs another handful of fruit while addressing the Jedi, and the others around the table.

"That sounds good to me. its Garath, right? Like I said, I'm just a field assistant, hired on to do basically whatever the scientists need me to do: bushwhacking, excavating, recording data, and stuff like that, I would imagine. Although I don't really know... I've never been on a scientific expedition before..."

Really considering what this mission will actually entail for the first time (she jumped at the offer on a whim) Korma realizes she knows very little about what the team will be doing- her briefing up to this point has been incredibly vague.

"Does anyone here know exactly where we are going, and what we are researching anyway?" She asked, looking around the table.

----Whoops. guess I wrote too slow. :smallbiggrin: let's just pretend it never happened :smallwink:

OoC: FYI, I was bored and looking through some stuff online and I found another talent tree for the noble. It's called the exile talent tree, for nobles cut off from their family. I think it's much more fitting to my character, so I changed my starting talent to arrogant bluster. Plus now I don't have the same starting talent as Aris, which I figured would be kind of lame. Hope thats okay, GM, and everyone else.

2012-06-11, 02:00 AM
Sir, if you don't mind, I do have a question the young human responded respectfully.

I was never told what planet we will start off exploring, or what we might expect to find there. What sort of mysteries are we talking about here?

Perception check:

2012-06-11, 02:04 AM
Noting the identity of the princess and former Senator, Par looks as though his worst suspicions have been concerned. His expression is halfway between smugness and dread. He sighes and leans back, studying the Jedi for any clues as to his reason for being there.

Guess not.

2012-06-11, 02:17 AM
The Professor, Gen'Dai Academic

The Professor watches the leaders of this expedition, noting their argumentative nature. "Oh to be young again," thinks the Gen'Dai, "I remember a many mission where I butt heads with the military types and the Jedi. Ah, youth is so fleeting, especially for these species."

The Professor clears his throat once more and speaks up, "Esteemed leaders of this wondrous expedition, thank you for taking the time to meet the Expedition Team," The Gen'Dai steered clear of any additional names for the team - preferring to be play more towards a neutrality than anything else. There would be time for picking sides but The Professor knows that time is not now. "I believe I speak for the whole group when I say that we all hope to prove ourselves as valuable assets to the expedition and its noble goals."

Perception: [roll0]

2012-06-11, 02:19 AM
Garath looks at the jedi across the table, listening to what the men who entered the room he thought to himself The only things these people want is to try and find new weapons for their arsenal, even that Jedi has probably been brought by some noble.


2012-06-11, 02:24 AM
Aris waits for the Professor to speak then chimes in, "Yes sir. Could you elaborate on the resources we'll have to work with? The dossier I was given wasn't clear on the size of the fleet or the ship we are to be stationed on."

EDIT: [roll]1d20+6

Sorry for the multiple rolls, this forum uses a different format than I'm used to.

2012-06-11, 08:48 AM
Ardana shifts herself in her seat as who she assumes to be the group's employers walk in the room. She notes that the three sitting at the table seem to have a habit of butting heads.
Great, even the guys that are hiring us can't keep a lid on their tempers...
Perception: [roll0]
She seems to be completely unaware of the other member that had come in with the rest. The Corellian caught her attention, she heard some gossip about how he was involved in some shady activities earlier.
Ok, so now we have a known criminal coming with us...

2012-06-11, 10:08 AM


Sigh... this expedition is doomed from the start and I am in charge of preventing the deaths of Expendable Expedition Strike Force 1. If we are to not fail, the Selkath will be essential. Cultivate trust programming engaged.

Yes, since droids can't actually sigh 3M-CX11 actually thinks the word sigh.

2012-06-11, 03:00 PM
Al Greggs didn't care much for the suits. His time in the military taught him they didn't have their best interests at heart, but that's not what bothered him. He knew that they had different goals than that of the group and doesn't think they have any place to say what's what.

Out of habit, Greggs stands at attention not saying a word.

Perception roll: [roll0]

2012-06-11, 06:29 PM
I was never told what planet we will start off exploring, or what we might expect to find there. What sort of mysteries are we talking about here?

"The fir..., Zalvoen begins but is quickly interrupted by Admiral Kuat.

"Director, the information is classified until such time as every member of this team is aboard the Discovery and we have left space dock. I had hoped you would at least respect operational security here, but I guess that was too much to hope for., she jabs at him. The Director sighs, but nods his head. In response to all of this, the Selkath visibly facepalms and let's loose a very long sigh, and ignores the glare that the Admiral shoots her in response.

Aris waits for the Professor to speak then chimes in, "Yes sir. Could you elaborate on the resources we'll have to work with? The dossier I was given wasn't clear on the size of the fleet or the ship we are to be stationed on."

"Captain Niman will explain all about the quarters you will be given and the resources you will have access to. There is no fleet. Fleets are threatening to new species, and we don't want that. Instead the Discovery has been retrofitted with latest in advanced sensors, fuel tanks, life support, and engines. It is the fastest, most capable ship in the entire galaxy, and it is the only ship we will need.", Director Zalvoen says, seeming to be slightly insulted by what he thinks is an accusation. Both Captain Niman and Admiral Kuat are glaring at him during this pronouncement while Kas Aandel looks like he wishes he were anywhere else.

" We have a busy schedule so I will leave you in the capable hands of Captain Niman", Director Zalvoen says. Then he, the Admiral, and the Jedi Knight all leave, and bickering is heard once again as they wander off down the halls. Captain Niman lets out a sigh of relief before sitting down.

"So now that our illustrious leaders have left, I can explain what you really need to know. First the ship. The Discovery is a modified Hammerhead-class cruiser, designed for long-range exploration. You will mainly be concerned with the bottom five decks of the ship, and are not allowed above them without specific clearance from a military crew member. The lowest deck contains the Shuttle bay, Armory, Equipment Center, and Quartermaster's Office. If you need anything, that's the place to go. Deck's 2-4 are our research areas. Deck 2 is devoted to the Life Sciences, Deck 3 the Physical Sciences, and Deck 4 to archaeology and history. Deck 5 is the Civilian Crew Quarters, and you will all be living there. In addition it contains our entertainment area, with a multitude of activities to engage in. There are even a few bars if you want to get completely drunk and lose your mind. And trust me you will at some point.

As to what you guys are really here for, its simple. For some reason or another the universe has decided to give you the short end of the stick. We are going to explore the most dangerous area of the galaxy, and you are going to be the first team on the ground, encountering whatever is out there before we have any idea what it is. The chances of you all dying would normally be fairly high, and with the totally incompetent leadership running this operation, that chance is now a certainty. But don't worry, there's a fairly large funeral fund in the budget. So at least we will get you nice flowers. Now please ask any questions you actually have and I'll try to answer them. Hopefully at the end of all of this at least one of you will still be alive. That would make me very happy.", Captain Niman says, clearly frustrated and annoyed with the three heads of the expedition.

2012-06-11, 09:16 PM
"I appreciate your candor, Captain Niman. I assure you, we all understand military protocols and won't cause any trouble in that regard. We intend to do as little dying as possible and would greatly appreciate any efforts you could make to help us with that. Is there anything you can tell us before we get under way that might aid our chances?"

2012-06-11, 09:37 PM
Easing his way through the door, Bossk entered the room. He coughed. "Yo. Sorry I'm late guys, got stuck in traffic." And in a fight with a wookie. "I'm sure it will be a pleasure working with all of you talented and distinguished individuals." There's no way I'm going to remember who the **** all these people are. "Well, I'll just go..." Bossk motioned towards the back of the room. He then turned around, sat against a wall, closed his eyes, and started snoring.

2012-06-11, 10:28 PM
Captain, while I am pleased that my tactical analysis software is functioning and our analysis of survival probabilities have converged to a singularity, please let me assure you that I will attempt to keep as many of them alive as possible.

In the meantime, I will make myself of use in the medical bay. When you inevitably require medication for an acute migraine please see me.

2012-06-12, 12:25 AM
Secretly, Korma found the bickering between the bureaucrats to be hilarious. One of the few things that she was good at in her former aristocratic life was dealing with snobby officials. She fondly recalls the one time she actually made her father proud, by driving a pair of mining company lobbyists into such a rage they had to leave her home, with smoke coming out of their ears.

Trying her best to be respectful to her employers, Korma managed to maintain an innocent smile until they left the room. But the rampant pessimism between captain Niman and 3M was just too much, and she let out a peal of laughter.

Bahahahaha! oh man, this droid cracks me up! inevitable migrane... pfffthehe! ahhh, bureaucrats... one of the number one causes, they say..."

Remembering some manners, and hoping she wasn't offending anyone, Korma turns to the droid and adds,
"Seriously though 3M, I really appreciate your talents, and I know you'll be a great asset to this group. I'll try extra hard not to get injured, just for you. I know, I know, its inevitable, yeah yeah, but trying's gotta count for something, right? Hey, I know! Maybe at some point, if things get too dull over in the medical bay, you can take some time to teach me the basics of first aid? That way you won't have to put up with me every time I stub a toe!"

"And Captain Niman, its easy to tell those three inadequate bureaucrats don't help this operation as much as they hinder it, but it seems like you at least will be a great leader, and a sage source of advice for us along this mission. I'm really looking forward to learning from you, and although we may not look like much, I am optimistic that with you're guidance, we can all come out of this alive."

Wow, I'm starting to sound like a noble again. Yuck. Better get off of this planet before I decide to go back home...pshhh like that will ever happen...

"Anyway, you can give us those tips on the way over, right? I'm sure it will be a pretty long ride. And we can get any supplies we need aboard the ship... so what are we waiting for? Let's get started!"

2012-06-12, 12:56 AM
Par has little more to add, though he seems relieved that there is at least one person of intelligence in the command structure.

"Captain...thank you. It's good to have what we were all thinking out in the open. Perhaps we might even manage to grant you your wish."

2012-06-12, 01:13 AM
The Gen'Dai stands up, clears his throat loudly and takes a deep breath, "As a Professor at Alderaan Planetary University, and as a being whom possesses 12 Doctorates, I would like a chance to look at the various labs on The Discovery and ensure everything is up to, as the vernacular on Corellia leads one to say, snuff. It could very well be several years before we find a civilization capable of producing even the most primitive of laboratory equipment (such as beakers, tongs and burners). To save everyone the unnecessary headache of hearing the minimum wage grad students - that you no doubt hired - from prattling on about this and that, I would ask for the permission to write a list of extra goods and equipment the labs require. I will do this as quickly as Gen'Dai-ly possible so that we can ensure the purchase and/or acquisition of the items before we depart known space."

Sucking in an inordinate amount of oxygen once more, The Professor continues, "Furthermore, I would like to ask what kind of communications we will have with Republic Space. We will no doubt make many wondrous discoveries and I would very much like to send my early findings off to my assistant on Alderaan, so that she can begin the process of cataloging our finds and collating them so as to make the job of writing the series of encyclopedia - that I will no doubt write upon our return - that much easier. If such communication will prove difficult, and it no doubt will, then I would like to submit an application to gain an on-board assistant, preferably one which has a doctorate from Alderaan, Duro or Naboo. I often find the grad students from Coruscant and Corellia a bit, how shall I say, lacking."

The Professor sighs and shakes his head in mock defeat, "A Protocol Droid would be less acceptable, though I suppose even a noted author, professor and all around academic celebrity like myself must bend to the irregularities and ineptitude of the Republic Bureaucracy and accept sub-standard aid."

2012-06-12, 06:19 PM
Greggs shakes his head at the professor.

Alls I need is a gun. And I'll tell ya something, I'm the only guy 'round here that looks like he knows how to handle himself. None of this scientific crap ain't gon' mean nothing unless some of us make it back.

Now I'm looking at all you guys, and I'm thinking to myself... What's stopping this trip from killing every one of yous? Now I'm also asking myself here... what kind of equipment are we going to have at our disposal? If this is as dangerous as you're saying, even Blue balls here...

Greggs points to Par Moonwood.

will have something he can handle to protect himself with so I don't have to.

2012-06-13, 01:46 AM
The Professor rolls his eyes as Greggs speaks. After he finishes the Gen'Dai speaks up, "The galaxy does not revolve around war, killing and battles. I admire your dedication but your tact could use some work."

2012-06-13, 02:33 AM
Al replies with conviction, For a smart guy you're not being very smart. Everything in this universe revolves around the killing of others. I've killed lots of people for reasons I'll never know for people I'll never meet.

and I'll tell ya something, more often than not I'll bet somebody is gonna want to kill us for one reason or another. Some people ain't gonna wanna talk. When that happens, who are you going to look to? Prissy pants over there?

He nods towards Korma.

Nope! You're gonna be lookin' at me and ma baby.

He holds up his personal Sonic Rifle and holds it in the air triumphantly.

Now, we're gonna get your scientific science stuff... but I'll tell ya, we're going to be leaving a trail of blood.

2012-06-13, 02:55 AM
Garath, deciding its time to step in, and thinking how these 2 are going to be agruing for the whole mission. Sitting forward Garath says "As much as i hate to say it, Al is right, there is likely to be fighting and i would prefer it not to be between people in our group. So, Niman, would you kindly tell us everything there is left to tell so that we can get ready for our so called 'expedition' and we can get onto the ship and out of the eyes of those 3 arguing people." He does nothing to hide his feeling towards his 2 arguing companions as he indicates at them with only a tilt of the head.

2012-06-13, 07:13 AM
Captain Niman seems stunned at your arguing, before shaking her head and answering your questions,

" Well... I don't know much about the Director or the Jedi Knight who heads the Jedi portion of the expedition, but Admiral Kuat is... incompetent at best. Luckily for most of you you are civilians and there's a clause somewhere in the massive set of procedures governing this expedition that prohibits military officers from giving order to civilian members of the expedition. So anything she tries to make you do is just a suggestion.

Professor, it would make me feel a lot better if you would look at our scientific equipment. The only thing I know about is its expensive, as the senators who are controlled by certain key corporations saw to those corporations getting some rather... exclusive deals concerning this expedition. As for an assistant... the best I can do is assign you a midshipman or two, who will be very good at following orders and have nothing more than rudimentary knowledge of modern science. Despite the massive budget given to the expedition, we're are lacking in qualified personnel in all areas. We do however have a very advanced sensor and communications suite, so all of you will have full access to the holonet.

As for what equipment you will be given... I don't know. If you have spare credits you can try bartering with the quartermaster, but aside from that based on how the rest of this expedition has been run, I would suspect what you own or can scavenge from the ship's stores on your own is all that you will have. If there is something you desperately need please tell me and I will try and make it available, though do understand that sometimes that may be impossible.

As for the expeditions themselves, on of you, Aris Talt," she motions with her hand toward Aris, is a member of Republic Intelligence. As far as I'm concerned he's in charge of your group, and will be receiving the briefing packet for any of your missions that are sanctioned by the Republic Armed Forces. Success on missions will get you paid. Failure on missions will get you dead. If there's nothing else, please be aboard the Discovery by 900 tomorrow. Transportation and quarters have already been arranged, so when you arrive just leave your bags in the loading area and they will be brought to your room."

With that Captain Niman stands up, gives you all a slow look over, then shakes her head and walks out of the room.

OOC: If there's anything else you want to do before going aboard ship, now's the time. Actually, if there's anything you want to do before the first mission, now's the time.

2012-06-13, 11:24 AM
Annoyed at the term prissy pants, Korma shoots a glare over at the gruff soldier :smallmad: and opens her mouth to respond with a quip of her own, before thinking better of it.

He's probably just in a bad mood. I bet he'll be more fun to be around once we start seeing some action. A little Adrenaline always makes soldiers easier to get along with... well, almost always.

Well, if that covers it I'm going to head over to the bar down the street. Anyone is welcome to join, first round on me. I'll have my comlink on, in case anyone needs anything. Otherwise, see you all tomorrow morning.

2012-06-13, 12:19 PM
Rolling his eyes at the poor impression the soldier has made on the selkath but saying nothing, Par turns to the young noblewoman. "I'll join you if I may. It will be nice to relax briefly before we get underway."

Before he exits with Korma, he turns back to the refreshments, stuffing as much of the remaining food as he can in his pockets.

2012-06-13, 03:42 PM
3M-CX11 says to those going out drinking as they head out the door. Please avoid doing undo damage to your livers. Chances are that they could be quite useful in the unfortunate event of your deaths. Additionally, if you have not yet done so, please sign your consent for organ donation forms as you will not need them after

Also, please feel free to see me in the morning or afternoon as the case may be when you wake up with your hangovers. I have concocted a new remedy I wish to try.

Turning to the mechanic, When you have a chance, I wish to speak with you regarding my maintenance protocols.

3M-CX11 then proceeds to head for the medical bays to make itself of use and to see what tools and supplies they have and which might need to be ordered before we leave.

I guess a treat injury check might be appropriate?

2012-06-13, 04:44 PM
Ardana had lost interest in the arguments between the jedi, the admiral and the bureaucrat rather quickly and didn't pay much attention to the others either. She stared blankly at the wall, daydreaming about the familiar rock arches of her home planet of Ryloth and of the parents that she had lost years back.
She had almost jumped when the droid spoke to her.
Oh, umm sure; we can do that now if you'd like. If you don't have any other things you need to get done.

2012-06-13, 06:04 PM
The Professor ignores the Soldier. Debating hardened warriors is like debating a rock - it will never see your point of view and will never say anything of note.

The Gen'Dai nods in agreement at the Captain's words, "Bureaucracies are such a bother. I honestly don't know why we bother to keep them around some times."

After the Selkath leaves, the Professor politely declines an invitation to the Cantina and instead makes his way to the Discovery, or at least to some one who has a list of all the scientific equipment being brought on board. He combs over the list and tries to find items that may have been overlooked in the haste to supply the ship. He will then compose a thorough list and send it off in an electronic message to the requisition officer and the Captain.

Gal Lore [roll0]

Life Sciences [roll1]

Physical Sciences [roll2]

Social Sciences [roll3]

Technology [roll4]

2012-06-13, 07:09 PM
Once the meeting starts dispersing, Aris speaks with some of the agitated crew.

Al replies with conviction, For a smart guy you're not being very smart. Everything in this universe revolves around the killing of others. I've killed lots of people for reasons I'll never know for people I'll never meet.

and I'll tell ya something, more often than not I'll bet somebody is gonna want to kill us for one reason or another. Some people ain't gonna wanna talk. When that happens, who are you going to look to? Prissy pants over there?

To Al: "I just you to know that I share your concerns for our safety. In fact, I forsee relying on your military experience extensively in the field. The Agency's field training course is extensive, but I'm sure you agree that there is no substitute for combat experience. Please do not be overly concerned with the attitudes of the academians. I assure you, security will be our highest priority. I believe that I will join our new crewmates for a drink. Could I purchase you one as well?

Annoyed at the term prissy pants, Korma shoots a glare over at the gruff soldier :smallmad: and opens her mouth to respond with a quip of her own, before thinking better of it.

Well, if that covers it I'm going to head over to the bar down the street. Anyone is welcome to join, first round on me. I'll have my comlink on, in case anyone needs anything. Otherwise, see you all tomorrow morning.

"Thank you for the kind offer. I will join you momentarily."

Aris will also make sure that he has a copy of the exact wording of the expedition charter so he knows exactly what authority he has.

Knowledge: Bureaucracy [roll0]

2012-06-13, 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by thechosen2nd
Annoyed at the term prissy pants, Korma shoots a glare over at the gruff soldier and opens her mouth to respond with a quip of her own, before thinking better of it.

Well, if that covers it I'm going to head over to the bar down the street. Anyone is welcome to join, first round on me. I'll have my comlink on, in case anyone needs anything. Otherwise, see you all tomorrow morning.

"I will gladly join you, although I will consume no alcohol" Garath says as he stands readying to leave.

2012-06-14, 11:27 PM
Ardana, may I suggest that you spend the evening with your flesh compatriots. It is my understanding that inebriation aids in the forming of social bonds between organic beings. Such bonds will improve the team's chances of survival by 15% according to my tactical subroutines. So please go, enjoy yourself, my maintenance routines can wait until tomorrow.

I'm going out of town for the weekend so please proceed without me if I don't post.

2012-06-15, 04:32 PM
The professor finds a few items of use and sends a list off the the appropriate people. He then heads for bed, making sure to set his alarm clock before enjoying the soft comfort of a hotel bed - a comfort he is not likely to feel again for many years.

2012-06-15, 10:14 PM
OOC: I'm going to assume no one cares about a slight time skip. It seems like you are all itching to get to the first mission.


After finding your quarters, storing your belongings, and exploring the ship a little, the [i[Discovery[/i] leaves space dock and heads into hyperspace. You are all called to the briefing room while it is still in hyperspace.

2012-06-15, 10:20 PM
Garath enters the room, walks right over to the end of the table and sits down first saying "So, there any particular reason i get called here in the middle of my meditation?"

2012-06-15, 10:32 PM
Garath enters the room, walks right over to the end of the table and sits down first saying "So, there any particular reason i get called here in the middle of my meditation?"

"I am not in the habit of summoning people out of petty spite. We have our first assignment, my friend! As soon as the rest of the team arrives, we'll get started."

2012-06-15, 10:40 PM
"I apologise, I was not trying to sound like an ass. It was just a question of the urgency of the call" Garath apologises bowing his head slightly.

2012-06-15, 10:41 PM
Ardana stumbles into the room; rubbing her eyes sleepily and yawning.
Uhhh, why the heck do they have to do this now...
She sits down in a chair and stretches herself out a bit before reclining in a rather comfortable position with her arms leaning over the back of the chair. The Twi'lek yawns again before settling down.
Everyone can tell that she's rather irritated by the bright lights in the room, probably due to the fact that she's rather hung over.
Please tell me that we're off to some tropical paradise...

2012-06-16, 12:21 AM
Korma shuffles into the briefing room looking in similar shape to Ardana. Not exactly how I wanted to start my first day on the job... she muttered to herself.
Her memory of last night is fairly foggy, but she vaguely remembers being in some kind of drinking contest with Ardana. She has no idea who started the challenge, or who won it for that matter, but she does recall thoroughly enjoying herself, and gaining a whole new respect for the quiet Twi'lek.
It's not every day I meet another girl who can keep up with me at the bars... I like this chick...

She pours herself a cup of water, slouches into a chair, and, despite her headache, gives a cheeky grin across the table at Ardana as if too say "I know how you feel."

Are you planning on waiting for everyone to post before moving in to some kind of spiel about the mission? I feel like that could take a while with people doing this and that on the weekends, etc... Perhaps after a certain amount of time we can just assume everyone is present and move on?

2012-06-16, 12:35 AM
The Professor struts into the room, clears his throat very loudly and begins, "Good morning everyone, or if we were walking through the Courtyard at the Alderaan Planetary University right now, good evening. I have awoken refreshed and ready to explore. I hope our first assignment is something particularly interesting - what better way to begin a fortuitous mission than by discovering something previously unknown? Dare I say there would not be a truer way to begin this expedition."

Pausing for a moment to build suspense, the Gen'Dai continues, "I know many of you do not understand the basic scientific principles by which I have lived my 951 years of life. To that end, I have created a very basic 304 page flow chart that describes the scientific method, and all the various steps you will have to complete in each stage of your experiment/study. Also included is a 106 page bibliography that references some of the greatest scientific books ever published (including citations for 7 of my favorite books that I have authored). In addition, I have included a 778 page annotation document that delves into the wondrous world of the quote un-quote "fine print" and oft-forgotten rules lesser scientists continually forget. With this handy, pocket-sized edition - tailor made for the layman scientist - at your side, I know each and everyone of you will be inspired to quit your current careers and take up the banner of science!"

2012-06-16, 04:37 AM
Par walks comfortably into the room partway through The Professor's monologue. He seems more relaxed than yesterday. After hearing The Professor's words, he seems a little taken aback.

"With all due respect, Profesor, one cannot live purely according to science. The humanities are equally important. Why, where would we be without the finest works of Literature to make us think, or Philosophy to guide our actions?"

2012-06-16, 04:39 AM
"Yes Professor, that's very helpful. Let's get started working on our first assignment, shall we? Philosophical debates will have to wait."

Aris fires up the room's projector to show an image of the Phu System.

"This is where we are headed, the Phu System. IT has a rich asteroid belt that has been mined for thousands of years. Unfortunately there was an explosion in one of the abandoned mines which has sent it on a collision course for the planet, Phu. As a PR move, our director has decided to send us to deal with the problem rather than normal military units."

The image zooms into the planet itself.

"The problem is that the facility has a very safe reactor. Which is the only thing big enough to detonate the station and divert it.

So to do that, we first have to fire up the station's auxiliary power. This process isn't simple and requires activation at both the command console in the Reactor building, and the power console in the Command Center. If they aren't activated within 30 seconds of each other, the reactor will vent its fuel and we'll be screwed. We'll have to find a plan B, which frankly will be difficult. After that we have to set a normally very safe reactor to overload and get off the station.

The projector changes to an image of the facility: Facility Map (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-LxdNEcu4xuw/T9vx3lSwsMI/AAAAAAAABa0/mnmePABYdK4/s1543/MiningCenter.jpg) (Each square is 20x20 feet)

"Our secondary objective is to investigate the source of the explosion. We should be able to scan the place on the way in and find what caused it or at least a place to start investigating."

"On to the mapped areas! The Storage area is where mined material was stored. At the moment it should be filled with nothing but empty containers. The Maintenance area is where any surplus tools and supplies are stored including vac suits. This should be our initial starting point if possible since we don't have any. Should any part of the facility have lost pressure, we'll need those suits as we don't have any of our own. Our first task will likely be to check the area for exposure, and see how many servicable suits we have in case they are necessary.

"The Mining Control center is where all the mining bots are controlled from. Theoretically there are no more droids in the area and it should be largely abandoned. The Command Center monitors the entire facility and should be in stand-by mode. Once it detects an organic, it should be readily accessible. It also housed several dozen security droids in case of attack. I've been told they should be shut down, which likely means that they will malfunction and try to murder us all. And last of course, is the Reactor itself. It has been heavily modified with extra safety precautions.

"Summed up, it's a hell of a job. The whole place is old, abandoned, and I'm sure none of our plans will work. So what we need is plenty of slicing gear and equipment to rewire its systems and power, along with weapons to protect us from a potential droid army. So... questions?"

2012-06-16, 04:54 AM
Par clears his throat.

"Yes, I have a question. What the hell is this? I get that we're expendable and nobody cares what happens to us. But why are they sending scientists in just to die? That costs credits, right?"

"I know how to find ancient dead civilisations, and how to work out what they were doing. I can shoot a little, but I'm not a soldier, or a slicer. I can't do this."

2012-06-16, 04:59 AM
"Well, I know nothing about the mechanics of the reactor or re-wiring it, but i have slicing gear" Garath says pating his saber, "And I'll also be able to fight too, but i would prefer that sodier that was bad mouthing the professor here was there to help with it. Even the best of soldiers need backup, and only few of them will admit it"

2012-06-16, 10:54 AM
The blue twi'lek looks up groggily at the holo, leaning towards the projector
Wait, this is like something for some sort of black ops team or something. From what I understand this was meant to be some sort of voyage to unknown space in search of like other species and stuff.
Ardana lets out another yawn before slumping back in her chair.
I'm sorry if it sounds like I don't want to actually go through with this, I'd be fine with these type of operations, but I'd like a bit of warning before we start getting into these type of things.

2012-06-16, 11:15 AM
The Professor's smile turns to a frown as he slowly comes to the realization that his first mission is humanitarian rather than exploratory.

"So you're sending Scientists in to do the work of ground pounders? The Republic is as foolish as ever I see. Still, I have done something like this before, while I was conscripted by the Sith. It shouldn't be that hard if we keep our wits about us and make sure to get in and get out quickly. It sounds like we will need to split up into two squads - one to go to the Reactor building and the other to go to the Command Center. If I may suggest, we should split the Scientists and soldiers up evenly, thus ensuring both teams have the best chance of survival."

2012-06-16, 11:22 AM
"Hmm. It does seem like there is something they aren't telling us. There MUST be a reason they're sending in a ragtag group of scientists to do a job that would be much better suited for a handful of soldiers... Also, is there really no way we can scrounge up some vac suits aboard this ship?"

"Anyway, I'm no slicer or mechanic, but I do know my way around a computer, if that will come in handy. Maybe we should check with the quartermaster before leaving to see if there might be some tools on board that might come in handy?"

"In any case, it sounds exciting. Starting off the expedition with a bang :smallbiggrin:. When do we get there?"

OOC: Garath, I believe in the interest of keeping things moving we are going under the assumption that the soldiers are present, and just didn't do anything significant upon entering the room.

2012-06-16, 12:12 PM
While this is a job for a trained military demolitions crew, we should be able to succeed. First we must assume that the droids have reactivated and that the mining droids are equipped with mining lasers and other potentially deadly weapons. So we should destroy them on sight.

Secondly, we must make finding vacsuits our first priority to prevent death of those who breathe. Since I do not need to breathe and am immune to moderate levels of radiation exposure I volunteer to explore potentially dangerous areas. I am however unarmed, however it seems that the loan of an ion pistol would be useful in this situation if at all possible.

Thirdly, while I am programmed to slice computers it is not a specialty of mine. It is my hope that specifications of the computer architecture can be supplied to make my task easier.

Fourth, I would like to have specifications on the mining droids and the security droids so we can prepare to destroy them.

Additionally, I need a manual destruction procedure in the eventuality that the computers do not work. I consider this eventuality to be likely.

Finally, as a medical droid I request to borrow a surgical kit for this mission as I have a feeling that we will need one...

2012-06-16, 03:25 PM
"Calmly, gentlemen, calmly. You all have valid concerns. We will of course, first address the quartermaster and see what resources are available to us. The information I've relayed is what I received in the official dispatch."

Aris' eyes take on a hard cast that the team has not seen before.

"I understand that the mission is not ideal. It is certainly not what we were assembled to do. But we have some of the most brilliant minds and combat-hardened soldiers with us. By no means is this outside our ability to handle. Make no mistake, we WILL complete this assignment."

Aris' features return to their normal more cheerful state.

"Now I want to make sure that we all have a copy of the security codes on our datapads and that everyone has a spare glowrod and a comlink. Everyone with technical skills needs to make sure they have enough gear and supplies to be able to slice or repair whatever power lines or consoles are necessary. I'll be heading to the quartermaster directly and it would be helpful to know what supplies we are lacking."

2012-06-16, 04:10 PM
If you could, can you slide a security kit my way? I wasn't planning on going anywhere with any sort of tech when I got the job, so I forgot to pack mine.

Ardana shoots Aris a small smile.

There might be a few locks blocking our way at the station and I'm pretty sure we could all do without a few explosions.
If anyone needs me I'll be in my quarters.

The twi'lek stands up from her chair and nearly stumbles to the floor.

Ugh, reminder to self: no more alcohol for a few years... eh maybe a little less.

Gathering her composure, Ardana (now blushing from the slight mishap) stands up again and walks toward the door.

Oh and Three-em? Maybe I can take a look at your chassis and do some routine repairs, just drop by my room... preferably when I'm errr a little bit more awake.

2012-06-16, 04:57 PM
Korma finishes her water and stands up with a slight grimace. She still has a pretty bad headache, but is energized and excited for the upcoming mission.

I already have everything I need Aris, but I'll come with you to the quartermaster anyway; I'd love to meet the quartermaster, and see what they have to offer."

2012-06-16, 05:05 PM
"I need some light armor so i'll come just to see what he has to offer" Garath says, ready to leave the room.

2012-06-16, 07:41 PM
Par looks down at his hands. "I see how this is," he says softly and bitterly.

"Dig your grave quietly, or we'll be forced to leave you unburied after we shoot you in the back of the head."

He looks up at Aris with a crooked smile. "Well, why not. We're going to die anyway, and I hate sitting around worrying. Let's get to work."

2012-06-16, 09:33 PM
Par looks down at his hands. "I see how this is," he says softly and bitterly.

"Dig your grave quietly, or we'll be forced to leave you unburied after we shoot you in the back of the head."

He looks up at Aris with a crooked smile. "Well, why not. We're going to die anyway, and I hate sitting around worrying. Let's get to work."

"I don't understand your fatalism, Mr. Moonwood. I don't like the assignment either, but I have no doubt we can complete it. Should you feel you are being treated unfairly, I will accept your resignation on behalf of our superiors at any time."

2012-06-16, 10:58 PM
Par, do not fear. If we are adequately supplied, I predict a reasonable chance of success. If not... my enthusiasm for this mission will mirror yours. Fortunately, my tactical analysis indicates that command will choose to provide adequate support for our mission because failure would trash the expedition's reputation and effectively end it and the trinity's ego will not stand for that.

2012-06-17, 05:38 AM
Par narrows his eyes at the intelligence officer. "Of course, my mistake. Please excuse the interruption. However, I believe I'll refrain from being retired just yet, thank you."

He turns to the droid. "Well then, I guess a stop at the quartermaster to receive whatever wondrous equipment we're supposed to. I'm sure it will be impressive."

2012-06-17, 05:19 PM
The Professor merely watches the conversation go by. Humanitarian missions were of little interest to him. He spent his time contemplating the possibility of authoring a supplemental article on the subject of Zeltron Flaming Pink Eye...

2012-06-19, 12:56 AM
The Professor rises out of his seat with the others and follows suit, heading to the Quarter Master.

2012-06-19, 11:08 AM
Bossk grined toothly. "Shot being in the group that gets to take on more security droids. I've got my blaster, don't really care for much else. Just tell me where to shoot."

2012-06-20, 01:32 AM
As The Professor walks the long hallways of the Discovery, he considers the ramifications of premature death upon the psyches of Zygerrians living on primitive worlds.

2012-06-20, 07:03 PM
As The Professor continues to walk the long hallways of the Discovery, he ponders Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer The Bolts and Blasters of outrageous Fortune, Or to take Arms against a Space of troubles, And by opposing end them: to die. The Zygerrians definitely preferred to oppose outrageous fortune, why else would a society develop whose sole concern was slavery?

2012-06-20, 07:32 PM
Boy these hallways sure are long... It's taking forever just to get to the quartermasterKorma thinks to herself.

2012-06-20, 08:20 PM
The Quartermaster turns out to be an old Mandalorian, located at the other end of the ship from the briefing room. He turns to the group as your approach and says,

"Ohh new comers. Bet you've come with some equipment request. Back in the good old days you couldn't even get half this stuff, but now I got it coming out every orifice. Course technically I can't give you any of it. Admiral's orders. But seeing as I dislike her and you seem honest enough, maybe I can be persuaded to become temporary blind. Always wondered what that would be like. Also wonder where we're going? No one tells me anything, and I'm supposed to be the ship's gossip. Typical."

Behind him is a large wall made of glass. Behind that are many unmarked crates.

2012-06-20, 09:07 PM
The Quartermaster turns out to be an old Mandalorian, located at the other end of the ship from the briefing room. He turns to the group as your approach and says,

"Ohh new comers. Bet you've come with some equipment request. Back in the good old days you couldn't even get half this stuff, but now I got it coming out every orifice. Course technically I can't give you any of it. Admiral's orders. But seeing as I dislike her and you seem honest enough, maybe I can be persuaded to become temporary blind. Always wondered what that would be like. Also wonder where we're going? No one tells me anything, and I'm supposed to be the ship's gossip. Typical."

Behind him is a large wall made of glass. Behind that are many unmarked crates.

"Well is seems to me that we could make all sorts of profitable arrangements with an sentient of such refined tastes. My name is Aris Talt, Republic Intelligence. As a token of goodwill and investment in future business arrangements, the ship is en route to the Phu system at the moment. We have a need for several pieces of equipment that will be necessary in making sure that the ship is not destroyed by an overrun reactor."

2012-06-20, 11:13 PM
"Well is seems to me that we could make all sorts of profitable arrangements with an sentient of such refined tastes. My name is Aris Talt, Republic Intelligence. As a token of goodwill and investment in future business arrangements, the ship is en route to the Phu system at the moment. We have a need for several pieces of equipment that will be necessary in making sure that the ship is not destroyed by an overrun reactor."

" Well I'm going to be here. Looking forward. If anyone happens to wander back there and take something, I'm not gonna notice. Of course none of you would do that without a good cause, like explodin' reactors," the Quartermaster states. He tilts his head and seems to be thinking before continuing to speak.

" Phu... huh. I've been just about everywhere in the galaxy, never been there. Kinda odd that the Discovery would stop in a system that's neither part of the Republic, nor in the Unknown Regions. But that's politics for you. It makes smart people do dumb things and dumb people do... uhm... dumb things too I guess."

2012-06-20, 11:49 PM
" Well I'm going to be here. Looking forward. If anyone happens to wander back there and take something, I'm not gonna notice. Of course none of you would do that without a good cause, like explodin' reactors," the Quartermaster states. He tilts his head and seems to be thinking before continuing to speak.

" Phu... huh. I've been just about everywhere in the galaxy, never been there. Kinda odd that the Discovery would stop in a system that's neither part of the Republic, nor in the Unknown Regions. But that's politics for you. It makes smart people do dumb things and dumb people do... uhm... dumb things too I guess."

"I understand. Seeing as we have urgent business I won't take up any more of your time. But do please let me know if there's anything I can do for you, sir."

Aris starts looking through the attached manifests and cargo lists looking for light armor, a security kit, and a sensor pack.

Gather Information: [roll0]

2012-06-21, 06:07 PM
Korma grins at the quartermaster and thanks him before entering the cargo room. She then promptly begins going through boxes like its Christmas morning. Trying on helmets for kicks, marveling at swords, and as a side-note, looking for anything that might be exceptionally useful for taking on a number of security droids.

After going through just about every box in the room, she comes away with a pair of ion grenades, a frag grenade, and a couple extra power packs, as well as a bandolier to store it all in.

If that's okay, Zavoniki :smallbiggrin:

OOC: Also, Aris was talking about how we would need to find vac suits in the facility... can we just get space suits here? or maybe vacuum masks? o.O

2012-06-21, 06:29 PM
Remembering that Mandalorians respect only strength, Par tries his best not to be intimidated. He gives the Mandalorian a gruff "Hello!" before heading into the storeroom.

Though he had been somewhat distracted during the briefing, he had caught mention of malfunctioning droids and vacuum. Par begins searching for a heavy blaster pistol, a stealth field generator, and a vacuum mask. He also grabs a handful of power packs.

2012-06-21, 06:30 PM
Remembering that Mandalorians respect only strength, Par tries his best not to be intimidated. He gives the Mandalorian a gruff "Hello!" before heading into the storeroom.

Though he had been somewhat distracted during the briefing, he had caught mention of malfunctioning droids and vacuum. Par begins searching for a heavy blaster pistol, a stealth field generator, and a vacuum mask. He also grabs a handful of power packs.

2012-06-22, 01:59 AM
The Professor paruses the inventory and picks a Blaster Rifle up for himself, "This 'ought to come in handy." He then looks around for a breath mask, an Ion pistol and smoke grenades.

2012-06-22, 05:05 PM
Looking around the storage room at all the armor, Garath finds himself a Padded Flightsuit armor that he could mostly wear under his jedi cloak without hassle.
After looking around for a few more minutes he reluctantly pulls out a Blaster Pistol and 4 power packs knowing he will need them, but hating the fact the weapon is so uncivilised.

2012-06-22, 06:58 PM
Watching the Jedi with some curiosity, The Professor remarks, "Ammo. Yes, yes. We must have much of that."

The Gen'Dai dives his hand into the crate filled with power packs and smiles as he snags three of them.

2012-06-22, 10:38 PM
3M-CX11 quickly reads the electronic manifest with droid like precision and grabs the equipment that is necessary and available.

A DR10 shield generator (for droids) would be nice but mainly 3M is looking for a spare surgical kit, computer slicing equipment either for a droid or for a humanoid, a pair of ion grenades, and an ion blaster pistol with pair of power packs.

In addition, 3M runs the information that is known through it's tactical analysis software to determine if anything else would be of use.


2012-06-24, 08:03 PM
OOC: Aside from the droid shield generator, everything you're all grabbing is fine. And by BBC code is failing... boo!


While you are all searching for your equipment, Captain Niman's voice comes on over the ship-wide comm,

" Attention all personnel, we have arrived at the edge of the Phu system. We will be scanning the system shortly, before microjumping to the asteroid. Expedition Team, you will be needed in the shuttle bay within half an hour."

Another message comes over, but its directed towards only the expedition groups comms.

"Be careful out there, we will be in Phuii space, and while we have informed that we will be visiting we have not informed them about our mission to the asteroid. If they found out too soon... Just comm us when you need to be picked up."

2012-06-24, 10:32 PM
Ahhh... secret mercy missions... this does bring me back. These things always go so well. At least until the locals find out and decide they don't want our particular brand of salvation. Well... let's get this over with. The sooner we start, the less likely we are to be found out until it is too late.

Ah, and for those who are still hungover, I prepared a remedy for that. It smells foul and tastes worse but it will sharpen you up so you don't die. I humbly request that you endure for my sake as the paperwork is excessive if you should die.

Take 10 on treat injury to get 20.

2012-06-25, 04:37 AM
Par rolls his eyes at the announcement. He says to Aris, "Right. So are we docking at the asteroid, or going by shuttle? Maybe we can get out faster if we take a shuttle. You know, when the Phuii realise you've had this secret base near their planet and get upset."

2012-06-25, 07:40 AM
Korma's hangover had mostly gone away, but she decided to take the medical droid up on the offer anyway; she wanted to be in top form for the mission today. Suddenly remembering Ardana, she grabbed an extra flask. She also thought to grab an extra vacuum mask, and oh, what the heck, an extra couple ion grenades for her new friend. She has plenty of room in her new bandolier after all.

In response to Par, she says:"It sounds like we're taking a shuttle, since we're meeting in the shuttle bay. I just hope the shuttle has enough firepower, in case things get nasty..."

"Well, it took us so long to get all the way to the quartermaster, maybe we should get going now? Is everyone ready?"

2012-06-26, 08:46 PM
Par shrugs. Despite his earlier paranoia, he seems almost interested in the mission. "Sure, why not? Let's get going."

2012-06-26, 10:22 PM
The Professor joins his companions.

2012-06-30, 01:19 AM
Upon putting on his armor Garath returns to his companions putting on his cloak over his armor. "I'm ready to leave when everyone else is."

2012-07-02, 01:33 AM
When you all finally arrive at the shuttle bay you find one shuttle already prepared for takeoff, with plenty of room for yourselves and your gear. The pilot of the shuttle is waiting outside and speaks up as you approach.

" I just got word from the bridge about the asteroid. It seems like there's a massive hole in the cargo bay but the more troubling news is that there is a shuttle of unknown design docked at the mining base's shuttle bay. Anyway, we'll be microjumping in three minutes so you'd best get aboard and tell me where you'd like me to land."

2012-07-02, 06:06 AM
Par shudders with revulsion at the increasingly bad news.

Par addresses the pilot. "Do you think there would be air in the cargo bay? We don't have vacuum suits, maybe we have no choice but to land near the other shuttle."

2012-07-04, 04:07 PM
" The shuttle bay should have a forcefield up keeping the air in assuming there is still power. I can scan it when we get closer and tell you."

2012-07-05, 07:45 AM
"Then take us closer to there so we can find out" After thinking for a moment Garath adds "3M-CX11, if there is no life support would you mind taking a walk across the bay to try and turn the bay sheilds and life support back on?" As he turns to 3M-CX11.

2012-07-05, 04:11 PM
"Then take us closer to there so we can find out" After thinking for a moment Garath adds "3M-CX11, if there is no life support would you mind taking a walk across the bay to try and turn the bay sheilds and life support back on?" As he turns to 3M-CX11.

That is the only logical course of action. In fact, even if there is air in the docking bay it may be best for me to go first in case it is suddenly vented. Additionally, as a medical droid I am less threatening and I am unarmed. However, I must warn you that after being decommissioned I was rendered incapable of willfully killing sentient beings. Hence I have secreted away an ion pistol instead of a standard blaster.

Fortunately, droids do not count as our sentient appearance is merely an elaborate facsimile and not true sentience though one must wonder if it may be possible for a droid to exceed their programming and become truly sentient due to the similarities between the two...

Regardless, if there are any organic beings I am afraid you will have to kill them on your own.

2012-07-05, 06:58 PM
"If you're up for it Three-Em, it sounds like a good plan to me. And don't worry, we will be ready and waiting to come in and protect you with guns blazing if need be" Korma says, cocking her blaster pistol.

2012-07-05, 11:40 PM
"If you're up for it Three-Em, it sounds like a good plan to me. And don't worry, we will be ready and waiting to come in and protect you with guns blazing if need be" Korma says, cocking her blaster pistol.

"I certainly appreciate your enthusiasm but please remember I am replaceable and you are not. Ah, and before we begin, you all should know that there are several copies of my memory on the ship's computer though it will take a group 20 or so computer technicians to put me into a dissimilar body. Fortunately they have relatively little to do at this juncture.

Once I am in and have control of the mag bubble controls I will signal you and we can head towards the vacuum suits. Everyone has the facility schematics and reactor shutdown procedures on their data pads correct.

Now, let us get this mission completed quickly and remember, pay attention, don't get distracted, try to be quiet but once we're discovered, kill all droids, except me obviously, on sight, and feel free to stun first and ask questions later. If we can manage that, perhaps I won't be stuck filling out death certificates this evening or writing lies to your loved ones telling them how brave you were and what a hero you are to the Republic, and that I can assure you, would be a pleasant change."

2012-07-06, 02:40 AM
The professors notes that the ship's chairs were obviously designed for much smaller creatures. As he squeezes in, his bulk flops over onto the adjacent seats. He apologizes to anyone who is forced to move on account of his girth.

The Gen'Dai pulls out a small data pad and begins reading one of his student's dissertation rough drafts. The Professor shakes his head almost every three seconds. He looks up and says, "Kids these days do not understand hard work. All they want to do is puke out filth and call it science. I tell you, if this were four hundred years ago, I would have personally dragged these students off Alderaan and had them shipped back to whatever cesspool of a planet they came from. Too bad the Provost has outlawed such behavior, I very much enjoyed threatening such a sanction. Ah, nothing motivates the lazy like the idea of loosing out on their futures."

2012-07-06, 08:06 PM
Seated behind the Professor, Par watches him as he makes his bizarre non-sequitur. A bead of sweat rolls down his cheek, and he seems to view the strange alien as some sort of dangerous wild animal.

"Pilot? Are we going to be there any time soon?"

2012-07-06, 09:14 PM
Now, now Par... Let's not rush the man; last time I tried to encourage the pilot to speed things up, I ended up unconscious and back on Nar Shadaa...

2012-07-06, 09:48 PM
"We will be there all to soon Par, I suggest that we examine latest images of space station, the specifications of the droids known to be inside, and review the deactivation procedures again with the time we have left. That way we can direct the pilot on the best approach to avoid giving ourselves away and to minimize potential casualties and maximize the usefulness of our available resources."

Knowledge tactics

2012-07-06, 11:46 PM
Par wipes the sweat away, and takes a deep breath.

"Ah, right, right. I'll do that."

Par takes out his datapad, and begins reading over the mission documents. Every so often, his breathing begins getting heavy, and then he remembers to breathe deeply again. He is obviously under a great deal of stress.

2012-07-07, 03:45 AM
" Alright people. Hang on, and hopefully this ride won't get too bumpy," the pilot says, while starting up the shuttle. It zips out of the Discovery and quickly speeds towards the rotating asteroid. As you get closer the pilot pulls up a closer scan of the mining station and send it to all of you. There's is a massive hole in the side of the cargo bay, and a shuttle in the shuttle bay. The pilot deftly lands the shuttle on one of the landing pads.

" From what I'm reading there's a breathable atmosphere out there and the mag screen is still up. After you guys get off what do you want me to do?"

2012-07-07, 07:09 AM
Korma furrows her brow over the image of the station and asks,

"Can you do a quick scan for any life forms or communications in the area?"

2012-07-07, 09:17 AM
Pilot, it may be best for you to keep the shuttle powered up and the cannons ready to fire at a power level such that infantry will be instantly killed but structural damage will be minimized. This will work best if you can land with cannons focused at the exit to the comparatively narrow entrance way. It would be best if weapons convergence could then be made such that the cannons will cover the maximum amount of the hallway. I am not programmed with knowledge of the mechanical alterations of starships so I defer to Ardana on the feasibility of this idea.

Also, I would like to broach the idea of either taking the enemy shuttle or giving up the element of surprise and destroying it once we enter the hanger. The choice will depend on the exact nature of the shuttle and the threat it poses to us. Any opinions on this matter?

2012-07-08, 05:12 AM
"Do we know that the shuttle has enemies in it? For all we know, it might be the Phuii...they could have realised what is going on and be trying to stop the asteroid. We might start an incident if we attack them or destroy their shuttle."

I've just realised that my speech has changed colours, I've switched back now.

2012-07-10, 04:12 PM
"I think Par is right. Lets go into this assuming the best, but prepared for the worst. If the other shuttle is hostile, we can commandeer it if necessary, but lets not blow it up preemptively. That's just rude. 3M's idea to point the cannons at the hallway sounds good too. In any case, I would like to get started as soon as possible. If all goes well, we can be done in time for lunch."

2012-07-16, 01:02 AM
The Professor nods in agreement with his allies, "Talking is preferable to violence but we should be prepared for the worst if the need arises."

2012-07-16, 05:41 AM
"I agree with all of you." Garath stands behind the pilot an says to him. "Pilot, if there is any sign the shuttle is going to fire on us or makes any hostile moves, shot it. And after we get off Id request you return to the ship, but keep the engines and weapons primed just in case we need you to come over quickly to scoop us up."

2012-07-17, 09:50 PM
It seems there is a general agreement to pray for peace but prepare for war in this matter. It is of course less efficient than blasting the shuttle from space but it gives us a chance to make a friend or at least not make enemies. No need to rush, we will have legions of enemies trying desperately to kill us soon enough.

Now if you will excuse me, I need to run my final pre-combat diagnostic check and prepare to disembark.

2012-07-18, 09:08 PM
"I agree with all of you." Garath stands behind the pilot an says to him. "Pilot, if there is any sign the shuttle is going to fire on us or makes any hostile moves, shot it. And after we get off Id request you return to the ship, but keep the engines and weapons primed just in case we need you to come over quickly to scoop us up."

"Yes sir. Just give me a location once you goes need extraction and I'll be there."

2012-07-20, 07:31 AM
"We'll do that. Now, let's land and get started. The sooner we go, the sooner we can come back."

2012-07-21, 12:28 AM
Final tactical simulations completed, predicting 75% likelihood of success, power levels optimal, right rear leg operating at 85% capacity, compensating with equivalent reduction in carrying capacity, armor missing, shield generators absent, structural integrity sufficient, weapons control online, slicing subroutines warmed up, combat programming engaged, 3M unit standing by to complete mission objectives.

2012-07-21, 02:22 AM
OOC: Here is map of the docking bay now that you seem to have a plan.

It's a Map! (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-aB0T_XV28jY/UApYFr9DvTI/AAAAAAAABbk/EhymJEpfCJc/s779/Docking+Bay.jpg)

The computer in the upper left is a computer(surprise!). The barrels in the bottom right are cargo containers. The Republic Shuttle is in blue, the unknown one in red. Finally the wall of the docking bay is outlined in very hard to see black for maximum helpfulness.

2012-07-21, 08:24 AM
As soon as the shuttle lands 3M will exit the shuttle in such a fashion as to not expose the organics to vacuum and will head towards the computer terminal to gain control of the mag field that is keeping the air in.

Additionally 3M wants to absorb any and all available information about the status of the base, (air supply, damage, power, etc).

Use Computer rolls take as many as you need for what I want to do and add the bonus from any slicing software or tools I have please


2012-07-23, 03:35 AM
Par hangs back until it is clear what the others are doing. He's not keen to put himself in danger, though he also doesn't want others to think he's only going to hide behind them.

2012-07-25, 01:42 PM
After checking to ensure that life support is active 3M uses its internal comlink to contact the rest of the party.

There is plenty of oxygen in the immediate area, the other shuttle has yet to send troops to fire upon me, and the force field keeping the air in is being fed by the main reactor. So, it is most likely safe to come out and begin exploring the base.

Also, before we shut down the reactor we must locate vac suits or else anyone not on the shuttle is likely to have their blood boil out of their ears when the force field fails.

Additionally, the computer records show that in addition to the two shuttles currently present, another ship docked 5 days ago and left 3 days ago. All information on that shuttle has been rendered unreadable by a rather crude virus. I suggest that when we are done here we take the hard drive for this computer and see if an expert can reconstruct the information.

Ardana, would you like to begin realigning to shuttles cannons to maximize coverage of the hallway leading to the rest of the base and tailoring the power of the cannons to minimize structural damage while the rest of us secure the hallway?

2012-07-26, 10:34 PM
Walking out of the shuttle Garath says "First, I think we should check the other shuttle, see if anyone is there and to see if there is any intel the shuttle may have in it. Unless anyone else has any objections or other ideas?".

2012-07-28, 01:21 PM
"I think that's a good idea. Like I said, we need to make sure they're enemies before we start blasting them."

All the same, Par draws his borrowed heavy blaster, though he keeps it pointed at the ceiling, with his finger away from the trigger.

2012-08-07, 01:32 PM
An excellent plan young Jedi. I shall attempt to gain access to the shuttle and its computer systems. However, if there are hostiles I will require assistance as my capacity to inflict harm is limited. Now, let us begin.

With that 3M approaches the other shuttle to investigate it and attempt to gain access.

Computer Checks to gain access to the shuttle, information on it's owners and any navigational history.








2012-08-08, 07:08 PM
Garath stands outside the hatch of the shuttle, waiting to see if anyone came out while 3M accesses the hatch controls.

2012-08-12, 03:52 PM

While hacking into the shuttle the console you are using suddenly uses power and you notice that the shuttle is powering down, presumably to stop your attempt to hack into it.


You very clearly hear the sound of someone running towards your part of the shuttle, presumably to exit it.

2012-08-12, 11:52 PM
Par takes cover around the edge of the Republic shuttle, hoping to provide covering fire without putting himself in real danger. His pistol hand trembles slightly, and a bead of sweat trickles down from his hairline.

2012-08-21, 03:20 PM
A figure runs out of the shuttle. It is clothed in what appears to be some kind of vac suit with the helmet off and stands about 1.5 meters tall. It is very narrow and is bipedal. It has two three fingered hands, one of which is holding a small blaster pistol. The two eyes on its green, wrinkled head look at all of you with obvious shock as it drops its pistol and raises its hands above its heads before shouting out in garbled Basic,

" Don't hurt!"

If you make a DC 15 Knowledge: Biology, Galactic Lore: Unknown Regions, Knowledge: Galactic Politics, or similar(anything that would let you know about alien species near and about the Unknown Regions) you find out:
The alien is a Phuii (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Phuii)
The Phuii are an isolated race that have net ventured beyond the systems near their homeworld yet and so far have resisted all attempts to be incorporated into the Republic. Despite this Phuii themselves can be found in all parts of the galaxy, and the species government does not restrict emmigration or immigration at all. They are not known for being violent, but are unsure if joining the greater galaxy is what is best for their people at this moment.

2012-08-21, 03:45 PM
3M raises its hands to show it is unarmed and calls out as pleasantly as it can absent any emotions,

Calm yourself my good Phuii friend. There is no need for alarm or violence. I am 3M, a medical droid programmed to lend medical assistance to sentient beings that require medical assistance. As such, it is not in my programming to willfully harm any sentient beings.

If you or any others are injured, please allow me to fulfill my function and attend to any injured members of your party. I am fully equipped to diagnose and surgically repair any damage you may have sustained so there is no need to fear losing them on the table.

Knowledge Life sciences (which apparently includes biology)

Int check to translate anything it says in it's funky alien tongue.


2012-08-21, 03:55 PM
translation check didn't go through

int check vs DC5


2012-08-21, 09:35 PM
Par holsters his borrowed blaster immediately on recognising the alien. "I knew it! Bloodthirsty idiots," he mutters to himself.

Walking out slowly from his cover, he keeps his hands in clear view. "It's quite all right, friend. We're not hostile."

He tries to give the alien a friendly smile, realising at the last moment that it probably would not recognise the gesture. The smile comes out as more of a grimace.

2012-08-26, 02:13 AM
The alien slowly lowers its hands.

"I call commanding officer now. That okay?" it slowly states in Basic. As it is speaking it slowly takes what looks like a large and primitive comlink out and begins raising it towards its mouth so that it can speak.

Assuming no one tries to stop him from talking. If someone does, ignore this next part

The alien begins to speak into the device.

If you make a DC 15 check in a skill that would let you know the languages of the Unknown Regions(Example: Galactic Lore:Unknown Regions or Knowledge: Linguistics) or a DC 20 Perception check, you hear the following:

" Aliens are here... like... not seem hostile... trust... on your way?... wait...

If you make a DC 20 check to know the Phuii language or a DC 25 Perception check, you hear the following.

" Aliens are here. They seem to be like those that attacked this base. They do not seem hostile, but I am still unsure if we can trust them or not. Are you on your way? Very well I will wait here sir."

2012-08-28, 02:12 AM
EDIT: This was meant to be in the IC thread, my apologies. The answer should probably go in the OOC thread so we don't get a lot of spoilered posts, I guess.

What's a Listen check? Do you mean Perception, or am I missing something? And I'm not sure about the language check for the second one. Is that also a Knowledge check?

Assuming you mean Perception or Knowledge (Unknown Regions) in both cases:

First Knowledge check (DC15): [roll0]

Second Knowledge check (DC20): [roll1]

Or if it's more appropriate for the second check, Perception check (DC25): [roll2].

2012-08-29, 03:38 AM
OOC: I did indeed mean Perception. I guess 3.5 has been on my mind recently. And yes Knowledge Unknown Regions will work for both checks.

2012-08-30, 11:23 AM
Allowing the creature to use it's commlink, Par gives the alien a friendly but blank smile as it speaks, unwilling to give away his understanding of the Phuii's speech at this time.

"I trust everything is in order? It would be good to speak to your officer, how close are they?"