View Full Version : Planar Shepherd question

2012-06-10, 05:17 PM
If a druid chooses fernia for his chosen plane, is he immune to all fire damage or just the damage he would suffer if he was on fernia or while in planar bubble?

2012-06-10, 07:40 PM
All Planar Shepherds have Planar Attunement @PS1. This makes them immune to all energy traits of their chosen plane. To quote the book, "For instance, if you are attuned to Risia, the Plain of Ice, you are not affected by the plane’s cold temperatures; on Fernia, you do not take fire damage for being on a fire-dominant plane."

All others not attuned to Fernia or otherwise immune to fire take fire damage as normal (3d10 per round if it's the same as the Elemental Plane of Fire).

2012-06-10, 07:49 PM
He's only immune to damage from the traits of his chosen plane. Fireballs and even mundane fire still work normally.

2012-06-10, 07:54 PM
All Planar Shepherds have Planar Attunement @PS1. This makes them immune to all energy traits of their chosen plane. To quote the book, "For instance, if you are attuned to Risia, the Plain of Ice, you are not affected by the plane’s cold temperatures; on Fernia, you do not take fire damage for being on a fire-dominant plane."

All others not attuned to Fernia or otherwise immune to fire take fire damage as normal (3d10 per round if it's the same as the Elemental Plane of Fire).

See that's what I thought but it says derived from your chosen plane which makes me think its only from that plane and not all damage from that energy type.

Even in the both examples it states you're not affected my that planes cold temperatures, or you do not take fire damage for being on a fire dominant plane. Both cases show immunity for that specific plane. Neither of them say you're immune to the effects of fireball or cone of cold.