View Full Version : Primordial Giant and Psionics

2012-06-10, 10:08 PM
Psionics powers manifested by a psionic character are considered psi like abilities. With Psionics/Magic transparency in effect are psi like abilities affected by everything that affects Spell like abilities? If so would the Primordial Giant Template that gives a +1 Caster level to spell like abilities, give a +1 Manifester level to a psions power manifesting? If so would this allow a 1 LA Primordial half giant Psion to have a manifester level equal to his ECL instead of his Psion Levels? This seems iffy to me both RAW and RAI, so what would you guys rule on this?

Little Brother
2012-06-11, 08:32 AM
The RAW is very clear, the answer is yes, the Primordial Half-Giant does have a ML bonus.

2012-06-11, 01:13 PM
I must be missing something here. I'm looking at Secrets of Xen'drik p81.:

"Magical Knack (Ex): Primordial giants use all spell-like abilities at +1 caster level."

That's not +1 caster level of spellcasting, that's just a boost to their SLAs (or presumably PLAs).

What am I missing here?

2012-06-11, 01:18 PM
Psionics powers manifested by a psionic character are considered psi like abilities.

First sentence man. >.> Don't recall the exact source but it's definitely true, I think. Though iirc pla and sla are explicitly different and the primordial giant woudn't increase the ml. Same reason supernatural transformation or whatever that's called doesn't actually work with it.

2012-06-11, 01:31 PM
I think the first sentence of this (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicPowersOverview.htm#psiLikeAbilities) is what's leading to the confusion. Let's look at the second paragraph of that same entry:

"Psi-like abilities have no verbal, somatic, or material components, nor do they require a focus or have an XP cost (even if the equivalent power has an XP cost).... a psionic creature does not have to pay a psi-like ability’s power point cost."

If you are correct in that the manifesting of powers by a character of a psionic class are considered psi-like abilities, then they will never have an XP cost and they will never cost power points. This is not the case, powers manifested by characters of psionic classes do have XP costs, they do have power point costs, and thus they are not psi-like abilities.

Presuming your DM allows Magical Knack to apply to psionic manifesting, I don't think it works the way you think it works. Your manifester level for purposes of power durations and how many power points you can spend to augment them will be increased. Your number of powers and highest level powers known will still follow your Psion class level, regardless of the bonus to your manifester level.

Little Brother
2012-06-11, 01:49 PM
I think the first sentence of this (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicPowersOverview.htm#psiLikeAbilities) is what's leading to the confusion. Let's look at the second paragraph of that same entry:

"Psi-like abilities have no verbal, somatic, or material components, nor do they require a focus or have an XP cost (even if the equivalent power has an XP cost).... a psionic creature does not have to pay a psi-like ability’s power point cost."

If you are correct in that the manifesting of powers by a character of a psionic class are considered psi-like abilities, then they will never have an XP cost and they will never cost power points. This is not the case, powers manifested by characters of psionic classes do have XP costs, they do have power point costs, and thus they are not psi-like abilities.

Presuming your DM allows Magical Knack to apply to psionic manifesting, I don't think it works the way you think it works. Your manifester level for purposes of power durations and how many power points you can spend to augment them will be increased. Your number of powers and highest level powers known will still follow your Psion class level, regardless of the bonus to your manifester level.
Originally Posted by SRD
Psi-Like Abilities (Ps)
The manifestation of powers by a psionic character is considered a psi-like ability
Later on, it covers the rules of PP and XP costs in more detail. It's a specific vs. general thing. So, they ARE Sp, but different(Just like how Warlocks have to use somatic components).