View Full Version : Portcullis: A Campaign Idea 3.P

2012-06-11, 01:08 PM
Here is a potential silly idea that I had for a campaign I am considering running in the future. In homage to Portal, the party will wake up in an underground dungeon. A disembodied voice will tell them that they are part of an on-going experiment to test the limits of humanoid physical and mental durability. In order to encourage their cooperation with the experiment, they have all been fitted with collars that will explode if they do not reach the surface in one year (game time) or if they attempt to tamper with the collar.
The biggest issues the party will face will be acquiring food/water and time. While there will be certain "safe" areas, the party will not be given a great deal of downtime. Money will be a non-issue as equipment will be given out from combat encounters or by solving puzzles. There will be rare "settlements" of former subjects and their descendants that the party may encounter.

Spell limitations
Most spells of the subschools of Creation, Summoning and Teleportation as well as effects that mimic these effects will be surpressed.

Item limitations
Rings of Sustenance, Muryland's Spoon, Decanter of Endless Water will be prohibited.

Class limitations
Artificers lose their Retain Essence class feature and are instead given the Warforged Artificer Craft Weapon Familiar feature.

Race limitations
Character may only choose races with the Humanoid type. Templates are disallowed.

Those are the general rules that I've come up with in the past few minutes. What I ask of you is to help me see any holes in my campaign ideas. What I want is a large survival/puzzle dungeon crawl. Are there any particular spells/items/classes that would obviate any of the challenge of such a setting?
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2012-06-11, 01:49 PM
I love this idea.

I would also ban everlasting rations and it's friends from MIC if you want to worry about food. A good way to implement combat in this could be they run into other test subjects and only 1 group is allowed to exit the room but they need to work together to open the door.

You will also want to ban quite a few psychoportation powers since they are teleports and anything that lets people become ethereal.

2012-06-11, 01:56 PM
Sounds a lot like the World's Largest Screwjo-- I mean, World's Largest Dungeon.

2012-06-11, 02:15 PM
If you ever do this you must include a pair of teleportation rings somewhere in the dungeon if you want you can even make a crossbow that launches teleportation rings and teleports the rings back before you fire it again :smallbiggrin: