View Full Version : [Zefir] [IC] Council of Thieves Adventure Path [PF]

2012-06-11, 02:40 PM
And a new journey begins. Our eyes look at Westcrown. One of the biggest cities around, but problems has raised and people fear there home. Strange shadow beasts appear at night and the hell knights walk the street to arrest everyone who acts against the authority. But every time bad times happen, good will follow. Hopefully these five people may start the good times again.


Some time after the story ended and all visitors left to reach home for lunch a very attractive woman goes over to talk to him.
"Your story is depressing , but also shows how everyone can make his way in life."
A small break follows.
"I'm not sure if you know it, but the local authority accepts the appearance of the shadow beasts. It won't be able to beat them now, since their number isn't known. But I can offer you a way that should lead to that goal. If you are interested then visit me at Vizio’s Tavern this afternoon for an early dinner."

With that she head for the door just stopping before she opens it.

"My Name is Janiven" she says before Arioch is even able to ask.


After some hard work Elyssa will reach the information she seeks. In an abandoned house someone will wait for her with them.

As she enters the house she will find a table with two chairs. In one sits a very attractive woman who offers her the free chair.

"I know who you search for, but I'm not your sister. My name is Janiven and I can point you in her direction. Your father and sister aren't in your rage now, but if you hear to me I could point you at the right direction. The current situation here is worst then you may have seen and the person you seek for suffer under it. If you want to fulfill your duty you will need my help as well as I need yours. If you are interested then visit me at Vizio’s Tavern this afternoon for an early dinner."

With that the woman stands up heading for the door behind her. Another Exit as it seems.


As Varren enters a Tavern in the early hours he will find one person sitting there. It seems like that this attractive woman waited for him. She offers him a seat and holds her hand up before he can speak.

"I know you worry about people just disappearing. This isn't mythical in any way. They made many mistakes, in the past as well as after you left. But there current state isn't related to that. They tried to do something to pay for their past. Sadly they weren't able to do it long. I can't tell you much, since our time is short here. If you are interested then visit me at Vizio’s Tavern this afternoon for an early dinner. I'm Janiven, remember the name when you knock on the door."

At the same moment the tavern fills a bit and she just leaves to the front door.


After one of his shows a woman waits for him in an alley behind the stage. The attractive woman waves him over, deeper into the alley so none could listen without getting noticed.

"Hello I'm Janiven!" she introduces herself.

"Your mother was a great actor and I can see her talent in you. Even if I miss something you had a few years ago. You suffered under the worst thing here in Westcrown and I believe your one of the less people who understands what needs to be done. I can show you the path you want to go to free the actors from their invisible chains. If you are interested then visit me at Vizio’s Tavern this afternoon for an early dinner."

With that she leaves the alley through the other entrance leaving you alone.


As Jorel once again visits the alchemical shop an attractive woman waits for him near the ingredients he seeks.

"Your eye has shown you the truth. Iomedae prepared you and I'm here to show you the way. This way may lead you to fight against the house you worked for, but I swear you that you will fight the evil in form of demons and other creatures. You may not trust me, but I'm sure your Vision told you the name Janiven, which is mine. If you are interested then visit me at Vizio’s Tavern this afternoon for an early dinner."

She then buys some spices, which you assume will taste nice, and leaves the shop.

2012-06-11, 04:58 PM
I shouldn't be here, Oreste thinks as he makes his way through the street leading to Vizio's. What do I really know about these people? They could be anarchists for all I know, or demon-worshippers, or even the dottari waiting to take me to jail again. He shudders. Yet here I am. I must be mad.

2012-06-11, 05:31 PM
With the sun low in the sky, Varren paused to squint at the sign of the tavern ahead. Vizio's, just as Janiven had said. Hopefully she would have some answers for him, and this wouldn't turn out to be a trap for people who got too curious. Cracking the knuckles in his fists, Varren strode in. Just let them try something.

2012-06-11, 09:34 PM
Jorel walks through town, hiding his uncertainty under a mask of condescension he has learned to wear so well. Since his master is current spending time at a close friends and likely to stay the night, Jorel was free to investigate the tip he received earlier today. He figures that since he shouldn't be seen aiding and abetting anti-diabolists, he might as well act like a thug sent to intimidate this Janiven, and get his information that way. If she isn't easily available he can always scare the barkeep into helping him. He pulls out his club as he enters and scans the room, searching for her amongst the crowd.

Lets just roll this now. [roll0]

2012-06-12, 02:18 AM
Jorel is first to enter the Tavern, but his intends to intimidate is refused by the fact that the tavern is empty. The big bar room is nearly empty while chars and table stand on the walls. Only one big table is placed in the mid, seven chairs around it. From the kitchen come some noise like someone prepares a meal. Janiven can be seen through the door watching for you.

"Oh hello. You can take place on the table, the others should arrive soon. Can I bring you anything to drink?"

Varren can arrive short after and will also be welcomed by Janiven.


Vizio’s Tavern was once a popular public house with merchant-guards. in middle-Westcrown, but was closed down upon the death of it’s namesake owner. Months later it was then bought by a pair of newcomers who are fixing up the tavern, but weren't able to open it for public.

2012-06-12, 07:27 AM
Jorel nods at the newcomer while walking over to Janiven. Looming over her in a way that looks rather threatening from afar, he begins to speak in a quiet monotone that cannot be understood from very far away. "Here's the deal. I may trust you, but I don't know if I can trust that there is no other sets of ears around, let alone eyes. My position could help your efforts, but only as long as I am trusted. I want to help, but I'd also like to stay out of the sights of our unloved overlords. Until then, I will probably be glowering like this often. Oh, and I prefer no alcohol, so tea or water." With his say said, he waits for an answer.

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-06-12, 02:55 PM
Arioch pondered what this Janiven could have wanted with him. He wasn't exactly surprised that the shadow beasts were being controlled by something. Still, he had nothing better to do and nothing to really lose by at least showing up. And a free meal was always good, especially since The Biscione was the only place left in Westcrown that would serve him, and he didn't want to be a drain on Domenico's and customers...whom he was accidentally scaring away.

He approaches Vizio's Tavern and when he enters a pall seems to fall over the place. Even the rats seem to scurry away and hide from his presence. When he pulls back his hood and the others look at him, it's not hard to see why. His face is a maze of white and purple scars. Scars it was clear were not natural.


2012-06-12, 04:15 PM
Hoping no-one outside will see him enter, Oreste darts inside. He flashes a nervous smile at the people inside, and noticing Janiven in conversation with a thuggish half-orc, takes a seat at the table. They certainly look the part. Let's hope there's more to this than senseless rioting.

2012-06-14, 07:37 AM

"I still don't force you, but you should know yourself that even listening may cause problems. If you want to listen sti down and wait until after the meal."

She speaks in a friendly tone, but Jorel may note that it is also very stric and don't allows any 'but'. she then continues to look after the food until the others enter.


"Hello! Please sit down. Can i bring you something to drink while we wait for the food?"

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-06-14, 08:58 AM
"What do you have?" Arioch asks as he takes his seat.

2012-06-15, 02:06 AM
"I just got ale and water."

Janivien then turns back to the food. As mentioned 7 chairs where prepared and currently 4 people are here including Janivien.

2012-06-15, 05:59 AM
"I'll have an ale then. Old, if you have it. You're expecting three others?"

Sense Motive when Janiven replies. [roll0]
Oreste still fears it might be a trap.

2012-06-15, 10:01 AM
"Ale it is, then." Varren leaves it at that, his expression and body language showing that he is clearly skeptical.

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-06-15, 12:09 PM
"Ale for me, as well. I must say, it's a rare person willing to serve me good alcohol. Even at my uncle's the best I can manage is wine that I suspect may be vinegar. Though that's the wine everyone else drinks at The Biscione, so I shouldn't complain."

2012-06-15, 11:59 PM
Jorel looks at the other arrivals, and nods. Maybe he can teach them enough about glowering to make this work. Or even play "Pretend to pick on the Weirdo". They might actually be able to stay out of the hell-knight's eye for a while! Jorel sits down, looking at the others in a way that could either represent a "hello" or a "yes you exist, but I'm ignoring you for right now". He settles back, but keeps his club ready to be drawn at any minute.

2012-06-16, 05:07 AM
Janivien doesn't answer Oreste right now, because she heads back into the kitchen preparing the drinks. After all someone ordered water :smallsigh:
As she comes back she holds 4 Mugs in hand placing one in front of each. Jorel get's his water and the rest get ale.

"Actually I only wait for 2. But I think we could start eating." ((Since I wasn't sure where Varren is I assumed he missed as well.))

Oreste can't really say anything from that. There is no sign if this is true or false, expect the number of chairs, but who counts chairs right?

She heads back into the kitchen and brings back bowls os stew. It's a tasty meal and very spicy. Janivin will have to go the way several times to bring everyone a bowl, herself as well. Before she starts she speaks up once again.

"I tell you this again, since I'm sure you know it. The informations I want to share with you are very dangerouse. Knowing them will bring trouble to you and if you fear the consequence you should go after the meal. If you are still intressed you have to wait after the meal."

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-06-16, 09:09 AM
"I wouldn't have come here if I was afraid of danger."

2012-06-17, 02:06 PM
"Since I wasn't sure where Varren is I assumed he missed as well."

I'm in the tavern, with everyone else. Not sure where any ambiguity might be.

"Everything's dangerous in this burg. The authorities are dangerous to cross, and even more dangerous when they're in a good mood." Varren grumbles before downing a big gulp of ale.

2012-06-19, 09:07 PM
Jorel finishes his stew. Might as well not waste food. He finishes his water and turns to Janivien. "We've finished our meals. Now could you tell us why you have gathered us here?"

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-06-19, 10:00 PM
Arioch eats the stew with gusto. This was the best meal he'd had all week!

2012-06-20, 05:06 AM
Oreste eats quickly, then finishes the rest of his ale. "Yes, please tell us why we're here."

2012-06-20, 05:59 AM
Janivien herself eats in normal speed. she doesn't seem to rush on things very fast. As Oreste and Jorel seem to end their meal really fast she stops.

"Take your time Jorel. I think it would be best for all of you to introduce yourself to each other. After all you may not have the time later."

She then continues to eat, still not rushing through things.

((Sorry Athaleon from your last post I didn#t thought your char is in the Tavern.))

2012-06-20, 06:19 AM
Oreste is clearly starting to get agitated. "Hi everyone, I'm me. Pleased to meet you all. No, I don't have any idea why we're here risking our lives either, but I do have a vague promise we'll be told sometime today. Or maybe tomorrow, I don't know." Realizing he may have offended Janiven, he calms himself. "Look, I'm sorry. I don't understand these matters as you do. But if the dottari come bursting through that door in a moment, I want to know it's all worth it. If time is running out as you say, please take a moment of that time to explain. We've waited long enough."

2012-06-20, 06:51 AM
"Oreste. Actually if they would storm in right now you wouldn't be in ANY danger. If I tell you these things then it MIGHT get dangerouse for you. Show patience. OR did you call the guards?"

Still with her meal in the hand he looks at him with a strong expression.

"Maybe you know they come cause you called them?"

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-06-20, 12:53 PM
"For crying out loud, if we're going to help each other this isn't the time to start accusing each other!"

2012-06-20, 02:11 PM
"Your right. Still I need to trust you and someone rushing for information isn't that trustworthy at all. After all I'm more in danger than you right now."

Janniven says, staying polite.

2012-06-20, 10:47 PM
Jorel waits for the hubbub to die down before staring down Oreste. "I am known as Jorel One-eye. I will admit that I have been lucky. I have skills that are well-paid in this town, and have made good acquaintances. Recently, I have made the acquantice of one Iomedae, and am now set on fixing things. However, if we act unusually among the general public, things will not get fixed. So calm yourselves and pretend this is an ordinary business deal going on here. Make sense?" With his introduction and explanation out of the way, Jorel turns to Janniven. "Also, Keeping us in the dark will not help us do anything. I think it will help if we knew more about why we are here and what you have in mind." Jorel remains calm and monotonous as he talks, as if he were almost bored. Although his words could not be taken as a confession of treason, his meaning is obvious, that he is indeed here to change things.

2012-06-20, 11:12 PM
"If we all don't trust each other, why're we all sitting at this table?" Varren points out, between mouthfuls of stew. Gesturing with his spoon, he continues. "Seems to me, we're all eager enough to hear you out that none of us expected a trap. And you," he continues, pointing the spoon at his hostess, "must be keen on telling us, since you invited all of us here at the same time. Not what I'd expect from someone who's unsure who she's dealing with. And from what I've seen of the local enforcers, if they were here they'd have swept us all up by now, and take a few hours after that to dream up some $!&@# to accuse us of."

Having finished wolfing down his food, Varren downs the rest of his ale in one long gulp. "But none of us came here to listen to me flap my gums, did they?"

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-06-20, 11:19 PM
"I am Arioch. I'm just a man trying to survive in this city and help other good folk do the same. I may be the spawn of a monster, son of a chain-wrapped psycho, but my sword stands with Iomedae's here in Westcrown."

2012-06-23, 06:23 AM
Oreste sits back down, his face suddenly seeming old. "My name is Oreste Ghirlando. I'm no adventurer, just a street actor who happens to be handy with a bow. I love this city, and I want it to change."

2012-06-24, 02:58 PM
Once dinner is over, and with still a few hours to go before sundown, Janiven locks the front door and shutters the windows, then takes a deep breath.

“Again, thank you for agreeing to meet with me here. I have chosen each of you for a singular reason—everyone here, myself included, has suffered, whether we realize it or not. I have lived in Westcrown my whole life, and although I love this city, I must admit, as must you, that despite our peace and prosperity, we continue to suffer. Fear should not be an expected part of life, and yet each night brings fear to our doorsteps. Yes, Westcrown has been safe from war and famine for nearly seventy years, and yes, our businesses has prospered—but this safety and prosperity has been bought in the coinage of fear and prayers to Hell. Other lands live free from tyranny. Other cities do not fear the night. Other governments do not cede the streets to monsters of the infernal shadows. Westcrown was once such a place, and she wants to be such a place again. Westcrown is not only her buildings and canals and docks and history—she is also her people. Westcrown is our friends and neighbors, our mothers and fathers, our siblings and cousins, our sons and daughters! With but a small group of supporters and dedicated brothers and sisters, we can earn the trust and admiration of those people. A Westcrown free of these shadowy beasts that stalk our streets is one step closer to a Westcrown free of the devil that is the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune!”

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-06-24, 03:15 PM
Arioch blinks.

"Do you have a plan on how to do this, Janiven? Ambitious goals with no idea of how to achieve them tend to fall flat."

2012-06-25, 02:45 PM
My thoughts exactly, Oreste thinks as he strokes his beard. "How much do you know about these beasts?"

2012-06-26, 07:46 PM
Varren listens intently to Janiven's passionate tirade. He had spent most of his adult life outside Westcrown, but had to agree that things had become intolerable. It wasn't right for people to be prisoners in their own homes, and Varren made his mind up that if there was a nascent rebel movement forming, he wanted to be at front and center of it. From what he could tell, they had a real shot too - The city seemed to be neglected even by the whip-hand of greater Cheliax.

One step at a time, though. After an awkward pause, he repeats his new compatriots' questions: "So, ah, what is the plan?"

2012-06-28, 07:04 PM
The time between the group's questions and Janiven's answer seems like days to Oreste. In his mind, he reviews her speech word by word. Very eloquently, she had worded exactly what was wrong with Westcrown, yet Arioch talked sense. I hope there is a plan.

2012-06-29, 01:05 PM
Oreste seems to have a larg problem with time when moments appear like days.

"Yes there are plans. As for the beast I belive they are set as guards to keep the people under controll by the house of Thrune. I can't tell you the plan. You need to wait for the last guest."

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-06-29, 05:17 PM
"Lousy guards if they're killing people just for being out at night. Who's this last guest we're waiting for?"

2012-07-22, 06:10 AM
Important for the Newcomer:

Once dinner is over, and with still a few hours to go before sundown, Janiven locks the front door and shutters the windows, then takes a deep breath.

“Again, thank you for agreeing to meet with me here. I have chosen each of you for a singular reason—everyone here, myself included, has suffered, whether we realize it or not. I have lived in Westcrown my whole life, and although I love this city, I must admit, as must you, that despite our peace and prosperity, we continue to suffer. Fear should not be an expected part of life, and yet each night brings fear to our doorsteps. Yes, Westcrown has been safe from war and famine for nearly seventy years, and yes, our businesses has prospered—but this safety and prosperity has been bought in the coinage of fear and prayers to Hell. Other lands live free from tyranny. Other cities do not fear the night. Other governments do not cede the streets to monsters of the infernal shadows. Westcrown was once such a place, and she wants to be such a place again. Westcrown is not only her buildings and canals and docks and history—she is also her people. Westcrown is our friends and neighbors, our mothers and fathers, our siblings and cousins, our sons and daughters! With but a small group of supporters and dedicated brothers and sisters, we can earn the trust and admiration of those people. A Westcrown free of these shadowy beasts that stalk our streets is one step closer to a Westcrown free of the devil that is the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune!”


Your first days in Westcrown where really hard. Not only that you need to reach your home fast at dawn you have trouble dealing with the people. Every time you offered your help against the shadow beasts or ask for them people avoid you. And the less who answer you disapear the night after or got taken away by Hellknights. That leaves you alone most of the time. But one day a beautiful human woman takes a seat on your table. The bar is empty and even the barman has gone to the kitchen to prepare for lunch. Then the woman speaks up.

"I know your looking for helping the people, but you may have noticed that you just made it worst. The temple and this city have nothing in common and you can't handle it alone. I can offer you a way to help this city. I can't tell you all, but if these words caught your intressed... come to Vizio’s Tavern this afternoon for an early dinner."


It is another day wher ethe guards chase again for a thieve. Eyrian may stand in a back alley preparing for a spell to stop the guards before they get him. But right in the moment a hand grabed her from behind and turned her around. A young beatifull woman stands in front of her. She doesn't seem to belong too the guards in any case.

"Listen girl. I know you think this city should be destroyed to let nature get back this place, but the voice in the Barrowood didn't tell you all. Only a bunch of the prople here are evil some of the guards here just try to keep peace. So you should stop your stupid actions and think for a moment. Your actions hurt innocient more than the people you want to hurt. have you ever found any hint of your family? I doubt you even ooked for them. I can give you a chance to reach them back, but for that you must follow and trust me. I leave you some time met me and other people willing to change things in Vizio’s Tavern this afternoon for an early dinner."
With that the woman turns around and heads off. Te guards in this time have caught the thieve and an old innocent woman thanks them for that.

Jannivien shakes her head at the tiefling.

"They aren't lousy guards they fullfill the law. In fact they are very good if this is there task. People don't want to go outside in the night. That way the Hellknights only need to watch over the people at day time. And I amy repeat myself, but he will introduce himself when he arrives. I don't think you have to wait long now."

2012-07-22, 07:56 AM
Saying a prayer over his meal, Lo'Sais listens to every one as they talk. We must have caught some one's attention, then, thought the Cleric of Sarenrae as he eats, mulling over what is being passed around. Three humans, a devilblood, and myself. Not a bad start, but not a good one either.

Once he was done and drank his water, Lo'Sais leans back and puts his left hand up to his chin. "It seems tha we should listen some more. The Church of Sarenrae didn't much care for the fact that House Thrune is so willing to let the predations happen. At best it's just a nuisance. But worse case is that someone is practicing foul arts. Hence that's the reason why I am here. It is also to see if there are still believers in the Dawnflower here. After all, though the Prince of Darkness locked the Devourer away, it was the Dawnflower that drove him back."

Looking at each person, Lo'Sais realized he hadn't introduced himself. "Sorry, forgotten my manners. My name is Lo'Sais from Absolam, traveling cleric of Sarenrae and follower of the Dawnflower. I volunteered to come to Cheliax to help with the believers in the Dawnflower as well as to ease the suffering caused by House Thrune. I have came to Westcrown when I have heard of the troubles of the night in search of answers and find out what can be done about these beasts."

Finished, Lo'Sais leans back and waits for the others to speak.

2012-07-22, 10:29 AM
"It's hardly a question whether or not someone is casting spells of evil here. Westcrown is rife with devil worshipers of the worst kind, and most of them are in places of power. If it's this obvious that they're using their power to kill, kidnap and imprison innocent civilians, then it is not hard to draw the conclusion that they are the cause of the shades that plague the night here. Whether it is simply negligence or outright villainy that causes their appearance is irrelevant--something needs to be done about Westcrown's leaders."

Here, Eyrian's voice raises, clearly impassioned, to the point where it could be caught by people at adjacent tables if they were listening for it. "My name is Eyrian, and those bastards took my family from me. If you want a free Westcrown, we must cut the head from the snake."

She seems to catch herself, suddenly aware of the sensitive nature of this discussion. Her voice lowers to a more reasonable tone. "However, if you believe that hunting down the cause of these shadow creatures is yet another way of destabilizing the powers that be ... consider my support given. I've been looking to do something big-picture now, and it seems like you have some sort of plan. And perhaps," she says, looking around the table, "some outside support?"

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-07-22, 11:28 AM
Arioch mulls over the newcomers.

"Seems most of us are in agreement, so I'll stand with you Janiven. So what's our first step?"

2012-07-22, 12:42 PM
Smiling at two more supporters, Lo'Sais looks around as he reaches over to pick up his glass. "I believe it would better to take out the shades first. This way people will be less afraid of the night, and if we do it then they might be willing to stand for their own freedoms. It'll be a matter of their choice, in the end."

Standing up, Lo'Sais raises his glass. "Before we go much further, I propose a toast, then." Waiting for the others to stand raise their glasses, Lo'Sais. "To treason, for in this our words alone will see us tortured, tried, hanged, then quartered." Smiling at this, Lo'Sais looked at each. "No one said it was going to be easy, but then the best things in life never are."

As he picks up his glass and stands, Lo'Sais will look to see if there's another way out incase Murphy decides to combe by and play.

Perception test to see a way out [roll0]

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-07-22, 10:24 PM
"Heh. To treason. You can't shackle a man who was born wearin' 'em. They'll never break me."

2012-07-22, 10:48 PM
"It's only treason if you get caught" smirks Varren as he lifts his refilled glass with the rest. "None of us would let a fool thing like that happen, would we boys and girls?"

2012-07-23, 05:16 AM
Oreste raises his glass to toast with the others. "Yes, let's definitely not get caught," he says, now smiling. It's a lot easier said than done, but that doesn't matter anymore. For the first time, he is part of something bigger than himself. Things are looking up.

2012-07-23, 04:37 PM
Eyrian's glass is lifted as well. "Treason to Hell? Find me a person who isn't willing, and I'll have his head."

2012-07-29, 09:32 AM
Lo'Sais can't see an obviouse second exit. The kitchen can't be fully seen. So there may be an exit, but it's hard to tell.

Janniven seems to be relieved at the sudden change of mind by the people, as a suddenexcited pounding at the front door disrupts the meeting. Immediately adopting a defensive posture, Janiven peers through a window at whoever’s knocking, then swiftly moves to the door, unlocks it, and opens it. In stumbles
an out-of-breath and frightened-looking teenager.

"Morosino what's going on?" Jannivien says a bit schocked.

"They’ve got Arael!” The boy answers, then immediately doubles over in afit of coughing brought on by his long run.

The expression in Janniven's face fade away for a grim face.

"Tell what exactly happened." she asks after the boy had time to recover.

“The dottari nabbed Arael, and the Hellknights of the Rack are trying to get custody of him! There’s a bunch of Hellknights on their way here now! I only just made it in here; they’ve already surrounded us!”

At that point, the sound of clanking armor advancing on the tavern becomes apparent. Anyone who glances out the window sees a large group of heavily armed and armored Hellknights advancing down the street, yet Janiven remains calm. The hellknights start hammering against the door shouting for all inside to give up and come out peacefully.

"I'm sorry, if you want to escape saftly follow me."

She and the teenager head for the bar. They both open up a heavy trap door which obviously lead into the Westcrown sewers.

2012-07-29, 10:24 AM
Swearing and cursing under his breath, Oreste hastily puts on his backpack and bow, rushing to the trap door. He isn't about to stick around and explain, not with the Hellknights present in such numbers. The Order of the Rack no less. We sure are up to our necks in it.

I assumed the Rack would have a sufficient reputation for Oreste to at least recognize the name. Here's a Knowledge (local) check to see what else he knows: [roll0]

2012-07-29, 11:22 AM
I'll venture for a Know (History) check for the Order of the Rack. [roll0]

Eyrian tenses up at the sound of clanking armor, but does not follow immediately. The thought of entering the sewers of Westcrown is only slightly more appealing to her than being caught, tortured and possibly killed by Hellknights. Not only are they wet, too closed-in and dark, they simply *smell*.

However, the prospect of besting the city's corrupt power-mongers once more is simply too tempting an option. She stands and moves to the side of their mysterious benefactor and her new companion, waiting to cover their retreat if need be. "Well," she mumbles, "We are off to a good start." A small lizard, her familiar, pokes its head out of her dress, ready to assist in the casting of a spell.

Ready an action to cast the Slumber hex on the first person to come through the door, in an attempt to block the doorway.

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-07-29, 12:33 PM
Arioch leaps to his feet as the Hellknights bang on the door.

"Hah! You think we're gonna give ourselves up, you're more deluded than I imagined! Why don't you deal with REAL criminals instead of jumpin' at shadows! You'll never break us!"

He follows after the others after that parting shot, hoping it'll cow them somewhat.

Intimidate check: [roll0]

2012-07-29, 01:00 PM
Varren sees no need to taunt the hellknights outside, and has already tossed his polearm down the hatch before him. "They're gonna knock a lot bloody harder now, so let's get @#&$ing going", he curses. No way would he let that lot take him alive, Varren decided, if it looked like he'd be captured he'd fight until they were forced to kill him.

2012-07-29, 01:48 PM
Grabbing his backpack, Lo'Sais follows the group down the trap door. "Now may not be a good time to antagonize the local authorites, Arioch," Lo'Sais says as he goes into the sewers.

Once on the ground, Lo'Sais quckly unties the lamp on his backpack. "I got a lamp, any one have a light so we can see?"

2012-07-29, 02:18 PM
Oreste fumbles slightly filling his lamp with oil, spilling some on his sleeve, but manages to light it without accidents. A cone of light shines forth from the lantern, illuminating the passage ahead. He then lights the lamp Lo'Sais is holding up.

Oreste is carrying a lit bullseye lantern (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/goods-and-services/illuminations-explosives#TOC-Lantern-Bullseye) with one pint of oil. It will last six hours.

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-07-29, 02:19 PM
"Authorities? Them? Hah! The dottari are SUPPOSED to be the authorities here, if they didn't let these bullies stomp all over them."

Arioch smirks a bit as they descend.

"No need for a lamp. I can see just fine."

2012-07-29, 09:56 PM
Eyrian makes a throwing motion, sending an array of Dancing Lights down the tunnel. "There, now we can all see. Hurry down!" She then resumes her readied position facing the door. Casting Dancing Lights down the trap door, then resuming my readied action.

2012-07-29, 10:16 PM
"Don't have to tell me twice" huffs Varren as he hurries down and retrieves his polearm. He nervously switches his gaze between the trap door and the gloom of the tunnel, and grips his polearm more tightly.

2012-07-30, 07:00 AM
"I hope you know your way around here, Janiven. I'd hate to come up right in front of the prison," Oreste says, smiling.

2012-08-06, 05:03 PM
First things first:
15+ knowledge rollers:
Hellknight Order of the Rack.

For position If the dottari can be seen as the police the hellknights are much likly SWAT of FBI. So whatever they do they have the rights behind them(As long as it's not against the rich ones:smalltongue:.

The order of the rack is the oldest order of the Hellknights their greatest
obsession is the prevention of rebellion. thinking of it there appereance here isn#t that suprising after all. More informations may come later I just have said the things you need to know now. Oh and since they are the oldest there members are armed.

So for the people who head downstairs they enter something simular to a wine cellar, just with barrels of beer water and boxes of other stuff.

"Come on NOW!" Janniven says to Eyrian. If she comes Jannavien will close the trapdoor and starts throwing the barrels in the way so whoever comes next may be slowed down.

If Eyrian don't follows she will stay alone and the door will be shut. Janniven has nothing against her, but right now it's more important to escape and she won't risk her chances by some stubborn people.

If she follows she will se that the young boy downstairs has opened a secret door. The boy mentions all to follow him and goes straith into the sewer. Individual tunnels are buttressed and rarely more than 5 feet high, forcing taller characters to stoop but not otherwise hindering most activity. Most tunnels are 10 feet wide, with a 3-foot-deep trench for sewage and
water taking up half that width—even at peak flow the water level is an inch or more below the level of the walking side of the tunnel.

Now what happens upstairs:
As Arioch speaks up the first time the knocking stops for a moment. It's likly to assume they where afraid of him, but only for a moment as a voice speaks up. It sounds like a man in an armore speaks up.

"Stop that! The people in there are our enemys. BRAKE THE DOOR!"

"SIR YES SIR." comes from a dozen of voices. Then they start smashing the door. Eyrian might see that all if she stays upstairs.

((Tomorrow will come more think it's a good cut for the first part.))

2012-08-08, 04:57 PM
(OOC: Spellcheck is your friend. :biggrin:)

Looking up, Lo'Sais shakes his head as he waits for one of the more martial members heads down into the sewers. "I may not know a whole lot, but any one part of an organization called Hellknights are never good for us to cross. Especially now."

Keeping his scimitar sheathed, Lo'Sais brings out his holy symbol in case they get into trouble.

2012-08-08, 10:20 PM
"Whoever they are, this city can muster a lot more than six of them. So let's be on our way."

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-08-08, 11:38 PM
Arioch smirks a bit as they descend into the tunnel.

"Sounds like I got their attention."

2012-08-09, 02:25 AM
((Testpost to see Archpaladins post))

2012-08-14, 02:26 AM
As everyone follows Janniven and Morosino go ahad. Since light is available they go fast and after a few moments the groupe reaches a wooden door. After all have passed Morosino mentions at the wall of the three way crossing right infront.

"Janniven has scouted the sewer. She has made some marks to follow. The edge points the way."

Everyone going over where the boy points at might find a little sword scratched into the wall. hard to see, but still there. It points left.

Janniven in the time uses a bar to block the door against the sure following hellknights. The sound of metal hiting wood can be hears which sure are the hellknights reaching the wine cellar. After the door is save she pulls away a stone in the near door revealing a little chest. With a relief sight she pulls it out
"Good. They are still here." she sais while opening the chest and picking three vials for herself.
"Here I got three potions of cure light wounds for each of you. Take them. The swers proof to be a lawless teritory and even without that the hellknights could hav their patrols down here. So prepare for a fight."

After everyone has their postion and not more then three she heads to the boy.

"It's best we split up here. A groupe as big as we are now might draw to much attention. I'm sure you will just come along well with each other. So are there any questions before I leave you?"

2012-08-15, 10:34 AM
"Where do we meet up after this?"

2012-08-20, 01:23 AM
“Arael and I made the marks a few months ago when we explored the
sewers. We marked all the intersections so we could find their way through the sewers to our hideout.”

As they stand waiting, the noise of the Hellknights back at Vizio’s Tavern rais up, Janiven is sure they’ll follow.

“They might take a few minutes to search in the tavern, but some are going to follow us down here after they grab a lantern or make torches. They might even try to infiltrate the sewers ahead of us if they can guess our route. We need to keep moving.”

Think we dried out of players right?

After all there are two marks one leads left one right. Janniven told you that she made two way just in case they need to split up. If you follow the other way I'l need Initative, a walking order and who carries source of light.

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-08-20, 01:33 AM
"Why don't we just stick with you, Janiven? Strength in numbers and all that?"

2012-08-20, 09:13 AM
"Follow the swords. Got it," Oreste says, hanging his lantern from his backpack. "Are there any hazards around here we need to know about, aside from the Hellknights?"

2012-08-20, 11:31 AM
"Morosino is no fighter. If we split he and I might avoide any fight, since in a small groupe we can move faster. If we all go together they will catch us all. Don't forget time is our enemy since with the night the shadows come out."

Then she turns to Orrest.

"Maybe. The sewer are lawless territory. Due to that you may meet Bandits or monster. Just avoide otyugh or shadow beast."

2012-08-20, 04:38 PM
"I can take the lead, unless someone else kindly volunteers. Good fighters to the front and back; If you don't think you're 'ard enough for a fight, stay in the middle."

Varren advances with the point of his polearm held at chest height. Good for keeping enemies at a safe distance, but not the best weapon for these tight confines. Well, he had his trusty morningstar at his belt for just such an occasion.

2012-08-20, 08:00 PM
Initiative Roll [roll0]

Putting three vials into his pack, Lo'Sais takes his latern. "I'll be in the middle. If we face undead, stay close to me."

2012-09-06, 05:12 PM
First Encounter | Round 1

Varren | 21
Arioch | 15
Lo'Sais | 13

HK Enc: 10%

While Varren, Arioch and Lo'Sais keep following the mark as said, Oreste and Eyrian turn around. As they leave they tell you that they forgot something important they need to tell Janiven. They are gone right before you’re able to stop them.

The way through the sewer winds around often and makes it near impossible to tell you where you are right now in the city. You can't get the feeling off that there is something down here and as you pass another curve you see a pile of dead rats blocking the way. Since there wasn't any other way to go until now you need to free the way to pass the rats. It's good that you are only 3 right now so you can all work on it without blocking each other.

After the way is free you see a junction in front of you. Varren easily finds the mark leading you to the right for now. The next part of your way seems to be free and as you spot another junction you can also hear strange noise. It's more a shrieking than word and as it comes closer it's like a singing.

".. Goblins chew and goblins bite..."

It seems that he didn't noticed you already.


Additional Information
If you want to use a spell before combat you can do so otherwise act normal. I try to update every 24hour even if not all have posted Chars will make actions as I see it fit's or as you told me they act.

Please make Perception rolls (this isn't for the encounter since I already rolled for that.)

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-09-06, 09:37 PM
Arioch draws his sword.

Initiative: [roll0]

2012-09-08, 12:16 PM
Keeping the torch in his left hand, Lo'sais keeps his right hand at shoulder level, the Symbol of the Dawnflower in it. Goblins? Can't say I'm surprised, Lo'sais says as he look around behind him, then at the back of Varren and Arioch.

"I doubt we can sneak past him," Lo'sais whispers to Arioch. "How do you want to handle this?"

Perception Roll [roll0]

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-09-08, 12:20 PM
"Take the vermin out."

2012-09-09, 02:42 PM
Varren grimaced as he strained to listen, and considered their options. Nowhere to hide from whatever was around that corner, and in any case, Arioch must have alerted it now. There was nothing for it, he had to act.

Perception: [roll0]

Varren will take his move action to move to H4, and ready a trip attack against whatever is coming (or a standard attack if it is Large, quadrupedal, etc).

If he gets to G5 and sees there are enemies on the other side of the tunnel as well, he will move back to E5 and ready the aforementioned attack.

2012-09-09, 02:52 PM
First Encounter | Round 2

Varren | 21
Arioch | 15
Lo'Sais | 13

HK Enc: 10%

While you are talking the goblin comes closer. He stops as he notice the light. (Correct me but I'm sure you got some light for the not Dark Vision)
He draws his two dogslicer, pointing with one of them at you.

"MY Place!"


Additional Information
Your perception check will be handled after the fight if that's ok for you.

2012-09-09, 03:15 PM
"Just the one Goblin?" Varren snorts. "Bring yer face closer to my spearhead, runt."

Ok, disregard everything from my previous post. Varren will move up to H5 and power attack.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-09-12, 01:53 AM
First Encounter | End

Varren | 21
Arioch | 15
Lo'Sais | 13

HK Enc: 10%

Varren strikes true and kills the goblin with one well placed hit. The poor creature didn't even got the chance to use his blade. This way Things will be much easier, Varren may think.

During the Battle Lo'sais investigates a loose stone near the place the goblin was slayn. It seems unusual and maybe the goblin headed for this place. No sound from following Hellknights can be heared right now.


Additional Information
Please make Perception rolles once while posting.

2012-09-12, 11:31 PM
"Hmm, I wonder if the runt stashed something down there. Might explain why he picked a fight with three people twice his size."

Perception: [roll0]

2012-09-13, 06:40 AM
When Varren Dispatched the goblin, Lo'sais went over and bless the creature's body, so that it wouldn't rise up after them. No need to add to the undead and other problems here, Lo'sais thought as he turned to the loose stone and started looking for traps.

"Loose stone here, I think," Lo'sais says, motioning Varren and Arioch to it. "Should we check it out?"

Perception Roll [roll0]

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-09-13, 03:43 PM
When Varren Dispatched the goblin, Lo'sais went over and bless the creature's body, so that it wouldn't rise up after them. No need to add to the undead and other problems here, Lo'sais thought as he turned to the loose stone and started looking for traps.

"Loose stone here, I think," Lo'sais says, motioning Varren and Arioch to it. "Should we check it out?"

Perception Roll [roll0]

"No arguments here."

2012-09-19, 02:52 PM
First Encounter | End

Varren | 21
Arioch | 15
Lo'Sais | 13

HK Enc: 20%

As Lo'sais investigates the loose stone near the place the goblin lay, he find a small chest hidden behind the stone. The chest isn't very well made and the lock is destroyed years ago. If he opens it he will find 10 Gold, 1 jewelry and 2 potions of cure light wounds.

The mark on the wall points at the direction the goblin came from. From behind you can hear the calls of a hellknight getting closer.

Additional Information
Please make some d20 rolls and tell me who goes first. this person should make a perception.

2012-09-19, 03:39 PM
Perception Roll [roll0]

As Lo'sais looks at the resources, the sounds of the hellknights coming through the way they came brings him back. "We need to move," Lo'sais says as he puts the goods into one of the other's bags. "I do not want to face off against them while down here."

Taking his spot in the back of the line, Lo'sais keeps the torch up and his holy symbol out.

+10 Gold
1 Jewel
2 Potions of cure light wounds

2012-09-20, 11:54 AM
"Good find. Now let's go."

Varren quickly dumps the Goblin's body into the water and hastens in the direction the Goblin came from.

2012-09-27, 02:25 AM
Second Encounter | End

Varren | 21
Arioch | 15
Lo'Sais | 13
Enemy | 5

HK Enc: 20%

Your return following the signs on the wall and soon you find arranged blanket on the way. It seems like someone rested here in the middle of the way. Nothing of interest lies around just a few bones of sewer rats and other trash.
It feels like an eternity until you reach the next Intersection. Lo'sais notices it first. Even thought the sewer is a smelling place and none of you thought it can go worst, it just did. The smell coming in front of you is quite ugly. It's the smell of death. As you come closer you have a good look at the room in front. A few torches lay on the ground granting you all a good sight.

This large, oddly shaped room has four exit tunnels and multiple sewer channels. One part of a channel connects to a long cesspit. Several large wooden planks form a simple bridge over another section of the channel. The cesspit is only a few inches deeper than the main channel, as a deep cesspit would become clogged with waste and would have to be manually emptied; it
Mainly serves as an emergency overflow for the channel in times of heavy rain.

Three Skeletons stand around here. There claws draped in the blood of the slain hellknight patrol. One of the skeletons has begun to bite parts out of the dead.


Additional Information

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-09-27, 11:25 PM
"Undead. Looks like they've dealt with a potential problem for us, but now they are the problem. Want me to take point?"

He draws his sword.

2012-09-28, 12:33 AM
Three enemies, in a tight space? Better ditch the polearm. Varren leans his spear against the wall and pulls his morningstar from his belt. Beckoning to Arioch, he replies "Let's move up to where we can fight side by side."

Drop polearm, draw Morningstar as a move action, move up to H1. Gesturing to Arioch to follow to G1.

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-09-28, 01:03 PM
Arioch nods and follows.

Arioch moves to G2 at Varren's behest.

2012-09-30, 02:16 PM
Second Encounter | First Round

Varren | 21
Arioch | 15
Lo'Sais | 13
Enemy | 5

HK Enc: 20%

Arioch and Varren manage to head forward. As they enter the room, the attention of the skeletons is drawn to them.

Lo'Sais follows after Arioch. He puts his hand on Arioch's shoulder. He starts whispering a few words in Celestial. His hand glooms in w yellow light, which soon heads over to Arioch.

The skeletons jump over the small river with no problem. As they land on the other side they split up. While two skeletons rush for Arioch, the other one goes for Varren. Four claws aim at Arioch, but he manages to avoid them all.
The other one seem more skilled, but Varren's armor takes the hits without a problem.


Additional Information
Guidance was casted on Arioch from Lo'Sais.

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-09-30, 02:19 PM
Arioch brings his sword down on the skeleton facing him, Lo'Sais's guiding light empowering his strike.

Arioch attacks the skeleton in G3.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit Confirm: [roll2]

2012-09-30, 02:52 PM
Varren forces down his primal revulsion towards the walking dead, replacing it with hatred. Dead or not, he'd kill this bastard again for clawing at him. Gripping his mace in both hands, he brings it down with a yell on the abomination's skull.

Activating Rage, and using Power Attack.

Damage: [roll1]

In case of Crit:

Crit Confirm: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-09-30, 02:54 PM
"Good hit, Varren!"

2012-10-01, 04:50 PM
Second Encounter | First Round

Varren | 21
Arioch | 15
Lo'Sais | 13
Enemy | 5

HK Enc: 20%

Varren hit's the skeleton hard and bone splitter fly around in the room.

Arioch was sure his attack would hit the target, but as he strikes he forgot that skeletons have only their bones. His sword goes into the gap between two ribs and causes no damage on the skeleton.

Lo'Sais puts his hand on Varren 's shoulder, this time. He whispers again a few words in Celestial. His hand glooms in a yellow light, which soon heads over to Varren.

The skeletons don't seem to miss their fallen partner and continue to attack Arioch. Arioch is able to block three claws with his buckler and armor, but the last claw passes his defense. The claw makes some nasty scratches in his face.


Additional Information
Guidance was casted on Varren from Lo'Sais.
Arioch takes 4 Damage from the claw.

2012-10-01, 05:02 PM
(OOC: Undead grouped closeby means it's time to burn a Channel)

Realizing that guidance isn't helpign enough, Lo'sais brings out the Silver Holy Symbol. "Sarenrae, quiet these tortured souls," Lo'sais says, calling Sarenrae's grace to lay the undead to rest.

Channel [roll0] Positive Energy 5/Day; DC 13 for Undead to resist half damage

2012-10-07, 10:07 AM
In his fury, Varren doesn't even hear Arioch's compliment, or feel Lo'Sais' spell. He stalks up to the next target and brings his mace down once more.

Same thing, with Guidance this time.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-10-09, 02:05 AM
Second Encounter | Third Round

Varren | 21
Arioch | 15
Lo'Sais | 13
Enemy | 5

HK Enc: 20%

In his rage Varren slashes around like a berserk and due to this fact he doesn't look for the enemies’ movement. It's easy for the skeleton to avoid the attack, even thought the weapon was very close.

Arioch, now angry as well gives his sword another try. He misses the skeleton as well, still wondering why his last hit didn’t do much damage.

Lo'Sais acts very smart. As he channels the energy one of the skeletons (H3) Just breaks into pieces. The other one smokes a bit from the holy energy, but the necromantic power used to animate him resists the holy power enough.

The skeleton who survived the attacks again goes for Arioch, but it seems the holy energy also made his attack weak. He misses all attacks.


Additional Information
Skeleton H3 is dead.
Skeleton G3 is still alive, but took damage

2012-10-09, 09:46 AM
Varren is enraged even further as he misses his target, and moves up to the last skeleton. He retains just enough presence of mind to aim a little more carefully this time.

Still raging, not power attacking. 5' step to H2 and attack.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-10-09, 12:58 PM
Arioch grunts in frustration as his weapon fails to chop the bones apart. He strikes a second time, hoping it will at least make a chip.

Arioch attacks the skeleton he was attacking the first time.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit Confirm: [roll2]

2012-10-11, 02:02 AM
Second Encounter | Last Round

Varren | 21
Arioch | 15
Lo'Sais | 13
Enemy | 5

HK Enc: 20%

Varren seems to loose controll due to his rage. His hit now is even futher away than befor.

Arioch's frustation might rise even more. His sword becames heavier for a moment and Arioch has to bring it down without hitting the enemy.

The skeleton made himself ready to attack as Lo'Sais channels another positive energy blast. The skeleton shatters into pieces and the fight is over.

Now it that the skeletons are slain you are able to rest for a moment. The skeletons had nothing with them, but the slain Hellknights may have something worthfull.


Additional Information

Skeleton G3 dies on the positive energy.
Perception please and tell me if you want to searht he dead hellknights.

2012-10-14, 05:41 PM
As his second swing goes wide, Varren is so apoplectic with rage that he continues to beat the skeleton as it collapses under Lo'Sais' attack. Looking side to side for more targets, and seeing none, the adrenaline floods out of his limbs leaving him sluggish.

"Let's be quick about searching these bodies. Unless these Hellknights were complete chumps, there's no way they died to just these three skeletons."

Perception: [roll0]