View Full Version : "And the lands will weep when we batter our cages." Inmates Walls of Madness IC

2012-06-11, 09:44 PM
The sea around Meridi island rages, Merfolk rear from the Ocean, screeching their praises to the sea gods from toothed mouths. The shadows of great sea beasts stalk beneath the waves, massive spines occasionally breaking the waves, scattering the gathering Merfolk as if nothing more than birds. Amist the ocean, a single ship sails forth towards the Isle of the Damned, bearing it's cargo of the insane, murderers, rapists, theives and those few that offer a lifespan to stand between this...host, and civilisation.

This small ship, "The Iron Maiden" has little to fear from the seas inhabitants, more-so fearing those upon the ships decks. Upon the main deck two rows of ten of men and women sit, chained thrice over to steel chains, forced to endure the harsh rains and freezing winds of the Ocean, with little but a small amount of simple clothing, and a burlap sack over their heads to offer protection; at least they are gifted with a little sight through these eye-slitted sacks toview their captours, or more precisly, their guards.

There are only eight watchmen and women upon the deck today, they have little to fear from those trapped upon the chairs, bound by powerful magics as they are. For now their jobs are simple, watch and wait, patrol the ship until it docks upon the single entrance Meridi provides, then, all they must do is move the Prisoners to their "accomadations" before they can head to their new rooms within the Barracks, to warmth, to a hot meal and most importantly, to a soft bed. But for now they must endure the rains, but at least they have the comfort of their own clothes, as uniforms had not yet been issued.

The Isle draws near, you can see the sun breaking over the Walls of Meridi, the walls of madness.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-06-11, 10:42 PM
Ellamin sat relaxed, not bothering to fight against the constraints like some of the weaker minded but stronger bodied prisoners were doing. His body was at ease, but his mind was racing. He had been given a life sentace, and immortallity was far to long to spend in a cell. he had already tried using his powers to break the chains but there was nothing he could do fo now. He looked through the slit at the nearest guard and had a flashback to his life before the change. He decided to try to play to the newbie guards sense of compassion.

He allowed his body to quake with cold and moved his shoulders as if he were crying. "Please can i have a blanket or something? I'm cold and terrified. I can never die, and i have to spend the rest of eternity in a cold cell. Please.... can you show me at least one small kindness before they take me away?" He said. Of course it was all a ploy, he didnt intend to spend even the next year in this hole.

Bluff [roll0]

St. Justicar
2012-06-12, 02:24 PM
Corwin sits uneasily but peacefully, having long since given up trying to break free of his chains. Instead, he looks as carefully as he attempts to draw the caustic essence in his soul out onto his claws. Watching as this fails, he attempts to figure out how the chains are working.

Will save against the Monster within (DC 10)
[roll0] extra +2 since attempting to escape from binding in order to kill a bunch of guards seems pretty chaotic.
Spellcraft to understand bindings

2012-06-12, 02:45 PM
Twistwit sits motionless as the cold rain soaks his entire body, he listens to the wind and the sea around him. The cold does not bother him, nor does the water, nor even his current predicament. What did it matter where he was, the game was still to be played, just now with a different board and new pieces. This game of course would be more challenging, but where was the fun in something being overly easy anyway?

He knew where he was being sent, for they had decreed it in his court hearing. He tried to think if he could remember anything specific about the fun little island that might come in handy for someone like himself.

He then decides to play a little joke, he bites his lower lip to draw enough blood to be noticeable on the bag and then begins coughing like a man dying. He made his coughs sound horribly painful and grueling as the blood poured from his fresh bite wound, the pain felt good on his lip. The burning filled his veins with joy, and he had to stifle his laughter so he could continue coughing vehemently.

(OOC: Just tell me if I have to make any rolls for the coughing thing.)

Knowledge Local: [roll0]

2012-06-13, 09:09 PM
Corwin struggles hoplessly against his binds, which are firmly locked in place three times over, so tightly that they cut into you slightly when you struggle... in addition the magics are, alien to you, different, as if a hundred different wards were upon them.

A Man stops by Ellamin, his face obscured by an ornate mask, but piercing red eyes clear behind the carved ivory, his clothing hidden by a thick black cloak. A small chuckle emerged from his form and he offers a hand towards you, a small white hot flame rippling into life in his palm. "Mr Ellamin, we both know you mean not a single word of that." The fire moves from his hand and settles before your face
"But I will be more than giving to someone who can lie with such conviction" He laughs softly, before placing his hand back into the folds of his cloak and moves to step away, inclining his head slightly to you, before moving away. WHilst his fire does manage to keep the rain off of you, it is also so hot it begins to hurt, burning at your exposed skin and drying your eyes.

As Twistwit coughs, the prisioners around him attempt to move away in their shackles; across the boat a few guards note your actions, and mutter to themselves;debating what to do.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-06-13, 10:00 PM
As soon as its obvious that the man knows hes lying, Ellamin stops his quivering and straightens his back. Straightening himself into a posture befitting royalty, Ellamin looks directly into the glowing mans eyes, and says chillingly "Thank you sir, I definitely wont forget this....kindness." He stresses the last word until it is a barely concealed promise of retribution. As the pain slowly builds, he attempts to shut it from his mind. However he fails due to the coughing of the fool a way down the bench from him. Ellamin shuts his thoughts down and ignores the coughing and the pain.

not sure if its needed, but ignoring pain seems like an autohypnosis check

2012-06-14, 09:22 PM
A guard moves up towards Twistwit, her soft feminine hands work on the string by your neck, quickly relasing the bags hold on you; light floods into your eyes as you are greeted by the image of two guards, sillouetted against the lighting, but you can make out the elvish features on the female closest to you...and the notched bow pointed at you in the hands of the other.

The Flames before Ellamin, strong and hot prove to cause to much pain to simply ignore, but at least it distracts you from the rain.

2012-06-15, 10:45 AM
The light blinds him for a second, but he then easily regains his sight, and what a funny sight it was. An elvish woman and a bow in his face, it somehow felt like the beggining of a joke.

He would have smiled had he not be coughing at the touch of the smooth elven hands of the women in front of him. The screams of women were always his favorite. So high pitched and shrieking, the men grunted more than they screamed (at least until the real fun began). He marked down that he would make sure to remember the face of this particular women to

Twistwit continues his act as though he were still a sick man, his blood more than likely now dripping onto the deck and his clothing. Now that the bag is off of his head however, he pretends to heave and suck in air as though he had been nearly drowned. He goes on and off coughing and sucking in air for a short while, then acts as though he has regained some composure. He eyes the man with the bow carefully, measuring up the poor fool's life in little more than a glance.

He heaves more then spits out in a hoarse voice "I.... I..." *hack* "please... please.. milady, you must elp' me!" *hack* "Thar' be somethin' crawlin'..." *hack* "round inside me milady!"

He begins hacking vehemently again in earnest. He then bends over pretending to be in extreme pain and moans and groans as he coughs. He bends over as much as possible in his bonds and bites his lower lip again, pulling it into his mouth while still bent over slightly, and holding the blood in his mouth. He then rises from his slightly bent position and coughs the blood out in a spray at the guards.

"Divines, save me, please milady! It won't stop tearin'..." *hack* "at me' insides, allow me a healer please!"

He keeps his ears open to attempt to hear anything of possibly interest upon the ship.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Bluff: [roll2]

2012-06-16, 08:35 AM
The Female elf looks at Twistwit, distain in her eyes.
"The gods have made their judgement , and now you will reap the rewards" With that the guard throws a mailed fist into your face, cracking your nose under the impact of her blow (dealing 6 points of damage), pulling her hand back and shaking a your blood from her fingers she looks you in the eyes.
"Do not take me for a fool"

She then tears a strip from the burlap sack and forces it into your mouth, before roughly forcing the bag back into place, securing it tighter than before, then walking off and leaving the bow-wielding guard with you.

2012-06-16, 02:29 PM
Twistwit can't help but laugh, it had been funnier than he thought. The look in her eyes was priceless, he would make sure to have a lot of fun with her later...

The pain in his nose felt good, more blood flowing always exhilirated him. He decided he had had his fun for the moment, after lauging for a good (as well as a gagged man can) while he becomes quiet. Now was the time to wait, watch, and listen.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-06-16, 03:51 PM
Ellamin can't force the pain from his mind, and his anger at his incompleteness grows. If he had attained his full power by now, then nothing would be able to hold him here.

2012-06-21, 08:49 PM
As the ship continues to to and fro, a pitch voice roars out, that of the Ships Captian; One Captain Flinn.

"Meridi is moments away boys! Truss up the Prisoners and say good-bye to these heathen waters!" As he shouts, you turn your eyes to the north to see the Isle of the Damned drawing ever closer, the cliffs now view-able in every detail.
You can even see the Merfolk upon the rocks, Beautiful women from a distance, yet, as you roam closer and they spot the ship, crewed by naught but scraps of flesh (to them at least) their mouths open, howling against the oceans own roars, revealing their true, monstrous form...

"Ignore the howls of the Sirens lads!" Calls the Captain "What lies on those shores be far more terrifying!"

Vixsor Lumin
2012-06-21, 09:29 PM
Hmmm so leaving by swimming would be a bad idea... Ellamin thinks to himself. Still, all creatures will serve me in one way or another. The plans he had been making for how to handle the guard who was burning him had just gotten much more.... interesting.

He decided that he was done pretending to be something he wasn't. "They sound hungry," He shouted so that all the guards and prisoners could hear. "I find hunger to be a useful motivator." He doesn't stand, but he turns to the sound of the howling. "I hear your cries, and in my benevolance, I shall answer them! In due time you shall have your fill!"

2012-06-22, 01:16 AM
At hearing Ellamin swearing to fill someone Twistwit can't help but guffaw, if that ever did happen he decided he wanted to watch and perhaps feed them a few himself. He would have made some sort of witty comment, but the sack in his mouth made it difficult to talk.