View Full Version : XCOM : Enemy Unknown (2012)

2012-06-12, 10:35 AM
After seeing Spoony/Joe interview of upcoming game, I am getting really excited at this game!!

Fully destructable terrains, grappling hooks, nice 3d graphics, tweaked gameplay between PC and console (more of a grid for PC version)!

The base looks really cool, they recreated the style and design of the original game very faithfully!! I like seeing national flags of your soldier on their back..

The only thing I may be disappointed is the apparent lack of... Atmosphere. The original game was heavy. Scary. The bloody bass line that seemed to pick up speed as I got nervous...

The original game could be genuinely scary and worrying. I hope this game will be the same.

Have you seen much of this game yet? Excited? Worried? BETRAYAL?!?!

2012-06-12, 12:19 PM
Funny, I would have expected Iskandar to start this thread.

2012-06-12, 12:40 PM
Have not been this optimistic about a game in some time.

I think it's inappropriate to try to judge the "Scary" factor from a trailer, however, since absolutely NOTHING about the original game would have looked the slightest bit frightening when viewed in a trailer format.

2012-06-12, 02:40 PM
Have not been this optimistic about a game in some time.

I am curious as to what has you not optimistic about this game?

I for one am, while from what the gameplay trailers show I think the squads might be a bit small and the lack of multiple bases is a bit off, I'm still stoked.

And I too like seeing the flags on their back. I hope we get to customize them a bit putting decals on and such. Though I enjoy the trailer that says the X-Com craft carry no national symbols and then the soldiers all have flags :smallcool:

2012-06-12, 02:45 PM
I'm a bit disappointed that you can only bring up to six soldiers at a time now. Admittedly, the older games did end up becoming "Moving soldiers across the map: the game" near the endgame, but couldn't they boost that cap up by a soldier or two? Besides that however, the game looks pretty good.

Mutant Sheep
2012-06-12, 03:18 PM
I am curious as to what has you not optimistic about this game?

I for one am, while from what the gameplay trailers show I think the squads might be a bit small and the lack of multiple bases is a bit off, I'm still stoked.

And I too like seeing the flags on their back. I hope we get to customize them a bit putting decals on and such. Though I enjoy the trailer that says the X-Com craft carry no national symbols and then the soldiers all have flags :smallcool:

He said he is more stoked about this game than any other in some time. Not that he is not stoked.:smalltongue:

Also, I am very happy at this and want it to be now and never later.

2012-06-12, 03:31 PM
I'm a bit disappointed that you can only bring up to six soldiers at a time now. Admittedly, the older games did end up becoming "Moving soldiers across the map: the game" near the endgame, but couldn't they boost that cap up by a soldier or two? Besides that however, the game looks pretty good.

The Developers have yet to either confirm or deny a Co-Op or PvP Multiplayer mode for the new game.

The big rumour is that 6 soldiers in your squad are capped as such so that teams of 12 (or more?) will be able to play together, and no one has to sit and wait while their friend/opponent shuffles 16 guys around a huge map.

I, for one, am looking forward to the new XCom if only because it's a TBS game. One of my guilty pleasures from back in the day, I'm secretly hoping for a revival if XCom proves popular so that I don't have to keep raiding things like ePSXe and GoG.com for 'new' games to play. If it turns out to be genuine XCom goodness to boot, I couldn't be happier :smallbiggrin:

2012-06-12, 03:33 PM
He said he is more stoked about this game than any other in some time. Not that he is not stoked.:smalltongue:

Also, I am very happy at this and want it to be now and never later.

Egads you are right. My apologies

Scowling Dragon
2012-06-12, 03:33 PM
I for one am, while from what the gameplay trailers show I think the squads might be a bit small and the lack of multiple bases is a bit off, I'm still stoked.

They did that because the later bases usually get handme downs. Their still implementing satellites for detection and instead the central base has more options.

2012-06-12, 04:33 PM
Well, personally, I must say the game is looking really good from where I'm standing.

I love turn-based squad games, but annoying interfaces kill me, so playing the old one always was like getting kicked in the shins. So a cleaned up, modernized version of the original with all the difficulty and none of the having to beancount in unintuitive screens? Sold and triple sold.

2012-06-12, 04:42 PM

I've been reading and watching every update on this game ever since it was announced, and every one keeps me in a positive mood. Sure, you don't build extra bases anymore, and can't field a large squad, and there are no more time units... But those things are not parts of the vital X-Com experience for me. The parts that are? It seems that this game will have them, with extra innovation added on top. The innovation part is important - I want this game to have something new instead of just being a modern remake of the classic.

I think it's inappropriate to try to judge the "Scary" factor from a trailer, however, since absolutely NOTHING about the original game would have looked the slightest bit frightening when viewed in a trailer format.

Indeed. Whether this game will be as creepy as the original or not, we'll have to find out from playing it. The environments and aliens look cartoony and your soldiers wear silly armor - but that was exactly the case with original X-Com.

2012-06-12, 07:23 PM
One of the mission I hope we'll get is to storm the government building of a nation that has been turned over to the Aliens, to... purge it from Xenos influence.

2012-06-12, 09:19 PM
Yeah... like that level from Call of Duty...

2012-06-13, 12:21 AM
One of the mission I hope we'll get is to storm the government building of a nation that has been turned over to the Aliens, to... purge it from Xenos influence.

For the Emprah?

2012-06-13, 08:39 AM
For the Emprah?

Roleplay it the way you want.

I just wanna get payback against Italy if they surrender to the bloody aliens. Nobody betrays XCOM.

2012-06-13, 09:05 AM

I've been reading and watching every update on this game ever since it was announced, and every one keeps me in a positive mood. Sure, you don't build extra bases anymore, and can't field a large squad, and there are no more time units... But those things are not parts of the vital X-Com experience for me. The parts that are? It seems that this game will have them, with extra innovation added on top. The innovation part is important - I want this game to have something new instead of just being a modern remake of the classic.

Indeed. Whether this game will be as creepy as the original or not, we'll have to find out from playing it. The environments and aliens look cartoony and your soldiers wear silly armor - but that was exactly the case with original X-Com.
It sounds like they're working on the creepy factor, with the fog of war, and hopefully the soundtrack.

The soundtrack was a big part of the first XCOM game. That constant droning buzz in the background, broken by the skittering of aliens in the darkness. It really helped set the mood.

Personally, I'm more broken up about the lack of time units than the small squad size. In the first Xcom, it was easy to just skip half your unit's every turn. I would have five guys sitting at the front of the spaceship while three explored it (Because anymore would have just gotten unwieldy). My one fear is that small squad sizes+fragile units=it's much easier to lose a mission. Since one stray shot can wipe out a quarter of your squad.

The time units were an important part of the game. But I can live without them. Personally, I would have liked it if they kept the time units, now that the squad sizes are smaller.

2012-06-13, 11:33 AM
I just watched G4's preview of it, and it looks like it will be everything we're hoping. Smoke grenades that actually work, it's cover based but it's active cover so there's no 'Did I remember to crouch behind that?' just as you click the button only to come back and see an alien chucked a grenade and took three of you out because one of you wasn't hidden from sight.

Using a heavy weapons guy to mark a target so the sniper can shoot easier.

It also seems to be an individual turn-base instead of squad turn based. That's more than just cool. It's something I'm very glad to see.

2012-06-13, 02:26 PM
I read the article that came out in Game Informer. Had heard of X-com before but never played it, that article made it sound so awesome I got the original, what a sweet game.

I'm stoked for this new one. I remember something about your soldiers having different classes so that they have different abilities, which is important since you'll only have a movement and an action each turn, instead of time units. And you don't know your soldiers classes until they've been in a few missions, making you adapt your play-style based on what class your higher lvl soldiers end up having. Not only will you have to worry about losing high lvl soldiers, but also possibly your only medic.

Should I get the PC or X-box version though? decisions decisons...

2012-06-13, 10:00 PM
Should I get the PC or X-box version though? decisions decisons...

For me it comes down to how its offered on PC, if the DRM is just steam I can live with that. If its more than that I will try the demo for the 360see if its worth it.

2012-06-14, 06:29 AM
PC, because it will be modded, and there's no way they'll ever be on XboX.

2012-06-18, 01:21 PM
Hell yes (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNyhyzjYCks) :smallbiggrin:

I feel like I'm twelve again :P

2012-06-18, 07:03 PM
I always have the feeling the Man in Darkness will say: "We have activated the X-Com initiative"

But I do realize it would rip off WAY too much the Avengers

2012-06-19, 11:05 AM
I think they will only give you six soldiers at first but will grant ships with more soldiers (like Thunder and Avenger).

2012-06-19, 11:19 AM
I think they will only give you six soldiers at first but will grant ships with more soldiers (like Thunder and Avenger).

Actually, I think you start with 4 and then upgrade to get 6.

2012-06-19, 11:21 AM
It would be weird seeing Skyrangers actually could carry more soldiers (and especially tanks) than Lightnings. But, we'll see...

2012-06-20, 07:36 AM
Actually, I think you start with 4 and then upgrade to get 6.

Or X Com is trying to be more commando instead of more ww1 commander (like Iskander's tactics, Captain Blackadder and the one in Paths of Glory). Do you think they will nerf Heavy Weapons Platform to make them more like a scout?

2012-06-20, 09:22 PM
HWPs were already nerfed in the original...

2012-06-20, 10:57 PM
I don't know, Blaster Tanks were pretty awesome. And I'm expecting them to be something along the lines of a light version of the Heavy Weapon's Trooper. Being able to scout around being a useful attribute, but more important is having the gun on top to lay supressive fire and let my guys move around without being shot at.

2012-06-21, 01:11 AM
Or X Com is trying to be more commando instead of more ww1 commander (like Iskander's tactics, Captain Blackadder and the one in Paths of Glory). Do you think they will nerf Heavy Weapons Platform to make them more like a scout?

I agree with this idea, but it doesn't appear to have anything to do with my post which you quoted. In other words, I am questioning your use of the word "or" in this context.

2012-06-21, 01:44 AM
Do you think they will nerf Heavy Weapons Platform to make them more like a scout?

Well, the vehicle we see in trailer is built less like a tank and more like mine defusing drone with gun, so perhaps? It certainly looks like it takes place of 1-2 soldiers, not 4.

2012-06-21, 07:23 AM
Well, the vehicle we see in trailer is built less like a tank and more like mine defusing drone with gun, so perhaps? It certainly looks like it takes place of 1-2 soldiers, not 4.

You're right, it only takes up one slot on your aircraft.

2012-06-21, 09:54 AM
Could be either just the early game one, or something balanced by being better than a rookie, but unable to improve, unlike regular soldiers.

I'm really liking the vertical maneuverability. Being able to instantly climb up to get a better position to shoot, instead of having to wait for flying armor, or having to hunt around for stairs to ascend.

2012-06-21, 05:56 PM
I'm really liking the vertical maneuverability. Being able to instantly climb up to get a better position to shoot, instead of having to wait for flying armor, or having to hunt around for stairs to ascend.

I really like this, too. From the videos, it looked like the sniper has a grappling hook device, whereas the other character had to climb up a ladder to get on the roof.

2012-06-22, 01:57 AM
I wonder how many useless powers in Old X Com will be useful?
P.S- I hope they didn't nerf Flying suit's armor to make it more like a scout. Maybe the 4-6 capacity also counts Drone units (like 4-6 soldiers with Drone units). or it is just a limit for Skyranger but we'll wait if they will introduce larger unit capacity with Thunder and Avenger. I think One base is for One base for Region each (As in winning over govt. to make a base in their country)!

2012-06-22, 06:27 AM
I think One base is for One base for Region each (As in winning over govt. to make a base in their country)!

That's not the way it's looking, unfortunately.

2012-06-22, 07:17 AM
The way it's looking (and from what I've heard) is that you have one central base and that's the only one that houses XCOM itself - all of your soldiers, research, manufacturing and such are all done there.

However, it looks like you'll be able to set up air bases in different parts of the world - so while you only have one place to launch troops from, you can have interceptors on-site quickly once you have a few air bases set up.

2012-06-22, 02:37 PM
The way it's looking (and from what I've heard) is that you have one central base and that's the only one that houses XCOM itself - all of your soldiers, research, manufacturing and such are all done there.

However, it looks like you'll be able to set up air bases in different parts of the world - so while you only have one place to launch troops from, you can have interceptors on-site quickly once you have a few air bases set up.

They have also mentioned using Satellites to expand your detection ranges.

I am ok with these changes just will look forward to the mods that change this :smallamused:

2012-06-22, 06:57 PM
That's not the way it's looking, unfortunately.

You only ever had one base in the first one, really. Sure, you might have had some other holes in the ground to build radars and maybe interceptor hangars in, all the cool stuff went to your real base first and the skyranger was long enough range that it could go everywhere anyway.

Most of the changes to x-com structure, single base, small squad, etc. represent what was basically the optimal way to play the original game anyway. (Since raw x-com recruits were so rubbish you'd generally have 6 or so guys who could shoot and a bunch of peasants with sticks to open doors for you)

2012-06-22, 08:13 PM
You only ever had one base in the first one, really. Sure, you might have had some other holes in the ground to build radars and maybe interceptor hangars in, all the cool stuff went to your real base first and the skyranger was long enough range that it could go everywhere anyway.

Hey, I liked to have all my scientists in a secret stealth base in Antarctica. :smallbiggrin:

2012-06-23, 01:28 AM
Most of the changes to x-com structure, single base, small squad, etc. represent what was basically the optimal way to play the original game anyway. (Since raw x-com recruits were so rubbish you'd generally have 6 or so guys who could shoot and a bunch of peasants with sticks to open doors for you)

Kinda remind me of your typical WW1 commander (Especially, British "walk to the trench" tactics), Zap Brannigan (Send more ships until you overrun the enemy) or Zerg Players (KeKeKe).

2012-06-24, 01:44 PM
Isn't that the same tactic? Terry Pratchett had a perfect distillation: A thousand men could take a fortress, with the last 50 walking up the ramp of the bodies of first 950.


2012-06-24, 01:55 PM
Standard Xcom tactics is to send in a team Of rookies who are just as likely to
Kill themselves as any aliens, then see who is still alive once the plasma stops flying.

2012-06-24, 09:03 PM
Well, apparently the officer training school will allow you to increase your squad size, so you can spam rookies all you want.

2012-06-25, 04:52 PM
Well, apparently the officer training school will allow you to increase your squad size, so you can spam rookies all you want.

You start at 4 and can increase it to 6 or maybe 8. The X in X-Com probably will not stand for expendable this time.

2012-06-25, 05:00 PM
You start at 4 and can increase it to 6 or maybe 8. The X in X-Com probably will not stand for expendable this time.

You start each mission with 10 Troopers. It's just assumed that six of them manage to accidentally shoot themselves on the way to the mission. You control the four survivors.

Upgrades at the Officer Training School can reduce the number of soldiers who try to spice up a tedious flight with a game of laser tag.

2012-06-25, 05:54 PM
I'm honestly happier that way. Having to go to the trouble of equipping people who only had a chance in twenty of actually getting back into the Skyranger would just be tedious.

I am also kind of surprised at what the detractors of this game are pulling as their arguments. I mean, I didn't doubt they'd exist, this is the Internet, but decrying the new alien designs because they're too cartoony? Did these people actually look at the autopsy screens in UFO Defense? :smalltongue:

2012-06-25, 06:01 PM
Autopsies be damned, did any of them look at the hair in the original UFO?

(Apparently the classic Guile hairstyle will be some kind of preorder bonus)

2012-06-25, 09:26 PM
I am just here to note, Ufo Aftermath had only 6 soldiers in your team, and the game was still both tactical and deadly. So it's not that small squads mean suddenly no one will die.

Also the hairstyle is one thing, I want the WHOLE oldschool X-Com armor. That would be awesome.

2012-06-26, 10:02 AM
I am just here to note, Ufo Aftermath had only 6 soldiers in your team, and the game was still both tactical and deadly. So it's not that small squads mean suddenly no one will die.

Also the hairstyle is one thing, I want the WHOLE oldschool X-Com armor. That would be awesome.

Strange, I think we are on Generation gap. I don't like the old school X COm Armor since It look like cheesy 80s scifi character and captain planet.
P.S- Speaking of which, I think the old X Com gamers and their (if they have) children could have generation gap on X Com games.

2012-06-26, 05:28 PM
It's not 80s, it's 90s. Look at all the pouches and pockets. It's awesome.

2012-06-26, 05:45 PM
It's not 80s, it's 90s. Look at all the pouches and pockets. It's awesome.

That, it is! I DIIIG the classic basic armors. The power armors were horrible as heck.

2012-06-26, 05:49 PM
It's not 80s, it's 90s. Look at all the pouches and pockets. It's awesome.

Nonono, 90s were the era of WAY TOO MANY POUCHES, thank you very much Mr. Liefeld.

2012-06-26, 07:47 PM
Yeah. I'm not about to miss the O_o style power armours; they were absolutely ridiculous.

2012-06-27, 03:44 AM
Yeah. I'm not about to miss the O_o style power armours; they were absolutely ridiculous.

However those personal armor suits that conformed to the jawline but gave you room to leave your hair up.....classy.

2012-06-27, 12:12 PM
I am also kind of surprised at what the detractors of this game are pulling as their arguments. I mean, I didn't doubt they'd exist, this is the Internet, but decrying the new alien designs because they're too cartoony? Did these people actually look at the autopsy screens in UFO Defense? :smalltongue:

I do, that's why I said I liked TFTD better earlier ^^"

2012-06-27, 02:05 PM
However those personal armor suits that conformed to the jawline but gave you room to leave your hair up.....classy.

Haha. Their aesthetics were cool (unlike the power armor's), even if they were a bit silly.

2012-06-27, 07:08 PM
There's an X-Com demo that I still can't get to work. Its readme file says that there's a "Popular "Manga" look and feel to graphics".

This might be marketing BS, or the hallmarks of manga might have been understood very differently back then. That said, I remember a game from that same era that did have scantily clad, huge-eyed schoolgirls.

2012-06-27, 09:44 PM
There's an X-Com demo that I still can't get to work. Its readme file says that there's a "Popular "Manga" look and feel to graphics".

This might be marketing BS, or the hallmarks of manga might have been understood very differently back then. That said, I remember a game from that same era that did have scantily clad, huge-eyed schoolgirls.

There is more to Mangas than Sailormoon, you know.

2012-06-28, 02:15 AM
There is. But tell people today that X-Com is done in a manga style, and they'll either ask "which one?" or start imagining Chryssalid-chan.

2012-06-28, 02:29 AM
I don't know, Blaster Tanks were pretty awesome. And I'm expecting them to be something along the lines of a light version of the Heavy Weapon's Trooper. Being able to scout around being a useful attribute, but more important is having the gun on top to lay supressive fire and let my guys move around without being shot at.

Blaster tanks? Really?

Plasma was alright. Took a lot of spots, but it was fast and well armed. But the blaster tank had WAY less kick than the standard launcher, cost more, and took lots of man-hours just to load up.

Not worth the hassle.

2012-06-28, 06:57 AM
On the other hand, it was totally immune to Psionics.

2012-06-28, 07:13 AM
There is more to Mangas than Sailormoon, you know.

This. Esthetics of Xcom were quite similar to this (http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs14/f/2007/050/0/d/appleseed_WiP_by_beamer.jpg), for example. Mangas used to be a lot cooler than cookie-cutters of today :smallwink::smalltongue:

2012-06-28, 09:16 AM
You start each mission with 10 Troopers. It's just assumed that six of them manage to accidentally shoot themselves on the way to the mission. You control the four survivors.

Upgrades at the Officer Training School can reduce the number of soldiers who try to spice up a tedious flight with a game of laser tag.

10? Is that number confirmable?

10 would be quite enough.

2012-06-28, 09:38 AM
10? Is that number confirmable?

10 would be quite enough.

It is not, I was joking about the survival rates of Xcom rookies

2012-06-28, 09:58 AM
My problem with this is that while 20 might be too many, 4 seems like it'd be far too few. 10, absolutely. 8? Sure, that can work. 6? Seems a bit too few, but maybe it can work. 4? How can that even work? If one makes any mistake, a quarter of the team is dead. It would either be far too unforgiving for most modern gamers to even try to get the hang of it or far too easy for more oldschool players. Balancing that so that difficulty is just right for a sufficiently large number of people would be a massive feat.

2012-06-28, 10:10 AM
This is no place to discuss aesthetics of manga, but if you think all manga (modern or otherwise) is scantily clad chicks with huge eyes, I suggest you read some actually worthwhile series.

X-Com was more 90s western comics than manga anyway. Also, aliens may have looked cartoony but they were still creepy as all hell.

2012-06-28, 10:22 AM
10? Is that number confirmable?

10 would be quite enough.

In some of the gameplay you can see the number 12 next to an image of a human body on the HUD, and far more than 4 troops on the screen.

2012-06-28, 11:11 AM
Thank goodness, Twelve is a much better number. Besides in the original X-com I always had 10 guys+a tank so this isn't much of a difference for me.

2012-06-28, 12:26 PM
On the other hand, it was totally immune to Psionics.

Soldiers with scores north of 80 tend to be functionally immune, and again, Plasma tanks.

Eight shots isn't enough to do a decent sized mission, and the hovertank's payload isn't even 3/4ths as good as conventional Blaster Bombs.

And every shot costs waylots of resources.

400 Engineer hours, 5 Elerium-115, 8 Alien Alloys, 15K. That's more alloy than a hovertank, and as much 115 as a suit of power armor. For one shot.

Not worth it.

2012-06-28, 12:46 PM
Tanks are for scouting and drawing enemy fire. Missile tanks still have uses because their rockets can destroy a lot of terrain to reveal aliens. But blaster launchers are homing and people who use them stay away from the front line. So a blaster tank is useless.

It's better to have 4 rookies with launchers. Cheaper, too.

2012-06-28, 04:25 PM
I either bring all, or only a couple. Of course, I also spend a lot more time in the endgame.

2012-06-29, 09:27 AM
How many wanted to blame Modern Warfare games for small Drones, which is a contradiction to original?

2012-06-29, 10:54 AM
But there's only one RC combat drone in MW3 (well, two if you count the killstreak strike package)

2012-06-30, 07:59 PM
Soldiers with scores north of 80 tend to be functionally immune, and again, Plasma tanks.

Psionics is easily broken once you realise that the aliens will always attack the weakest member (because they can see all your dudes and they can see your stats). Therefore you keep a lightning rod or two back in the skyranger.

This is probably the best thing to come out of this, a new X-Com game where the tactics aren't all built on massive cheese.

2012-07-02, 05:02 PM
The Blaster Tank has one role where it is unrivaled: Base Defense. Have one or two of these in the base, and well, you already know what rooms the aliens will spawn in, so nuke 'em. X-Com bases are well suited for blaster bomb routes... and trick shots.

But why use a Hovertank/Blaster for this rather than soldiers with Blaster Bombs? Simple: All tanks get free ammo in base defense. Don't have 8 blaster ammo for the Tank? It starts out with 8 anyway. It's a bug, but it's a good bug.

Do remember to have at least one human soldier there, though. Otherwise you lose automatically.

2012-07-02, 09:28 PM
Just being curious about location, where is the best place to set up your base in X-Com: UFO Defense, Terror from the Deep and Apocalypse.

2012-07-02, 11:07 PM
In the first, Europe is a good idea, around Germany or Italy.

2012-07-03, 05:40 AM
The European states and USA are your biggest contributors, and I think pleasing the European states gets you the biggest budget increases.

Then the Chryssalids land in Seattle, but I still like to build my first base in the Swiss alps.

I don't think it's possible to choose a base site in Apocalypse.

2012-07-03, 05:48 AM
The US always contained my second base just for that reason. It was usually the second interceptor as well.

2012-07-04, 09:06 PM
I tend to park my base in Sicily or in the middle of the Mediterranean (in TFTD). That gives good coverage over Europe and much of Africa.

2012-07-11, 09:11 AM
Thread reboot time: I preordered this last night to the sum of $59.96 and free 2-day shipping from Amazon. On a gameplay note, did anybody else notice how much the new system feels like D&D/d20 Modern? I mean, two moves or move and shoot? Then there are some abilities that feel like feats, such as that Run & Gun ability, which feels like Heroic Surge. Then snipers can get an ability to take more than one reaction shot, which reminds me of Imroved Attack of Opportunity. Anybody else see this?

2012-07-11, 09:33 AM
Thread reboot time: I preordered this last night to the sum of $59.96 and free 2-day shipping from Amazon. On a gameplay note, did anybody else notice how much the new system feels like D&D/d20 Modern? I mean, two moves or move and shoot? Then there are some abilities that feel like feats, such as that Run & Gun ability, which feels like Heroic Surge. Then snipers can get an ability to take more than one reaction shot, which reminds me of Imroved Attack of Opportunity. Anybody else see this?

You make a good argument of it. It's quite possible.
Ain't a bad thing either. D20's organizational ruleset for combat and capacities is straightforward. As long as they have their own set values for damage, shooting %, etc... It's okay.

2012-07-11, 09:45 AM
Yeah, I didn't mean that in a derragatory manner, it's just that "hey, that sounds like D&D" was the first thing to pop into my mind when I saw the E3 walkthrough.

2012-07-11, 09:46 AM
Then the Chryssalids land in Seattle, but I still like to build my first base in the Swiss alps.

I tend build mine in the general area of Romania/Hungary, and call it things like "Chez Drakul".

2012-07-11, 05:19 PM
TOn a gameplay note, did anybody else notice how much the new system feels like D&D/d20 Modern? I mean, two moves or move and shoot?

That's been a staple of turn based games since the dawn of forever. D20 can hardly lay claim to it.

Largely the same for most of the things you're talking about, actually. They're just the type of rules that make sense for a skirmish game with modern/future combat. Look at something like Necromunda (or its forefather Confrontation, GWs not Rackham) and you'll see much the same business going on.