View Full Version : "Remember, Remember the 5th of November" D20 apocolypse IC

2012-06-12, 07:15 PM
Let me start off by saying I refuse to call them Zombies. I refuse to allow my life to become some sort of B-movie, I'll call them what they are, Infected. Plain and simple, but I'm not going to fool myself into thinking they can be cured. I made that mistake on the first day, then my partner tried to rip my arm off... so I'm settled in the belief that these, things, cannot be saved, no matter what they were once, their not human anymore.

I was there at the initial explosion, I'm a reporter after all; well, a glorified camera man for a university paper. But I was there, I was there when the bomb went off, I was there when peoples screams of pain became howls of anger, of hunger. God knows how I got out of that alive, but I did, so I won't question it, right now I have only one goal. Survive. And I wish it was as easy as the movies made it look: Slap an infected in the head, they die, you run away into the sunset with the female lead, the credits roll and your done. Heh, if only it was that easy, first day I was sprinting through the underground, infecting howling after me like dogs; I had to leap through the closing doors of the last train, amoung with half a dozen terrifed people...funny thing is, it was the quietest ride on the tube I've ever had. That was until three stops later.

10 minutes down the line the train stopped, for a moment I thought the power had gone or some-such...I wish. Moments later the doors opened, and a group of men, clad in black and red body armour burst in, gasmasks obscuring their faces, not that many paid attention to the masks, they were more focused on the rifles. Without a word they opened fire, killing three people, I ran faster from them than I did the infected, taking into the subway tunnels like a bat outta hell.

I wondered around the tunnels for the rest of the day, to tired to sleep, odd feeling, I think the adrenaline made it impossible for me to stop; I was cold, scared and alone, but I kept walking.

Eventually, I made it above ground, seeing the sun-rise as I climbed from the sewers, into a world I barely recognised. Cars were overturned, burning, bodies littered the streets, shell casings scattered around like snowflakes and blood rinsed the streets. The smell of death was strong on the air, it made me retch; the streets I had grown up in seemed, so alien, I couldn't believe what was happening. Moreover, I didn't want to.

I wandered the streets for hours, avoiding crowds of infected as best I could, keeping to the backstreets whenever they were availble. I saw some sights during that walk. Surviors looting the shops, breaking down windows and starting fires, only to be beaten to death by the infected inside, or even on one occassion, better armed survivors. At one point I saw a bus, driven by a group of youths, rampaging down a street, smashing cars from their path, along with the infected whom where crushed underwheel like ragdolls, I stayed out of the way, watching their reckless abandon with horror, untill the driver managed to plow the bus into a wall...the infected were on the wreck in seconds. I didn't stick around to see the end.

That night I slept in an abandoned house, seemed like a family lived here... two parents, three kids, and a dog, Rover; I can only hope they made it out of the city in time, theres no car in the drive... Good luck guys. Blocked the doors with bookcases, locked the place down and kept all the lights off. Seemed to work, I slept undisturbed all night. The next morning I liberated a cricket bat from the house before departing, I actually felt a little better with it in hand, slightly safer, although, I doubt it'd help me in a fight.

I headed for Oxford street, which seemd quiet enough, a few infected lurking about; or so I thought. I wasn't there five minutes before a car down the street exploded, the air around me filled with howls as a torrent of infected poured out of the buildings around me, storming down towards the light show. I quickly ducked into a nearby building, slamming the door shut behind me and knocking a stand between me and it, hopefully keeping the doorway blocked. So I guess I'm stuck in here now, for the time being at least... I think I hear some footsteps... my only hope is there human ones...

My names Elliot Rayben, and london is well and truly in flames.

(And in come your characters :) Hope you liked the opening and say hi to your NPC Buddy :) )

Grimsage Matt
2012-06-12, 07:29 PM
Some sucker came into me blind. and man, that explosione..... I love those crazy works of art! Course, wonder what the sucker has on him. Wait, this could be funny..... And I'm above him, so better pitch this to carry....

"Brains.... Must have Brains..... Me smell brains.... After brains down step..... Eat brains.... Brains....."

2012-06-12, 08:22 PM
A bright light flashed down the street, fire and metal slag began to fall from the sky for a split second before blood curdling screams split the night.
Yang ducks behind the burned out carcass of another car, notching an arrow in her bow.
Peering over the hood of the car, she glimpses a figure run into a building, away from the crowd of infected swarming around the fire.
Damn, that's got to be another survivor...
With that, she slips around the wreck and moves toward the door that the man had just went through.
Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

[OOC] (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13386915&postcount=38)

2012-06-13, 12:38 AM
Richard heard the sounds of others moving about in the same building that he took refuge.

Hmmm, it definitely sounds like two other survivors came in. There are the guttural sounds of an infected, though. I better see how this plays out before I reveal myself. I didn't realize the man whose gun I took decided that less ammo was better and all I have besides that are my fists.

Move silently

Richard creeps forward while still trying to keep himself undetected.

2012-06-13, 12:40 AM
Oops, previewed post which broke rolls.
Move Silently

2012-06-13, 09:25 PM
What was that? It sounded like someone upstairs...someone talking.
Brains? well at least I know it's not an infected, just some idiot survivor; but god knows what he wants from me, better find somewhere to hide, quickly.

(Move silently and hide check rolls done seperatly)

Yang: As you creep forward, moving with any speed you can muster reaching the door before the infected even turn; firmly grasping the door handle and turning, you realise a little too late...that it's blocked, almost unconsiously, you swear at the cursed inanimate object, louder than you would have liked. Behind you, a single howl erupts, followed by another and another; you turn just in time to see a group of Infected pounding down the street towards you, leaping cars and debris in search of fresh meat...you.

Was that the door? ****, more howls, I need to move. Fast, but I need to see who's upstairs first, maybe if they hear the screams they'll scarper too..

Richard : Keeping low and quiet, you begin to move across to the building. As you do, a young woman moves to the door and tries pulling it open and failing to do so, cursing loudly at her failure. Resulting in the furious howls of the infected echoing across Oxford street, and them begining to sprint towards her.
Good points: They haven't noticed you.
Bad Point: Thats because you have car between you and them. But nothing between you and the woman, in about 3 seconds they'll be on you.

2012-06-13, 09:50 PM
Well, there's no chance that we can both get inside unless I do something. Richard desperately tries to think of a plan that would save them both. If she could get that door open, we could barricade ourselves inside and buy us some time.

Richard comes out of hiding and calls to the girl: Hey! You there! Girl! Get that door open! I'll try to distract them for as long as I can.

If this doesn't work, at least I'll save that girl... maybe. Richard starts shouting as he slowly moves away from the building, hoping that he can draw off the infected while preventing his own death.

His plan is simple: draw off the infected from the area and double back when it seems safe to do so.

2012-06-14, 02:51 AM
Yang turns to see the pack of infected running at her, swearing under her breath.
This door isn't budging at all. Damn it!
A voice catches her attention, someone was yelling at her to get the door open. Seeing this as encouragement, Yang tries to open the door with force, hoping that all those police shows where the SWAT kicked in the doors to someone's home wasn't some sort of sham.
She backs up and tries to kick the door open.
Strength Check: [roll0]
If the door doesn't budge after the first attempt, and the infected are still running at her: Yang will try to run toward the sound of the voice.

I SWEAR TO GOD! Forum Roller, why you hate me so much!?!?

Grimsage Matt
2012-06-14, 10:51 AM
Looks like the pack is heading me way..... And theres a pair of saps that might get chewed....

"Yo, guy in me blind, sorry for the joke, but you see any febreeze down there? Need to make a bomb."

Quickly search for explosive componets and a lighter; [roll0]
Parts check for a Improvised explosive (Should be simple, right?) [roll1] + However many parts I found from the search check.
Craft[Chemical] check for a improvised explosive that I can shoot out me crossbow [roll2]

2012-06-14, 09:41 PM
A bomb? Is this guy mad? Let alone making a joke in our situtation! I need to help these people out, damn whatever this Joker is trying to do!

Matt: You half jog down the stairs, flicking the lights on as you pass the switch, forcing a bright light into the previously pitch black room. Almost instantly you see the packed shelves of books, hundreds of books. A young man, dressed in simple clothes with a camera around his neck and a cricket bat in hand moves out from behind one of the shelves suddenly no older than 23, thick brown hair and the clear signs of an unshaven face. He turns on his feet to face you as he moves towards the door at a quickened pace.

"We're in a book store Jackass! What do you plan on making a bomb out of?" What the hell? He's only a kid, no older than my brother, and what the hell is he carrying? A crossbow? Good god whats the world coming too? No matter, maybe he can help.
"Look there are people out there! Help me get this door open!"

The Man then moves to open pull the knocked over bookstand out of the way of the door, managing to allow the door a little room to open....

Yang: You bring your foot down on door, splintering wood with a strong blow, at first the door refuses to budge... As you turn to run towards the voice however, you hear another behind the door, an Irish accent clear even with panic in his words.

"Hey! Whoevers out there! Get in here! I'm unblocking the door! Hurry!"

Again, hope refueling your body, you kick the door, causing it to swing backwards into the building, a small gap appearing inside, but still something is blocking your way,yet you can hear the sounds of wood scraping across the ground.

Richard: You step away from the car, cupping your hands and shouting out a string of insults at the infected, almost immediatly, half a dozen of them break of their pursuit of the woman by the building to run towards you, closing the gap quickly.
You can see their faces...twisted into expressions of anger; blood and saliva running from screaming mouths, eyes full of hate, full of hunger, centered solely on you. For a horrible moment you catch eyes with one of their pack, and are forced to see the sheer lack of humanity in those dead eyes. (Will check.)

Grimsage Matt
2012-06-14, 10:17 PM
"Dude, you seriously don't know how much crap can be rigged into a explosive do ya? My fav one invioles a pair of Axe deordrent and a febreeze bottle. Makes a decent explosion. And ya, saw dem saps. Also saw the Bath salties that noticed em. And as me grannie always said, If a bomb don't solve your problems, it's not big enough." He moves to the door, ready to help, and keeping "Dona Nobis Pachem" ready to fire. Just in case.

2012-06-14, 10:46 PM
This better work!
Realizing that the moment of opportunity to run is far past; Yang, despite her rather thin figure, hurls herself at the door, hoping that she can make it swing just a little further.
Strength Check: [roll0]

Should it be impossible to open the door before she is swarmed...
Yang looks around the doorway, searching for any intact fire escapes, window ledges or gutters that she could climb to get to higher ground.
Spot Check: [roll]1d20+1[roll]
If she does find something suitable:
Climb Check to climb as far up as possible or if she finds a window: [roll1]

If she finds nothing, Yang draws an arrow from her quiver and strings it; taking aim at the closest of her pursuers.
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2012-06-15, 12:23 AM
As Richard peers into those eyes, he feels a sense of dread unlike any he's seen or felt before.

Nothing in the military ever prepared me for this. These monsters wear the skin of humans and spread their disease wherever they go.

Richard tries to tear his eyes away from the infected and regain his focus.

Will check
i hope this turns out well...
otherwise i might be shocked into paralysis and die. :smalleek:

If I successfully pass the will check, then Richard will try to continue distracting the infected until the girl can access the house.

If the girl successfully creates an opening in time:
Richard turns back to the house and dives through the doorway, hoping that nothing will follow through.

2012-06-15, 03:26 PM
Great, the guys an Idiot, still take what I can get. Pay attention Elliot! Lives are at stake.

Matt & Yang: With his help, myself and the kid managed to pull the bookcase from the door, dragging it across the ground, causing it to screech across the ground with every inch. On the other side of the door, the woman hurled herself at the door with all the force she could, under her weight, the door buckled and was thrown open, causing her to hit the ground on the other side, a small cloud of dust erupting up around her. FOrtunalty however, she was mostly unharmed.

YES! One more inside! No, don't celebrate yet, still another one left.

Richard: (You take 1d2 sanity damage) The infected barrel towards you, but by force of will you manage to tear your eyes away from its. As you turn your head, you catch a glimpse of the door being broken open and the stranger disapearing inside, you get a moment of elation, before the nearby howls wrench you once again back into reality. Without a moments thought, you turn to run at the house, you feel the almost claw like hands of one of the infected swipe towards your back, narrowly missing flesh but tearing at your clothes (a missed charge attempt) . You barrel towards the open doorway; but the infected are to fast, you'll never make it in time, they are at your heels, you can smell them, feel their eyes boring into your flesh...


The voice breaks through the howls like a bell, your vision focuses on the door and you see a figure, his hand outstreched towards you; his features indistinct at these speeds. But you listen, putting all of your strength behind one final leap of faith... (Jump check.)

2012-06-15, 03:33 PM
Sanity damage


Geez, I've put myself in so much danger. :P

So, clearly I can't jump lol.


Are we going to pick up in posting since it's the weekend?

Grimsage Matt
2012-06-15, 03:44 PM
Soliderboys gonna be munched.... Better shoot the leader.

Taking aim, Matt shoots the closest Infected.

2012-06-21, 08:56 PM
The one with the gun ran forward, leaping towards the door as a single crossbow bolt flew past him, scattering against the ground besides him uselessly.
As he came closer, the man jumped...for a second he seemed to hang in the air, a swarm of infected around him, clawing at the air around him, one catching his leg causing him to fall forwards, tumbling across the ground, mere meters from our doorway.
We had to do something.
So I ran out, bat in hand, screaming and swinging for the nearest infected. My bat hit hard, causing the nearest one to the man to collapse sideways. Then I realized how many there were..If no-one helped, we were all going to die.

2012-06-21, 09:14 PM
Richard felt a hand swat his leg and he fell mid-jump.
So close to safety. I have to make it. I won't die this close...

Richard attempts to dive through the building's door.


edit: oops, forgot to close the roll.

2012-06-21, 09:15 PM

Assuming Richard successfully makes it into the building:

Richard prepares to block up the door again but sees that the man who ran out to help him is still out there. Hey, I'm in! Get back in here and let's close up this door for good!

Grimsage Matt
2012-06-21, 09:27 PM
"Git back in here. Hoe this un hit's."

Crossbow at one of the ones not in melée
[roll0] [roll1]

2012-06-22, 03:50 PM
I'll be the first to admit that charging the infected was a terrible idea... I only managed to fell one of their number before they practically overwhelmed me.
One clung to my shoulder, bearing it's ichor soaked maw down towards my exposed neck, only the fool's crossbow bolt saved me as it impacted the infected besides me, allowing me to push against my attacker.

With that brief reprise, I fell back towards the door, swinging as I did, unfortunalty, I was not fast enough. One of their number tore into my back, causing me to stumble through the door, clutching at my back and shouting in pain, allowing the dark building to envelop me...as the infected, now smelling blood, hurtled towards the open door...

2012-06-22, 08:39 PM
We're in. Quick, we have to barricade this door!

Richard grabs any nearby objects to block off the door and hopefully prevent anything from coming through.

Q.Q that was the worst i could have rolled. I hope you guys have better luck barricading this entrance.

OOCDo we know if the pathogen is spread through blood transmission or if it can pass by being scratched?

2012-06-23, 04:55 PM
Still in shock, Yang laid on the ground where she landed after the door had finally collapsed in. The soft thump of a body that was flung into the building seemed to wake her from her daze.
The first thing that she hears is the howls and shouts of the infected as they barrel towards the now-open door frame. Yang jumps up as quickly as her strained muscles would carry her and moves out of the doorway.
Hey guys! Give me a hand with this damn door, lift it up and we can seal off the entrance.
Strength Check to lift the door off the ground and shove it back into the frame: [roll0]
OOC: Awww heck yes!
As she works to get the door back in position, Yang scans the room, looking for any sort of furniture or object that could be used to further barricade the entrance.
Spot Check to search for usable furniture: [roll1]

Grimsage Matt
2012-06-23, 05:12 PM
"Say, the crazy has a idea. How bout we leave a weak spot in the door? I'll just go and rig the heater to blow. Toasted Zombies. Who wants one?"

Will search for a book called "Caveman Science" then head down to the heater and rig to blow it to kingdom come.

[roll0] for the search

[roll1] for the demoltions check on the heater

2012-06-28, 02:01 PM
I couldn't help anyone, I could only watch on as others moved around me in a flurry of action.

The Man with a gun darted around the room, furiously searching for something to block the door with, but in his rush he failed to notice the his first and insanely dangerous mistake. As he pulled a bookcase from the wall, he failed to notice the hole it was blocking, or the infected that lurked in the shadows, smashing into the room and tearing towards him.
Infected attack [roll0]

The woman fared better, throwing the door back into place with little effort, causing many infected to be thrown backwards away from the door, giving her time to then push a second bookcase into it's way, making it impossible for them to enter.

I lost sight of the other one though, as my vision started to blacken he disappeared downstairs...I think...

You move downstairs, unable to find the book you were after. The stairs lead to a locked door, the handle still in place.

2012-06-30, 05:46 AM
AC: 21, Infected's attack misses

Richard quickly realizes what a mistake it was to move that bookcase.

Maybe I can push him back and plug the hole back up.

Bull Rush: [roll0]

2012-06-30, 05:48 AM
oops, forgot to add the +2 because he's the one charging. so it's a strength check of 7 that the infected has to beat. i'm getting the worst rolls.