View Full Version : Its things like these that make me Happy as a DM :)

2012-06-12, 09:33 PM
Hello everybody, well one of my players brought their nephew to the game session and well.. let me tell the story

The nephew had never played D&D, and is a big WoW player too, in fact that is how my player actually talked him into playing with us, bragging about his and mine WoW accomplishments.

so teh nephew had played a couple of sessions of some rpgs before and not had fun due to the DM bieng of the 'rules>cool fun' variety at least fromw hat i gathered from the nephew

The nephew was briefed by my player on that my games were to use the his exact anology 'heroic dungeon' for WoW is what his D&D is to most ive played. more risk but you get more phat lewtz and have more fun'

Well the nephew sat down and looked through all of the books we had and gave me this kinda look like ' this suck,s too much to read, or some such related) I just sat down next to him and said 'tell me what you want to play, and I will do my best to create a character that fulfills your desicred concept" to which he replied " i want to be a shaman but the vanilla wow shaman." I laughed and asked humurously "so, you bascially want to just spam frost shock all day to win?.. nah im not gonna allow that, but we can work out a shaman, tell me a bit more about what you want from this character" As he described his ideal character, something that was more melee focused and could have windfury like it was originally'

SO i said " an enhancemnt shaman then is basically what you want. Ok.. be a cleric, take the Strength and Celretity Domains and i'll give you the Avalanche of blades ability from 'fighters done right" as we call the ToB and replace turn undead with that, sound like a deal?
after looking over avalanche of blades and me telling him i'll drop the penalty to a cumulative -3 he agreed but was most certainly suspicous and doubtful

anyways it took a while ( a few hours) for him to get into the whole RPing thing and it really clicked with him whne he decided to explore a part of the ruined tmeple by himself and managed to defeat the half-golem Stone Giant with a lukcy string of avalanche of blade successoes ( or as he shouted during the 4th-6th attacks) WINDFURY PROCS!!

after that ice breaker i guess he really got into teh character and the game, even going as far as erasing avalance f blade and re-writting it WIDNFURY, which I told him ' as long as the actualy base rule and effect stays the same i do not really care what you name it or how you describe it.

THe game ended up being a lot fo fun for all of us, in no small part to teh enthusiasm of the nephew.

at the end He thanked me and said im sorry. i was perpelxed to say the least and he said' well Im one.. well WAS one of those guys on wow who made fun of people for playing D&D, I won't be doing that anymore this is actually even more fun" me and my players all laughed till tears came down our cheeks and in unison i do blevie we all said ' you know whats the most hilarious about your statement.. if not for D&D, there would never have been a WoW" of coruse.. that could have just been my imagination on the unison part..

anyways thought id share a wonderful.. if wordy tale of the little things in playing D&D that bring me joy.

2012-06-12, 09:50 PM
While I have at varying points played MMOs, pen and paper games are really what does it for me. Sure, MMOs might have the cinematics and stirring music, but only in dice rolling games can you really make a character yours. Also only in pen & paper games can you do stupid stuff; like trying to Disable Device the tunnel over the Paladin or punch a dragon in the back of the head or shocking grasp the water...
What I'm trying to say is that the freedom of the game is what hooks me in the most. Provided you have a good DM and a creative party, you can make some great memories.