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2012-06-13, 09:12 AM
Playground help me work this out:

If i have a level 6 Ninja, that would meet all the requirements:

2 weapon fighting, sickle in the main hand, gnome quickrazor in the offhand

assume +0 to strength for now.

I Ki Invis and flank. pop IF on a target...

(main hand) 1d6 weapon + 3d6 sudden strike + est 4d6 IF....

since that happens i auto draw QR

(off hand) 1d4 weapon + 3d6 sudden strike (do i get this on an offhand?) + est. 4d6 IF (do i also get to do this???)

does this work? or is this flawed???

Also assume i had the feat Street Fighter would i add +1d4 to each attack i did, or just the main hand? (just an example dont assume i will take this feat)

2012-06-13, 03:58 PM
also do i need 2 weapon fighting to activate the quick razor in my of hand since i technically dont wield or use it for normal attacks?

2012-06-13, 04:09 PM
You can only use Iaijutsu Focus if your opponent is flat-footed.

Invisibility does not cause opponents to be considered flat-footed. They don't get to add their Dex bonus to their AC against you, but that's for a completely different reason which is unrelated to the flat-footed condition.

Yuki Akuma
2012-06-13, 04:22 PM
If you want someone flat-footed, you want to get a Wand of Grease. Balancing creatures with less than 5 ranks of Balance (that is, most creatures) are flat-footed while balancing. Which Grease forces them to do.

2012-06-13, 04:23 PM
You get Iajitsu Focus and Sudden Strike damage on any attack that qualifies. So if the target is flatfooted and vulnerable and you generate a full attack, you'd get the IF and SS bonuses on all attacks (including offhands).

On a Street Fighter feat, I don't know. Where is it from?

The Quickrazor is a weapon you wield; it just follows some weird rules. So you'd need the TWF feat to get the extra offhand attack without the severe default penalties.

2012-06-13, 06:50 PM
FF rules state when an opponent is denied a dex bonus because they are surprised because they cannot act. i think popping out of invisibility on their flank counts it matches all the conditions.

thank you on the quick razor clarification

i forget what book street fighter comes from possibly cityscape its weird...i just used it as an example

Grease doesnt always work. if they pass the save once they pass it for combat. also it does not work in water, air, walls or spiders in webs, tunneling creatures. teleporters, ethereal...etc.

2012-06-13, 07:58 PM
Authorial intent is probably the last argument you'll want to make in an Iajitsu Quickrazor build's favor.

On Grease, the save doesn't matter; just the balancing condition. I'm still dubious of the tactic (for your reasons, as well as its awful action economy and the chance that enemies will start tightrope training), but forcing the balancing condition is one of the few ways to force the flat-footed status.

But here's a list of alternatives, some more practical than others:
Compiled here. (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/20116273/Situations_where_the_opponent_is_flatfooted)

1st round of combat before opponent has acted.


While balancing, if ranks <5.

While hidden from opponent, treat that opponent as flat-footed. (Rules Compendium, p. 92)

Flick of the Wrist (Feat, CW) - FF vs. one attack after drawing weapon 1/round and 1 per opponent/encounter.

GiantBane (Tactical Feat, CW) - Tumble through an opponents square as a free action, make immediate attack, opponent FF.

Gloom Razor (Tactical Feat, ToB) - Injure enemy, move 10', next turn enemy FF vs. first melee attack.

Confound the Big Folk (Tactical Feat, RotW) Move into space of creature at least two sizes larger than you, next round that creature is flat-footed vs your attacks.

Surprising Riposte (Feat, DotU) - Renders a foe Flat-Footed for one round after you successfully feint against him and hit him with a melee attack.

Hidden Blade (Skill Trick, CS) - FF vs. one attack after drawing weapon, 1 use/encounter.

Sudden Draw (Skill Trick, CS) - FF vs. one AoO after drawing a weapon, 1 use/encounter.

Acrobatic Backstab (Skill Trick, CS) - Tumble through opponent's space, FF vs. next melee attack that turn.

Distract Assailant (SpC, Assassin 1) - FF until beginning of next turn.

Sapphire Nightmare Blade (Lv. 1 Maneuver) - Concentration vs. enemy ac, treat enemy FF for one melee attack.

Strike of the Broken Shield (Lv.4 Maneuver) - enemy must make reflex save or be FF until next turn, +4d6.

Ghost Blade (Lv. 6 Maneuver) - Enemy is FF vs one melee attack (that's it, really. for a lv. 6 maneuver.)

Shadow Garrote (lv. 3 Maneuver) - Ranged touch, +5d6, enemy must make fort save or be FF until next turn.

Death From Above (Lv. 4 Maneuver) - Jump check vs enemy AC, +4d6, enemy treated as FF.

Feral Death Blow (Lv. 9 maneuver) - Jump check vs ac, enemy treated as FF, Fort save vs death or +20d6.

White Raven Strike (Lv. 4 Maneuver) - Enemy treated as FF until next turn, +4d6.

Umbral Awn (Legacy Weapon, ToB) - If unarmed, draw Umbral Awn as immediate action for an AoO, enemy treated as FF.

Cloaked Dancer: Suprise Strike (Class ability, CS) - While dancing, melee attack with light weapon, enemy is FF.

Blurstrike (Weapon enhancement) +2 equivalent, ten times per day, activate to make opponent FF vs first attack that round.
Surprising Riposte + any source of swift/free action feinting is usually a more reliable method.

2012-06-13, 08:16 PM
yes i am highly on board for grease except for the fact as a ninja i dont have spells and UMD is not in class. that ans even if it was/is my charisma is loooow

that being said i am going to try and rely on the rules compendium for FF against creatures spotting an invis/hidden attacker

especially with Expanded Ki Pool and hidden blade i can pull this off a few times

then fall back on Hide :)

and some sweet quick razor action :)