View Full Version : Caster Level 140

2012-06-13, 06:45 PM
For various reasons, I'm going to be able to cast spalls at CL 140, both divine and arcane.
What can I do with it?
Epic game, but no epic spells allowed.

2012-06-13, 06:47 PM
Sweet baby jesus, if 20th is epic level 140 must be god.

Influencing the universe itself?

2012-06-13, 06:47 PM
Take the Reserves of Strength feat. It removes all caster level caps on spells.

You're welcome.

2012-06-13, 06:48 PM
Gate and the alignment Words (Holy Word/Blasphemy/Dictum/Whatever the Chaos One Is) are your go-tos. Gate scales directly to your CL with no upper bound, and the Words will insta-gib anything with 130 HD or less that is vulnerable to them.

2012-06-13, 06:56 PM
There's also Maw of chaos for uncapped damage and if you get reserve of strength then polymorph any object becomes EVEN MORE broken

2012-06-13, 06:57 PM
Wings of Flurry. Hunter's Eye. Reserves of Strength. That is all.

2012-06-13, 07:05 PM
At this point what are you even fighting and is it actually a fight or is every encounter just a way to figure out a 1 round "instant win" situation?

2012-06-13, 07:09 PM
Well, that depends. Are you actually a level 140-ish character, or are you like a 30th level Wizard who got CL 140? If it's the former, Holy Word et al. won't actually be able to affect much.

2012-06-13, 07:15 PM
Y'know, I have an interest in this too.

I have a level 20 StP erudite with a ML of ~180, who can add an additional 580 pp to his normal manifester level cap (yes, that means he can augment to around 760 pp per manifestation). As well as the Reserves of Strength feat, yes. And nearly 600 feats, as well.

He also has every single non-epic spell and power in the entire game, from every list, and can spontaneously research and manifest any epic spell (ANY epic spell) as a free action.

What CAN you do with that kind of boost?

2012-06-13, 07:16 PM
For various reasons, I'm going to be able to cast spalls at CL 140, both divine and arcane.
What can I do with it?

Better question: What can't you do with it?
Awnser: Nothing

2012-06-13, 07:19 PM
Y'know, I have an interest in this too.

I have a level 20 StP erudite with a ML of ~180, who can add an additional 580 pp to his normal manifester level cap (yes, that means he can augment to around 760 pp per manifestation). As well as the Reserves of Strength feat, yes. And nearly 600 feats, as well.

He also has every single non-epic spell and power in the entire game, from every list, and can spontaneously research and manifest any epic spell (ANY epic spell) as a free action.

What CAN you do with that kind of boost?

I've seen you mention this character several times. Do you have a link to the build? If not, you should post it. I would love to see this monster.

2012-06-13, 07:51 PM
I've seen you mention this character several times. Do you have a link to the build? If not, you should post it. I would love to see this monster.Well, TECHNICALLY it's not a StP erudite, but that's easier than explaining everything every time. :smallbiggrin:

Okay. It's gestalt, though you can do something similar without it (see below).

It started as a dvati twin society mind (or psion) 20 // The only thing that really matters is illithid savant 10, though there's thrallherd 1/bard 1/sublime chord 2/several other levels. Though you could also just do it as a society mind or psion 20, if you really want, by finding characters with the proper abilities and doing the Fusion dance (see below). I used illithid savant to eat the StP erudite's ability to learn powers and spells, as well as the metamind's font of power ability and mantled erudite, for the magic mantle (granting greater than full magic/psionics transparency).

I took the Supernatural Transformation feat (since [psionics] is explicitly an inherent ability, it qualifies, even from class levels) for both [psionics] and [font of power] (which was gotten via eating brains), and that turns both into undispellable non-AoO-granting Supernatural abilities with an effective caster/manifester level equal to my HD. I also took Reserves of Strength to uncap all my spells and powers.

Then I used Gate to pull in a hagunemnon (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/monsters/hagunemnon.htm), used Fusion (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/fusion.htm) to gain its stats, abilities, ability scores, and hit dice (along with all of its skills and feats), and manifested Astral Seed (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/astralSeed.htm) to gain all of those abilities permanently. I then killed myself, and brought my xp total back up to snuff with a thought bottle (used shortly before seppuku).

I then did the same with a great wyrm prismatic dragon (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/monsters/dragonEpic.htm) (though I could've done the same with PAO for a stone-to-wyrmling transformation and Bestow Curse to age it, as per BoVD).

And then I used an Eschewed Materials Ice Assassin spell to make an aleax (from the BoED) of myself that I then did the same thing with.

Since I'm a dvati, I have two bodies, and I did all of that TWICE. I also went through every single book I've got for magic items, crafted all the ones that grant feats (using the thought bottle to recoup the xp costs), and used Embrace the Dark Chaos and Shun the Dark Chaos to swap them into whatever feats I want.

I used the thought bottle as an xp battery to research all the powers and spells in the game (as well as using Expanded Knowledge and Extra Spell and the Psychic Reformation power) to learn every pre-epic spell and power in the game.

I took thrallherd and all the leadership-score-boosting feats I could find, and now have 34.5 million believers. And then I plunk one body on a fast-flowing Genesis demiplane with all my believers, so I can research and mitigate any and all epic spells, essentially as a free action, whenever I need to manifest them.

So now I'm 78 HD (with a base ML of 78, plus all the CL and ML boosters I could find), with the feats, skills, and other abilities of a 20th level gestalt character, combined with two 44 HD hagunemnons (since skills and feats and hp all stack), as well as two 78 HD great wyrm prismatic dragons...and then doubled AGAIN by splicing in an ice assassin of an aleax of myself.

And since I have font of power (infinite pp for 1 minute), access to the Temporal Reiteration power (extends all effects affecting me by 1 round each time it's manifested) and a resetting trap of the aforesaid Temporal Reiteration on my armor, as well as complete invulnerability to damage via aleax...

I can get extra bodies just by using PAO on a rock, Dominating it, Mind Seeding (www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/mindSeed.htm) it, using Fusion on it, then let it take control and having it manifest Astral Seed, then unFusioning and letting it kill itself. It now counts as a dvati twin, connected to me, with my personality in a hive mind situation. It's ALSO an aleax/hagunemnon/prismatic dragon thing, since it has all of my abilities when it comes back.

And...well...let's just say it'd take Pun Pun to take him down, and even then it's likely a bit of a struggle.There's a LOT more than that that I've done. I needed a massive spreadsheet to keep everything in check.

But that's the basic idea.

2012-06-13, 08:02 PM
Mother of gods....

2012-06-13, 08:09 PM
Why? Why? Why no magic missile shennanigans (sp?) ?

2012-06-13, 09:08 PM
Well, you basically make persist spell obsolete because any spell with a 10 min/level duration lasts 23 hours on you. Extending a 1min/level spell makes it last about 5 hours on you.

You also pretty much ignore all SR, so you don't mind casting SR: no spells.

Wings of flurry does 140d6 damage, as a level 4 spell, with no metamagic. But if you don't want people making those pesky saving throws, or aren't a sorcerer, there's Force missiles, for 70d6 damage no save no attack roll, split up how you want between 4 targets apparently, and people adjacent to the primary targets take half damage. Not as strong, but much harder to avoid.

Then there's Maw of Chaos, which is just insane at this point.

I remember running across a guide to spells with uncapped damage, but I can't seem to find it.

Reserves of strength + Maximized MoonBow = 1680 damage.

Reserves of strength + Bolt of Glory + Purify spell (I think that's the feat) = 420d6 damage to evil outsiders.

Reserves of strength + lesser X orb = 70d8 damage with a level one spell (!)

If reserves of strength works the way I think it does, that is.

2012-06-13, 09:18 PM
If reserves of strength works the way I think it does, that is.It uncaps your spells for numerical purposes (such as the 5 missiles that Magic Missile has) and adds +3 to your CL.

2012-06-13, 09:20 PM
Reserves of strength+Unlimited magic missile+Fell drain=profit. Why magic missile? It doesn't miss ever. It can only be absorbed by some items or spell resisted. Also do multiple fell draining missiles hitting the same target all count as activated fell drain individually? If so that's lulzy.

2012-06-13, 09:20 PM
With Disjunction you can even blam artifacts. That's pretty cool.

EDIT: Blam them with 140% success.

2012-06-13, 09:22 PM
Using epic spells could a mass disjunction be custom made research style?:smallbiggrin:

2012-06-13, 09:26 PM
Oh, and those hundreds of feats? I converted most of them (using Psychic Reformation and DCFS) into epic feats. Which epic feats? Epic Psionic Focus, which lets you add an additional metapsionic effect using when you expend your focus. I still had Empower Power, Psicrystal Affinity, and Psicrystal Containment. And since you can stack multiple metapsionic feats (as they don't have the limiter that metamagic does)...

Just think what you could do if you could Empower a manifestation of the Awaken spell a few hundred times (using Metamorphosis to alter your creature type to Plant).

2012-06-13, 09:31 PM
Chain Spell + Giant Vermin = 3 acres of scorpion :smalltongue:

2012-06-13, 09:35 PM
Chain spell caps at 20.

Couple things I know of-

Force Missiles, from spell compendium. It's magic missile, except it deals more damage, and has no cap. Scales kinda slow, but I mean... caster level 140. What do you care?

Algid Enhancement, from Frostburn. This one is amazing if you can get it, but you need to be cold subtype to use it (there is a spell in the same book that give you that subtype though). It gives you some temporary HP, some bonus versus fire effects, and more important, enhancement to attack and deflection to AC. Most notably, these effects scale for every three caster levels you have, and it has a 24 hour duration.

2012-06-13, 09:39 PM
Algid Enhancement, from Frostburn. This one is amazing if you can get it, but you need to be cold subtype to use it (there is a spell in the same book that give you that subtype though).So do Polymorph and Metamorphosis.

Just turn into a cryohydra.

2012-06-13, 09:43 PM
Okay in what sourcebook can I find this reserves of strength feat? I have my own plans for something as hideously broken as that sounds.

2012-06-13, 09:51 PM
I believe it's from Dragonlance Campaign Setting.