View Full Version : [D&D3.P]How to make the healiest healer?

2012-06-14, 12:30 AM
A friend wants to join an existing campaign at level 9, and wants to make basically a "WoW Priest". Now, Ive left WoW behind a couple of years ago, so Im not entirely sure what he means by that, but in further questioning he wanted to make the healiest healer possible, someone who can keep a full party alive and well on his own, while not being totally useless and wearing heavy armor.

So... how can we make that in 3.5? Items, feats, etc. are welcome!

2012-06-14, 12:50 AM
There's a lot of good info here for straight healer stuff.


2012-06-14, 12:54 AM
It's worth noting that in-combat healing is generally considered to be a less-than-optimal method. It's much better if you can prevent your allies from being damaged in the first place.

2012-06-14, 01:05 AM
I'd go Ruby Knight Vindicator from Tome of Battle. Combine cleric casting (will fall behind a few levels, though) with crusader's healing maneuvers, which he can use as part of a melee attack. Later on, get to burn turn undead uses for extra swift actions, to use for spells, including possibly healing ones.

Now if only there were a way to take Arcane Thesis as a divine caster on the Heal spell...

For a simpler approach, just do Radiant Servant of Pelor prestige class. Loses basically nothing from cleric but gains a bunch of healing related boons.

2012-06-14, 01:21 AM
It's worth noting that in-combat healing is generally considered to be a less-than-optimal method. It's much better if you can prevent your allies from being damaged in the first place.

Which is basically "healing" in a roundabout sort of way. I shouldve been more clear, sorry; in WoW, Priests (or one kind of them) heal by spamming damage-prevention shields, and also triggered "on next hit" effects, and armor increasing / damage reducing buffs. So when I said "healing" I meant ability to do all that combined xD.

2012-06-14, 01:40 AM
Which is basically "healing" in a roundabout sort of way. I shouldve been more clear, sorry; in WoW, Priests (or one kind of them) heal by spamming damage-prevention shields, and also triggered "on next hit" effects, and armor increasing / damage reducing buffs. So when I said "healing" I meant ability to do all that combined xD.

I think a cleric is the class of choice here. They have an array of powerful buff spells, and can spontaneously heal out of any slot. RSoP is a good idea if the player wants to go more healy, but clerics have enough prestige classes to specialize them in other directions as needed. With DMM persist they can also punch things to death really efficiently if you friend likes to be able to do that. There are other divine classes out there, but the cleric seems alot like what your friend wants. If you can get some specifics on the kind of cleric he wants to play, then giving him a specific build could be easier. Otherwise, teach him the basics, explain the differences between D&D and WoW optimization, and he should be fine.

2012-06-14, 02:43 AM
I think what your friend wants is a Batman who can heal. Archivist (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20051007a&page=3) is probably your best choice, here's a handy guide (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?PHPSESSID=k57f2dhr6nu60l80rinq4i44i7&topic=3545.0) on how to build and play one. Starting at 9th level, I'd have him start out Human Archivist 5/ Divine Oracle (CD) 2/ Sacred Exorcist (CD) 1/ Paragnostic Apostle (CC) 1, with Spatial Awareness from Paragnostic Apostle. He should plan on taking Archivist to 11, then more Divine Oracle. Include in his character background a visit to the Frog God's Fane detailed in Complete Scoundrel, so he can get the Skill Focus: Kn: Religion prerequisite for Divine Oracle for 2,000 gp without having to spend a feat on it. His other feats should definitely include Extend Spell, Persistent Spell (CA), and Divine Metamagic: Persistent Spell (CD). That leaves two open feats that can fall anywhere from 1st-6th, plus more if he can take flaws (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/buildingCharacters/characterFlaws.htm). I'd include Greenbound Summoning (LEoF) and Ashbound (ECS), and if using flaws get Spell Focus: Conjuration and Augment Summoning.

His starting gear should include two Lesser Metamagic Rods of Extend, a standard Strand of Prayer Beads which has the Bead of Smiting removed (9,000 gp per DMG pricing), a Reliquary Holy Symbol (MIC), two Nightsticks (LM), Darkwod (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialMaterials.htm#darkwood) Heavy Shield, and 2,743 gp left over for additional spells. There will be quite a few buffs he casts every day, and he should always activate the Bead of Karma from his Strand of Prayer Beads just before casting them. With Cha 12 he can DMM: Persist two spells on the party each day: Righteous Wrath of the Faithful (SpC), and alternate between (Rod of) Extended Mass Lesser Vigor (SpC) and (Rod of) Extended Elation (BoED), as each of those will last 48 hours (subject to DM interpretation). Note that Elation works with Spatial Awareness from Paragnostic Apostle. He should also use his Lesser Rods of Extend on several hour/level spells, considering his caster level will be 13 with the Bead of Karma: Luminous Armor (BoED) on at least himself, and Greater Magic Weapon and Magic Vestment on the party's weapons and armor/shield (and especially his own shield and Luminous Armor effect). He can also cast Greater Resistance (SpC) on himself every day as its default duration is 24 hours.

I included some feats to improve summoned monsters, and for good reason. Summon Nature's Ally tends to get better creatures than other Summon lists, especially considering all the feats that specifically benefit it. Greenbound animals are so tanky they're almost guaranteed to last their full duration, or at least absorb tons of enemies' attacks that would otherwise have been hurting party members. Greenbound animals can also use Wall of Thorns and Entangle as spell-like abilities, which are amazing for controlling the battlefield. If he likes summoning things, he should try to get a Ring of the Beast (CC) as early as possible, since that will give him some better spell level efficiency for his summons.

His remaining uses of the Lesser Rods of Extend should be used for short duration crowd control spells or possibly even a select few damaging spells. Good crowd controls include Ice Slick (Frostburn), Kelpstrand (SpC), Web, Glitterdust, Sleet Storm, Wall spells (preferably Wall of Thorns from a low-level greenbound summon), Black Tentacles, Stinking Cloud, Slow, etc. Damaging spells to look at would be (Extended) Creeping Cold, Searing Light (situational), Heat/Chill Metal (especially if your DM will make an opponent drop a hot/cold weapon)... He's probably not going to want to deal a lot of damage but those are a few to consider. If you want to give him a trick that will make every fight completely one-sided, he should learn the spells Snowsight and Obscuring Snow from Frostburn. He can put (Extended) Snowsight on the whole party, and keep an (Extended) Obscuring Snow up all day long. Nearly every creature in the game won't be able to see through the snow, and the effect is large enough that it can cover an entire fight and give your party an extremely unfair advantage.

Future items to consider should include a 6th level Pearl of Power and a standard Metamagic Rod of Extend, along with the spells Energy Immunity and Superior Resistance (SpC). Every other day he can cast Energy Immunity three times with the rod, having prepared it only twice and using the pearl for the third, so he'll get 48-hour immunity to three of the five energy types. On the days in between, he can cast Energy Immunity twice (use the pearl for one) and Superior Resistance once using the rod, to get immunity to the remaining two energy types and a +6 to his saves for 48 hours at a time. If he gets more Pearls of Power and Rods of Extend he can put some of those on other party members as well.

2012-06-14, 04:10 AM
An interesting alternative for in-combat healing is outlined here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10112512&postcount=10).

Not sure if that matches the WoW priest feel, but it's a nice way to avoid having to waste actions to heal, while still healing very efficiently.

2012-06-14, 07:52 AM
An interesting alternative for in-combat healing is outlined here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10112512&postcount=10).

Not sure if that matches the WoW priest feel, but it's a nice way to avoid having to waste actions to heal, while still healing very efficiently.

I don't really understand the Crusader/Binder/Hellreaver build. How do you make sure you have the required maneuvers granted and what does Binder add to the build?

2012-06-14, 08:06 AM
3.P? If you can get in the Dream Scarred Press Vitalist, I've heard that's a fantastic healer. Pretty sure someone here even has a guide written.

2012-06-14, 08:15 AM
3.P? If you can get in the Dream Scarred Press Vitalist, I've heard that's a fantastic healer. Pretty sure someone here even has a guide written.

Yep, check my sig.

But it still isn't up on the SRD yet (I think.) If you need a healer with a readily accessible class table, I would pull in either the PF Cleric or the PF Oracle (Life Mystery.)

2012-06-14, 09:13 AM
I don't really understand the Crusader/Binder/Hellreaver build. How do you make sure you have the required maneuvers granted and what does Binder add to the build?

The Hellreaver has an ability (Divine Succor), which allows him to spend his Holy Fury points to heal himself or a good-aligned ally within 20ft. To recharge the points, he can use Heroic Sacrifice, taking 2 points of CON damage, thus effectively healing 20 pts/round forever.

The binder level is there to get rid of the CON damage: binding Naberius gives the Faster Ability Healing, automatically healing 1 point of ability damage per turn. So, in short, Binder + Hellreaver = unlimited healing, even out of combat.

The crusader levels add stances and maneuvers. The stance (Martial Spirit) provide a small amount of healing (2 pts.) everytime you hit, or later (Aura of Triumph) 4 pts. of healing every time anyone on your team hits. As a crusader, your maneuvers (which heal when you hit: Crusader’s Strike, Revitalizing Strike, Rallying Strike, Strike of Righteous Vitality) recharge automatically. You don't have that many maneuvers you can ready, so if you want to take healing to an extreme, you can ready healing strikes almost exclusively. Of course, you might want to ready other maneuvers as well.

2012-06-14, 09:30 AM
Actually, the vitalist (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/vitalist)is up on the pfsrd. Should be perfect for the job. I don't think powers have the [network] tags on them though.

2012-06-14, 09:34 AM
Ah, they finally got around to uploading PsU material! Guess I'll be updating my guides in the near future now that I can link the damn things... :smallsmile:

2012-06-14, 09:46 AM
Uhmm... something on the lines of a wow healer.

Well a few tips, combat healing can be fun if you turn it into buffing, and many talents of wow allow for small heals of buffs or small buffs of heals.

I can think of two ways of doing that, getting magic of the land (from races of the wild) and an acorn of far travel (here (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20040710a)) can turn any of your spells into a healing spell. This will lead to druids, as druids have acorn of far travel in their spell list, and you can get to spontaneously cast vigor spells (which is good).

If he wants to be a cleric, cloistered cleric is probably better for representing a priest, imbued healing (complete champion) works wonders for providing smalls buffs. Discipline clerics, at least when I played, provided shields and sprints, having protection and travel devotion would make the cure spells increase ac or speed if he takes two levels of paragnostic apostle he can grab mind over body and spatial awareness to increase those bonuses.

If he wants to heal as much as possible I would advise to be a cloistered cleric with healing domain (and spontaneously cast them with an ACF) and then get two levels of radiant servant of pelor so every spell that you cast from the healing domain is empowered, I also would add mastery of day and night (player's guide to eberron) so the cure spells are maximized. Empower and Maximize in cure spells (that you cast spontaneously) for free.

If adapting the radiant servant of pelor to a radiant servant of the sovereign host (Eberron) is an option GO for it. You can make the two last tricks mentioned above work, sovereign speaker gives bonus domains and in a couple of levels you could have travel, protection and other domains you like. You can also make the imbued healing trick work with contemplative but it takes some time to get activated.

Another thing that he could consider is draconic aura (vigor) that would lessen the burden of out of combat healing and if he is a silverbrow human (or has dragonblood) it could even be useful during combat.

2012-06-14, 09:54 AM
If you want WoW Priest, Vitalist is indeed the absolute best bet. It even follows the talent trees - Holy (Mender), Discipline (Guardian) and Shadow (Soulthief.) And you aren't running around in armor like a cleric (though you can get the proficiencies if you really want, it won't interfere with your casting.)

2012-06-14, 10:24 AM
I've done this previously with a Radiant Servant of Pelor (modified for a different deity - Luminous Servant of Sehanine =) ), along with Divine Metamagic: Reach and Divine Metamagic: Chain, plus whatever you can do to get more turning attempts.

A reach, chain Heal is incredibly effective in a tough fight. It also allows you to be an effective defensive buffer with things like Sheltered Vitality, Fortunate Fate, etc.

Also, seconded on Sacred Exorcist and Paragnostic Apostle.

2012-06-14, 10:48 AM
The Hellreaver has an ability (Divine Succor), which allows him to spend his Holy Fury points to heal himself or a good-aligned ally within 20ft. To recharge the points, he can use Heroic Sacrifice, taking 2 points of CON damage, thus effectively healing 20 pts/round forever.

The binder level is there to get rid of the CON damage: binding Naberius gives the Faster Ability Healing, automatically healing 1 point of ability damage per turn. So, in short, Binder + Hellreaver = unlimited healing, even out of combat.
Seeing as Divine Succor requires holy fury points and you can't use Holy Fury out of combat, I don't see how a Hellreaver can heal out of combat.
I don't even think you need Naberius or Heroic Sacrifice to get the most out of this. Combats rarely last more than 4 rounds and with 5 levels you're sitting at 5 holy fury points, not counting Charisma.

The crusader levels add stances and maneuvers. The stance (Martial Spirit) provide a small amount of healing (2 pts.) everytime you hit, or later (Aura of Triumph) 4 pts. of healing every time anyone on your team hits. As a crusader, your maneuvers (which heal when you hit: Crusader’s Strike, Revitalizing Strike, Rallying Strike, Strike of Righteous Vitality) recharge automatically. You don't have that many maneuvers you can ready, so if you want to take healing to an extreme, you can ready healing strikes almost exclusively. Of course, you might want to ready other maneuvers as well.
Ah, that's where I got confused. You don't have a way of making sure you have the right maneuvers for healing, I thought there was a built-in way that I was missing. It comes down to luck, like all things Crusader.

2012-06-14, 11:59 AM
Seeing as Divine Succor requires holy fury points and you can't use Holy Fury out of combat, I don't see how a Hellreaver can heal out of combat.

"Hey, I want to heal you. Punch me real quick, then take some full defense options, ya?"

2012-06-14, 12:03 PM
"Hey, I want to heal you. Punch me real quick, then take some full defense options, ya?"

Yeah, all DMs everywhere are going to allow that. It just abuses the definition of encounter, ally and enemy and completely ignores restrictions built into the class. :smallsigh:

2012-06-14, 12:18 PM
Crusader isn't as random as people seem to believe it is. At level 9, you have 2/5, with the feat 3/5. You have a 60% of getting what you want, and by the next round, you have an 80%. If you ready 2 healing manuevers, you are guaranteed to have one on the second round. Do you really need to heal on round one?! Just remember, Adaptive Style is a Swordsage class feature, and Extra Granted Maneuver is a Crusader class feature.

2012-06-14, 12:40 PM
Yeah, Cloistered Cleric with Domain Spontaneity on the Healing Domain is a great way to heal. Especially when you pair it with Radiant Servant of Pelor and the Combat Medic (Heroes of Battle).
Feats to take are Augment Healing and Touch of Healing.

2012-06-14, 01:49 PM
Pathfinder is allowed you say?
Do this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=13120545#post13120545).

Basically you take Life Mystery (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/oracle/mysteries/paizo---oracle-mysteries/life) Oracle for 3+ levels, and fill the rest with Hospitaler (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin/archetypes/paizo---paladin-archetypes/hospitaler) Paladin.

For Oracle Revelations, you take Life Link, and Channel Energy, if you took 4 levels of Oracle grab Shield Other as a Spell Known.
Life Link basically funnels everyone's damage into you. The Channel Energy is nice for Out of Combat healing.

Hospitaler gives the Paladin a separate Channel Energy pool, leaving your Lay-on-Hands free to heal and/or remove Status Effects with Mercies.

Here's the best part.
Paladin (ultimately) takes all the damage, and can Lay-on-Hands SELF as a SWIFT action.
So for the minor cost of your Swift Action every couple rounds you keep the party at full HP.
And your Move/Standard/Full actions are still available for running around and hitting things.
Make a Charger, a Power Attacker, a Tripper, WHATEVER! You'll still also be taking care of the majority of your party's healing needs!

Tahlspar Ka'nes
2012-06-14, 01:51 PM
There's a lot of good info here for straight healer stuff.


I took the Healer class mentioned here, but added enchanted Sharkskin armour (the best I could afford), the Two Weapon Fighting feat, and and an enchanted light mace in each hand (again, the best I could afford) for some extra combat-ish ability.

The Healer can't use shields anyway, so this seemed a natural choice.

Sharkskin only offers slightly better protection, but it is still natural, so the Healer can use it.... and it gives a nice kicker to the Escape Artist skill (+6).

You could go with heavy maces, I chose not to, as it didn't fit with the attitude of the (very) particular character I was working with.