View Full Version : Cleric combat healer

2012-06-14, 11:15 AM
Hello Everyone,

I am new to the site, i have gained alot of information from here for my current campaign. but this is my first post.

So we are going to be starting a new campaign and i am interested in cleric, i like them. I am looking for a way perhaps from feats to be able to combat and heal/cast effectively. I have played off and on for many years but cant recall ever playing a cleric (except in the mmo).

I was looking for ways to heal without sacrificing attack rounds. i found Sacred Purification -
As a swift action, you can expend a turn undead attempt to create a pulse of divine energy. All living creatures within 60 feet of you heal an amount of damage equal to 1d8 points + your Charisma bonus (if any). All undead creatures in this area take damage equal to 1d8 points + your Charisma bonus.
which seems to be what im looking for. I am looking for more feats that make it easier to be able to keep group alive while having fun with the class and not just be a heal/buff bot.

I know about DMM: persistance and am planing on taking it to keep from constantly buffing.

Is there any other cleric feats/ideas i can use to make a battle cleric that wont sacrafice all of his attacks healing/buffing and can take advantage of clerics offensive abilities and spells?

In case it matters the campaign will start at 1 and go for as long as players stay interested.

2012-06-14, 11:18 AM
Lesser Vigor, Mass, persisted. At level 1, probably just two persisted lesser vigors on your beatsticks and save a Faith Healing or Cure Minor Wounds to prevent any accidents from turning to death.

I wouldn't waste one of my feat slots on what is essentially a quickened Cure Light Wounds, but that's just me.

2012-06-14, 11:24 AM
Generally, the advice is to focus on damage reduction (usually through persisted buffs, though at first it is going to be through careful planning of when and how to use your spell slots). At first, mass lesser vigor and buffs like shield of faith will be your friend. If you focus on spellcasting, you should eventually have enough free slots to put in some battlefield control type spells, though at first most of your spells are focused on buffs, so you'll probably just buff your group and get a couple odd hits in on monsters.

Imbued Healing from Complete Champion can be nifty for healers. It basically allows you to add a bonus to all your Conjuration (Healing) type spells that is determined by your domains.

2012-06-14, 12:52 PM
Depending on how Battle Blessing (http://dndtools.eu/feats/complete-champion--57/battle-blessing--182/) actually works, it might let a Cleric cast Cures (and other spells on both Cleric and Paladin lists) as a swift action

Getting Mass Lesser Vigor DMM-persisted on the whole party is wonderful for out-of-combat healing, getting everyone back to full in a few minutes at most.

In addition to the items which DMM wants (reliquary holy symbol, nightstick), be sure to get a Ring of Counterspells (Stick a Dispel Magic in it), and then a Ring of Spell-Battle to keep your buffs from being dispelled.

Once you can afford it, you might want to get your armor and/or shield Sanctified (50gp, Dungeonscape), in case you somehow lose your holy symbol. It can also be a good idea to make your armor Called (+2,000gp MIC pg. 9) so you don't have to fuss with the "hastily donned" rules when something tries to kill you in your sleep. If you don't mind the image of your character sleeping comfortably in armor, attaching a Restful Crystal (500gp, MIC) before you go to bed makes sure you aren't Fatigued by sleeping in armor, so it can remain donned in the night. Get your Wizard to cast Prestidigitation once in a while so you don't get too smelly.

2012-06-14, 06:36 PM
Depending on how Battle Blessing actually works, it might let a Cleric cast Cures (and other spells on both Cleric and Paladin lists) as a swift action

This should be exactly what i wanted, at first i was thinking a cleric wouldnt cast paladin spells, but your saying since some are the same it would be up to the DM.

Imbued Healing from Complete Champion can be nifty for healers. It basically allows you to add a bonus to all your Conjuration (Healing) type spells that is determined by your domains.

Yeah i saw that, it looks like it would have nice buffs added for your heals.

Lesser Vigor, Mass, persisted. At level 1, probably just two persisted lesser vigors on your beatsticks and save a Faith Healing or Cure Minor Wounds to prevent any accidents from turning to death.

I wouldn't waste one of my feat slots on what is essentially a quickened Cure Light Wounds, but that's just me.

Yeah i had pretty much assumed the first few levels was going to be straight forward.

Yeah the feat was just something i came across, its unfortunate it doesnt increase with levels or it would be a decent feat.

Anyway, thank you guys for the tips, i appreciate it.

2012-06-14, 09:23 PM
This should be exactly what i wanted, at first i was thinking a cleric wouldnt cast paladin spells, but your saying since some are the same it would be up to the DM.

Well, it's ultimately the DM's decision to let that fly or not. If "Paladin spell" means "any spell on the Paladin list", then it works. If "Paladin spell" requires that it be cast by a Paladin, then it does not. I lean toward the former. There are also the balance considerations of what is essentially free Quicken Spell.