View Full Version : If you roll a 6 on all your ability scores, what kind of character do you build?

2012-06-14, 11:24 AM
If you roll a 6 on all your ability scores, what kind of character do you build? I'm just curious.

2012-06-14, 11:26 AM
A 6 total? As in a -2 modifier on everything?

I reroll, since even the strictest guidelines afford you a reroll with a +0 modifier or lower.

Failing that, I hand the DM my Commoner sheet and play Angry Birds or something.

2012-06-14, 11:27 AM
I would recommend something like a Dragonfire Adept or a Warlock. They can actually get by pretty well under those circumstances.

If you don't like the rolls, you can refer your DM to the PHB, page 8, which allows rerolls if no single score is higher than 13.

2012-06-14, 11:27 AM
A 6 total? As in a -2 modifier on everything?

I reroll, since even the strictest guidelines afford you a reroll with a +0 modifier or lower.

Failing that, I hand the DM my Commoner sheet and play Angry Birds or something.

Agree completely.
Except I'd play SongPop.

2012-06-14, 11:27 AM
Like Str 6, Dex 6, Con 6...?

Warlock or Dragonfire Adept, I'd say. Don't need stats to hit (Warlock hits touch AC and DFA is area effects), don't need high scores to cast spells, just stay away from the invocations that need saves.

2012-06-14, 11:27 AM
I think Warlock is the standard answer to that. Spellcasting is out of the question, your mental stats are too low. You'd be too frail to be in the front lines, -2 to all skills, plus class skill points-2/level would make you a pretty bad skill monkey(though possibly still passable)

2012-06-14, 11:28 AM
I didn't actually roll all 6's. I was just wondering if this would be a salvageable situation.

In core?

If not, then out of it?

2012-06-14, 11:33 AM
In core?

Druid. Put all your wealth into your Animal Companion.

Your character is Mew-Mew the Jaguar.

2012-06-14, 11:45 AM
Yeah, a druid. And once you're level 5 your physical stats don't even matter any more.

2012-06-14, 11:53 AM
The samurai!

The samurai would totally win the dubious honor of being absolutely the least powerful character ever. The novelty would quickly run dry.

On a more serious note, I would make an Anthropomorphic Bat Druid. Being a... Batman, he would gain +6 to his Wis and therefore could be a full caster, just not very powerful. He'd just have to get the best Wis-boosting items and obviously put all his stat increaces in Wis to get all the spell levels. Other stats would be even more rubbish but Wildshape would work wonders. Also, he would have a fly speed since level one. Could be an interesting roleplaying opportunity. Reminds me of D-list X-men characters.

2012-06-14, 12:24 PM
I'd play the game of rerolling, as per PHB page 8 under Rerolling you're entitled to scrap an salvageable set of low rolls and roll a new set. Those 6's can be some dirt-farmer's kid who's never going to amount to anything, PC's are exceptional individuals and should at least be good at something. If I were forced to play a character with such a set of ability scores, I'd Pun-Pun as soon as possible.

2012-06-14, 01:00 PM
Human Commoner. Now, stick with me.

Human: Magical Training
1st: Precocious Apprentice (An Acid/Fire Spell, there's one somewhere, but I can't remember it's name)
Flaw: Acidic Splatter Reserve Feat
Flaw: Fiery Burst Reserve Feat

Now, to your hilarity, you are a commoner who can do 2d6 acid damage with a ranged touch within 15 feet, or a a 10-by-10 foot cube of fire with the same damage within 35 feet. The saves and the attack won't be great, but with that stats and character what do you want from me?

Follow up with 5 levels of survivor.

Level 3, take Sanctum Spell.

Level 6, take Extra Slot (2nd)

Level 9 Versatile Spellcaster

Level 12 A blood line feat that has a 3rd level spell you like.

This is the most hardcore caster ever. What do you take after level 6? Hold on to your hats: Barbarian, and RAGE MAGE.




2012-06-14, 01:00 PM
THIS is when you roll a half-minotaur/goliath.


2012-06-14, 01:05 PM
Human Commoner. Now, stick with me.

Human: Magical Training
1st: Precocious Apprentice (An Acid/Fire Spell, there's one somewhere, but I can't remember it's name)
Flaw: Acidic Splatter Reserve Feat
Flaw: Fiery Burst Reserve Feat

Now, to your hilarity, you are a commoner who can do 2d6 acid damage with a ranged touch within 15 feet, or a a 10-by-10 foot cube of fire with the same damage within 35 feet. The saves and the attack won't be great, but with that stats and character what do you want from me?

Follow up with 5 levels of survivor.

Level 3, take Sanctum Spell.

Level 6, take Extra Slot (2nd)

Level 9 Versatile Spellcaster

Level 12 A blood line feat that has a 3rd level spell you like.

This is the most hardcore caster ever. What do you take after level 6? Hold on to your hats: Barbarian, and RAGE MAGE.




Doesn't work. Acidic Splatter (and other Reserve feats) have the prerequisite "Must be able to cast 2nd level spells of the [x] descriptor". To cast 2nd level spells of any kind, you must have at least a 12 in the required ability score.

Also, the Magical Training feat (http://dndtools.eu/feats/players-guide-to-faerun--22/magical-training--1834/) has a prerequisite of Int 10. So you couldn't take it with all 6s.

2012-06-14, 01:10 PM
If you roll a 6 on all your ability scores, what kind of character do you build?


A different one.

2012-06-14, 01:44 PM
As most people just mentioned a warlock is your best option.

On top of this, I'd recommend taking the necropolitan template as soon as possible.

This would work well at all levels.

Druid could be an option but , at lower levels, your animal companion would be pulling ALL the weight, which might prove problematic.

If you start at level 5 or more, again the druid would be fairly strong (and the necropolitan template would still be an asset with the proper feat to allow wildshaping as an undead character)

Finally, a wildshape ranger 5/Master of many form would probably be stronger than a druid due to the improved wildshape, slightly better BAB and skillpoints. Sure, your druid pet would be stronger as a Druid but a Master of many forms should be able to overpower a straight wildshaper + pet

2012-06-14, 01:50 PM
The samurai!

The samurai would totally win the dubious honor of being absolutely the least powerful character ever. The novelty would quickly run dry.

Beat me to it. >:

2012-06-14, 01:55 PM
If you roll a 6 on all your ability scores, what kind of character do you build? I'm just curious.

A trap finder. Class is irrelevant, but he walks first.

Hopefully you roll better next time.

2012-06-14, 01:59 PM
Human Commoner. Now, stick with me.

Human: Magical Training
1st: Precocious Apprentice (An Acid/Fire Spell, there's one somewhere, but I can't remember it's name)
Fail already. Precocious Apprentice requires an ability score of 15 in your primary spellcasting attribute.

Anyway, the only correct answer is Wolf. You need to play a Wolf. The level 1 wolf has 2 hit dice, can wear leather barding, bite and trip people, and also serve as the party tracker and scout. It's a very useful character. Also, the wolf has a small and meaningless human cohort (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/classes/druid.htm). Who is very weak, but can still shoot a crossbow from behind.

To make it better, when you reach level 5, your weak human cohort can become a much stronger Bear cohort!

2012-06-14, 02:07 PM
also take wild cohort along with it.

2012-06-14, 02:09 PM
also take wild cohort along with it.

Tahlspar Ka'nes
2012-06-14, 02:11 PM
Human Commoner. Now, stick with me.

Human: Magical Training
1st: Precocious Apprentice (An Acid/Fire Spell, there's one somewhere, but I can't remember it's name)
Flaw: Acidic Splatter Reserve Feat
Flaw: Fiery Burst Reserve Feat

Now, to your hilarity, you are a commoner who can do 2d6 acid damage with a ranged touch within 15 feet, or a a 10-by-10 foot cube of fire with the same damage within 35 feet. The saves and the attack won't be great, but with that stats and character what do you want from me?

Follow up with 5 levels of survivor.

Level 3, take Sanctum Spell.

Level 6, take Extra Slot (2nd)

Level 9 Versatile Spellcaster

Level 12 A blood line feat that has a 3rd level spell you like.

This is the most hardcore caster ever. What do you take after level 6? Hold on to your hats: Barbarian, and RAGE MAGE.




Ditto to this.... BUT!

eTools allows for Bloodlines. So take a Bloodline class at level 3, level 6 and level 12.... who cares that you're a commoner?

Jump into the Templates section, take a Gold Dragon Major bloodline....

You get a Breath weapon! That's right, a breath weapon. Plus a whole lot of other nice stuff!

Who cares what your stats are, when you can blow away people in one breath? :smalltongue:

Don't expect the DM to like you though....

2012-06-14, 02:17 PM
Ditto to this.... BUT!

eTools allows for Bloodlines. So take a Bloodline class at level 3, level 6 and level 12.... who cares that you're a commoner?

Jump into the Templates section, take a Gold Dragon Major bloodline....

You get a Breath weapon! That's right, a breath weapon. Plus a whole lot of other nice stuff!

Who cares what your stats are, when you can blow away people in one breath? :smalltongue:

Don't expect the DM to like you though....

You know this doesn't meet the prereqs for Magical Training, Precocious Apprentice OR Sanctum Spell, yes?

Tahlspar Ka'nes
2012-06-14, 02:31 PM
You know this doesn't meet the prereqs for Magical Training, Precocious Apprentice OR Sanctum Spell, yes?

Sorry, my bad.... also, the breath weapon isn't available until a higher level.

I'll check on stuff before I post next time.


2012-06-14, 03:27 PM
Anything with animal handling.

Skill Focus: Animal Handling, Animal Affinity, animal handling masterwork item, item familiar (hey, this situation calls for cheese), and when you can pick up that item that grants you +3 on all Cha checks.

Without that magic item, you end up with 11 + 2*level in animal handling. Using the take 10 method, you can start at level 1 with an army of polar bears that you have personally raised. That you can apply the war trained template to. :smallcool:

At level 6, the same level the sorceror can cast fly, you have a team of personally trained war trained Roc's that can fly the team around.

Need 5 skills per level though...

2012-06-14, 03:35 PM
I remember a build that allows a commoner to get 9th level casting...

Take that and call myself an Onion Knight :smalltongue:

2012-06-14, 03:39 PM
Hm.. Playing a commoner, get the "Cursed with Pig" Flaw.

2012-06-14, 03:42 PM
I remember a build that allows a commoner to get 9th level casting...

Take that and call myself an Onion Knight :smalltongue:

I hear that build is...handy. Check into the five finger discount.

2012-06-14, 03:47 PM
You won't be able to cast spells, but your music will work just fine.

At 7th you should be able to buy a +4 Cloak of Charisma, which with your +1 from 4th level means you will be able to cast 1st level spells - of which you will suddenly have a lot since you will have plenty of highter level slots available to downcast with.

At 9th you should, just, be able to upgrade that to a +6 cloak, which with a further +1 from 8th level will give you a Charisma of 6+6+2 = 14.

2012-06-14, 04:42 PM
also take wild cohort along with it.

Mithril Leaf
2012-06-14, 04:56 PM

This, making sure I get some more people to aid another that I may offset my -1 craft(poisonmaking)

2012-06-14, 05:00 PM

This, making sure I get some more people to aid another that I may offset my -1 craft(poisonmaking)

Your build seems to have neglected to take any ranks in Bluff. Dragons have Sense Motive as class skill. Which means that a Great Wyrm could easily have like +30 Sense Motive. You lose.

Mithril Leaf
2012-06-14, 05:48 PM
Your build seems to have neglected to take any ranks in Bluff. Dragons have Sense Motive as class skill. Which means that a Great Wyrm could easily have like +30 Sense Motive. You lose.

Alright, so don't even talk to the dragon. Just leave it in the entrance. It'll bite eventually. Dragons are greedy, and quick free food appeals to them.

2012-06-14, 06:32 PM
Warlock has serious issues with only 6 Dex far as hitting anything goes; you're pretty much limited to no-hit no-save far as offense goes, and they are few indeed. Dragonfire Adept is slightly better but he can't expect to get more than ½ effect with everything that allows a save. Still, Entangling Exhalation gets you going decently.

Druid probably works the best in the end; going Necropolitan or whatever to offset the lack of HP, pumping all level-ups and stuff into Wisdom you'll eventually gain the ability to cast buffs and Wildshape will get you physical ability scores and your animal companion will do all the stuff for the first 5 levels.

2012-06-14, 08:44 PM
I play a Commoner with his WBL in gold pieces on his person, left in his will (also on his person) to his awesome brother. The Commoner commits suicide. I reroll as the PC-classed brother, who was traveling with his Commoner brother at the time, and collects the money willed to him. My new character realizes that life is too short, buys some equipment with his newfound cash, and goes out adventuring.

2012-06-14, 08:54 PM
Two words:

Chicken. Infested.

Commoner 1 / Warlock X

The Dead Walk invocation
Chicken Infested flaw, Corpsecrafter feat, Destructive Retribution feat.

Who care that your stats suck? You have a legion of exploding zombie chickens.

2012-06-14, 09:10 PM
I would play a venerable dragon wrought kobold and save up for a scroll of PAO to turn me into a dragon, a scroll of giant size so I can be a big dragon, and a scroll of fox's cunning so I can be a slightly smart dragon.
Same Kingdom (Dragon) +5
Same Size (Huge) +2
Same or lower in (I would have 13 including fox's cunning) +2

This would let me turn into a old white dragon and I would have pretty good physical ability scores, if there was a way to get one higher Int I could turn into an ancient white dragon instead. There is probably a more economic way to do this or a better creature but replacing you ability score using PAO or something sounds like a good choice unless you want to be a warlock of dragonfire adapt.

2012-06-14, 09:34 PM
There are but three words that will fix all your problems...

Pazuzu, Pazuzu, Pazuzu.....

In all seriousness though, I'd just roll up a new character. No DM would refuse to let you do that unless they where a total sadist.

2012-06-14, 10:30 PM
Warlock has serious issues with only 6 Dex far as hitting anything goes; you're pretty much limited to no-hit no-save far as offense goes, and they are few indeed. Dragonfire Adept is slightly better but he can't expect to get more than ½ effect with everything that allows a save. Still, Entangling Exhalation gets you going decently.

Druid probably works the best in the end; going Necropolitan or whatever to offset the lack of HP, pumping all level-ups and stuff into Wisdom you'll eventually gain the ability to cast buffs and Wildshape will get you physical ability scores and your animal companion will do all the stuff for the first 5 levels.

Eh, just start with Summon Swarm until you get enough BAB (and can pour enough feats and/or items into your attack bonus, as desired) to start using your lazor pew pew. You know as well as I do that enemy touch AC tends to be damn near static as you go up in CR, so you'll eventually hit "good enough."

Basically, a Warlock will eventually be hitting with their lazor pew pew. A DFA will never get enemies to reliably fail their saves.

2012-06-14, 10:42 PM
Who care that your stats suck?

The first six levels of your career? :smalltongue:

2012-06-14, 11:51 PM
I would play a venerable dragon wrought kobold and save up for a scroll of PAO to turn me into a dragon, a scroll of giant size so I can be a big dragon, and a scroll of fox's cunning so I can be a slightly smart dragon.
Same Kingdom (Dragon) +5
Same Size (Huge) +2
Same or lower in (I would have 13 including fox's cunning) +2

Lets change it

DW Kobold White Dragonspawn Sorcerer/1 (sorcerer casting lvl 2)

Ability Scores so far
Str 6 Dex 6 Con 6 Int 9 Wis 9 Cha 9

Same Kingdom (Dragon) +5
Related (White Dragon) +2
Same or lower intelligence +2

Now be a Great Wyrm White Dragon with:

Str 37 Dex 10 Con 27 Int 9 Wis 9 Cha 9

For more BS be a Wyrm White Dragon and then advance through age catagory and become a Great Wyrm and get appropriate Int Wis and Cha :smalltongue:

Honestly? This is debatable... It really is :smalltongue: but man would it be one hell of a debate :smallamused:

2012-06-15, 09:11 AM
If you roll a 6 on all your ability scores, what kind of character do you build? I'm just curious.

I reroll or don't play. It would be the same answer if I got all 12s.

2012-06-15, 09:12 AM
Lets change it

DW Kobold White Dragonspawn Sorcerer/1 (sorcerer casting lvl 2)

Ability Scores so far
Str 6 Dex 6 Con 6 Int 9 Wis 9 Cha 9

Same Kingdom (Dragon) +5
Related (White Dragon) +2
Same or lower intelligence +2

Now be a Great Wyrm White Dragon with:

Str 37 Dex 10 Con 27 Int 9 Wis 9 Cha 9

For more BS be a Wyrm White Dragon and then advance through age catagory and become a Great Wyrm and get appropriate Int Wis and Cha :smalltongue:

Honestly? This is debatable... It really is :smalltongue: but man would it be one hell of a debate :smallamused:

I don't think that would work, great wyrm white dragons are int 18.

2012-06-15, 11:36 AM
I don't think that would work, great wyrm white dragons are int 18.

Lol, I forgot to mention that you also need a Headband of intelligence for this to work :smalltongue:

2012-06-15, 11:41 AM
Doesn't matter, with those rolls I'd call Pazuzu and call it a day.

2012-06-15, 12:21 PM
Chicken infested commoner. Hide in the back until you level up and get a +2 BAB class. Take quick draw asap. Flood the world with chickens instantly.

2012-06-15, 12:26 PM
Chicken infested commoner. Hide in the back until you level up and get a +2 BAB class. Take quick draw asap. Flood the world with chickens instantly.

Screw that, just get a spell component pouch and kill the world at level 1 :smallbiggrin:

Lonely Tylenol
2012-06-15, 05:25 PM
A Glaivelock that, at level 6, takes the Fell Flight invocation and stays at least five full range increments above the ground.

That'll handle at least the mundane threats.

2012-06-15, 05:41 PM
A Glaivelock that, at level 6, takes the Fell Flight invocation and stays at least five full range increments above the ground.

That'll handle at least the mundane threats.

And levels 1-5?

2012-06-15, 05:43 PM
Fail already. Precocious Apprentice requires an ability score of 15 in your primary spellcasting attribute.

Anyway, the only correct answer is Wolf. You need to play a Wolf. The level 1 wolf has 2 hit dice, can wear leather barding, bite and trip people, and also serve as the party tracker and scout. It's a very useful character. Also, the wolf has a small and meaningless human cohort (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/classes/druid.htm). Who is very weak, but can still shoot a crossbow from behind.

To make it better, when you reach level 5, your weak human cohort can become a much stronger Bear cohort!

Druids can't use crossbows.

2012-06-15, 05:52 PM
They can take feats, duh.

2012-06-15, 05:54 PM
In core: +2 charisma magic item, old aged, +1 charisma at level 4. Carry lots of potions of eagle's splendor until you can afford a +4 charisma magic item, and even before you get the +2 one. It is a lot of money on potions but in D&D WBL is a lot while fights per level are few so it is possible. Select spells that don't have saves. Grab false life later. Boom, you're a working sorcerer.

Druid works ok too, but the fluff is harder for abilities to appear out of nowhere when your abilities aren't spontaneous. And you can't really do everything well like a regular druid; your only good spells left are your buff spells which means the only thing you can do is fight so-so.

Hiro Protagonest
2012-06-15, 05:58 PM
Screw that, just get a spell component pouch and kill the world at level 1 :smallbiggrin:

Or, if your DM doesn't allow that, get your hands on a cursed sword, and Quick Draw, and any weapon. Every time you try to draw the other weapon, you either get a chicken, or a cursed sword (it doesn't say anything about trying to draw another weapon when a cursed sword is in your ownership after you've dropped the cursed sword, it just says you can't get rid of it).

2012-06-15, 05:58 PM
Probably Rogue or Bard. Use what skill points I have in key and interesting areas to know things about stuff people don't generally expect, or invest in skills which have static DCs.

Use Magic Device is probably how I'd contribute in combat, using low level buff wands on everyone else.

Other than that I'd fall back on a high Diplomacy score and knowledge checks (bardic knowledge if I went with Bard) to try to pry more information out of the DM about what's going on.

Although I don't think realistically I'll ever be in a situation where I'll be dealing with this hypothetical... My DMs generally use point-buy systems, and even when they do use rolled stats for whatever reason, they'll always look for a character with at least a +1 bonus overall.

2012-06-15, 06:23 PM
Or, if your DM doesn't allow that, get your hands on a cursed sword, and Quick Draw, and any weapon. Every time you try to draw the other weapon, you either get a chicken, or a cursed sword (it doesn't say anything about trying to draw another weapon when a cursed sword is in your ownership after you've dropped the cursed sword, it just says you can't get rid of it).

OH YOU :smallbiggrin:

2012-06-15, 06:46 PM
Warlock has serious issues with only 6 Dex far as hitting anything goes; you're pretty much limited to no-hit no-save far as offense goes, and they are few indeed.

Its only -2 to hit, on a ranged touch attack.
Sure you would normally expect to start with between +2 or more but its not so bad.

2012-06-15, 06:49 PM
Alright, so don't even talk to the dragon. Just leave it in the entrance. It'll bite eventually. Dragons are greedy, and quick free food appeals to them.

Have you also considered that aforementioned Great Wyrm Prismatic Dragon literally has 4/5 times your Int score?

And if played properly, no high-Int dragon is going to see a random dead cow and eat it. They may very well be greedy, but they're not stupid.

This plan might should work on an Int >10 dragon, likely White.

2012-06-16, 06:50 AM
Assuming I choose not to reroll?

Dragonborn Mongrelfolk Wildshape Ranger ---> Master of Many Forms. There's even a thematic tie-in, as a Character that wants to understand ALL of his ancestry.

2012-06-16, 07:06 AM
Its only -2 to hit, on a ranged touch attack.
Sure you would normally expect to start with between +2 or more but its not so bad.

Well, it is pretty bad levels 1-10 or so; it only really becomes "hit on 2" vs. MM enemies (with no cover/prone/etc.) in the teens. Though yeah, Summon Swarm is definitely a solid way to cover the first few levels; it will become insufficient in the heroic levels tho.

2012-06-16, 08:40 AM
Assuming I choose not to reroll?

Dragonborn Mongrelfolk Wildshape Ranger ---> Master of Many Forms. There's even a thematic tie-in, as a Character that wants to understand ALL of his ancestry.

Reminds me of that one Star Trek episode, where crew members "devolve" into stupid things like spiders and iguanas. Actually, since the species of the material plane were probably Genesis'd into existence all at once, they probably aren't even tangentially connected by the evolutionary "tree of life" anyway. Maybe your character is a firm proponent of evolution from a common ancestor, and is just looking to prove it. Also gives him a great opportunity to attempt to transform into a Sarrukh :smalltongue:

2012-06-16, 09:06 AM
Supermount character. Your craptastic stats don't mean anything to your mount as they run into combat and slaughter everything because it is fun.

2012-06-16, 02:28 PM
You get the slots whether or not you can cast spells, so Versatile Domain Generalist with Arcane Strike would be somewhat effective from level 6. I can't stack enough templates to actually cast much in the way of spells though.