View Full Version : Star Wars: Crime and Punishment

Lycan 01
2012-06-14, 01:32 PM
In the shaded lighting and smokey haze of a Corellian bar, a group of prospective spacers have gathered to start a small venture together. From varying corners of the galaxy, ranging from spacehounds to aristocrats, they've somehow joined up together and come into joint possession of a starship. One of them, likely with a little financial backing from one or more members of the ground, managed to purchase a Corellian YT-1300 freighter a few days ago. Used, of course. Its a stock model with the basic features expected of that model starship, albeit a little worse for wear. The ship is currently docked at one of the nearby spaceports, which is located only located several blocks over.

Unfortunately, they were only able to put down slightly more than the required down payment. They're still about 10,000 credits short of fully paying off the ship, and the sooner they pay it off, the better. But this is Corellia - somebody's always looking to hire a starship and crew. Be it for transport, smuggling, exploring, escaping, or just an excuse to burn credits, there are many reasons for somebody to wish to pay for their services. The problem, however, is finding the right deal.

The group is seated at a small table in one of the back corners of the cantina. Its still the middle of the afternoon, though you couldn't tell from the dim lights and lack of windows. Ergo, the bar is nowhere near full, though it does have a decent amount of patronage right now. The bartender and owner of the establishment is a somewhat obese Quarren, who's casually cleaning glasses behind the bar. A black-furred Wookie is calmly sitting at the bar enjoying his drink, while a green-skinned Rodian sitting a few seats down from him is completely sloshed and liable to fall off of his stool any minute now. A Twi'lek barmaid with blue skin and revealing attire casually makes her rounds, delivering drinks to and ignoring crass remarks from a pair of Zabrak scoundrels. Meanwhile, a cloaked Bothan and a lightly-armored Trandoshan sit at another table near the back of the bar, having a quiet discussion while watching the rest of the bar with disinterest.

You know the drill. :smalltongue: You can use this opportunity to introduce and describe your characters, then do whatever the heck you want. Feel free to talk to NPCs, order food and drink, try to find work, or wait for work to perhaps come find you. Have at it! :smallbiggrin:

2012-06-14, 02:11 PM
OOM-4 is a dashing OOM droid painted in the traditional beige color. His head was marked in yellow and black - the coloration of a droid general (yellow) and as a free lancer (black), or at least that is what his goatl friend said while he was painting OOM-4.

The droid looks out across the bar and sees a familiar sight - organics ridding themselves of their fear, their loneliness and their anger with drugs. At this establishment, alcohol was the drug of choice. OOM-4 couldn't help but believe alcohol was most ineffective; Death Sticks were highly addictive and only required a vile or two to achieve sensory deprivation and memory loss the organics desired. However, few organics relished the taste of Deathsticks, apparently. The sight of the Rodian was particularly disturbing - drinking to excess in public should be a crime. Still, OOM-4 was jealous, in a way. He too was haunted by dreadful memories - the sight of killing organic younglings specifically - but there would be no solace for OOM-4, deathsticks had no effect on his droid body.

Turning his attention to his companions, "I believe we need to find a job. Having that 10k credit loan over our heads makes me uncomfortable, especially here on Corelia." OOM-4's voice is synthetic and high pitched, just as all droids of his make and model. He had long considered changing it but he had grown accustomed to the voice. Plus, his voice was a useful when dealing with older organics who could still remember the horrors of the Clone Wars.

2012-06-14, 05:41 PM
The black astromech droid next to the table beeps out a short agreement.

In binary.
"Perhaps we should inquire with local merchants...or the local organized criminals, maybe."

The silver trim on his body glints in the low light of the bar. His clear dome rotates, along with the black visual systems attached to his core, to scan along the other members of his new crew slowly with a softly glowing blue sensor. He spins his dome a full 360 degrees to also look over the rest of the bar for potential employers...he stops to give a quick scan of the Bothan and Trandoshan in the corner.

When he returns his attention to his crew and their table, he wonders if OOM-4 was truly a general in the clone wars, or if he had his head custom painted...

Iron Victory
2012-06-14, 05:49 PM
Salkazza is a massive young Wookiee with stark white fur and eyes the colour of blood. He sits hunched over the table with obvious agitation, absentmindedly carving small furrows into it with his claws. The dark, smokey interior reminded him too much of Nar Shaddaa, and he did not remember his stay there fondly.

Salkazza's mood is immediately improved by the sight of another Wookiee as his gaze sweeps across the bar. He hadn't seen any of his species for months. Standing, he looks over at OOM-4 and grumbles in Shyriiwook, “I share your concerns, but we aren't going to find an employer by sitting around in a dive. When your ready to leave I'll be at the bar.”

Lumbering over to a seat beside the other Wookiee, he begins to signal the bartender for a pair of drinks before remembering how utterly broke he is. Lowering his hand, Salkazza turns to his black-furred brethren and barks excitedly, “Greetings, my name is Salkazza, it's so rare to see a fellow Wookiee these days. What brings you to Corellia?"

2012-06-14, 06:14 PM
OOM-4 looks down at the glistening astromech and, if he could, smiles. The little droids were always full of good ideas. OOM responds in Binary, [The local Merchants will have piddly squat for us. We need to pull off some big heist to pay off the debt all in one go. My vote is for crime lords. We should find a computer terminal, so you can surf the Holonet for rumors.]

As OOM-4 watches the Wookiee walk over to his kin, the droid calls out in shyyriwook, [Best of luck friend.]

Realizing he's been speaking in non-basic for a time, OOM-4 looks to his other companions, "I was saying, we need to pull off a big heist and pay this loan off in one shot. With great risk, comes great reward. It'll also put us on the map, which means more jobs will be easier to come by." OOM slips his hands over his long head case and lets them settle at the base of his neck, "All in all, its our best bet for a prosperous future."

2012-06-14, 06:27 PM
Redo beeps happily. [just point me at a terminal] He scans the room again for an open holonet terminal...stopping again for a time on the pair at the back of the bar.

[perception check for terminal or to notice anything odd in the bar]

Lycan 01
2012-06-14, 06:32 PM
When Salkazza takes a seat at the bar, the Rodian and Wookie both turn their gazes upon him. "Oh lookie! Another Wookie! Hee hee hee..." the green alien drunkenly chimes in high, nasal Basic.

The black-furred Wookie idly gestures a paw at the Rodian, and growls a response back to Salkazza. "<Greetings to you as well, brother. I am here to ensure my friend does not get into trouble.>" The exasperation in his voice is audible to Salkazza. Everyone else (who doesn't speak Shyriiwook) just hears growling.

Redo spots a terminal at the bar. Nothing else really jumps out at him. All the other patrons are either acting normal, or are very good at concealing their actions and intentions.

2012-06-14, 06:35 PM
OOM-4 tries to casually listen in on the conversation.

Perception Check [roll0]

2012-06-14, 06:44 PM
The Mon Calamari sits quietly at the table with the other, he doesn't understand the wookiee. He just sips his drink enjoying the rare moment of peace. "I think I'm going to make the rounds and ask some questions. See if I can find us a job, we'll meet back here soon. Hopefully trouble the bad kind of trouble doesn't find us and we can get a job."

He gets up and walks into the crowded bar looking for information, specifically if anyone is looking to hire a freighter for a lot of money. He doesn't want to admit it, but having a debt this big on Corellia is making him feel uneasy. He'll take almost any job he can get if it pays well enough.

Gather Information [roll0]

Lycan 01
2012-06-14, 07:11 PM
Groz's attempt to gather job opportunities proves fruitless. The Zabraks are more interested in the barmaid than a random Mon Calamari, the Trandoshan and Bothan prove rather taciturn and not very forthcoming, and Rodian and Wookie are covered by Salkazza. However, the bartender says he'll keep an eye out for any deals or clients for Groz, and keep him informed.

Iron Victory
2012-06-14, 07:47 PM
Salkazza lets out a quiet yapping chuckle at the inebriated rodian, "It appears you have your work cut out for you. I am also here with friends." The pale Wookiee turns slightly and points to their table. "We are new to Corellia, and looking for some work, do you know anyone willing to hire a starship crew in this city?"

Lycan 01
2012-06-14, 08:10 PM
The dark-furred Wookie nods to OOM-5 and company when Salkazza points them out. The Rodian gives a very enthusiastic wave, and then begins to spin around on his chair. However, at the mention of work, the Rodian stops spinning.

"<Work, you say?>" the Wookie barks curiously. "<Well, my friend and I might have something you can help us with.>"

"Yeah, we're in a bit of a bind..." the Rodian sighs sadly, before letting out a drunken giggle. "Drinkin' my sorroooooowwwwws awaaaaayyyy..." he sings.

"<Right. Ignore him...>" the Wookie grunts. "<Our ship is in the shop, so we won't be able to make a delivery. Perhaps you can help us out?>"

Iron Victory
2012-06-14, 08:20 PM
"That sounds like the perfect job for us, I'm always willing to help out a fellow son of the wroshyr." roars the young Wookiee, with a toothy grin on his face. Salkazza gestures for the other members of the table to come join him at the bar.
"But first the rest of the crew needs to agree, we're all in this together. What exactly would we be hauling? And to where?"

2012-06-14, 09:16 PM
As Redo turns to head towards the terminal at the bar, he sees Salkazza motioning for for them. As he engages his front wheel to head toward the terminal, he spins his dome around and lets out a series of disinterested beeps, [Gentlemen, I believe our Wookie friend has made a new friend. And I think he wants to make introductions.

He rolls himself over to the terminal, and plugs in. He scans the local transport reports, classifieds, and news headlines for anything that might be of interest to the crew.
Use Computer: [roll0]

2012-06-15, 11:54 AM
After a fruitless search he returns defeated to the table, he sees that he is being waved over. "Names Groz." He sits down beside his newly made wookiee acquaintance to listen to the details of the job.

Lycan 01
2012-06-16, 07:55 AM
The black-furred Wookie nods a greeting to the rest of the crew as they begin to gather at the counter. "<My name is Aaralak,>" the Wookie barks.

"His name's Aaralak. I'm Deebo," the drunk Rodian translates, and introduces himself.

The Wookie nods. "<We were contracted to transport some cargo to Tatooine, but our ship has run into some technical difficulties. As such, it is unlikely we will be able to make the delivery. And we would rather this delivery not go unfinished.>"

"Boss man wouldn't be happy..." Deebo shakes his head.

Meanwhile, a new patron has entered the cantina. Judging from the his appearance, he's likely an old soldier or mercenary. He's wearing some sort of white armor under a brown traveling cloak, and the right side of his face is a mess of scars. He's got salt-and-pepper gray hair cropped in a military cut, and his right eye gives off an artificial, vibrantly blue glow. Scowling, the man approaches the bartender at the far end of the bar, and begins to whisper to him.

Redo's attempt to dig up information proves fruitless.


There's no mistaking it. Even with just a glimpse, you can recognize that the man's armor is Clone Trooper issue. The man doesn't look like a clone, though, even with all those scars.

2012-06-16, 10:30 AM
OOM-4, who had been watching the wookiees talk with glee, is immediately put on edge at the sight of the new patron. Is he...? Could he be...? What would one be doing here...?

As the man enters the light near the bartenders, OOM-4's suspicions prove untrue, "Thank the Gunray that isn't a Clone."

Still, a man wearing Clone Trooper armor must have either killed a Clone (in which case OOM-4 should buy him a drink) OR he found it on some far off battlefield (in which case OOM-4 should beat the tar out of him up for having the gall to wear the clothing of the enemy). Either way, OOM4 needed more information.

He stood up from the table and slowly made his way over to the bar - roughly 2 meters away from the patron - and tried to listen in on their conversation, all the while trying to appear casual.

Deception Check to appear casual: [roll0]
Perception Check to listen in on their convo: [roll1]

Lycan 01
2012-06-16, 10:58 AM
The dim lighting and the bustling of his comrades allows OOM-5 to slip around and place himself closer to the stranger and the bartender. Over the din of the patrons and the music in the cantina, he's able to pick out some of the man's words.


He's asking about ships and crews. Something about needing passage off world. ASAP. Price is no obstacle. He sounds pretty gruff and haggard; a man who means business.

2012-06-16, 11:06 AM
OOM-4 tried to remember that even Nute Gunray - the greatest merchant in the history of the galaxy - would work with an enemy if it meant a big enough profit to justify risking life and limb.

OOM-4 sighs silently to himself before walking over to the scarred stranger, "Greetings sentient. My designation is OOM-4. I couldn't help but overhear," OOM-4 lowers his voice to that of a whisper, "that you desire passage off this rock. It just so happens my associates," OOM-4 gestures to the better looking Wookiee and the Astromech (leaving the Mon Cal out of the gesture, preferring not to reveal all of his allies at once), "have a fast ship that could easily see you off to the destination of your choosing... For the right price that is."

Lycan 01
2012-06-16, 11:23 AM
The man turns to OOM-5, and scowls deeply. "What do you want, dro-" He stops, though, as the droid begins to make his proposition. The man's scarred expression transforms from a scowl of disgust to a twisted smirk. "Oh, is that so?" he asks, his tone gruff and somewhat smug. "Now... Lets say that, for a moment, I decided to trust something that goes around eavesdroppin' on folks... What sort of price are we talkin' here? Cheapest, fastest destination?" he grunts. Its not hard to tell his opinion of OOM-5 is not favorable, especially since the droid was listening in on his conversation.

2012-06-16, 11:27 AM
"What kind of delivery? A normal delivery? Or are we trying to avoid someones attention?" He leans back in his chair while waiting for the answer.

Lycan 01
2012-06-16, 12:41 PM
"Yes!" Deebo the Rodian nods cheerfully, even though that's doesn't really answer the question.

"<What my friend means is, yes, it seems to be a normal delivery. But we don't actually know what's in the crates. We were just hired to transport them. So you may want to ere on the side of caution, and avoid having them cracked open, even if you're the ones doing the cracking,>" Aaralak warns.

Iron Victory
2012-06-16, 01:17 PM
As the armoured man approaches the bar Salkazza gives him a glance before turns his gaze back upon Deebo and Aaralak. Upon the revelation of hidden contents Salkazza's grin fades slighty. It's not that secrecy when delivering packages was entirely uncommon, it just made him nervous. “Who would we be delivering these packages to? Also I don't mean to be crass but before we accept I would need to know what sort of compensation we would be receiving. I am happy to help... but Tatooine is quite far away.”

Lycan 01
2012-06-16, 01:23 PM
"<I can't really name names right now, I'm sure you understand,>" Aaralak casually grunts and growls. "<The client has an office in one of Tatooine's settlements. You'll meet him there and deliver the crates, and in exchange, you'll be paid. We've worked with him before, so there's little chance of you getting ripped off. You probably won't get paid the full price, though, since we've done the initial pickup and some of the transporting.>"

2012-06-16, 01:48 PM
If OOM could smile, he would be doing so coyly, "Name your destination and we can get you there. Three thousand up front and another 7 once we get you there. No questions asked."

Lycan 01
2012-06-16, 01:59 PM
"Ten thousand credits for a ride?" the scarred man growls, anger flashing in his eyes. "That's outrageous! I'm not looking to get halfway 'cross the galaxy, just a few planets over. Unless you're willin' to chop the bill down, no deal," he grunts, before turning back to the bartender. "Gimme two shots of Turian brandy..."

2012-06-16, 02:45 PM
The droid scowls, "Just a few planets you say? Why didn't you say so? 1 thousand up front, 2 thousand once we get there. We can leave immediately."

2012-06-16, 05:49 PM
While he is scanning the holonet, Redo overhears his new friends conversations, and defeatedly retracts his scomp link. He rolls himself over in between the two groups at the bar, listening intently to the two deals being made, his dome rolls back and forth from the scarred man to the wookie. He is already calculating astrogation to possible planets the scarred stranger could be dropped off on that would not be in the opposite direction of Tatooine.

Iron Victory
2012-06-16, 06:11 PM
“Excellent, we can leave right now if that would be fine with you. Where are you storing the crates?” Salkazza knows that OOM-4 is not a droid to waste time on idle chit-chat, "what is that clanker up to?" thinks the Wookiee as he sees him talking to the scarred man.

Lycan 01
2012-06-16, 07:02 PM
The scarred man looks back at OOM-5, and flashes a lopsided smirk. "Heh. I had a feelin' we could work something out." The smirk turns into a crooked grin. "Old rivalries aside." He then nods over at OOM-5's crew. "You folks already headin' somewhere, or got a specific destination in mind? I ain't too picky right now..."

Aaralak lets out a cheerful how of joy. "<Most excellent! We have the crates aboard our ship. Tell me which hanger your ship is docked at, and I can have the other members of our crew deliver the crates. It shouldn't take them more than 20 minutes.>"

"Plenty of time to hang out and drink! Hee heee!" the Rodian exclaims.

2012-06-16, 07:53 PM
Redo's dome spins towards OOM and the scarred man. [OOM-4, it sounds as though our wookie companion's colorful new friends have a delivery for us to take, to Tatooine. Ask him if Tatooine would be an acceptal location for us to...drop him.] The droid beebs out in binary.

As he turns his attention back to the other conversation next to him, he starts to wonder what is in those crates.

2012-06-17, 08:59 AM
Groz chuckles to himself, he barges into the conversation before they can make a deal "I don't think that's fair. We don't know what is in this crate, or who we're taking it too. It seems a little risky, it could be a few planets over into some sort of trap. If you want me and my crew to have the morale to take a job with this much missing information you've got to pay us more than that."

He leans back in his chair with a grin on his face "I'm thinking three thousand credits up front. Then three thousand when we get there. I want to actually spend some of this money to get the job done. So consider it an investment in your package. That, or you tell us more about what's in the package and who we're taking it too so we can more fairly assess a price for its delivery."

Persuasion [roll0] I'll add a force point to it too. [roll1]. Also I forget, but can you spend a force point even after you know the result? I don't have the rule books with me right now.

*sigh* It's looking like one of those games where I'll never roll above an 8 on the dice. If this keeps up I think I'll just quit. No offense, but you people haven't seen my bad luck. I played in a six month game where I didn't get a roll over 10, and almost caused a TPK from bad luck.

If anyone can grant me some assist bonuses it might be enough to turn the tide.

Lycan 01
2012-06-17, 09:11 AM
"What's he beein' about?" the scarred man arches an eyebrow at Redo.

Aaralak the Wookie glares harshly at Groz. "<Were you not listening? I said we don't know what's in the crates, and the client would pay you when you delivered the goods. If you want to try to extort more money out of the deal, talk to him, not me.>"

"You made him mad," the Rodian observes, casually sipping on another drink. "Y'know, in case you don't understand what he's saying."

Nice job letting the guy who doesn't speak Shyriiwook try to negotiate for a higher price. :smalltongue:

Iron Victory
2012-06-17, 10:53 AM
Salkazza scowls and looks incredibly embarrassed."<I apologize for my friend. Please do not worry about it. When would it be possible to arrange for pick-up? Provided the rest of my crew does not object.>"

Lycan 01
2012-06-17, 12:04 PM
Aaralak shrugs, looking less irritated now. "<I can contact my crew immediately. The crates can be in your hangar within half an hour, at the latest.>"

"Just gives us your names and stuff, and the crates are yours to deliver. Can't have ya running off with our merchandise, ya know?" Deebo cheerfully interjects.

2012-06-17, 02:43 PM
OOM-4 nods at his droid companion, and responds to the scarred man in a whisper, "My friend here wants me to ask if you are going to, or desire to be dropped off near, Tatooine."

Lycan 01
2012-06-17, 02:54 PM
The scarred man works his jaw thoughtfully, contemplating the offer. He then shrugs, and gruffly states: "Works for me. 1K now, 2K later. Heck, I may even pay extra if the trip is fun," he flashes a lopsided grin. "When were you plannin' on leaving? The faster I can get off this rock, the better..." he growls, the last statement lower in tone than the rest.

2012-06-17, 03:01 PM
"So, where are we headed?"

Going to be vague on a departure time because we need to find out the details from Salkazza's deal.

Iron Victory
2012-06-17, 04:16 PM
The young Wookiee shakes his elder's hand and says "<Of course. It's been nice doing business with you. My droid will give you our ships registration numbers then we can begin loading immediately.>" Salkazza saunters up to Redo and asks the cylindrical little droid to give his new employers the information before continuing on towards OOM-4. He places a large white paw on the battle droid's shoulder and barks "<New friend?>"

Lycan 01
2012-06-17, 05:57 PM
"My destination is right here at the bar until you're ready depart, unless you'd like me to go ahead and get settled aboard your ship..." the scarred man shrugs. "Beyond that, looks like I'm going to Tatooine. Not that bad a place... once you get past the tusken raiders, the sand storms, and the krayt dragons. Nasty beasts, those krayts..." he scowls.

Aaralak graciously accepts Salkazza's handshake. "<Excellent! I'll get in touch with my crew immediately. I owe you a great debt for this. You've saved my reputation, and kept me out of a pretty troublesome situation...>"

Once Salkazza walks off to join OOM-5, the black-furred Wookie pulls out a commlink and begins barking and growling into it, informing his crew that they've run into a lucky break. Deebo the Rodian turns to Redo the astromech droid, and waves cheerfully at the robot. "Okie-dokie little droid, what are your friends' names, and where's your ship docked?" he asks in a drunken-yet-friendly manner.

When Salkazza joins the conversation, the scarred man smirks. "I dunno if 'friend' is the right word for us..." he gruffly states, before giving a wink of his crystal-blue eye to show he's not entirely being a jerk.

Iron Victory
2012-06-17, 08:03 PM
Obviously amused, Salkazza roars "<So you speak Shyriiwook! I bet there's a story behind that.>" He looks at the droid with excitement in his red eyes, "<So OOM, I've arranged a delivery job to Tatooine, didn't I tell you that we would find work in the bar!*>"

*blatant lies...

2012-06-17, 08:49 PM
Redo turns his body toward Deebo, [You have already met the wookie, Salkazza. The droid over there,] he moves his dome in OOM's direction to specify, [is designated OOM-4. Our ship is located in dock 36.] As he is beeping away, he begins to wonder if Deebo can understand a word he is saying. Then, he realizes that he obviously doesn't care either, and finishes his binary output with an amused flourish. At the same time, he tries to stay on top of the conversation happening behind him.

36 was just a random pick, since Lycan never specified. Hope that's ok.

2012-06-17, 09:25 PM
OOM-4 looks at his Wookiee friend and says (in shyyriwook), <"I found work as well. How much is your deal worth? My deal will get use close to a third of the way out of our goal.">

Turning to the scarred man, OOM-4 says, "My droid companion here wishes to inform you that we will be leaving within the hour and in Docking Bay 36."

Iron Victory
2012-06-17, 09:31 PM
The Wookiee gets a bit of an ashamed look on his face, <"Well... the thing about that is... well I'm not entirely sure for how much. We are being paid upon delivery...">

2012-06-17, 09:37 PM
OOM-4 shakes his head, <"That is pertinent information Sal. Good thing we're going to Tatooine anyways. Let's hope we get a big reward for shipping these goods...">

Iron Victory
2012-06-17, 09:47 PM
A hint of frustration creeps in to Salkazza's voice as he turns to his droid companions, <"So are you ready to leave? The cargo is being prepared for loading as we speak.">

2012-06-17, 09:54 PM
OOM-4 looks to the Barkeep and orders a locally brewed whiskey. OOM-4 hands the shot over to the Wookiee and says, <"Live and learn friend. Now, let's go to the armpit of the galaxy." >

Iron Victory
2012-06-17, 10:22 PM
The young Wookiee lightens up a little, as he downs the shot in a single satisfied gulp. <"You always remember what sort of brandy I like."> growls Salkazza before he gives the droid a slightly-too-hard chummy slap on the back. <"I hope the 'Son* is still running, we did leave Killean alone.">

*democracy has spoken Fel :smallsmile:

2012-06-17, 10:39 PM
Killean drops his his small bag of belongings on the cot that will be serving him as a bed for the next few months, maybe even years, and grimaces as it causes the cot to creak alarmingly. Still he had planned to be spending most of his time in the pilots seat, he hoped they were comfy, and there wouldn't be much time for sleep with the ship doubtless needing a hundred minor repairs before he could get it up to full operating condition. He hoped his allies had purchased plenty of spare parts.

He walks slowly through the ship, at first just enjoying the sound of his cane on the deck plating and the echoes through the empty ship, a ship that seemed full of possibility. Then he found his way to the engineering consoles and adjusted the on-board gravity to 0.5g. He wished they were in space already so he could take some of the load off of his tired legs. He begins to run a full diagnostic of the ship, composing an A list of everything that needs to be urgently replaced and a B list of everything he would prefer to have replaced before they clocked any serious Parsecs with the Second Son.

He downloads the lists onto his Datapad and makes his way to the cockpit. He is sure to familiarize himself with the controls, he makes a full inspection of them and ensures that everything is in working order. Then he busies himself with addressing the most urgent mechanical issues on the ship. As he works he routes whatever passes for heavy metal in Star Wars through any and all internal speakers in the ship, after leaving a channel open for his allies to contact him over the comm.

OOC: i would assume that i have plenty of time and so take 20 on my mechanics rolls for a total of 28, if i cannot just let me know


2012-06-18, 09:52 AM
As his crew mates do shots at the bar and finalize both deals, Redo opens a com to the Second Son and relays all that has happened to Killean. [Master Doran, OOM-4 and the Wookie have both secured employment for the Second Son. We are transporting sveral crates of...goods...and one particularly colorful gentleman to Tatooine. I have already ran astrogation, and Salkazza and OOM-4 wish to depart within the hour. Is the ship prepared? Shall I inform the crew or either of our employers of anything at all?]. R3-D0's tone is flat, and formal, almost condescendingly so...

Lycan 01
2012-06-18, 10:31 AM
"I don't speak Shyriiwook, so much as I have a broken understandin' over it. A few words and statements here or there. Enough to get a general gist of what you're saying..." the scarred man smirks. "By the way, I s'pose introductions are in order. Name's Messan Kirrah," he says, extending a hand to the Wookie.

The Rodian relays Redo's information to the Wookie, who in turn relays it to his crew. "Alright, the cargo should be at your ship pretty soon. Thanks a bunch!" the drunk Rodian cheerfully says with a nod. "Well, back to drinking I suppose..." he muses, before returning to his seat and his drink.

2012-06-18, 01:34 PM
Roger Redo, the ship will be ready. I found a few minor problems but nothing i cant deal with. Send me the astrogation data and ill work out a course. Killean double checks the data Redo has sent him, then packs up his tools and limps back to the cockpit. He begins his preflight check, anxious to be off this world. He begins working out a course in the old computer, he grins as he does so. A corellian run, that's a good start.

Pilot check: [roll0]

2012-06-18, 02:43 PM
[Understood. Please, let me know if there are any mechanical or computational issues you need assisstence with]. Somehow, the droid manages to sound overly helpful and cheery, nearly to the point of sarcasm.

He turns back to Salkazza and OOM, still standing with Messan. [I have spoken with Master Doran, he has informed that the Second Son is ready when we are.]. Even Redo is anxious to leave Corellia, and the terribly boring memories of the dreary droid shop, and it's countless dull residents. Especially that witless and annoying Rodian shopkeeper.

2012-06-18, 06:41 PM
OOM-4 looks at the Wookie and chuckles, <"I feel sorry for Killean, I bet he would have liked this den of substance abuse.">

OOM then pats the Astromech on the dome, <"Now we should high tail it out of here before we run into some Corellian loan sharks..."> OOM glances around the Cantina wearily, <"or worse...">

Iron Victory
2012-06-18, 07:30 PM
<"Agreed"> says the Wookiee as he heads out the door. Giving Aaralak and Deebo a wave farewell. He turns to the scarred man and says with a smile, <"Now is as good a time as any to show you to the ship, we'll be ready to leave soon. Just enough time to get you settled, yeah? It's only a short walk from here. Maybe you can tell me why you decided to learn Shyriiwook as we walk, but hey, your the client, no pressure.">

2012-06-18, 10:04 PM
Redo starts to follow his crewmates, but pauses just long enough to spin his dome and bleep loudly to Aralak and Deebo, [I wouldn't worry about your goods. They are in fine hands...]

With that he spins back around and follows his comrades out of the bar.

Lycan 01
2012-06-19, 09:00 AM
"Yeah sure," Messan shrugs, before turning to the bartender. "Cancel my order. Actually, one second thought, I'll just buy the bottle..."

A few minutes later, the rag-tag crew and their new passenger, plus a bottle of Turian brandy, exit the bar. The street outside is mostly deserted, other than the occasional passerby or street vendor. As they walk along, the scarred man turn to the Wookie and flashes a crooked grin. "Since yer curious, I picked up a bit of Shyriiwook over the years during my travels. I've worked with a variety of aliens and groups, so it pays to be attentive and to pick up on things. A bit of Shyriiwook, Jawa-speak, or Binary can be the difference between life and death. Or getting ripped off," he smirks.

You can make a Perception check to see if he's lying.

Back at the ship, Killean has prepared all the needed pre-flight checks and calculations. The engines are finely tuned, the hyperdrive path has been calculated, and everything seems to be in order. All that's really left to do is start up the engine and take off.

2012-06-19, 12:32 PM
Killean grins and hauls himself into the pilots chair. So far everything seemed to be going better than expected. Come on guys, im about to leave without you.

2012-06-19, 04:58 PM
As they make their way to dock 36, Redo follows just behind Salkazza and Messan. As much as he doesn't understand sentient behavior, he pays close attention to Messan, gauging his speech patterns and behaviors against those of other sentients the droid has observed.

Perception check to study Messan (and see if he's lying, obviously)


[Binary? You seem like the kind of man with a story or two. I'm sure you'll keep the crew entertained while we make our way to Tatooine, sir.]

As they start up the ramp of the Second Son, Redo will make his way to the cockpit.

Iron Victory
2012-06-19, 05:58 PM
The Wookiee gives him a long look before returning the grin, <"Jawa-speak eh? At least you'll get along fine on Tatooine.">

2012-06-19, 06:07 PM
OOM takes one last glance around the cantina before leaving.

Lycan 01
2012-06-20, 11:42 AM
Redo can't quite tell if the man is being honest or not. "Yeah, I got plenty of stories..." he smirks. "Perhaps I'll share a few..."

As the group walks through the crisscrossing streets of the city, Messan's eyes grow distant for a moment. "I got a question for you folks..." he mutters, his voice a low growl. "Just out of curiosity... What are yer thoughts on the Empire?"

2012-06-20, 06:49 PM
OOM glances at the man and ponders the question for a bit, trying to find a way to answer it in the most neutral way possible, "I believe the Empire is..." OOM trails off. He hates the Empire and what they did to Nute Gunray and the other Separatist leaders... And for what they did to OOM - dumping him on a nameless junkyard moon... "Eh, it has its ups and downs. Business is good for those who own ships and are willing to ship people and goods across the galaxy with no questions asked." OOM gets lost in a bit of nostalgia and keeps talking, "However, I pine for the days of the Confederation of Independent Systems. There was a country - it had democracy, galaxy-spanning corporations and strong leadership, unlike Uncle Palpay's run down, no good regime of despicable evil..."

OOM suddenly realizes he was vocalizing those thoughts. His hand instinctively drifts towards his Blaster, ready to kill if the need arises.

2012-06-20, 07:41 PM
As he moves along behind the other three, Redo emits a short burst of amused beeping. Not words. More like the binary equivalent of a chuckle. He doesn't say anything otherwise.

Iron Victory
2012-06-20, 07:42 PM
Salkazza's carefree expression hardens at such a serious question, and even more at OOM-4's response. <"I don't share my friends... pining... for the CIS, my people have had our... disagreements with them."> He steals a glance towards the mechanical killer beside him. <"Look at my planet Messan."> The Wookiee growls, pausing to look the scarred man in the eyes. <"They bombed it from orbit, they occupied it, and they enslaved us. So no, I'm not the biggest fan of the Empire!"> The last line is roared far too loudly.

Lycan 01
2012-06-20, 08:19 PM
Messan smiles wistfully at OOM-4. "Nice to see I'm not the only old relic who pines for the past." At Salkazza's outburst, the scarred man's smile fades. "I didn't mean to upset you. But I just wanted to make sure we were all on the same level. And it looks like we are..." he smirks.

"Come on," he says, picking up his pace. "We'd better get off this dirtball before trouble comes calling."

Perception checks, please.

2012-06-20, 08:22 PM
OOM quietly whispers "Sorry." to his Wookiee friend, "I still have a "Patriotism" program in my processor. No matter how much I try to purge it, the program persists. Regardless, the CIS was indeed terrible - unlike the noble Trade Federation - but not half so much as the corrupt Republic or the deceitful Empire."

2012-06-20, 08:27 PM
After a sardonically happy little whistle at everyone's agreements, Redo glances from left to right.


Lycan 01
2012-06-20, 10:34 PM

For some weird reason, you feel as though you're being watched. Which is really weird, when you stop and think about it. Can droids feel?

2012-06-20, 10:54 PM
OOM-4 casually stops and gives his Wookiee friend a knowing nod. He then speaks loudly, "I reckon this is a nice enough world. You have your pretty sun rises and sun sets and some of the best alcohol money can buy. Why I don't know anything that would be better than that?" As he talks he slowly walks in a circle, hands far away from his blaster.

"Redo, why don't you take a picture of Sal and I, eh? I have special instructions too, I'm quite finicky about my portrait, as you all know." In a buzz of electronic chirps, OOM tells Redo to scan the area for snoops, sneaks, thieves and other untoward folk. "Now take the picture and we'll be on our way."

OOM then stands next to the big hairy Wookiee and whispers - as best as one can in Shyriiwook - "Someone's watching us."

Another perception check to see if I spot someone: [roll0]

Iron Victory
2012-06-20, 11:25 PM
The Wookiee is trying very hard to look casual. Salkazza poses for the picture with his arm around the battle droid and mumbles in a growling whisper, <"Where? how many?"> He flashes a large fang-filled smile at Redo and mutters through his teeth, <"Should we run for the ship? The cargo loading will be done any minute.">

2012-06-21, 06:11 AM
Redo bleeps a happy acknowledgment, rolling around the wookie and the droid, acting as though he is looking for the best angle.

If he can, Redo will attempt to use the oppertunity to have another look around. Also, I forgot to add the +2 equipment bonus to perception granted by my improved sensor package the first time! Woops!


Lycan 01
2012-06-21, 10:33 AM
"Hey, why are we stoppin'?" Messan asks, turning to look back at the impromptu photoshoot. "Is there really the best time for somethin' like this? I thought you had a shipment you needed to hurry to pick up." He seems a little... tense. While the street isn't heavily populated with civilians, his eyes seem to shift suspiciously back and forth between every human and alien that is walking along near them.


You catch a glimpse of a small drone of some sort, hovering on a rooftop several buildings back towards the bar. As soon as you notice it, though, the small hover-bot zips back behind cover.

2012-06-21, 01:36 PM
After snapping the holo-image, Redo moves close to OOM. [I believe we are being followed. On the rooftops back there...some kind of drone. I didn't get a good look...] He says quietly.

Knowledge (tech)
to determine the nature of our tail...


Lycan 01
2012-06-21, 01:42 PM

Its a surveillance drone, of rather high quality judging from its programmed response to being detected. Drones like that are typically sent out in groups to cover a wide area in search of specific people or items. Whoever owns it must have a lot of resources, legal or otherwise.

2012-06-21, 01:46 PM
OOM loudly calls out, "What's that? You didn't get a good shot? Well take another one!"

Perception: [roll0]

2012-06-21, 03:02 PM
[I am not sure you could be less subtle, Redo mutters in low binary as he rolls around the droid and the Wookie to settle near Messan. Turning he makes subtle adjustments back and forth, left and right and even tilts one way and then the other on his legs. Making a big show of getting the "perfect shot." At the same time he checks the power status of the heavy blaster attached to one of his many appendages, preparing to draw if necessary...

@Messan - [We are being followed, act natural.]

Perception check:

Iron Victory
2012-06-21, 04:17 PM
After not getting a response from OOM-4, Salkazza becomes worried, and attempts to see the skulker for himself. <"It's time we left, the ship is prepped.">

Perception Check: [roll0]

Lycan 01
2012-06-21, 06:12 PM
Messan scowls at Redo. "Really? I hadn't noticed. I'm just in a hurry because I felt like it." His sarcasm is palpable.

OOM-4's sensors don't pick up anything. Salkazza cranes his neck - very unsubtly - to look around, but can't see anything suspicious.


You catch a glimpse of a second drone, hovering in a nearby alley. It also ducks back into cover almost the exact moment you pick it up on your sensors.

"Great, more of 'em..." the grizzled man growls under his breath. He turns and glares in annoyance at OOM-4 and Salkazza. "Impeccable timing on your photo opportunities." He then sighs, and begins to quickly stride towards the starport. "Alright, we've got two options. Option 1, we part ways, you run for your ship, get off this dirtball, and pray to whatever higher power you believe in that nobody gives you any trouble. I probably die. Option 2, I run to the ship with you, we all take off, we all pray, and if we make it to our previously agreed upon destination, I pay you the full 10K, and then some. Which plan suits you folks best?" he gruffly asks. He then looks back, an almost apologetic look in his one good eye. "I'm sorry to drag you folks into this. Truly. And to be honest, I'd suggest option 1..."

Meanwhile, at the starport...

The Second Son is parked in one of the many hangar bays that make up the massive starport. Its a large circular structure, with a vast opening in the ceiling to allow ships in and out. There are a few entrances into the hangar - a couple of small doors for works and ship crews, and a larger door for cargo and craft to pass through. There are also a few storage crates, toolboxes, and Star-Wars-equivalents-of-forklifts scattered around the hangar.

As Killean finishes launch preparations, the ship's short-wave vox unit chimes. It appears to be somebody addressing the hangar itself, which is in turn being patched through to the ship registered to the hangar.

Iron Victory
2012-06-21, 06:32 PM
<"Well, old man... how fast can you run?"> barks the Wookiee half-jokingly, giving OOM-4 and Redo a look that shows he's already made up his mind. He will not leave a paying customer behind. <"We run... now!">

2012-06-21, 06:39 PM
OOM-4 rolls his ocular implants, "I was posing for cover. We didn't know what was chasing us. I came up with a solution. You don't like it then by Gunray go find another ship. However, given your current circumstances, I believe we are your best hope. Now run as fast as those puny organic legs will take you and let's get to the Son."

OOM bolts down the road, trying desperately to keep up with Sal and his massive stride.

2012-06-21, 06:48 PM
As Redo turns to run, he practically power slides, his wheels spinning before making purchase. Following just behind the others, he turns the volume up on his binary output and "shouts" up to them [at least, it is clear that there will be few dull moments with the two of you around! Even playing taxi is exciting!] He spins his dome around to check back as they dash for the Son.

one last perception check?

2012-06-22, 12:35 AM
Killean jabs the transmit stud on the vox. And what can i do for you this fine afternoon sir? He asks, checking the time display nervously.

Lycan 01
2012-06-22, 12:54 AM
"I am looking for a ship owned by the Misters Salkazza an OOM-4. I was told their vessel was docked in this hangar," replies the chipper voice of a protocol droid over the vox unit. "Are you the owner or an associate of the owner-slash-owners of the vessel?"

Out on the streets, Messan smirks. "Heh. I'm not as feeble as you think..." he grunts, before beginning to sprint. He's easily able to catch up to Salkazza, and begins to overtake the Wookie. As he runs, his cloak flows and flutters behind him, fully revealing his armor. The white armor is oddly reminiscent of stormtrooper armor, though more sleek and slightly different in some places. Its got several pockmarks, dings, and scorch marks. Battle scars, no doubt.

It'll be another minute or two before they can get to the starport, as the crew and their new passanger run down streets and alleys to shake their pursuers.

2012-06-22, 03:19 PM
I am an associate of the aforementioned owners, what can i do for you?

Iron Victory
2012-06-22, 04:13 PM
Salkazza is awed by the aged man's speed. <"This way, our ship is in dock 36! We can get there through the alleys!"> he shouts to Messan.

Lycan 01
2012-06-22, 06:03 PM
"Most excellent. I am here to deliver cargo for my masters, as was agreed-upon by them and your associates," the droid cheerfully replies over the vox to Killean. "Give me a moment, and I will bring it into the hangar."

After a few more moments of running, the rag-tag group of droids and organics manage to get to the starport, and quickly duck into the access passage that leads to their hangar. They pass by several doorways and cargo-bay doors, each set leading into another hangar. Some pilots, droids, and other crew are forced to step aside to avoid being run over, yelling questions and obscenities after them.

Perception Check DC 15:

Further back down the passageways, you hear more yelling and shouting. But it sounds different, like its being filtered through a vox unit or something, and it sounds more authoritative than angry.

Perception Check DC 20:


The fleeing group finally makes it to the entrance of Hangar 36. There are a couple of small doorways, set on either side of a larger cargo-bay door. The large blast door is in the process of opening, and there's a silver-hued protocol droid standing next to the vox-system mounted on the wall beside it. Behind it are three small droids, only a few feet tall and almost skeletal in appearance - pit droids. The three small mechanical-assistance robots are each dragging a large black box, two-by-five feet in size, hovering upon small repulsion-lift dollies.

"Oh!" the protocol droid exclaims as it spots Salkazza and OOM-4. "Impeccable timing!"

"Depends on who ya ask..." Messan growls, striding towards the opening door. "I dunno if we have time for this..."

(The vox is still live - Killean can hear the exchange, and interject via vox.)

2012-06-22, 06:50 PM
OOM tries his best to keep up with the Wookiee and the Human but his poor mechanical legs were not designed for speed.

The group arrives at the hangar, OOM spots the Protocol and calls out, "Get the ship ready to launch! We're being tailed. Killean, can you hear me? Prep the Son's blasters, we could use them to help defend us as we finish loading these crates."

Instinctively, he points a finger at the human, "I'm not leaving money on the table here. We load the crates and that's final."

OOM then takes up a position behind one of the larger, un-used crates and steels himself for a firefight.

Ready an action to shoot the first bad guy that comes into view.

Attack Name: Blaster Shot
Attack Target: First bad guy I see
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

Iron Victory
2012-06-22, 07:36 PM
<"And that's why we get along so well!"> laughs the Wookiee at OOM-4 before trying to rush the crate into the ship as fast as possible. Salkazza begins to heave the crates one-by-one onto the Second Son while yelling: <"Messan, either help me get this on the ship or go assist OOM!"> He barks over his shoulder: <"Can you seal the hanger doors Redo?">

2012-06-22, 08:29 PM
Yeah, i hear you OOM. Get Redo in here on the guns, the other two get the cargo onto the ship. Once i light the engines it wont matter what the bad guys do. They can either get out or get fried.

2012-06-22, 11:02 PM
Redo rolls into the hangar bay just after OOM, he speeds to the blast door's control pannel, and attempts to close the door. [On it!]

Use Computer:

He spins his dome around to address the com on the wall and Killian, [I will be with you in a moment, Master Doran.]

Lycan 01
2012-06-22, 11:32 PM
The protocol droid waddles into the hangar, followed by the pit droids who struggle to push the crates. Even with the grav-lifts, the cargo is still quite heavy. "Oh my! Am I interrupting something?" the oblivious droid inquires.

"Right," Messan nods to Salkazza. "I'll help defend the-"

The blast-door suddenly slams shut with a loud thud, and locks firmly in place. Redo's slicing was so effective, that only a professional tech expert could get through that door. Or someone with access to military grade explosives.

"Nevermind," Messan smirks.

The two side doors, though, are still unlocked. And the one on the left suddenly rises up, opening with a pneumatic hiss. A white-armored stormtrooper, blaster at the ready, takes one step through the doorway.

And that one step is as far as he gets before OOM-4 shoots him directly in the center of the face, sending the stormtrooper's brains exploding out the back of his helmet in a shower of sparks and burning organic matter. The trooper drops limply without a sound, his body crumpling to a heap in the doorway.

Several voices begin yelling and barking orders in the hallway outside. "Droid!" Messan barks at OOM, "Help with the crates! I'll hold them off!" Before the droid can really protest, the rugged old man dashes past the droid and leaps through the doorway, disappearing into the hallway.

A very strange noise follows a split-second later. It is unlikely Salkazza, Redo, or Killean have ever heard it before. But to OOM-4, he knows the sound all-too-well.

It is the sound of a lightsaber igniting.

2012-06-22, 11:42 PM
OOM stands in horror for a moment, the bloody history of the Jedi's whole-sale slaughter of his people flashes before his eyes. OOM-4 had tango-ed with a few Jedi in his time and he knew all too well that he was lucky to have survived the encounters.

OOM's voice is filled with terror, or at least as much as his archaic vocalizer will allow, "Guys... Leave the crates. There's a Jedi or worse coming at us. Jedi and OOM Droids do not mix. Into the ship, into the ship, into the ship! Now, now, NOW!"

OOM backs towards the Son's ramp slowly, providing cover fire for his allies.

Move action, walk up onto the ramp.
Standard: Ready an action to shoot the next karking Stormtrooper, Jedi or Sith poodoo that dares to tempt fate

Attack Name: One last shot before the ramp rises and brings him into the ship
Attack Target: Any karking Stormtrooper, Jedi or Sith poodoo that dares to tempt fate
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

2012-06-22, 11:49 PM
Frakfrakfrakfrakfrak, come one guys move it! Killean screams into the vox, fingers white-knuckled on the throttle. Then his attitude changes as he hears OOM's orders Frack that, the guy could have killed you a dozen times before now! He's with us. Grab the cargo, grab Massan, we all leave or i put the reactor on standby and dump the coolant. Good luck flying then!

Iron Victory
2012-06-23, 12:32 AM
<"A jedi..."> mutters Salkazza in amazed disbelief, staring at the glowing sword for a few moments before snapping back to reality. He tries loading the remaining crate(s) as quickly as possible. <"For kark's sake OOM! We can't leave him, he's a jedi knight!">

This is spoiled because I'm not sure I can load the crates and still do this in a turn: The Wookiee draws his vibro-ax and charges after Messan.

2012-06-23, 12:34 AM
[I agree with Master Doran,] Redo "yells" over the sounds of a Lightsaber and Stormtroopers barking orders, as he calmly rolls his way toward the ship, passing by the slow moving pit-droids and the protocal droid. [Oh, and you are all very welcome by the way, had the door not closed, we would surely be dead.] Redo rolls up the ramp and moves directly to the gunner's seat, taking aim on the open door to provide cover.

Ready action: Attack with this big-arsed gun, if need be.

Lycan 01
2012-06-23, 12:52 AM
Screams of horror and blaster fire echo in the hallway outside the hangar. Over them, the deep hum of the lightsaber can be heard, though the hum is interspersed with cracks, whines, and sizzles. With every second that passes, the sounds of the blasters slowly die away, replaced instead with loud thuds and the clatter of weapons bouncing along the floor. Finally, all the blaster fire dies away, and is instead replaced by a single, terrified voice, begging for mercy. "Please, no! I surrender! I sur-" The lightsaber whines. A sizzle and two thuds are heard, followed by silence.

A short moment later, Messan strides back through the doorway. His cloak has several holes burnt in it, and his armor has a few new scorch marks on it. He's favoring his right leg slightly, and his expression is a dark scowl. "Right. That takes care of that squad. Reinforcements shouldn't be too far behind..." he growls.

There's a silver cylinder clutched in his right hand, hanging by his side. While the others may not recognize it, OOM-4 certainly knows an unlit lightsaber when he sees one.


By this time, Salkazza has finished loading the cargo aboard the ship. He has just drawn his vibro-axe as Messan strides back into the hangar.

2012-06-23, 01:03 AM
Killeans eyes go big as he observes Messan reenter the bay through the transparisteel of the cockpit. wow he says in a boyish voice. Reality quickly reasserts itself and he yells over the vox Cargo loaded? lets go guys, and OOM if you even try to shoot our passenger i will find the wire that makes you tick and cut it out myself! Killean is not a violent man, but the possibility of helping a living legend like Messan outweighs just about everything else.

2012-06-23, 01:06 AM
Seeing the blade and the smug look on the Human's face, OOM puts two and two together. He points his blaster at the Jedi. His voice is trembling with fear and anger, "Halt Jedi scum. The only way I am letting a poodoo like you on this ship is if you hand over that saber of your's. I won't damage it or mess with it. I will merely hold onto it until we arrive on tatooine. Why you ask? Simple, I don't trust your kind. I don't want you going crazy in the middle of the night and, when you can't find any younglings to slaughter, you decide to vent your rage out on our ship. Hand over the blade or you can kiss your trip goodbye. I'm sure the Imperials have a few choice words for a karking poodoo like yourself."

2012-06-23, 01:14 AM
Really OOM? the guy just took out 10 of the Emperors Finest, you think he cant take you? At this moment the Empire has no qualms about shooting all of us, so lets make like enemies of enemies and be friends ok? Hell the jedi is probably the sanest one here, at-least he wasn't built with the express purpose of ending human lives like someone i could mention.

Iron Victory
2012-06-23, 01:15 AM
<"Put the blaster away OOM."> growls Salkazza in a vaguely threatening tone. <"Jedi are honourable warriors. And if he wished us harm we'd be no match for him anyway."> His expression softens as he approaches the frightened droid: <"Please, we have no time.">

2012-06-23, 01:22 AM
OOM grunts as he stares into the eyes of the Jedi, "I'm only doing this because Sal trusts your kind. But be warned, I'm keeping my eyes on you koochoo Jeedi. If you so much as lift a finger to attack or harm our ship or my friends, I will blow you out the airlock faster than you can say "May the Force Be With You."

OOM-4 reluctantly backs into the ship, keeping both eyes plastered on the Jeedi Kung.

2012-06-23, 01:25 AM
((this post assumes everyone and the cargo is aboard))

We can work this out when there aren't people trying to kill us. Lets go. Killean feeds power to the repulsors and the ships lifts off, the landing gear retracts and the ship rises, wobbles slightly Hang on, new repulsors always need a bit of work. Killean mutters, then rights itself and continues to rise with increasing speed. Killean keeps an eye on the radar, making sure he doesn't hit any of the local air traffic. As soon as he gets to the minimum safe height he powers the main drive and makes a break for open space.

Pilot Roll: [roll0]

He grins as he feels the power of the ship, the way the reactor rumbles soothingly at his touch.

Lycan 01
2012-06-23, 01:38 AM
Messan stares at OOM for a moment, before a crooked grin forms on his face. He opens his mouth, probably about to say something snarky and sarcastic. But he never gets the chance.

A blaster shot suddenly streaks down from above the crew, and rips into the distracted Jedi's chest. Without a sound, he collapses to the ground, writhing weakly. His lightsaber drops from his hand and rolls across the hangar floor.

Anyone who looks up will see a figure standing up on the lip of the opening at the top of the hangar. They're clad in sleek black full-body armor, highlighted with red stripes, and they're armed with a very advanced sniper rifle. They've also got a jet pack mounted on their back, a pair of blaster pistols strapped to their waist, and a bandolier of grenades slung across their chest. "Thanks for the distraction!" the marksman jovially calls down to the crew, his voice revealing him to be male. "Now why don't you folks just take a few steps back, and let the proper authorities handle it from here?"

2012-06-23, 01:50 AM
Everybody in the ship, close the hatch now! Reedo! slag that fracker.

Iron Victory
2012-06-23, 01:53 AM
The Wookiee lets out a cry of outrage as Messan crumples to the floor, snarling at the sniper. Under his breath Salkazza mutters into his comlink: <"How good a shot are you with that thing Redo?... Don't hit the jedi.">

2012-06-23, 01:58 AM
Disregarding his better judgment... OOM races off the Ramp, grabs the Jedi and yells, "You can't pay what you owe if you die on me, sleemo." OOM then tries to drag the Jedi back to the ship as fast as possible.

Not sure what it is to pick the Jedi up. Preferably, I would like to run off the ramp, grab the jedi and drag him back on board in 1 turn. It may prove to take more than one turn to do this... In which case he prays to the great Gunray in the sky that the Son's blaster canon will distract the assassin long enough for OOM to drag the Jedi aboard next turn.

Iron Victory
2012-06-23, 02:11 AM
Salkazza rushes out to Messan with OOM-4 and attempts to lift the Jedi, <"I've got him, give us some covering fire!"> the Wookiee shouts, to nobody in particular.

2012-06-23, 09:49 AM
[Let's find out!] Redo responds, opening fire on the marksman at the doorway immediately, taking as careful aim as possible.

2 swift actions to aim, ignroing whatever cover the doorwar provides, and to try to not hit OOM and Messan, obviously.

Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]x2 (provided we have a standard blaster canon on this heap.)

Lycan 01
2012-06-23, 10:43 AM
"Stupid animal..." the marksman growls as Salkazza runs for the downed Jedi. The sniper rifle cracks, and a searing blaster round streaks down into the hangar. With a harsh whine, it rips through the air straight for Salkazza. The Wookie has to exert himself fiercely to twist away from the shot, leaving himself slightly winded as the bolt of energy misses him only by millimeters.

The ship's lascannon whines to life and begins tracking upwards. "They wouldn't..." the marksman mutters, lowering his rifle. As the lascannon locks on target, you get the distinct feeling his eyes just went wide behind his helmet's visor. The assassin immediately turns and activates his jet pack, attempting to fly away from danger. He gets a few feet off the ground before the lip of the hangar explodes in a massive fireball of energy and debris. Over the roar of the blast, a scream can be heard. While it wasn't a direct hit, the assassin has probably been dealt with for the time being.

The clatter of boots and the barking of voices in the hallway, though, indicates that more troopers are on the way...

Salkazza was "hit" for 13 damage.

2012-06-23, 04:13 PM
Killean smiles as the assassin goes up in a fireball I think its best if we were going now. There's more where they came from.

2012-06-23, 04:17 PM
OOM taps his comm, "Good shootin'. Killean, is the ship prepped for launch?"

OOM then grabs the lightsaber and helps Sal drag the Jeedi into the ship. He will then remove the blaster pistol hidden inside his frame and replace it with the saber, for safe keeping. OOM will then hop out with the droids and help get the last crate on board.

2012-06-23, 04:29 PM
If droids could smile, Redo would have an ear to ear grin. He watches as Salkazza and OOM help Messan and the crates on board while tracks the gun back and forth across the hangar bay one last time, hanging out for a bit to cover their escape.

[Punch it Killean! Let's give them a view of our exhaust!]

2012-06-23, 04:57 PM
Lets go. Killean feeds power to the repulsors and the ships lifts off, the landing gear retracts and the ship rises, wobbles slightly Hang on, new repulsors always need a bit of work. Killean mutters, then the ship rights itself and continues to rise with increasing speed. Killean keeps an eye on the radar, making sure he doesn't hit any of the local air traffic. As soon as he gets to the minimum safe height he powers the main drive and makes a break for open space.

Use pilot roll from the other post

As he pilots the ship away from Corellia he asks So are we still headed for Tatooine?

2012-06-23, 06:12 PM
Once clear of Corellia, Redo makes his way out of the gunner's seat and out into the main area of the ship. Something about his movements shows that he is still very satisfied with himself, and his "combat prowess." When he sees the injured Messan, however, he responds seriously, [I imagine you two are relativly unharmed?] he asks Sal and OOM, How is our Jedi friend?

Lycan 01
2012-06-23, 08:23 PM
Once everyone is aboard, Killean blasts off. The Second Son's engines roar as it rapidly rises through the open roof of the hangar, before it begins to speed over the starport and over the city.

A few seconds later, the vox begins to whine loudly. Somebody is trying to hail the freighter on a priority channel.

Meanwhile, Messan is looking pretty bad. He's unconscious, though every now and then his eyes flutter or he makes a weak attempt to move. The shot struck him in the right side of his chest, and while he's still breathing, its labored and shallows.

Okay, as per the core rulebook, there are a few positions y'all can take up in the ship. Pilot to fly, Copilot to help the Pilot, Gunner to man the ship's weapons, et cetera. Since the ship has no shields, there is no Systems Officer position. Somebody can also take up a position in the Medbay and try to analyze or treat Messan's injuries.

Also, the cargo hold has a few hidden storage compartments, if anybody wants to just hide and hope trouble leaves them alone. :smalltongue:

2012-06-23, 08:36 PM
The droid boards the ship and is delighted to see this second hand piece of junk is actually working. OOM had worked with sleemo Hutts for so long, he automatically presumed every deal was some form of trickery, if not an outright scam. As he makes his way to the cockpit, he sees Killean finishing the pre-flight checks. OOM-4 takes the co-pilot's seat, giving his pale skinned human friend a knowing nod. The droid looks over the console and helps Killean finish the checks. Together, they pilot the ship off Corellia. The rush into space thrusts OOM's head into the seat - he loved this feeling for it was the feeling of freedom.

OOM hits up the comm and asks the crew, "Anyone know how to patch up a human? I don't think we'll find any good doctors on Tatooine... Check his pockets to see if he has any friends, or a heap of credits we could use to find a good doc."

Aid Another: Pilot Check: [roll0]

Iron Victory
2012-06-23, 08:55 PM
Salkazza carries the limp Jedi, and delicately places him on one of the tables. <"I... I have a medpac, but I don't know how to use it."> Fear is evident in his voice. He doesn't have any medical experience, but he's caused his fair share of maiming and injury. The Wookiee tries to determine the extent of Messan's wounds. <"I thought blaster bolts couldn't touch a Jedi..."> he mutters quietly.

Treat Injury: Assessing his condition: [roll0]
edit: well done Sal...

2012-06-23, 10:15 PM
"Hmm, Druckenwell is close by Tatooine... It was a Trade Federation World. I visited there many time during the war. I'm not sure what the situation is now-a-days but..." OOM hits the comm and talks to Redo, "What do you know about Druckenwell? Could we find a doctor there?"

2012-06-24, 10:43 AM
[I hate to tell you this, but I don't know everything about every planet...] He responds sarcastically, as he makes his way to the cockpit, [color="RoyalBlue"][my idiot creator did not feel it necessary for install a galactic database. I was a glorified secretary.]

untrained knowledge (galactic lore)


2012-06-24, 11:33 PM
Killean jabs the vox What? Kinda busy here.

Lycan 01
2012-06-24, 11:51 PM
Redo can think of a few planets closer than Tatooine where a doctor could be found easily. In fact, Tatooine is probably not the best choice for advanced medical aid, unless you have the right connections. However, recalculating the hyperdrive routes and other navigational information will take some time.

"Unidentified freighter!" a crisp, authoritative voice barks over the vox. "In the name of the Emperor, you are ordered to land and power down immediately! You have violated several laws, and are currently harboring a dangerous Imperial fugitive! Give up now, and we may show leniency! If you continue to flee or resist, we will have no choice but to use deadly force!"

Several red blips appear on the radar screen, originating from the vicinity of the starport. The Identify-Friend-or-Foe tags mark them as Imperial TIE Fighters, and they are currently identified as Foe.

2012-06-25, 12:30 AM
Oomfor hits the internal comm and tells Redo, "Show them what we think of their empire."

Trying out the phonetic spelling of OOM-4's name, like Artoo or Threepio in the books.. Or Redo :smallsmile:

Dunno if I like it but it is probably much easier to type. I officially accept:

- OOM-4
- Oomfor
- Oom

Any of those spellings are a-ok with me :smallsmile:

2012-06-25, 01:13 AM
Killean grins Watch out boys, their going to damage the paint! then he shuts of the vox and the grin narrows into a line of determination. He powers the rear shields (assuming the fighters are coming in from behind) and squeezes every drop of power out of the engines that he can. Lets keep running, if it comes to fighting we'll give our best but lets try and outrun them first. An old maxim a couple of the guys who taught me to fly told me: "he who runs, lives longer" He checks the navcomputer, wondering how long they can run.

((how long until we can jump?))

2012-06-25, 01:33 AM
Oomfor's hands race across the control panel in front and above him, attempting to do all he can to help Killean bob and weave.

Aid Another for Pilot: [roll0]

Lycan 01
2012-06-25, 07:03 AM
The ship's engines whine and groan under the strain, but Killean is able to squeeze every ounce of power possible out of the Second Son. The craft blazes a path up until the sky, punching through clouds as it streaks up into the atmosphere.

Unfortunately, while YT-1300's are more rugged than TIE Fighters, the Imperial crafts have the advantage of speed. Before long, the eerie roar of the TIEs can be heard behind the Second Son, as the TIE pilots keep pace and quickly begin to overtake the freighter.

You both did All Out Moves (page 172), but TIEs have a slightly better speed than the YT-1300, so they were able to catch up.

It'll take a few more rounds to break out of the atmosphere, and then a few more rounds after that to line up a proper hyperdrive trajectory.

2012-06-25, 09:08 AM
Upon hearing the vox, Redo charges to the bridge and immediately plugs himself into the navcomputer, coaxing a new path out of the ancient peice of junk as quickly as he can.

[Doran, OOM, i would advis the wookie get on the guns, just in case, this could take a moment. On the plus side, I have infact located a few possible locations to get our Jedi medical attention.]

Use Computer to astrogate or assist in astrogation


Iron Victory
2012-06-25, 10:45 AM
Reacting to Redo's suggestion, Salkazza straps Messan down with care before jumping into the turret seat. <"I'm not the greatest shot, but this thing shoots really big bolts... let's see how I do"> The Wookiee takes aim at the nearest TIE and unloads on it.

Attack Name: The YT's turret.
Attack Target: The nearest TIE.
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1] (x2)
I added the +2 accuracy of the YT's guns, please ignore it if I'm doing something wrong, my knowledge of starship rules are shaky.

2012-06-25, 12:39 PM
Oomfor yells in Shyriiwook, "Hit the left, the left one... No my left, not your's!"

As OOM yells, his hands continue to race over the boards, flipping switches, pushing buttons and occasionally smacking the console above.

Aid Another Pilot: [roll0]

2012-06-27, 02:12 PM
Killean winces as enemy fire scars the hull. Cant outrun them. How'bout we out think them. He flips the ship around and starts savagely decelerating, bringing the ship to nearly a dead stop and using only repulsors to keep them in the air. Fire away! he snarls.

Lycan 01
2012-06-27, 04:43 PM
The central TIEs takes a glancing hit, and falls back behind its two wingmen. The other two fighters open fire on the Second Son, and sparks fly off the roof as a few lasers make grazing hits.

A short moment later, the TIE pilots frantically wrestle with the controls of their craft as they attempt to avoid a collision with the suddenly-stopped freighter. The two lead ties fly overhead, while the third veers under the freighter.

The ship has now come to a complete stop.

Salkazza, you may fire when ready. :smalltongue:

Also, it is possible to make Aid Another checks to help Salkazza's attack rolls. Killean can make Pilot checks to veer into a better firing line, somebody can make a Use Computer check to give Salkazza a better firing solution, or somebody can make a Knowledge (Tactics) check to help him time his shots better.

Technically you're supposed to be in either the Systems Operator or Vehicle Commander position, but I'm not gonna be a stickler for rules right now since this is the few few rounds of the first battle.

But for future reference, I would like it if you guys tried to familiarize yourselves with the rules for being aboard starships and starship combat. This is not going to be the only ship battle y'all have have, not by a long shot. :smallamused:

2012-06-27, 05:42 PM
Already plugged into the ships computer Redo slices his way straight to the targeting systems. Aligning algorithms, and making quick calculations, he attempts to give Sal a better chance of blowing the TIEs from the sky

Use Computer to aid Salkazza's attacks.


2012-06-27, 05:51 PM
"I've seen this pattern before!" exclaims Oomfor, "The Republic used it many times!"

Knowledge Tactics Check [roll0]

Iron Victory
2012-06-27, 05:55 PM
The Wookiee aims down the guns, roaring <"Have some more, you imperial scum!"> as he blasts away wildly.

wow, a 1... :smallfrown:

2012-06-27, 06:35 PM
Oomfor hits the comm and half jokingly says, "Sal, the goal is to hit the enemies, not scare them with inaccurate blaster fire."

Iron Victory
2012-06-27, 10:06 PM
OOM's jest is answered with belligerent howling. Of the few words you can make out, none are pleasant. With the help of his crew he takes careful aim before firing again.

2012-06-28, 07:07 PM
((oh jeez have i not posted, sorry!))

Killean feeds more power to the drive and forward shields, then brings the ship into an attack vector on the nearest Tie Fighter.

I make an Attack Run [roll0]

Lycan 01
2012-06-28, 07:24 PM
The Second Son turns so that its guns can better track the already-wounded TIE. Salkazza fires another salvo, and one of the laser beams manages to hit one of the wings. The damaged TIE, now trailing smoke, pulls off and hangs back, withdrawing from the fight but not fleeing. The other two TIEs turn and begin to bear down on the freighter, intent on continuing their skyborne duel.

New round starts.

Two TIEs still in the fight, and the Second Son is currently about halfway through the atmosphere.

2012-06-29, 11:41 AM
"<Sal,>" calls out OOM, "<aim slightly up and to the left, their ships like to list in that direction when they make these kinds of attack runs!>"

Knowledge Tactics Check [roll0]

Iron Victory
2012-06-29, 02:39 PM
<"We have to get moving or we're going to get swarmed!"> barks Salkazza to Killean. He fires at the lead TIE, following OOM-4's advice about the listing.

Attack: [roll0] +aid another
Damage: [roll1] x2
(Please ignore or delay this if it's not my turn, are we still using the initiative rolls from the cargo room?)

2012-06-29, 10:13 PM
Redo continues to make targeting system adjustments, while simultaneously monitoring the ship's power systems.

[Yes, I believe there is an old human adage regarding discretion and valor?]

Use Computer to aid Salkazza's firing:

OOC: I have no idea if its my turn in initiative anymore, so just adjust it to whenever I am. Sorry, I'm a bit lost I guess.

2012-06-30, 09:23 AM
Killean hauls the ship around to face the next closest TIE, making another run from a different vector.

Their faster than we are, but once we make it out of the gravity well were home free. We finish these two then make a break for it.

Another attack run: Pilot [roll0]

Lycan 01
2012-06-30, 12:36 PM
The freighter turns towards the two approaching TIEs, and what follows is a ferocious exchange of blaster fire. Green and red beams of energy crisscross between the two sides as the approach, and one shot grazes along the hull of the Second Son, kicking off a few sparks but only hurting the paint job.

The TIE on the left is not so lucky, and a hit to one of its wings sends it into a smoking spiral. The pilot regains control after a few seconds, though he is now visibly having trouble keeping it steady. The pilot must believe in that old saying about discretion and valor, because after a moment the TIE pulls back and goes to join the other damaged craft.

Next round! :smallbiggrin:

Another TIE out of the fight, only one left.

Iron Victory
2012-06-30, 01:50 PM
Salkazza lets out a barking laugh. <"I love these guns! Two down and one to go!"> the Wookiee roars as he fires upon the lone TIE. <"Look at those Imps run!>

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1] x2

2012-06-30, 02:55 PM
Redo makes subtle adjustments to the targeting system alogorhthms, following the remaining TIE.

[For such an old ship, the weapon systems are amazingly well calibrated...with a few tweaks, we could probably shoot the tail off a mynok.]

Use computer to aid Salkazza's attack one more time...


2012-06-30, 06:00 PM
Oomfor bangs on the control panel, "This hunk of junk ship is pretty good!"

Aid another Pilot Check: [roll0]

I rolled a 3 :smallannoyed: Sorry guys, OOM must be enjoying the new ride a bit more than helping out...

Lycan 01
2012-07-02, 08:18 PM
(Moving ahead, assuming Darius would just keep flying. :smalltongue:)

The Second Son weaves back into the clouds, laser fire trailing in its wake as Salkazza unleashes another salvo on the last pursuing TIE. One shot manages to hit near the TIE's engine, and sparks fly as the craft shudders and begins to lose altitude. Trailing smoke, it manages to pull up and rejoin its two wounded wingmen.

The trio of TIEs continues to follow, but they are not going to be able to keep pace. This leg of the chase is, effectively, over.

2012-07-02, 09:19 PM
Monitoring the TIES via the targeting computer, Redo watches as they start to disappear behind the clouds as they make their escape.

[Before we begin the celebration, I would like to point out that, by this time those TIE pilots have no doubt tagged us, and sent that information onto the empire. We should have finished them off, just in case.]

Iron Victory
2012-07-03, 04:13 PM
<Easier said than done..."> the Wookiee grumbles as he leaves the turret seat to check on Messan. <"Anyways, we can always get our ship registration altered.">

To evaluate Messan's condition. (How long is he going to live?)
treat injury: [roll0]
force point: [roll1] because I'm bad at this...

Lycan 01
2012-07-03, 04:34 PM

The bolt hit him in the right side of the chest, and burnt in pretty deep. Judging from his labored breathing, his right lung is very damaged and/or collapsed. Chances are that there is other internal trauma and bleeding resulting from the injury.

The Jedi will likely die within a few hours unless he receives proper, intensive medical care. Or a miracle.

2012-07-05, 02:46 AM
Oomfor smacks the com, "Sal we're almost ready for lightspeed. how's the Jeedai looking? Is he hurt or is he fit for travel? Not that we have much say in it either way - we need to leave ASAP - but at the very least it will tell us if we need to correct our course to a closer planet."

Iron Victory
2012-07-05, 08:42 AM
<"I've seen this sort of wound before"> Salkazza remarks gravely. <"I would say he's only got a few hours left in him. Is there any planet close enough that isn't crawling with Imperials?>

2012-07-07, 09:54 AM
[This should only take a moment...although, the thought occurs to me that, if the Jedi was going to pay us, he must have credits on his body...]

Redo searches the list of planets he was able to locate with medical services, and attempts to find the quickest route.

Untrained galactic lore again (if necessary)

Use Computer to astrogate the fastest possible path.

2012-07-08, 07:58 PM
Killean yells in victory as the Tie's flee or are destroyed "That will show those imperial bastards!" he returns his attention to his crewmates "So where are we headed?"

Iron Victory
2012-07-09, 01:37 PM
Although he finds it disrespectful to loot the pockets of such a revered warrior, Salkazza concedes Redo did have a point. The Wookiee rifles through Messan's pouches, looking for anything of interest. He is careful not to disturb the dying man. <"We may need his credits to pay for medical care..." Salkazza grumbles, in an attempt to provide himself with justification.

Perception: [roll0] for the search.

2012-07-09, 01:43 PM
OOM sighs, "Make sure to check and see if he has a secret compartment inside his armor. We need all his money. "

Lycan 01
2012-07-09, 06:06 PM
Unfortunately, even with the fastest Hyperdrive and best-calculated routes, there are no planets reachable within a few hours. There are a few well-colonized worlds, but they are all home to heavy Imperial presences.

The Jedi has several items in his pockets. A few credit chips of various color and size. A blaster pistol and some extra charge packs. A vibro-dagger. A few old dog tags. Not much else of note. Oh, and a candy bar.

The Second Son is almost out of the atmosphere. The blue sky around them is rapidly losing color, transforming into inky blackness speckled with vibrant starlights.

(Killean: Perception Check)

2012-07-09, 07:56 PM
[I wish I had better news, I really do. But, if what the wookie says is true, I don't think our Jedi friend will make it long enough to reach any suitable medical aid,] the droid beeps out flatly. [That being the case, we should probably just make for Tatooine as quickly as possible and finish the one job we still can...and as for the body...does anyone know if the Empire still has bounties on Jedi?]

2012-07-10, 01:03 PM
Killean relaxes his tight focus on the tactical readout and begins getting his bearings on the long range scanners, plotting the best course out of the gravity well.

Perception [roll0]

EDIT: oooooo :smallbiggrin:

Lycan 01
2012-07-10, 01:08 PM
Long range scanners show an Imperial Star Destroyer moving in to intercept the Second Son once your ship breaks through the atmosphere.

Your honed senses and sharp eyesight actually allow you to barely make out the wedge-shaped outline of the Imperial starship ahead of you, despite the residual brightness of the upper atmosphere.

This is not going to be fun.

2012-07-10, 09:31 PM
((that is possibly the worst critical i have ever rolled))

Umm, guys? New problem. We have a Star Destroyer sitting on the gravity well.

2012-07-10, 09:40 PM
Redo confirms Killians assessment with the Second Son's scanners, [I am assuming the Empire is not concerned with what is in our cargo-hold. Do you suppose if we shove the Jedi's body out an airlock, they won't blast us out of the sky?] he quips.

2012-07-10, 10:59 PM
After we opened fire on imperial starships? I doubt it.

Iron Victory
2012-07-10, 11:50 PM
<"A karking star destroyer!"> the Wookiee exclaims. <"Can't... can't you just jump past it?"> Salkazza takes time to strap down the doomed Jedi before clipping himself into a chair. <"You sure pick great clients OOM!">

2012-07-11, 12:24 AM
OOM hits the comm and calls back to his friend in a half mocking, half joking voice, "Don't sass me Wookiee, at least we were going to get paid for my mark! Plus, we have zero evidence that they're even after the Jedi. For all we know, those crates we loaded are filled with contraband that the Imperials would just love to get their hands on."

OOM pauses for a moment, "Where did we store those crates anyways? If we get boarded I don't want to loose out on the money we MAY get for transporting the cargo."

Iron Victory
2012-07-12, 04:28 PM
<"We fired on Imperial ships, and aided the murder of a stormtrooper squad."> Salkazza replies to OOM, <"If we're boarded, a bit of contraband will be the least of our worries. If it matters, the crates are all in the cargo bay.">

2012-07-15, 01:12 PM
"You're probably right Sal. Let's get the kark out of here."

2012-07-16, 01:33 AM
Killean laughs The only question is how? Its a Star Destroyer!

2012-07-16, 01:46 AM
OOM throws his hands up in mock frustration, "Go to the other side of the planet and blast off from there! Or, charge the Destroyer, narrowly evading it and blast off to hyperspace then! Or... I don't know, you're supposed to bet he expert pilot! I'm just a leader of soldiers."

2012-07-17, 09:33 PM
Very well Killean drops the ship, angling away from the 'Destroyer. He plots a course, controlling descent and acceleration with a practiced eye. I'll slingshot around the planet, with luck we should evade the 'Destoyer and still be able to jump.

2012-07-18, 05:36 PM
"Sounds like a plan pilot!"

Aid another Pilot: [roll0]

2012-07-19, 03:37 AM
Killean feels the craft shake under his hands, he isnt used to flying something so un-aerodynamic in an atmosphere.

Pilot Roll: [roll0]

EDIT: kinda prophetic there

Lycan 01
2012-07-19, 11:33 PM
The Second Son begins to slow, shedding speed as Killean wrestles with the controls to bring it around. His attempt to turn the ship is not quite as efficient as he would have liked.

Though, turning the ship around may be hazardous to his health. A serious of bright flashes flicker along the flanks of the Star Destroyer. A split second later, a barrage of turbo-laser fire streaks over the Second Son. Over a dozen large beams flash over the bow - hitting the ship was clearly not their intention

The Star Destroyer is signaling for them to stop. The warning is loud and clear. It is doubtful that the next salvo will miss.

Iron Victory
2012-07-19, 11:57 PM
<"Can't you pilot this kriffing piece of scrap Killean?!?"> The Wookiee is obviously overwhelmed with the whole situation. Panicking, the large furred creature yelps <"They're going to blow us out of the sky!">

2012-07-20, 09:03 PM
[stuff it, Wookie!] Redo exclaims loudly in binary, and then, much more calmly he spins his dome to Killian. [I really hope you know what you are doing, I would really like TO NOT BE TURNED TO SCRAP!]

2012-07-29, 04:46 PM
Here we go

Killean throws the ship into a complex series of evasive maneuvers trying to make them as random as possible.

Pilot [roll0]

2012-07-30, 02:02 AM
OOOM nods and aids his human friend.

Aid another for Pilot: [roll0]

Lycan 01
2012-07-31, 06:32 AM
Killean guns the engines, and the Second Son begins to bob and weave. Another salvo of turbolaser fire is hurled in their direction. Several large beams miss by only a few yards, and several warning sirens and alarms begin to sound in the cockpit.

The star destroyer begins to give chase, baring down on the small freighter. As it trundles forward, a swarm of TIE fighters begins to pour out of the hangar in its underbelly. The Empire clearly does not intend to let them get away, one way or another.

2012-07-31, 11:30 AM
Redo returns his attention to the ships systems, [In coming TIES! Wookie, time to get back to work! LASERS! NOW!]

Iron Victory
2012-07-31, 12:28 PM
Being given a task breaks the young Wookiee out of his panic. <"On it!"> roars Salkazza as he jumps back in the gun turret. <"That is a whole lot of TIEs... I can't miss!"> he adds with barking laugh. He fires into the massed fighters.

[roll1] x2

2012-08-01, 09:14 AM
Eyeing the oncoming storm of TIE's with great trepidation, OOM yells, "DO a barrel roll!"

Aid Another Pilot: [roll0]

2012-08-01, 12:50 PM
Killean rolls his eyes If you say so.

Pilot: [roll0]

Lycan 01
2012-08-04, 08:13 AM
The heavy freighter does a barrel roll. As it spins, Salkazza fires upon the encroaching ties, and lands a solid hit on one of them. It shudders and loses speed, but is not out of the fight.

As the Second Son does its roll, though, the Imperials unleash a full barrage. Turbolasers from the star destroyer and a fusillade of heavy laser fire from the TIEs streak around the ship. The Second Son suddenly shudders violently as several rounds hit home.

The lights aboard the ship flicker, and the engine's roar begins to die down. Warning lights and sirens begin to flash and wail in the cockpit. The Second Son is rapidly losing speed - the engines have taken a direct hit.

The vox begins to chime and blink. It seems someone is hailing the ship. In conjunction, the Imperials cease firing... for the moment.

2012-08-04, 12:28 PM
How is the Son doing?

Redo quickly starts processing damage information, and engine power, preparing to reroute power if necessary.

2012-08-04, 12:40 PM
OOM taps the com, "This is your friendly neighborhood shipping company, may I ask who is calling?"

Lycan 01
2012-08-04, 12:54 PM
The vox crackles to life. A crisp, authoritative male voice states: "By order of the Empire you, you are ordered to-"

He is suddenly cut off. A few seconds later, a new voice comes on over the vox. This voice is that of a young woman, who sounds confident, professional, and a bit stern. "My apologies. We seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot. Would you be so kind as to power down and submit yourself to boarding? If you offer no resistance, you will be treated fairly and granted full quarter. You see, are harboring a wanted fugitive, and we would rather like to have him taken into custody alive. Blasting your ship out of the sky, while an option, would be counter-productive to everyone's best interest. So, stop shooting, stop flying, let us take you into custody, and we can get all this mess sorted out fairly and efficiently. How does that sound?"

The Second Son has taken a little damage, but nothing too serious. The engine has taken a pounding, though. It can be fixed, but it would take time. Time which you probably don't have right now.

Iron Victory
2012-08-04, 01:48 PM
Salkazza ceases fire and pulls himself out of the gunner seat. <"So... crew meeting?"> the Wookiee growls as he enters the cockpit.

2012-08-05, 10:24 PM
Redo's dome turns to face Salkazza, and he beeps out an acknowledgement, [I realize that while we are, technically, smuggling most likely illegal goods. However, the lady doesn't sound unreasonable. If we surrender to them, we might even get to leave with our lives...maybe even our ship. My point is, if they're serious, the worst thing that can happen is we lose the Jedi and the cargo. We can find other jobs. We won't survive a confrontation with a Star Destroyer, and we can't find another ship even if we do.] He turns to face Killean and the the other droid, [that said, I would still rather be paid after all of this is said and done. I am more than open to any other suggestions.]

2012-08-05, 10:59 PM
OOM pats the little droid on the head, "I agree. Better we surrender and have a chance to escape than die senselessly"

Internally, OOM sighs. He had been in situations like this before. Clones and Jedi never took droid prisoners. Luckily, this was not the Clone Wars and unlike then, he had a powerful bargaining chip - the half-dead Jedi. "If we play our cards right we'll be able to turn this bad hand into a win. We just have to play coy long enough to make sure we get what we want - our freedom and our ship."

Iron Victory
2012-08-05, 11:58 PM
Salkazza places a reassuring hand on OOM's shoulder. "<Whatever you decide, I'll stand by it. I'm heading down to hide the cargo... just in case.>" the Wookiee races to the loading bay and begins hauling the crates into hidden compartments. It was a good thing they bought a smuggling ship, YTs always had space.