View Full Version : Need some 'tactical' help

2012-06-14, 01:45 PM
So I'm playing in a game that uses basic d&d 3.5 classes but is set in the modern day. There is a lot of dm fluff to the world (chaos gods and law/ order minnions) and each of our PCs have limited access to special dm made abilities, but we rarely use them. There is modern equipment (cars/ computers) but NO guns.

Because of poor life choices our party concists of the following 10th lv characters: a CN bard with an unhealthy attraction to fire; a Ne warlock who is trying to summon cthulu; a CN ranger who can alter himself through mutations, and a CE psi-blade/ pyrokinetic that is utter nuts (that's me!).

We have been tasked to take down a psych ward that is drugging people into mindless drones. It is heavily patrolled by security guards and magic users. There are only two entrances we can access: the main doors and an undergound loading bay. Pillars keep us from just crashing into the main entrance.

I'm asking the playground to help me devise a plan to destroy/ dismantle/ end this place. My psycho is the de facto leader of the group and his plan currently involves a stolen car, explosives, and lots and lots of gasoline.

TL:DR- help me take down a modern psych ward using a warlock, a "combat" bard, a ranger, a psi-blade/pyrokinetic and no guns.


2012-06-14, 07:18 PM
What are the warlock's invocations, and the bard's spells? The right invocations can help out here: Crawling Eye to scout the place, or Dead Walk for an army of undead backup. So can the right spells.

2012-06-14, 07:37 PM
Follow one of the guards home, ambush them, get information from them and then have someone impersonate them (alter self or ranger's mutant tricks). See if they can disable everything discreetly, or else just mess them up horribly (pull the fire alarm or set off some explosives as a distraction so the rest of the party can sneak in and then start ambushing guards or impersonate a cafeteria person and poison all the food).

2012-06-14, 07:43 PM
The warlock has hedious blow, eldrich spear, other eldritch blast focused abilties... and the bard has stuff like detect magic, summon instrument, know direction, light, cause fear, hedious laughter, cure light, hypnotic pattern, soundburst, hold person, deep slumber, charm monster, cure serious, displacement, rainbow pattern, & greater invisibility.

Not exactly good for infiltration....

2012-06-14, 07:51 PM
Follow one of the guards home, ambush them, get information from them and then have someone impersonate them (alter self or ranger's mutant tricks). See if they can disable everything discreetly, or else just mess them up horribly (pull the fire alarm or set off some explosives as a distraction so the rest of the party can sneak in and then start ambushing guards or impersonate a cafeteria person and poison all the food).

We tried a modified version of this, but we all lack the bluff and disguise ranks to pull this off. We're much more of the "sneak in, get found out, kill our way out, forget what we we're going to do" group.

We snuck in dressed as janitors but didn't realize cameras recorded us. So we got in but security was alerted.

2012-06-15, 08:05 AM
Are there handy ventilation ducts which you can crawl through to get around?

Or through which you can pump the place full of poisonous gas. (I had a crazy idea of using prestidigitation to reflavor (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/prestidigitation.htm) the gas and remove any possible odor).

Or for that matter pump normal flammable gas (with odor removed), and then light as a gas bomb.

Do the guards have any means of seeing invisibility?

Do you have any leftover funds with which to buy materials?

2012-06-15, 09:53 AM
Are there handy ventilation ducts which you can crawl through to get around?

Or through which you can pump the place full of poisonous gas. (I had a crazy idea of using prestidigitation to reflavor (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/prestidigitation.htm) the gas and remove any possible odor).

Or for that matter pump normal flammable gas (with odor removed), and then light as a gas bomb.

Do the guards have any means of seeing invisibility?

Do you have any leftover funds with which to buy materials?

Oooh..... I like these. Prestidigitation comes in handy again!

We didn't see any "Die Hard" style air shafts when we 'snuck' in last time, but I'm sure there are some type of air ducts (we can do recon to find out)

The guards might have a spell or two to detect invisible people but magic items are fairly rare so the guards we delt with didn't seem to be able.

We have some funds, about $3000 (not a huge amount in d20 modern) so we can buy supplies.

I'm liking these ideas, they take my boom and amplify it to a million. :)

Ninja PieKing
2012-06-15, 02:55 PM
Get admitted to the ward. You are storing a glass vial of bleach anally. they will take a few hours to mind control you. request vinegar with your lunch mix with the bleach to create a toxic gas this will provide your team with a distraction to get in.

2012-06-15, 09:32 PM
Get admitted to the ward. You are storing a glass vial of bleach anally. they will take a few hours to mind control you. request vinegar with your lunch mix with the bleach to create a toxic gas this will provide your team with a distraction to get in.

Hmmm... I did think about getting one of my team committed (not me of course :smalltongue: )... but i neglected to think about smuggling poison in. (also we pissed off the group that runs the ward... so i doubt they'll take any requests for special meals.)