View Full Version : Maid Corp Affiliation

2012-06-14, 10:30 PM
I have an idea for an affiliation, which is basically a maid guild. Basically if you ever need a servant, you go to this guild, and rent a girl. These girls are raised from youth and basically lack free will. You can order them to do virtually anything short of commit suicide or attack the guild. Clean your house, cook your food, and so on.

The maid corp is actually a harvesting tactic being used by an infernal cult. Since "disciplining an underling" is a 2-point obeisance act, and "humiliating an underling" a 1-point corrupt act. It doesn't take long for people who let the power to go to their head to become lawful evil. At which point an 'accident' sent by the guild kills the owner. (The maids themselves have no idea of this)

However I'm having trouble coming up with what bonuses being in the affiliation would give you, since the maids are suppose to be jack-of-all-trades-do-anything servants.

What would you suggest as bonuses for the maids to get as they rise in rank?

2012-06-14, 10:49 PM
I have an idea for an affiliation, which is basically a maid guild. Basically if you ever need a servant, you go to this guild, and rent a girl. These girls are raised from youth and basically lack free will. You can order them to do virtually anything short of commit suicide or attack the guild. Clean your house, cook your food, and so on.

The maid corp is actually a harvesting tactic being used by an infernal cult. Since "disciplining an underling" is a 2-point obeisance act, and "humiliating an underling" a 1-point corrupt act. It doesn't take long for people who let the power to go to their head to become lawful evil. At which point an 'accident' sent by the guild kills the owner. (The maids themselves have no idea of this)

However I'm having trouble coming up with what bonuses being in the affiliation would give you, since the maids are suppose to be jack-of-all-trades-do-anything servants.

What would you suggest as bonuses for the maids to get as they rise in rank?

Servant Hoard would definately help a Maid accomplish her duties... I'm tempted to recommend stuff from the BoEF but... I'd feel so dirty... :smalleek:

Honestly anything that might help in comforting a noble Heroes Feast, Servant Hoard, Give the guild members access to the Chameleon Class (Lets face it, Humans are apparently the sexiest/perverted creatures in the entire multiverse...)

2012-06-15, 02:06 AM
Servant Hoard would definately help a Maid accomplish her duties... I'm tempted to recommend stuff from the BoEF but... I'd feel so dirty... :smalleek:

Honestly anything that might help in comforting a noble Heroes Feast, Servant Hoard, Give the guild members access to the Chameleon Class (Lets face it, Humans are apparently the sexiest/perverted creatures in the entire multiverse...)

I can't find Servant Hoard. What book is that from?

Chameleon is a good idea since they're meant to be "jack of all trades" even if they aren't human (my current concept maid is an aasimar)

BoEF is an okay idea, but remember the maids aren't in on the whole "damnation" plot. They think it's a legit organization. They aren't trained for sex, (Although if you tell them to they WILL do it).

I do happen to recall a "true submissive" feat in BoEF maybe I'll go check it out.

2012-06-15, 02:27 AM
I can't find Servant Hoard. What book is that from?

Chameleon is a good idea since they're meant to be "jack of all trades" even if they aren't human (my current concept maid is an aasimar)

BoEF is an okay idea, but remember the maids aren't in on the whole "damnation" plot. They think it's a legit organization. They aren't trained for sex, (Although if you tell them to they WILL do it).

I do happen to recall a "true submissive" feat in BoEF maybe I'll go check it out.

Hmm... Human Heritage and I suppose you can house rule that they gain the bonus feat tied to being a human...

Servant hoard is in the Spell Compendium... I refuse to talk about the BoEF among D&D players because I am a prude (When it comes to publicly RP'ing sex... Torture, intimidation, lying, and all that stuff? perfectly A-Ok) and honestly? Raping the girls is going to be the final act towards an eternity in Perdition so yeah...

Hell you can even make seduction devils (or powerful Pit Fiends in human form) the headmasters of the guild to teach the girls true submission... :smallamused:

2012-06-15, 02:34 AM
Hmm... Human Heritage and I suppose you can house rule that they gain the bonus feat tied to being a human...

Servant hoard is in the Spell Compendium... I refuse to talk about the BoEF among D&D players because I am a prude (When it comes to publicly RP'ing sex... Torture, intimidation, lying, and all that stuff? perfectly A-Ok) and honestly? Raping the girls is going to be the final act towards an eternity in Perdition so yeah...

Hell you can even make seduction devils (or powerful Pit Fiends in human form) the headmasters of the guild to teach the girls true submission... :smallamused:

I understand not liking talking about sex. I apologize for bringing it up.

And yeah that's pretty much the idea, the guild is run by a horned devil/pit fiend and the "Trainers" are pleasure devils.

Of course anyone who finds the guilds secret is murdered. Even the maids don't know. "A good maid never questions her master." so to speak.

Thanks for the idea, I think I might know what I'll make it. I might post it in homebrew, so if that happens check it out.

2012-06-15, 02:42 AM
I understand not liking talking about sex. I apologize for bringing it up.

And yeah that's pretty much the idea, the guild is run by a horned devil/pit fiend and the "Trainers" are pleasure devils.

Of course anyone who finds the guilds secret is murdered. Even the maids don't know. "A good maid never questions her master." so to speak.

Thanks for the idea, I think I might know what I'll make it. I might post it in homebrew, so if that happens check it out.

Gimme a link if you don't mind :smallamused:

also give me a link to that Epic spell you mentioned in your signature :smallamused:

2012-06-15, 09:06 AM
Apparently you're okay with the implications of this, but be aware that the Affiliation should, sooner or later, come to be known as an escort agency. It doesn't matter if the girls will do anything else, people will use them for libidinous services almost exclusively. After all, they will comply to any sexual perversions the clients might have, and apparently will not complain for being treated poorly (going from light, erotic spanking all the way down to mutilation, it seems).

Anyways, for me, this Affiliation seems to be more demonic than diabolic in nature (think succubi here). I know that the main intent is to corrupt the "owner", but keep in mind that LE fiends would want to make well-knit rules for everything: "Want to hire the girl for sexual services? Okay, here is what you can and can't do, this is the price you'll pay (preferably something much, much more expensive than hiring her to clean the house) and be aware that you will be severely punished if you deviate from the contract in any way." The girls would be bound to the contract, and refuse to do anything outside its scope; in fact they may be trained killers who will exterminate the client if he tries anything not foreseen by said contract. The Affiliation would care for its "members", not because of a genuine interest in their well being, but because it needs its girls in the best working condition possible. See? This is, IMHO, how such a LE organization would work. Something as loose as what was originally described would be, again IMHO, very CE in nature :smallsmile:

2012-06-15, 09:12 AM
BTW, the spell Arcanist was mentioning is Servant Horde. You can find a similar version of it here (http://therafimrpg.wikidot.com/servant-horde).

I do kind of like the idea, would work quite well in a darker game.

2012-06-15, 09:51 AM

A very good point. It will take some polish, but I think we can make this work.

BTW, the spell Arcanist was mentioning is Servant Horde. You can find a similar version of it here (http://therafimrpg.wikidot.com/servant-horde).

I do kind of like the idea, would work quite well in a darker game.

Thank you. Ironically the original corp might never actually show up in game. The whole point of the "maid" character I plan to run is to test my friends and see what they are in the dark. Especially my one friend who plays an angel like a CN jerkass socio-path. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he goes to Baator.

2012-06-15, 12:10 PM
A very good point. It will take some polish, but I think we can make this work.

Thank you. Ironically the original corp might never actually show up in game. The whole point of the "maid" character I plan to run is to test my friends and see what they are in the dark. Especially my one friend who plays an angel like a CN jerkass socio-path. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he goes to Baator.

Out of sheer... Curiousity (yeah nobody'll suspect that...) I'd like to examine your Affiliation after your done :smallredface:

2012-06-15, 01:23 PM
Building on my previous post, a few ideas:

1 - The contracts could have progressively harsher punishing clauses. A "cleaning lady" contract could merely stipulate a fine for inappropriate behavior, while an "escort service" contract could stipulate surrendering your soul to the Nine Hells - all in very small letters, of course :smallamused:

2 - Likewise, the contract could have progressively harder to follow clauses, be it because of personal involvement with the girl or simply lust. It shouldn't make the contract impossible to follow, just increasingly hard. "See that gorgeous lady you've been going out with for some time by the agency of the Affiliation, for whom you have fallen, and whom you now want to hire for sexual services? Yeah, you can't kiss her." (This is specially effective if one contract has a clause forbidding something that wasn't forbidden in a previous contract. I.e.: the "sweetheart" contract allowed kissing, but the "escort" contract doesn't.)

This way, the Affiliation wouldn't be just harvesting the soul of the overlord, but also the poor souls of those who have fallen into its web.

3 - The contract could have a confidentiality clause, in which the client agrees to not tell anyone about the Affiliation's "private services". The reason is threefold: first, and most obvious, to punish the client if he doesn't respect the clause; second, because it is easier to evade "self righteous do-gooders" if it is not a known fact that the Affiliation offers such services (i.e.: it has a credible "cleaning services" front); lastly, because it should be easier to ensure a client's soul when he's too far gone in his involvement with any of the girls (i.e.: he's not just hiring a hooker, he is seeing the girl who in the past used to clean his house but now is almost a love interest - at least for him). It also adds an opportunity for drama: The guy loves the girl, but knows she is merely hired. Is she being hired by someone else? Is she "cheating" on him? If he takes it out on the girl, there goes his soul. If he takes it out on anyone else and expose knowledge on the Affiliation, there goes his soul again. If he takes it out on anyone else but doesn't expose knowledge on the Affiliation... Well, he is that much more corrupted now :smallamused:

... Ehm, sorry if I'm meddling too much with your idea :smallfrown: It's just that it's a kind of organization I never considered for a game myself, so I'm throwing all that came to my mind at you. Consider my suggestions as just that: suggestions. I don't want to force my views at you or anything :smallsmile:

... Though I'd totally name the group of fiendish overseers "Hellfire Club" :smallbiggrin:

2012-06-15, 01:42 PM
And here it is people!

~Maid Corp~
Symbol: A meido uniform in rainbow colors.

Background: A front of an infernal cult that was founded by a horned devil to turn girls into servants, who are then abused and therefore send their master's souls to hell. Pretends to be a legit organization/business.
Members: The horned devil Jebel serves as the headmistress of the guild, along with her pleasure devil trainers, who train the girls. The maids themselves are obviously members, but they have no idea what the organization is. This is done in order for the maids to be immune to magical lie detection and mind reading when their masters keep dying.

Type: Business/College

Scale: Global

Character level - +1/2 Level
5 or more ranks in a profession skill: +1
10 or more ranks in a profession skill: +2
20 or more ranks in a profession skill: +4
5 or more ranks in a craft skill: +1
10 or more ranks in a craft skill: +2
20 or more ranks in a craft skill: +4
Charisma 13 or higher: +1
Parents or siblings in the affiliation: +2
Per master corrupted and killed: +2
Agrees to be placed under mind control by the guild: +6
Charisma 8 or lower -2
Runs away from the guild: Hunted down and executed
Disobeys orders: -1 per time, after 5 times is strapped to a table and mindraped (does not receive bonus for being placed under mind control). If it continues to 10 times is placed under a monsterous thrall spell. If it continues to 20, is sacrificed on an altar.

Affiliation score: Title and benefits
3 or lower : Starting maid: Gain able learner as a bonus feat, is treated as a human for purposes of entering the chameleon prestige class.
4 - 10: Red maid: +2 bonus on all profession and craft checks.
11 - 15: Yellow maid: Can cast servant's horde 1/day.
16 - 21: Blue Maid: 3/day reroll an action that you were ordered to take and failed to do.
25 -30: Master maid: Can make craft and profession skills as if you had 1/2 character level in ranks or your actual ranks, whichever is higher.

Duties at all levels: Be rented out, serve the masters, serve the guild, do not think, do not feel, just obey.
Duties once reach middle age: Retire from service and become a "breeder" making the next generation of servants. After giving birth to 9 children, raise them to adulthood.
Duties once reach old age: Work as a bookkeeper and manage the guild's finances.
Duties once reach vulnerable: is taken to the back-room and sacrificed on an altar.

"You are now a member of a club, that no one alive ever leaves. Welcome to a happy life of eternal servitude" - Jebel at graduation.


Oh it's fine. Your ideas are very nice and well thought out. I'm not sure if I'm ever going to use this, but damn it's a nice idea if I do say so. It's very sneaky and tricky, just like devils should be.

2012-06-15, 02:11 PM
And here it is people!

~Maid Corp~
Symbol: A meido uniform in rainbow colors.

Background: A front of an infernal cult that was founded by a horned devil to turn girls into servants, who are then abused and therefore send their master's souls to hell. Pretends to be a legit organization/business.
Members: The horned devil Jebel serves as the headmistress of the guild, along with her pleasure devil trainers, who train the girls. The maids themselves are obviously members, but they have no idea what the organization is. This is done in order for the maids to be immune to magical lie detection and mind reading when their masters keep dying.

Type: Business/College

Scale: Global

Character level - +1/2 Level
5 or more ranks in a profession skill: +1
10 or more ranks in a profession skill: +2
20 or more ranks in a profession skill: +4
5 or more ranks in a craft skill: +1
10 or more ranks in a craft skill: +2
20 or more ranks in a craft skill: +4
Charisma 13 or higher: +1
Parents or siblings in the affiliation: +2
Per master corrupted and killed: +2
Agrees to be placed under mind control by the guild: +6
Charisma 8 or lower -2
Runs away from the guild: Hunted down and executed
Disobeys orders: -1 per time, after 5 times is strapped to a table and mindraped (does not receive bonus for being placed under mind control). If it continues to 10 times is placed under a monsterous thrall spell. If it continues to 20, is sacrificed on an altar.

Affiliation score: Title and benefits
3 or lower : Starting maid: Gain able learner as a bonus feat, is treated as a human for purposes of entering the chameleon prestige class.
4 - 10: Red maid: +2 bonus on all profession and craft checks.
11 - 15: Yellow maid: Can cast servant's horde 1/day.
16 - 21: Blue Maid: 3/day reroll an action that you were ordered to take and failed to do.
25 -30: Master maid: Can make craft and profession skills as if you had 1/2 character level in ranks or your actual ranks, whichever is higher.

Duties at all levels: Be rented out, serve the masters, serve the guild, do not think, do not feel, just obey.
Duties once reach middle age: Retire from service and become a "breeder" making the next generation of servants. After giving birth to 9 children, raise them to adulthood.
Duties once reach old age: Work as a bookkeeper and manage the guild's finances.
Duties once reach vulnerable: is taken to the back-room and sacrificed on an altar.

"You are now a member of a club, that no one alive ever leaves. Welcome to a happy life of eternal servitude" - Jebel at graduation.

DA FAWK!? :smallfrown: That doesn't seem to happy... Especially the part about being sacrificed on an alter... it is VERY hilarious dude... like... I'm gonna laugh at this for a while... xD

2012-06-15, 02:31 PM
DA FAWK!? :smallfrown: That doesn't seem to happy... Especially the part about being sacrificed on an alter... it is VERY hilarious dude... like... I'm gonna laugh at this for a while... xD

Devils have a very twisted idea of "happy". Also I find it weird you find it funny, but I can see how it's kinda twisted funny. Kinda like the simpsons treehouse of horrors is funny.

2012-06-15, 06:53 PM
Boys born into the orgiznation are assigned to a junior maid with orders to serve as a "big sister" taking care of but being the sole emotional supporter for the child. Once the boy is in his early teens he's trained in basic assaniation techniques under "self defence" training and sent out to "hurt the bad person who hurt my big sister" If no convinent little brother is avalible imprinted to the maid in question one can be convinently mindraped from the avalible pool replacing the memories of one Maid caretaker with another.

2012-06-15, 07:45 PM
Boys born into the orgiznation are assigned to a junior maid with orders to serve as a "big sister" taking care of but being the sole emotional supporter for the child. Once the boy is in his early teens he's trained in basic assaniation techniques under "self defence" training and sent out to "hurt the bad person who hurt my big sister" If no convinent little brother is avalible imprinted to the maid in question one can be convinently mindraped from the avalible pool replacing the memories of one Maid caretaker with another.

Yeah but then we might end up with a Drizz't Clone (Somehow!)

2012-06-15, 08:04 PM
How so? Either the Little Brothers are sucessful in a few assinations in which case they become hardened killers who are used to help train new maids. Or they get caught or killed in which case they have a perfectly reasonable cause for their crimes that will stand up to magical scrutinity preventing any need for further investigation. Either way they never need to know anything important untill they've run enough missions that the Fiends have a pretty solid grasp on their character, and any of them who are too consistently chaotic to be used wind up on the Altar.

The Guild also needs to have a policy for illegitimate children of powerful people. There are bound to be quite a few Maids who wind up carrying unplanned additions to important households. And It seems out of character for Devils to waste this potentially useful resource on new Maids.

2012-06-15, 09:47 PM
The Guild also needs to have a policy for illegitimate children of powerful people. There are bound to be quite a few Maids who wind up carrying unplanned additions to important households. And It seems out of character for Devils to waste this potentially useful resource on new Maids.

Blackmail is tasty. Apart from that, it depends on what he thinks of the kid in question. You could use one of your other maids as a trojan horse, sneak the kid where you want him and pin a kidnapping on a political enemy of his and see what he'll do to get it back (best on childless houses). You could raise the kid to hate his father then reveal him at the correct moment.

I'm short on Lawful corruption ideas at the moment; I'll get back to y'all later.

2012-06-16, 02:01 AM
The whole point of the "maid" character I plan to run is to test my friends and see what they are in the dark. Especially my one friend who plays an angel like a CN jerkass socio-path. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he goes to Baator.

Expect denial. :smalltongue:

2012-07-04, 08:01 PM
So how did this experiment work out?

2012-07-04, 11:33 PM
So how did this experiment work out?

I haven't gotten to test it yet. Since we haven't met at all. Stupid friends having lives outside of D&D.

2012-07-04, 11:36 PM
So how did this experiment work out?

I haven't gotten to test it yet. Since we haven't met at all. Stupid friends having lives outside of D&D.