View Full Version : How to stat out two villainous brothers?

2012-06-14, 11:50 PM
I've got two villains in my RL game who will need to have stats soon.



Short version of an involved plot:

Ulrich (top) and Elric (bottom) were the two eldest sons of Marcus, king of Solaris.

They have the same mother, but Ulrich's father is not Marcus, but actually a Shiradi, making him not heir to the throne legitimately.

Regardless, Marcus named him heir, and mostly everyone was happy, but Ulric struggled under these expectations.

Ulric and Elric assassinated their father in the night and fled to the western provinces, where their uncle Regan is giving them sanctuary.

They are using the armies of the western provinces to wage war on most everyone else (as Solaris' armies are in fact made up of westerners)

The assassination of Ulric's wife (one of the pcs threw her through a window and blamed it on another country) has caused him to declare war on some of the biggest and most powerful nations in the world, hopeful that he will die in the conflict, while Elric is concerned for his brother, but struggles with a maddening bloodlust which is spurred on by a mysterious woman at court (as is his brother's suicidal depression)

The rest of the world will most likely not survive such a massive conflict unscarred.

Originally I had planned to make Ulric a Knight/Cavalier and Elric a Rogue/Invisible Blade/Master Thrower, but really at most they'll get to 8th or 9th level before the party takes them out, so I open it up to you, how best to make an interesting fight (they'll be fought together) with memorable characters (crunch-wise, I can handle the fluff)

Also, if anyone is feeling generous, their two half-siblings could use stating out two.

Julianna- patron of a knightly order called the Twilight Guard, she is an intelligent and well-read student of the magical arts (though how this manifests could be modified). She is charasmatic, stern and a tad furious when riled, but is not the most physically powerful of people. Apparently killed, ripped apart in her chambers by some beast.

Cael- never saw much chance for the throne, as the fourth in line (Marcus believed in succession by age, not gender) to the throne, his brothers' assassination and flight and his sister's untimely death/disappearance have left him king of Solaris, though he won't rule until his 18th birthday. As far as I was originally concerned, he was an aristocrat, but perhaps if he is to play a larger part in the game, I might want to make him more skilled than that, perhaps with some dark twist?

2012-06-15, 12:03 AM
Julianna sounds like a near-perfect fit for a Duskblade.

2012-06-15, 12:25 AM
I think we're forgetting the more important issue: making sure one has diamonds in his pockets (Aristocrat for high starting wealth, or Cleric because they're most liable to carry diamonds), and that this one said he wants to buy you rockets (Artificer, most likely).

2012-06-15, 12:27 AM
I think we're forgetting the more important issue: making sure one has diamonds in his pockets (Aristocrat for high starting wealth, or Cleric because they're most liable to carry diamonds), and that this one said he wants to buy you rockets (Artificer, most likely).

I . . . don't get the reference:smallconfused:

2012-06-15, 12:32 AM
I . . . don't get the reference:smallconfused:
Google "Two Princes", with or without quotes. For me, it's eight of the first ten hits even without quotes. :smallwink:

Julianna does sound like a Duskblade, or Sorcadin. Cael should be fine as Rogue.

Ulric and Elric could easily be a Warblade and a Swordsage, respectively, for a very dynamic and interesting fight at any level.

2012-06-15, 12:38 AM
Google "Two Princes", with or without quotes. For me, it's eight of the first ten hits even without quotes. :smallwink:

Julianna does sound like a Duskblade, or Sorcadin. Cael should be fine as Rogue.

Ulric and Elric could easily be a Warblade and a Swordsage, respectively, for a very dynamic and interesting fight at any level.

So that's what that song is called.

My god:smalleek:

Warblade and Swordsage? Yes, that could be fun to do. It would let Elric do a little reversal and such to throw people off balance, and would bring Ulric's leadership to the fore, otherwise how did he command such respect from people prior?

2012-06-15, 12:38 AM
It would be so much easier to just say Diamonds in his pockets is a reference tot eh song '2 pricnes' by the spin doctors
as is the buying rockets. LOL

as soon as i read that line the dang song started playing in my head. you sir, owe me, for now I cannot sleep untill i have listended to the song and probly 30+ more from back when music was awesome.

2012-06-15, 01:09 AM
I don't understand the plot.

Ulric's father is a shiradi. This makes him half-eladrin, or good in alignment. What made him murder his own father?

The next sentence goes on to mention the death of his wife. How did she die again?

Julianna - either duskblade, or fighter/mage/eldritch knight.

Cael - aristocrat/warlock/hellfire warlock/disciple of mephistopheles. The whole "sold his soul for power to take a stab at the throne" bit.

2012-06-15, 10:41 PM
I don't understand the plot.

Ulric's father is a shiradi. This makes him half-eladrin, or good in alignment. What made him murder his own father?

The next sentence goes on to mention the death of his wife. How did she die again?

Julianna - either duskblade, or fighter/mage/eldritch knight.

Cael - aristocrat/warlock/hellfire warlock/disciple of mephistopheles. The whole "sold his soul for power to take a stab at the throne" bit.

He murdered Marcus, his adopted father. The world's a tad more morally grey, so the nature of being a half-celestial does not automatically make him good. He's spent his entire life trying to hide his nature, including removing his wings (they keep growing back), and feels inadequate and unworthy of the love Marcus showed him. This twisted into a desire to kill him (was twisted really, by villains behind the scenes)

I didn't mention, she was thrown out a window by the party cleric. Yes, that happened. It was a two handed "opening of Watchmen" style throw through a window. The party let the blame be taken by a man she was having an affair with, who was a diplomat from a country (Vharisen), which is the strongest land power in the world. A day later, Ulric declared war on them and sent their diplomat back in a box.

Any of that helping? I added short forms of those to the OP

Interesting note, the thread is no longer relevant.

Tonight, the party decided to attack these two during a more peaceful moment, and a fight broke out, and it was epic. I quickly drew up warblade and swordsage characters and had at it, and they did well.

2012-06-15, 10:54 PM
Interesting note, the thread is no longer relevant.

Tonight, the party decided to attack these two during a more peaceful moment, and a fight broke out, and it was epic. I quickly drew up warblade and swordsage characters and had at it, and they did well.
Huzzah! My advice was good, even after I spin-rolled half the thread! :D

2012-06-15, 10:56 PM
Huzzah! My advice was good, even after I spin-rolled half the thread! :D

If I could ask, I have eight villains more to polish for the rest of the campaign, could I get suggestions on them? Or should I start another thread?