View Full Version : [PF] Dinosaur Mount....(Assistance Required)

Gandolfi Feesh
2012-06-15, 12:39 AM
Hey guys,

I'm about to begin a campaign and have managed to assert myself as a former archaeologist, complete with dinosaur companion. Everyone begins with a level in druid or ranger (I've taken druid) and from there you are free to progress as you wish. Since the story-line centres around Gozreh, I've opted for pursuing Cleric with the Animal domain (This way my companion will continue to advance, albeit at -3 effective druid level). I also want to dip into 3 levels of paladin (Shining Knight archetype = No armour check penalties with ride checks & Divine Grace since I'm going to be Cha-based.

My main focus will be on Channeling Energy, but I really like the idea of riding on the back of a T-Rex into battle at later levels. I really like the look of the Holy Vindicator, especially for the versatility of channeling energy, however taking levels in this further diminishes old Rex.

What does the playground think will be the optimal balance of Clr/Pal/HVi? If I'm mounted I think I'm going to focus on spells and channeling energy with the cleric & leave all the gory melee to the mount. My base requirements are thus:
Cleric: High Channel Energy output, decent DC's
Companion: Combat capable, durable.

Any help is much appreciated, thanks x

2012-06-15, 01:11 AM
Well, allow me to be the one to state the obvious: Boon Companion (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/feats.htm#boon-companion) is almost a necessity, it'll help bring your animal companion back up to full progression.