View Full Version : Freaks on a Leash [3.5] (IC)

2012-06-15, 11:43 AM
You have been imprisoned for at least 6 months in a dead magic area within the compound of House Karkoa. The prospects of escape grow dimmer every day. Your morning food rations have just been delivered through a slot in the door to your prison. Also included are several copies of the script for a new production entitled "Gnomeo and Bulette," a controversial play about an underground inter-species romantic relationship. You know what is expected, there. Parts are already designated.

Before you can head for your food, the slot shuts closed tightly. In the distance, each of you hears an unusual rumbling sound.

Please designate your location on the map in the spoiler and begin.


OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=243591&page=2)

2012-06-15, 12:13 PM
Lernos picks up the script while dragging his food back, simultaneously gulping the ration down while tearing the script to shreds with two mouths. His unoccupied heads watch the other captives, bemused at the thought of them trying to remember their lines again. Act like a beast and they expect less of you. Of course if I could get my teeth in them they would see what kind of beast I am.

AF5, AG5-6, AH5 (large size, 4 hexes)

Emperor Ing
2012-06-15, 03:16 PM
Mise'elida doesn't need to eat. The food is for everything else. Regardless, the crystalline creature did take the time to look over the script. He couldn't help but feel disturbed that it's one of those plays. Apparently Tribbalt would have to kill Musecutio, while Gnomeo would have to kill Tribbalt. It was rare that these types of scenes didn't result in one actually killing the other though Mise figured that with these drow, it's intentional. However Mise had yet to get to the rater...dramatic ending.
It's simple. Play a character who doesn't get injured.
They'll learn to love me. My acting is magnificent.

AI-11 for Mise
AI 10-9,
AJ 10-9 for cube

2012-06-16, 04:18 PM
Ilsensine picks up the script while tearing out the brain of the sheep the drow brought him. He then sits opposite the doors reading the script while eating the sheeps brain.
Why always holy men in plays like this? I am really the most religious actor they have? Okay, stupid question. At least the holy men tend toward not getting stabbed.

"Well, we know I can't pick the lock, and they're being careful with which brains they give me. Anyone want to try breaking out during this play? If we get a small audience, we could make it."
Also, animals still have skill ranks. From what sources I can find, Sheep seem to have ranks in listen and spot. Should I assume it is a very malnourished sheep with 1 HD and 2 ranks in each skill? I doubt 2 ranks of spot will make a big difference.

2012-06-17, 06:32 AM
The ground trembles slightly beneath your feet. While earthquakes are not exactly unusual in the city of Kazarmoth, or in the Underdark, it feels somehow... different from an earthquake. In the distance, you can hear shouting voices, but cannot make out any words.


If you don't like where I positioned you, feel free to move.

Emperor Ing
2012-06-17, 08:02 AM
Mise looks around curiously in some vain attempt to figure out what is causing this.
Okay, that is not normal. What is going on?

2012-06-17, 08:19 AM
In the middle of the cell a huge moving Tree is standing there, in discussion with Aryel. Fireweed, as he calls himself, had refused to cooperate with his captors at first, as he didnt fear their punishment, but the drows quickly found a way to make him cooperate: They tortured other captives in front of him whenever he refused to cooperate. So he fell in line and waited for his chance to free all the catives at once.

At the moment he was studying the script of this new production, without really understanding what his role was supposed to be in it. Then the earthquake started.

"I do not know, but it feels somehow curious."

2012-06-17, 01:42 PM
The large snake loos around. When he thinks that no one sees him he unfolds some of his tendrils and reads the play. As soon as the noise came in he again moves the tendrils to his face as if he never had them. Looking like an ordinary naga.

Can someone hear what's happening there, I mean, they are making too much noise, my food comes up. I want to enjoy my life here, as far as it's enjoyable.

2012-06-17, 09:00 PM
You hear additional shouting and what sounds like muffled explosions. Two small chunks of the ceiling fall.

ROW: (AF=1, AP=11)[roll0]
Column: [roll1]

This chunk weighs [roll2] pounds.

Saving throw (reflex) for anyone in that square is [roll3] (plus your modifier) for half of falling damage, DC 15. If you happen to get hit, I'll pm you with hp damage.

ROW: (AF=1, AP=11) [roll4]
Column: [roll5]

This chunk weighs [roll6] pounds.

Saving throw (reflex) for anyone in that square is [roll7] (plus your modifier) for half of falling damage, DC 15. If you happen to get hit, I'll pm you with hp damage.

2012-06-17, 09:05 PM
No one was hit by the falling debris, but the chunk that landed in AF07 seems to have done some severe damage to the floor, cracking the worked marble tiles. The domed ceiling starts 20 feet above the floor along the walls, arching to a total height of 30 feet at the center of the prison.

Emperor Ing
2012-06-17, 09:43 PM
The ice-fire creature retreats into the ice cube at the sight of the falling debris. The lack of more local cries of pain a good sign as to the fate of its companions.
That is most certainly not normal! What is going on?!

2012-06-18, 12:40 AM
Ilsensine darts closer to the center of the room, and says "Fireweed, Lernos, please try to smash down the door. This is our chance to escape."

2012-06-18, 05:48 AM
While he certainly doesnt approve getting ordered around by a mind flayer, in this case Fireweed happens to agree and starts battering down the door. Its a risk, but it seems that their captors have other things on their mind at the moment.

Full Attack against the door with double damage vs objects:

if it appears to be working, repeat if necessary

2012-06-18, 07:34 AM
Lernos gives the mindflayer a glare with two heads as he walks to the door, and begins battering away, letting his unnatural physiology heal his bruises as fast as he earns them.Is there an opening in the ceiling, or just depressions where pieces fell from?

move + 10 heads

repeat as needed

2012-06-18, 03:44 PM
The assaults of fireweed are enough to destroy the door on the right hand side. The door on the left that lernos has been attempting to bite is still standing, partially gouged in places, but still standing. Behind the door on the right you see a large metal bar, about a foot thick, 10' above the ground, running across the doorway. Immediately behind that you see a portcullis from the floor to the top of the doorway, about 15' high.

As the door falls to pieces, some rope attached to the exterior of the door is pulled into the room. Beyond the portcullis, you hear a loud, ringing noise, as if an item or several items were burst into pieces.

Lernos: The ceilling is made of stone pieces, not one solid hunk of rock, reinforced by interior arches. Both pieces that fell left a small opening at the top of the wall, 20' off the ground.

Map: http://i1061.photobucket.com/albums/t467/pecklink/prison3.png

Emperor Ing
2012-06-18, 07:12 PM
Mise looks a bit surprised at the escape attempt. Regardless it thinks ahead. That door is going down and he is incapable of moving the cube without help.
Hey uhh...can someone help me?

2012-06-19, 07:09 AM
What fool can't move under his own strength? Bah, let the others deal with him. I want drow flesh. And that blasted ice is SO cold. Lernos thinks as he snakes heads through the opening, attempting to push the bar up, opening the gate.

strength check [roll0]
strength check [roll1]
strength check [roll2]

2012-06-19, 08:12 AM
@ stack
Now that you are right at the doorway, you can see that the iron bar is threaded through supports in both the door and the portcullis. It cannot move vertically, it seems to be only able to slide horizontally. Your strength, however, is insufficient to budge it.

Beyond, you can see a large chamber, dimly illuminated with blue and violet light emanating from the ceiling. There is enough light to barely see tables with items on them and some large cabinets. You cannot see the far end of the room.

I assume you attempt a spellcraft check on the noise. It is a shatter (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/shatter.htm)spell.

2012-06-19, 05:09 PM
Fireweed first moves over to pick up the Icecube and puts it next to the portcullis. Then he tries to lift it up with all of his strength, and hopes someone else can push the cube through the opening while he holds it up there until everyone is out.
"Come on everyone. This is our chance. Lets move!"

WIthout his magical items, Fireweed can still lift 25k over his head. That should easily be enough to lift the portcullis. Or do I need to do a check?

2012-06-19, 08:56 PM
Fireweed's massive strength is sufficient to rip the bar from the supports and life the portcullis 10 feet above the level of the floor. At that point it sticks and will not move further. (Rolled strength check elsewhere).

I didn't sketch out the next section of the map as I wasn't sure which way you would escape. There were at least 3 routes you could have potentially used, while they are in my notes I didn't draw maps for each.

The room that opens in front of the now-opened portcullis extends at least as wide as your prison and at least 60' in length. I'll sketch the map in 8 hours or so, need some sleep. If you want to move in, please do, just state the number of hexes in each direction (forward, diagonal, sideways) and I'll get you at the next update.

2012-06-20, 02:17 AM
I'm sorry iceman, I can't really help you there. I am afraid that being without hands also severely limits my use for carrying. But leave your icecube, you can make another one right? Does it need to be so big? The naga says while slittering to the exit.

And if not, well, we have enough strong bruisers that can carry it. I need to find a magical place and see if I can get some help. Friendly help if you know what I mean.

2012-06-20, 02:33 AM
Ilsensine sighs and starts trying to push the large hunk of ice along, hopefully with Mise's help.

I can push 1000 lbs, 2000 if the iceberg counts as a slick object. Mise helping can bring that to 1500 and 3000. And then, once it's out of the dead-magic zone, we get a transport. :smallbiggrin:

Emperor Ing
2012-06-20, 11:29 AM
Until it can exit the antimagic field, pushing the cube is about as possible for him as pushing water is for anyone else.

2012-06-20, 11:50 AM
Lernos growls and goes back, shoving the ice through the opening while cursing his fellow prisoner.

2012-06-21, 06:03 AM
The dimly lit room extends in front of you. Wooden cabinets (marked 1) are within view on the side walls and there are 4 tables (marked 2) on the floor nearer to the center of the room. The ceiling immediately past the portcullis is dark, dim blue and violet lights on the roof of the chamber start about 20 feet beyond the portcullis and extend about another 60 feet.


You know from past history that this is where House Karkoa would celebrate their feasts and have you act out their plays. During feasts, they would place a semi-circle of walls of force, surrounding the portcullis about 30' out and hang light emitting globes from the ceiling while a hundred or so drow ate during your performances. Right now the room is only dimly lit, and the entire chamber is eerily silent. The tables are still set for a meal, the food growing cold on the plates. The cabinets contain unused fine porcelain plates, bowls, silverware, and goblets.

There is a large exit at the far end of the hallway, with large wooden doubledoors. In the dim light you can't tell their condition. There is a stone passageway on the right side of the chamber near the end of your vision, typically servants would have brought food in and out through there. That stone door is closed.

2012-06-21, 07:08 AM
Lernos slides between two tables, munching at choice bits of food as two heads scan the area, eyes sharp in the darkness.

low-light vision and darkvision 60'

He looks at Fireweed, then nods at the wooden doors. Seems good at breaking things.

2012-06-21, 08:03 AM
As soon as everyone else is through, Fireweed also ducks beneath the portcullis and lets it down again after him. Then he picks up the Ice-Cube, moves on towards the stone door and tries to open it.
"IŽd rather go through the servants area. There should be less resistance I would assume."

2012-06-21, 09:00 AM
Lernos: As soon as you move between the two tables, you feel the magical fires within you re-ignite. You sense that you are now able to use your breath weapon.

You don't see anything other than what I have already described (I assumed you moved to the left, as you were on that side of the doors/room, please let me know if otherwise), just tables, cabinets, and other decorations in rows up to the doubledoors.

Lowlight vision gets you double normal, in this case equivalent to candle light, so doesn't help you much. Darkvision allows you to see just to the end of the chamber, where you can see the wooden doors are closed at this time.

Mise:As you are carried in your cube, you regain your sense and control over your iceberg. Already cold and comfortable within your iceberg, you feel your unnatural chill returning to full strength, and you sense you can use your frost touch and frost bolt abilities. You do not yet, however, regain your SLAs.

Lonewolf1210: As you walk away from the portcullis, it remains jammed in the up position where you leave it.As soon as you move between the two tables, you feel the magical fires within you re-ignite. You sense that you are now able to use your breath weapon. In addition, the icecube starts twitching as you pass between the tables.

You open the stone door inward, and see a long 10' wide passageway, completely unlit. Using darkvision, you see 3 drow standing in the hallway looking at you. None of them wear the red badge of House Karkoa on their chest, you don't recognize the design, nor do you recall seeing those drow before.

Drow 1 and 2 are male and are wearing chainmail, each with a hand crossbow at the ready. Drow 3 is female, and is dressed in robes over chain. She carries a holy symbol of Lolth.

Please wait for others to act, but if you attempt shout a warning, you find that you cannot make a sound, nor do you hear anything at all.

Updated map:

http://i1061.photobucket.com/albums/t467/pecklink/map6.png AN11 contains some metallic debris, with a rope attached to it leading to the jail cell door.

2012-06-21, 09:36 AM
Lernos let's out a burst of flame, incinerating the tables, before turning to follow the tree-thing he had been imprisoned with. Now, we tear a bloody, burning swath of destruction through the place as we escape. About time.

2012-06-21, 10:36 AM
Fireweed will attack as soon as he is able to.
Note that due to Fireweeds Mage Slayer Feat, enemies he is threatening cannot cast defensively.

Emperor Ing
2012-06-21, 11:21 AM
Feeling a bit uneasy after hearing a few...colorful words from his monstrous acquaintance. However once he once again regains control of his iceberg, he moves it up slightly. From everyone else's perspective, it slides up on its own accord.
Thank you for your...assistance. Mise remarks somewhat warily before noticing the drow. He switches to Undercommon in an attempt to communicate.
Oh, hello. I hope you don't mind if we sample your...oh my. It trails off, noticing the wanton violence and slaughter its companions are dishing out.

Move two hexes upward. Mise himself flies to AO05.

2012-06-21, 11:44 AM
*Fixing end of page glitch, so we don't miss Mise's actions*

Emperor Ing
2012-06-21, 01:15 PM
((It's never that easy))

2012-06-21, 03:07 PM
@Fireweed, Mise: Drow #3 taps each of the other two on the shoulder twice, then beckons you as if asking you to follow. They all turn and walk slowly away. Fireweed, you may make an attack of opportunity at any two of them, if you choose. You could also follow, but it would be a tight squeeze.

2012-06-21, 03:37 PM
Ilsensine follows the drow, hopping to find the edge of the dead magic zone.

Knowledge (nobility) to try and identify which house insignia the drow bear. [roll0]

2012-06-21, 06:30 PM
Fireweed hesitates for a moment. He doesnt really buy into the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" thing, but doesnt want to kill unless it is necessary either. So he is giving those drow a very short leash of trust for a moment and follows them down the corridor, but if anything fishy starts happening, he will quickly change his stance.

2012-06-21, 07:34 PM
Jojolagger, and I guess anyone else, once you get to a table any supernatural abilities return to you, you have left the dead magic area.

2012-06-21, 07:51 PM
Jojolagger, and I guess anyone else, once you get to a table any supernatural abilities return to you, you have left the dead magic area.

I am suddenly very glad I took supernatural Transformation. :smallbiggrin: Now to Mind read the drow.

Ilsensine smiles, feeling his telepathy open up again. Suspicious of the drow he's following, he attempts to look into their minds.

Supernatural version of Detect thoughts, DC 21. Let's see what is going on. (note, the drow SR does nothing, because supernatural). :smallamused:

2012-06-21, 08:24 PM
If you're going to follow the drow down the hallway, would like some kind of order of march please.

@ Ilsensine:
Detect Thoughts round one. Yes, there are thoughts ahead of you.:smallwink: I'll give you the second round as well. There are actually 4 minds, int scores 12, 13, 14, 19. Also, knowledge check indicates the badge is not House Karkoa, but you can't tell what house it belongs to.

@ Fireweed: as soon as the drow walk about 10 feet down the hall, you can hear your fellow escapees with you.

Emperor Ing
2012-06-21, 10:28 PM
<What? Oh very well.> The creature says in undercommon before personally going to follow Fireweed down the cooridor. It would rather not have something so large and heavy blocking a possible escape route.
Furthermore, it scans the trio for any subtleties in expression or gesture to divine their true motives. Mise has every confidence in its wordcraft, but it has doubts.

Mise itself follows Fireweed, and uses Sense Motive against the drow

2012-06-22, 04:39 AM
Emperor Ing: Sense motive requires about 1 minute of study, I'll give you results when some other people have had a chance to act.

2012-06-22, 06:52 AM
Lernos takes up position a few paces behind, ready to rend his way though any ambush. Not to be trusted...but possibly useful, for the moment.

Heads snakes back and forth, watching all angles.

2012-06-22, 11:56 AM
The drow cautiously move down the hallway, peeking their heads into doorways as they pass or ignoring them altogether.

The first door on the left is the kitchens, the door across on the right seems to be a storage closet. The drow stop at none of those, after a quick glance. The hallway comes to a 4-way intersection, where they pause for some hand talk.

2012-06-22, 01:26 PM
Ilsensine calmly watches the drow, listening in on their minds all the while.

2012-06-22, 04:19 PM
@ Ilsensine:You are able to detect the surface thoughts of two drow.

The first is very happy he does not have to fight you guys, he is just a bodyguard for the two leaders of this group and doesn't really know what is going on. He hopes he does not die this day.

The second suspected that the beasts, as he thinks of your party, wouldn't fight, and is more than a little curious why the matron of house Algethae wants to talk to you. He is also looking for a particular door. He thinks there is danger to the left.

Two of the drow end up turning right at that intersection. One drow of the three quietly approaches and says, "Danger left, we think. Outcome of battle still unknown. Karkoa has unknown resources." He quickly catches up to his party.

2012-06-22, 04:44 PM
Eisra looks at the others.

I don't trustss them. We should killss them and take their valuablessss. Or if necesssary we eats them. They aresss still drow.

2012-06-22, 06:14 PM
Fireweed has enough of not knowing what is going on. He stops the drow from rushing along, gently if possible.
"Hold on a second. We need some kind of explanation what is going on here. Who is fighting and where are you leading us too?"

2012-06-22, 08:33 PM
The drow replies, "I am of House Algethae. Karkoa has grown too strong, too raplidly over the past few centuries. There are other houses in this battle, on both sides, I think. The outcome is not in doubt, but it has just begun. Karkoa was foolish, keeping enemies within its gates. Matron Algethae will tell you more, but we must move quick. Expect enemies on all fronts. We change our sigil on the hour. We must find your arms and armor. Be ready."

@ Emperor Ing: It seems that these particular drow mean you no direct harm. They seem uncertain as to why they are asked to escort you, but seem really intent on following orders.

2012-06-22, 09:02 PM
Lernos hisses, gesturing with his heads to follow the drow. If they have gear, we should get that before deciding who to eat. he thinks loudly, still unwilling to speak openly.

Emperor Ing
2012-06-22, 09:21 PM
Interesting. The creature muses. He has no doubt they're leading them into a trap, though these drow are probably not aware of it.
Please continue. I cannot say the same for my companions but I would welcome any help House Algethae may provide in exchange for what I may be able to give in turn.

2012-06-23, 03:56 AM
Hearing the words of the drow Eisra shoots through his allies and puts his stinger at the throat of one of them.

Don't makesss me regretsss that I did not killlss you all. give me one reasssson why I shouldn't killlsss him. Maybe you will survivesss than. I hatess drow, you havess locked me upss.

Eisra looks angry and dangerous at the other drow, making sure that his threat is seen as a serious one.

2012-06-23, 06:29 AM
The drow exchange looks and hand talk with each other for a moment. The two drow turn and walk to the right in the four-way intersection.

The last drow says, "Time is short. Even with us escorting you we cannot guarantee your safety. Follow us, or not, but Matron Algethae will speak with you. There are some items you can take in the second room on the right. I myself am expendable. But Karkoa is everywhere and even now probably approaches."

@ Mise: The remaining drow is definitely nervous at this turn of events, but otherwise seems honest.

@ Ilsensine: The remaining drow is one of those whose thoughts you could read. He expected to die today fighting Karkoa one way or another, but fears disobedience to orders more. Everything he says he believes is true.

Emperor Ing
2012-06-23, 10:20 PM
Mise follows, eventually willing its ice cube to follow the group, however at a good distance.
It goes into the indicated room (iceberg not following) to search for anything the Eidolon might find useful.

2012-06-25, 07:16 AM
Lernos follows the others mutely, still unsure of what to make of the developments, unwilling to trust the drow entirely. If they are overwhelmed, how is their being 'everywhere' a threat? We could seek them out and break them ourselves, though it would be better to let other drow perish destroying them while we slip away. Less fun, but wiser.

2012-06-25, 02:13 PM
The last remaining drow remains standing in front of Eisra, waiting for the naga to make a decision. The others have already departed the area and are in the hallway.

@jojolaggerBeen reading over mindsight, sorry for not mentioning it earlier. Your mindsight has been pinging all over the place since you left the dead magic area. I'll hit the high points for you. I'm assuming you know how to filter to some extent so you are not overwhelmed by the information. You read at least 20 drow of various int scores at elevations above and below you.

Of more importance to you right now are the 3 drow that are quietly walking away down the tunnel to your right, who are approaching 3 more drow [int 12, 14, 18] who seem to be in a side room along the right side of that hall.

2012-06-25, 02:18 PM
Eisra takes the stinger from the Drows neck.

I don't trustss you, and I willlsss never. Butsss I needss my itemsss and I willss give you the benefitssss of the doubtss

After that he follows his fellow captives keeping a wary eye on the Drow.

2012-06-25, 03:33 PM
I'm assuming you know how to filter to some extent so you are not overwhelmed by the information.
Int score of 26. I don't need to filter it, I can actually absorb information that quickly.

Ilsensine Calmly walks with the drow, attempting to call his armour while doing so.
Telepathy to drow to ask if any of the noticeable drow are likely to be house Karkoa. If the drow are Karkoa, I'll take the time to lob a mind blast their way. DC 23 will save or stunned for [roll0] rounds. And identifing their location to any "friendly" drow.
Also Attempting to use called armour properties on my armour and shield. it Won't work if someone else is wearing them, but if they locked it up in storage, I'd likely be able to summon them.

2012-06-26, 07:21 AM
Ilsensine calls for his armor, but it does not come to him.

@jojolagger:You ask the drow if they suspect the others are Karkoa, and while they aren't sure, they suspect so as they did not expect other friendlies at this level yet. They ask if you have any suggestions on how to deal with them.

I'm going to rule that you can't mind blast those inside. Mind blast affects a cone, which will be a burst or spread effect. Neither one can penetrate the room, as there is no line of effect.

The drow pause about 10 feet from the door, silently hand-talking with each other. The door itself appears to be about 5 feet wide and 8 feet tall, and made of iron.

2012-06-26, 08:22 AM
They could have made the doors a little wider. Lernos glares at the drow, impatiently waiting for them to get on with it. Could just eat them and find our own way out. But the others are playing along.

2012-06-27, 08:09 AM
Fireweed continues to squeeze through the narrow tunnel following the drow as fast as he can. As they stop by the door he asks: "What are we waiting for? You need someone to open this thing?"

Emperor Ing
2012-06-27, 09:53 AM
I think there would be some surprises on the other side, if not on the door itself. Mise attempts to say, giving off the subtle clue it thinks there are enemies on the other side of the door or the door itself is trapped.
Also, it wouldn't be able to fit his ice cube through the door, though it figures that that door is going to be smashed down and his...larger companions would have no trouble smashing their way through, unintentionally making moving his iceberg through easier.

2012-06-27, 10:13 AM
Some escape, sitting by a door, waiting for some drow to do...something. Probably have to call their mothers and ask for permission. If this takes any longer, I'll just knock it down myself. Twenty eyes give the drow disdainful looks as they take turns watching all angles.

2012-06-27, 10:14 AM
The drow steps out of the silenced area and says, "Your illithid friend here indicates three on the other side of the door. Our cleric and invisible wizard will ready some spells to cast once you bash the door down, sound good?"

2012-06-27, 10:30 AM
"Go ahead. But careful. Some of us are twitchy and could react poorly if they feel at all threatened."

2012-06-27, 03:01 PM
The drow kicks open the door silently, and a number of things happen at once. The cleric standing outside casts a spell, and is then immediately hit in the face by a small blue sphere. A fourth drow, dressed in robes, appears next to the cleric, looking as if he had just cast a spell. The two other drow outside start shooting crossbow bolts, and the cleric is hit by two bolts as well.

Spellcraft: cleric casts confusion, got hit by a orb of cold

2012-06-27, 03:42 PM
Lernos surges forward, jaws snapping at any drow that look hostile.

Can we see the attackers? Not that Lernos is picky...

move action to go through the door (squeezing?)
standard to attack (10 heads taking the first likely target until it goes down, then going after the next most likely, caster-looking ones first).

bite 1 [roll0]
damage [roll1]

bite 2 [roll2]
damage [roll3]

bite 3 [roll4]
damage [roll5]

bite 4 [roll6]
damage [roll7]

bite 5 [roll8]
damage [roll9]

bite 6 [roll10]
damage [roll11]

bite 7 [roll12]
damage [roll13]

bite 8 [roll14]
damage [roll15]

bite 9 [roll16]
damage [roll17]

bite 10 [roll18]
damage [roll19]

crit 1 if needed [roll20]
damage [roll21]

crit 2 if needed [roll22]
damage [roll23]

2012-06-27, 03:51 PM
Lernos: You can fit through the door if you want, but don't need to in order to engage the two closest drow. Besides, they are all tangled up in black tentacles rising from the floor and grappling them. You are able to knock down the first two drow, who were standing almost right inside the doorway. Just inside you see two suits of rather large armor, way too large for humanoids to wear. One of the drow you killed is also wearing some spectacular chainmail.

2012-06-27, 05:19 PM
Fireweed moves past the drow into the room, hoping to be able to stop squeezing around. He tramples over as many enemies as possible and positions himself where he can threaten as many enemies as possible.

Fullround action: Trample
move double speed and all enemies within his path take [roll0] damage. They can either make an AoO with a -4 penalty, or a Reflex save DC 29 for half damage.

2012-06-28, 05:51 PM
Fireweed successfully tramples the remaining drow inside, completely knocking it down and unconscious. Fireweed easily overwhelms the tentacles in the ground, avoiding being grappled by sheer strength.

The drow wizard dispells the tentacles, and motions for all of you to go in and retrieve your armor and weapons.

All: Your weapons and armor are inside. jojolagger's armor is worn by one of the drow. Please equip yourselves with those items, also some miscellaneous items are on the drow, will edit shortly with those. duskranger, your character's spellbook is on the wizard trampled by Fireweed.

2012-06-28, 06:08 PM
Touching his armor, Ilsensine focuses and causes it to suddenly appear on his body. He then gathers the rest of his gear, doing something similar to cause his shield to jump to its proper place on his arm.

Ilsensine then goes to one of the dead drow and has a quick meal.

I should be able to remember which of the drow was the 18 INT. He's probably the one who cast orb of cold. I'm going to grab some useful skill ranks. :smallbiggrin:

2012-06-28, 07:05 PM
Seeing the Illithid consume one of the drows brains, Fireweed for the first time realizes that it might have dire consequences simply setting all of that group free and that he might have to get a plan how to proceed on the long run. But for now they had more immediate concerns. He calls his armor and dons all the rest of his equipment.
After that is done he turns to the drow. "Alright. Where is this Matron of yours? Im eager to get this discussion over with and get out of here."

2012-06-28, 07:39 PM
"She is expected in the main entrance, I don't know when. Two floors up. But, at this point surprise is gone and we have no way of knowing what way is best. Keep straight, and if we get separated, go "south" two intersections, then "right" for the largest hallway and stairwell to the next floor. Go "north" to the next stairwell, it will bring you to her. Eventually. If she is not there, either she no longer wants to speak to you or she is perished. Either way my work will be done."

2012-06-29, 01:07 AM
Eisra looks at the place where his book is.

They madesss my book al dirtiessss. Welllsss no timesss for complainingsssss. I wantsss my otersss sssstufff.

He searches around untill he finds it. After that he appraises the Drow wizard while his tendrils are getting adjusted to the items.

Wizzzzzard, aresss you assss replacablesss as the other gysss. Becausssss in that casssse you givessss me your bookssie

2012-06-29, 07:04 AM
Lernos too calls his armor to himself, blood-red chain swirling and forming over his scales as he dons an array of other odds and ends, instantly resizing to his unusual form. He also dons ten wicked smiles, speaking for the first time in ages. Voices ringing in three languages simultaneously, alternating voices between heads to create a disturbing yet riveting effect. "I am ready. Let us see them capture us again. To freedom. And revenge."

2012-06-29, 08:22 AM
The wizard says to Eisra, "I don't consider myself expendable. However, if you want my spellbook, I don't have it on me. It is warded back in my house quarters.

"If you have what you need from here, we better be moving on. I suggest we follow the directions already given, divinations indicated that route was the most likely to succeed."

((Note, I apologize I don't have the other equipment they were wearing, I lost my notes on these characters and need to regenerate what they had. For now, assume that you have your arms and armor, and I'll post the other stuff they had on them today. Assume you searched the room and found all this stuff, just wait for me to tell you what was there. There are other drow, alive and dead, in the way between your location and freedom...

Same for you, jojolagger, I'll get you the skills later today

EDIT: I'll also post a map later showing where you are in relation to your prison and where you already explored. ))

2012-06-29, 08:28 AM
"Fine, continue. One of you drow take the lead. If there is trouble we can dispatch it. Prove your use to us and your matron, lead on." And find any traps or ambushes in the way. You may not be the house that took me, or the one that bought me, but you are still expendable.

2012-06-29, 08:57 AM
Eisra looks angry at him

Be gladssss in thatssss cassse. I wantssss your spellssss. Or all the spellsssss of the drowsss in thissss houssse. Itss wilssss be paymentssss for whatsss they've doness to ussss. I do needsss to havess timesss to preparesss them thoughsss. Sssssso for now you andsssss your spellssss are sssssafe

Eisra slithers slowly after the drow, keeping them all in sight, ready to strike if the opportunity arises..


Did I find items or only my spellbook? Because in that case it does suck a bit :P.
And after this post I will continu to write normal English, it makes my words slightly easier to write and certainly easier to read. If you want to complain about it send me a PM, or post it in the OOC

2012-06-29, 01:33 PM
OK, sorry, as I said, I lost my notes and had to recreate them. Here is what was found in the room and on the drow, besides any weapons and armor (including any shields) you previously owned:

Ring of Protection +4

Veil of Allure, 2x Spell components pouches, masterwork thieves tools, collapsible pole, backpack

Also, the drow brain contains the following skills:
Knowledge (Arcana) 11
Knowledge (local) 11
Spellcraft 11
Concentration 11
Decipher Script 11
Craft-Alchemy 11

bracers of opportunity, ring of protection +1

Handy Haversack, horn of plenty

Boccob's blessed book, metamagic rod of extend

I'll post the map in a bit

The drow wizard says to Eisre, "We can discuss a trade of spells, after we both survive this assault. I don't know what the Matron wishes with you, but I suspect there will be some kind of ... trade of favors she wishes. This distraction we caused certainly aided your efforts to escape."

Two of the drow, one fighter-type and the cleric take the lead in front of the group of monsters, one fighter-type and the wizard fall behind, as the group travels.

2012-06-29, 02:36 PM
Unfortunately it is hard to not see the brain-snacking when you have twenty eyes. Lernos holds his tongue, having no affection for mindflayers, but not having the personal animosity for them he bears for the drow.

He follows after their guides, ready to eat any who oppose them.

Emperor Ing
2012-06-29, 05:07 PM
After eventually entering the area, everything is already dead before Mise can unleash its power on its captors. Regardless, he takes his ring and continues following with its cube.

Surely your leader hinted at some purpose.

2012-06-30, 09:11 AM
"All I know is that she asked us to "facilitate" your needs," says the wizard, "and to bring you to her. She has been planning this assault for some time, our parts were only revealed a short while ago to defeat any divinations. She and her top advisors are basically under permanent mind blank."

Ilsensine: your mindsight detects a humanoid (feat says it reveals type, I assume that is precisely what it means) with int 13 about 80 feet ahead and around a corner. Can I assume in the future you share this information? If so, I'll unspoil from now on.

OOC:On a side note, my wife needs the computer all day, so posting will be spotty, and I can't post the map for you until tonight at the earliest, possibly tomorrow.

2012-07-01, 05:51 AM
Jojolagger says he's sharing mindsight information from now on, so about 80 feet ahead and around a corner he detects a humanoid. It does not appear to be moving around at all, remaining perfectly still (more still than someone standing in one place).

2012-07-01, 08:40 PM
"Drow, take a look around the corner. If you need help, call. We will be right behind you."

Emperor Ing
2012-07-01, 09:16 PM
I'll take a look, it will hear your footsteps.
Mise takes the initiative to float around the corner and see the drow around the corner, ready to defend itself if need be.

2012-07-02, 07:46 AM
The drow shrug and proceed. They inform you there are three dead drow there, wearing the badge of House Karkoa. One of the fighters says, "Well, now there are three. I could have sworn one was breathing just a second ago. Oh well, heh. If you find anything you like on them, go ahead and take it. Our instructions said we were to take nothing for ourselves, but conveniently neglected to mention any such restrictions on you."

The dead drow possess the following items:Two sword of at least masterwork quality
3 hand crossbows, masterwork
1 unidentified wand

Lernos: scout's headband, armbands of might
Eisra: headband of intellect +2, ring of sustenance
Ilsensine: cloak of charisma +4, the rest of your mundane items
Fireweed: cloak of resistance +2, gloves of dexterity +2
Mise'elida: wand of CMW, belt of battle / resistance +2

The drow cleric tilted her head as if listening to something, then instructs the drow to change. All four of them rip their badges off, revealing a new one underneath of a different design and insignia. The drow cleric takes this opportunity to pull out a wand and use it on herself. Spellcraft:Cure serious wounds

Just above you, beyond the ceiling, a lot of noise of the battle seems to be coming through very clearly, more clearly and loudly than would be expected through the stone halls and floors. Ilsensine informs everyone that there are about 5 drow almost right on top of the dead drow the next floor up, about 25 feet above your level.

2012-07-02, 07:56 AM
Lernos again reclaims his gear, a multitude of mouths serving in place of hands. "Five drow? Are they with you?" He looks to their guides. "If not, we will make short work of them."

2012-07-02, 08:38 AM
"They ... might be. The battle rages throughout the compound, the plan never survives first contact with the enemy, and we must all improvise at this point. I don't even know the spell-loadouts of my allies, much less our foes. At any rate, they are above us, we must press on."

With that, they head 'south.'

2012-07-02, 03:06 PM
"Agreed. We should be able to handle a couple of drow if they choose to oppose us."
Fireweed continues to move on just behind the drows leading them.

2012-07-19, 05:33 PM
Five drow appear behind the group, apparently falling from above. They seem surprised to be there.

2012-07-19, 07:54 PM
I suggest I try to stun them, then our drow friends go see if they're friendly or not.

2012-07-21, 06:13 PM
Three drow are stunned by your mind blast, but two are still kicking.

One casts a spell, causing an explosion of fire to expand and impact the group:
caster level check to overcome SR: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

Spellcraft indicates it is a widened fireball. You probably make it

2012-07-21, 06:31 PM
Jojolagger, stack, and lonewolf are either immune or resist the spell, duskranger and emperor ing save for half.

2012-07-22, 04:03 AM
Eisra rights himself up.
You made a big mistake trying to burn me small snacks of mine.
Eisra shoots towards them first putting his teeth in the one that burned him and after that putting his tailstinger in the other one.