View Full Version : [PF] Stinking Cloud: What Do?

Jack Zander
2012-06-15, 04:24 PM
What are some ways for mid-level (4th-8th) NPCs to get around stinking cloud, assuming they are expecting the PCs to use that tactic?

I had a cleric and a wizard lose out on initiative, succeed on their saves in the first round, then both roll really low on their CL check to dispel the effect and then both fail their saves in the following round (the two melee mooks failed their saves in the first round). Had one of the two spellcasters made their dispel check, the cleric could have removed the nauseated condition on one of the mooks the following round, but after reviewing all the numbers, it seems like getting one of the spellcasters to successfully dispel the cloud without failing their save was a long shot. Is there any sort of low-level defense against this sort of spell? Does freedom of movement work against the nauseated condition? What about Delay/Remove Poison?


2012-06-15, 04:29 PM
Gust of wind (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/g/gust-of-wind) is one way to quickly disperse the cloud without making a check against it.

Wind wall (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/w/wind-wall) is another, though it's harder to keep the cloud from affecting someone. Probably best to just position the wall to block the PCs while your mooks recover.

Jack Zander
2012-06-15, 04:43 PM
Those are good, though they seem like they take 1 round or so to fully disperse the cloud.

2012-06-15, 06:54 PM
Anything that grants immunity/save bonus against poison should work on Stinking Cloud. It won't do anything to undead, of course, so having a few zombies in armor and helmets standing around might be useful.

There's a second-level spell, Soothing Word (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/soothing-word) which can shift 'nauseated' down to 'sickened' (and can help with various other bad conditions as well), but that's kind of specific.

Jack Zander
2012-06-16, 12:33 AM
Soothing Word is good. Its general enough that it would make sense for healers to have it. It's like a cheap remove paralysis.