View Full Version : Magus/monk

2012-06-16, 03:58 AM
Hello everyone,

I ended up making a Magus Bladebound/Kensai with a lovely Uruami (whipsword) for a Kingmaker Campaign that I am playing in, and I was thinking that after level 3 when I discover that my Uruami is a black blade (IC it had finally syphoned enough magic from me to reveal itself), I was going to take a couple of levels of Monk.

I was thinking either Master of Many Styles, with Panther Style and Snapping Turtle Style, as I wanted to be able to run through enemies AoOing everything. (can I spellstrike as my retaliatory unarmed strike attack?)

Or a Flowing Monk, and taking imrpoved trip, so people attacking me have the problem of falling over.

Does anyone have any opinions on if that would work or if it would be any good?

I was thinking that Monk would be a 4 level dip, just to add some fun. Gaining the wisdom bonus to AC to go with my Canny Defense from Kensai and dex bonus doesn't hurt either. lol.

2012-06-16, 08:25 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a monk feat that allows you to key all your monk abilities off of int instead of wis? If so, I'd say that's definitely a no brainer.

And no, you generally can't spellstrike on an AoO, unless you have an ability that lets you cast spells instead of use attacks for those. That said, you should still be doing a lot of damage with the right spells up. Frostbite is a staple of mine.