View Full Version : 3.5'arized 40K?

2012-06-16, 04:34 PM
So does anyone know of any homebrew that has taken 40K and converted it over into 3.5?

Just wanderin....

2012-06-16, 04:39 PM

There was at some point a web page with the completed work on it. Sadly, skrittiblak's site died when Geocities went belly-up.

Ranting Fool
2012-06-16, 07:12 PM
hehe I have been tempted to have some Space Marines turn up via some random magic gateway :P Thinking humans with perm-Enlarge + very good magic plate:smalltongue: and lots and lots of class levels

2012-06-16, 07:26 PM
Dungeons: The Dragoning (http://lawfulnice.blogspot.com/2011_12_01_archive.html) kinda did this, but the ruleset is d10-based.

Occasional Sage
2012-06-16, 10:05 PM
3.X is not a brutal-enough system to do WH40K any justice.

2012-06-16, 10:13 PM

There was at some point a web page with the completed work on it. Sadly, skrittiblak's site died when Geocities went belly-up.

Sweet! thanks that is exactly what I'm looking for.

hehe I have been tempted to have some Space Marines turn up via some random magic gateway :P Thinking humans with perm-Enlarge + very good magic plate:smalltongue: and lots and lots of class levels

Yeah, me too...lol, that pesky warp storm...

Dungeons: The Dragoning (http://lawfulnice.blogspot.com/2011_12_01_archive.html) kinda did this, but the ruleset is d10-based.

Sweet, I will check this out.

3.X is not a brutal-enough system to do WH40K any justice.
Meh, I like 3.5 so we'll see where this goes.

2012-06-16, 10:19 PM
3.X is not a brutal-enough system to do WH40K any justice.

How do you define "brutal"? The possibility of death at every corner? We have that. Rocket tags that leave those who make poor choices in the dust? Hell, we have that. 3.5 is a pretty brutal system once you get past that silly point where you just don't have a clue of what you are doing with a build.

Occasional Sage
2012-06-19, 09:55 AM
Playing rocket tag is not brutal, it's arbitrary. More fundamentally however, no system can feel brutal, nor grim and dark, when death carries no real meaning.

For brutal, you need fear of death. You need actual mechanical drawbacks to injury. You need the chance that even the winner of a fight is hosed, not in the "omg who has the healing wand" way but rather "how fast can the ambulance arrive?"

Look at Cyberpunk. Look at Legend of the Five Rings (at least, the first and second editions). Getting into a fight in those systems is like putting your hand in a garbage disposal; you may walk away, but it's going to hurt and you likely won't be quite the same even after the wounds heal.

A hit point system like 3.5 uses can't give you that. A rocket tag system of "first action wins" can't give you that. A high magic/technology system with easy access to regeneration and returning from death will never provide that. Neither creates suspense and even fear with every dice roll.

2012-06-22, 12:02 PM
Playing rocket tag is not brutal, it's arbitrary. More fundamentally however, no system can feel brutal, nor grim and dark, when death carries no real meaning.

For brutal, you need fear of death. You need actual mechanical drawbacks to injury. You need the chance that even the winner of a fight is hosed, not in the "omg who has the healing wand" way but rather "how fast can the ambulance arrive?"

Look at Cyberpunk. Look at Legend of the Five Rings (at least, the first and second editions). Getting into a fight in those systems is like putting your hand in a garbage disposal; you may walk away, but it's going to hurt and you likely won't be quite the same even after the wounds heal.

A hit point system like 3.5 uses can't give you that. A rocket tag system of "first action wins" can't give you that. A high magic/technology system with easy access to regeneration and returning from death will never provide that. Neither creates suspense and even fear with every dice roll.

This is true, but it still doesn't mean you can't have fun when Role playing it....