View Full Version : Legacy of Fire; Howl of the Carrion King IC

2012-06-16, 07:28 PM
The last week has been hot, dreary, and boring, traveling across the seemingly endless deserts and scrublands of northern Katapesh, seeking an unknown location known as the Sultan's Claw, to meet with your employer, Garavel. The silhouette of Pale Mountain appears in the distance, standing like a massive tombstone over the horizon. The evening is still young, and Sultan's Claw is reputedly very close.

Let's start off with some brief descriptions, as you've had a week's worth of time to get to know each other. Once we've gotten that out of the way, you'll be arriving at Sultan's Claw.

2012-06-16, 11:05 PM

A dark-haired, dark-skinned youth trudges along near the head of the column, bent and weary like all the rest. His clothing is worn, his chin sports a week-old scruff of beard, and he's encrusted with dust and dry sweat. He looks twice his true age. Every part of him ached, and all his thoughts were of pressing on forward.

The youth was eager to link up with Garavel and his men tonight. Eager to rest at the end of the day's march. Eager to come to grips with the hated old foe. Eager to find the woman to whom he owed everything, and eager to get some answers from her.

Taking a swig from his waterskin, he glances up and is reassured by the sight of his eagle circling lazily overhead, still just visible against the deep blue. If the Sultan's Claw really is as close as the others said, they should be able to see it any moment now.

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-06-17, 12:58 AM

Near the rear of the group is a young man dressed in loose, flowing robes of white, with red and yellow sashes. He has a soft smile on his handsome face, skin like polished bronze and dark, warm eyes. He has a beard that is much better groomed than those of most of the others.

In his hand he bears a staff of polished wood with the carving of an ankh atop it, while around his neck hangs a wooden image of Sarenrae. The heat of the day doesn't seem to bother him at all. Indeed, it almost looks like he's invigorated by it.

He honestly did not hold an opinion on Sultan's Claw or its closeness. Tactics were not his strong point as much as ensuring the others were ready to execute those tactics, whatever Garavel decided they were. He began humming a hymn to Sarenrae to himself, but did not sing. His voice was more inspiring in sermon than in song.

2012-06-17, 04:14 PM

The man at the head of the column, squinting at the horizon for a sign of Garavel's group, looks exhausted from the day's travel. His white and yellow robe is mostly covered by scale armour, and a white turban wrapped around a golden yellow cap prides on his head. At its front an oval piece of amber is set in silver, a small white feather sticking up from behind it. Draped across his shoulder lies a tiny monkey, clearly also unaccustomed to desert travel. The man takes his empty waterskin, which immediately fills with water, and holds it up for his platyrrhine friend to drink from. "Not much farther now, Jamal," he whispers.

2012-06-17, 06:06 PM

Walking along in the center of the group with the practiced grace of one who has spent much of her life walking from place to place is Kiyari. Despite the seemingly dreary desert, she is constantly looking around as she walks. Not looking for possible threats but seemingly being genuinely interested in her surroundings--watching the birds circle overhead, the lizards sunning themselves on rocks, the occasional desert fox looking for mice. While walking she occasionally whistles a little tune.

Over her head she is wearing a brightly covered scarf, with the end rapped around her face to keep off the sun. The hem of her bright blue skirt perhaps could use some soap after the journey, but her white shirt and multi-colored vest are still fairly clean (and she has been using her magic every evening to keep them that way). It seems she will be twirling her walking stick around more than actually using it to walk.

2012-06-17, 07:02 PM

Patchy limps along with the rest of the caravan. Silently brooding over how a simple practical joke has thrown him into this situation where he is now trudging along with a group of adventurers, orphans and strangers.

Over the last couple of days, Patchy's leg has been even more irksome than usual. Soon enough, we will make it to Sultan's Claw and hopefully have a break from all of this tiring marching.

His clothes are patchy and well used. The dirt and sand and sweat have become a permanent part of his odour since entering the desert. His normally large white mustache is droopy and turning into a deep grey from the lack of showers available over the last couple of days.

2012-06-17, 09:41 PM
As you mount the final hill in your path, a great tree, with five gnarled branches reaching into the sky, looms into your view. At the bottom of the hill, at the foot of the massive structure, sits a collection of assorted carts and animals, Varisian looking in make. From one of the carts, sitting near the Sultan's Claw, and painted brightly with images of moons and starscapes, seems to be the center of attention.

As you approach closer, you realize the reason for the commotion around the cart. A small stream of black smoke begins to erupt from the cart, while flames begin to envelop it from the inside. A young woman directs the panicked people in the camp around, while a man in armor at her side assists. A gust of wind blows through the valley, igniting the fire further and sending a rush of debris scattering out of the tent, a set of cards which seem to dance on the wind.

The Camp:

The Fire: A group of people are passing buckets from a large barrel of water, attempting to put out the fire.

The other carts: Four men are trying to pull the closest cart away from the burning cart, although they seem to be having great difficulty

The wounded: An small, childlike redhead kneels at the side of two people, lost in prayer. He seems to be having trouble concentrating, however. In his hands, he holds a small, wooden symbol.

The frightened animals: Two herders desperately chase after goats and camels, scattered by the panic in the camp.

As the cards dance through the air, one of them lands square on your chest, slightly singed at the edges.
The card depicts The Cyclone, which, in the Harrow deck, tells portents of war, arson, and destructive plans.

2012-06-17, 10:49 PM
I'll deal with the fire, someone heal the hurt if possible. Strongest person should help moving that cart! Patchy yells as he runs within range of the burning cart.

Inwardly focusing Patchy summons forth large amounts of water to soak the burning cart.

Casting Drench on the Cart

2012-06-17, 11:06 PM
The adrenaline speeds to Arys' limbs, all fatigue temporarily forgotten. He rushes to the cart nearest the fire and attempts to help the four men trying to pull it away.

(assuming it's a Strength check)

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-06-17, 11:27 PM

Ilyas regards the unfolding events with calm concern, and moves quickly to where the young redhead is praying.

"Be calm, young one. I will help you."

He looks to see who is in need of the most urgent care and waves his staff over them while chanting in Kelish-accented Celestial.

Heal check to see who's injured most severely: [roll0]

Ilyas then casts cure light wounds on whomever he detects as the most injured, restoring [roll1] HP to the person.

2012-06-18, 05:03 AM
Ahd's first instinct is to run towards the wounded, but seeing Ilyas running ahead of him he veers towards the fire, grabbing a bucket. As he fills it, the water level in the barrel rises significantly.

2012-06-18, 06:49 AM

Seeing her traveling mates taking care of the fire and the wounded, deeds that Kiyari would be of little help with anyways, Kiyari runs after the camels. While she doesn't have much experience with these animals, she knows animals carry great value and healing there wounds will do little if the loss of the animals means possible starvation.

Untrained Handle Animal?

Edit: Nevermind, I forgot Handle Animal can't be used untrained. I'll still try chasing some animals around, just less effectively.

2012-06-18, 11:35 AM
The party springs into action, rushing to the aid of those involved already in fighting the fire. Ahd and Patchy quickly move to extinguish the fire. At Patchy's command, a small rain cloud appears over the cart, soaking the blaze, although a few scraps of flaming fabric escape from the soaking, nearly lighting the Sultan's Claw aflame, if not for the quick actions of Ahd to quench the remaining fire.

Meanwhile, with the wounded, Ilyas rushes over to them, quickly scanning the situation. A young woman, covered in burns, lies motionless on the ground. Passing his staff over the woman's body, a calm light seems to fill her from within. Suddenly, she jolts up from the ground, breathing in deeply and startling the young man beside her.

As the commotion dies down at the camp, Kiyari manages to chase down a camel, bringing it back with a little difficulty to the middle aged farmer and his wife, who are busily recorralling the other animals.

"I suppose you must be the mercenaries Gavarel hired? I must say, I'm impressed. Name's Almah Roveshki, Merchant Princess of the Pactmasters, and Gavarel here is my major-domo. I take it you know the mission, correct?

2012-06-18, 07:40 PM
Sorry sir, but I have merely been traveling with these men for a couple of weeks. I intend to continue onto the city of Katapesh to resolve a 10 year long conflict.

Originally concentrated on his revenge, Patchy was surprised to hear Almah's expectation. After taking a short pause from the conversation, Patchy returns.

I cannot promise you that I will help you but I may be convinced with the right "incentives." Please elaborate.

2012-06-18, 08:57 PM
"Well, I'm here to help retake Kelmarane", Arys adds, after helping pull the cart away. "What started that fire, anyway?"

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-06-19, 12:44 AM
Ilyas continues to tend to the injured, channeling Sarenrae's light to heal them, returning to the group as the conversation turns to the reasons for their presence.

"I come to aid in the reclamation of Kelmarane as well, more specifically the monastery to the Dawnflower that has lain abandoned there for so long. It is time for her light to fill it and Kelmarane as a whole once more."

Ilyas will be using all his Channel Energy uses (5 total) for the day to ensure as many of the injured are healed as possible.

2012-06-19, 04:12 AM
"Yes, retake Kelmarane, although honestly I've heard so much about Kelmarane, I'm excited just to get to go there." Still holding the Harrow card that came to her, she adds, "I am suddenly concerned about the mission though. I have just received a worrying omen. Do you have any idea what we should expect to find in Kelmarane?"

2012-06-19, 07:42 AM
"I too was sent here to help return Kelmarane to the light of civilization. Ahd ibn Muhafiz Al-Katapeshi, at your service."

2012-06-19, 11:04 AM
One channel will be sufficient to heal everyone else of their injuries. Other than the two burned swordsmen, only the fortuneteller, who is quite dead, was injured in the fire. Afterwards, the young boy comes up to you. "It's good to have a brother here, though I'm not a child, just so you know." Upon closer inspection, you can tell that the boy is, in fact, a halfling.

"Indeed. We'll be setting off for Kelmarane tomorrow. As for tonight, however, I have a request for you." Taking the party aside, away from the others in the camp. Between us, I am not unconvinced that the fire and Eloais' death was an accident. Given your timing, it's highly unlikely that any of you could have started the fire, and it gives me a good starting place. While we camp tonight, I'd like you to investigate the fire, and try to root out exactly what happened."

2012-06-19, 07:39 PM
This is shady stuff, I don't want to get wrapped up into something dangerous. I will try to poke around, but nothing too intrusive. Where would you suggest we start? Anyone come to mind?

Unsure of his decision, Patchy waits for the rest of the group to give their consent before heading off to talk with possible suspects.

2012-06-19, 10:40 PM

"I'm happy to look into this fire. It seems going to Kelmarane is going to be dangerous enough without having to worry about whether we can trust our companions. Perhaps I should start by talking to the injured people and see if any of them saw anything."

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-06-19, 11:00 PM

"I shall go with you, Kiyari. Perhaps they will tell in gratitude what they wouldn't in politeness."

2012-06-20, 12:41 AM

"I could poke around and see what I can find out from the remains of the cart."

2012-06-20, 05:12 AM
"Then I'll see what I can find out from the other people in the camp, starting with the camel drivers."

2012-06-20, 04:56 PM
"Thank you for your help. Between us, I am beginning to distrust our "expert" on gnolls, Dashki. It seems the only expertise he's shown is how to eat and smell like one."

Kiyari and Ilyas
The two wounded soldiers are sitting by the halfling's cart, recovering and drinking small cups of water.

What remains of the cart is a broken down husk. Make 2 Perception checks.

The elderly couple driving the camels is just getting back, a few goats and camels following behind them peacefully. As you approach, the couple look slightly worried.

2012-06-20, 05:25 PM
Ahd and the camel drivers.

Ahd approaches the elderly couple, greeting them with a smile. "My name is Ahd ibn Muhafiz. I've been asked by Almah to help investigate the fire. Would you mind answering a few questions?"

2012-06-20, 07:09 PM

Carefully placing his footsteps, Arys scans the burnt remains of the cart and the ground around it. Any clue as to the fire's origin or nature could help the others work out who to question and what to ask.

Perception x2:

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-06-20, 10:57 PM

Ilyas approaches the two soldiers.

"How are you faring?"

2012-06-21, 05:42 AM

Close behind Ilyas, Kiyari adds, "That fire looked pretty nasty. I remember when I was in a caravan through Ustalev and one of our provision wagons caught on fire after some idiot decided he could pack bloody alchemist fire next to our food. That was a rough time to be sure. What do you think happened here? We arrived after the 'excitement' had already started. "

Should I roll Diplomacy?

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2012-06-21, 12:19 PM
Seeing as most of his companions have left Patchy walks over to the cleric who had been trying to heal the hurt during the fire.

It looked like you were really working to heal the hurt Brother. Thank you for that. It seems like there aren't enough people in the world willing to risk themselves for another. Did you happen to see how the fire started? It doesn't seem like it could have been anything natural.

2012-06-21, 12:53 PM
Ahd and the camel drivers:

"Will it be quick?" the man says, looking nervously around. He seems to be on the verge of tears. "Rombard's gone missing, we still can't find him after the fire."

At this point, the woman speaks up. "Forgive my husband's eccentricity. Our prize goat, Rombard, is still missing, and Hadrad fears the worst. As for the fire, I noticed it first, but unfortunately, so did our flock. We were too busy keeping them together to notice anything further. The woman stops for a moment, before gasping slightly. "Parden my impudence. My name is Hadrah, and this is my husband Hadrad."

Physical examination of the ruined wagon reveals sooty ashes, a few broken glasses and potion vials, a cracked, non-magical crystal ball, and several melted pools of wax, which looked to be once candles. Eloias' burnt corpse lies at the end of the charred wagon, and a quick investigation shows no signs of injury or struggle, suggesting he was killed by either the fire itself or smoke inhalation. Among the scattered belongings in the cart, you discover 55 blackened gold coins.

Ilyas and Kiyari:
Very well, thanks to you, father. Are you here to speak with Father Zastoran?" As one is speaking the other looks to Kiyari. We weren't sure how the fire started. We were both in front of Almah's tent when it happened. I looked over, and spotted Dashki hiding behind the tree again, trying to get a look inside. I swear, the man's obsessed with her. Anyway, I was just about to go shoo him off when the fire started. Had a few more important things to deal with then."

"Thanks for your kind words, but it was nothing. I would not have become a follower of the Dawnflower had I not been interested in helping others. As for your question, I was over by the campfire, reading my book when the fire started. I was just getting up at the time, when I saw the six caravan guards running over before I turned around to see the fire. I wouldn't be surprised if Dashki did it, though, if you think it's not a natural cause. The way he looks at Miss Almah, there's nothing pure in that at all. 'Course, I've got no proof of that, only that I didn't see him at the time the fire started."

Edit: Fixed the order. By the way, a_humble_lich, what form is Kiyari in right now?

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-06-21, 01:48 PM

"Tell me more of this Father Zastoran."

2012-06-21, 02:46 PM
Ahd and the camel drivers

"If you need assistance in finding your goat, I'd be happy to help when we've finished the investigation," Ahd says, smiling reassuringly.

[Diplomacy: [roll0]]
[Ahd will ask the following questions in order, unless an answer has already been given.]

"Did you see or hear anything unusual before the fire started?"

"What was your opinion of Eloais? Did you know him well?"

[if they interacted with Eloais often] "Was there anything unusual about his behaviour when you last saw him?"

"How did Eloais get along with the others? Is there anyone who may have wished him harm?"

"What can you tell me about Dashki, the gnoll expert?"

2012-06-22, 01:36 PM

Kiyari glances at the burnt remains of the wagon. "Oh I understand that suddenly you had more important things to do. So this Dashki had been obsessed with Eloais for a while? Was it a creepy stalker-like obsession or a more playful relationship?"

Oh that is an important question. I feel I'm in human form unless I state otherwise. Otherwise people might think I'm a werewolf, given how familiar people here are with my people.

2012-06-22, 05:27 PM
Ilyas and Kiyari:
"Father Zastoran is our group's spiritual leader. He's the halfling you were talking to earlier. A priest of Sarenrae. Last I saw him, he was reading his book over by the fire. I believe your gnomish friend is talking with him now. As for your question, Miss, I really don't think Dashki quite swung that way towards Eloais. We caught him by Miss Almah's tent, across the camp from Eloais."

The pair of camel drivers look nervously at the mention of Dashki. "We didn't see anything unusual. We didn't meet Eloais really all that often. All his talk of Cyclones and Fiends and Uprisings really just went over our heads most of the time. Lady Almao liked having him around, though, and he was a nice enough man. Sad to see him go, it is."

2012-06-22, 06:33 PM
Ahd and the camel drivers

[Didn't Ahd ask these questions, or did they not answer them?]

"How did Eloais get along with the others? Is there anyone who may have wished him harm?"

"What can you tell me about Dashki, the gnoll expert?"

2012-06-22, 07:06 PM
They didn't answer them.

2012-06-22, 07:35 PM

"Please, it's very important that you co-operate. If someone in the camp is involved, it's in everyone's interest that we find out." Ahd sighs, but his face stays friendly. "Thank you for your time," he says, and begins to make his way back to the camp. I wonder what it is they don't-- His thoughts are interrupted when Jamal clambers across his face on the way to the top of his head. He laughs, and sweeps the mischievous animal back into his pack. Best to pay Dashki a visit next.

2012-06-22, 07:45 PM
Sifting through the ruins of Eloais' unintended funeral pyre, Arys gathers up the blackened gold and puts it in a separate pouch from his own coinage.

Arys returned to Almah, reporting quietly. "All I can say for sure is that, besides the obvious, I found no sign of injury on what remains of our late fortune-teller. If someone killed him and meant to hide it with the fire, he did so with poison or some other subtle method." He sighed, knowing that the only lead he found could mean anything or nothing. All he could think of now was to confront the dubious "Gnoll Expert" and find out how much he really knew.

Changing tack, Arys asks, "Does he have any kin amongst the expedition?"

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-06-22, 11:43 PM

"Caught him? That sounds like the choice of words a suspicious man would use. Please, tell me more of this Dashki and of your fortune-teller."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

Is it nighttime? If it isn't I'll add +1 to the roll from my Strength of the Sun trait.

2012-06-25, 05:43 AM

I'm sorry, I misheard your pronouns earlier and thought that Eloais was a girl. Well that does remove a reason for Dashki to be spying on him. How well do you know this Dashki? I take it he was just hired for this expedition?

2012-06-26, 09:04 PM
"To be honest, I don't think he has any kin at all." Almah replies. "When I found him, he claimed his family had been killed by gnolls, and he continues his father's work hunting them as revenge."

Ilyas and Kiyari:
"Well, Dashki always seemed a bit odd. He seemed obsessed with Lady Almah, and we've had to shoo him away from her tent on multiple occasions. He hasn't done anything outwardly dangerous, though. As for knowing him, I don't think anyone really knows him that well. When he's not immediately on the job, he's off sulking in his tent. He was just hired for this expedition, yes."

2012-06-26, 09:23 PM
Patchy continues to chat with the healer.

Dashki, is this person known for a bad behaviour.
Let me meet with my companions to figure what they have unearthed.

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-06-26, 09:42 PM

"It is beginning to sound like this Dashki is the person we need to speak to."

2012-06-26, 11:27 PM

I agree, do you know where we can find this Dashki?

2012-06-27, 12:18 AM
On hearing Eloias' story, Arys remarks with a sigh, "Hmm. Sounds like we might have gotten along like brothers."

He takes his leave of Lady Almah, and rejoins his companions. It looked as though they were about to confront this Dashki character, and Arys wanted to be there when they did. If nothing else, they'd find out whether the self-styled gnoll expert lived up to his billing.

2012-06-27, 06:19 AM
Ahd looks over his shoulder, seeing everyone approaching, and turns around to join them. "Well hello! Looks like we all decided to have a chat with Dashki. Did you find out anything from the others?"

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-06-27, 11:40 AM
"Mostly that he seemed to be obsessed with the late fortune teller, loitering around her tent whenever possible."

2012-06-27, 12:10 PM
Patchy walks over to Almah Roveshki.

We are pretty sure that Dashki is the culprit. It seems as though the general concensus from the rest of the camp is that at least. What are you planning on doing with this information?

2012-06-27, 12:29 PM
"The camel drivers saw nothing, heard nothing, and refused to say another word after I mentioned Dashki." Ahd sighs. "Having four people question Dashki may make him feel intimidated. Perhaps just one or two of us should go?"

2012-06-27, 04:35 PM
"In all humility, I believe I know enough about the gnoll to qualify as an expert. I could find out if he's genuine, and if he isn't, I could pry the truth out of him one way or another. Someone else should come along, and take a softer tone with him."

2012-06-27, 04:51 PM
"Hm... The guardsman and the priest. I guess I'd make a decent priest," Ahd says, a broad smile on his face.

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-06-28, 12:06 AM
"I know a thing or two about talking to people as well. I could play the good guardsman to your bad guardsman," Ilyas adds.

2012-06-28, 05:27 AM
"The priest is the 'good guardsman'. Not that having two won't work."

2012-06-28, 06:48 AM
Well in that case why don't you go have a chat with Dashki. I agree, it might be intimidating it we all descend on him with accusations. I might go take another look at the burned wagon. If you need anything, let me know.

With that Kiyari goes back to the wagon. Once there she mutters a few words that her father taught her to open her mind to the spirit world.

I'm going to cast Detect Magic in the wagon and see if there is anything special.

Also, I'll be looking around in a more mundane fashion.
Perception: [roll0]

2012-06-28, 06:39 PM
Ahd, Arys, and Ilyas:
Dashki is currently in his bunk. How do you want to approach him?

As Kiyari's eyes open into the spirit world, the scene's colors begin to mute. Searching around the wreckage of the wagon, nothing stands out as having the telltale aura of magic.

2012-06-28, 06:51 PM
"Feel like giving him a rude awakening, Arys? We could come in after you and 'save him'. So very sorry. He can be a bit unstable. Just want to ask a few questions... That sort of thing." Ahd sighs. Fond memories.

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-06-28, 11:21 PM
"If what we've heard about this character is true he might just strangle your pet for startling him," Ilyas says sadly.

2012-06-29, 12:15 AM
"He'd have to reach it first, and I'd strangle him for trying." Arys gestures upwards, to where his eagle is still circling lazily over the camp. "All right, I'm going in"

With that, he loosens his sword somewhat in its scabbard, and barges into Dashki's tent. "Hey, wake up."

2012-06-29, 10:54 AM
"Gah! What in the hells are you doing in here?!" a desheveled man yells as you burst into his bunk, quickly pulling a light blanket over his body. "Don't you people have any sense of privacy?!"

2012-06-29, 11:07 AM
Ahd waits outside, ready to burst in when Arys makes his accusation.

2012-06-29, 11:31 AM
Arys ignores Dashki's indignation and replies acidly, "Some people in the camp and I got to talking. What were you up to during all this commotion?"

2012-06-29, 11:56 AM
"I was just finishing up dinner when the 'commotion' of yours started." the man replies, sitting up as his black hair falls around his face. "Once the fires were out, I came back to my tent to get some sleep before keeping watch tonight. If you want to ask questions, can you at least let me put some pants on first?"

Give me a Sense Motive check, please. DC [roll0]
Dashki seems a bit hesitant about where he was when the fire started.

Dashki is clearly lying about where he was when the fire started.

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-06-29, 12:07 PM
Can Ilyas overhear this? If so, here's a Sense Motive check for him too.

Sense Motive: [roll0]

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-06-29, 12:32 PM
Ilyas leans over Ahd.

"He is lying."

2012-06-29, 12:32 PM
Sense Motive:

"You don't quite sound sure of that. Will we get the truth out of you easily, or with difficulty?" Arys punctuated the threat with a casual clench of his gauntleted fist.

Intimidate: [roll]1d20+4

2012-06-29, 12:37 PM
Sense Motive: [roll0]
"That's our cue." Ahd whispers. "When we go in, I may pretend to believe anything he says, but I'll only nod if he's lying."

2012-06-29, 12:42 PM
Forgot you can't edit in another roll.

Intimidate: [roll0]

2012-06-29, 12:55 PM
"I'm telling you, there isn't anything left to tell. What, do you think I started the fire? That fool burned a hundred candles in there daily. That's what probably started the fire. Either that or pugwampis. These hills are swarming with them, and you know how they bring bad luck."

Give me a knowledge (local) check at +2 if you've got it.

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-06-29, 01:03 PM
Thankfully, Ilyas knows the benefit of staying informed about anything.

Yay for making Knowledge checks untrained.


2012-06-29, 01:04 PM
Also Diplomacy, to influence initial attitude to Ahd: [roll0]

2012-06-29, 01:22 PM
Since it seems the post I referred to wasn't, ehm, posted, here it is again. Something similar, at any rate.
There is some commotion as Ilyas and Ahd enter the tent, Ahd seemingly out of breath. "Arys! We asked you to wait," Ahd says, feigning anger. Addressing Dashki, he says "Very sorry about the disturbance, sir. We just wanted to ask if you'd seen anything suspicious. Please, take your time to get dressed. We'll wait outside."

Bluff: [roll0].

2012-06-29, 01:26 PM
Arys, stone-faced, regards Dashki for a moment longer before feigning a dark look at his companions. Clenching his jaw for added theatrical effect, he stalks back outside without a word.

2012-06-29, 01:33 PM
Kiyari steps outside of the burned husk of the wagon and says a quick invocation to remove the ash from her hair and clothes. While doing so she watches the commotion at Dashki's, ready to join in if her help seems needed.

2012-07-01, 06:30 PM
"Alright." Dashki says as he steps out of his bunk. "Now that we're all good and ready, I can tell you once again that I didn't do anything. If that idiot didn't burn his own cart down with those candles of his, it was probably a pugwampi or something similar that caused the fire. Are we done here?"

2012-07-01, 06:43 PM
"Please, I'm sorry for the way you were treated, but it's important that we find out what happened. Something you saw or heard could be the key to this. I'm afraid I haven't heard of pugwampis. Could you tell us more about them?"

Sense Motive [roll0]

2012-07-03, 04:08 PM
While waiting for the rest of her companions to talk to Dashki, Kiyari looks around the area surrounding the fortune teller's wagon.

Perception: [roll0]

Also, if she can hear them talking of the pugwampis I wonder if she's heard of them.

Knowledge(local): [roll1]

2012-07-03, 09:24 PM
Moving to follow Kiyari, Patchy moves into a position behind the tent the group is talking in.

I never liked the look of this place. If he runs I can snag him up.

2012-07-03, 10:05 PM
Pretending to ignore the conversation, Arys calls his eagle back to his arm, and feeds the young bird a bit of meat. For now, he remains silent and waits for Dashki to answer his companions' questions.

2012-07-04, 09:06 PM
“Terrible critters what crawled up from the Darklands below the earth. ‘Jackal rats,’ some folks call ’em, on account of their pointed little heads. They worship gnolls as gods and infest their communities like rats. Wherever pugwampis go, bad luck is sure to follow. The gnolls hate pugwampis because of it, and try to kill them all the time. But they always come back. Perhaps their bad luck caused the fortune-man’s candles to start a fire? Yes, pugwampis. I am certain it was pugwampis.”

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-07-04, 10:21 PM
"Truly? Because none whom we have spoken to about the fire have made any mention of pugwampis. All they speak of is how you lurk around the fortune-teller's cart, obsessed with him, and of their mutual suspicion of you. If you wish to dispel these accusations, you must tell the truth, Dashki."

Sense Motive check: [roll0]
Diplomacy check: [roll1]

2012-07-05, 01:32 PM
"I am telling the truth, and I was nowhere near Elaois' cart! Almah may believe in those old superstitions, but where I come from, it's your own strength that gets you through the day, not some hocus-pocus and fortune telling. If you don't believe me about the pugwampis, why don't you come with me into the desert? I'll show you proof of them myself."

As far as you can tell, he seems to believe what he is saying. He does, however, show some slight hesitation at Almah's name.

2012-07-08, 10:50 AM
"Catching one of these creatures would go a long way towards putting people's suspicions to rest. How would you describe your relationship with Almah?"

Sense Motive 1d20+8

2012-07-08, 06:34 PM
"My relationship with Almah is...strictly professional." Dashki says as he fetches his weapons from his bunk. "Now then, if we're going to catch us a pugwampi, we'd best get moving before it gets too dark out." Dashki motions to the setting sun as he speaks.

JaaSwb, could you reroll that Sense Motive? It didn't stick for some reason.

Sense Motive DC [roll0]
Dashki is hesitant about his relationship with Almah.

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-07-08, 10:56 PM
"You hesitated for a moment there, Dashki. Something tells me this "strictly professional" relationship has something very UNprofessional to it. Please, your secrets are safe with us. I don't believe you're responsible for the fire, but everyone else we've spoken to in camp suspects you. We have to prove your innocence, and for us to do that, you have to be open with us. What's really going on between you and Almah?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2012-07-08, 11:15 PM
Almah hired me a month ago to help out on this excursion, and in that time...well, I sort ofkindoflikeher." Dashki says, turning away as a slight blush comes across his tanned face. "I...I just don't know how to go about it. I mean, after all, I'm not exactly the kind of guy a Merchant Princess would go for, now am I?"

2012-07-08, 11:50 PM
Tired of waiting, Kiyari wanders over to Dashki's tent. "Hey guys, you still in here?" Then noticing Dashki there, she continues, "Oh, excuse me. I hope I'm not interupting. My name is Kiyari Xing. You I take it are the gnoll expert?"

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-07-08, 11:57 PM
Almah hired me a month ago to help out on this excursion, and in that time...well, I sort ofkindoflikeher." Dashki says, turning away as a slight blush comes across his tanned face. "I...I just don't know how to go about it. I mean, after all, I'm not exactly the kind of guy a Merchant Princess would go for, now am I?"
Ilyas smiles.

"Ah, so THAT'S why you've been skulking around. Still, that doesn't answer any questions about who started the fire and why. Can you help us with this, Dashki? It would go a long way to proving your innocence to Almah. You could even wind up being her hero."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2012-07-10, 10:09 AM
Arys continues to listen to the conversation while his eagle takes off again, clearly intending to perch at the top of the Sultan's Claw. Sitting back down on a rock, he takes a swig of water and pulls out a few morsels of food, affecting an air of boredom. Ilyas was making real progress with this Dashki character, and Arys wasn't about to interrupt him now.

I've been following this thread, but felt I should post since I hadn't for a week. As it says IC, I didn't want to interrupt Archpaladin Zousha while he's on a roll.
Just letting you know I never left. :smallbiggrin:

2012-07-11, 06:06 AM
"Almah told us she is suspicious of you. You can't allow any doubt to exist if you want to have a chance with her."

Yeah, Ilyas is really living up to his Charisma. If only Ahd's player didn't have a CHA penalty :smalltongue:.

Aid Another on Ilyas' diplomacy: [roll0]

2012-07-12, 04:52 PM
"Then let us end these suspicions." Dashki says, leading away from his bunk. He stays close to the ground as he walks, moving in a strange, canine gait, like a dog on the hunt. After a few moments of searching, he motions the party over to his location. "Look here!" he says, pointing at the ground. "Pugwampi tracks, along with something else... A goat, maybe?"

Perception check DC 15
Sure enough, although obscured by the loose terrain, there are several strange tracks in the ground, covering up the more familiar tracks of a hooved animal.

2012-07-12, 05:10 PM
"Hadrah and Hadrad are missing a goat. Looks like the pugwampis took it," Ahd says while looking around for Patchy. "There's one other person travelling with us. I suggest we take him along."

Sense motive on Dashki's claim that these are pugwampi tracks: [roll0]

2012-07-12, 06:01 PM
With a frown, Arys scrutinizes the strange tracks.

Track: [roll0]

2012-07-12, 08:53 PM
"Well that is curious," Kiyari says as she examines the tracks. "Let's see is we can find ourselves a pugwampi. " Kiyari is curious and a slightly troubled by the man's strange gait. She will give him the benefit of the doubt, after all she is not one to judge someone for merely being strange, but she will keep an eye on him.

2012-07-14, 12:54 PM
As far as you can tell, Dashki thinks he is telling the truth.

There are several, strange tracks, as well as the hooved tracks that you can see clearly underneath. Marks on the ground around these tracks seem to indicate that whatever left them was pulled away against its will.

Following the tracks, led by Arys and Dashki, into the mountains, you travel for several minutes as the sun sets under the mountains. In the last light of the twilit desert, the hairs on the backs of your necks rise, and a feeling of dread begins to rise in the pits of your stomachs. Soon, from out of a dense field of cacti, a sound, not unlike a human child, emanates from within the overgrowth.

Knowledge (Nature) DC 10:
The sound is clearly the lost goat.

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-07-14, 02:28 PM
"We'd best be careful. This could be a trap. Oh Sarenrae, Peace Be Upon You, let your light shine within us with its absence from the sky."

2012-07-14, 04:21 PM
Pricking her ears up in case of trouble (even though that is quite hard to do as a human) and griping her walking stick tightly, Kiyari walks towards the undergrowth, hoping someone else will accompany her.

2012-07-15, 12:14 AM
In a smooth motion, Arys draws his bow and nocks an arrow. His gaze sweeps back and forth as he searches for threats — For the pilfered goat to be left the way it was, this had to be a trap.

2012-07-15, 07:25 AM
Ahd takes his crossbow into his hand, and scans the field for anything that might be hiding within.

Perception: [roll0]

2012-07-18, 12:38 AM
Arys whistles to his eagle, calling it to his shoulder. As it alights he says "Astor, hunt", in a tone one might use with a hunting dog. Sure enough, the bird takes off again and begins to circle the area around the goat.

Guess I should have rolled Perception there, huh.

Arys: [roll0]
Eagle: [roll1] with Low Light Vision

2012-07-18, 01:59 PM
Kiyari and Ahd walk toward the field of cacti, as Astor circles above a spot in the patch. The cacti are filled with, long, painful looking spines, and care is required to even approach them safely.

Through the cacti, you can make out the shape of an animal tied to a post, located under the point where Astor is circling.

Kiyari, Ahd, and anyone else venturing into the cacti:
I'm going to need a series of Acrobatics checks to make your way through the prickly foliage. If you're moving carefully, I'll need 4. If you're just going to try moving at full speed, I'll only need 2, but the DC will be higher.

2012-07-18, 03:58 PM
All of Ahd's cautious, deliberate movements are for naught when Jamal clambers out of his backpack and puts his hands on the priest's eyes. Startled, Ahd stumbles, trips, and plants his hand firmly on a cactus.

Yeah, Ahd's got a pretty bad Acrobatics modifier, so he's going to be moving very carefully. Hm, I guess not.

Acrobatics [roll0]
Acrobatics [roll1]
Acrobatics [roll2]
Acrobatics [roll3]

2012-07-18, 04:03 PM
As the group begins to walk through the field, they notice awkward sound of running. Patchy crests over the hill, half limping, half running to catch up the rest of the group.

After coming to the field, the gnome leans over with his hands on his knees. Breathing heavily Sorry . . . I got caught up . . . in the festivities at . . . the camp.

After a little while, he begins to survey his surroundings.


I have never thought of myself as the type to venture into untold danger. With that, Patchy remains on the outskirts of the cacti field, silently waiting for whatever is about to happen to happen.

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-07-18, 11:16 PM
Ilyas hangs back, not being a warrior in any sense of the word.

2012-07-19, 12:14 AM
Arys looks for any higher vantage point from which he can see the area without having to go into the cacti.

2012-07-19, 10:15 PM
Kiyari moves nimbly between the plants, until an unlucky trip, caused by a stray bootstrap, sends her brushing into the spines of a rather large cactus, before stumbling out on the other side of the patch. (Take 1 point of damage)

Ahd is less graceful as he blunders though, seemingly finding a way to hit every last cactus from the beginning to the end. (Take 2 points of damage)

On the far side of the patch, you see the missing goat, Rombard. He looks injured, as though he was pulled roughly through the cactus patch, and he is tied to a stake in the goat with a thick, ratty piece of rope. The goat is obviously frightened and agitated, and flinches at your approach.

2012-07-20, 05:56 AM
Walking through the cactus, Kiyari laughs inwardly at the foolish human bumbling through the cactus. Unfortunately, the spirits saw such hubris decided to tie her bootstraps just at the wrong time. Apologizing quietly to the spirits, Kiyari looks at the poor tied up goat. Motioning Ahd closer, she whispers to him, "Well clearly this looks like a trap, with bait and everything. Why don't I try to free our poor four legged friend with magic."

With that Kiyari scans the area looking for and tracks near the goat or anything else in the cactus patch. Then, hoping the spirits have forgiven her, she says a few words and asks the spirits to free the goat.

Perception [roll0]

Then I'm casting Mage Hand to try to life the stake out of the ground.

2012-07-20, 08:47 PM
As Kiyari looks around the area, she spots a strange little head popping out from behind a rock. Noticing that it's been seen, the little creature screams, and nocks an arrow into its bow.

Initiative time! Roll initiative, and what you plan to do.

2012-07-20, 10:26 PM
Arys, his bow already in hand, hears the creature cry out in alarm and turns in its direction. He quickly glances around himself for any cover that isn't covered in spines.

Initiative: [roll0]

Arys wants to take cover behind something besides cacti, but if nothing is available, he will attempt to close with the enemy.

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-07-21, 12:18 AM
Seeing his companions prepare for battle, Ilyas readies his staff.

Initiative: [roll0]

2012-07-21, 01:47 AM
Hearing the creature scream, Ahd turns towards it and raises his crossbow.

Initiative: [roll0]

2012-07-21, 02:21 AM
After giving a small dog-like yelp herself, Kiyari moves towards the creature, staff in hand ready to get out of the way of any arrow the creature might unleash

Initiative [roll0]

I'd like to go total defensive which gives me an AC of 17.

2012-07-22, 05:26 PM
Seeing what has appeared, Patchy extends his hand releasing a ray of frost.


2012-07-25, 09:36 PM
The creature gives off a yelp before firing a shot from its tiny bow at Kiyari. The bow is ragged, however, and the shot flies wide. As the others get into position, Patchy fires a ray of chilling air at the beast, which is blocked by the inopportune falling of one of the cacti.

Everyone's up.

2012-07-25, 11:00 PM
Ugly little bastards thought Arys with contempt as he sighted the scrawny creature. In an instant, he weighed his options. Better to go in swinging and scatter them, than hang back and trade shots with them, or so his reasoning went.

In the interests of keeping things moving along, I'll post a few possible actions:

- If Arys can charge the creature, he will drop his bow, quick draw his greatsword, and make a charge attack.

- If he's within 30' of it, but can't charge, he will drop his bow, quick draw his greatsword, and take a regular move action to make a standard action attack.

- If he's too far away to do either, he'll move up to 30' closer and take a shot with his bow.

- If Arys cannot get into melee this turn, and the target is in melee with a party member, Arys will drop his bow, quick draw his greatsword, and double-move closer.

Attack: [roll0] +2 if charging, -2 if shooting his bow

Damage (if using greatsword): [roll1]
Damage (if using bow): [roll2]

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-07-26, 01:02 AM
Ilyas raises his staff in the air and begins chanting in Kelish. As he does, the image of Sarenrae atop his staff begins to shine with the light of the sun. When he completes the chant, a shaft of pure, white light bursts into the air like a firework and spreads glittering over the group. Ilyas' allies can feel a comforting warmth in the cold desert night. Their weapons feel lighter in their hands, their arms a bit stronger, their hearts a bit stronger.

"In the name of the Dawnflower, I bless you in this fight!"

Ilyas casts bless.

2012-07-26, 05:47 AM
Seeing Arys charge the creature gives Kiyari hope, and she follows his lead. She runs up and tries to take the Pugwampi's feet out from under him.

Following Arys, if she can change, she will and try to trip it.

If she is within 30' but can charge she will move and try to trip

If farther than 30', then she will move and go full defensive again.

Trip: [roll0]

2012-07-26, 08:11 AM
Ahd, having loaded the crossbow, fires a bolt in the creature's direction.

...seeing as multiple Blessings don't stack :smalltongue:
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2012-07-31, 02:57 PM
The onslaught overwhelms the creature, and as it moves to dodge away from Kiyari's attempt to trip it, plummets over the edge of the cliff behind it, landing impaled on a large cactus below.

"See what I mean?" Dashki says, carefully climbing down the cliff to collect the body. "This little nuisance is a pugwampi, and there is your missing goat. Do you believe me now?"

2012-08-01, 05:20 AM
So that is a pugwampi, do you think there will be more of them? Kiyari says as she looks down the cliff at the creatures body.

How tall is the cliff. Would it be feasible to go down to recover the body? If not I want to examine it from up here, what does it look like?

2012-08-01, 06:24 AM
Ahd walks up to the goat, hoping to check its injuries, but it is far too panicked. Best to leave this to someone else, he thinks, and begins to scan the surroundings for signs of any more pugwampis.

Perception [roll0]

2012-08-02, 05:15 PM
"If all such creatures are as inept as this one was, it's a wonder they're able to cause much mischief at all" Arys mused. "Shall we retrieve our goat and head back?"

If more enemies don't appear, Arys will attempt to calm the frightened goat and lead it back to camp.

Handle Animal: [roll0]

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-08-02, 09:21 PM
"Let us see if there are any more. Perhaps we can capture one to interrogate."

2012-08-09, 11:04 AM
You search through the area for a short time, but the rapidly setting sun soon makes it too dark to effectively hunt for any more pugwampis.

"They're a type of Gremlin. They cause bad luck." Dashki says, looking over to Arys as he slings the pugwampi's corpse over his arm. "The Gnolls they idolize hate them just as much as humans do for it. As for more, there are always more around, with with night falling, they should keep their distance. Even creatures as dumb as these know better than to attack a group carrying the body of one of their own."

Once back in camp, Almah calls you aside for a moment before bed. Thank you for helping clear up the issue with Eloais' death. He was a trusted companion, and his death merely serves as a reminder of the dangers we face in this desert. Speaking of, I have a plan, which I'd wished to discuss with you. If any of you are from Kelmarine, you may remember a temple to Sarenrae on the city outskirts. It's about a day's ride from here, if we pack up early, and I think it will make a good base of operations, better than here, at least. We'll need your help in securing the temple, given that it's almost certainly not abandoned.

Which brings me to my next subject. Payment. I hired each of you to help clear out the city of Gnolls. Does 200 gold pieces, plus a share of any goods found in the city, seem appropriate payment for each of you?

Also, for solving the mystery, fighting the pugwampi, and bringing back Rombard the goat alive, you each gain 300 XP, plus an additional 100 if I haven't given you XP for putting the fire out.

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-08-09, 11:13 AM
"The temple is actually why I am here, Almah. I may not have been born in Kelmarine, but I have been sent by my church to secure and reconsecrate it in Sarenrae's name. I won't require payment for that. Also, I believe Dashki has some things he'd like to talk to you about."

He winks at the guide.

2012-08-09, 02:33 PM
"That sounds fair, though I think I might have done better if we were paid per-head" grins Arys. "Been a while, but I remember the temple's location and its general layout. It'd make a good staging ground, but we'll be lucky if the gnolls didn't turn it into a latrine."

2012-08-10, 07:47 PM
"200 sounds quite fair to me. I am looking forward for a chance to explore the town."

2012-08-17, 09:05 AM
As dawn breaks over the Sultan's Claw, your party rises to break camp and travel into the outskirts of Kelmarine. A contented looking Dashki, now much better groomed, happily stolls through camp getting his work done quickly.

After a few hours of travel, you find yourselves looking at the ruins of the chapel of Sarenrae. Scrub brush and a light, patchy carpet of weeds invade the monastery through two huge fallen sections of the western wall. The exposed nave beyond is a huge hallway littered with bits of debris ranging from tiny rocks to enormous sections of collapsed masonry. Most of the roof above the long promenade is gone, but several jagged pillars remain.

DC 20 Perception check:
From through the gaps in the walls, you can make out the figures of a few pugwampis guarding the wall.

2012-08-17, 09:33 AM
Arys scans the area as they arrive at the temple. Things were pretty much as he remembered them, but the building was in such obvious disrepair that he began to doubt it would provide safe shelter.

Perception: [roll0]

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-08-17, 06:16 PM
Ilyas looks around the abandoned temple, muttering a prayer to Sarenrae to illuminate this place.

Perception: [roll0]

2012-08-18, 05:07 AM
"Hmm, I have seen buildings that are in a worse state of repair I guess."

Perception: [roll0]

Archpaladin Zousha
2012-09-08, 03:30 PM
"I cannot wait until it is cleared. Then, by the grace of the Dawnflower, it can be rebuilt."